1. Course Information: Course Number: Anatomy and Cell Biology 3309: Mammalian Histology Year: Summer 2015 Distance Education A detailed study of the cellular and microscopic structure of the various tissues and organ systems of the body, with emphasis on man and other mammals used in medical research. Systems are examined stressing the relations of structure to function. Lectures (Live): Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00 -11:00am Laboratories (Live): Monday, Wednesday 3:00-6:00 PM EST (Labs also July 2nd and July 24th) Lab assignments and quizzes will be completed online. They will be available for completion for 24 hours. The quizzes and exams will have a time limit once the assessment has started. There are 2 written multiple choice exams and 2 laboratory practical exams that will be completed at the exam centers. The dates will be set by the Distance Education Office. ATTENDANCE AT THE LIVE LECTURE/LABS IS NOT MANDATORY. You can still take this course if you have daytime commitments that prevent you from viewing/participating during the live, interactive lectures and labs. All labs and lectures will be archived (recorded) so that you will have access to the course material and can ask questions through email or during online office hours. Archived material will be available to all students for review. Requisites: Prerequisite: Registration in the third year of the Biology BSc program or in one of the Honors programs in a biological discipline or the BMSc programs. Corequisite: none Antirequisite: The former Biology 322a. Senate regulation regarding the student’s responsibility regarding requisites: Unless you have either the requisites for this course or written special permission from your Dean to enroll in it, you may be removed from this course and it will be deleted from your record. This decision may not be appealed. You will receive no adjustment to your fees in the event that you are dropped from a course for failing to have the necessary prerequisites. 2. Instructor Information Instructors Email Office Dr. Kem Rogers (Course Coordinator) Dr. Stefanie Attardi Dr. Martin Sandig Sonya Van Nuland (Head TA) Madeline Norris Laura Varghese Simrat Gill Emily Kyle Kem.Rogers@Schulich.uwo.ca sattardi@uwo.ca martin.sandig@schulich.uwo.ca svannula@uwo.ca mnorris6@uwo.ca lvarghe@uwo.ca pgill47@uwo.ca ekyle2@uwo.ca MSB 443 MSB 422 MSB 472 MSB 422 DSB 4000 DSB 4000 DSB 4000 DSB 4000 Online Office Hours By Appt By Appt By Appt By Appt By Appt By Appt By Appt By Appt Sakai Students with Sakai issues should contact the Computer Support Centre at 519 661-3800 3. Course Materials: Textbook: Histology: A Text and Atlas, 6th Edition Ross, M.H. and Pawlina, W. Supplemental Information: Provided on Sakai Laboratory Manual: Provided on Sakai Laboratory Materials: Provided by course Additional Materials: Students will require a headset with a microphone and a high speed internet connection to take this course. Safety Materials: Lab coats and safety glasses are NOT required for this course Electronic Devices: not used 4. Evaluation: Component Midterm Written Exam Midterm Lab Practical Laboratory Exercises Laboratory Quizzes (6) Final Written Exam Final Lab Practical Date TBA (Tentative for Saturday June 20 – written at Exam Centre) Written in conjunction with Midterm Exam (same date, time & location) Twice weekly See calendar (online quizzes) Exam week (July 27th-July 30th written at Exam Centre) Written in conjunction with final exam (same date, time & location) % of Final Mark 25 10 10 20 25 10 Midterm test and Final Exam: The midterm and final exams will consist of multiple-choice questions from lectures, posted notes and textbook readings. The questions will be a combination of single best answer and multiple-multiple choice. The final exam (written and lab practical) is non- cumulative and will include material from the second half of the course only. Absence from course commitments Statement from the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Science If you are unable to meet a course requirement due to illness or other serious circumstances, you must provide valid medical or other supporting documentation to the Dean's office as soon as possible and contact your instructor immediately. It is the student's responsibility to make alternative arrangements with their instructor once the accommodation has been approved and the instructor has been informed. In the event of a missed final exam, a "Recommendation of Special Examination" form must be obtained from the Dean's Office immediately (see C: Special Examinations, below). A. Absence for medical illness: Students must familiarize themselves with the Policy on Accommodation for Medical Illness: https://studentservices.uwo.ca/secure.index.cfm A student requiring academic accommodation due to illness, should use the Student Medical Certificate when visiting an off-campus medical facility or request a Record’s Release Form (located in the Dean’s Office) for visits to Student Health Services. This form can be found at: http://studentservices.uwo.ca/secure/medical_document.pdf Medical documentation for missing quizzes, midterm tests, and/or the final examination must be provided immediately to the Dean’s Office (Rm 191 Western Science Centre for students registered in Science and BMSc degrees). Students should immediately notify the course coordinator if a quiz or exam has been missed. Absence from quizzes: Make-up quizzes must be completed prior to the next laboratory. Absence from labs: Students may contact the laboratory coordinator directly for missed lab exercises. Absence from 3 or more laboratories requires documentation submitted to the Dean’s Office. Absence from midterm tests: Make up tests will be provided on direction from the Dean’s office Absence from the final exam: In the event of a missed final exam, a "Recommendation of Special Examination" form must be obtained from the Dean's Office immediately (see C: Special Examinations, below) Note: Students who are not located in London must also contact their appropriate Dean’s office (i.e. Arts and Humanities etc.) and indicate that they are a Distance Studies student writing at an off-campus exam centre. Please note that there is a fee for an off-campus make up exam ($83.50 at the time of printing which is subject to change). B. Absence for non-medical reasons: Approval from the Dean’s Office is required for non-medical absences from quizzes, tests and/or the final examination. Absence from quizzes: Make-up quizzes must be completed prior to the next laboratory. Absence from labs: Students may contact the laboratory coordinator directly for missed lab exercises. Absence from 3 or more laboratories requires documentation submitted to the Dean’s Office. Absence from midterm tests: Make up tests will be provided on direction from the Dean’s office Absence from the final exam: In the event of a missed final exam, a "Recommendation of Special Examination" form must be obtained from the Dean's Office immediately (see C: Special Examinations, below) C. Special Examinations A Special Examination is any examination other than the regular examination, and it may be offered only with the permission of the Dean of the Faculty in which the student is registered, in consultation with the instructor and Department Chair. Permission to write a Special Examination may be given on the basis of compassionate or medical grounds with appropriate supporting documents. A Special Examination must be written at the University or an Affiliated University College no later than 30 days after the end of the examination period involved. To accommodate unusual circumstances, a date later than this may be arranged at the time permission is first given by the Dean of the Faculty. The Dean will consult with the instructor and Department Chair and, if a later date is arranged, will communicate this to Registrarial Services. If a student fails to write a scheduled Special Examination, permission to write another Special Examination will be granted only with the permission of the Dean in exceptional circumstances and with appropriate supporting documents. In such a case, the date of this Special Examination normally will be the scheduled date for the final exam the next time the course is offered. 5. Additional Information/Statements Statement on Use of Electronic Devices No electronic devices are required for tests or examinations. Statement on Academic Offences Scholastic offences are taken seriously and students are directed to read the appropriate policy, specifically, the definition of what constitutes a Scholastic Offence, at the following Web site: http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/appeals/scholoff.pdf Computer-marked multiple choice tests and/or exams may be subject to submission for similarity review by software that will check for unusual coincidences in answer patterns that may indicate cheating. Support Services: Registrarial Services: http://www3.registrar.uwo.ca/index.cfm Academic Counselling (Science and Basic Medical Sciences): http://www.uwo.ca/sci/counselling/index.html Student Development Services: http://www.sds.uwo.ca Student Health Services: http://www.shs.uwo. 6. Course Schedule SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY May 2015 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 FRIDAY 2 3 4 Course Introduction 5 Cell membrane, cytoplasmic organelles 6 Lab 1: Introduction 7 Nucleus, nucleolus 8 Epithelia and glands 9 10 11 Cell Junctions 12 Loose connective tissue 13 Lab 3: Epithelia 14 Dense Connective Tissue 15 Cartilage 16 19 Bone 20 Lab 4: Connective Tissue 21 Bone Formation 22 Cells of the Nervous System 23 26 Spinal cord/ganglia 27 Lab 6: Cells of the CNS and Cerebral and Cerebellar Cortex (This will be a big lab) 28 PNS 29 Skeletal muscle 30 Lab 2: Cytology 17 18 NO CLASS 24 25 CNS Lab 5: Supporting Tissue and Bone Formation (This will be a big lab) 31 QUIZ 2 QUIZ 1 SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY 1 Cardiac and smooth muscle TUESDAY 2 Heart June 2015 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 3 Lab 8: Muscle 4 Circulatory system 5 Blood 6 10 Lab 10: Blood and Blood Formation (This will be a big lab) 11 Lymph nodes 12 Spleen 13 SATURDAY Lab 7: Spinal cord and Ganglia 7 8 Erythropoiesis 9 Granulopoiesis Lab 9: Heart and Circulation 14 21 15 Thymus Lab 11: Lymphatic system (Parts I and II) (This will be a big lab) 16 Review 17 Midterm Lab Review Session 18 Second Term Starts: Skin 19 Skin derivatives 20 22 Respiratory passages Dr. Sandig 23 Lung Dr. Sandig 24 Lab 13: Respiratory system 25 Teeth Dr. Sandig 26 Tongue and salivary glands Dr. Sandig 27 QUIZ 4 Lab 12: Skin 28 QUIZ 3 29 Esophagus, Stomach Dr. Sandig Lab 14: Digestive I Assignment 30 No Class & No Lab MID TERM WRITTEN & LAB EXAMS 28 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY July 2015 WEDNESDAY 1 Holiday THURSDAY 2 Small and Large intestine FRIDAY 3 Liver, gall bladder, pancreas 4 11 Lab 15: Digestive II S 6 Kidney 7 Urinary passageways 8 Lab 17: Urinary system 9 Adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid 10 Pituitary 14 Testes 15 Lab 19: Male reproductive system 16 Male Ducts, prostate 17 Ovary 18 21 Eye 22 Lab 21: Eye 23 Ear 24 Lab 22: Ear & Final Laboratory Review 25 31 Lab 16: Digestive III 12 13 Pineal, endocrine pancreas QUIZ 5 Lab 18: Endocrine (Parts I and II) (This will be a big lab) 19 20 Uterus, female ducts, mammary gland QUIZ 6 Lab 20: Female repr 26 27 28 29 30 E X A M W E E K SATURDAY Lab Assignment Details • Assignments will be available at 3:00 PM on the day of the online laboratory. • You will have 24 hours to complete and hand-in your lab assignments • Thus, assignments are due by 3:00 PM the day following the online laboratory. • Late assignments (i.e. any assignment submitted after 3:00 PM the day following the online laboratory) will be docked 50% • Please read and adhere to the document “Histology 101” which outlines how to format and submit you lab assignments. • If you disregard these standards, you will receive a zero for that particular question. • If you miss a lab/lab assignment: 1. You must email Sonya Van Nuland (Head TA) explaining why you were unable to hand in the lab assignment. This must be done within one week of the missed lab. 2. You may be exempt for up to 3 labs over the course of the summer with no penalty or documentation requirements, however you must follow Step 1 first, in order to receive exemptions from lab assignments. Lab Quiz Details • Quizzes will be released at 7:00 PM the day they are scheduled. • Each quiz will be available for 24 hours, and will be due at 7:00 PM the day after the quiz is launched. • You will have one attempt to complete each quiz. • Each quiz will have a time limit of 20 minutes and will be comprised of 20 short answer questions that will require you to type your response. The laboratory content that will be covered on each quiz is detailed below: Quiz #1 • Microscope and Histology Techniques (Introductory lab) • Cytology • Epithelia Quiz #4 • Skin • Respiratory System Quiz #2 • Connective Tissue • Supporting Tissue • Bone Formation Quiz #5 • Digestive I • Digestive II • Digestive III • Urinary System Quiz #3 • Cells of the CNS • Cerebral & Cerebellar Cortex • Spinal Cord and Ganglia • Muscle • Heart & Circulation Quiz #6 • Endocrine (Parts I & II) • Male Reproductive System • Female Reproductive System For help using Echo 360 please visit: https://vimeo.com/album/3363809