about IN TENNESSEE FACTS CO-OPS 75 % ed Provid ASSETS & INPUTS •FARMING PRODUCTS •electricity & SERVICES: •internet •phone service •marketing •genetics & Seed •Insurance for individuals & businesses PROVIDE THOUSANDS •CROP PROTECTION & HEALTH •EQUIPMENT & FUEL FE , PROVIDE SA LE , & AFFORDAB D &FIBER O FO LE DEPENDAB rld! o w e th to about your OF RURAL RESIDENTS ARE SERVED BY A COOPERATIVE : ces i v ser •LAND FINANCING of jobs to Tennesseans JUST THE FACTS Get to know US he Tennessee Council of Cooperatives (TCC) T is a non-profit organization established to promote “the cooperative way of business” through education and promotion of all types of cooperatives. WeE: AR Made up of member representatives from various cooperative organizations in Tennessee. •NUTRIENTS & FEED Our STRUCTURE What sets cooperatives apart from other types of businesses is that they are owned and controlled by the people who use their products and services, so members have a chance to share in their successes and have a voice in their operation. Cooperatives are led by their membership through an elected board of directors and share profits with members by reducing costs of their products or services by providing patronage refunds. TENNESSEECOUNCILOFCOOPS.ORG How we STACK-UP Tennessee farm bureau 1 TOBACCO CO-OP 2 MILK CO-OPS 3 FINANCIAL CO-OPS 8 TELEPHONE CO-OPS 23 ELECTRIC CO-OPS 53 TENNESSEE FARMERS CO-OPS Our MISSION TCC serves as a clearinghouse for the open exchange of information and experiences among cooperative businesses; as a sounding board for new ideas; and as a forum for discovery, discussion and dissemination. YOUNG LEADERS CONFERENCE T he Annual Young Leaders Conference provides cooperatives across the state the opportunity to educate young leaders regarding the benefits of cooperative business. Those who attend this conference are exposed to ideas and information that may enable them to add value to their own businesses, form new niche cooperatives with others in their communities, and meet the challenges of the future with cooperative marketing innovations. The Annual Young Leaders Conference is a combined effort of the TCC and the Tennessee Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers. Youth PROGRAM The Tennessee Council of Cooperatives sponsors up to four outstanding Tennessee youth to attend the National Institute on Cooperative Education (NICE) Youth Conference each year. The TCC youth delegates to this conference are selected because of their achievements in Tennessee’s 4-H and FFA programs. The TCC youth delegates are the alternates in the Level II, 4-H, Leadership and Citizenship projects and the alternates in the State FFA Star in Agribusiness and State Proficiency Competition. CO-OP EMPLOYEE TRAINING WORKSHOP College Scholarship PROGRAM 6 PARTICIPATING UNIVERSITIES The scholarship program, started in 1984, is an effort to acknowledge and aid the young people most likely to return to communities served by rural cooperatives. TCC considers the scholarships an investment in the future of cooperatives and their leadership. Several scholarship recipients from the past currently serve in one of Tennessee’s cooperatives or in one of the state’s agriculture-related agencies which work with, support and help build cooperative businesses. The Council sponsors six college scholarships for agricultural students from each of Tennessee’s fouryear agriculture programs : Austin Peay State University UT Knoxville Middle Tennessee State University UT Martin Tennessee Technological University Tennessee State University The Tennessee Council of Cooperatives sponsors a comprehensive training program for all employees of any type of cooperative business. The training is designed to help cooperative employees better relate to their customer-members. Workshops are typically held in August. Visit our website for workshop dates and registration forms. TENNESSEECOUNCILOFCOOPS.ORG Tennessee Council of Cooperatives c/o Roberta Smith, Admin Sec.-Treas. Bledsoe Telephone Cooperative P.O. Box 609 Pikeville, TN 37367 PHONE OR FAX: Phone: (423) 447-2121 Fax: (423) 447-2498 EMAIL: smithr@bledsoe.net CONTACT US Our MEMBERS AgCentral Farmers Cooperative Anderson Farmers Cooperative Appalachian Electric Cooperative Bedford Moore Farmers Cooperative Benton Farmers Cooperative Ben Lomand Telephone Cooperative Bledsoe Telephone Cooperative Burley Stabilization Corporation CHS Caney Fork Electric Cooperative Carroll Farmers Cooperative Chickasaw Electric Cooperative Claiborne Farmers Cooperative CoBank Cocke Hamblen Farmers Cooperative Coffee Farmers Cooperative Cooperative Finance Corporation Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation Cumberland Farmers Cooperative Dairy Farmers of America Davidson Farmers Cooperative DeKalb Telephone Cooperative Dickson Farmers Cooperative Duck River Electric Membership Corporation Farm Credit Mid-America Fayetteville Public Utilities Fentress Farmers Cooperative First Farmers Cooperative Forked Deer Electric Cooperative Fort Loudon Electric Cooperative Franklin Farmers Cooperative Gibson Electric Membership Corporation Gibson Farmers Cooperative Giles County Farmers Cooperative Grainger Farmers Cooperative Greene Farmers Cooperative Hancock Farmers Cooperative Hawkins Farmers Cooperative Henry Farmers Cooperative Highland Telephone Cooperative Holston Electric Cooperative Humphreys Farmers Cooperative Jefferson Farmers Cooperative Knox Farmers Cooperative Lawrence Farmers Cooperative Lincoln Farmers Cooperative Macon Trousdale Farmers Cooperative Marion Farmers Cooperative Maryland and Virginia Milk Producers Marshall Farmers Cooperative Maury Farmers Cooperative Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation Mid-South Farmers Cooperative Montgomery Farmers Cooperative North Central Telephone Cooperative Obion Farmers Cooperative Overton Pickett Farmers Cooperative Perry Farmers Cooperative Pickwick Electric Cooperative Powell Valley Electric Cooperative Putnam Farmers Cooperative River Valley Ag Credit Robertson Cheatham Farmers Cooperative Rutherford Farmers Cooperative Scott County Telephone Cooperative Scott Morgan Farmers Cooperative Sequatchie Farmers Cooperative Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative Sevier Farmers Cooperative Smith Farmers Cooperative Southeastern Farmers Cooperative Southeast Select Sires Southwest Tennessee Electric Cooperative Sumner Farmers Cooperative Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation Tennessee Farmers Cooperative Tennessee Valley Electric Cooperative Tipton Farmers Cooperative Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation Tri-State Electric Membership Corporation Tri-State Growers, Inc. Twin Lakes Telephone Cooperative Union Farmers Cooperative Upper Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation Volunteer Energy Cooperative Warren Farmers Cooperative Washington Farmers Cooperative Wayne Farmers Cooperative Weakley Farmers Cooperative West Kentucky & Tennessee Telephone Cooperative White County Farmers Cooperative Williamson Farmers Cooperative Wilson Farmers Cooperative TENNESSEECOUNCILOFCOOPS.ORG