Tenants for Field's Warehouse, Real Estate Buyers Workshop, Triton Industri... https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.ui... Print Tuesday's eNews is a mix of feature articles about area companies, information on relevant programs and incentives, workshops and seminars for operating and expanding your business. GNCDC values your opinions and comments - send feedback to info@gncdc.org and add the address to your email contact to assure receiving each issue. You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails. Tuesday Morning eNews f ro m G R E AT E R N O R T H W E S T C H I CAG O D E VC O R P Reaching out to Business and Industry since 1977...... January 27th, 2015 - Volume 2 - Issue 22 Marshall Field Warehouse Rehab Provides "Breathing Room" for Growing Companies Two of the Pulaski Corridor's largest employers will expand in the Marshall Field Warehouse campus at 4000 W. Diversey Avenue, creating and retaining jobs and reinforcing the area's identity as an industrial hub. A 103,000 -squqre-foot space on the complex's north side, facing George Street. will be rehabbed for Newly Weds Foods, a producer of food coatings, seasonings and other ingredients for the food service industry. The project will create 20 additional jobs onsite and allow for more production space in its nearby Fullerton Avenue facility, Studio 41, a manufacturer and distributor of windows and home design products, will also take 65,000 square-feet on the building's George street side The project will result in 20 new jobs that will support production lines operated by the company's Climate Guard Windows division at 2622 N. Pulaski Road. Local developer 4K Diversey Partners purchased the 1.6 million square foot property last year and have since won zoning approval for a mixed use development to include commercial, office, light industrial, live-work space and a data center. Plans call for indoor parking. Most recently the 1.6 million square foot campus was used as a regional distribution by Macy's, which acquired the property in 2005. The complex closed in 2008 and remained vacant until the recent acquisition. Click HERE for City of Chicago press release GNCDC Seminar... Industrial Building Buyers & Sellers Workshop Tuesday, February 24th - 8:30 to 10:30 AM Join a panel of local industrial brokers for a discussion on current market conditions, renting vs owning, due diligence, financing options. Look for a detailed eBlast later this week with panelists and agenda. Space is limited, so reserve now. RSVP to Deborah Smith at 773.637.2416 or email dsmith@gncdc.org Motivated seller, bank-driven sale... REAL ESTATE FOCUS Fantastic development opportunity in Galewood, TIF funds available Click HERE for listing Contact Harry Comerford 312.339.4148 Real Estate News Industrial Property Sells in Bank-Directed Sale The industrial building at 4911 W. Grand Avenue sold January 8th of this year for $180,000 in a bank-directed sale, according to coldwellbankeronline.com. The 7,500-square-foot single story building was formerly owned and occupied by Lemke Screw Manufacturing, which sold off its business assets over the last few years. Click HERE for building details Local Company in the News CBS Chicago recently showcased how Chicago manufacturer Triton Industries, located here in the Northwest Industrial Corridor, put its metal laser cutter to work for Chicago Comb Company. Capable of turning out 500 of CCC's upscale metal combs in a 4 hour period. Triton's capabilities also allows many other Chicago companies keep their fabricating work local, says company owner Brent Wortell in the linked video below. Chicago Comb Company launched the $40 luxury men's comb a year ago. Crafted from high performance stainless steel and laser cut, the product is the culmination of years of thinking about art, manufacturing and sustainable production by its co-founders - John Litwinski and Tedd Strom - who met at O'Neill Junior High School in Downer's Grove many years ago. Laser-Cut Metal Combs A New Fashion Trend Triton became involved when Litwinski and Strom were promoting the combs at the Great Shave Event held by Merz Apothecary in 2011. Joe Wortell, one of the barbers at the event, admired the comb and overheard the two owners say they were looking for a manufacturer in Chicago to produce the it. Joe told them his parents operated a metal finishing plant in Chicago, Triton Industries. The rest is history. Made In Chicago Click HERE for Triton Industries Click HERE for Chicago Comb Company FOOD FOCUS A Taste of Italy in Logan Square Buona Terra has garnered its share of four and five star reviews on Yelp with its varied menu and well-appointed wine list The warm, welcoming ambience and the scent of skillfully prepared, delicious food will ensure your return with business clients, family and friends. 2535 N. California Avenue 772.289.3800 Click HERE for the menu and wine list Click HERE for the reviews on Yelp S'no Fooling.... Chicago Overnight Parking Ban is in effect from December 1st to March 31st. On secondary streets, it applies only when there is 2" of snow or more; on main arterial routes no parking is allowed between the defining hours at all. If you're towed, you face a $150 towing fee, $60 ticket and storage fee of $20/day. To find our where your car has been towed, dial 311 Click HERE for a map of Main Arterial Routes Sidewalks Must be Shoveled - Whether in front of your business or your home to ensure a safe walking path for pedestrians. Complaints can be filed by calling 311. Winter Resources - Want to know when your street will be cleared? How about a couple of apps to help navigate a Chicago Winter? Click HERE for Plow Tracker and Apps Business Education Workshops 01/28 - How to Become Certified 01/28 - Doing Business with the City of Chicago 01/30 - Establish a Restaurant Concept & Write a Business Plan BACP offers workshops Wednesdays and Fridays; conducted by City officials, experts and partner business organizations. The workshops are free and open to the public and held at BACP's offices in City Hall Room 805; 121 N. LaSalle Street in Chicago's Loop. Click HERE for times and details and to register online. Scientists Target 3-D-Printed Body Parts While 3-D printing is fast revolutionizing manufacturing, other fields will benefit as well medicine and science. Get ready for the Bionic Man. Japanese scientists say they are on their way to being able to create custom-made skin, bone and joints using a 3-D printer. To read about the uses of 3-D Printing being explored and developed, click HERE... Where it all began... Study Suggest Early Tool Making Drove the Development of Language A recently published study presents evidence that stone tool-making helped drive the evolution of language and teaching among our prehistoric ancestors. While language has been around for at least two million years, there is little doubt that Neanderthals responsible for complex stone tools difficult for modern day knappers to replicate had to have developed a communication and teaching system sophisticated enough to transmit the subtle and long 'recipes' for making their tools. Click HERE Thank You to GNCDC's Renewing Members... Advanced Equipment - Allied Metal - Alpha Baking - Chicago Dryer Chicago Metal Supply & Fabrication - Chromium Industries - DuAll Automation & Feeder Flex-O-Glass Corporation - General Iron Industries - Gilbert Spring - Laminet Cover Company Larson & Sons Forgings - Laystrom Manufacturing Markle & Associates - Matthews Roofing - Midwest Fence - O'Leary Contractors Equipment & Supply Phoenix Chemical Laboratory - Plymouth Tube - RalCorp Frozen Products - REB Storage Systems International - SomerCor 504 Incorporated Staalsen Construction - TEC Foods - Zenith Fabricating/Quincy Lab... GNCDC's Members.... -Get a "live link" on GNCDC's website and listing in newsletter -Submit company announcements in the weekly eNews -Receive Notifications and updates... on resources & incentive programs, networking events,workshops and more. Finally, they're part of a community of Northwest Side companies whose investment here brings jobs and opportunities to Chicago residents! Click HERE for a membership application New ward boundaries became effective January 1st, 2015. Do You Know Who Your Alderman Is? Click HERE for Interactive Ward Map GREATER NORTHWEST CHICAGO DevCorp 6600 W. Armitage Avenue - Chicago IL 60707-3908 773.637.2416 - FAX 773.637.2698 - www.gncdc.org Deborah Smith, Executive Director dsmith@gncdc.org Joan Soldwisch, Assistant Director jsoldwisch@gncdc.org GNCDC is a delegate agency of the City of Chicago Department of Planning & Development. It serves the Galewood-Armitage, Pulaski and Northwest Industrial Corridors - providing training, building improvement and development incentives to companies within eligible Tax Increment Financing Districts. Forward this email This email was sent to info@gncdc.org by info@gncdc.org | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Greater Northwest Chicago DevCorp | 6600 W Armitage Avenue - 2nd Floor | Chicago | IL | 60707-3908 1 of 1 2/2/15 2: 45 PM; March 5th, 2011