Part I - Holly Society of America

Part I
Read and follow all instructions carefully. The Registrar can only accept
specimens which conform to these instructions.
What Plants Should Be Considered for Registration?
Any selection of a species, variety or clone of the genus Ilex whose selected
characteristics can be retained through vegetative propagation and whose
characteristics are, to your knowledge, distinct and different from related
species, varieties or clones is eligible for registration. Seedlings from
recently germinated seed or cuttings from recently rooted selections,
therefore, should not be submitted for registration since the "unique" features
selected may not be retained when the plant is grown on for several years. If,
after several years of observation (length of time depends upon the growth rate
of the plant), a seedling or cutting proves to retain the selected
characteristic and subsequent propagation likewise proves that the
characteristics are retained, the holly is then eligible for registration.
Selection of a Name:
The cultivar name of a plant must always be a name that is markedly different
from a scientific name of Latin form. This name is to follow immediately the
Latin name (genus and specific epithet), capitalized and placed in single
quotes. Example: Ilex opaca 'Pygmy' is acceptable, but not Ilex opaca
'Pygmaeus'. Such names as 'Alba', 'Prostrata', 'Fastigiata' and 'Rubra' will
not be allowed because they are Latinized forms.
The following are either Inadmissible Names or Not Recommended:
A. Names containing numerals or symbols except as established custom requires.
B. The scientific or common name of a genus or the common name of a species.
Examples: 'Rose', 'Apricot', 'Peach', etc.
C. Names containing an initial article unless required by linguistic custom.
Examples: ‘Colonel', not 'The Colonel', but 'La Rochelle', not 'Rochelle'.
D. Abbreviations at the beginning of a cultivar name. Examples: 'William
Thomas', not 'Wm. Thomas'; 'Mount Kisco', not 'Mt. Kisco', unless it is an
established place name.
E. Names containing forms of address liable to be confused.
F. Excessively long words or phrases.
- 2 G. Names exaggerating the merits of a cultivar or which may become inaccurate
through the introduction of new cultivars. Examples: 'Earliest of All';
'Early', however, would be acceptable. 'Reddest Berry' is inadmissible, but
'Red Berry' might be acceptable.
H. Names that are vaguely descriptive. Examples: 'Yellow Queen', but not
'Yellow'; 'Silver Spine', but not 'Silver'.
I. Names within the same genus likely to be confused. Examples: 'Ellen' vs.
'Helen'; 'Werner' vs. 'Verner'.
J. Names resulting in a series of names with the same initial word. Examples:
Ilex opaca 'Silver Queen', 'Silver Star', 'Silver Leaf', 'Silver Top'.
The Application Form:
Complete the application form indicating the proposed name (including the Latin
name). If the plant is a known hybrid, indicate the parent plants.
The Holly Description Sheet and two specimens at least 9" long must be
submitted with each application. Photographs are desirable and may either be
black and white or in color.
The collection and preparation of a specimen to be submitted is explained in
Part II of these instructions.
Holly Description Sheet:
Complete all information required. Please print legibly, or type. Use the
diagrams in Part III of these instructions for the taxonomic characteristics.
When indicating shape and size of leaves and fruit, use an average of at least
ten (10) observations from top, middle and bottom of plant. Do not make
observations from one part of the plant or one side only. Fruit and foliage
color should be observed at optimum or mature coloration stage (with most
holly, this is in early winter).
If more room is needed, use the reverse side of the card.
Part II
In order that the Holly Registration authority may properly evaluate the
characteristics not easily described except under standard conditions (such as
fruit color), a fresh specimen
- 3 of each holly to be registered must be submitted. This specimen, after
evaluation, will be appropriately preserved and mounted and placed in an
herbarium case for a permanent record.
What to Collect:
Collect two specimens at least 9" long, but no longer than 10" which has, in
your estimate, average growth and shows the features that distinguish the plant
(unless plant shape or size is the only "different" feature). Include fruit
where applicable or when possible.
Do not take the specimen from sucker growth, the top-most branches nor the
bottommost branches.
Side branches are desirable if the specimen will still fit in the plastic bag
and mailing tube without undue crushing.
Preparation for Mailing:
Put the specimens in a plastic bag and secure the top with a "twistem".
Insert the application form, a non-refundable application fee for $25.00 for
each plant you are registering (payable to the Holly Society of America, Inc.),
the Holly Description Sheet(Part III) and plant vouchers in a sturdy package,
affix a label and mail immediately.
Part III
Match your holly specimen with the diagrams below and indicate the closest
match in the appropriate space on the Holly Description Sheet. If none of the
diagrams match closely with your specimen, prepare additional diagrams in the
spaces provided.
Plant Type
Indicate on the card whether the plant is a (1) Deciduous shrub (2) Deciduous
tree (3) Evergreen shrub (4) Evergreen tree.
Consider all multi-stemmed plants as shrubs and those with a single central
trunk as trees.
When estimating the plant shape, consider only the natural shape and not the
shape of the plant after shearing or pruning. If the natural shape is not
known, so indicate. See the following pages for diagrams of plant shapes.
Registration Number _________
Date ________________
Name ______________________________________
Holly Registration Committee, Holly Society of America, Inc.
Name of Observer _____________________________________
Date ________________________
Species of Ilex _______________________________
Sex of Plant ______
Estimated Age _________
Location of Original Plant (include habitat such as open field, woodland,
nursery, etc.)
Height ______' Spread ______' Leaf Length _______" Leaf Width _______"
Petiole Length ________"
Fruit Diameter _______"
Average Yearly Growth _________"
Foliage Color (if other than green) _______________
Fruit Color _____________
Complete the Following Using the Terms Described in the Sheet of Instructions:
Plant Type ________________; Plant Shape _______________;
Branching Habit __________________;
Leaf Shape _____________; Leaf Apex ______________; Leaf Base ________________;
Leaf Margin (side view) _______________; Leaf Margin (top view) ______________;
- 2 Fruit Shape (longitudinal) _________; Fruit Shape (cross-section) ____________;
Other Distinguishing Features (such as Fall or Spring Color, Twig Color, etc.)