ENL 3251 VICTORIAN LITERATURE Dr. C. Snodgrass; 4336 Turlington; 376-8362; snod@english.ufl.edu © Chris Snodgrass 2010 SYLLABUS: READING SCHEDULE REQUIRED TEXTS (books available at Orange & Blue Textbooks): First Photocopy Supplement, including poems and essays not included elsewhere (Note: purchase at Orange and Blue Textbooks) Alfred Tennyson, Selected Poems (Dover) Matthew Arnold poems (free download: http://www.poemhunter.com/matthew-arnold/) R. L. Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Dover) Robert Browning, My Last Duchess and Other Poems (Dover) A. W. Pinero, The Second Mrs. Tanqueray (Broadview) Second Photocopy Supplement, including texts not available elsewhere (note: purchase at Orange and Blue Textbooks) Aubrey Beardsley, Best Works of Aubrey Beardsley (Dover) Wilde, Complete Shorter Fiction (Oxford) Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan (free download: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/790) SCHEDULE QUESTIONING GOD, COUNTRY, & CULTURE: Week 1 Introduction Background: Victorian Period ―Some Reasons Why Americans Value the British‖ ―Facts, Themes, and Principles of Victorian Culture‖ ―A Few of the Dichotomies that Haunted Victorians‖ ―Chronicle of Some Important Events Bearing on Victorian Age & Aftermath‖ ―Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism‖ ―Choice of Group Topics‖ Week 2 Alfred Lord Tennyson — introductory note on Tennyson; ―The Lotus Eaters,‖ ―The Lady of Shalott,‖ ―Ulysses,‖ ―Locksley Hall,‖ ―[Tears, idle tears],‖ ―Tithonus‖; introductory note on In Memoriam; from In Memoriam: poems 4, 5, 34, 41, 54, 55, 56, 57, 108, 124; ―Charge of the Light Brigade,‖ ―Vastness.‖ A. Tennyson 1857 Week 3 Matthew Arnold — introductory note on Arnold Poetry: ―The Forsaken Merman,‖ ―To Marguerite,‖ ―To Marguerite— Continued,‖ ―The Buried Life,‖ ―Dover Beach,‖ ―The Scholar Gypsy,‖ ―Self-Deception,‖ ―Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse‖ Criticism: ―Preface to Poems (1853),‖ excerpts from ―Study of Poetry‖ M. Arnold 1883 Week 4 Robert Louis Stevenson — introductory note on Stevenson; The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde LOVE, MARRIAGE, AND “THE WOMAN QUESTION”: Week 5 Robert Browning — introductory reading on Browning, ―The Last Ride Together,‖ ―The Statue and the Bust,‖ ―Prospice,‖ ―A Woman‘s Last Word,‖ ―The Laboratory,‖ ―My Last Duchess,‖ ―Porphyria‘s Lover,‖ ―Abt Vogler‖ ―The Bishop Orders His Tomb,‖ ―Fra Lippo Lippi,‖ ―An Epistle, from Karshish‖ R. Browning 1865 Week 6 Group Presentation on the Brownings’ Relationship (Tuesday, February 8) Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning First Class Period: Robert Browning (continued) — ―Andrea Del Sarto‖ Elizabeth Barrett Browning — Virginia Blaine, ―Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806–1861)‖; ―The Lady‘s ‗Yes‘,‖ ―Bertha in the Lane,‖ ―Loved Once,‖ ―Hiram Powers‘ ‗Greek Slave‘,‖ ―A Man‘s Requirements‖; from Songs from the Portuguese: poems 3, 4, 5, 13, 22, 29, 43, and 44. Second Class Period: George Egerton [Mary Chavelita Dunne] — introductory note on Egerton, ―A Little Gray Glove‖ Week 7 George Egerton and Ella D’Arcy Introduction Note on the ―New Woman‖ George Egerton [Mary Chavelita Dunne] — introductory note on Egerton, ―A Little Gray Glove,‖ ―Wedlock‖ Ella D’Arcy — introductory note on D‘Arcy, ―At Twickenham,‖ ―Irremediable‖ George Egerton D‘Arcy, c. 1894 Week 8 Group Presentation on New Woman (Tuesday, February 22) Arthur Wing Pinero — introductory note on Pinero, The Second Mrs. Tanqueray Arthur Wing Pinero Week 9 Group Presentation on Victorian Painting (Tuesday, March 1) High Victorian & Pre-Raphaelite Painting (in-class slides and analysis, click indicated links and others on Snodgrass website: http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/snod/3251_S11syllabus.pdf): William Shakespeare Burton, The Wounded Cavalier (1855); William Holman Hunt, The Hireling Shepherd (1851), The Awakening Conscience (1853), The Lady of Shalott (1889–92); John Everett Millais, The Woodman’s Daughter (1951), Mariana (1851), Cherry Ripe (1879); Hughes, April Love (1855–56); Edwin Long, The H. Hunt 1865 Babylonian Marriage Market (1875); Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1863 Rossetti, Ecce Ancilla Domini (1850), King Arthur’s Tomb (1854), The Blessed Damozel (1875–78) [Fogg Art Museum Harvard], Astarte Syriaca (1877); William Morris, Queen Guinevere (1857); Edward Burne-Jones, Phyllis and Demophöon (1870), The Beguiling of Merlin (1874), Perseus Slaying the Sea Serpent, or Doom Fulfilled (1876–88), The Depths of the Sea (1887), The Depths of the Sea (2nd version), Pygmalion & the Image: The Heart Desires (1868-78), Pygmalion & the Image: The Hand Refrains (1868–78), King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid (1884); Frederick Sandys, Morgan le Fay (1864); John Spencer Stanhope, Eve Tempted (1877); Laurence AlmaBurne-Jones ‘74 Tadema, In the Tepidarium (1881); Herbert Draper, The Gates of Dawn (1900), Ulysses and the Sirens (1909), Clyties of the Alma-Tadema 1876 Mist (1912); Frank Dicksee, La Belle Dame Sans Merci (1902); Fredric Leighton, The Fisherman and the Siren (185658), Athlete Struggling with a Python (1874-77), The Bath of Psyche (c. 1890), Perseus and Andromeda (1891-94), Flaming June (1895); Edward Poynter, The Cave of the Storm Nymphs (1903); John Waterhouse, Pandora (1896), Ariadne (1898), Hylas and the Nymphs (1896), Lamia (1905); John Collier, Lilith (1887); John William Godward, The Delphic Oracle J. Waterhouse F. Leighton 1888 (1898); Other European Artists: William Bouguereau, Le Printemps [The Return of Spring] (1866), Cupidon (1875), Naissance de Vénus [Birth of Venus] (1879); Alexandre Cabanal, Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Condemned Prisoners (1897); Edouard Manet, Olympia (1863), Woman with a Parrot, or Young Lady in 1866 (1866); Nana (1877); Auguste Renoir, Young Boy with a Cat (1868-69); Carlos Schwabe, Medusa (1895), Franz von Stuck, Sin (1893), Kiss of the Sphinx (1895); Félicien Rops, La Tentation de St-Antoine [The Temptation of Saint Anthony] (1878), Pornokrates, or La Dame au cochon (1879); and feel free to examine any others. Week 10 Spring Break, No Class Week 11 Group Presentation on Ghost stories or gothic legends underlying Tomson/Watson’s poetry (Tuesday, March 15) Graham R. Tomson [Rosamund Marriott Watson] — introductory note on Marriott Watson; Virginia Blaine, ―Rosamund Marriott Watson (1860– 1911)‖; ―A Ballad of the Were-Wolf,‖ ―Children of the Mist,‖ ―Epitaph,‖ ―The Cage,‖ ―Nirvana,‖ ―Old Pauline,‖ ―Ballad of the Bird-bride,‖ ―Vespertilia,‖ ―Hic Jacet‖ LIFE, ART, AND COUNTERCULTURE: Week 12 Aubrey Beardsley — Best Works of Aubrey Beardsley, pp. 1–74. Week 13 Aubrey Beardsley and Oscar Wilde First Class Period: Beardsley (continued) — Best Works of Aubrey Beardsley, pp. 75–107, 114–60; the unexpurgated pictures from Lysistrata in the photocopy packet. Second Class Period: Oscar Wilde — introductory notes on Wilde Criticism: ―The Critic as Artist‖ A. Beardsley 1894 Week 14 Oscar Wilde First Class Period: Wilde (continued) — Group Presentation on Wilde’s Fairy Tales (Tuesday, April 5) Fiction: from Complete Shorter Fiction: ―The Happy Prince,‖ ―The Nightingale and the Rose,‖ ―The Fisherman and his Soul‖ Second Class Period: Wilde, Complete Shorter Fiction (continued) OPTIONAL EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT(S) DUE Week 15 Oscar Wilde (continued) — Lady Windermere’s Fan Week 16 Oscar Wilde (continued) — Lady Windermere’s Fan (continued) Review COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM Black Cape, Salome Self-Portrait Propert Bookplate BRIEF LIST OF POSSIBLE SECONDARY READINGS GENERAL BACKGROUND Walter Houghton, The Victorian Frame of Mind D. C. Somervell, English Thought in the Nineteenth Century Morse Peckham, Beyond the Tragic Vision Norman O. Brown, Life Against Death Georges Bataille, Death and Sensuality Oscar Wilde 1894 John R. Reed, Victorian Conventions Daniel Pool, What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew Julia Prewitt Brown, A Reader’s Guide to the Nineteenth-Century English Novel Michael Mason, The Making of Victorian Sexuality Roy Porter & Lesley Hall, The Facts of Life: . . . Sexual Knowledge in Britain Sally Mitchell, Daily Life in Victorian England Victorian Web, http://ernie.lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~matsuoka/Victorian.html QUESTIONING GOD, COUNTRY, AND CULTURE J. Hillis Miller, The Disappearance of God Robert Bernard Martin, Tennyson: The Unquiet Heart (biography) Dwight Culler, The Poetry of Tennyson James R. Kincaid, Tennyson’s Major Poems David Shaw, Tennyson’s Style Park Honan, Matthew Arnold: A Life (biography) Dwight Culler, Imaginative Reason: The Poetry of Matthew Arnold John Pick, Gerard Manley Hopkins: Poet and Priest (biography) Daniel A. Harris, Unbidden Inspirations: The “Terrible Sonnets” of Hopkins Frank McLynn, Robert Louis Stevenson: A Biography Vedder and Hirsch, eds., Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde After One Hundred Years LOVE, MARRIAGE, AND “THE WOMAN QUESTION” Irvine & Honan, The Book, the Ring, & the Poet: A Biography of Robert Browning Robert Langbaum, The Poetry of Experience (Browning) W. David Shaw, The Dialectical Temper (Browning) John Berger, Ways of Seeing W. J. T. Mitchell, Iconography Timothy Hilton, The Pre-Raphaelites David Sonstroem, Rossetti and the Fair Lady Jan Marsh, Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood (biographies) Gay Daly, Pre-Raphaelites in Love (biographies) Pamela Gerrish Nunn, Problem Pictures: Women and Men in Victorian Painting Linda Nead, Myths of Sexuality: Representations of Women in Victorian Britain Helena Michie, The Flesh Made Word: Female Figures and Women’s Bodies Patricia Marks, Bicycles, Bangs, and Bloomers Sally Mitchell, The New Girl Sally Ledger, The New Woman: Fiction and Feminism at the Fin de Siècle Nina Auerbach, Woman and the Demon: The Life of a Victorian Myth Bram Dijkstra, Idols of Perversity: Fantasies of Feminine Evil in Fin-de-siècle Culture Deborah Gorham, The Victorian Girl and the Feminine Ideal Gilbert and Gubar, The Madwoman in the Attic Pamela Gilbert, Disease, Desire, and the Body in Victorian Women’s Popular Novels Elizabeth Langland, Nobody’s Angels: Middle-Class Women . . . in Victorian Culture Cynthia Russett, Sexual Science Elaine Showalter, The Female Malady Rita S. Kranidis, Subversive Discourse: . . . Late-Victorian Feminist Novels LIFE, ART, AND COUNTERCULTURE John A. Lester, Jr., Journey Through Despair Holbrook Jackson, The Eighteen Nineties Gail Marshall, ed, The Cambridge Companion to the Fin de Siècle Richard Dellamora, Masculine Desire: The Sexual Politics of Victorian Aestheticism Jonathan Dollimore, Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault E. Chamberlin and S. Gilman, eds, Degeneration Stephen Arata, Fictions of Loss in the Fin de Siècle John Stokes, In the Nineties Richard Ellmann, Oscar Wilde: A Biography Gary Schmidgall, The Stranger Wilde (biography) Epifanio San Juan, Jr., The Art of Oscar Wilde Regenia Gagnier, Idylls of the Marketplace: Wilde and the Victorian Public Matthew Sturgis, Aubrey Beardsley (biography) Ian Fletcher, Aubrey Beardsley Chris Snodgrass, Aubrey Beardsley, Dandy of the Grotesque MISCELLANEOUS OTHER TOPICS James B. Twitchell, The Living Dead: A Study of the Vampire in Romantic Literature Alistair Duckworth, The Improvement of the Estate: A Study of Jane Austen’s Novels Deirdre David, Rule Britannia: Women, Empire, and Victorian Writing Edward Said, Orientalism