Risk and Corporate Holdings of Highly Liquid Assets Jess Beltz and Murray Frank* September 1996 * Both authors are affiliated with the Department of Finance, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The second author is also affiliated with the University of British Columbia. We would like to thank K. C. Chan, Sudipto Dasgupta, Vojislav Maksimovic, Anjan Thakor, Sheridan Titman, and the seminar participants at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for helpful comments. Corresponding author: Murray Frank, Faculty of Commerce, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z2. e-mail: frank@nervana.commerce.ubc.ca Abstract Corporate holdings of money and short term investments is studied for 1975-1994. The transactions theory as in Miller and Orr (1966), makes successful predictions about economies of scale in corporate cash demand, and interest rate effects. Beyond that theory, a range of corporate risk factors are shown to be important. There is an option effect such that in years with high volatility of short term interest rates, corporate cash holdings are elevated. The stock market crash of 1987 induced a doubling of corporate cash holdings, as firms moved out of other short term investments. 1 Risk and Corporate Holdings of Highly Liquid Assets The standard theory of corporate cash holding is a model in which an inventory of money is maintained for transactions purposes. The size of that inventory is limited by the higher rates of return obtainable on other financial assets. The classic formulations of this idea are Allais (1947), Baumol (1952), Tobin (1956) and Miller and Orr (1966). If this theory drives corporate behavior, then transactions measures such as sales ought to help account for the observed levels of corporate cash. Economies of scale should be observed. The relative holdings of money and other liquid assets should change in reaction to interest rate changes.1 An alternative idea about corporate liquidity was recently suggested by Chrysler Chairman Robert Eaton. Chrysler’s main shareholder Kirk Kerkorian, claimed that Chrysler was holding too much cash. He therefore tried to force management to reduce the cash position by increasing the payouts to shareholders. However Mr. Eaton argued that next time there would be a downturn in the auto industry, Chrysler would be much better off due to having built up its cash position. Had it not done so, it would face the risk of bankruptcy.2 This is the same argument that Smith and Stulz (1985) made with respect to corporate hedging in general. In this paper we study holdings of money and other short term investments, by companies in the United States, for the period 1975-1994. There are two basic points to be made. First, the transaction theory does a good job of accounting for some important features of corporate behavior. Economies of scale, and interest rate effects are found in the data. Corporate treasurers react to changes in the term structure of interest rates, by altering the mix of cash and short term investments in the company portfolio. Second, beyond that theory major factors determining corporate demand for highly liquid assets including money, are the risks faced by the firm. In other 1 This is the theory of corporate money demand as taught in the finance textbooks, such as Brealey and Myers (1991), and Ross, Westerfield and Jordan (1995). 2 This conflict generated wide coverage in the business press, see Rescigno (1995) for example. 2 words, holding money appears to be an important element of how companies manage risk. This is true for firms of all sizes, but of particular importance for smaller firms. The fact that the transactions theory makes successful predictions would not be so surprising were it not for the existing empirical literature on money. In that literature the reverse is commonly asserted. A good example is Friedman and Kuttner (1992) who reached the sweeping conclusion that there is no “close or reliable relationship between money and nonfinancial economic activity”. Despite such claims, the cross sectional estimates of the parameter relating company sales to company cash holdings are almost the same, year after year, over the twenty year period for which we have data. Coping with risk plays a role in much corporate financial activity. We provide evidence that it plays a central role in corporate cash holding. In order to establish this basic claim, we examine five types of risk; three company risk factors and two aggregate risk factors. In each case the company risk factors are associated with higher holdings of money and higher holdings of short term investments. In each case the aggregate risk factors are associated with higher money holdings and lower holdings of short term investments. An increase an aggregate risk factor is thus associated with a “flight to quality.” Consider the firm specific risk factors. First, research and development expenditures are clearly risky for the firm. The more a firm spends on research and development, the more money and short term investments the firm holds. Second, sales and total assets have both been used in previous studies to capture the scale of company operations. We provide evidence that to a fair degree these variables are actually serving empirically, as proxies for uncertainty in operating cash flows. Third, the risk of corporate assets is reflected in the financial markets. We constructed two different estimates of the βassets for the firms. While both of these are measured with considerable 3 error, in each case it was found that the higher the βassets the more money and short term investments the firm holds. Next consider the aggregate risk factors. First, in some years interest rates are more volatile than in other years. There is an option value associated with money. When interest rate volatility rises, corporate money holding rises at the expense of holdings of short term investments. Second, the stock market crash of October 1987 is a useful identifying feature in the data. It is well known that associated with the crash, there was a perception of increased risk in the financial markets. In response to the crash, firms switched heavily from short term investments into cash. However there was little change in the total level of real transactions over this period. Therefore the transactions theory alone is not adequate to account for this shift in the data. The previous empirical literature on money demand is vast. Notable surveys and extensions are provided by Laidler (1985), Lucas (1988), Goldfeld and Sichel (1990), and Mulligan and Sala-i-Martin (1992). This literature has been predominantly time-series analysis of aggregate data. Mulligan and Sala-i-Martin (1992) point out some advantages of using crosssection methods. There have been only a handful of papers that look at cross-section evidence on corporate money holding. Meltzer (1963) reported that the corporate cash position was linear in logs and unit elastic with respect to sales. He interpreted this as evidence against the Baumol (1952) and Tobin (1956) theory. This finding stimulated further work by Maddala and Vogel (1965), Whalen (1965), and Vogel and Maddala (1967). In particular the last of these provided evidence that the total assets of the firm may have been an important omitted factor in Meltzer’s study. Including dummy variables for the asset size of the firms markedly reduced the coefficient on sales to less than 0.5. All of these studies used IRS data that was a cross-section of industry aggregate data, not firm level data. 4 Using firm level data there is an interesting paper by Mulligan (1994). Like the present study he uses Compustat data. He finds that the elasticity of corporate money demand with respect to sales is 0.75. Firms that have corporate headquarters in counties that have high wages hold more money. He interprets this as evidence that the firms are using time and money as substitutes. The focus of the present study is very different from Mulligan (1994). Most importantly, he does not consider the various issues associated with corporate risk aversion. We also devote more attention to interest rate effects. Thus while the current paper has overlapping data with Mulligan (1994), the issues addressed are quite different. Some basic features of the data are discussed in section 1. Empirical estimates of cross sectional cash holding are provided in section 2. Risk effects on corporate cash positions are quantified in section 3. Other short term investments of the firm are analyzed in section 4. Finally some conclusions are presented in section 5. 1. The Data The balance sheet data we use is from Compustat. To account for the effect of inflation all dollar values are deflated using the consumer price index reported by the US Bureau of the Census (1995). Firms in banking, finance and insurance were excluded. The data available to us begins in 1975 and ends in 1994. The interest rate data is from the Fama files of the Center for Research in Security Pricing. The original data contains a variable labeled “cash”. This is a measure of money, which as noted by Mulligan (1994), is fairly close to M1. Included is “any immediately negotiable medium of exchange. It includes money and any instrument normally accepted by banks for deposit and immediate credit to customer account.” So demand deposits and a variety of short term investments 5 that had an original maturity of less than 90 days are included as cash.3 Some of these very short term assets are actually interest bearing. We follow Compustat in referring to this as cash. A broader measure also available in the data is labeled “cash and short term investments”. In addition to cash, this measure includes a variety of financial assets such as certificates of deposit, commercial paper, marketable securities, and short-term Treasury bills.4 While such items are said to be readily transferable to cash, they typically have some risk in terms of their liquidation value; they also typically offer a higher rate of return than the items listed as cash. We remove cash from the measure of cash and short term investments. This leaves short term investments, which is next to cash in terms of liquidity. Many studies use a single variable as “the interest rate”. Laidler (1985) argues that while it is clearly possible to include more of the term structure of interest rates, doing so is not a major issue empirically. Since the various interest rates are highly correlated this view is not hard to understand. For example in our data, the correlation coefficient between the 3 month interest rate and the 5 year interest rate is 0.95. However we find it important to allow for more than a single element from the term structure. The empirical definition of cash includes interest bearing assets with an original maturity of less than 90 days. Accordingly, holdings of these variables ought to increase when the short term interest rate rises since they are offering a higher rate of return. On the other hand holdings of such assets ought to fall when the long term interest rate rises. 3 Included are: bank drafts, bankers acceptances, cash, certificates of deposit included in cash by the company, checks (cashiers or certified), demand certificates of deposits, demand deposits, letters of credit, money orders. 4 The list of included assets in addition to cash is: accrued interest combined with short-term investments, brokerage firms’ good faith and clearing-house deposits, cash in escrow, cash segregated under federal and other regulations, certificates of deposit included in short-term investments by the company, certificates of deposit reported as a separate item in current assets, commercial paper, gas transmission companies’ special deposits, government and other marketable securities (including stocks and bonds listed as short-term), margin deposits on commodity futures contracts, marketable securities, moneymarket fund, repurchase agreements shown as current asset, real estate investment trust shares of beneficial interest, restricted cash shown as a current asset, time deposits and time certificates of deposit (saving accounts shown in current assets), treasury bills listed as short term. 6 Both a short term interest rate of 3 months, and a long term rate of 5 years are used. The data comes from the Fama Files maintained by the Center for Research in Security Prices. The short-term rate is the yield on a 6 month Treasury bill with 3 months to maturity. This data comes from the Fama Treasury Bill files. The long term rate is the yield on a 5 year bond taken from the Fama-Bliss discount bond file. These are based on non-callable, non-flower notes, and bonds. The original data in these files is monthly. Since our corporate data is annual, we computed annual averages of the interest rates. Some basic descriptive statistics and correlations in the data are collected in the appendix. There are several data issues to be taken into account when interpreting the results. The interest rate data is undoubtedly of high quality. The book value of total assets and of sales have both advantages and disadvantages. A major advantage is that this is data that corporate treasurers actually have and use. Companies put a lot of time, effort and expense, into the construction of such data. This data is, of course, subject to the many well-known accounting compromises, see for example White, Sondhi and Fried (1994). Cash is perhaps slightly better measured than short term investments (inv), since there is less heterogeneity in the included assets. Many of the variables that we use cannot be negative by definition. Occasionally negative values are found in the data. Accordingly we exclude firm-years unless cash, sales, and total assets are recorded as strictly positive.5 Similarly we excluded firm-years for which cash was recorded as larger than total assets. When using total assets as an explanatory variable for cash, we subtract cash from total assets.6 For simplicity we still refer to the remainder as total assets. We follow the same procedure throughout the paper for all cash and short term investment results using total assets as an explanatory variable. 5 In some estimations not included in this paper, we experimented with taking such truncation explicitly into account in the estimation. Since it did not seem to be making much difference, to save space we do not report the results. 7 Missing values are a problem in the data. Mulligan (1994) has pointed out that in this data, in some cases larger firms do not bother recording cash holdings separately from cash and short term investments, since it tends to be a small number relative to the rest of their balance sheet. Accordingly the economies of scale in cash demand can be expected to be underestimated. Furthermore in 1988 when more firms started paying attention to their cash positions, more firms report the value of their cash holdings separately, and so the number of firms in the sample increases. As can be seen in Figure 1, for all of the firms in our data set the average level of cash is about 4% of total assets (TA). However for most of the 1980s it was lower than that, until in 1988 the percentage roughly doubled. Since 1988 the average level of cash as a percentage of total assets has been fairly stable. Short term investments show an almost mirror image pattern in the data; falling dramatically between 1987 and 1988. When the data is divided by size into deciles, the same temporal pattern is found in each decile. The notable difference is that the larger the firms in a given decile, the lower the ratio of cash to total assets, or short term investments to total assets. The average constant dollar firm size across time is very stable, although in the top decile it is perhaps slightly increasing on average. In the top decile the average firm had total assets of $11,264 million 1982-4 dollars. The bottom decile average total assets was $10.9 million. For the overall data set that average was $1,835 million. Figure 2 shows nominal interest rates of 3 month and 5 year duration, along with the within year standard deviation of each rate. The rates were rather high from 1979-81, and the term structure was inverted. Over the same period there was a lot of within year volatility. This figure makes it clear that the term structure of interest rate is very unlikely to help account for the shift in 6 This is a minor point. If one does not subtract out the cash from total assets, the coefficient on total assets will be biased towards one. 8 corporate cash positions in 1988. Indeed the overall level of interest rates in 1988 seem rather unremarkable. 2. The Elasticity of Corporate Money Demand 2A. Hypotheses The standard empirical specification of a money demand equation is 1. ln M = α0 + α1 ln S + α2 ln R + α3 ln X + ε. In this equation M is money, S is a scale variable often taken to be sales, R is the interest rate, and X is a vector of other potential covariates. This equation is commonly estimated using time-series data, often with a lagged value of M as an element of X. The αi are parameters to be estimated. Vogel and Maddala (1967) argue for the use of this log specification in order to help control for heteroskedasticity, which is a potential problem in the levels specification. Mulligan (1994) provides a natural theoretical structure justifying the use of (1) in the Cobb-Douglas case.7 As discussed by Goldfeld and Sichel (1990) and Laidler (1985), the parameters in times series estimates of equation (1) on aggregate data were found to be unstable in the late 1970s and early 1980s. This problem of out-of-sample fit has been labeled the problem of the “missing money.” Friedman and Kuttner (1992) argue that the behavior of money was highly unstable over the 1980s. Accordingly one might expect that there would be little explanatory power in estimates of equation (1). Even more importantly, under this hypothesis, the parameter estimates might be expected to fluctuate a great deal from year to year. Despite such potential problems, we stick with 9 the traditional empirical model given by equation (1); apart from doing some robustness checks. In fact this specification turns out rather well empirically. When estimating (1) with cross-section data, there are many observations of S, but only a single observation of R. Accordingly in cross-section, interest rate effects cannot be determined. With panel data the same problem arises in a slightly less extreme form. Again there are a large number of observations on scale variables, and only a few observations on the interest rate variables. Accordingly a priori it is expected that it will be harder to pin down the impact of interest rates in the data.8 The predictions are that an increase in the short term interest rate increases cash holding, while an increase in the long term interest rate reduces cash holding. There was a debate between Meltzer (1963) and Maddala and Vogel (1965) over whether sales or total assets is the more appropriate scale variable in equation (1). Transactions theories such as Miller and Orr (1966) suggest the use of sales.9 Vogel and Maddala (1967) argue that wealth based theories such as Friedman (1956), suggests that total assets might be an appropriate scale variable. In section 3, evidence will be presented suggesting that the identification of total assets with wealth, in a Friedman (1956) sense, may be misleading. Money has an option like feature. Since money is so liquid, holding money keeps the corporate treasurer well positioned to take advantage of any newly arising opportunities. This option is more valuable in a turbulent environment. To get an empirical proxy for this we computed the standard deviation of the monthly interest rates. Accordingly if the standard deviation 7 He does not introduce the sorts of risks that we consider, into the analysis. Doing so would involve a fair bit of algebra in order to keep track of the covariance terms. We leave such theory development for the future. 8 The concern here is about omitted factors. Suppose that there is an omitted macro factor that is important for corporate cash holdings, but unrelated to interest rates. By accident they might happen to be related in a couple of years of our small sample of years. The effect of this omitted factor might then be attributed empirically to the interest rates. Without access to additional years of data, there is little that can be done about this danger. 9 It would also suggest the use of measures of corporate expenditures, such as cost of goods sold. However accrual accounting creates a problem. By the matching principle, these expenditures are allocated to the 10 of interest rates is high in a particular year, the money holdings should also be high. If the standard deviation of interest rates is low, then the cash position is predicted to be low. 2B. Evidence The results of annual cross-section regressions of log cash on log total assets are shown in Figure 3a. The striking result from these regressions is the remarkable stability of the parameter estimates across time periods. In every year the regression has an adjusted R2 of about 0.5. In every year the elasticity of money holding with respect to total assets is very close to 0.77. Figure 3b shows that if one replaces total assets by sales in the regression an almost identical result is obtained. If both sales and total assets are included as in Figure 3c, then the sum of their coefficient is stable across time at about 0.8. However prior to 1988 sales dominates total assets, while the reverse is found afterwards. The sum of cash and short term investments constitute the highly liquid corporate assets. Figure 4 shows that with respect to sales, very similar results are obtained for the set of liquid corporate assets. Figure 5 shows that if one removes the cash component, then again similar results are found for the economies of scale in short term investments. The standard errors reported in the tables are based on an assumption of independence across periods. If there is serial correlation at the firm level, then these estimates may be biased. In the individual cross-section estimates of the specification corresponding to column A of Table 1, the standard error on the scale variable was usually about 0.015. When both sales and total assets are included in the same cross section regression the standard errors are about 0.03 on each of them. With respect to serial correlation problems, these seem like reasonable upper bound estimates for the true standard errors on the scale variables. Introduction of industry dummies had revenue that they helped to generate, rather than being recorded when they occurred. Accordingly we stay away from their use. 11 a negligible impact on the standard errors on the scale variables.10 Over all we do not think that serial correlation is a big problem for our interpretation of the data. Firm size by itself, whether measured by sales or by total corporate assets, does a remarkably good job of accounting for corporate cash positions. Larger firms hold a lower proportion of their assets in the form of cash. There is good evidence of economies of scale in firm size. This relationship is highly stable across years. As found by Vogel and Maddala (1967), distinguishing between sales and total assets as measures of firm size is difficult since they seem to play very much the same role in accounting for corporate cash holdings. An increase in short term interest rates induces an increase in corporate cash holding. An increase in long term interest rates induces a reduction in corporate cash holding. These effects are not nearly as strong as the firm size effects, but they are statistically significant at conventional significance levels. If only a single interest rate variable is included, then whether it is short term or long term, the coefficient is negative and significant. Numerically it is between the short and long rates reported in Table 1. As hypothesized, the option argument accounts for the effect of the variance of short term interest rates. The variance of long term interest rates, produced an effect that is statistically indistinguishable from zero. Given the limited number of years in the panel, the interest rate and option effects are surprisingly significant, and insensitive to minor variations in specification. Annual dummy variables were not included in the regressions reported in Table 1. In other regressions, they were included. The coefficients of interest were essentially unaffected. In no case was an individual year dummy statistically significant at conventional levels. This does not mean that there are no temporal effects. In the years 1975 through 1987 the sign on the annual dummy 10 The econometric package would not permit us to use firm specific dummies since there are too many firms. However we tried using firm dummies on a subsample, and this did not have much impact on the standard error on sales or total assets. Also, we were not able to isolate much evidence of robust dynamic 12 variable was always negative, while in 1988 through 1994 the sign was always positive. This is consistent with the basic observation that firms doubled their cash holdings in 1988. In Table 1 it is apparent that the industry specific dummies did not have much impact. While not reported in the above table, regressions in levels instead of logs were also run. The level specification led to the same conclusions, but tended to somewhat favor total assets over sales as an explanatory variable. 3. The Effect of Firm-Specific Risk on Cash Holdings Perhaps surprisingly, risk aversion has not played much of a role in studies of corporate money demand; and corporate cash holdings have been largely ignored in studies of corporate risk management.11 The idea that corporations might behave in a risk averse manner due to agency concerns has been a major issue in finance at least since Jensen and Meckling (1976). The agency conflict that seems to be important for our purposes, is that between the owners and the corporate treasurer.12 Suppose the corporate treasurer knows that the company portfolio he is managing will be marked-to-market and his performance assessed on a quarterly basis.13 In that case he will be concerned about the ongoing market values of the assets. He will not just buy-and-hold, ignoring the market values prior to maturity. If the treasurer is risk averse then changing risk conditions in the financial markets will cause him to alter the company’s money holdings. Similarly if there is an increase in uncertainty about the operating cash flows of the firm, then in order to avoid being caught short, the treasurer will hold more cash in the company effects in the data. This is not surprising since corporate treasurers are not likely to worry too much about last year when determining the current portfolio. Furthermore there are only twenty years of data. 11 Stulz (1984) developed a theory of corporate hedging based on managerial risk aversion. For recent theories of corporate hedging, see Froot, Scharfstein and Stein (1993) who stress the lower shadow price of internal funds, and DeMarzo and Duffie (1995) who stress the revelation of managerial ability. Nance, Smith and Smithson (1993) provide evidence that small firms hedge less than do large firms. 12 We think of this as running through the employment contract of the treasurer, rather than through the corporate capital structure. 13 Institutional literature suggests that currently marking-to-market is commonly done monthly, although in some firms even more frequent assessment is in use. See for example page 3 of the Corporate Finance Risk Management & Derivatives Yearbook 1996. 13 portfolio. Such an increase in uncertainty can happen directly due to fluctuations in the goods market that the firm deals in. Or it could happen if the firm increases its research and development efforts. Such efforts are inherently rather risky and may make it harder for the corporate treasurer to predict the firm’s need for liquidity. There are a variety of differing effects all of which come under the general heading of risk. Evidence of aggregate risk impacts have already been provided above. The upward shift in corporate cash holding after the stock market crash of 1987 was illustrated. Similarly the option value of money in years of high volatility of interest rates has also been documented. Firm specific risks to be considered are: risk associated with fluctuations in operating cash flows, risk due to high levels of research and development, and risk of corporate assets as measured in the financial markets. Perhaps the single most important type of risk for the corporate treasurer is due to fluctuations in the operating cash flows. The treasurer needs to ensure that the company has money available when and where it is needed, and yet needs to ensure that the firm’s financial resources are not being underutilized. We calculated the standard deviation of annual operating cash flows for the years 1985 to 1994 using the data extending back to 1975. Relative to the day to day time frame on which many corporate treasurers need to operate, this annual measure is a fairly crude device. In each case we required that a firm have at least 5 years of prior data with which to calculate the standard deviation. The method of estimating the standard deviation of operating cash flows has implications for the interpretation of Table 2. By construction there is a correlation in this explanatory variable from year to year since there is overlapping data in use. This lack of independence may be unfortunate from a statistical perspective. However it is unavoidable, and it does correspond to the increasing amount of history that occurs naturally each year. A reader who is concerned about this 14 lack of independence should look only at the results for 1994 in Table 2, since that is the year with the most prior history. There is little loss in interpretation with such a focus. In most respects it proved very hard to tell apart the effects of sales and total assets as scale variables. This is unfortunate since, as argued by Vogel and Maddala (1967), they have potentially rather different economic interpretations. However in this respect Table 2 and Figure 6 proved to be quite informative. To a considerable extent, the explanatory power of both sales and total assets appears to have derived from the fact that they are correlated with the standard deviation of operating cash flows, a major omitted corporate risk factor. This appears to be stronger in the data after 1987 than before. These results call into question the idea that total assets were actually serving as a proxy for wealth, as suggested by Vogel and Maddala (1967). The next approach to quantifying the effect of risk is to look at the riskiness of corporate assets as reflected in the financial markets. We take the simplest approach we could find to do this.14 Using stock price data from the Center for Research in Security Pricing, we computed a βassets for each firm in each year.15 The first approach was to regress the stock price on the value weighted market portfolio during the year in question. We then used the textbook formula16 to unlever the βequity. This formula assumes no default risk and so is only a crude approximation. The second approach to calculating the βequity involved using 5 year rolling windows and monthly returns data. Again the resulting coefficients were unlevered using the textbook formula. These two It should be stressed that we are using these βassets measures only as rough proxies for the financial market’s assessment of the riskiness of the corporate assets. For our purposes such measures seem sufficient. We are not trying to find a best fit asset pricing model. There is a significant debate over which approach to asset pricing works best, see Fama and French (1992) and Jagannathan and Wang (1996). We have nothing to add to that debate. 15 In the textbook interpretation βassets captures all risk that matters to the shareholders. This does not preclude the possibility that other elements of risk might affect corporate behavior. For example suppose that a firm finds that the supply of physical inputs becomes more erratic. In reaction to this increased risk, the firm might well react by holding a larger inventory of inputs. Such behavior would not be a refutation of the CAPM. 16 Let t be the corporate tax rate, D is riskless debt, E is equity. Then the textbook formula is βequity = (1+(1-t)D/E) βassets. 14 15 approaches generate rather different firm specific values for the βassets. However when used in subsequent regressions, each measure generated the same basic patterns of significance in the regressions. Accordingly we only report results using the first approach, and we did not try to further refine the estimation procedures. As can be seen in Table 3 the expected βassets effect on corporate money holding are found.17 Higher asset risk as measured in the financial market is associated with higher money demand. This effect does not alter the significance of the other parameters very much, and so it appears to reflect an independent effect. The one exception to this pattern, as discussed below, concerns the industry dummy variables. Perhaps half or more of the effect accounted for by the βassets can also be accounted for through the use of industry dummy variables. It is a much restricted sample of firms that report expenditures on research and development. Almost by definition, such expenditures are highly risky. Firms who report positive R&D are larger than the average firm by about 50%. Despite this, the estimated parameters for the set of firms who report strictly positive R&D expenditures are generally rather similar to the broader set of firms. If one adds R&D expenditures as a covariate in its own right; the more R&D the firm does, the greater its demand for cash. Once again, riskier firms hold more cash. Nance, Smith and Smithson (1993) find that smaller firms engage in less off balance sheet hedging behavior. They find that firms that do more research and development do more hedging, and that firms that hedge hold less liquid assets. The results here show that small firms hold much more in the way of cash than do large firms. Thus the firm size and firm liquidity results of Nance, Smith, and Smithson (1993) may have a common source. The research and development findings are essentially the same as in Nance, Smith, and Smithson (1993). As a robustness check we also tried using the βequity instead. The effects came through less strongly, but none the less the same effects were still present, and were still statistically significant. 17 16 To directly test the idea that cash is held as a precaution against future volatility in costs and revenues, one might simply look at the realized future volatility of sales revenues, and their impact on current cash holdings.18 Under the joint hypothesis that cash is being held for risk management reasons and that managers expectations are right on average, we expect higher future volatility to induce higher current cash holdings. In order to implement such a test we required that firms have at least five years of data available to calculate the volatility of sales revenue. In this case it is five years of future data. This implies that the estimated coefficient on sales volatility will be biased towards zero, since only firms that survive for at least five more years will be included. The extreme cases in which the firms sales fall to zero are removed from the sample. The coefficient on total assets may be biased upward. The reason is that firms with high total assets are more likely to survive, and so will be over sampled. Since larger firms also hold more cash, the coefficient on total assets will be biased upwards. Despite such potential biases, we did try such regressions. As is shown in Table 4, the future volatility effect came through as hypothesized. The bias was not sufficiently strong to wipe out the effect of the volatility of future sales on current cash holdings. There is a lack of independence between the individual year results. However there is no easy way around the problem. Focusing only on the results for 1975 (the year with the most future data available to us) will not alter any interpretations. 4. Short Term Investments In addition to cash, corporations also hold a range of short term financial assets (inv). These are somewhat riskier than cash, but they typically have a higher return. From the Compustat data, this is the category cash and short term investments, minus the cash component. Since these assets attract a higher return, corporate treasurers will tend to move resources into these assets when they 18 We thank Anjan Thakor for suggesting we try this. 17 are temporarily unneeded. However they are riskier than cash and so they do not strictly dominate cash. One possibility would be to analyze the cash and short term investments together, as a single variable. The idea is that this would serve as a type of robustness check on any results. As illustrated in Figure 4, we did this with respect to the firm scale variables. However we do not do this here. The reason is that according to theory, these assets will behave differently in response to changes in interest rates. Aggregating them into one variable would make it harder to identify interest rate effects. In fact a trap is created by the argument that, as a practical matter, any individual interest rate will suffice to represent the term structure of interest rates. Consider regressing the log of the aggregate of cash and short term investments, on a constant, log of sales, and log short term interest rate. Then serious misinterpretation will follow. A positive but insignificant coefficient is found on the interest rate. Consider replacing the short term interest rate with a long term interest rate in that regression. In this case a negative, but insignificant coefficient is found. One would then be tempted conclude that as an empirical matter, theory is wrong and interest rates do not matter. This misinterpretation would be due to aggregating effects that are working in different directions. Short term investments exhibit economies of scale that are similar in magnitude to cash. In this case there is some evidence that sales are a better scale variable than is total assets. The riskiness of company assets as measured by βassets has a much stronger effect in elevating short term investments than it does on corporate cash holdings. Once again βassets seems to be accounting for many of the same effects as the industry dummy variables. The firms who carry out more R&D get a lower loading on the βassets. This is reasonable since for such firms much of the priced risk is presumably associated with their research efforts. 18 High research and development seems to have a greater impact on holdings of short term investments than it does on cash holding. The interest rate effects in Table 5 all have the reverse sign and similar magnitudes to their effects on cash demand. This suggests a particularly simply interpretation. Corporate treasurers are able to substitute between money and other short term investments. But they are not permitted to substitute between such financial assets and the physical assets of the firm.19 This is consistent with institutional descriptions of corporate decentralization of tasks to different divisions. Table 6 and the results depicted in Figure 7 are important in interpreting the role of the two scale variables, sales and total assets. In contrast to many other regressions, in this case the effects of total assets is now indistinguishable from zero. The holdings of short term investments is independent of the total assets level of the firm. However it is not independent of the level of sales, nor of the standard deviation of operating cash flows. Variation in operating cash flows is the most significant single factor, but the level of sales is also important. Table 7. carries out the test of the extent to which future volatility of cash flow can account for current holdings of short term investments. As discussed previously, the coefficient on the volatility of future sales is biased towards zero due to the requirement that the firm continues to exist in the data for at least a further five years. As hypothesized, future sales revenue volatility does induce higher current holdings of short term investments. In this case however the impact of total assets is not wiped out. 19 To corroborate this hypothesis we regressed the total assets of the firm less all the cash and short term investments, against both the long and the short term interest rates. Under our hypothesis we predicted that there should be no correlation. As predicted, despite having 32,133 observations, the adjusted R2 for the regression is only 0.0003. Of course this is a rather weak test. 19 5. Conclusions According to Friedman and Kuttner (1992) there is not much of a connection between money and real economic activity. Goldfeld and Sichel (1990) point to innovations in corporate cash management practices as important in accounting for the out-of-sample misbehavior of time series estimates of aggregate money demand during the 1970s and early 1980s. Such studies might lead one to believe that there would be a great deal of instability in corporate cash holdings. In fact the parameter estimates are not characterized by such instability. Instead there is a highly stable relationship between firm size and the firm’s cash position.20 An equation estimated in 1975 for example, will do an excellent job of fitting the data many years later.21 We were unable to isolate evidence of significant temporal fluctuations in the relationships, with one important exception. After the stock market crash of 1987, there was a shift in corporate assets, from short term investments to cash. The findings can be summarized quite simply. As suggested by the transactions theory, there are economies of scale in the holdings of both cash and other short term investments. When the term structure of interest rates changes, companies move resources back and forth between cash, and other short term investments. To a considerable extent all such highly liquid assets are held for risk management reasons. The risks that are being handled can be divided into firm specific and aggregate risks. The firm specific risks are associated with elevated holdings of both cash, and other short term investments. Increased aggregate risks induce substitutions away from short term investments and towards cash holding. A particularly striking illustration of this point, 20 Since we know that there were improvements in cash management technology, the extreme stability of the parameters over a twenty year period might have been puzzling. Recognition that to a large extent these resources are being held for risk management purposes, makes the parameter stability much less surprising. 21 Consistent with Lucas (1988), the findings suggest that the time-series method may not be all that effective at isolating the correct specification in the data. This may be due to the small number of observations available in the typical time-series study. The poor performance out of sample emphasized by Goldfeld and Sichel (1990) and others, may well say more about econometric methods and sample sizes, than it does about instability in the financial structure of the economy. 20 is the reaction to the stock market crash of 1987 which appears to have induced a structural change in corporate cash holding. Corporate cash and short term investment holdings appear to be a significant component of risk management activity, particularly by smaller firms. Firms that have riskier cash flows hold more of both cash and short term investments. When the economic environment looks riskier, companies tend to move resources into cash. 21 Appendix - Some Features of the Data Table A1. Descriptive Statistics mean minimum maximum N σ cash and short term investments 120.61 558.7 0.001 16,710 27,143 cash 61.996 367.5 0.001 12,290 27,143 sales 1766.3 5961.2 0.001 125,200 27,143 total assets 1786.3 5522.7 0.0650 95,040 27,143 short rate 0.068 0.027 0.0298 0.1407 27,143 long rate 0.083 0.021 0.0515 0.1349 27,143 0.009 0.006 0.0012 0.0266 27,143 σ of short rate R&D 74.81 264.05 0.002 4,194 8,912 Dollar values are in millions of 1982-84 dollars. All values of zero or less were deleted. N is the number of observations. For the 8,912 firm-years that report R&D > 0, the mean value of cash is 111.2, the mean value of total assets less cash is 2395.4, and the mean value of sales is 2,720.1, measured in millions of 1982-4 dollars. Table A2. Correlations log cash log cash 1.0 log sales 0.745 log total 0.750 assets log short -0.115 rate log long -0.137 rate -0.089 log σ of short rate log R&D 0.749 Calculations are based on on 8,912 observations. log sales log total assets log short rate log long rate 1.0 0.932 1.0 0.008 -0.010 1.0 0.0004 -0.015 0.945 1.0 0.012 -0.004 0.789 0.800 log σ of short rate log R&D 1.0 0.826 0.850 -0.013 -0.016 -0.006 1.0 27,146 observations except for the R&D correlations which are based 22 Table 1. Dependent variable: log cash independe A B C D E F G H nt variable constant -2.570 -6.163 -6.216 -6.006 -6.034 NA -6.240 NA (0.025) (0.123) (0.120) (0.122) (0.122) (0.120) log total 0.418 0.772 0.772 0.826 0.419 0.548 assets (0.011) (0.004) (0.004) (0.005) (0.011) (0.015) log sales 0.772 0.771 0.380 0.380 0.289 (0.004) (0.004) (0.011) (0.011) (0.015) log short 0.404 0.458 0.522 0.471 0.492 0.411 0.455 rate (0.063) (0.062) (0.063) (0.064) (0.058) (0.063) (0.057) log long -1.870 -1.901 -1.956 -2.102 -2.020 -2.034 -1.967 rate (0.108) (0.105) (0.108) (0.112) (0.101) (0.109) (0.100) 0.097 0.097 0.088 0.089 log σ (0.020) (0.018) (0.020) (0.018) short term rate industry no no no no no yes no yes dummies adj. R2 0.555 0.528 0.596 0.579 0.579 0.661 0.596 0.665 N 27,146 27,146 27,146 27,146 27,146 27,146 27,146 27,146 Coefficients on the constant terms and on the dummy variable terms are not reported when industry dummies are included. N is the number of observations. Total asset is adjusted by removing cash from it. All variables are significant at a 99% level of confidence. Table 2. Dependent variable: log cash Year: Independent variables constant 1985 1990 1994 -0.959 (0.080) -0.401 (0.066) -0.559 (0.067) 1985 1990 1994 -2.782 -1.436 -1.868 (0.171) (0.136) (0.127) log total assets 0.105 0.130 0.219 (0.068) (0.055) (0.052) log sales 0.492 0.229 0.244 (0.056) (0.048) (0.044) 0.855 0.939 0.959 0.233 0.570 0.486 log σ operating cash flows (0.026) (0.020) (0.020) (0.061) (0.049) (0.045) adj. R2 0.585 0.573 0.558 0.659 0.592 0.590 N 785 1,636 1,835 785 1,636 1,835 N is the number of observations. Total assets is adjusted by subtracting the cash component. 23 Table 3. Dependent variable: log cash independe A B nt variable constant -5.918 -5.944 (0.131) (0.131) log total 0.770 0.770 assets (0.005) (0.005) log sales log short rate log long rate log σ of short rate βassets 0.557 (0.067) -2.067 (0.115) 0.233 (0.009) 0.513 (0.068) -2.200 (0.119) 0.087 (0.021) 0.232 (0.009) C D E F G H -6.152 (0.132) -6.174 (0.132) -6.178 (0.129) 0.429 (0.012) 0.371 (0.012) 0.487 (0.066) -1.998 (0.113) -6.201 (0.129) 0.429 (0.012) 0.371 (0.012) 0.447 (0.067) -2.120 (0.117) 0.079 (0.021) 0.195 (0.009) -6.086 (0.020) 0.568 (0.030) 0.126 (0.028) 0.241 (0.102) -1.924 (0.177) 0.091 (0.032) 0.254 (0.037) 0.190 (0.012) no NA 0.542 (0.036) 0.158 (0.033) 0.224 (0.097) -1.857 (0.169) 0.097 (0.030) 0.052 (0.039) 0.169 (0.017) yes 1980 1984 0.774 (0.005) 0.421 (0.068) -1.95 (0.116) 0.162 (0.010) 0.774 (0.005) 0.384 (0.069) -2.061 (0.120) 0.074 (0.021) 0.162 (0.010) 0.195 (0.009) log R&D industry no no no no no no dummies adj. R2 0.577 0.577 0.571 0.571 0.593 0.593 0.692 0.729 N 22,377 22,377 22,377 22,377 22,377 22,377 8,912 8,912 N is the number of observations. Total assets is adjusted by subtracting out cash. All are coefficients are significant at 99%, except in column H in which the coefficient on βassets was not significant, and the coefficient on the long rate was only significant at a 95% level. Table 4. Dependent variable: log cash Year: Independent variables constant 1975 1980 1984 -1.843 (0.107) -2.017 (0.108) -1.966 (0.115) 1975 -2.757 -2.872 -3.030 (0.085) (0.099) (0.111) log total assets 0.629 0.527 0.578 (0.021) (0.025) (0.030) 0.751 0.736 0.739 0.226 0.288 0.234 log σ future sales revenue (0.021) (0.022) (0.025) (0.023) (0.028) (0.034) adj. R2 0.539 0.513 0.486 0.743 0.657 0.637 N 1127 1062 896 1127 1062 896 N is the number of observations. Total assets is adjusted by subtracting the cash component. 24 Table 5. Dependent variable: log short term investments independe A B C D nt variable constant -1.679 -2.011 -0.992 -0.628 (0.041) (0.043) (0.162) (0.164) log total 0.707 assets (0.007) log sales 0.733 0.721 0.724 (0.007) (0.006) (0.006) log short -0.651 -0.508 rate (0.108) (0.110) log long 1.402 1.389 rate (0.150) (0.152) -0.134 -0.141 log σ of (0.034) (0.034) short rate 0.802 0.805 1.030 βassets (0.035) (0.035) (0.035) log R & D E F G H -0.979 (0.161) 0.253 (0.018) 0.487 (0.018) -0.613 (0.107) 1.418 (0.149) -0.138 (0.034) 0.876 (0.035) NA 0.187 (0.238) 0.242 (0.043) 0.305 (0.040) -0.516 (0.152) 1.386 (0.213) -0.131 (0.047) 0.451 (0.050) 0.274 (0.016) no NA 0.003 (0.054) 0.443 (0.049) -0.429 (0.143) 1.344 (0.202) -0.143 (0.044) 0.395 (0.052) 0.340 (0.024) yes 1990 1994 0.428 (0.027) 0.320 (0.027) -0.465 (0.099) 1.504 (0.138) -0.169 (0.031) 0.433 (0.039) industry no no no no no yes dummies adj. R2 0.453 0.472 0.475 0.457 0.482 0.562 0.591 0.643 N 15,228 15,228 15,228 15,228 15,228 15,228 6,510 6,510 Total assets in this case is adjusted by subtracting short term investments. N is the number of observations. All are coefficients are significant at 99%, except in column G the constant is insignificant. In column H, the coefficient on total assets was not significant. Table 6. Dependent variable: log short term investments Year: 1985 1990 Independent variables constant 0.381 -0.347 (0.129) (0.158) log total assets 1994 -0.267 -0.975 -1.143 (0.278) (0.344) (0.289) -0.217 -0.175 0.004 (0.109) (0.138) (0.124) log sales 0.420 0.409 0.287 (0.093) (0.126) (0.109) 0.865 0.851 0.855 0.658 0.605 0.556 log σ operating cash flows (0.038) (0.044) (0.040) (0.100) (0.127) (0.104) adj. R2 0.467 0.414 0.427 0.484 0.425 0.438 N 584 520 618 584 520 618 Log inv means the log of the short term investments. N is the number of observations. 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Dev. 1993 Figure 3a Annual Results ln(Cash) = a + b ln(Total Assets - Cash) 1.5 5000 0.5 4500 4000 -0.5 3500 -1.5 3000 Parameter Values -2.5 2500 -3.5 2000 -4.5 1500 -5.5 1000 -6.5 500 0 -7.5 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 Year observations a b Pooled Regression: ln(Cash) = -2.53 + 0.775 ln(Total Assets - Cash) 4 1993 Figure 3b Annual Results ln(Cash) = a + b ln(Sales) 1.5 5000 0.5 4500 4000 -0.5 3500 -1.5 3000 Parameter Values -2.5 2500 -3.5 2000 -4.5 1500 -5.5 1000 -6.5 500 0 -7.5 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 Year observations a b Pooled Regression: ln(Cash) = -2.57 + 0.772 ln(Sales) 5 1993 Figure 3c Annual Results ln(Cash) = a + b1 ln(Sales) + b2 ln(Total Assets - Cash) 5000 0.5 4500 -0.5 Parameter Values 4000 -1.5 3500 -2.5 3000 2500 -3.5 2000 -4.5 1500 -5.5 1000 -6.5 500 0 -7.5 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 Year observations a b2 b1 Pooled Regression: ln(Cash) = -2.70 + 0.368 ln(Sales) + 0.432 ln (Total Assets - Cash) 6 Figure 4 Annual Results ln(Cash + Inv.) = a + b ln(Sales) 1.5 5000 0.5 4500 4000 -0.5 3500 -1.5 3000 Parameter Values -2.5 2500 -3.5 2000 -4.5 1500 -5.5 1000 -6.5 500 -7.5 0 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 Year observations a b Pooled Regression: ln(Cash + Inv.) = -1.79 + 0.774 ln(Sales) 7 Figure 5 Annual Results ln(Inv.) = a + b ln(Sales) 1.5 2000 0.5 1800 1600 -0.5 1400 -1.5 1200 Parameter Values -2.5 1000 -3.5 800 -4.5 600 -5.5 400 -6.5 200 0 -7.5 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 Year observations a b Pooled Regression: ln(Inv.) = -1.74 + 0.728 ln(Sales) 8 1993 Figure 6 Operating Cash Flow Uncertainty Effects ln(Cash) = a + b1 ln(Total Assets - Cash) + b2 ln(Sales) + b3 ln(Std. Dev. OCF) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Parameter Values 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Year b1 b2 9 b3 1992 1993 1994 Figure 7 Operating Cash Flow Uncertainty Effects ln(Inv.) = a + b1 ln (Total Assets - Inv.) + b2 ln(Sales) + b3 ln(Std. Dev. OCF) 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Parameter values 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Year b1 b2 10 b3 1992 1993 1994