Anti-Corruption Trust of Southern Africa (ACT-Southern Africa) -Campaigners against Corruption in Southern Africa- REPORTING FORM Note: The Anti-Corruption Trust of Southern Africa (ACT-Southern Africa) has a dedicated team of lawyers who advises individuals and institutions on corruption related cases and where possible refer to appropriate agencies for further assistance. ALL INFORMATION WILL BE TREATED WITH STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY 1. Personal Details Title Full Name Country Mr. Ms. Dr. Mrs Miss Mark your country of residence Angola Botswana DRC Lesotho Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Seychelles South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe Physical Address Postal Address Contact Numbers E-Mail Work Cell Home 2. Your Complaint 2.1 Who are you complaining against? Title Full Name Mr. Ms. Dr. Mrs Miss Position Mark the country where the case happened Page | 1 Country Angola Botswana DRC Lesotho Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Seychelles South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe Organisation Physical Address Postal Address Contact Numbers E-Mail Work Cell Home 2.2 Why are you making a report to ACT-Southern Africa? The case falls under which of the following category. We have made an effort to define what each category entails but this is largely determined by national legislation in each of the SADC member states. Type of Case Bribery1 4 Extortion 6 Nepotism Trading in influence Concealment Mark Type of Case Embezzlement2 Mark 5 Abuse of Discretion Improper political 7 contributions Illicit enrichment Obstruction of justice Type of Case Fraud3 Mark Conflict of Interest Abuse of office or functions Laundering of proceeds of crime 1 Bribery is a broad term that entails the offering of money, services, company shares, inside information, sexual and other favours, entertainment, employment or other valuables to persuade someone to do something in return. Synonyms: kickbacks, baksheesh, payola, hush money, sweetener, protection money, boodle, and gratuity. The benefit may be passed directly or indirectly to the person being bribed, or to a third party such as a friend, relative, associate, favourite charity, private business, political party or election campaign. Types of bribery include: influence peddling, offering or receiving improper gifts, bribery to avoid liability for taxes or other costs, bribery in support of fraud, bribery to avoid criminal liability, bribery in favour of unfair competition and bribery to obtain confidential or inside information to name but a few. 2 Embezzlement: the taking of money, property or other valuables by the person to whom it has been entrusted for personal benefit. 3 Fraud: the use of deceit, trickery or false pretences to induce someone to turn over money, property, or other valuables voluntarily. Synonyms: swindle, deceit, double-dealing, cheat, and bluff 4 Extortion: the demanding or taking of money, property or other valuables through use of coercion and/or force. A typical example of extortion would be when armed police or military men exact money for passage through a roadblock. Synonyms include blackmail, bloodsucking and extraction. 5 Abuse of discretion: the abuse of office for private gain, but without external inducement or extortion. Patterns of such abuses are usually associated with bureaucracies in which broad individual discretion is created, few oversights or accountability structures are present, as well as those in which decision-making rules are so complex as to neutralise the effectiveness of such structures even if they exist. 6 Nepotism: a form of favouritism that involves family relationships. It decribes situations in which a person exploits his or her power and authority to procure jobs or other favours for relatives. 7 Improper political contributions: payments made in an attempt to unduly influence present or future activities by a party or its members when they are in office. Page | 2 Or I have other information apart from the above that I wish to share 2.3 When did this happen? Date Time Place 2.4 What happened? Describe in detail the events that you want to make a report about. We need to know what happened, where it happened, when it happened and how it happened? Please give us details about dates, locations and other specific details as you can remember regarding the alleged act of corruption. Page | 3 2.5 Who else witnessed the incident? Ref Name Address Tel e-mail 2.6 Are you making this report on behalf of someone else? Yes No If YES, when, where and how did you become aware of this incident? If NO, are you a witness to this allegation? Page | 4 3. Further Information 3.1 Supporting evidence Please attach copies of any documents that may help us investigate your complaint, such as pictures, emails, letters, receipts, and other records. If you cannot do this, please tell us about the documents or other evidence and how this evidence can be obtained 3.2 What outcome are you seeking? Page | 5 3.3 Are you willing to meet with members of the ACT-Southern Africa, should more information be required? Yes No 3.4 Have you made a complaint or discussed this alleged act of corruption with another person or agency? If so please provide details of the person/agency you have discussed with and give details of outcomes of such interaction. Please also attach copies of any letters you have received from the person/agency 3.5 Have you tried to resolve the matter in any other way? If so give details: Page | 6 3.6 Give any other information that you want to share with ACT-Southern Africa DECLARATION I hereby swear or affirm that the above information and relevant supporting documentation is to the best of knowledge and belief accurate and is provided in good faith. ____________________________________________ ______________________________ Signature Date Remember to: • • Sign and date this document; and Attach relevant copies of any documentation Send to : Anti-Corruption Trust of Southern Africa Legal Services Programme 46 Lawson Avenue, Milton Park, P. O. Box A1782, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe Telephone: +263773302830 e-mail: For Official Use Only Case Reference Number Date and Time Received Name of a Legal Representative assigned Complaint Accepted/Rejected Page | 7