Georgia State University Campus Walking Tour Name:___________________________________ Date:_________________________ Georgia State University Walking Tour The purpose of this walk is to introduce you to some of the resources available to you at Georgia State University. Begin your walking tour in Library Plaza at the entrance to Sparks Hall. Use the Georgia State University campus map, which you can access by going to the following link at the end of this chapter. Directions Enter Sparks Hall and take the stairs to first floor. Locate the University Health Services, Suite 147 Sparks. The clinic is free for students. You can see a doctor, get shots and obtain medicine. 1. What is located in the hallway on the left between the hall lockers leading to the entrance to Health Services? ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Go back down the hall and turn left. To your right you will see the Cashier’s Office. Go down the hall and notice Student Accounts on your right. Walk to the end of this hall. You’ll see the Office of Financial Aid. Financial Aid counselors are seen by referrals only from the One Stop Shop. Go up the stairs and turn to the right. You will see the Admissions Office on your right. Keep walking down the hall and notice the Office of Undergraduate Studies on your left. The Office of Undergraduate Studies facilitates the Freshmen Learning Communities, Atlanta-Based Learning and State Scholars programs and manages the Perspectives 2001 and 2002 and GSU 1010: New Student Orientation courses. Continue down the hall until you come to the One Stop Shop (Enrollment Services) on your right. The One Stop Shop staff is able to address all of your enrollment concerns, including questions about student accounts, financial aid, and registration. 2. What are located directly across from the One Stop Shop for students to use? _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Leave the One Stop Shop and notice the Graduation Office on your right. 3. When must undergraduate students apply for graduation? ______________________________________________________________________________ Continue down the hall and notice the Atlanta-Based Learning office on your left. ABL also promotes academic and civic engagement within the greater Atlanta community that encourages students to participate in activities that generate connections between the academic curriculum and the urban Atlanta environment. 4. Who is the Program Manager for Atlanta-Based Learning? ____________________________ Turn right and the International Student and Scholar Services Office will be on your left. At the end of the hall turn right. The Student Advisement Center is at the end of the hall on the right. The Student Advisement Center provides academic advisement for freshmen students, new transfer students, and undecided majors with less than 42 earned credit hours. 5. What are the hours for walk-in advisement? ______________________________________________________________________________ Exit the Student Advisement Center and go through the doors on the right into Kell Hall. Go down the stairs and notice the satellite location of the One Stop Shop on your left in 292 Kell Hall. At this location, students may pick up hard copies of transcripts and enrollment verification at this location. Proceed down the ramp in front of you. Turn left at the bottom of the ramp. 6. What do you see on the left? ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Walk to the end of the hall and turn left. 7. What is at the bottom of the ramp? ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Turn around and go up the ramp. Then turn right pass the Post Office. Now proceed down the hall. You will see the Cooperative Learning Lab: Math Assistance Complex sign. Turn left and walk down to the end of the hall. The Math Assistance Lab is the second door on the right. Here you can get math tutoring and access to computers. 8. What are the Cooperative Learning Lab hours, Monday-Friday? ______________________________________________________________________________ Turn around and go out the door to the street. Turn right and enter the next set of doors into the Arts and Humanities Building. Take the elevator to the second floor. Go down the hallway and to your left. 9. What is at the very end of the hallway on your right? ______________________________________________________________________________ Retrace your steps back to the door to the street. Once outside turn right. Turn right at the first street onto Gilmer Street. Hurt Park is across the street to your left. Walk one block to Courtland Street, and enter Alumni Hall on your left. Turn left inside the building. Walk to the elevators. Notice that the Alumni Development offices are across from the elevators. The development officers raises money for the university for scholarships, special projects, and facilities. Read the sign by the elevator. 10. Where is President Carl Patton’s Office? _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Take the elevator to the ground floor and exit to the left. Notice the exhibit in the open area. Turn left at the exhibit and exit the building. Walk to your left and observe the children playing. This is the Child Development Center for the children of Georgia State University students, faculty, and staff. Keep walking to the left until you come to its entrance. Look inside and notice the official name of the center. 11. What is the name of the Child Development Center? _____________________________________________________________________ Now turn back around and walk up the steps to Gilmer Street. You will see the Student Center across the street in front of you. You probably attended Incept in this building. Enter the Student Center and take the elevator to the second floor. Go down the hall to your right. You will pass the Office of Disability Services. Stop at the University Housing Office. Enter the office. Look at the blueprint of the four-and-six bedroom apartments on the wall. 12. What is the approximate size of a bedroom at the Georgia State University Village? __________________________________________________________________ Exit the office and turn to your left. Continue down the hall. Note the hall to the left. Down this hall, you will find the Office of New Student Programs and numerous campus meeting rooms. The Office of New Student Programs oversees Incept, Welcome Week, Freshman Convocation, and it houses many student organizations. Go through the door marked “Stair No. 3” and proceed up to the third floor. Exit the stairwell and turn right. Go down the hall past the vending machines until you reach the Student Government Association (SGA) Office on the left. Enter the office. There are several free services available to students in the SGA office. These are posted on the wall behind the receptionist. 13. List two services provided by the SGA Office. __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Exit the office. Walk down the hall to your left. You’ll see the Spotlight Programs Board Office and the site where a state-of-the-art computer lab is open to all, across the hall. The Digital Aquarium is a computer lab that provides students with access to the latest high-end workstations equipped with the multimedia production tools needed to support current and future academic programs. All Georgia State University students are able to use the Digital Aquarium to enhance their course work with multimedia. Retrace your steps back down the hall. At the end of the hall, you will see the Student Health Promotions and Education Office. Here you will find educational materials: pamphlets, books, magazines, Internet access with health sites book-marked, and other materials. You can also make an appointment to speak with a health educator. 14. What can you get free in the Student Health Promotion and Education Office? _____________________________________________________________________ Turn right when you reach the windows. Note the study chairs. Proceed down the hall to the Office of Student Life and Leadership on your right. Enter the office. The Office of Student Life and Leadership coordinates several leadership programs: the student media, such as the newspaper, The Signal, TV station, GSTV and radio station, WRAS 88.5; Greek life; Spotlight programming; and the Student Government Association. You are invited to visit the offices. 15. What motivational phrase is on the framed poster on the door in Room 338 to your right? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Exit the office and turn to the right. Turn right past the stairs to the Dean of Students office. 16. Who is the Dean of Students at Georgia State University? _____________________________________________________________________ Exit the office and walk down the hall. This is the Office of African American Student Services and Programs located in Room 315. This office offers tutoring and helps you get involved in special programs. In addition, the Office of Community Services is located on this hall in room 320. Walk to your right toward the elevator. Turn left and go down the hall. Cross over the bridge outside the Urban Life Building. As you walk into that building, look at the bank machine to the left. 17. What bank owns the ATM machine located on the third floor of the Urban Life Building? ______________________________________________________________________________ (Note: Additional ATM machines are located on the first floor of the Student Center and the University Center, located outside Pete’s Arena pizza restaurant). Walk to the right. You will go past the MILE, or the Mathematics Interactive Learning Environment, a computer lab with 82 computers for students in certain math courses. The lab also has scheduled hours for open access use. As you continue, you will see the Campus Club dining area on the left and the bookstore on the right. At the end of the hall, go right up the steps to the fourth floor. Turn left and walk down the hall. Exit the office and go down the hall to your right. This is the area for the fraternities. At the end of the hall, turn right. You will pass the Honors Program office on the left. The next hall on the right is for sororities. Turn left and go down the steps. Go down two flights of stairs to the second floor. Turn right, and you will see Cinefest, the free movie theater. Look at the information on the ticket booth about upcoming movies. Notice that movies are shown during the day, evenings and weekends. 18. What is the charge for non- Georgia State University Cinefest patrons? _____________________________________________________________________ Walk past Cinefest and go down the hall to your left. On this floor are meeting rooms, the offices of Alumni Career Services, University Career Services, and student media: GSTV Studio, The Signal (GSU Newspaper), and WRAS Atlanta 88.5 FM (GSU Radio Station). University Career Services is located in Room 260. This is where you can get help finding a job or deciding on a career. Walk to the office and notice the brochures about their services and programs. Take some if you are interested. You will also notice that University Career Services has interviewing rooms. Exit the building on Courtland Street. Look down the street to your left. You will see a tall brick formation down the street. This is the Counseling Center, located at 106 Courtland Street. The Center provides group and individual counseling, workshops, testing, learning assistance, time management help, stress management assistance, and more. Cross Courtland street at the crosswalk. Go down the stairs onto the plaza. You are now on Library Plaza. Walk to the library on your left. 19. What are the Library hours, Monday- Friday? ______________________________________________________________________________ From the library, head to the left toward the General Classroom Building. Enter this building and proceed to the elevators inside the building. Take the elevator to the ninth floor. Exit the elevators and find the Writing Studio located in Room 976. This is where you can go to get assistance on your writing technique. Services are free. Look at several signs posted in the Center. 20. What is one thing the Writing Studio will not do? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 21. What are the Writing Center hours, Monday- Friday? ______________________________________________________________________________ Turn left outside the Writing Center and return to the elevators. Take the elevator down to the second floor and exit onto the Plaza area. Head toward the right and go across the bridge over Decatur Street and enter Classroom South. Go down the stairs to your right and exit on the first floor. Go to the left through the doors to Library South. Find the computer lab. This is the largest open-access lab on campus. 22. What is the official name and home page address of the Computer Lab Center? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 23. What are the Computer Lab Center hours, Monday-Sunday? ___________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Find the exit door to Decatur Street. It is through the door past the vending machines. Exit to Decatur street and turn left. Continue west on Decatur Street. Yow will be walking past Classroom South on your left and the General Classroom Building on the other side of the street to your right. In the master plan for Georgia State University, this is designated to be our “Main Street” with shops and student services. Cross Peachtree Center Avenue and continue walking west. The next small street is Kimball Street. Turn left and enter the Georgia State University College of Education Building on your right. This is the back door to the building. Walk up the steps. At the top of the steps, turn right and enter the Computer Lab Suite 100-400. These labs are open for your use. They tend not to be as crowded as others, because people don’t know about them. There is also a lab called the Instructional Technology Center on the second floor of this building. Continue walking to the end of this hall and turn left. Walk to the end of that hall. Exit the labs and turn right to leave the building by the front door. Turn right and then cross Decatur Street. 24. What is the name of the bookstore on the corner? Cross the street at Park Place. Notice the building on the corner. This is the One Park Place South Building. This building houses Georgia State University’s Human Resources and Athletics Departments, as well as several academic and administrative offices. Continue on Decatur Street. At the corner, cross Peachtree Street, and you will notice that Decatur becomes Marietta Street. Look to your left across the street. 25. What academic college is located on the corner? . Continue on Marietta Street pass Dania’s Gourmet and Bank of America. This building is home to the J. Mack Robinson College of Business (RCB). Turn right on Broad Street and you will see the entrance to the RCB. Notice the signage on the building. 26. What national register is this building listed on? ______________________________________________________________________________ Continue on Broad Street, and notice the Bank of America clock at the corner. Turn right on Walton Street. At the next corner, turn right on Forsyth Street. Continue on Forsyth along side the Healey Building and Condominiums. Stop at Poplar Street. Look across the street and notice the Hass Howell Building which houses the School of Music. 27. What building is located to the right of the School of Music on the corner? Turn right on Poplar Street. Notice the state-of-the-art classroom building on your left. 28. What is the formal name of the building? ______________________________________________________________________________ Continue on Poplar, and you’ll notice all of the restaurants at Broad and Poplar Streets. Many of these eateries offer discounts to GSU students. Just ask and present your panther card. Continue on Poplar and walk through the signature arches near Moe’s restaurant. Watch for traffic and cross Peachtree Street. Then proceed through Woodruff Park. As you exit the park on Edgewood, notice on the side of the One Park Place building the GSU Police Headquarters. At the corner is a sign advertising the Digital Arts & Entertainment Laboratory. The Digital Arts & Entertainment Laboratory offers state-of-the-art infrastructure for (1) moving image production, (2) moving image postproduction, and (3) research that investigates audience responses to moving images. 29. According to the sign, what kind of equipment is in this facility? . To the right of Edgewood is Georgia Power. Turn right on Edgewood and walk past Sensational Subs. Continue on Hurt Plaza past Joel’s restaurant and walk toward Kell Hall. At the corner of Peachtree Center Avenue and Hurt Plaza, notice the Science Annex Building on your right. This building has offices for science faculty. Cross Peachtree Center Avenue, and turn right into the Arts and Humanities Building. Turn to the left and enter the art display on your left. Exit the exhibit and look to your left to the Art Gallery. Retrace your steps back to Peachtree Center Avenue and exit the building. Turn right onto Edgewood Avenue. You will pass the Arts and Humanities Building again on your left. There is another computer lab in this building as well. Continue walking. You will pass Hurt Park on your left. Some programs and events for students are held in this park. Cross Courtland Street and pass the Student Center. Continue down the block and cross Piedmont Avenue to the Student Recreation Center. If you haven’t already activated your ID in order to use the facility, do so while you’re here! 30. What are the Student Recreation Center hours, Monday-Friday? ______________________________________________________________________________ In the Student Recreation Center, you can take a swim in the indoor pool, play basketball, work out, play video games, or just sit back and relax in the lobby. Enjoy! CONGRATULATIONS! YOUR TOUR ENDS HERE!