Welcome to Temple University Dear Faculty: This form has been created to familiarize you with Temple University’s policies and training requirements and to ensure the timely approval of research applications. Please answer all relevant parts. If you have any questions as you complete the form, please contact the Environmental Health and Radiation Safety Department at (215) 707-2520 or by visiting www.temple.edu/ehrs. Name:_________________ Department_________________ Building: ____________________ Room number:________ ********************************************************************************************* A. Are you going to have or work in a research laboratory? Yes No (if no please go to section B) Please indicate what you are planning to use (check all that apply) 1. Radioactive Materials. If yes, please complete the Authorization form (found at http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/docs/NewRAMuseApplication.pdf) to apply for authorization to use radioactive materials. Please note that if you used radioactive materials in another university and had been trained before, you still must attend a three hour training session relating to Temple license’s conditions and procedures. Otherwise you must attend a six hour training course. Please contact Ms. Kisha Grady, Training Program Coordinator at kgrady@temple.edu to schedule this training. 2. Hazardous Chemicals. Please complete the Hazardous Materials/Operations Registration available at http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/safety/biological-safety/documents/HazardousMaterialsRegistrationForm.pdf. You must also submit a hazardous chemical inventory for upload into CEMS, Temple’s online chemical inventory database. For more information on CEMS, contact Ryan Kohler at 2-9282 or by visiting http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/safety/chemical-safety. 3. 4. 5. Biological Agents a. Recombinant DNA. Please note that use of this requires submitting an application to and getting approval of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) prior to use. Please refer to http://www.temple.edu/research/regaffairs/ibc/index.html for additional information. In addition you need the following training: NIH Guidelines Training is available online through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course, please go to http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. Biological waste training is available online on through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course, please go to http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. The Chemical waste training module is available on line and be accessed through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course, please go to http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. b. CDC Select Agent. Please see http://www.selectagents.gov/Select Agents and Toxins List.html. You will need to apply for authorization to use these agents. The application form is available here: http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/safety/biological-safety/documents/SBA_registration.pdf. Please take the Select Biological Agent Training available online through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course, please go to http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. c. Human (or other primate) Blood, Tissue, Fluids or Cell lines. You and your lab personnel will need Bloodborne pathogen training. Please contact the Ms. Kisha Grady, Training Program Coordinator, via e-mail at kgrady@temple.edu. Controlled substances. Please complete the Hazardous Materials/Operations Registration at http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/safety/biological-safety/documents/HazardousMaterialsRegistrationForm.pdf. X-ray cabinet unit. Please notify EHRS to register and test your device and take the Analytical X-Ray online training through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course, please go to http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. 6. Electron microscope. Please notify EHRS to register and test your device and take the Analytical X-Ray online training through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course, please go to http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. 7. X-ray diffraction. Please notify EHRS to register and test your device and take the Analytical X-Ray Users online training through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course, please go to http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. 8. Fluoroscopy. Please notify EHRS to register and test your device and take the X-ray for Fluroscopy Users online training through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course, please go to http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. 9. Radiograph. Please notify EHRS to register and test your device and take the X-ray for Radiography Users online training through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course, please go to http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. 10. Irradiator. You must apply for security clearance for Unescorted Access and attend irradiator and security training. EHRS will contact you with assistance if this box is checked. 11. MRI. Please notify EHRS to register and test your device and take the MRI Safety Training online through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course, please go to http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. 12. Laser. If using Class 3B or Class 4 lasers please notify EHRS to register and test your device by using the following form http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/safety/laser-safety/documents/LaserRegistrationForm.pdf and take the Laser Safety Training online through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course, please go to http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. 13. Working with animals. Please note that all works with animal(s) required submitting application and getting approval of Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) prior to use. Please refer to http://www.temple.edu/research/regaffairs/iacuc/index.asp for additional information and training requirements. 14. Working with human subjects. Please note that all work involving human subjects, such as testing and/or gathering information, requires submitting an application to and getting approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to performing any research. Please refer to http://www.temple.edu/research/regaffairs/irb/irb_what_is.html for additional information and training requirements. 15. Nano Particles. Please complete the Hazardous Materials/Operations Registration at http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/safety/biological-safety/documents/HazardousMaterialsRegistrationForm.pdf. 16. Hazardous machinery. Please complete the Hazardous Materials/Operations Registration at http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/safety/biological-safety/documents/HazardousMaterialsRegistrationForm.pdf. 17. Bioaerosol substances such as tuberculosis (TB) or entering bioaerosol isolation areas. Please register for Airborne Pathogen training and respirator fit testing. Please contact EHRS at 215 707-2520 (2-2520) to schedule a respiratory fit test. 18. Aerosol producing hazardous substance such as lead, silicon, formaldehyde, xylene, etc. Please complete the Hazardous Materials/Operations Registration at http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/safety/biologicalsafety/documents/HazardousMaterialsRegistrationForm.pdf. EHRS may need to perform exposure evaluation for your work areas. 19. Do you package/prepare and ship (Fed Ex, UPS, DHL, etc.), transfer or transport (in person or by car, plan boat, etc.) Hazardous Materials? You will need to attend Department of Transportation (DOT) required Dangerous Goods Training. Please contact EHRS at 215 707-2520 (2-2520) to schedule this training **************************************************************************** B. Are you going to work in a clinical setting? Yes No(if no please go to section C) 1. You are required to have Bloodborne pathogen training. Please contact EHRS at 215 707-2520 (2-2520). 2. Contact with TB patients. Please register for Airborne Pathogen training and for respirator fit testing. Please contact EHRS at 215 707-2520 (2-2520) to schedule respiratory fit test. 3. Working with Hazardous drugs (e.g. chemotherapeutic agents). Please take the online Hazardous Drugs Safety Training through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course, please go to http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. 4. Working with infectious agents. Please take the online Biological Safety and Airborne Pathogens training modules. These modules are located under Initial Safety Training, which can be accessed through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the courses, please go to this website http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. 5. Working with radioactive materials. Please complete the Authorization form (found at http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/safety/radiation-safety/documents/NewRAMuseApplication.pdf) to apply for authorization to use radioactive materials. 6. Working with x-ray producing equipment. Please complete the Radiation Worker Registration Form(found at http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/safety/radiation-safety/documents/RadWorkerReg.pdf) and take the appropriate online X-ray training (e.g., analytical, fluoroscopy, and/or radiography) through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course(s), please go to this website http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. C. 7. Working with MRI. Please take the MRI Safety Training through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course(s), please go to this website http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/traininginstructions.asp. 8. Working with lasers. If using Class 3B or Class 4 lasers please notify EHRS to register and test your device by using the following form http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/safety/laser-safety/documents/LaserRegistrationForm.pdf and take the Laser Safety Training online through through Temple University’s Blackboard system. For instructions on how to enroll in the course(s), please go to this website http://www.temple.edu/ehrs/training/training-instructions.asp. 9. Do you package/prepare and ship (Fed Ex, UPS, DHL, etc.), transfer or transport (in person or by car, plan boat, etc.) Hazardous Materials? You will need to attend Department of Transportation (DOT) required Dangerous Goods Training. Please contact EHRS to schedule this training My work does not involve any of the items listed above. ********************************************************************************** Please fax (2-1600) or e-mail (ehrs@temple.edu) completed form to EHRS.