Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison Rising Seniors 2016, please go to page 8 for websites to visit in order to get ready for college during the summer. Get STARTED NOW!!!! $ COLLEGESTEPS CollegeSTEPS is a free program from Wells Fargo with valuable financial aid information and college preparation resources delivered by e-mail. CollegeSTEPS can also be your ticket to education dollars through our scholarship sweepstakes. When you register with College STEPS program, you’re automatically entered for a chance to win scholarship dollars. Award 20 students $1,000 dollars this year. For more information visit the website: https://www.wellsfargo.com/student/planning/scholarships $ COMPENDIUM OF TEXAS COLLEGES AND FINANCIAL AID CALENDER LISTS ALL TEXAS COLLEGES AND THEIR FINANCIAL AID DEADLINES! Look online at http://www.everychanceeverytexan.org/schools_info/schools/ $ SUN TRUST “OFF TO COLLEGE” SWEEPSTAKES Sweepstakes drawing open to high school seniors who are legal residents of the U.S. and are planning to enroll full-time in an accredited school for the Fall of 2013. Fifteen (15) drawings every two weeks for $1,000! Register on-line by May 15, 2015 at http://offtocollege.info $ AL’S FORMAL WEAR SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Senior attending a college or university for 2015-2016. Applications available at: http://www.alsformalwear.com/scholarship-rules.asp Amount: 2 @ $1,000 Deadline: Postmarked by May 31, 2015 $ AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE TROOPERS SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Criteria: This organization provides scholarships to AAST members’ children. An original, official transcript indicating a minimum 2.5 GPA (4.0 scale) at an accredited high school. Application available online at: http://www.statetroopers.org/aboutus/scholarship-information.html Amount: $500-1,000 Deadline: Received by July 31, 2015 $ THE AMERICAN LEGION SCHOLARSHIPS Offers a number of scholarships and other resources to assist young people in their pursuit of higher education. For more information and specific criteria, go to: http://www.legion.org/scholarships/legacy The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Print an Application The American Legion Baseball Scholarship Print an Application Samsung American Legion Scholarship Print an Application National High School Oratorical Contest Oratorical Contest Eligibility Eagle Scout of the Year Print an Application ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 1 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison The Eight and Forty Lung and Respiratory Disease Nursing Scholarship Fund Deadlines: Vary $ COLLEGE PROWLER SCHOLARSHIPS - Variety of scholarships http://collegprowler.com/scholarships $ COMMON KNOWLEDGE SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Instead of essays CKSF uses fun, fast, and easy online quizzes. For more information, go to http://cksf.org/default.cfm $ NAVY RESERVE OFFICER TRAINING CANDIDATE (NROTC) SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: 17 years old by Sept 1, high school graduate, Navy physical qualification, SAT of 530 verbal/520 math or ACT of 22 math/22 English Amount: up to $180,000 (4 yrs of tuition, books, fees paid) Deadline: go to http://www.navy.com/navy/joining/education-opportunities/nrotc.html $ SALLIE MAE'S FREE SCHOLARSHIP SEARCH offers access to an award database that contains more than 3 million scholarships. http://go.salliemae.com/scholarship/defaults.aspx?dtd_cell+SMPLSHWBSMAL7452 $ CSS/FINANCIAL AID PROFILE® The financial aid application service by College Board is a national, not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Many of the member colleges, universities, graduate and professional schools, and scholarship programs use the information collected on PROFILE to help them award nonfederal student aid funds. Click to view the 2013- 14 PROFILE Student Guide. Click to view the list of colleges, universities, and scholarship programs that will use the 2013 14 PROFILE. $ CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University has made the commitment to eliminate need-based loans for students from families with total incomes below $75,000, and cap annual loans at $3,000 for students from families with total incomes between $75,000 and $120,000. Additionally, Cornell has pledged to eliminate the parent contribution for families whose total family income is less than $60,000 and total assets value is less than $100,000. Beginning with the 2011-12 school year, Cornell will match the parental contribution and loan level of other Ivy schools from which students have received an offer, and will strive to also match parental contribution and loan levels at Stanford, Duke and MIT for students receiving offers from those schools For more information go to https://www.finaid.cornell.edu/welcome.cfm ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 2 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison $ DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION NATIONAL SOCIETY Criteria: Senior who demonstrates qualities of dependability service, leadership and patriotism. Multiple scholarships available online at http://www.dar.org/natsociety/edout scholar.cfm Amount: $500 and up to $3,000 Deadline: Varies $ MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT) At MIT, we make all our undergraduate admission decisions without regard to family financial circumstances. We award all our aid based on financial need; and we meet the full need of each student. For more information go to, http://web.mit.edu/sfs/financial_aid/prospective_freshmen_and_transfer.html $ STUDENTS SCHOLARSHIPS.ORG A variety of scholarships are available. http://www.studentscholarships.org/ $ THE TEXAS ARMED SERVICES SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Assist promising students who are committed to education and service, encourages leaders to participate in the Texas Guard, Army National Guard, or Air National Guard, or to become commissioned officers in the United States armed services. Senior, graduating DAP, GPA of 3.0 or better, top third of the graduating class, SAT score of 1590 or ACT score of 23, and appointed by state senator Eddie Lucio. For more information go to http://www.texasarmedservicescholarships.com/ Amount: $10,000 per academic year for up to four years (out of the five years allowed for graduation) toward undergraduate education at any Texas university with an active ROTC program. Deadline: TBA $ OHIO STATE COMPETITIVE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS Criteria: Freshman with academic merit. For more information go to: http://sfa.osu.edu/scholarships/index.asp?tab=b $ OUR LADY OF THE LAKE UNIVERSITY Criteria: Merit-based scholarship program, based on student’s application, high school transcript and SAT/ACT test scores. Providence Scholar Program – full tuition scholarship President’s Academic Excellence Scholarship - $40,000 for 4 years Trustees Scholarship - $30,000 for 4 years Provost Scholarship - $24,000 for 4 years Heritage Scholarship - $16,000 for 4 years Deans Academic Scholarship, $10,000 for 4 years Honors Program Scholarship, $4,000 for 4 years OLLU Alumni Scholarship – for more information go to ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 3 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison http://www.ollusa.edu/s/1190ollo.aspx?sid=1190&gid=1&pgid=1073 $ MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT) At MIT, we make all our undergraduate admission decisions without regard to family financial circumstances. We award all our aid based on financial need; and we meet the full need of each student. For more information go to, http://web.mit.edu/sfs/financial_aid/prospective_freshmen_and_transfer.html $ DARMOUTH COLLEGE All Students from families with incomes of $75,000 or less will receive free tuition. In addition, many will also receive scholarships for associated costs of attendance, i.e., room, board, books and miscellaneous expenses. For more information, go to http://dartmouth.edu/~news/releases/2008/01/22.html HARVARD UNIVERSITY FINANCIAL AID INITIATIVE Announced in December of 2007, Harvard has dramatically reduced the amount expected by families to contribute to the cost of their student’s Harvard education. Harvard no longer require students to take out loans, and parents of financial aid recipients are asked to contribute on average from zero to ten percent of their annual income, with no contribution expected for families with incomes of under 60,000. Those parents with annual incomes of between $120,000 and $180,000 are asked to contribute an average ten percent of their income, with a declining percentage – from ten to zero – for parents with annual incomes between $120,000 and $60,000. For more information http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/financial_aid/hfai/index.html $ MATTERA NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND FOR MIGRANTS Criteria: Assist financially those migrant youth who have the potential and the desire to further their education to achieve their personal and career goals. Eligible applicants must be entering post-secondary programs. For more migrant scholarships online, go to http://www.migrant.net/migrant/scholarships/index.htm Amount: Grants ranging from $150 - $500 Deadline: None $ SCHOOL SOUP SCHOLARSHIP SEARCH Scholarship database: Nearly $35 billion in scholarship money that students will NOT have to repay. Available online at www.schoolsoup.com $ STANFORD UNIVERSITY For parents with total annual income below $100,000 and typical assets for this income range, the expected parent contribution will be low enough to ensure that all tuition charges are covered with needbased scholarship federal and state grants, and / or outside scholarship funds. For more information, go to ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 4 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison http://www.stanford.edu/dept/finaid/undergrad/how/parent.html $ TSTC SCHOLARSHIPS To apply for TSTC scholarships below, use the TSTC Scholarship Application Investment in Competitive Texas Lozano Long Promise Opportunity Scholarship Shell Merit / Incentive Scholarship Texas Top 10 Percent in Graduating Class Scholarship $ YALE UNIVERSITY Yale meets 100% of a student’s demonstrated financial need based on the calculated expected family contribution and estimated cost of attendance. Loans are available only at the request of the student. For more information to http://www.yale.edu/sfas/finaid/finaid-information/finaid-package.html $ MILITARY EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS FOR DEPENDENTS Transfer of Post-9/11 GI-Bill Benefits to Dependents (TEB) For the first time in history, service members enrolled in the Post-9/11 GI Bill program will be able to transfer unused educational benefits to their spouses or children starting Aug. 1, 2009. For more information, go to http://www.gibill.va.gov/post-911/post-911-gi-bill-summary/transfer-of-benefits.html $ STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES SCHOLARSHIPS A variety of scholarships are available at http://www.disability.gov/search/list?q=scholarships&format=html $ TEXAS LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY CHOICE SCHOLARSHIP Large state schools with thousands of students aren‘t for everyone; Now you can choose a small, quality private university for the same cost as UT-Austin or Texas A&M-College Station. If you‘ve been accepted to either of these schools and TLU, you are eligible to receive the CHOICE scholarship and attend TLU at the same cost! For more information, go to http://www.tlu.edu/funding $ VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY Our admissions process is need-blind. This means that your family‘s ability to pay for a Vanderbilt education is not a factor in our admissions process. Vanderbilt will meet 100% of a family‘s demonstrated financial need. With the additional investment that we make in your future, many students often pay no more to attend Vanderbilt than they would pay to attend a college with a lower total cost. Financial aid awards do not include loans. Instead of offering need-based loans to undergraduate students, Vanderbilt offers additional grant assistance. For more information, go to http://www.vanderbilt.edu/financialaid/ ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 5 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison NORTHWOOD UNIVERISTY, CEDAR HILL, TEXAS Scholarships provided to freshman students who meet university requirements and are majoring in some form of business at this campus. Amount: Presidential $9,000 per year; Freedom Scholarship $8,000 per year; Free-Enterprise Scholarship $6,000 per year; Entrepreneur Grant $4,000 per year Apply online at: www.northwood.edu Deadlines vary. $ SCHOLARSHIP FOR HISPANICS website has an Application Section and Free, Program, National Merit, Nursing, International Student, Graduate, Woman, Money, and Hope Scholarships. You can find all of this at: www.scholarshipforhispanics.org $ THE UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON COUGAR PROMISE Guaranteed Free Tuition for Students with Family Income up to $45,000 will guarantee free tuition and mandatory fees to new in-state freshmen with family incomes at or below $45,000. The Cougar Promise is the University of Houston's promise to low income families that college is accessible to their children and that financial aid will be available to them. For more information, go to http://www.uh.edu/financial/undergraduate/types-aid/incentives/cougar-promise/ ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 6 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison NEXT YEAR’S SENIORS 2016! Preparing for college College for Texans http://www.collegefortexans.com/ Generation Texas http://gentx.org/ Applying for college Apply Texas Most Texas Universities www.applytexas.org Common Application Out of state Universities https://www.commonapp.org/CommonApp/default.aspx Testing Websites SAT https://sat.collegeboard.org/home Practice Test: https://sat.collegeboard.org/practice/sat-practice-test ACT http://www.actstudent.org/ Practice Test: http://www.actstudent.org/testprep/ Financial Aid FAFSA- Free Application for Federal Student Aid http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ The Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid http://www.fastweb.com http://www.finaid.org Free College Scholarship Search & Financial Aid Resource CSS Financial Aid Profile https://profileonline.collegeboard.com/prf/index.jsp ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 7 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison ECHS Seniors – College Applications: August 1st is the time to apply for the Fall of 2016. Your College & Career Liaison and Counselor are available to assist you in applying. If you are applying to a Texas college, use the Apply Texas online application at https://ww.applytexas.org . Be aware, that some colleges have their own applications. If you are applying to colleges or universities outside of Texas or a Private University, you may need to use the Common Application online at https://www.commonapp.orgt/CommonApp/default.aspx . Read the application and determine the requirements. Write down the deadline on your calendar. Testing Most colleges and universities require the ACT or SAT be sent by the testing agency. Be sure your scores have been sent to the school(s) you are applying. Check on the ACT and/or SAT Transcripts (ECHS and TSTC) Mail an official ECHS transcript with GPA and rank. Request your official transcript (your grades from ECHS) from the Registrar. Also secure an official transcript from TSTC for your college credits and GPA. Application Fee Mail the check or money order if there is a fee to apply or the form, “Request for Waiver of College Application Fee”, which may be secured from Ms. Pesina. Other Requirements Mail letter(s) of evaluation or recommendation, resume, or essays if required. Check the requirements for your college. After You Have Applied Once you have submitted your application and mailed the required documents to the office of admissions by the deadline, wait for a response. Most colleges will communicate with you via Email. Check your E-mail often and respond to all requests for additional information immediately and keep records of your responses. Keep a file with a copy of your application and other relevant materials, such as copies of letters from colleges or universities, and letters to the schools. CHECK FOR ACCEPTANCE LETTER(S) IN THE MAIL OR E-MAIL ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 8 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison ECHS SENIORS – Steps to apply for Scholarships Application The ECHS Bulletin is updated monthly to provide students with the criteria and online applications. If you are unable to download the application, Ms. Pesina may assist you in securing the application. Read the application and determine the requirements. Type the application or neatly complete the application in black ink. Many University scholarships are available on the www.applytexas.org web site. Transcripts Most scholarships require official transcripts. Request your official transcripts from the ECHS and TSTC Registrars TWO DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE. Essay Type the essay(s). Run a spell check, check for grammatical errors, and have someone proofread it before you mail. Letters of Recommendation Ask your teachers, counselors, administrators, and people in the community for recommendation letters. Give them five (5) days to write a letter. Provide information to your recommender listing your accomplishments. A resume would be a great source of information for the recommender. Due Dates Deadlines are strictly adhered to by the scholarship committees. Deadlines are noted as either “postmarked” or “received by” dates. Students are responsible for mailing application by required deadlines unless otherwise noted in the instructions. Scholarships applications, which are to be submitted to Ms. Pesina, must be received by 10:30 a.m. on the due date. Keep all the documents together to be mailed or submitted. In a large yellow envelope, place the application, official transcripts, essays, resume, and letters of recommendation. Remember, each scholarship has its own requirements; late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Congratulations, you have applied! ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 9 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison Next Step- Applying for Financial Aid for the College Now that you have applied to a College or University and have submitted the required documents, it is time to apply for Financial Aid using the FAFSA on the Web Application. What is Financial Aid? Federal Student Aid, an office of the U.S. Department of Education, plays a central and essential role in supporting postsecondary education by providing money for college to eligible students and families. Federal Student Aid partners with postsecondary schools, financial institutions and others to deliver services that help students and families who are paying for college. Many scholarships applications require the FAFSA be completed. On January the 1st, the 2013-2014 FAFSA application became available at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/index.htm How do I apply for a pin number? A PIN is a 4-digit number that is used in combination with your Social Security Number, name, and date of birth to identify you as someone who has the right to access your own personal information on Federal Student Aid Web sites. You and your parent may apply for a pin number at http://www.pin.ed.gov/PINWebApp/pinindex.jsp What information do I need to complete the FAFSA application? You need to have the following information available to complete the application. You will need records of income earned in the year prior to when you will start school. You may also need records of your parents’ income information if you are a dependent student. Remind your parents of the importance of filing their income tax ASAP. For the 2015-2016 school-year you will need financial information from 2015. You may need to refer to: Your Social Security card. It is important that you enter your Social Security Number correctly! Your driver’s license (if any) Your 2015 W-2 forms and other records of money earned Your (and your spouse’s, if you are married) 2015 Federal Income Tax Return. IRS 1040, 1040A, 1040 EZ Foreign Tax Return, or Tax Return for Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Marshall Islands, the Federal States of Micronesia, or Palau Your Parents’ 2015 Federal Income Tax Return (if you are a dependent student) Your 2015 untaxed income records Your current bank statements Your current business and investment mortgage information, business and farm records, stock, bond and other investment records Your alien registration or permanent resident card (if you are not a U.S. citizen) FAFSA on the Web will guide you through the questions that you must answer, and you can save your application and return to it later if you don’t have the information you need to answer any of the questions. ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 10 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison Keep these records! You may need them again. Do not mail your records to Federal Student Aid. The dates for Financial Aid Nights are announced on the Early College High School web page. College representatives will be available to assist you and your parents in completing the 2015-2016 FAFSA. ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 11 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison Texas College and University Scholarships Abilene Christian Scholarships Angelo State University Scholarships Angelo State University Carr Academic Scholarship Arlington Baptist Scholarships Austin College Competitive Scholarships Baylor University Merit Based Scholarships Dallas Baptist University Air Force ROTC Scholarship Dallas Baptist University General Scholarships and National Merit East Texas Baptist University Academic Scholarships Hardin Simmons Scholarships Houston Baptist University Freshman Merit Scholarships Howard Payne Freshman Merit-Based Scholarships McMurry University Scholarships Rice University—Merit Based Scholarships Sam Houston State University Scholarships SMU Merit-Based Scholarships St. Edwards Merit-Based Scholarships Stephen F. Austin University—University Scholars Award Stephen F. Austin University Regents Scholarship Stephen F. Austin University Academic Excellence Scholarship ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 12 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison Tarleton State Scholarships Texas A&M Corp of Cadets Scholarships Texas A&M National Achievement Texas A&M National Merit Scholarships Texas A&M National Hispanic Scholar-College Board Recognition Award Texas A&M Opportunity Award Texas A&M Regents Scholarships Texas A&M Commerce Freshman Scholarships Texas A&M Galveston Freshman Scholarships Texas A&M Kingsville Presidential Scholarships TCU National Merit and General Scholarships Texas Lutheran University Scholarships Texas Southern University—University Sponsored Scholarships Texas Southern University—State Scholarships Texas State Technical College Scholarships Texas State University National Scholarships Texas State University Assured Scholarships Texas Tech Merit Scholarships Texas Wesleyan University Freshman Academic Scholarships Texas Woman's University Scholarships Trinity University Baker Duncan Scholarship ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 13 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison Trinity University National Merit Scholarship University of Dallas Scholarships University of Houston Academic Excellence Scholarship University of Houston Freshmen Scholarships University of Houston Scholarships University of the Incarnate Word Scholarships University of Mary Hardin Baylor Academic Scholarships University of North Texas University Sponsored Scholarships University of North Texas Meritorious Scholarship for National Merit Finalist University of Texas at Arlington Honors Presidential Scholarship University of Texas at Arlington Scholarships University of Texas at Austin Longhorn Opportunity Scholarship University of Texas National Achievement University of Texas National Hispanic University of Texas National Merit University of Texas President’s Achievement Scholarship University of Texas Christopher Benton Chadwick Memorial Scholarship in Liberal Arts University of Texas at San Antonio General Scholarships University of Texas at San Antonio Alumni Scholarships University of Texas at San Antonio Honors Scholarships University of Texas at Tyler National Merit and Freshman Scholarships West Texas A&M Top 25% Guarantee Scholarship ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 14 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison Out of State Universities Harvard University MIT - Student Financial Services Michigan State University Scholarships Ohio State University Scholarships University of Notre Dame Other Scholarship web sites 1. College for Texans http://www.collegefortexans.com/ 2. FastWEB-Financial Aid through the WEB http://www.fastweb.com 3. The Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid http://www.finaid.org 4. Free College Scholarship Search & Financial Aid Resource http://www.scholarships.com 5. Adventures in Education http://www.adventuresineducation.org 6. Cash For Your Education http://www.wiredscholar.com 7. College Board Online http://www.collegeboard.com 8. The Free Scholarship Information Service http://www.freschinfo.com 9. International Education Financial Aid http://www.IEFA.org 10. Gates Millennium Scholars ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 15 Early College High School May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Ms. Delia O. Pesina, College & Career Liaison http://www.gmsp.org/ 11. Hispanic Scholarship Fund http://www.hsf.net 12. Scholarship Resource Network Express http://www.srnexpress.com/index.cfm 13. Path to Scholarships – Making dreams come true 16. Geneseo Migrant Center – Scholarships for migrant youth 18. CareersAndColleges.com – It takes just a few minutes 19. Supercollege.com – The first step to finding a scholarship 20. Scholarships.com – Personalize your search fast and easy 21. Scholarship-Monkey.com – Let the monkey do the work 22. MyFreeDegree.com – Free money for your education 23. CollegeNet.com – Match your personal profile to scholarships 24. Guaranteed-Scholarships.com – Scholarships, grants and financial aid 25. MALDEF – Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (Scholarship List) 26. $ Opportunity Scholars – Free college search guidance, support and scholarships for firstgeneration, low income, minority students. www.CSOCollegeCenter.org 27. Merit.Aid.com 28. 70 no-cost scholarship search sites & other helpful resources http://www.college-scholarships.com/free_scholarship_searches.htm ECHS May 2015 Scholarship Bulletin Page 16