To Kill A Mockingbird:: Vocabulary unit 2 Name: __________________________ Keep this in the vocabulary section of your binder. Look carefully at the definition for each word; then use the word in a sentence that clearly shows its meaning. Look for these words in the text as you read. (You can also consult the onlineTKAM Survival Guide as you read.) Chapter 9 2. provocation (n) The act of causing vexation or, anger. (verb: provoke) (word root: VOC, to call) Write a sentence: Chapter 10 3. vehement (adj) Forceful in expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; passionate. Write a sentence: Chapter 11 4. cantankerous (adj) Ill-tempered and quarrelsome; disagreeable. Write a sentence: 5. passé (adj) No longer current or in fashion; out-of-date. Past the prime; faded or aged. Write a sentence: 6. undulate (v) To move in waves or with a smooth, wavelike motion. Write a sentence: Chapter 12 7. garish (adj) Gaudy; loud and flashy: garish makeup. Write a sentence: 8. formidable (adj) 1. Arousing fear, dread, or alarm: the formidable prospect of major surgery. 2. Inspiring awe, admiration, or wonder: “Though a true hero, he was also a thoroughgoing bureaucrat and politician, a formidable combination” (Mario Puzo). 3. Difficult to undertake, surmount, or defeat: A formidable enemy. Write a sentence: Chapter 13 9. prerogative (n) An exclusive right or privilege held by a person or group, especially a hereditary or official right. Write a sentence: Chapter 14 11. infallible (adj) Incapable of failing; certain. Write a sentence: 12. fortitude (WORD ROOT: FORT / FORC) (n) Strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage. Write a sentence: Chapter 15 13. uncouth (adj) Crude; awkward or clumsy; ungraceful. Write a sentence: 14. façade (n) 1. The face of a building, especially the principal face. 2. An artificial or deceptive front. Write a sentence: 15. acquiescence (n) Passive assent or agreement without protest. Write a sentence: Chapter 16 16. elucidate (WORD ROOT: LUC / LUM) SYNONYM (v) To make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify; enlighten. ANTONYM Write a sentence: Chapter 17 17. ambidextrous (WORD ROOT: AMBI) SYNONYM (adj) 1. Able to use both hands with equal facility. 2. Unusually skillful; adroit. 3. Deceptive or hypocritical. Write a sentence: 18. acrimonious SYNONYM ANTONYM (adj) Bitter and sharp in language or tone; marked by strong resentment or cynicism: an acrimonious disagreement Write a sentence: Chapter 18 19. mollify SYNONYM (v) To calm in temper or feeling; soothe. ANTONYM Write a sentence: Word roots – For the quiz, know the root, its meaning, and several words that contain it. Expect to see unfamiliar words containing the root and choose likely definitions for them. Word Part Meaning AMB, AMBI both, around LUC / LUM /LUS light Vocabulary Word Ambidextrous, amble (from unit 1) elucidate Other Words