Lecture 11 Euler‐Lagrange Euler Lagrange Equations Equations and their Extension to Multiple Functions and Multiple Multiple Functions and Multiple Derivatives in the integrand of the Functional in the integrand of the Functional ME 256, Indian Institute of Science Va r i a t i o n a l M e t h o d s a n d S t r u c t u r a l O p t i m i z a t i o n G. K. Ananthasuresh P r o f e s s o r, M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g , I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e o f S c i e n c e , B a n a g a l o r e suresh@mecheng.iisc.ernet.in 1 Outline of the lecture E l Euler‐Lagrange equations Boundary conditions Multiple functions Multiple derivatives What we will learn: First variation + integration by parts + fundamental lemma = Euler‐ Lagrange equations Lagrange equations How to derive boundary conditions (essential and natural) H How to deal with multiple functions and multiple derivatives t d l ith lti l f ti d lti l d i ti Generality of Euler‐Lagrange equations ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 2 The simplest functional, F(y,y’) First variation of J w.r.t. y(x). The condition given above should hold good for any variation of y(x) i e for any variation of y(x), i.e., for any But there is , which we will get rid of it through integration by parts. g yp ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 3 Integration by parts… We can invoke fundamental lemma of calculus of variations now. now ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 4 Fundamental lemma… The two terms are h equated to zero because the first term depends on the entire depends on the entire function whereas the second term only on the value of the the value of the function at the ends. The integral should be zero for any value of value of . So, by fundamental . So, by fundamental lemma (Lecture 10), the integrand should be zero at every point in the domain domain. ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 5 Boundary conditions The algebraic sum of the two terms may The algebraic sum of the two terms may be zero without the two terms being equal to zero individually. We will see those cases later. For now, we will take the general case of both terms individually being equal to zero. individually being equal to zero. Thus, ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 6 Euler‐Lagrange (EL) equation with boundary conditions boundary conditions P oble Problem statement tate e t and Differential equation Differential equation Boundary conditions Boundary conditions ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 7 Example 1: a bar under axial load Axial displacement = Strain energy Work potential Principle of minimum potential energy (PE) ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization = area of cross‐section Among all possible axial possible axial displacement functions, the one that one that minimizes PE is the stable static q equilibrium solution. 8 Bar problem: E‐L equation Integrand of the PE Governing differential equation Governing differential equation ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 9 Bar problem: boundary conditions u 0 EAu 0 or u 0 at x 0 and EAu or u 0 at x L ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc This means that y is specified; hence, its variation is zero. This is called the essential or is called the essential or Dirichlet boundary condition. This means that the stress is zero Thi th t th t i when the displacement is not specified. It is called the natural or Neumann boundary or Neumann boundary condition. Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 10 Weak form of the governing equation First variation is zero. u Variation of u is like virtual di l displacement. Internal virtual work = external virtual work ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 11 Three ways for static equilibrium Minimum potential energy principle i i l Principle of virtual work; The weak form EAu p 0 Force balance; EAu 0 or u 0 at x 0 And boundary conditions. and The strong form. EAu or u 0 at x L ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Q: What is “weak” about the weak form? b h kf A: It needs derivative of one less order. Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 12 Example 2: is a straight line really the least‐ distance curve in a plane? distance curve in a plane? From Slide 7 in Lecture 3 Min L y( x ) y(x) (x1, y1 ) ds ((x2 , y2 ) x2 1 y dx 2 x1 Data : x1 , x2 , y( y(x1 ) y1, y( y(x2 ) y2 x So, straight So straight line in indeed the geodesic in geodesic in a plane. ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 13 Example 3: Brachistochrone problem From Slide 11 in Lecture 2 A L Minimize T y(x) ( ) H 0 1 y 2 2g(H y) dx y(x)) y( g L ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc B And we have Dirichlet (essential) boundary conditions at both the ends. y Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 14 A functional with two derivatives: F(y,y’,y’’) First variation of J w.r.t. w.r.t. y(x). y(x). We now need to integrate by parts twice W d i b i to get rid of the second derivative of y. ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 15 Integration by parts… twice! = 0 gives differential equation by using the fundamental lemma. ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Two sets of boundary conditions y Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 16 E‐L equation and BCs for F(y,y’,y’’) Things are getting lengthy; Let us use short‐ hand notation. ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 17 Example 4: beam deformation From Slide 27 in Lecture 3 1 d 2 w Min PE EI 2 qqw dx w(x) ( ) 2 d dx 0 Data : q(x), E, I L 2 2 1 d w F EI 2 qw 2 dx 2 w(x ) q 0 EIw 0 EIw q Wh When E and I d are uniform, we get the familiar: if h f ili ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc EI q EIw Variational Methods and Structural Optimization iv 18 Boundary conditions for the beam 2 1 d w F EI 2 qw 2 dx 2 w(x ) Physical interpretation Either shear stress Ei h h is zero or the transverse displacement is displacement is specified. Either bending moment is zero or the slope is h l i specified. ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 19 Do we see a trend for multiple derivatives in the functional? ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 20 Three derivatives… F(y,y’,y”,y’’’) ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 21 (n) Many derivatives… F(y,y’,y”,…y ) Most general Most general form with one function and many d i ti derivatives ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 22 What if we have two functions? Now, we need to take the first variation with respect to both the respect to both the functions, separately. ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 23 What if we have two functions? (contd.) And, we will have two differential differential equations and two sets of b boundary d conditions. Two unknown ou o functions need two differential differential equations and two sets of BCs. That is all! and and ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization 24 Most general form: m functions with n functions with n derivatives. derivatives ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization The most general form when we have one independent variable x. 25 Eu uler‐Lagra ange equ uations an nd their eextension to multiple function ns and mu ultiple deerivatives The end note Euler‐Lagrange equations = first variation + integration by parts + fundamental lemma Boundary conditions Essential (Dirichlet) Natural (Neumann) Natural (Neumann) Dealing with multiple derivatives along with boundary conditions (need to do integration by parts as many times as the order of the highest (need to do integration by parts as many times as the order of the highest derivative) Dealing with multiple functions (rather easy) g p ( y) General form of Euler‐Lagrange equations in g g q one independent variable ME256 / G. K. Ananthasuresh, IISc Variational Methods and Structural Optimization Th k Thanks 26