-1 - Physics 102/112--Lab 6: The Vibrating String © James J. DeHaven, Ph.D., 1994-2009 When a string is fastened at both ends, and then set into vibration, standing waves are set up on the string. The frequency of these waves is determined by the physical parameters of the string: its mass, the tension under which it is held, and the length of the string between the points at which it is fastened. The frequencies of the standing waves which can exist on the string will determine the frequencies of sound waves emitted by the string. When we understand the physics of the vibrating string, we understand the basis for musical instruments such as the guitar, violin, and other stringed instruments. In addition, we gain an insight into the production and control of sound from all instruments, as well as an understanding of the measurable physical quantities which determine our human, subjective perception of sound. In this lab you will investigate the production of standing waves on a guitar string. You will measure the value for the fundamental frequency of such a string, and predict and verify the frequencies of its overtones. You will then systematically investigate the influence of A) length B) linear density C) tension on the frequencies of the fundamentals and their overtones, and use the data thereby obtained to infer the nature of the dependence of the frequencies of vibration of the string on these variables. Introduction When a string fastened at both ends is subjected to a periodic applied force, only certain frequencies seem to be effective in setting the string into vibration. We observed this behavior in the classroom, when we applied a periodic (oscillatory) force to a piece of elastic cord held at each end by a student. As you will recall, only certain vibrational frequencies were effective in getting the cord to vibrate, and these manifested themselves in the curious phenomena of “standing waves” that we could observe on the cord. Only waves with a wavelength that went to zero at each end were observed. Observed Not Observed Figure 1: Only those standing waves which obey the boundary conditions are observed on a vibrating string -2 The frequencies of these standing waves are determined by the length of the sting that is vibrating (L), and the phase velocity of waves on the string (v): [1] f = nv 2L n = 1, 2, 3 , . . . Only certain distinct frequencies (sometimes called the eigenvalues of the string) can be observed. This is because “n” is limited to the integers--”n” can never have a fractional value. In principal, there are an unlimited number of possible frequencies that we could observe, because “n” can be as large as we want to imagine, but there is still a strict limit that no frequencies in between these eigenvalues can be observed, unless we change L or v, whereupon a different set of distinct frequencies is observed. The phase velocity for a wave on a string is given by: [2] v = Ft µ Ft = tension µ = linear density This means that the frequencies of the standing waves allowed on a string can be varied by varying the density of the string or by varying the tension under which the string is held. The lowest allowed frequency for a vibrating string (n =1) is referred to as the FUNDAMENTAL for that string. When we listen to a stringed instrument, the PITCH that we hear is determined by the frequency of the fundamental. From equations [1] and [2], it is clear that there are three ways to vary the fundamental frequency: 1) vary the length of the active region--the shorter this length the higher the pitch of the note we will hear; 2) vary the tension on the string--tighter strings will vibrate at a higher frequency--we do this when we tune (for example) a guitar; 3) vary the linear density of the string--by playing strings with different densities, we can generate different notes--bass strings on guitars are generally much heavier than the thin strings used to play the higher notes. The higher permitted frequencies are called the OVERTONES. They are integral multiples of the FUNDAMENTAL frequency as predicted by equation [1]. These frequencies determine our perception of the timbre or quality of sound of a musical instrument. The relative intensity of these overtones will vary from instrument to instrument, and this is how we tell, for example, whether a musical “A” is coming from a guitar or from a clarinet. The fundamental frequency is the same for both instruments (for middle A this is 440 Hz) and so we say they have the same pitch. The relative intensities of the overtones (also known as the Fourier Spectrum) of the two instruments is very different, and this is how we tell one from another. -3 As noted above, the allowed frequencies for a standing wave on a string, are dictated by the boundary conditions at the ends of the string. Simply stated, the amplitude of the wave must always be zero at each end. Nodes Antinodes Figure 2: Nodes and Antinodes The allowed waves may also exhibit points other than at each end at which the amplitude is zero all the time; these are called nodes. The points at which the wave has a maximum amplitude are called the antinodes: The fundamental and various overtones for a musical “A” (440 Hz) being played on a mythical violin are shown below graphically (figure 3), along with the applicable equations and the numerical values. Keep this figure in mind, when observing the vibrations on the guitar strings later in the experiment. Fundamental f = v 2L 440 Hz 1st Overtone f = v L 880 Hz 2nd Overtone v f = 3 2L 1320 Hz 3rd Overtone f = 2v L 1760 Hz 4th Overtone f = 5v 2L 2200 Hz • • • • • • • • • • • • 9th Overtone f = 5v L 4400 Hz Figure 3: Fundamental and Overtones for a stringed instrument playing a musical “A” -4 Experimental The apparatus you will use is known as a “sonometer”. It consists of a string fastened at both ends, two “bridges” which describe the active region for wave propagation on the string, a tensioning lever used to regulate the tension in the string, a driver to vibrate the string, and a detector to detect the vibrations induced in the string by the driver. String Adjustment Knob Bridge Driver Detector Bridge Tensioning Lever Figure 4: Schematic Diagram of a Sonometer In order to operate the sonometer, an energy source, capable of sinusoidally exciting the string at a frequency chosen by the user, is necessary. This is accomplished as follows: A “driver” coil. essentially a lowamplitude speaker is placed directly below the wire (see figure 4). The sound waves emitted by the driver, impart a sinusoidal force to the wire. The driver itself is powered by a signal generator, which is a device which supplies electrical energy with a sinusoidally varying voltage at a frequency which can be selected by the user. The operation of the signal generator is straightforward. The user selects the wave form (sinusoidal, sawtooth, square wave), and a frequency range (for example 100HZ) and then varies the frequency using the rotary frequency knob in the lower left hand corner of the front panel. -5 - Frequency Display On/Off Frequency Control Frequency Range Selection Amplitude Control Figure 5: Signal Generator The output from the generator is sent both to the sonometer driver and to channel 1 of the oscilloscope (for detection). Driver Detector The output from the sonometer detector is sent to channel 2 of the oscilloscope, and in this way, you can detect both the driving signal as well as the signal induced by it in the string at the same time. Frequency Generator Oscilloscope Figure 6: Block diagram of electrical connections in sonometer experiment -6 It is extremely important to note that the string will not usually vibrate at exactly the same frequency as the the driver coil. The most frequent situation encountered is one in which the string frequency is exactly twice that of the frequency supplied by the signal generator. Driving Waveform (from Signal Generator) Vibrating Waveform (from vibrating string detector) Figure 7: Typical scope display illustrating the relationship between the signal generator frequency and the frequency detected in the string. Usually, the string vibrates at twice the frequency as the driver frequency If you think about it, this makes sense. Think about a swing, and think about you swaying forwards and backwards providing energy to the swing each time it reaches you. The first time it gets to you, you push it, because you are swaying forward. The next time you pull it, because you are swaying backwards. The frequency at which you are swaying is exactly 1/2 that of the swing. This is essentially what is happening in this experiment, with the signal generator taking your place, and the string acting like the swing. It may occur to you to ask whether it can happen that the string could vibrate at 3 times the frequency of the signal generator, or perhaps 4 or 5 or more. The answer is yes, but you are unlikely to observe this in this experiment--if you are careful, however, you may notice some evidence of this behavior. What follows now is an extremely detailed experimental procedure for observing a fundamental vibration and its overtones on a guitar string, with special attention paid to recommended oscilloscope and signal generator settings, as well as a description of what you are likely to see. Determination of the Fundamental Frequency of a Guitar String The first step is to find out the value of the fundamental frequency of your guitar string. First, prepare the sonometer. Your instructor will have demonstrated to you how to mount a string in the sonometer. Use a 0.020 inch diameter string. Be careful because you can stick yourself with the sharps ends of the wire. -7 Apply tension to the string using a weight and weight hanger. Use a 500 gram weight and place it in the third (or middle) slot of the tensioning lever on the sonometer. Make sure this end of the sonometer is close to the end of the table so that the weight hangs freely. Make sure as well that there is some foam rubber under the weight in case it drops off or in case the string breaks. Make sure the tensioning lever is level. This is essential, and you should check this every time you alter the string or the tension on the string in any way. Set the bridges at the 10 centimeter mark and the 70 centimeter mark. (What is L?) Place the detector at the 40 cm mark, and place the driver at 15 cm (5 cm away from the bridge). For this first experiment, you will leave the signal generator turned off. Turn on the oscilloscope and make sure the following settings are being utilized: Time Base--10ms/division Trigger Source--Line Trigger Mode--Normal Channel 1 Volts--2.00V/division Channel 2 Volts--5.00mV/division Use the position knob to position the trace from channel 1 in the upper half of the scope screen, and that from channel 2 in the lower half. You might consider making your life easier by allowing the scope to measure the frequency for you. To do this, press the TIME button on the scope, and use the softkeys to tell the scope to give you channel 1 frequency measurements and channel 2 frequency measurements. When the scope is ready, gently pluck the guitar string. You should see a very large signal on the screen which gradually decreases in size as the vibrations in the string die out. The signal may be temporarily off scale (bigger than the space allotted for it on the oscilloscope screen). If you see no signal or your signal is very weak, check your settings carefully. Is your time base 10 milliseconds (not Microseconds)? Is your channel 2 voltage setting 5 millivolts per division (and not 5 volts)? Are your triggering settings correct? Is the probe attenuation in the channel menus set to 1x (as opposed to 10x)? When you are able to get a signal try to capture it. To do this, press the SINGLE SEQ button. If you want to revert to the continuous running operation, press the Run/Stop button. Any time you want a single trace you should follow this procedure. Figure 8 (next page) shows a typical trace taken under these conditions. Note that the frequency is given at 91.24 Hz. Yours may be different. Remember!! Frequency is data--so note it down in your lab notebooks. Note also that it may be necessary or it may give you a better display if you change the settings for time base or voltage slightly from the recommended ones. The recommendations should work, but if they don’t, try to vary the settings a little bit. Print out your oscilloscope screen. Select the print utility. Press Print Screen. Print Screen will change to Cancel Print during printing. When printing is done Printing done will flash briefly on the screen. If you have a 54102A oscilloscope, you must press the ONLINE button, followed by FORM FEED, followed by ONLINE again, for the printer to print. If you have a 54102B scope, you don’t need to do this. If you want to have a record of all your settings, go to the Hardcopy Menu and the the Printer Menu before you print and turn the factors softkey top ON. If you do this your output will be similar to that in figure 9. If FACTORS are ON then you SHOULD NOT do the online, form feed, online trick even if you have a 54102A scope. -8 - Figure 8: Scope display for Fundamental Frequency of plucked guitar string The waveform is not precisely sinusoidal, because there are overtones present in all likelihood. Note also that your waveform may look different than mine, and that the waveform may change in appearance as the amplitude of the strings oscillations changes. Note that the scope can find no frequency for channel 1--this is because there is no oscillating signal connected to channel 1 at this time. Observing Standing Waves The fundamental frequency you obtained from plucking the string was from a waveform whose irregular shape implies that it contains all the Fourier components that are observable on the string, within the constraints of the experimental apparatus you are using. You will now observe individual standing waves corresponding to the fundamental and each of the first three overtones. To do this you will add energy to the string using a signal generator. As noted above, the oscillator frequency will be exactly 1/2 the frequency of the standing wave that it excites on the guitar string. Since we saw above that the natural frequency of the guitar string corresponds to about 9 wave crests on the scope display, then we expect that we can excite the fundamental using a frequency of just half that (about 4.5 crests). YOUR SETTINGS AND RESULTS MAY DIFFER SOMEWHAT FROM MINE. USE MY RESULTS AS A GUIDE, NOT AS A BIBLE!! First, it is important to restore the scope to the proper settings. Note the change in the trigger source! Time Base--10ms/division Trigger source--Channel 1 Trigger Mode--Normal -9 Channel 1 Volts--2.00V/division Channel 2 Volts--5.00mV/division Second: make sure the sonometer is still set up properly Tensioning Lever--level by adjusting string adjustment knob Hanging Mass--500 grams +weight hangar Location of Hangar--Slot 3 (middle slot) of tensioning lever Bridge 1--10cm mark Bridge 2--70cm mark Driver Coil--15cm mark Detector Coil--40cm mark Guitar String--0.020 inches in diameter Third: Prepare the frequency generator Turn it on Make sure the following pushbuttons are depressed: RANGE--100 FUNCTION--sine wave ALL PUSHBUTTONS SHOULD BE OUT Make sure that the AMPLITUDE control is set to MAX ALL OTHER SMALL DIALS SHOULD BE SET TO THEIR MINIMUM VALUES (CCW AS FAR AS THEY WILL GO) AND PUSHED IN The oscilloscope should now show a sine wave signal in the upper trace (corresponding to channel 1, if you have set the horizontal positioning knobs on the scope correctly) and, depending on the frequency being put out by the signal generator, may show a flat or a sinusoidal trace coming from the detector (channel 2). Search for the fundamental by carefully rotating the FREQUENCY control on the signal generator until the detector trace (channel 2) shows a pronounced change in amplitude. The effect will be very dramatic: when you are at the correct frequency, the standing wave will have an amplitude so large that the sine wave may well go off scale. A trace of the experiment I performed is shown below (fig. 9). Note that you know roughly where you should look--you already have the results for the fundamental frequency from the first part of this experiment. Depending on how good our hearing is, you may hear the string vibrating. If you are pumping it at the right frequency, you will definitely see it vibrating. You should see a single pronounced anti-node halfway between the two bridges as expected. You may have to temporarily change the Volts/Div setting for channel 2 in order to allow the signal to fit on the screen. If the signal doesn’t fit on the screen, the scope will not be able to measure the frequency for you. If the signal seems to drift in and out, don’t worry. This is because the signal generator drifts slightly. If at any time you want to capture what is on screen, just press the SINGLE SEQ button. To return to continuous operation, press the RUN/STOP button. Figure 10 shows what the signals looked like after I adjusted the volts/Div in channel 2. Note the frequency of 89.35 Hz is not too far from that obtained in part 1 of this experiment (see fig. 8). -10 - Figure 9--Fundamental: when you have hit it right, the trace goes off scale at 5mv/Div Figure 10--Frequency measurement of fundamental on vibrating guitar string -11 Now return the scope to its original settings. Look for the 1st overtone by turning the frequency knob to a higher value. You ought to be able to predict where this should be. IMPORTANT!!! To observe the first overtone you should move the detector to the 55cm mark. If you leave it at 40cm, it is likely that you wont observe anything at the first overtone setting. Why is this? You should also be sure you have returned the channel 2 Volts setting to 2mV per division. The results of the experiment that I performed looking for the first overtone are shown in figure 11. You should see both anti nodes very clearly on the string as well as the (motionless) node at the center. You will probably be able to hear the string vibrating when you are “on frequency”. Now perform the same experiment for the 2nd and 3rd overtones (Figs. 12 & 13). You should still be able to see the anti nodes, and you will definitely be able to hear them. If you have set up the experiment correctly, all this should be observable while you are on the 100 Hz scale of the signal generator (whose range is from 10 to 190 Hz). If you have trouble detecting those overtones, try moving the detector coil to a place where it is right under an anti node. This is where the signal will be at its highest. Figure 11--1st Overtone For the second and third overtones, map the standing wave. Carefully measure the amplitude of the signal for several different detector positions, and show that the proper number of nodes and anti nodes are present. (Note--when the detector is brought too close to the driver, it picks up the driver signal directly--don’t panic if you suddenly see a “strange” signal appear in channel 2, and grow as the detector is brought nearer to the driver. Figure 12--2nd Overtone -12 Note that it is possible to “expand” the wave horizontally by alerting the Time/Div setting as we have done in Figure 14. The smaller number of peaks, the more precise the scope is in measuring frequency. However, if the time/Div is set so low that less than one peak appears on the screen, the scope will not be able to measure a frequency. The frequencies for the standing waves I observed can be read from the data for the frequency of the channel 2 signal taken directly from the oscilloscope screen. They are as follows: Fundamental 1st Overtone 2nd Overtone 3rd Overtone Figure 13--3rd Overtone 89.35Hz 177.9Hz 271.7Hz 364.4Hz Are these values reasonable given reasonable expectations of experimental error? How are yours in comparison? Figure 14--3rd Overtone at Time/Div setting of 500 microseconds -13 Observation of Higher Overtones Return the scope to its original settings with one exception: set the Time/Div to 1 msec/Div. Push in the 1K RANGE button on the signal generator. Starting with the FREQUENCY control knob in its ccw position, tune the frequencies of the driver while watching the scope screen and listening to the string. Can you hear the distinct overtones that the string can support? It really sounds quite spooky and musical. Try to capture and print out a higher overtone. I observed the 9th overtone (note the scope settings) and my results are displayed in Figure 15. Is the frequency shown for the signal in channel 2 consistent (within reasonable expectations for experimental error) with what you would expect for the ninth overtone of a string whose fundamental frequency has been measured at 89.35Hz? Figure 15--Ninth Overtone Dependence of Fundamental Frequency on Length You can alter the active length of the string by moving the bridges. Using the methods employed in part 1 of this lab, where you measured the fundamental frequency of the string by plucking it and observing the waveform on the oscilloscope, find out how the frequency of the fundamental depends on the active length of the string. Make sure you return to your original scope settings. Since you will not need the signal generator for this part of the experiment, you can turn it off. Measure the fundamental frequency for active lengths of 60, 50, 40, 30, and 20 cm. Make sure that everything else in your experiment is held constant. Vary only the length. -14 Dependence of Fundamental Frequency on Tension 5 mg 4 mg 3 mg 2 mg 1mg As shown on the left (Fig. 16), you can vary the tension on the string from mg to 5 mg, in steps of mg, where m = the mass of the hangar and the hanging weight and g is the acceleration due to gravity. This time set the active length of the string to 60cm, and keep everything constant while varying the tension by moving the hanging mass from one notch to another in the tensioning lever. Again, use the oscilloscope to measure the fundamental frequency for each value of tension. You may have to change the Time/Div settings to accommodate the wide range of frequencies you may encounter. Be sure to be careful that you level the tensioning rod each time you change notches. Figure 16--Tension provided by tensioning lever Dependence of Fundamental Frequency of Linear Density of the String You can vary the linear density of the string simply by changing strings. Use the five strings provided-PLEASE DON’T MIX THEM UP!!!--and keep all other experimental parameters constant. Be careful--it is easy to prick your fingers with the thinner strings. The linear densities of the strings are given below: Diameter in Inches 0.010 0.014 0.017 0.020 0.022 Linear density in grams per meter 0.39 0.78 1.12 1.50 1.84 Data Reduction Use the graphical analysis program to deduce the nature of the functional dependence of frequency on the following three parameters: 1) Active Length 2) Tension 3) Linear Density From your classroom work, you will probably already have a good idea of what the results should be and so this will assist you in choosing the relationships to investigate with Graphical Analysis. -15 - Report: Introduction: Write a brief introduction stating the objectives of the experiment, and a concise summary of the methods that will be used. Experimental: Describe the experimental apparatus and precisely what variables will be measured and how they will be measured. Results: Summarize the results of the experiment. Show sample calculations. If you are attaching computer generated tables or graphs, briefly explain them here. Discussion: Explain the significance of your results and their connection with more general physical principles. Where it is possible, compare your numbers with accepted values. Explain any sources of error.