ද݅ථႥ੮ᏢԵ၂ᇶᏤᐒᄬ GRE Tel: (886-2) 2751-1293 * PrincetonReview.com.tw *GRE is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS), which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. The Princeton Review Taiwan and The Princeton Review logo are trademarks of The Princeton Review, Inc., which is not affiliated with Princeton University. Put Our Experience To Work for You Competition for grad school is getting tougher. The number of applicants is on the rise, and so are GRE scores. Scores are not only a key factor in admissions, but they’re also used to determine research and teaching assistantships, as well as meritbased financial aid. That’s why investing in your GRE score is so important. We’ve helped more than one million students improve their standardized test scores and get into their first-choice schools. When you work with The Princeton Review, you benefit from: t 25 years of experience with an outstanding track record t Personal attention from the best teachers and tutors t GRE preparation that fits your schedule t Getting your best GRE score, guaranteed* * We’re committed to helping you achieve your highest possible GRE score. If you’re not completely satisfied with your results, we’ll work with you again for free. ᡣޑॺךᡍٰᔅշா ! ࣴ܌زҙፎᝡݾᡂޑຫٰຫᐟਗ਼ΑǶҙፎΓኧᡂӭΑǴGRE ϩኧΨ࣬ჹޑ ගଯΑǶԵ၂ϩኧόࢂ،ࢂۓցૈΕᏢޑࡰǴՠஒࢂҙፎዛᏢߎ ਔޑԵໆ٩ᏵǶ೭൩ࢂࣁϙሶၗா GRE ϩኧᡂࢂޑӵԜख़ाΑǶ ॺךςᔅշຬၸԭՏޑᏢғॺගϲԵ၂ԋᕮǴ٠ΕдॺЈύޑಃ דᜫ൩ᏢǶாکද݅ථႥӝբਔǴாஒёаளډǺ t 25ԃڑຫ௲Ꮲᡍکइᒵ t җॺךന٫ৣၗ܌ගঁޑٮΓֹ๓ྣ៝ t ଛӝாਔ໔ೕჄ ޑGRE ፐำ t ߥᕇளாന٫ GRE ԋᕮ* * ܍ॺךᒍᡣாӧ GRE Ե၂ύளډനӳޑԋᕮǶӵ݀ாᗋࢂགډόᅈ ཀǴॺךёаӧԃϐϣխࣁாӆፐԛǶ 2 Tel: (886-2) 2751-1293 GRE Classroom Courses Princeton Review courses are the most effective. We have a long track record of raising GRE scores and helping students reach their full potential. You’ll learn proven test-taking strategies and all concepts tested on the exam. Unmatched Results The best learning materials. Our GRE research and development team continually refines our course materials based on modifications to the test. When you work with us, we guarantee you’ll raise your score. Superior Teachers Learn from the best. The quality of our instructors is why TPR GRE students succeed. Our instructors have scored in top percentiles on the GRE, know the test inside and out, undergo extensive teacher training, and have lively, engaging teaching styles. Personal Attention No more than 18 students. We keep classes small to provide personal attention to all students. Your instructor will work closely with you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, provide extra help as needed, and make sure you know the material. GRE Course Features • Small classes—no more than 18 students in your class • At least four full-length, diagnostic GRE exams with detailed score reports • Comprehensive GRE manuals and practice materials—yours to keep • The best instructors—all have scored in top percentiles on standardized tests • 24/7 access to supplemental online lessons, tests, and drills for additional practice • Free extra help from your instructor • Guaranteed satisfaction GREიᡏፐำ ද݅ථႥޑፐำࢂനԖਏޑǶॺךჹᏢғ ޑGRE ϩኧߏයଓᙫǴ٠ᔅ շᏢғวචдॺޑനεወΚǶாஒᏢಞډςၸܴޑԖਏᔈԵמѯک ܌ԖᔈڀഢޑԵ၂ᢀۺǶ คᆶউКޑԋ݀ ޑॺךGRE ࣴวი໗ុݙཀനཥԵ၂ᄊٰؼׯ௲Ƕாॺךکӝ բǴߥॺךா ޑGRE ϩኧԖ܌Ƕ ڑຫৣၗ ᆶᨯᨯޣᏢಞǶॺךᓬৣޑذၗࢂᏢғᗌӛԋфޑᜢᗖǶޑॺךԴৣॺӧ ჴሞԵ၂ύளډഗӾԋᕮǵమཱԵ၂ၗૻǵၸᝄ૽ግǴЪᏱԖғࢲ ዃϐ௲ᏢБԄǶ GRE ፐำቻ • λڋȋനӭ18ՏᏢ ғ • ԿϿ4ԛکჴሞԵ၂ਔ໔ ߏޑኳᔕෳᡍ٠ߕ၁ಒ ԋᕮൂ • ܰှϐ GRE ௲کግ ಞᚒȋ܌Ԗࢂឦܭாޑ • ന٫ৣၗȋ܌ԖԴৣӧჴ ሞԵ၂ύளډഗӾԋᕮ • ӄԃคҶޑጕံշፐำ ኳᔕԵ၂کግಞᚒ • խፐѦᇶᏤ • ߥᅈཀԋᕮ ঁΓϯ៝ྣޑ നӭόຬၸ18ՏᏢғǶॺך௦ڗλڋ௲ᏢٰࣁՏᏢғගٮന٫ঁΓϯ ྣ៝ǶாޑԴৣϩாޑமک১ᗺǴாԖሡाਔගٮᚐѦڐշǴ٠ ዴۓாΑှ܌Ԗፐำ௲Ƕ PrincetonReview.com.tw 3 Private Tutoring Call (02) 2751-1293, and we’ll work with you to put together a personalized GRE tutoring package. Sometimes individual attention is all that stands between you and your best GRE score. If you thrive in one-on-one situations, take advantage of the most personalized program The Princeton Review has to offer. With private tutoring, your personal tutor will tailor the course to you, focusing on the subjects that cause you trouble. Let us know your needs and time constraints, and we’ll choose a tutor specifically for you. You’ll get all the instruction you need in less time than it would take in a classroom. Targeted Programs The Princeton Review offers a comprehensive, GRE tutoring package that covers all areas of the test. We also offer packages that focus on either the Quantitative or Verbal section of the test. Your instructor will create a syllabus to meet your needs. GRE Tutoring Features t Specially trained, highly qualified tutors who have scored in top percentiles on standardized tests t A program designed entirely around your needs and schedule t At least four full-length, diagnostic GRE exams with detailed score reports t The same comprehensive manuals and practice tests we give to our classroom students—yours to keep t Additional online lessons, tests, and drills for more practice ঁΓৎ௲ ፎኘ!(02) 2751-1293 ॺךکᖄ๎ঁ Γϯ ޑGRE ፐำǶ ԖਔংঁΓࡰᏤࢂாکாന٫ GRE ϩኧϐ໔ޑᐏኺǶӵ݀ாჹჹ௲Ꮲ ፐำԖᑫ፪ǴፎճҔද݅ථ໗നঁΓϯϐፐำǶ ӧჹ௲ᏢύாࡰޑᏤԴৣࣁாໆيೕჄாޑፐำǴפрᡣா֚ൽޑ ୢᚒǶᡣޕॺךၰாޑሡکёаፐޑਔ໔Ǵॺךஒ٩ԜࣁாӼ௨ന ӝாޑԴৣǶாஒКӧიᡏύᗋϿޑਔ໔ٰᏢಞ܌ډԖޑፐำϣ Ƕ ளፐำ ද݅ථႥගٮനૈԖਏᏢಞှ ޑGRE ӄࣽҞৎ௲ፐำǶޑॺךፐำёа ଞჹीໆ܈ӷ༼Бय़ǴாޑԴৣ߾ࣁாೕჄനӝாޑᏢಞፐำǶ GRE ৎ௲ፐำቻ t ڙၸ૽ግ٠ӧჴሞԵ၂ύளډഗӾԋᕮޑᓬذԴৣ t ֹӄ٩ྣாޑሡکਔ໔ޑፐำೕჄ t ԿϿ4ঁֹߏࡋ ޑGRE ኳᔕԵ٠ߕ၁ಒԋᕮൂ t Кྣکიᡏ܌٬Ҕϐ࣬ӕ௲کግಞᚒȋ܌Ԗࢂឦܭாޑ t ᚐѦጕፐำǵኳᔕ၂ᚒکግಞ 4 Tel: (886-2) 2751-1293 The GRE At-A-Glance GRE in Taiwan GRE in the USA Test Format Split administration: AWA completed at computer testing center one day and paper-based quantitative and verbal sections taken on another day. Computer-adaptive; the test adapts to your performance and question pool varies by test taker. Length 3.5 hours 2.5 hours Frequency Twice a year, in June and October Most weekdays and weekends, year-round Cost US$195* US$140* Scoring Scale Verbal Score: 200-800 points Quantitative Score: 200-800 points Analytical Writing Assessment: 0-6 points Verbal Score: 200-800 points Quantitative Score: 200-800 points Analytical Writing Assessment: 0-6 points Test Content Analytical Writing Two essays: one 30-minute and one 45minute Analytical Writing Two essays: one 30-minute and one 45minute Quantitative Two 30-minute sections t 30 multiple-choice questions per section t no calculator permitted Quantitative One 45-minute section t 28 multiple-choice questions t no calculator permitted Verbal Two 30-minute sections t 38 multiple-choice questions per section t analogy and antonym questions included Verbal One 30-minute section t 30 multiple choice questions t analogy and antonym questions included Register to take the GRE Register online at www.gre.org International students be advised... Most international students will need to take the TOEFL as part of their admissions requirements. Though minimum score requirements differ among institutions, most schools will have one. Find out if you need to take the TOEFL and what the minimum score requirements are by contacting the schools to which you are applying. Register to take the TOEFL Register online at www.TOEFL.org *prices current as of July 1, 2008 GRE ଶ࣮᠋ Ե၂ࠠԄ ߏࡋ GRE Ѡ GRE ऍ୯ ϩࢤՉǺϩቪբҽѸܭႝတ Ե၂ύЈֹԋǹરԵ၂ҽȴीໆ Ϸӷ༼ȵ߾ሡВӆԵǶ ႝတ܄ϯෳᡍȋႝတ٩Ᏽᔈ၂ޣ ޑբเٰрᚒෳ၂Ƕ 3.5λਔ 2.5λਔ Ե၂ᓎ 1ԃ2ԛϤДکΜД εϩޑѳВکଷВǴӄԃࡋ Ҕ ऍߎ195ϡ* ऍߎ140ϡ* ϩኧ ӷ༼Ǻ200-800ϩ ीໆǺ200-800ϩ ϩቪբǺ0-6ϩ ӷ༼Ǻ200-800ϩ ीໆǺ200-800ϩ ϩቪբǺ0-6ϩ Ե၂ϣ ϩቪբ 2ጇբЎǺ1ጇ30ϩដکќጇ45ϩដ ϩቪբ 2ጇբЎǺ1ጇ30ϩដکќጇ45ϩដ ीໆ 30ϩដȴ2ϩȵ t 30ᚒᒧᚒȴϩȵ t όள٬Ҕीᆉᐒ ीໆ 45ϩដȴ1ϩȵ t 28ᚒᒧᚒ t όள٬Ҕीᆉᐒ ӷ༼ 30ϩដȴ2ϩȵ t 38ᚒᒧᚒȴϩȵ t ӕကکϸကӷ ӷ༼ 30ϩដȴ1ϩȵ t 30ᚒᒧᚒ t ӕကکϸကӷ ൔԵGREԵ၂ ፎᆛwww.gre.org ᆛઠൔӜ ୯ሞᏢғ εϩޑ୯ሞᏢғᗋሡाуԵ TOEFLբࣁҙፎЎҹޑϩǶᗨ ฅӚਠჹനեϩኧޑाόǴՠ εϩޑᏢਠᗋࢂۓঁྗǶ ፎӛாྗഢҙፎޑᏢਠ၌మཱா ࢂցሡाуԵTOEFLǴ٠Αှϩኧ ߐޑᘖࣁՖǶ ൔԵTOEFLԵ၂ ፎwww.TOEFL.org!ᆛઠൔӜ *2008ԃ7Д1В PrincetonReview.com.tw 5 Hit Parade Want to Improve Your Scores? Start with your vocabulary. Our exclusive Hit Parade includes several hundred words that appear most frequently on the GRE. The entire list is available only in our GRE courses, but here’s a sampling. གྷቚуգޑϩኧ༏@ வቚуգޑӷ༼ૈΚ໒ۈǶද݅ථ ႥᐱৎޑȨHit Paradeȩх֖Αኧԭ ঁനதрӧ!GRE!Ե၂ൂޑӷǶ ೭ҽൂӷ߄ѝԖӧ!ޑॺךGRE!ፐ ำύωૈ৾ډǴόၸ೭္Ԗ٤ጄ ٯǺ 6 Tel: (886-2) 2751-1293 abstract general; not concrete aesthetic having to do with the appreciation of beauty alleviate to ease a pain or a burden ambivalent simultaneously feeling opposing feelings; uncertain apathetic feeling or showing little emotion auspicious favorable; promising benevolent well-meaning; generous candor sincerity; openness cogent convincing; reasonable comprehensive large in scope or content contemporary current, modern; from the same time conviction a fixed or strong belief diligent marked by painstaking effort; hard-working dubious doubtful; of unlikely authenticity eclectic made up of a variety of sources or styles egregious conspicuously bad or offensive exculpate to free from guilt or blame florid describing flowery or elaborate speech gratuitous given freely; unearned; unwarranted hackneyed worn-out through overuse; trite idealize to consider perfect impartial not in favor of one side or the other; unbiased imperious arrogantly domineering or overbearing inherent inborn; built-in innovative introducing something new inveterate long established; deep-rooted; habitual laudatory giving praise maverick one who resists adherence to a group mollify to calm or soothe novel strikingly new or unusual obdurate stubborn; inflexible objectivity treating facts uninfluenced by emotion obstinate stubbornly adhering to an opinion ornate elaborately decorated ostentatious describing a pretentious display paramount of chief concern or importance penitent expressing remorse for one’s misdeeds pervasive dispersed throughout plausible seemingly valid or acceptable; credible profound having great depth or seriousness prosaic unimaginative; dull quandary a state of uncertainty or perplexity rancorous hateful; marked by deep-seated ill will spurious not genuine; false; counterfeit stoic indifferent to pleasure or pain; impassive superfluous extra; unnecessary tenuous having little substance or strength; unsure; weak timorous timid; fearful about the future transitory short-lived; temporary vindicated freed from blame Sample GRE Questions Analytical Writing Assessment Analysis of an Argument Sample Topic: The citizens of Azania have stopped smoking in unprecedented numbers. A survey of Azanian life insurance providers suggests that the population contains less than half the number of smokers that it did five years ago. Furthermore, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of Azanian restaurants that do not allow their patrons to smoke. This trend is also evident in the reduced advertising expenditures of Azanian manufacturers and importers of tobacco products. Analysis of an Issue Sample Topic: True innovations are always met with resistance and ridicule, and must be pursued most energetically in precisely those circumstances where they seem least likely to succeed. Quantitative Problem Solving 1. Eleven years ago, Lauren was half as old as Mike will be in 4 years. If Mike is m years old now, how old is Lauren now in terms of m? (A) 4m - 11 (B) [(m + 4)/2] + 11 (C) (m/2 - 11) (D) 4m + 11/2 (E) 2m - 7 Verbal Analogies 2. ANESTHETIC : NUMBNESS (A) meditation : happiness (B) antibiotic : illness (C) food : hunger (D) fear : alertness (E) intoxicant : drunkenness Sentence Completions 3. Under the new ruler's leadership, ______ between the parties diminished, and ______ was quickly restored. (A) cooperation...order (B) enmity...harmony (C) dogma...rectitude (D) unity...innovation (E) apathy...economy Antonyms 4. PROVIDENCE : (A) conjecture (B) wrath (C) equanimity (D) alacrity (E) contentment PrincetonReview.com.tw 7 Sample GRE Questions (continued) Reading Comprehension One of several frames of reference utilized by living creatures in the effort at orientation is the direction of gravity. In human beings, this orientation is provided by the vestibular system of the inner ear, a labyrinth of chambers comprising the semicircular canals, the utricle, and the saccule. The three semicircular canals Line 5 are oriented perpendicularly to one another and provide the locus of balance. In essence, these canals form a system of Cartesian coordinate axes along which the brain maps the body’s horizontal, vertical, and lateral displacements. A mass of particulate material presses down on membranes, further allowing the mind to register linear motion and the direction of gravity. By utilizing this system of Line 10 mental signals, we manage to maintain a sound sense of orientation despite the fact that our heads are seldom perfectly perpendicular to the plane of gravitational pull. Yet this complex system has its imperfections. As anyone will attest, watching television while lying sideways is taxing on the brain, while reading at the same inclination is all but impossible (without tilting the book to match the angle Line 15 of sight). Another instance of the system’s failure is motion sickness. When signals from the retina’s frame and signals from the inner ear’s frame fail to coincide, the result is motion sickness. The brain is flooded with contradictory signals: while the eye indicates that the body is at rest, the inner ear signals just the opposite. The simple cure for this is to restore both systems of Line 20 signals to synchrony. This is accomplished by redirecting the gaze to the exterior of the moving vehicle, allowing the eye to match the information contributed by the vestibular system. 5. According to the passage, motion sickness is induced by (A) delayed compensation of the vestibular system (B) asynchronous pairing of information from two systems (C) the non-perpendicular orientation of the head with respect to the body (D) a failure to register linear motion and the direction of gravity (E) disorientation caused by pressure in the inner ear 6. In can be inferred from the passage that the utricle and the saccule are solely (A) responsible for the maintenance of balance (B) correct for gravitational orientation (C) provide axes of spatial orientation (D) are integral with the semicircular canals (E) function only in tandem with visual signals 7. The main function of the passage as a whole is to (A) account for the failure of the vestibular system of the inner ear (B) reconcile discordant theories about spatial orientation (C) investigate the impact of stresses on the vestibular system of the inner ear (D) consider the limitations of one bodily system (E) describe the various frames of reference used to orient the body Tel: (886-2) 2751-1293 1. B 2. E 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. E Answers: 8 GRE Subject Tests What are the Subject Tests? The subject tests are given separately from the GRE general test. These tests remain paper-based, scheduled tests and require additional fees. The subject tests are developed to assess your understanding and level of study in a particular subject area and thus quantifying your qualifications as a potential graduate student in that field. Depending upon which graduate programs you are interested in, you may or may not have to take a subject test. Check with the graduate schools to which you are applying to see if any of these extra tests are required for admission. What subjects do these tests cover? • Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology • Physical Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, or Physics) • Computer Science • Literature in English • Mathematics • Psychology How are these Subject Tests scored? The subject tests are scored on various scales. You will be given an overall score, a percentile range, and a subscore for the various areas of study in that particular subject. To gain a more detailed description for your particular subject, please consult the GRE website: www.gre.org. Are there any additional tests I have to take? Most likely yes. Most international students will need to take the TOEFL as part of their admissions requirements. Though minimum score requirements differ among institutions, most schools will have one; contact the schools to which you are applying to find out more. GRE Ꮲࣽෳᡍ ϙሶࢂᏢࣽෳᡍ@ Ꮲࣽෳᡍࢂவ GRE Ե၂ύᐱҥрٰޑǴϝࢂરෳᡍǴԖۓԵ၂ ਔ໔ǴሡќԏҔǶ೭٤ෳᡍࢂࣁΑຑգჹࢌࣽҞሦୱޑΑှᆶำ ࡋǴ٠ෳ၂գࢂցԖၗکወΚԋࣁ೭ሦୱزࣴޑғǶ൩գԖᑫ፪ࣴޑ زፐำǴգёૈளୖуࢌᏢࣽෳᡍǶѐӛգటҙፎޑᏢਠ၌Ǵ࣮࣮գ ࢂցளୖуᚐѦޑԵ၂ωૈҙፎΕᏢၗǶ! ೭٤Ꮲࣽෳᡍ၀ӵՖीϩǻ ೭٤ෳᡍх֖ব٤Ꮲ ࣽǻ t t t t t t ғނϯᏢǵಒझᏢǵϩηғނᏢ ࣽᏢ!)ғނᏢǴϯᏢǴނᏢ* ႝတࣽᏢ मЎЎᏢ ኧᏢ ЈᏢ ᏢࣽෳᡍޑीϩБԄϩࡐӭᅿભǴգளډঁᡏޑϩኧǴঁԭϩ ભǴᗋԖଞჹόӕޑෳᡍǴΨ൩ࢂգԵঁࢌޑᏢࣽ܌ಒϩрٰޑԋᕮǶ གྷाΑှ׳ӭᜢܭգ܌ሡाࣽޑҞǴፎࢳ၌ GRE ᆛઠǺwww.gre.orgǶ! ᗋԖϙሶځѬޑԵ၂ࢂך၀Եޑ༏ǻ ёૈԖǶӭኧޑ୯ሞᏢғሡाԵԎᅽǴӢࣁԎᅽΨࢂҙፎΕᏢޑाҹϐ Ƕᗨฅ໔ᏢਠޑനեྗόӕǴՠεϩޑᏢਠᗋࢂाҽԋᕮ ൂǶፎӛգाҙፎޑᏢਠ၌ǴࢂցգளڀԖԎᅽԋᕮǴаϷനեྗࢂ ӭϿǶ PrincetonReview.com.tw 9 University English Program Our University English Program is perfect for students studying at undergraduate or graduate level who have a strong interest in developing and maintaining strong academic English skills. This program is intended for students who: are planning to take a TOEFL or GRE preparation course soon and want to brush up their English skills beforehand want to get in some writing practice before attending university abroad want to improve their reading and vocabulary skills so it’s easier to understand their university course texts that are in English are determined not to forget all the English they learned in high-school are graduating soon and know that strong English skills are a valuable asset in the job market In each two-hour lesson, students will: read a text from an academic discipline, e.g. economics, business, ecology work on building a strong vocabulary develop academic writing skills through practicing a range of essay types and editing skills Placement The program is offered at three levels: advanced, intermediate, pre-intermediate. Students must take our free University English Program online test (http://www. PrincetonReview.com.tw) before registration to be placed in the correct level. Please note: Students must be college level or higher to join the program. ӕᏢॺሡाᒧ᠐೭ঁፐำޑচӢ;! !ޑॺךUniversity English Program! നӝҞ҅ӧۺεᏢ܌زࣴ܈Ǵ! ԶЪགྷाᎦаϷߥࠆᏢೌम ЎૈΚޑӕᏢॺǶ !ीฝӧஒٰाൔ᠐ TOEFL!ࢂ܈GRE ྗഢፐำǴགྷӧྗഢ೭٤੮ᏢԵ၂ ϐӃעमЎૈΚᎦӳޑΓ !ςऍ୯ࣴ܌زᒵڗǴགྷाӧॅऍϐӭግಞमЎቪբ !Ꮲਠ္ࡐӭፐำࢂ᠐চЎਜǴ܌аགྷाቚԾޑيमЎӷ༼Ǵаߡ׳ ૈΑှচЎਜޑϣ !όགྷב୯ଯύ܌ᏢޑमЎ !ջஒεᏢǴుుܴқӧᙍमЎჴΚޑख़ा܄ ӧԛঁٿλਔޑፐύǴӕᏢஒᏢ!;ډ !᠐ጇᏢೌ܄ЎകǴٯӵ;ᔮᏢǵҾᆅǵᕉნࣽᏢǴ !ठΚࡌܭҥӷ༼ૈΚ !ၸόӕԄޑፕЎаϷጓᒠמѯٰࡌҥᏢೌቪբૈΚ ϩБԄ !೭ঁፐำ٩ྣำࡋϩǴᕴӅ4ભǺଯભǵύଯભǵаϷύભǶ !ӕᏢѸӧൔӜϐᆛֹԋխϩભෳ၂ȴhttp://www.PrincetonReview. com.twȵаߡॺךஒாϩଛ҅ډዴޑձǶ ፎݙཀǺୖуҁፐำޑӕᏢԿϿڀഢεᏢ܈εᏢаޑำࡋǶ 10 Tel: (886-2) 2751-1293 A Look Inside The Princeton Review Research and Development Our unparalleled research and development team knows everything there is to know about the GRE. We spend millions of dollars each year to make sure you’re getting the best preparation available. Plus, our team members regularly monitor the actual test, so they’re always up-to-date on the latest changes. Course Materials We offer the most comprehensive manuals and practice materials, continually updated to reflect recent modifications to the test. You’ll walk away with hundreds of pages of materials—yours to keep. ! Full-Length Practice Tests Our tests are just like the actual GRE. Each one you take comes with a detailed score report, so you and your instructor can create a personal study plan. Satisfaction Guarantee We guarantee you will be completely satisfied with your results. If you are not, we will work with you again at no additional fee for up to one full year. Our guarantee applies to both our classroom courses and private tutoring. ٰ࣮࣮ද݅ථႥံಞփ ࣴว ॺךคᆶউКࣴޑวი໗ޕၰҺՖჹ ܭGRE ෳᡍᔈ၀ޕၰޑ٣Ƕॺך ԃԭޑٰዴߥாளډന٫ྗޑഢǶԜѦޑॺךი໗ۓයᔠຎ ҅ԄԵ၂Ǵ܌адॺ҉ᇻჹനཥޑෳᡍቌऩࡰඓǶ ፐำ௲ ॺךගٮനܰှޑ௲کಞբҁǴ٠ޔၟനཥޑԵ၂ᄊׯ ᡂǶாஒёа֖Ԗኧԭ।ޑ௲ᚆ໒ȋӄࢂឦܭாޑǶ ֹߏࡋኳᔕ၂ᚒ ޑॺך၂ᚒ ҅کGRE ၂ᚒΜϩ࣬ႽǶҽԵ၂ாஒளډ၁ಒԋᕮ ൂǴ܌аாޑԴৣёаࣁாঁΓᏢಞೕჄǶ ᅈཀߥ ߥॺךாӧֹፐࡕჹாޑԋᕮགډᅈཀǶӵ݀ாόᅈཀǴॺךᡣ ாխӆԃϣӆፐԛǶߥޑॺךҔܭიᡏঁکΓፐǶ PrincetonReview.com.tw 11 ද݅ථႥ੮ᏢԵ၂ᇶᏤᐒᄬ ࣁϙሶᒧද݅ථႥံ ಞǻ THE PRINCETON REVIEW TAIWAN 2F, 169 Chung Hsiao East Road, Section 4 Taipei 10690, Taiwan, R.O.C. 10690!Ѡчѱ۸ֵܿၡѤࢤϤΐဦΒኴ! E-mail: info@PrincetonReview.com.tw Why Take The Princeton Review? ޑॺךᏢғளډ٫ᕮࢂӢࣁॺךԖڑຫৣޑၗǶคፕாࢂӧჹፐำ܈ ࢂॺךλڋભޑԋǴॺךԖᓬ ޑذGRE ԴৣӧாǶ *Ԗᜢచҹज़ڋǴ၁ፎࢳ၌ޑॺךᒤϦ࠻Ƕ ߥॺךாӧֹፐࡕჹாޑԋᕮགډᅈཀǶӵ݀ாόᅈཀǴॺךᡣ ாխӆԃϣӆፐԛ*ǶߥޑॺךҔܭიᡏঁکΓፐǶ ᅈཀߥ ॺךԃኧԭޑӧࣴว௲ޑॺךکԴৣيǶாёаளډന ཥ ޑGRE ௲Ǵ٠ӛനӳޑԴৣᏢಞډԵ၂מѯکጕၗྍǶ ࣴวၗ ঁΓྣ៝Ǵڑຫৣၗ Personal Attention, Excellent Teachers Our students score high because we have the best teachers. Whether you work oneon-one with a tutor or are in one of our small classes, all GRE instruction is geared toward you. Investment in Research We back our teachers with millions of dollars a year in research and development. You’ll always work with the most current GRE materials, while benefiting from our highly effective teaching strategies and online resources. Satisfaction Guarantee If you’re not completely satisfied with your score improvement, we’ll work with you again for free*. Our guarantee applies to both our classroom courses and private tutoring. PrincetonReview.com.tw *Certain restrictions apply. Please contact our office for complete details. Tel: (886-2) 2751-1293