WORKBOOK 1 WATCH Watch the Flip video » © eatbigfish 2013 10 MIN 2 EXPLORE List The Conventions As a group discuss the conventions that exist within your category. Use the big worksheet to write a list of conventions in the left hand column. Who do you target? What media do you use? What is your packaging like? Write down everything, even the obvious things. Spend 10 Minutes on this step, then move on to ‘Choose’ » © eatbigfish 2013 Convention Flip MIN 3 Choose Turn It Upside Down Now deliberately ‘Flip’ each convention to its opposite (e.g. From male to female target, from home use to outdoor use etc). Don’t think to hard just write the opposite. Look through the list of flipped conventions. Identify the examples that might be the most unusual and mould breaking. Divide into four teams and choose one ‘flip’ per team. Spend 10 Minutes on this step, then move on to ‘Our Offer’» © eatbigfish 2013 10 4 our offer What Would You Change? Now turn to your own brand. In your teams discuss what this new convention mean for you. How would it affect the way you think about your product, packaging, communication, distribution? Think about the Chupa Chups story ― how would this one flip affect all the different aspects of your business? Use the prompts if you need help to push your thinking. Pick one at random - if it is not relevant just pick another. Spend 20 Minutes on this step, then ‘Present & Discuss’» © eatbigfish 2013 P 20 MIN 15 MIN 5 Present & Discuss Yes Our Ideas Return to the larger Group. In turn present your top three ideas from the exercise. Each Team takes one minute to present - start with your favourite. Write them all up on a flip chart. Now, as a Group, discuss which you have the most energy for: • Which feels right for your brand? • Which could take you interesting direction? • Which ideas can you really push and build upon? in an Spend at least 15 minutes on this step. Thought Starters: To help you make notes when people are presenting back, we suggest you think- yes, no, maybe. Yes - this is a great idea, we should do this. No -this is not right for our brand. Maybe - there is something in this idea, but it needs work. © eatbigfish 2013 Maybe No a While there is a danger in concentrating too hard on the other brands in your category as this can result in a lack of differentiation for your own brand, there are benefits in deliberately picking a fight. How might ‘Picking a Fight’ with a competitor help us communicate what makes us different? This exercise will take 45 minutes to complete. 1 AS A GROUP One. Watch the introduction film together. Two. As a group fill out the large ‘Mapping the Competition’ worksheet. Three. Split into (up to four) teams and number them 1-4. Each team should now choose ONE competitor from their corresponding layer on the map (eg. team 1 picks from layer 1...) Four. Break into your small teams and complete the exercise by following the steps in your workbooks. After 45 minutes come back together as a group to share your ideas. Write the presented ideas on the flipchart and post them up in the room. 4. Beyond 3. Our Competitive Set 2. Our Category 1. Our Main Competitor Spend 10 Minutes on this step, then move on to ‘The Logic’ » 3 Strengths & weaknessES You have by now chosen someone (or something) to ‘pick a fight’ with. Describe this competitor by listing all their attributes in the weaknesses column. In turn, list your brand attributes in the strengths column. Write down everything, even those things you do not consider a conventional weakness or strength. If you get stuck skip to the prompts section at the end of this workbook. We have picked a fight with Their Weaknesses Our Strengths Spend 5 Minutes on this step, then move on to ‘Wage War’ » 4 YOUR LOGIC Complete the sentence “Picking a fight with...would be a good idea because...” Look at your list of ‘strengths’ and ‘weaknesses’. At this point you are looking to create a believable and compelling reason for your brand to ‘pick a fight’. How might you be able to use this fight to create new opportunities for your brand? Picked a fight with (Our enemy) Would be a good idea because (Why we could win) Spend 15 Minutes on this step, then move on to ‘Best Ideas’ » 5 WAGE WAR Ideas Generate some ideas to show how you might bring this fight to life. How might you declare war? Would it be overt and public or more subtle? How would it champion the consumer? How could we rally the rest of the organisation? What would you do if your enemy fought back? Spend 5 Minutes on this step, then return to the group » 6 BEST IDEAS One. Two. Three. Choose Your Best Ideas. As a team, agree on your three favourite ideas and make note of them here, ready to present to the rest of the group. 7 Share & discuss Share your logic* and 3 best ideas from the exercise with the rest of the group (each team has 5mins to present). Discuss the ideas and build on any that could provide an interesting opportunity for your brand. Use this page to make notes. Write up the ideas to vote on at the end of the workshop. * see section 4 ‘Your Logic’ Use these prompts to identify where your competitors strengths and weaknesses are. Could we compete within one of these areas? Pick a word at random. If it’s not relevant to you, just pick another. PROMPTS Size — — — People — — Ingredients — — — — — Pricing — Service — Availability Company Culture Distribution — Ethics Supply Chain Location Brand Personality Technology — — Range Consumer — Monopoly — Manufacturing Design — Founder/Owner — Company Culture — NOTES NOTES WORKBOOK 1 WATCH Watch the Hate video as a Group » © eatbigfish 2013 2 Brainstorm P 10 MIN What do we hate? Split into different areas to work in your Teams. Take a set of prompt cards with you. Now as a team brainstorm things that you might hate as a brand. What really bugs you? Spiders? Traffic? Taxes? In your category and in the world around you? Unfairness? Pretentiousness? Regulations? Don’t over think this ― just generate a long list. Venting your frustration can be fun and you can lose yourself in this stage of the exercise, be careful to keep it relevant in some way to your brand - use the prompt cards to help if you get stuck. Spend 10 Minutes on this step. Then move on to ‘Choose One’ » © eatbigfish 2013 5 MIN 3 Choose Identify one thing to hate from your list This bit of the exercise is a little trickier. You have to pick just ONE thing to hate from your long list. You are looking to pick something that helps you better express what you stand against as a brand ― which will then sharpen what it is you stand FOR. There is no single correct answer to this exercise. You are simply looking to choose something that helps you articulate a bigger territory to stand for or against. We Hate Because Spend 5 Minutes on this step. Then move on to ‘Belief’» © eatbigfish 2013 10 MIN 4 Belief What do we believe? So, if that is what you hate, what does that mean you believe? Keeping what you hate in mind, look at the series of statements to the right: Complete each of the statements - do this on your own first and then share as a Team. Spend 10 Minutes on this step. Then move on to ‘Choose’ » • ‘We believe that in a world of people need’ • ‘We believe that what matters most is ’ • ‘We believe that a world without would be a world without’ • ‘We believe that is no substitute for’ • ‘We believe in the power of’ • ‘We believe that everyone deserves’ • ‘We believe is wrong’ © eatbigfish 2013 5 MIN 5 Choose As a Team choose your favourite three Belief statements Are they outlandish and entertaining? Or are they serious and sincere? Do they have a basis in truth? Could one of your competitors say the same? We Hate So We Believe Because Pick the three ‘Beliefs’ that give the Team the most direction and energy Spend 5 Minutes on this step. Then return to the Group to ‘Present Back » We Hate So We Believe Because We Hate So We Believe Because © eatbigfish 2013 10 IN 6 PRESENT BACK What do you believe? Yes Maybe No Return to the larger Group. In turn present your top three ‘belief statements’. Each Team takes one minute to present start with your favourite. Write all the suggestions up on a flip chart. Use the ‘yes, no, maybe’ sheet in your workbook to write notes about each of the team’s work, to help jog your memory later. Do not discuss at this point, you will have time to go deeper after the next exercise. Spend 10 Minutes on this step. Then split into Teams to ‘Stick or Twist’ » Thought Starters: Use this Yes, No, Maybe worksheet to make notes as you listen to the thoughts from other teams. Yes - ideas or words that BEST illustrate and project our Brand, or some aspect of it. No - ideas or words that DO NOT fit with our Brand - “we should NOT do this.” Maybe - ideas or words are interesting but may need some work © eatbigfish 2013 extra Notes © eatbigfish 2013