COLLEGE SENATE BULLETIN State University of New York at Geneseo College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin Vol. 59, No. 3 Pages 22–34 31 October 2014 Contents TopicPage Agenda, College Senate Meeting 4 November 2014.....................................................................................................................23 Minutes, Executive Committee 30 September 2014..................................................................................................................26 Minutes, All-College Faculty Meeting 7 October 2014..........................................................................................................................27 Report, Committee on Nominations and Elections O7 October 2014.......................................................................................................................28 Minutes, College Senate Meeting 7 October 2014..........................................................................................................................30 Draft Minutes, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee October 21, 2014......................................................................................................................33 Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 22 Agenda, College Senate Meeting 4 November 2014 Call to Order 4:00, Newton 204 Adoption of the Agenda Aproval of the Minutes Minutes of the Senate Meeting of 7 Oct 2014 (CSB v. 59 no. 3; pp. XX) Guest Report LGBTQ Issues Working group Alice Rutkowski, co-chair Officer Reports President Carol Long, Interim Provost David Gordon, Interim Chair James McLean Request for comment: Replacing the Senate Chair with the Faculty Treasurer on the Budget Priorities Committee. Vice Chair Jan Lovett Past Chair Gregg Hartvigsen Secretary Joe Easterly Treasurer appointment imminent… University Faculty Senator Dennis Showers Introduction to the developing SUNY Excels campus performance metrics Vice President, Student Association Paul Michael Reports of the Standing Committees of the Senate Undergraduate Curricula Bill Harrison, chair ( full proposals can be found at: UCC Proposes for Second Reading: New Courses BIOL 297: Lab Assistant for Introductory Biology Courses BIOL 315: Sustainability Science Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 23 BIOL 397: Lab Instructor for Introductory Biology Courses BIOL 398: Biology Lab Pedagogy ENGL 428: Editing and Production Workshop II FREN 312: Survey of West Francophone African Civilizations INTD 207: Interdisciplinary Disability Studies Revised Courses BIOL 208: Anatomy Laboratory BIOL 230: Principles of Microbiology BIOL 264: Human Physiology BIOL 305: Biological Conservation DANC 230: Dance Kinesiology Deleted Courses MUSC 370: Music for the Classroom Teacher Revised Programs Biology Minor UCC Proposes for First Reading: New Course BIOL 396: Advanced Research In Biology Revised Course CHEM 324: Principles of Physical Chemistry Revised Programs Music Concentration for Early Childhood and Childhood with Special Education BA in Physics Undergraduate Policies Jeff Over, chair Graduate Academic Affairs Jane Fowler-Morse, chair ( full proposals can be found at: GAAC Proposes for First Reading: New Courses CURR 624: Pedagogy and Instruction for TESOL CURR 625: Assessment-Based Instructional Practicum for TESOL EDUC 521: Linguistics and Culture for TESOL Revised Course EDUC 548: Literacy and Language Development in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 24 New Program (Minor) Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Supplementary Certificate Student Affairs Dan Repinski, chair Faculty Affairs Patrick Rault, chair Report of the ad hoc Committee of the Senate Administrative Assessment Ray Spear, chair New Business Adjournment 5:00 if possible Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 25 Minutes, Executive Committee 30 September 2014 Present: J. Over, J. Morse, D. Repinski, W. Harrison, D. Gordon, P. Rault, P. Michael, J. Lovett, G. Hartvigsen, J. Easterly, Showers, D. & J. McLean (chair) Call to Order: 4:05, Erwin 206 Adoption of the Agenda Adoption of the Minutes: Minutes of the Senate Meeting of May 6, 2014 (CSB v. 58 no. 12; pp. 161) (motion passed) Senate Reports Provost Chair Vice Chair Past-Chair Secretary University Faculty Senator Vice President, Student Assoc. David Gordon, Interim James McLean Jan Lovett Gregg Hartvigsen Joe Easterly Dennis Showers Paul Michael Reports of the Standing Committees of the Senate Undergraduate Curricula Undergraduate Policies Graduate Academic Affairs Student Affairs Faculty Affairs Bill Harrison Jeff Over Jane Fowler Morse Dan Repinski Patrick Rault New Business Medical Amnesty letter from SA Exec: See attached memo Student Affairs Committee will meet with interested parties in an open forum, and then draft a resolution for the College Senate. (Motion passed, unanimous) Discussed: Treasurer—do we need one? How might the position be renewed? Position will remain vacant until volunteer is identified. (Motion passed, unanimous) Adjournment 5:04 (Motion by D. Showers, passed, unanimous) Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 26 Minutes, All-College Faculty Meeting 7 October 2014 Call to Order 4:05, Newton 204 Adoption of the Agenda Approved Reports President Carol Long, Interim • Pres. Long will speak for the All-College and College Senate Meetings @ the College Senate Meeting, meeting. Meeting to follow. Presiding Officer of the Faculty James McLean • Opening for Treasurer, small finances, but need one more faculty voice • Position needs to be filled with a member of teaching faculty Cmte. on Nominations and Elections Kodjo Adabra, Chair Presentation of the slate of nominees for open seats on the Faculty Personnel Committee Report on nominees and call for nominations for open seats on the Committee on Nominations and Elections (report attached) • FPC nominations were presented • no additional CoNE nominations were made, and the nomination were closed. All nominations were approved and accepted Adjournment 4:12pm Respectfully submitted, Joe Easterly & Melissa Tracy Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 27 Report, Committee on Nominations and Elections O7 October 2014 The Committee on Nominations and Elections would like to sincerely thank the twenty-one faculty members who agreed to be considered as nominees for a two-year term on the FACULTY PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (FPC). After soliciting up to four nominations from that list, from each department, the final list of candidates with most votes, to be considered for the Committee on Faculty Personnel follows (four will be elected into FPC): CANDIDATES Kenneth Deutsch Anne Eisenberg Beverly Evans Scott Giorgis Meredith Harrigan Cynthia Klima Jani Lewis Michael Oberg D. Jeff Over Dennis Showers Daniel Strang DEPARTMENTS Political Science Sociology Languages & Literatures Geological Sciences Communication Languages & Literatures Biology History Geological Sciences School of Education School of Business RANKS Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Distinguished Service Professor Distinguished Service Professor Continuing members: Beth McCoy (English), Douglas Baldwin (Mathematics), and Kimberly Hoffman (Libraries) This election will be held in conjunction with the election for the COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS (CoNE). At this time, we have the following colleagues willing to serve on the Committee on Nominations and Elections (Three will be elected into CoNE): CANDIDATES Lynette Bosch Kate Fredericks Elizabeth Hall Lisa Smith Bonnie Swoger Gary Towsley DEPARTMENTS Art History Languages & Literatures School of Education Mathematics library Mathematics Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 28 Continuing members: Douglas Baldwin (Mathematics), Jun Okada (English), and Michelle Costello (Libraries) This fall 2014 elections will be held from Monday November 3rd to Sunday November 9th Run-Off Elections, if any, are scheduled on November 17-23 The current Committee on Nominations and Elections would like to sincerely thank everyone who has agreed to serve in these important roles. Respectfully, Kodjo Adabra, Chair Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 29 Minutes, College Senate Meeting 7 October 2014 Present: S. Allen, S. Argentieri, T. Bailey, M. Baranowski, L. Bernard, K. Callery, M. Cicero, Y. Collins, P. Corrigan, P. Dotterweich, D. Farthing, K. Fletcher, S. Frank, K. Fredericks, J. Gonder, C. Hallahan, B. Harrison, G. Hartvigsen, R. Hayes, J. Haynie, D. Holtzman, T. Hon, E. Hutchison, S. Iyer, M. Kennerknecht, R. Kosoff, C. Kreutter, P. Kurau, M. Lee, M. Lima, T. Macula, D. McPherson, M. Medeiros, C. Merrilees, P. Michael, J. Morse, L. O’Brien, R. Osborne, J. Over, P. Pacheco, A. Pellerin, J. Peterson, P. Rault, D. Ross, S. Salmon, H. Savage, A. Sheldon, R. Spear, A. Tajima, A. Thabateh, C. Thornton, H. Waddy, K. Wegman, K. Yokoyama, & J. McLean (chair) Guests: K. Adabra & D. Parfitt Chair James McLean called this meeting to order at 4:15 PM. The minutes from the meeting of 9/09/14 were approved without objection, or enter vote tally. Reports President Carol Long, Interim • President Search is moving forward. All updates on Presidential Search website. • Review of possible candidates for Interim VP for Advancement. Hope a decision will be made on that hire in the very near future. • Was in Washing DC two weeks ago with Tom Matthews and two of our students receiving recognition for the President’s Higher Education Community Engagement Honor Roll. • In Washington DC last week for The Washington Center annual Gala where we met with 6 alumni and Nate Jakway who is there this semester as a student. We have $3000.00 in scholarships available to future students as a result of our attendance there and were able to build some connections between our alumni and the TWC Program. • In Boston last week, with Dan Dezarn, who has taken a position as the Director of the new office of Sustainability here, and two of our students, I attended the ACUPCC summit. Our students presented a poster on the eGarden at the Sustainability Showcase there. • You will be hearing from the CIDD about our involvement with the Clinton Global Initiative University-CGIU. Students will have the opportunity to apply to pursue a project in one of the five areas of focus for CGIU: Education, Environment and Climate Change, Poverty Alleviation, Peace and Human Rights, and Public Health. Two or three students will have the opportunity to attend the CGI conference in March and will receive some funding for their projects. Application deadline will be December 1. Applications for our own Student Ambassador program will also be coming out by November 1, with a due date in February. • Next week we will have our Foundation Board on campus, with an orientation for several new Board members, and a variety of other evens for Volunteer weekend and Homecoming. Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 30 Provost David Gordon, Interim • 3rd Annual Assessment • 11 Presenters, 55 Attendees, and 78 Polls filled. Chair James McLean, Chair • Vacant position opening for Treasurer Vice-Chair Jan Lovett no report Past-Chair Gregg Hartvigsen no report Secretary Joe Easterly no report Treasurer(vacant) no report University Faculty Senator Dennis Showers no report Vice President, Student Association Paul Michael · Student Association Executive Board wrote and passed a memo containing a letter to the college senate alongside a policy proposal to the college regarding medical amnesty. Reports of the Standing Committees of the Senate Undergraduate Curricula Bill Harrison (all approved) ( full proposals can be found at: 2014-2015) UCC Proposes for First Reading: New Courses BIOL 297: Lab Assistant for Introductory Biology Courses BIOL 315: Sustainability Science BIOL 397: Lab Instructor for Introductory Biology Courses BIOL 398: Biology Lab Pedagogy ENGL 428: Editing and Production Workshop II FREN 312: Survey of West Francophone African Civilizations INTD 207: Interdisciplinary Disability Studies Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 31 Revised Courses BIOL 208: Anatomy Laboratory BIOL 230: Principles of Microbiology BIOL 264: Human Physiology BIOL 305: Biological Conservation DANC 230: Dance Kinesiology Deleted Courses MUSC 370: Music for the Classroom Teacher Revised Programs Biology Minor Undergraduate Policies Jeff Over no report Graduate Academic Affairs Jane Fowler-Morse no report Student Affairs Dan Repinski, chair no report Faculty Affairs Patrick Rault • Meeting October 21st, 4:00 p.m., Room 209 New Business none Adjournment 4:30 PM Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 32 Draft Minutes, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee October 21, 2014 Present: B. Harrison (chair); S. Brainard, Library; J. Fischer, SA; K. Fredericks, Languages and Literatures; E. Froome, Office International Programs; C. Hallahan, SA; D. Holtzman, Biology; J. King, Education; P. Kurau, Music; J. Okada, English; C. Thornton, SA; A. Urso, Education; K. Yokoyama, Chemistry Guests: C. Freeman, Physics; S. Iyer, Dean’s Office; M. Masci, Music. Excused: D. Norris, Geography. The chair called this meeting to order at 4:05 PM. I. Reports and Preliminary Business • The Committee approval the minutes of 23 September 2014. • Our next meeting is scheduled for 4PM Tuesday, 18 November 2014, Sturges 113. • Serving as meeting secretary: Sue Ann Brainard II. Review of Proposals (Following committee procedure, the proposals are listed by department or program. When introduced to the Senate, the courses will be grouped by type of proposal.) Department: Biology New Course BIOL396: Advanced Research in Biology Contact: Holtzman. This is a new course intended to streamline the way advanced research/lab courses are handled; it is for students who have already taken 299 and 399 but want to continue with a research project. The committee discussed directed studies and their variable number of credits. Yokoyama asked if this proposal reflects the Dean’s Office’s preference for all 299 and 399 courses across the college. Iyer answered that it was too complex an issue to be solved this way for all departments. Fredericks asked about prerequisites; Iyer responded that instructor permission is the prerequisite. Harrison asked if this course will be S/U; discussion followed about research assistants and “participation” evaluation. Proposal approved, unanimous vote. Department: Chemistry Revised Course CHEM 324: Principles of Physical Chemistry Contact: Yokayama. This proposal revises both the prerequisites for CHEM 324 and its description. The higher-level prerequisites guarantee student preparedness; the description reflects the current curriculum. Thornton asked about the rotation; Iyer and Yokayama addressed those concerns. Proposal approved: unanimous vote. Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 33 Department: Music Revised Program Music Concentration for Early Childhood and Childhood with Special Education Contact: Masci. The Dean’s Office will make a friendly correction to the order of the proposal sections. This proposal updates the concentration’s requirements, replacing the deleted MUSC 370 with *MUSC 388.* Urso expressed concern that *MUSC 388’s* differing rotation will require Education majors who are considering the music concentration to declare in their first semester. Waivers and directed studies were discussed as an alternative so that our students can get the certification they need—particularly for students presently in the concentration. Iyer stated that the Dean’s Office will work with the Music department on the issue of course rotation. Urso suggested that the freshman should be alerted of this issue during orientation. Motion to vote on proposal with two amendments: 1) correction to the section order, and 2) a charge that the department monitor the effect of *MUSC 388’s* rotation over the next three semesters and address actively any problems. Proposal approved (with changes), unanimous vote. Department: Physics Revised Program BA in Physics Contact: Freeman. This proposal revises the requirements for the Physics major, offering PHYS 311, 344, or 335 as one of four elective options. This change guarantees coverage of key disciplinary concepts and formalizes what is already common practice within the major. Proposal approved, unanimous vote. III. Unfinished Business Hallahan had previously inquired about why Geneseo does not have an individualized, self-directed major program like some other SUNY colleges. Iyer reported that, while the college and its Liberal Arts mission are not opposed formally to the idea, there were many issues that have prevented Geneseo from developing such a program. Faculty and student efforts have been directed toward interdisciplinary majors and minors that also provide curricular flexibility. Individualized majors usually require substantial faculty and administrative resources. Larger institutions are sometimes better equipped to handle those logistical obstacles than the college with its present faculty-student ratio. However, the college is not opposed to an individualized curriculum on pedagogical grounds. IV. New Business None. V. Announcements Full proposals can be found at The meeting adjourned at 4:44 PM. Respectfully submitted, Sue Ann Brainard, acting secretary, and Bill Harrison, chair Correspondence: ( James McLean, 245-5897) Back issues available at Page 34