Bulletin No. 5

State University of New York at Geneseo
College of Arts and Sciences
Bulletin Vol. 59, No. 5
Pages 60–73
30 January 2015
Agenda, College Senate Meeting
3 February 2015........................................................................................................................61
Minutes, Executive Committee Meeting
November 25, 2014..................................................................................................................64
Minutes, College Senate Meeting
December 2, 2014.....................................................................................................................65
Draft Minutes, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
January 20, 2015......................................................................................................................68
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 60
Agenda, College Senate Meeting
3 February 2015
Call to Order 4:00, Newton 204
Adoption of the Agenda
Approval of the Minutes
Minutes of the Senate Meeting of December 2, 2014 (CSB v. 59 no. 5; pp. 65–67)
Officer Reports
Carol Long, Interim
David Gordon, Interim
James McLean
Vice Chair Jan Lovett
Gregg Hartvigsen
Joe Easterly
Treasurer Kodjo Adabra
University Faculty Senator
Dennis Showers
Vice President, Student Assoc.
Paul Michael
Reports of the Standing Committees of the Senate
Undergraduate Curricula
Bill Harrison, chair
(full proposals can be found at: https://boxes.geneseo.edu/DeanofCollege/doc/UCC/Senate_2014_2015/)
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 61
UCC Proposes for First Reading:
New Courses
ANTH 238: Ethnomedicine in Latin America and the Caribbean
ANTH 314: Topics in Linguistics: (subtitle)
ANTH 382: Ethnographic Field Methods
ANTH 383: Archaeological Method and Theory
ANTH 410: Classical Theory in Anthropology
ANTH 421: Contemporary Theory in Anthropology
ANTH 493: Honors Research/Writing
ENGL 277: Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
MUSC 280: Musical Theatre Performance I: Foundations
MUSC 380: Musical Theatre Performance II: Characterization & Scene Study
MUSC 381: Musical Theatre Performance III: Portfolio & Audition Techniques
Revised Courses
ANTH 201: Human Evolution
ANTH 202: M/Health, Culture, and Society
ANTH 224: M/Ethnography of Gender in Latin America
ANTH 226:M/Native Voices: Mesoamerica and the Andes
ANTH 229: Ethnography and Film
ANTH 235: S/M/Ancient Civilizations of the Americas
ANTH 323: Primate Field School
BIOL 312: Aquatic Community Ecology
BIOL 330: Immunology
BIOL 339: Animal Behavior Laboratory
BIOL 354: Developmental Biology
BIOL 364: Animal Physiology
BIOL 392: Genome Analysis
BIOL 394: Neurobiology Techniques
CHEM 342: Modern Analytical Lab
CHEM 361: Modern Physical Chemistry Laboratory
INTD 240: Student Development
PHYS 230: Digital Electronics
PLSC 320: Theories of Comparative Politics
SOCL 210: Sociology of the Family
SOCL 225: Sociology of Gender
Deleted Courses
ANTH 228: Research Methods in Applied Anthropology
ANTH 282: Research Methods in Anthropology
ANTH 283: Research Methods in Archaeology
ANTH 310: Classical Theory in Anthropology
ANTH 321: Contemporary Theory in Anthropology
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 62
ANTH 324: Research Methods in Primatology
ANTH 393: Honors Research/Writing
ANTH 396: Teaching Practicum in Anthropology
INTD 377: Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
New Program
Minor in Dance History
Revised Programs
BA in Anthropology
BA in Biology
BS in Biology
BA in Geography
BA in International Relations
BA in Mathematics
BA in Political Science
Undergraduate Policies
Kurt Fletcher, co-chair
(as published in CSB v. 59 no. 4; pp. 55; full proposals can be found at: https://boxes.geneseo.edu/
UPC Proposes for Second Reading:
Change in Attendance at the Beginning of the Semester
Change in Declaring Majors and Minors, concerning major-minor overlap
Change in Mandatory Advisement
Graduate Academic Affairs
Jane Fowler-Morse, chair
Student Affairs
Dan Repinski, chair
Faculty Affairs
Patrick Rault, chair
New Business
5:00, if possible
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 63
Minutes, Executive Committee Meeting
November 25, 2014
Present: P. Rault, K. Adabra, J. Lovett, J. Morse, D. Repinski, G. Hartvigsen, J. Over, D. Gordon, J.
Easterly, & J. McLean (chair)
The Executive Committee meeting started at 4:04 P.M. in Erwin 206.
A motion to approve the minutes of October 28, 2014 was passed unanimously.
Reports of Officers and Standing Committees
David Gordon, Interim
The Provost reported on SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference, which is similar to Geneseo’s GREAT Day, but for all of SUNY. This conference will be hosted at SUNY Brockport
April 6, 2015. Patty Hamilton-Rogers is our campus liaison.
James McLean
The chair provided an update on discussion regarding Faculty Handbook, and led discussions
about the senate voting system, and minute-taking practices across senate committees. There was
a discussion about the depth of note-taking, and publishing minutes in draft form.
Undergraduate Policies
Jeff Over
The UPC Chair discussed recently approved policy changes, and the status of chairperson for
spring semester.
Student Affairs Committee
Dan Repinski
The SAC chair discussed the Good Samaritan policy.
Faculty Affairs Committee
Patrick Rault
The FAC chair provided a description of recently approved updates to the personnel forms. There
was a discussion about rating system used in full- and part-time academic employees; forms are
not ready for senate review at this time.
A motion to refer discussion to Faculty Affairs Committee for further discussion was passed,
without objection.
A motion to change the default Senate calendar to avoid having meetings during Thanksgiving week
was passed without objection.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:23.
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 64
Minutes, College Senate Meeting
December 2, 2014
4:00, Newton 204
Present: K. Adabra, S. Allen, S. Argentieri, T. Bailey, M. Baranowski, L. Bernard, S. Brainard, K.
Callery, Y. Collins, P. Corrigan, J. Easterly, D. Farthing, K. Fletcher, K. Fredericks, E. Froome, R. Gifford, J. Gonder, D. Gordon, C. Hallahan, B. Harrison, G. Hartvigsen, T. Hartvigsen, A. Hayes, R.
Hayes, J. Haynie, S. Hecht, D. Holtzman, T. Hon, E. Hutchison, S. Iyer, J. Katz, M. Kennerknecht,
J. King, R. Kosoff, P. Kurau, M. Lee, M. Lima, C. Long, J. Lovett, D. McPherson, C. Merrilees, P.
Michael, J. Morse, L. O’Brien, R. Osborne, J. Over, P. Rault, D. Repinski, S. Salmon, D. Scott, D.
Showers, R. Spear, S. Stubblefield, A. Tajima, A. Thabateh, A. Urso, L. White, K. Yokoyama,
& J. McLean (chair)
Call to Order
The proposed agenda was adopted without objection.
The minutes of the Senate Meeting of 4 Nov 2014 (CSB v. 59 no. 4; p. 39) was approved without
Officer Reports
Carol Long, Interim
The presidential search committee and the College Council will meet on December 12th.
Nearly done with the Memorandum of Understanding for Nature Center in Letchworth State
Park. Groundbreaking slated for May 2015, with an opening in May 2016.
New SUNY Policies and sexual assaults were completed with the designated 60 days and distributed by the Chancellor yesterday.
David Gordon, Interim
Three new programs approved at SUNY: Neurosciences, BS Math, BS Applied Math.
SUNY-wide URes: April 8th?
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 65
Reports of the Standing Committees of the Senate
Undergraduate Curricula
Bill Harrison, chair
( full proposals can be found at:
The Undergraduate Curricula Committee proposed the following for the first reading:
New Course
BIOL 396: Advanced Research In Biology
Revised Course
CHEM 324: Principles of Physical Chemistry
Revised Programs
Music Concentration for Early Childhood and Childhood with Special Education
BA in Physics
These proposals passed without objection.
Undergraduate Policies
Jeff Over, chair
(as published in CSB v. 59 no. 4; p. 55; full proposals can be found at:
The Undergraduate Policies Committee proposed the following:
Change in Attendance at the Beginning of the Semester
Change in Declaring Majors and Minors, concerning major-minor overlap
Change in Mandatory Advisement
The Motion to “Change in Attendance at the Beginning of the Semester” passed, but not
unanimously. The motions to “Change in Declaring Majors and Minors, concerning major-minor
overlap” and “Change in Mandatory Advisement” passed unanimously.
Graduate Academic Affairs
Jane Fowler Morse, chair
( full proposals can be found at: https://boxes.geneseo.edu/DeanofCollege/doc/GAAC/Senate_2014_2015/)
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 66
The Graduate Academic Affairs Committee proposed for the first reading:
New Courses
CURR 624: Pedagogy and Instruction for TESOL
CURR 625: Assessment-Based Instructional Practicum for TESOL
EDUC 521: Linguistics and Culture for TESOL
Revised Course
EDUC 548: Literacy and Language Development in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
New Program (Minor)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Supplementary Certificate
Each of these proposals passed without objection.
Student Affairs
Dan Repinski, chair
Faculty Affairs
Patrick Rault, chair
Report of the ad hoc Committee of the Senate
Administrative Assessment
Ray Spear, chair
The committee’s efforts this semester will be a “trial balloon” and will be assessed.
New Business
The meeting adjourned at 4:32.
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 67
Draft Minutes, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
January 20, 2015
Present: B. Harrison (chair); S. Brainard, Library; J. Fischer, SA; K. Fredericks, Languages and
Literatures; D. Holtzman, Biology; J. King, Education; P. Kurau, Music; D. Norris, Geography; A.
Urso, Education; K. Yokoyama, Chemistry
Guests: I. Belyakov, Office International Programs; C. Easton, Dean’s Office/Residence Life; C. Freeman, Physics; J. Johannes, Math; S. Iyer, Dean’s Office; P. Pacheco, Anthropology.
Excused: E. Froome, Office of International Programs; J. Okada, English.
The chair called this meeting to order at 4:05 PM.
I. Reports and Preliminary Business
• The Committee approved the minutes of October 21, 2015.
• Our next meeting is scheduled for 4PM Tuesday, 17 February 2015, Sturges 113.
• Membership update: C. Thornton resignation; quorum eight; E. Froome, excused; J. Okada,
English, is on sabbatical so excused for the rest of the year.
• Serving as meeting secretary: Sue Ann Brainard
• The Committee approved the move to adjourn this meeting at 5:30PM if necessary.
II. Review of Proposals
(Following committee procedure, the proposals are listed by department or program. When introduced to the Senate, the courses will be grouped by type of proposal.)
Department: Interdisciplinary [Dean’s Office/Residence Life]
Revised Course
INTD 240: Student Development
Contact: Easton. No discussion. Motion to vote, Harrison. Second, Holtzman. Proposal
approved: unanimous vote.
Department: Theatre and Dance
New Minor
Minor in Dance History
Contact: Kurau. No discussion. Motion to vote, Harrison. Second, Kurau. Proposal approved: unanimous vote.
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 68
Department: English
New Course
ENGL 277: Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Contact: Belyakov. No discussion. Motion to vote, Harrison. Second, King. Proposal approved: unanimous vote.
Department: Interdisciplinary
Deleted Course
INTD 377: Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Contact: Belyakov. Iyer said that the ENGL 277 course just approved replaces INTD 377;
new course has a change to two hours lecture, two hours activity. Motion to vote, Harrison.
Second, Hallahan. Proposal approved: unanimous vote.
Department: Geography
Revised Program
BA in Geography
Contact: Norris. Iyer pointed out that the Dean’s Office made a formatting change; requirements should be in table, notes at the bottom. Proposal approved: unanimous vote.
Department: Mathematics
Revised Program
BA in Mathematics
Contact: Johannes. Iyer presented the Dean’s Office’s concerns with the proposal’s requirement that special permission must be granted by course instructor and chair. Normally
it is one person only, the chair, who needs to give permission. The prerequisites override
form will be electronic soon, so needing permission from both instructor and chair will be
troublesome. Johannes explained that the department felt that the instructor as well as the
chair should have a say in who joins the class. Iyer expressed concern about the time it would
take to get two approvals. Johannes asked if it could be just the instructor. Iyer agreed and
made a friendly revision to the proposal, changing from permission of chair to permission
of instructor. Motion to vote, Harrison. Second, Fischer. Proposal approved (with change):
unanimous vote.
Department: Physics and Astronomy
Revised Course
PHYS 230: Digital Electronics
Contact: Freeman. No discussion. Motion to vote, Harrison. Second, Holtzman. Proposal
approved: unanimous vote.
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 69
Department: Sociology
Revised Courses
SOCL 210: Sociology of the Family
SOCL 225: Sociology of Gender
No contact. Two courses reviewed as a package; a prerequisite change for both. Iyer explained that the change reflects reality, matching policy with practice. Motion to vote,
Harrison. Second, King. Proposal approved: unanimous vote.
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Revised Course
PLSC 320: Theories of Comparative Politics
No contact. Change in course prerequisite: course option removed. Iyer revealed that the
change did not alter how the course registration is handled in in the Banner system. If
a course requires “permission of instructor,” then the system cannot check for any other
restriction. It is the responsibility of the instructor granting permission to make sure that all
other prerequisites are fulfilled. It was unclear whether or not this was common knowledge.
Motion to vote, Harrison. Second, Urso. Proposal approved: unanimous vote.
Revised Majors
BA in Political Science
BA in International Relations
No contact. Iyer explained that the Dean’s Office is taking out PSYC 251 as an option. Motion to vote, Harrison. Second, Fredericks. Proposal approved: unanimous vote.
Department: Music
New Courses
MUSC 280: Musical Theatre Performance I: Foundations
MUSC 380: Musical Theatre Performance II: Characterization & Scene Study
MUSC 381: Musical Theatre Performance III: Portfolio & Audition Techniques
Contact: Kurau. Three courses reviewed as a package. Kurau explained that the courses
fill gaps in the program’s offerings. Motion to vote, Harrison. Second, Callahan. Proposal
approved: unanimous vote.
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 70
Department: Chemistry
Revised Courses
CHEM 313: Laboratory Techniques in Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 342: Modern Analytical Lab
CHEM 361: Modern Physical Chemistry Laboratory
Contact: Yokoyama. Three courses reviewed as a package. These revisions make CHEM
209 a prerequisite because students have been delaying taking it until their junior or senior
year, causing the department to have to add multiple sessions. There are also issues concerning students who have difficultly passing the prerequisite sequence or change majors. The
revisions will encourage students to follow the advising guidelines. Iyer explained that the
Dean’s office does not have a huge opposition to this, but asked for the rationale. Yokoyama
detailed the course rotation.
CHEM 313 presented a problem, as the equivalency of the prerequisites was not apparent:
the Dean asked for clarification. The committee discussed and revisited CHEM 313 but
was unable to resolve the issue. The proposal was removed from the package and tabled for
consideration in February.
Motion is to vote on the CHEM 342 and CHEM 361. Motion to vote, Harrison. Second,
Holtzman. Proposal approved: unanimous vote.
Department: Biology
Revised Courses
BIOL 312: Aquatic Community Ecology
BIOL 330: Immunology
BIOL 339: Animal Behavior Laboratory
BIOL 354: Developmental Biology
BIOL 364: Animal Physiology
BIOL 392: Genome Analysis
BIOL 394: Neurobiology Techniques
Contact: Holtzman. Seven courses reviewed as a package; all revisions address changes in
prerequisites. Motion to vote, Harrison. Second, Fredericks. Proposal approved: unanimous
Revised Majors
BA in Biology
BS in Biology
Contact: Holtzman. Two proposals reviewed as a package. Iyer pointed out that the proposals did not come in with advising guides; the Dean’s Office assumes it is because the changes
do not affect the total number of credits. Iyer will remind the department to check advising
guide. Motion to vote, Harrison. Second, Fischer. Proposal approved: unanimous vote.
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 71
Department: Anthropology
New Courses
ANTH 238: Ethnomedicine in Latin America and the Caribbean
ANTH 314: Topics in Linguistics: (subtitle)
ANTH 382: Ethnographic Field Methods
ANTH 383: Archaeological Method and Theory
ANTH 410: Classical Theory in Anthropology
ANTH 421: Contemporary Theory in Anthropology
ANTH 493: Honors Research/Writing
Contact: Pacheco. Seven proposals reviewed as a package. No discussion. Motion to vote,
Harrison. Second,Holtzman. Proposal approved: unanimous vote.
Revised Courses
ANTH 201: Human Evolution
ANTH 202: M/Health, Culture, and Society
ANTH 224: M/Ethnography of Gender in Latin America
ANTH 226:M/Native Voices: Mesoamerica and the Andes
ANTH 229: Ethnography and Film
ANTH 235: S/M/Ancient Civilizations of the Americas
ANTH 323: Primate Field School
Contact: Pacheco. Seven proposals reviewed as a package. No discussion. Motion to vote,
Harrison. Second, Fischer. Proposal approved: unanimous vote.
Deleted Courses
ANTH 228: Research Methods in Applied Anthropology
ANTH 282: Research Methods in Anthropology
ANTH 283: Research Methods in Archaeology
ANTH 310: Classical Theory in Anthropology
ANTH 321: Contemporary Theory in Anthropology
ANTH 324: Research Methods in Primatology
ANTH 393: Honors Research/Writing
ANTH 396: Teaching Practicum in Anthropology
Contact: Pacheco. Eight proposals reviewed as a package. No discussion. Motion to vote,
Harrison. Second, Fischer. Proposal approved: unanimous vote.
Revised Major
BA in Anthropology
Contact: Pacheco. Iyer reported that she changed the formatting on the proposal, simply
changing how courses were listed. Pacheco asked if it changes the advising guide, to which
Iver answered, no. Pacheco asked about how to handle study abroad opportunities. Iyer said
there must be a waiver. Motion to vote, Harrison. Second, Holtzman. Proposal approved:
unanimous vote.
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 72
III. Unfinished Business
IV. New Business
Iyer discussed the Dean’s Office’s future plans to have all the proposals submitted electronically
along the lines of the present Directed Study system. Forms will still have to be formatted in Word
because the Office changes things occasionally, but electronic submission will allow for confirmation and prevent mistakes.
V. Announcements
Full proposals can be found at https://boxes.geneseo.edu/DeanofCollege/doc/
The meeting adjourned at 5:02 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Ann Brainard, acting secretary, and
Bill Harrison, chair
Correspondence: senate@geneseo.edu ( James McLean, 245-5897)
Back issues available at http://geneseo.edu/senate/bulletin
Page 73