St. Petersburg IB Program Newsletter: Summer 2015

Official Newsletter of the St. Petersburg High School International Baccalaurate Program SUMMER 2015
Congratulations to the IB Class of 2015!
he annual IB Senior Celebration was
held on May 27th at the Coliseum,
commemorating the graduates’
accomplishments with dinner and
entertainment. During the dinner, a slide
show highlighted the students’ four years
at SPHS. The class can thank Cassidy
Minnings for all the time and effort in
putting together this slide show. This year,
she included students photos side by side;
one from their toddler/elementary years and
the other a “remake” of the same photo now
as a senior.
Entertainment included music, dance
and juggling (!) from some of our talented
seniors. The class elected Cassidy Minning
and Carl Plant as Senior Speakers and both
shared their experiences along with words
of wisdom for their classmates.
Each student received his or her IB sash
from SPHS Principal Al Bennett and IB
Director Susan Farias. The IB faculty
performed an original song (and dance!) to
the tune of “Uptown Funk” as a tribute to
the seniors. Each senior left the event with a
goody bag featuring the senior class t-shirt,
designed this year by Marco DelVecchio
and selected by class vote.
The evening was sponsored by the IB
Booster Organization and organized by the
Senior Celebration Committee. A special
thank you to the law firm of Trenam
Kemker and Action Wheelsport for helping
to underwrite this special night.
Award Winners
Lina Miller
Paul Logan
Christopher Tepetitlan
Linda McPheron
Overcoming Obstacles
Miriam Cone
Carolyn Nelson Award
Ideal IB Student
Dr. Warren Hunnictutt
& Mrs. Carol Mathis
Don Driskell
Faculty Speaker
selected by students
2015 Valedictorian & Salutatorian
Ashley Zhou
Duke University
Class Valedictorian is
a Scholar!: Ashley Zhou was
selected as one of 565 semifinalists to
advance to the final round of the 2015
US Presidential Scholars competition.
From nearly 3.3 million graduating
high school seniors, over 4300 students
were identified as candidates in the
program, and 565 semifinalists have
been selected from across the country.
Congratulations Ashley. She will be
attending Duke University in the fall.
2015 IB Salutatorian:
Gustavo Velez
Institute of Technology
Creativity Action Service (CAS)
Your Booster
Board 2015-2016:
Jackie Donovan
Yolando Singletary
Vice President
Miguel Abdo
Christy Winans*
Jan Miller
Celeste Stroud*
Ron Ladd IB
Cindee Connon
Julie Delvecchio IB Senior Celebration
Nancy Gaesser
Susan Farias IB
Toby McDuffie*
*new members to the board
Examining the
postsecondary outcomes
of IB Diploma Program
students in the
United States:
A recent study investigated the
university enrollment, retention
and graduation rates of Diploma
Programme (DP) students who
graduated from public and private high
schools in the United States in 2008.
The key findings include:
• 9 2% of DP students graduating
from US high schools in 2008
enrolled in US postsecondary
institutions between 2008 and
2014, while 78% of students
enrolled immediately.
• Th
e first year retention rate of
DP students enrolled in four-year
institutions was 98% (compared to
77% nationally).
• Th
e average four-year graduation
rate of all DP students was 79%
(versus 39% nationally, see chart).
DP students also have notably
higher six-year graduation rates
(83%) than the 2009 national
average of 56%.
Interested in Advertising
in the Advocate for this
school year??:
We welcome your business ad which
helps offset our costs for printing. This
newsletter goes to approximately 500
families four times each year. Price is
$35.00/issue or $100.00/year.
You can email Jan Miller,
editor, for more information at
Get your FREE IB
The deadline to join or renew your IB
Booster Club membership is (postmarked
by) July 31st. You will receive a free IB
planner as incentive to join us. Please fill
out the membership form inserted in this
publication and JOIN OUR FACEBOOK
Run for Rochelle, a community CAS
Project, raised approximately $5,800 to
give to the children of Rochelle TatraRay who are survivors of the domestic
abuse/murder of their mother. She
was CEO of Gulfcoast Jewish Family
Service. Sarah Anderson, Sarah
Green, Alyssa Jouret, Lina Miller
and Danielle Sackett headed up this
project. Approximately 125 people
came to Fort DeSoto for the 5K
run. There were presentations from
survivors of domestic abuse and a tent
set up by CASA with information to
increase awareness. Pizza was donated
by Westshore Pizza and fresh fruit and
water by Fresh Market.
New Shirts for Fall:
For sale now at the IB office, these
new designs are priced at $15.00 each.
We have all sizes from girls XS to
Boy’s XL. The T-Shirts come in a “girl
cut” as well as a “traditional cut” Tee.
Don’t wait until school starts if you are
looking for a specific size or style! The
office is open all summer!
Cas Soccer Tournament:
Another community CAS project
by Martin Gaganelov, Will Glenn,
Matt Mainelli and Miraj Patel was
a huge success. They hosted a 3 vs. 3
soccer tournament to raise money for
the Children’s Dream Fund which is
an organization that helps seriously
ill kids live out their “dream’.” The
tournament was after school in April
with sponsorship by Chick-Fil-a,
Trinity Graphics, and The Avenue
restaurant. Each participant enjoyed
food and some also received a t-shirt.
The winners took home a $25 gift
card to The Avenue. It was an all
around enjoyable time as there was
music, food and games. This group
was able to raise $600 for their Dream
Child, Tyler, who was diagnosed with
leukemia in 2014.
Since this is not something that
could be accomplished in a year,
the cemetery still has a long way to
go. However, the progress we have
made was much more than anyone
could have predicted. The cemetery
is much easier to navigate and less
cluttered, and we have managed
to spread awareness of our project.
The picture provided shows group
members collaborating during a
meeting to maintain the cemetery.
You can check out our blog at!
Legacy Cas Project:
by John Adrian Gison: This project
is a long-term legacy project planned
by Mr. Halstead and Mr. Farias.
The project consisted of a group
of aproxiamtely 30 IB seniors and
juniors who have started improving
the Historic Greenwood cemetery,
as well as performing maintenance
on it when needed (such as mowing
and trimming the grass). Some of the
things we have accomplished over the
past year are:
icking up various debris around
the cemetery (empty cans, glass and
other litter) as well as fallen branches
• the removal of a fallen log
• raising some plot borders which
sank into the ground over the years
• taking pictures of the cemetery as
we progress
• creating brochures to spread
awareness and advertise to
businesses for funding
• beginning the archival of the
people buried within the cemetery
Cas Project Fun And
Games: A field day was organized
for elementary students at Sanderlin,
which is both an IB elementary and
middle school. Seniors Charli Baden,
Joey Dalton, Jared LeVine, Alyssa
Jouret, Jakob Reese, and Jillian
Zawacki worked together on this
project to create a fun filled day for
the students while also involving both
of our IB schools. To organize this
field day they gathered volunteers
from service clubs SPHS and
organized them to play different field
day activities for the kids. Overall,
this project was so much fun and,
according to Jillian Zawacki, was
“my favorite CAS activity/project!” In
addition, this group spoke with the
Sanderlin faculty and plan to continue
this project annually!
Academic Achievement
National Ethics Bowl
Results 2015:
The St. Pete Ethics Team had a
successful meet at the National Ethics
Bowl in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
The team progressed to quarterfinals,
and was ultimately defeated by the
Utah team that wound up winning
the entire Bowl! In addition to this
competition, the students enjoyed a
taste of real spring as the UNC campus
was in full bloom.
Please Congratulate:
• Rosie Chittick
• Nora Flower
• Jared LeVine
• Riley Redington
• Lakshmi Sanmuganathan
IB Student Selected To
MIT Summer Program:
After months of waiting, IB Junior
Maja Haerle, was accepted to MIT’s
Women’s Technology Program in
Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science. The MIT Women’s Technology
Program (WTP) is a rigorous fourweek summer academic and residential
experience where female high school
students explore engineering through
hands-on classes, labs, and team-based
projects in the summer after 11th
grade. Maja was one of 40 students
selected from an applicant pool of 387
young women. She thanks Mr. Smith,
her physics teacher, for telling her about
this program and knows what a great
experience this will be for her. We can’t
wait to hear more about her experience!
Florida State Spanish
Conference (Conferencia)
Conferencia is an academic
competition for high school students
throughout the state of Florida. It
is held in Orlando in March. Each
school can bring a team of 16
students. Students participate in
impromptu speeches, poems and a
play. Additionally there are individual
competitions in the areas of Regional
Dress, Entertainment, Scrapbook and
Students of Month
for March: The recipients of
March Student of the month are
Senior J.T. Hadley and Junior Kasee
Connon. These students exemplify
the IB quality of Open-Minded:
They critically appreciate their own
cultures and personal histories, as
well as the values and traditions
of others. They seek and evaluate
a range of points of view, and are
willing to grow from the experience.
Poster. Our team this year consisted
of 4 seniors and 12 sophomores,
sponsored by Sra. Torres. The team
placed first in Division I, 6A/7A/8A.
The IB participants were:
Ana Abdo, Marc Badilla, Alivia
Baxendell, Sophie Charlson,
Weyman Cohen, Ashley Finster,
Tricia Monte, Thomas Nelson,
Danielle Sackett, Samantha Scribano,
Camille Torres, Weston Willingham,
Emily Wilson, Alexandra Zamitalo
We went, we played and we
conquered!!!!! ¡Todos a Una!
Last summer, Morgan spent six
weeks on the Barque Eagle, the Coast
Guard’s tall ship followed by five
weeks stationed on a fast response
cutter in Puerto Rico. This summer,
Morgan will be a Water Cadre.
She will teach sailing to incoming
freshmen in Mobile, AL.
Upon graduation in two years,
Morgan will serve for a minimum of
five years active duty or eight years in
the reserves with her Bachelors Degree
as a Coast Guard officer.
She’s doing well and really enjoying
her academic experience.
IB Grad in the News!:
Nora Flower, Jacob Hehn,Anna
Larangeira, Tricia Monte, Maria
Plazas,Samantha Scribano, Kevin
IB graduate ‘08, Andrea Rodrigues,
played varsity soccer as a starter
all four years at SPHS. She was
discovered on the cover of a
Portuguese magazine. She plays for
the women’s soccer National Team
of Europe qualifying for the 2017
Spanish selections, Finland, Ireland
• S ara Cappelli and Trenton Sweigart
(IB) – Duet Musical
ech: J.T. Hadley (IB) – Publicity.
The students also participated in
multiple workshops including: dance,
stage combat, theatrical make-up,
college audition techniques, acting,
singing, etc. They also enjoyed some
full length productions on the main
stage at the Straz Center from other
Florida high schools including
“Pippin”, “Violet”, “42nd Street”, and
“Moon over Buffalo”.
Congratulations to the
2015 Junior and Senior
Prom Court:
2013 Graduate Update:
Morgan Rhodes is a 2013 graduate
from St. Petersburg High School’s
IB Program. She was awarded a full
scholarship from the United States
Coast Guard Academy in New London,
CT and she is finishing her sophomore
year. Due to her high math scores,
she is currently taking classes with
upper classmen, and, at the Academy’s
request, is now a math major.
Spanish Exam:
The National Spanish Exam (NSE) is
an online assessment given voluntarily
throughout the United States to
measure proficiency and achievement
of students who are studying Spanish
as a second language. The mission
of the NSE is to recognize student’s
achievement and to promote language
proficiency in Spanish. This year we
had 70 students participate in the exam.
The following IB students placed in
the “Oro” (gold) category, scoring at or
above the 95th percentile nationwide:
and Montenegro. The group stage for
the Europe 2017 will take place in the
Netherlands from September 14th of
this year and September 20, 2016. The
winners of the eight groups and the six
best runners join the Netherlands in
the final phase.
Mrs. Franzek at Oxford:
Lydia Franzek will start a master’s
program in English this summer. She
will be studying abroad at Oxford
University in Oxford, England from
late June until August. The MA
Program is through Middlebury
College in Vermont.
Senior Court:
• Ryan Anderson
Alex Adair
• Martin Gagenelov IB Anna Cappelli
• William Glenn IB
Sam Hoo
• Derek Hubler
Cassidy Niedermeier
• Yasser Nejjary
Tiffany Phetsadasack
Junior Court:
• Quinn Dudley
Tabby Blackwell
• Raquan Jackson
Elizabeth Mitchell
• WilliamShelburne GiannaTsesmelisIB
This year’s Junior/Senior Prom was
held at the Gulfport Casino with the
theme of Arabian Nights.
Friendship Basket:
Thespians Find
Success at States:
Thespians performed extremely well at
the Florida State Thespian Festival just
prior to Spring Break! They were only
able to compete in five performance
categories and they rocked it with four
Superiors and two Excellents!
Please congratulate the following
students –
erek Hubler, Tucker DeGregory
(IB), Asianna Williams, Maude
Murphy – Small Group Musical
aige Crockett (IB)– Solo Musical
nna Cappelli – Solo Musical
renton Sweigart (IB)- Monologues
Senior Cassidy Minning received
the Friendship Basket at the end of
the year Move-Up Ceremony. This is
a high honor for a senior girl and a
tradition since 1914; a time when the
graduating class was very small and
every member of it was know to all. A
basket of flowers was presented to the
girl who had shown the best of spirit of
love and loyalty, of unselfishness, and
cheerful service. The basket was to stay
in her possession until commencement
time. Then next year, she was to fill
it with fresh flowers for a member of
the next class. Today, this basket is a
symbol of loyalty to the school and love
between classes. This basket is called
the “Loving Basket” or the “Friendship
Basket” and it was well deserved with
Cassidy as it’s recipient.
Our New 2015-2016
Devilettes Dance Team:
Please Congratulate IB Students:
• Olivia Babb
• Caitlin Maselli
• Emily Porterfield
• Lillian Shirley
• Holly Spayde
• Jamia Washington
• Megan Wilgus
Track and Field
Regional Qualifiers:
Many kids finished up their season or
high school track experience with a
personal best, and some moved on to
Regionals this past April. To move on to
Regionals you had to score in the top four
at districts in your event. The Regional
Qualifiers with IB students were:
Walker’s Rising
Star Results:
Our Walker’s Rising Stars finalists
performed at the Mahaffey Theater on
May 5th. The appreciative audience was
made up of the mayor, superintendent,
corporate sponsors and school
board members. The students all
demonstrated such confidence and
talent! More than 200 juniors and
seniors from Pinellas County’s Public
Schools applied to compete in the
seven month process of auditions and
adjudication. High schools held their
own talent shows and sent their best
performers to the semi-final auditions.
From there, the finalists were chosen.
From St. Petersburg High School the
following students participated:
• I B Senior Maya Silverberg placed 4th
in dance (ballet) and she won
the Fan Favorite Award!
• I B Senior Alyssa Jouret placed 2nd
in instrumental for violin
wendolyn Ludwig placed 3rd
in acting
Interview with Dr.
Hunnicutt and Mrs.
Mathis on Retirement:
Dr. Hunnicutt:
4x800M Relays-4th place - Lina
Miller (IB), Naomi Miller (IB),
Carson Matirne, Amari Morris (IB)
Q: How long have you been teaching
and how many years at St. Pete High?
At the Regional competition, the
girls came in at 12th place (out of 16
teams). They were pleased they were
able to qualify and compete at this
level. Three of the four runners will be
returning next season, and with more
experience, they expect to excel.
Q: What is the biggest change you
have seen in students over the past
few years?
A: A
total of 40 years teaching; 33 at SPHS.
A: Th
ey have a much weaker
foundation coming into the IB
Q: What will you be doing on August
17th when students return in the fall
and what you imagine your days will
be filled with...?
A: Our target moving date is August
15th (going to Blairsville, GA,
to be close to my 92 year-young
Mom) – so I imagine, if all goes
according to plan, I will be quite
busy unpacking boxes.
Q: Where do you hope to travel in the
next few years?
• Brass Quintet: Carl Plant (IB), Travis
Ando (IB), Calvin Crockett
(IB), Lorenzo Phrasavath (IB) and
Patrick Tobin (IB)
A: I n the immediate future – Georgia,
New Mexico and Toronto.
• Clarinet Quartet: Kimberly Vasbinder
(IB), Harmony Furman, Christa Miller
and Austin Gavern (IB)
Q: Is there anything else you want
to include...??
A: I t has been an honor and a pleasure
to teach at St. Pete High…there is
no other school like it. There is a
very low turn over rate here with
teachers, so you KNOW it’s a great
place to work. I am sad to conclude
this segment of my life, but I am
excited about beginning the next.
I wish everyone the best in their
future and may nothing but roses
line your path.
Mrs. Mathis:
Q: How long have you been teaching
and how many years at St. Pete High?
A: 30 years total and 20 years at SPHS
Q: What is the biggest change you
have seen in students over the past
few years?
A: Th
e loving relationship they have
with their cell phones.
Q: What you will be doing on August
17th when students return in the fall
and what do you imagine your days
will be filled with...?
A: I will be doing whatever I want to
do! Including spending more time
with my grandsons, reading what I
want to read, playing golf, playing
the piano, bike riding…endless ways
to fill up my days!
Q: Where do you hope to travel in the
next few years?
A: A
trip to Italy is planned for
October. I would also like to take a
river cruise in Germany.
Band News:
Congratulations to the new band
leadership for 2015-16: drum major
Romina Lilollari (IB), band captain
Lorenzo Phrasavath (IB), drum captain
Alex Abraham (IB), woodwinds captain
Christa Miller, brass captain Tyler Karges,
band manager Corey Riggs and band
librarians Zachary Foraker and
Mary Miklos.
In other band program news, 14 students
earned superior ratings at the state solo
and ensemble festival in Gainesville this
• Clarinet solos – Christa Miller,
Kimberly Vasbinder (IB)
and Austin Gavern (IB)
• Flute solos – Natalie Danner, Ashley
Finster and Mary Miklos
• Alto saxophone solo - Rachel Replogle
• Percussion solo - Brian Fitzpatrick
In December, Christa Miller and
Natalie Danner were chosen to attend
the University of South Florida Festival
of Winds, while Carl Plant (IB) and
Kimberly Vasbinder (IB) were chosen
to attend Florida State University’s TriState Music Festival. Finally, in January
numerous musicians auditioned and were
selected for the Pinellas All-County Band
and played at Mahaffey Theater.
Join the Green Devil
Marching Band!
The St. Petersburg High School Green
Devil Marching Band is recruiting new
members. The full band performs at all
home football games while a pep band
plays at basketball games. In addition,
the band participates in competitions
across the state. This past year the
Green Devil Band participated in five
competitions and ended up 10th in the
state in our division for music and sixth
in the state for percussion. The band will
hold fundamental camps every Tuesday,
starting June 30, and running throughout
the summer, with full band camp from
Aug. 3-14.
If you are interested in joining the band,
Or for more information, go to http://
No prior experience in necessary.
2015 End of Year Awards Ceremony
It was a BIG year for awards given to deserving students. The following IB students went home for the night with smiles:
Akins/ Griffin-Girl
Anne Frank Humanitarian
Caregiver Youth
Dr. Linda McPheron Memeorial Scholarship
Drew Factor Memorial Scholarship
Emily Lester Memorial Scholarship
J. Howard Hinesly Musica and Art Education
John Tasopolos Foundation Scholarship
L. Bary Santy Memorial/Public Works Academy
L. Bary Santy Memorial/Public Works Academy
Mark Pruitt Mem Scholarship finalist
Mark Pruitt Mem Scholarship finalist
Mr/Mrs Bob Pfeiffer School Spirit- Boy
National Merit Scholarship
National Merit Scholarship
National Spanish Exam Recognition
National Spanish Exam Recognition
National Spanish Exam Recognition
National Spanish Exam Recognition
Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association of Tampa Bay
Pinellas All-Star Football Classic
Pinellas Public Defender’s Scholarship Fund
SPHS Athlete of the Year- Female/
St. Petersburg Civitan Club
St. Petersburg Civitan Club
Student Government
Synthesize Ideas
Synthesize Ideas Finalist
Tom C. Harris
US Marine Corps Award for Music- Band, F
US Marine Corps Award for Music- Band, M
US Marine Corps Award for Scholastics- M
Lina Miller
Lara McCallister
Lily Johnson
Ana Rocha
Alexia Walter
Alexia Walter
Kimberly Vasbinder
Christopher Tepetitlan
Calvin Crockett
Vikas Molleti
Joy Haugabook
Emmalene Robinson
Matt Mainelli
Carl Plant
Ashley Zhou
Nora Flower
Anna Larangeira
Jacob Hehn
Kevin Solomon
Ashley Zhou
Louie Kien
Calvin Crockett
Lina Miller
Calvin Crockett
Christopher Tepetitlan
Amanda Sherwin
Christopher Tepetitlan
Miriam Cone
Phat Huyhn
Ana Rocha
Harrison Potter
Cameron Mockabee
College Acceptances
for the Class of 2015
Members of the IB Class of 2015 were accepted into the following colleges and universities:
Adelphi University
Auburn University
American University
American University of Paris
Bard College
Berry College
Boston Conservatory
Boston University
Belmont University
Boston College
Butler University
Cal Poly
Centre College
Clemson University
College of Charleston
College of William and Mary
Colorado State University
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Davidson College
Drexel University
Duke University
East Carolina University
Embry –Riddle Aeronautical University
Emory University
The Fashion Institute of Technology
Flagler College
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University
Florida State University
Fordham University
Full Sail University
Furman University
George Washington University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Hendrix College
Illinois State University
Knox College
Liberty University
Marymount Manhattan College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
McGill University
Mississippi State University
New College of Florida
New York University
North Carolina State University
Northwestern University
Ohio University
Pennsylvania State University
Purdue University
Queen’s University
Reed College
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rollins College
St. Petersburg College
Sarah Lawrence
Savannah College of Art & Design
Sewanee University of the South
Southern Methodist University
Stetson University
Syracuse University
Texas A & M
Trinity University
Tulane University
University of Alabama
University of Arizona
University of British Columbia
University of California-Berkeley
University of California-Los Angeles
University of California Santa Cruz
University of Central Florida
University of Colorado
University of Connecticut
University of Florida
University of Georgia
University of Hartford
University of Illinois
University of Louisville
University of Maine
University of Maryland
University of Miami
University of Miami-Ohio
University of Michigan
University of Missouri
University of New Hampshire
University of North Carolina-Asheville
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
University of Pittsburgh
University of South Carolina
University of South Florida
University of Tampa
University of Western Ontario
Vanderbilt University
Villanova University
Wake Forest University
Washington & Lee University
Washington University in St. Louis
Western New England University
Where is the Class of 2015 Headed:
Here is where the members of IB Class of 2015 will be attending college:
Ana Abdo - University of Florida
Medina Alisic - University of South Florida - Tampa
Sarah Anderson - University of Florida
Travis Ando - Florida State University
Max Asayesh - BrownNew York University
Charlotte Baden - Florida State University
Jordan Bailey - St. Petersburg College
Gabriel Barbieri - Florida State University
Brianna Barrett - Illinois State University
Alexander Beatty - Bard College
Marisa Benedict - University of Central Florida
Alexander Bondoc - University of Central Florida
Brooke Bosworth - Florida State University
Lindsay Bosworth - University of New Hampshire
Makenna Bowman - University of Central Florida
Meghan Cashmore - East Carolina University
Kaitlyn Cassady - Fashion Institute of Technology
Tyler Clark - Florida State University
Miriam Cone - Trinity University
Calvin Crockett - University of Florida
Emma Cronin - University of Georgia
Joseph Dalton Jr. - University of Central Florida
Ryland DeGregory - University of Central Florida
Marcus Delvecchio - University of Florida
Edward Dunn - Boston University
Jared Fansler - University of Florida
Shelby Fintak - Florida State University
Havana Fowler - Florida State University
William Fowler - Florida State University
Kelly Frehling - University of Florida
Martin Gaganelov - University of Florida
Olivier Gilbert - Florida State University
John Adrian Gison - University of Central Florida
Andrea Glenn - Bates College
William Glenn - Villanova University
Sarah Green - University of North Carolina
Caitlin Grimes - University of South Florida- St. Petersburg
Stefan Grozlekov - University of South Florida- St. Petersburg
J.T. Hadley - University of Central Florida
Joy Haugabook - Vanderbilt University
Chad Hunter - University of Florida
Phat Huynh - University of Florida
Haoshan Jiang - University of South Florida - Tampa
Lily Johnson - University of Central Florida
Alyssa Jouret - Furman University
Abigail Kepto - Mississippi State University
Nahal Khamisani - University of Florida
Louie Kien - University of Florida
Maxwell Kimer - University of Pittsburgh
Lea Klenke - University of Florida
Zorana Knezevic - University of South Florida-St. Petersburg
Jonathan Laneau - University of Florida
Caleb Letson - University of Central Florida
Jared LeVine - University of Florida
Mindy Luu - University of Florida
Michelle Lynch - American University of Paris
Patrick Lynch - Florida State University
Malak Mahjoubi - University of South Florida-Tampa
Matthew Mainelli - University of Florida
Claudia Martynow - Florida State University
John Mccoy - Belmont University
Shayn McLellan - University of Central Florida
Sanela Mehmedovic - St. Petersburg College
Lina Miller - Washington University - St. Louis
Cennedi Mills - University of British Columbia
Cassidy Minning - University of Florida
Sumit Mittal - University of Florida
Cameron Mockabee - University of Florida
Cullen Molaskey - University of Central Florida
Vikas Molleti - Georgia Institute of Technology
Joseph Musselman - Florida State University
Srihar Nirmalan - University of Florida
Marina Palese - University of Arizona
Krupa Patel - University of Florida
Miraj Patel - University of Central Florida
Carl Plant - University of California, Berkeley
Harrison Potter - Florida State University
Azahra Powell-Ogilvie - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Quentin Proctor - Florida State University
Caroline Ramsburg - University of Florida
Jakob Reese - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Robert Richardson - Southern Methodist University
Erika Riffe - New College of Florida
Emmalene Robinson - University of Florida
Ana Gabriela Rocha - University of Florida
Benjamin Russak-Pribble - Centre College
Danielle Sackett - University of Central Florida
Andrew Sak - Florida State University
Timothy Sandburg - University of Central Florida
Faith Saylor - Georgia Institute of Technology
Jonathan Tanner Schmidt - University of Central Florida
Michael Schuller - University of South Florida - Tampa
Amanda Sherwin - Marymount Manhattan College
Kayla Shirley - University of Miami
Nicole Sieling-Mondora - University of Florida
Maya Silverberg - Florida State University
Carrie Renee Smith - University of Florida
Kenneth Stuck - University of South Florida-Tampa
Trenton Sweigart - University of Florida
Christopher Tepetitlan - Florida Atlantic University
Camille Torres - American University
Emma Underwood - University of Central Florida
Kimberly Vasbinder - Florida State University
Gustavo Velez - Massachusetts Instutute of Technology
Andrius Vilkialis - University of Florida
Alexia Walter - University of Central Florida
William Walters - University of Florida
Jillian Zawacki - University of Central Florida
Mary Zent - Florida State University
Ashley Zhou - Duke University
2015 End of Year Awards Ceremony
It was a BIG year for awards given to deserving students. The following IB students went home for the night with smiles:
Departmental Award
English IB 09th
Chelsea Rosen
English IB 10th
Alexandra Payne
English IB 11th
Ivana Radosavljevic
English IB 12th
Miriam Cone
Fine Arts Art 2D IB
Dana Dusenbery
Fine Arts Art 3D IB
Olivia Babb
Fine Arts Band IB
Carl Plant
Fine Arts Chorus IB
Hannah White
Fine Arts Drama IB
Trenton Sweigart
Math IB 09th
Eli Rust
Math IB 10th
Naomi Miller
Math IB 11th
Maja Haerle
Math IB 12th
Ashley Zhou
Science IB 10th
Josh Wasserman
Science IB 11th
Tarek Ziad
Science IB 12th
Faith Saylor
Science IB 9th
Ariannie Gomez
Social Studies IB 09th
Caoilfhinn McCormack
Social Studies IB 10th
Marc Badilla
Social Studies IB 11th
Alexa Beaulieu
Social Studies IB 12th
Lina Miller
W. Language French IB 09th
Tom Joyce
W. Language French IB 10th
Naomi Miller
W. Language French IB 11th
Chandler Greene
W. Language French IB 12th
Michelle Lynch
W. Language Spanish IB 09th
Danielle LeVine
W. Language Spanish IB 10th
Tricia Monte
W. Language Spanish IB 11th
Nora Flower
W. Language Spanish IB 12th
Camille Torres
Book Award
Bryn Mawr
Mt. Holyoke
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Kayla Zavac
Daniel Segundo
Tarek Ziad
Karalee Corley
Fiona Nematbakhsh
Steven Le
Maja Haerle
Alexa Beaulieu
Free Kaplan
SAT Test Prep:
Kaplan Test Prep is offering free online
practice tests for the SAT and ACT all
year long beginning in June. To view
the times and enroll, go to www.kaptest.
com/hsevents. Additionally, they are
offering a free Kaplan Summer Series so
that students can sign up for a practice
test. The SAT format will be changing
after this January, so this would enable
a student to experience the full-length
timing and structure of the admissions
test. Students will receive the results
with an analysis of their strengths and
weaknesses on the test.
Visit for more information.
Here’s What Your IB
Teachers Are Reading
This Summer:
Mrs. Farias: The Devil in the White City
by Erik Larson
Mrs. Vann: White Noise by Don Delillo
and Nothing Gold Can Stay
by Ron Rash
Mrs. Jamison: The Goldfinch
by Donna Tartt
Mr. Day: The Discovery of France:
A Historical Geography from the
Revolution to the First World War by
Mrs. Mathis: Desperate Measures by
Fern Michaels
Mrs. Tash: The Death of Caesar by
Barry Strauss
Mrs. VanDuyne: White Noise by
Don Delillo
Mrs. Franzek: Nemesis by Philip Roth
Mr. Maxwell: UnWholly and UnSouled
(part of the Unwind Series)
by Neal Shusterman
Mr. Smith: Lone Survivor by
Marcus Luttrell
Mrs. Sager: Our House in the Last
World by Oscar Hijuelos
Mrs. Ladd: Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Dr. Hunnicutt: Ravage by Iain
Rob Wright
Mrs. Marshman: Don’t Let’s Go to the
Dogs Tonight, an African Chldhood by
Alexanadra Fuller
Mrs. Torres: Sambiron by on
Tina Casanova
IB English Department
Summer Reading
9th – Th
e Hen Who Dreamed She Could
Fly by Sun-mi Hwang
10th- T
enth of December by George
11th- Th
e Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar
Wao by Junot Diaz
12th- Jump and Other Stories by
Nadine Gordimer
The World Languages Department
does NOT accept late work. The online
assignments will close 8/23/2015. Also,
please purchase the workbook early
enough so you will have it with you the
first week of school.
1. P
urchase workbook: Cuaderno de
Practica, Descubre 1
ISBN-13: 978-1-60007-254-3
1. C
omplete online assignments
from the Supersite. The summer
assignment class is called: Summer
Activities for Rising Sophomores (De
Leon)(In the Descubre 1 book)
2. P
urchase workbook: Cuaderno de
Practica, Descubre 2
|ISBN-13: 978-1-60007-281-9
1. C
omplete online assignments
from the Supersite. The summer
assignment class is called: Incoming
SL Juniors Summer Assignments
(Chapters 1-7 in the Descubre 2 book))
2. P
urchase workbook: Cuaderno de
Practica, Descubre 3
ISBN-13: 978-1-60007-308-3
1. Reading Assignment: Read the
following short stories and complete
the assignment for each respective
story located in Sra. Torres’ There is a folder
for each story. The stories can easily be
located online for free. Print a copy,
read it and mark the vocabulary on
your copy. Answer the questions on a
separate sheet of paper. The stories are
by Horacio Quiroga and are found in
his Cuentos de Amor, de Locura y de
Muerte book.
a. La Gallina Degollada
b. El Almohadón de Plumas
2. C
omplete online assignments
from the Supersite. The summer
assignment class is called: Incoming
HL Juniors Summer Assignments
(Chapters 1-7 in the Descubre 2 book))
3. Purchase workbook: Cuaderno de
Practica, Descubre 3
ISBN-13: 978-1-60007-308-3
1.Complete online assignments
from the Supersite. The summer
assignment class is called: Incoming
SL Seniors Summer Assignments
(Torres) (Practice Tests for Chapters 1in the Descubre 3 book)
1. C
omplete online assignments
from the Supersite. The summer
assignment class is called: Incoming
HL Seniors Summer Assignments
(Sager) (Practice Tests for Chapters 1in the Descubre 3 book)
2. R
eading Assignment: Read La
Rama Seca and Muy Contento by
Ana María Matute. A handout was
given in class with more detailed
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St. Petersburg, FL 33713
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Please show your support for these fine students
and their achievements with your purchase
of an ad in the IB Advocate!
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Estren Educational Center
Helping Students & Families Since 1992
Elite Test Prep & More
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