TCC minutes 7.15.13

August 19, 2013
Members Present: Mike Phelps, Chairman, Lloyd Wood, Selectman’s Representative, Nancy Byrd,
Steve Wingate, Nancy Piper, Mark Howard, Members.
Members Absent: Jerry Light, Bill Stockman, Alternates.
Staff Present: Lee Ann Keathley, Secretary.
Public Present: Joe Kowalski.
Chairman Phelps opened the meeting at 7:34 PM.
Consideration of Minutes
July 15, 2013
Page 3, New Business, 2nd bullet; change “Ragged Island Association Annual Meeting” to “Island
Association Annual Meeting at Ragged Island”
It was moved by Nancy Byrd and seconded by Steve Wingate to approve the July 15, 2013 Conservation
Commission minutes as amended. All members voted in favor. The motion passed.
Discussion Items
Well Water Testing Program
Steve Wingate stated once he receives the final summary report from the laboratory he would
submit and present such to the BOS and press.
Nancy Piper stated many people are grateful the Commission is sponsoring the program.
Nancy Byrd stated the program may not have to be offered every year and recommended every
three years.
Mike Phelps recommended providing free kits to recipients of the Town’s welfare program.
Joe Kowalski asked whether the summary information from 2013 would include a breakdown
similar to the 2012 results.
Steve Wingate replied yes.
Joe Kowalski confirmed that residents should contact NHDES for remediation advice.
Steve Wingate recommended the public review NHDES publications via the website. He stated
he would draft thank you letters to NHDES and DPHS Public Health Laboratory to be signed by
the Commission and BOS.
Tuftonboro Conservation Commission
August 19, 2013
Lang Pond Road
Lloyd Wood stated the BOS hosted a Stakeholder’s meeting on 7/29/13; noting that Ted Wright is
willing to develop an ad hoc committee to review issues relative to Lang Pond Road. He stated
the ad hoc committee would be appointed by the BOS.
Nancy Piper questioned the number of members on the committee.
Steve Wingate replied 6. He stated Ted Wright implied he could get some assistance from the
State and that Dave Ford, Dusty Davies, Ted Wright, he and others are members of the
Nancy Byrd stated a petition requesting Lang Pond Road not be open to heavy truck traffic until
improvements are made to the road will be submitted once the residents of Mirror Lake attest
to it.
Lloyd Wood stated Mary Hersey is meeting with NHDES to discuss an alternative road.
Joe Kowalski asked if the meeting with NHDES is a public meeting.
Lloyd Wood stated the meeting is between Ms. Hersey and NHDES.
Dan Hole Pond Association Meeting
Lloyd Wood stated he attended the Dan Hole Pond Association Meeting on 8/4/13 and noted
things are going well.
Mike Phelps asked if there are any perspective acquisitions the Dan Hole Pond Association is
looking at.
Steve Wingate stated the Association is raising funds to purchase and/or obtain an easement on
two lots in Ossipee.
Nancy Byrd stated Mirror Lake has been checked thoroughly for invasive and native weeds.
Lloyd Wood stated he observed a presence at the landing at Mirror Lake checking the boats.
Nancy Byrd stated milfoil has been observed growing between Mirror Lake and Lake
Winnipesaukee and noted a strong current leaving Mirror Lake.
Lloyd Wood noted a 10’ water level difference between the two lakes.
Steve Wingate stated the BOS is aware of Dusty Davies promoting a watershed ordinance for
Mirror Lake. He noted the Town of Wolfeboro is working on an ordinance for all water bodies
within the town.
Nancy Byrd stated Dusty Davies announced this would be her last year as President of the
Tuftonboro Conservation Commission
August 19, 2013
NH DES Applications
Little Bear PCS, LLC/#2013-01313
Little Bear Island, Lake Winnipesaukee
TM # 11-1-57
Request by NHDES for more information.
Marla & Richard Oedel/#201302000
TM # 72-2-10 & 11
Complete Forestry Notification.
Lanes End Inc.
7 Lanes End
TM # 2-1-85
Approved; Standard Dredge & Fill requesting to replace 2 culverts with a single larger diameter
culvert and excavate for an upstream sediment forebay.
Laura & Steve Woyak/#2013-01433
Little Bear Island, Lake Winnipesaukee
TM # 25-1-47
New application; Construct two 6/x30’ piling piers connected by a 6’x12’ walkway in a U-shaped
configuration. Reviewed by Steve Wingate; no objection. Received NHDES approval.
Michael Rogers
7 Whortleberry Island, Lake Winnipesaukee
TM #26-1-7
Notice of Acceptance.
Michael Kennedy
84 Cow Island, Lake Winnipesaukee
New application; Standard Dredge & Fill; reset rocks and slope on existing 15 linear feet of
breakwater and repair cantilevered dock, permanently remove 4’x24’ dock, replace 5’x25’ dock
with a 6’x40’ seasonal lift connected to a 3’x7’ cement pad. Reviewed by Steve Wingate; no
• Reviewed monthly postage
• NHANRS Quarterly Meeting scheduled for 9/1/13 at the Common Man Restaurant, Concord, NH
• Meeting on arsenic in Dartmouth scheduled for 9/12/13
• Town of Tuftonboro is now receiving Shoreland Impact Permits from NH DES
Old Business
• Steve Wingate will contact Kate Nesbit regarding membership to the Commission
• Nesbit Conservation Easement recorded on 7/23/13
Tuftonboro Conservation Commission
August 19, 2013
New Business
• Steve Wingate distributed a flyer for upcoming workshops for land surveying and soil scientists
• Nancy Byrd informed the Commission of a pipeline from Montreal to Portland, ME that wants to
reverse the flow of light crude
It was moved by Lloyd Wood and seconded by Nancy Piper to adjourn the August 19, 2013 Tuftonboro
Conservation Commission meeting. All members voted in favor.
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lee Ann Keathley
Lee Ann Keathley
Tuftonboro Conservation Commission
August 19, 2013