News In Our Pews Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church February 2016 SOUP SOUP-IN IN-BOWL III The Holy Spirit is Our Mission Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church worships God by inviting people to: Enter In to a relationship with God and one another; Grow in abundant grace through faith in Christ; Serve God and neighbor as Jesus taught us; Reach Out to invite others to be a part of our faith community. Pastor Timothy J. Wittwer t w i t tw e r @ g u s t av u s a d o l p h us . o rg OFFICE 320.968.7107 ww w. g u s t a v u s a d o l p h u s . o r g n a m me n d@ g u sta vu sa d o l p hu s.o r g “L i k e u s ” o n F a c e b o o k Hours Mon - Thurs 9:00am - 12:30 640 Broadway Ave N POB 545, Foley, MN 56329 News In Our Pews i s p u b l i sh e d m o n th l y (1 2 i s su e s/ ye a r) E d i to r ia l D e a d l i n e i s 3 rd M o n d a y o f th e M o n th stirring us up at Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church and we are going to do some wonderful things this year….AND more than that, we are going to do some SUPER ministry this year. by Pastor Timothy J. Wittwer Communion worship service so that the body and blood of our Lord are offered at every worship service. I will work with the worship team to iron out the details but we will most likely keep the 1st and 3rd Sunday as they are now but use a continuous table with intinction at the 2nd and the 4th and 5th Sundays. First off! We have a new policy The other thing that I think is so on FIRST COMMUNION. The council and super is that we have one individual who the Christian Education team approved it has stepped forward with $5,000 to get and it will go a Youth and into effect this Family ministry Sunday, February 7th year: position started. SUPER, SUPERER, This is seed money Gustavus SUPEREST only! We are Adolphus looking for 9:00 am SUPER Worship Service Lutheran some more money 10:15 am SUPERER Annual Meeting Church does on top of that 11:30 am SUPEREST Congregational not have a because we need Fellowship with SOUP-IN-BOWL fixed age for to grow our when ministry to middle and senior high young children can first receive communion. It people. This would be a super thing to is a decision we leave to the individual do. families in partnership with our Pastor. All baptized candidates for Holy February is also the month this Communion along with their parents year that Lent begins. Ash Wednesday is will meet on the Wednesday evening on February 10th and we will be preceding Maundy Thursday for a class. beginning our Wednesday night Worship First communion will be on Maundy services and soup suppers once again. Thursday. This year’s theme for Lent is – “Open My Life, Lord” starting with A clipboard will be circulated in Eyes on 2/17; the fellowship hall for all parents and Ears on 2/24; children who wish to be included in this Heart on 3/2 and finally year’s first communion class. Life on 3/9. See you on Soup-in-Bowl Sunday! In conjunction with the worship team and with the council’s approval I am also recommending that our congregation adopt an every Sunday Holy READ ALL ABOUT IT on Page 4 — NEW Youth and Family Ministry! News In Our Pews - February 2016 Page 2 Confirmation Class Schedule Camp Emphasis Day on February 14th! Youth and Family Programs Here is a summary of the programs offered at camp this summer. If you are seeking a place where Christian community… worship, Bible study, and proper role models for kids… is a high priority, you will find it here! Camp Onomia offers exciting camp sessions for all ages, specifically designed to meet the needs of that age group. Campers stay in neat dorms, always under the supervision of our trained college staff. Grades K to 12 programs are the following: GRADES K TO 12 Beginners Camp....................... Grades K-2 and parent Pioneer Camp .......................... Grades 1-3 Explorers Camp........................ Grades 3-6 Fish Camp ................................ Grades 5-7 Registe Night Owl Camp ...................... Grades 5-8 rb M a rch 15, y Confirmation Camp .................. Grades 6-9 2016 Adventure Club......................... Grades 6-8 Sports Camp ............................ Grades 5-8 ServeCAMP ............................. Grades 6-8 Leadership training Event......... Lead—Grades 9-12 Counselor in Training CIT ........ Grades 10-12 FAMILY SESSIONS GrandparentsKIDS Camp ........ Grandparents and youth grades 1-4 The Great Escape Family Weekend Family Week I or II Military Families Camp On Sunday February 14, we will have CAMP EMPHASIS DAY! For the camp schedule and registration information there are brochures available at the GA information table in the narthex. Or go online to WWW.CAMPONOMIA.ORG or call 320.532.3767 Down hill Sk Broom iing, ball and M Winter BLAST! Grades 6-9 uch M ore!!! February 26-28, 2016: Friday 7 PM - Sunday 11 AM Stay at our hotel-like Retreat Center 2 nights, 4 meals: fee $75 Winter Programs Presidents’ Weekend Youth Ski Event Grades 6-12 February 13-15, 2016: Saturday 11:00 AM- Monday 11:00 AM Base Fee: $115 (Includes all meals/lift ticket... Additional fees for rental equipment) For more information go on line to: or call 320-532-3767 February 3rd— 7:00pm † Guide Huddle @ Goodfella’s in Ronneby (no class) February 10th † 5:30pm—Optional soup supper with family (donation suggested) † 6:00pm—9th Grade Mentorship Orientation Program † 6:30pm—7th Grade GIRLS clean up and assist with Worship † 7:00pm—Ash Wednesday Worship with Family (sermon notes worth 2 points) February 17th † 5:30pm—Optional soup supper with family (donation suggested) † 6:00pm—9th Grade meets with mentors † 6:30pm—7th Grade BOYS clean up and assist with Worship † 7:00pm—Lenten 1 Worship with Family (sermon notes worth 2 points) February 24th † 5:30pm—Optional soup supper with family (donation suggested) † 6:00pm—9th Grade meets with mentors † 6:30pm—7th Grade GIRLS clean up and assist with Worship † 7:00pm—Lenten 2 Worship with Family (sermon notes worth 2 points) NEW First Communion Policy Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church does not have a fixed age for when children can first receive communion. It is a decision we leave to the individual families in partnership with our Pastor. All baptized candidates for Holy Communion along with their parents will meet on the Wednesday evening (March 24) preceding Maundy Thursday for a class. First communion will be on Maundy Thursday and if you’re interested Contact Pastor Tim at 968-7107 or Traditional Service with Holy Communion McKenna Gross Kris Lippo Dave and Jacob Hutchins Gerry Hovde Ted and Judy Boettcher Heritage Service of the Word Logan Bosshart Heidi Runyon John and Carole Mersinger Darrin and Wendy Strosahl 21st, Sunday Worship Assistant Reader Ushers Communion Steward Coffee Servers 28th, Sunday Worship Assistant Reader Ushers Coffee Servers Hailee Ketz Carrie Peterson Bob and Mitch Peterson Rick and Stephanie Rux Lester and Teresa Johnson Wyatt Ziwicki Janet Niemann Al and Janet Niemann John David Jayden Hermanson Charles Hempeck Luck and Kay Nemeth Alvin and Connie Henry Worship Assistant Reader Ushers Coffee Servers Christian Selander Darrin Strosahl Darin and Wendy Strosahl Jason and Tami Hermanson Service of the Word 14th, Sunday 10:30am Levi Henry ANNUAL CHURCH meeting Lester Johnson and Super Bowl Dinner! Rick and Stephanie Rux Jon Henry Jon and Jodi Henry / Amy and Steve Marquard Worship Assistant Reader Ushers Communion Steward Coffee Servers 8:30am Jazzy Service with Holy Communion 9:00AM 7th, Sunday February Worship Assistant Reader Ushers Communion Steward Coffee Servers 27th, Sunday Ushers 10:30am 12:00 noon Doug Brinkman Doug and Kathy Brinkman Nita Lindgren Marie Hartman Olivia Falk Nicholas Loomis Jacob Hutchins Ann Ziwicki Chris and Corri Gross Ann and Len Ziwicki Marilyn Hovde Brad Hageman Breakfast served following 7:00 service Howard and Diane Swendra community service at GA Easter with Holy Communion 7:00am and 9:00am 7:00pm Maundy Thurs and First Communion for 5th Graders 7:00pm Jordyn Rudolph Mitch Peterson Larry and Kathy Balvitsch Jeff and Lynn Pagel Lynette Hartman Stephanie Rux Doug and Kathy Brinkman/ Howard and Diane Swendra Palm Sunday - Cantata with Holy Communion Erin Bengtson Meggan Martin Gerry Hovde Amy Dingman Jason and Tami Hermanson Amy Dingman family Al and Janet Niemann/Jane and Chuck Miller Heritage Service of the Word Ethan Oswald Jessica Milstroh Joyce Winkelman Jane Miller Ken and Lynette Hartman Jane and Chuck Miller Ray Lindgren Judy Boettcher Chris and Corri Gross/ Tom and Sheryle Dahl Jazzy Service with Holy Communion 8:30am 25th, Good Friday service at GA Reader Ushers Communion Steward Worship Assistant 24th, Thursday Worship Assistant Ushers Communion Steward Coffee Servers 20th, Sunday Worship Assistant Reader Ushers Coffee Servers 13th, Sunday Worship Assistant Reader Ushers Communion Steward Coffee Servers 6th, Sunday March News In Our Pews - February 2015 Page 3 News In Our Pews - February 2016 NEW Youth and Family Ministry What We Need Today! Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church has asked Ms. Emily Hanks, our current Sunday School Music director, to help establish our Youth and Family ministry. She will use this coming year to learn more about the ministry as she attends the Equipping Congregations event on February 20th with Alecia Hageman our Sunday School Superintendent. Emily may also learn how other churches have implemented a Youth and Family Coordinator as she visits other churches in the area. Our goal is to begin a Senior High ministry here at GA as the first step in our plan. We are excited that Emily has agreed to begin this ministry and hope that it gradually evolves into at least a half-time position in the near term and perhaps a full-time position in the long term. This ministry is currently in process. $5,000 was given as seed money by a family in our church to get the ball rolling for our Senior High Youth. They are challenging other families to give to the Youth and Family Ministry also, over and above what they already give to GA so that our overall ministry to the community may grow. Page 4 Batteries (9 Volt and AA), Can Openers, Pancake Syrup, Popcorn, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Bar Soap, Deodorant, and Diapers. EVENTS FOURTH ANNUAL FISH FRY February 19, 2016 Henry’s Catering, Foley MN Fish dinner served along with a build-your-own sundae! There will also be a bake sale. More information is available on our website. FOLEY BUSINESS EXPO February 6, 2016 CROSS will participate with a booth to meet the public, share our needs, and recruit volunteers. The booth cost is $110.00 and if you are interested, we are looking for a sponsor. Donations to CROSS Remember to bring your donations in during CROSS open hours (Monday 1-4, 6-8; Thursday 10-3) and knock on the door if it is locked. If you have a large donation, please let us know ahead of time when it is coming. If donations are left outside the building and they get wet, we cannot bring them inside and they must be tossed. WANTED BOARD MEMBERS: Please fill out a volunteer application (available on line) and indicate on it that you would like to serve on the board. VOLUNTEERS: The CROSS Center is in need of volunteers. Most positions require lifting and standing, but the time commitment is up to you. For more information, email: Bring Smiles and Hope to Children around the World In the year 2015 during our Lenten Journey at GA we as a congregation put together over 100 personal care kits to be sent to those in need around the world. This year during our Lenten Journey we have a NEW MISSION for the people of GA. There is a GREAT DEMAND for school kits. LWR is distributing these all over the world. Money has been received from Thrivent to help us with this mission, but we as a congregation can and should do our part as well. The quilting group (as well as others who wish to) will be sewing the back packs (cinch sacs) for the kits. A school kit consists of the following supplies: notebooks, ruler, blunt scissors, 5 #2 pencils with erasers, five black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink), one box of 16 or 24 crayons, one 2/5” eraser and is placed in the back pack. We will begin our Lenten Journey mission Sunday, February 7, and collecting will end Sunday, March 13th, 2016. Assembly of kits date will be announced. A sheet with the requested kit items will be available in the narthex on Sunday, February 7th to make your shopping easier. If you have any questions please contact Marilyn Hovde at 968-6732 or text her at 290-1148. Gustavus Adolphus 2015 Income/Expense Report Income July August September October November December Year-to-Date 12,074.17 20,568.68 144,080.17 Total Deposit 7,784.23 17,689.07 13,683.36 11,783.33 Electronic Giving 3,580.00 4,055.00 3,580.00 3,755.00 4,230.00 3,755.00 43,550.00 00.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,364.23 21,744.07 17,263.36 15,538.33 16,304.17 24,323.68 187,630.17 25.00 181.00 254.00 954.65 Adjusted Income 11,36423 21,744.07 17,392.36 15,563.33 16,485.17 24,577.68 188,584.82 Expenses 13,730.65 14,213.21 19,546.59 15,219.08 14,161.06 18,014.80 186,936.07 Net Income (2,366.42) 344.25 2324.11 6,562.88 1,648.75 Direct Deposit Total Giving Adjustments 0.00 129.00 7,530.86 (2,154.23) E-Offering - Forms available on the ushers stand •Sunday School –9:15am Darrin Strosahl 28 Kyrie Service of the Word —8am & 10:30am •Choir Practice –9:15am-10:10am to be announced •ELCA Conference Assembly 2pm @ 21 Traditional Service with Holy Communion—8am & 10:30am •Choir Practice –9:15am-10:10am •Sunday School–9:15am Sherry Erickson Carson Ziwicki 14 Spanish Service of the Word and Camp Emphasis Day —8am & 10:30am •Choir Practice –9:15am-10:10am •Sunday School–9:15am 7 Jazzy Service with Holy Communion—9am only •NO Choir Practice •NO Sunday School •GA Annual Meeting —10:30 am •GA Soup-In– Bowl III lunch following the Annual Meeting Sunday February 2016 10 •Ash Wednesday Service - 7:00pm •Optional soup supper- 5:30pm Oliver Sanvely 9—Noon 29 •Quilter’s Meet 9—Noon 22 •Quilter’s Meet 6pm •GA Council Meeting – 7:00pm •GA All TEAM Meeting 10—11 am •GA Bible Study 23 •Yoga 9am 16 •NO Yoga •9th Grade Mentorship Orienta-11 am •Pastor Tim Leaves for tion—6:00pm •7th Grade Girls clean up & worship Israel Charlie Dotzler assistants—6:30pm •NO GA Bible Study 10 9 •NO Yoga (Ronneby) - 7:00pm Kacey Lanners •WELCA meeting @ GA– 6:00pm Mary Swenson Jane Miller 10—11 am •GA Bible Study Gracyn Pederson •NO Yoga 11 24 •Lenten Service - 7:00pm •Optional soup supper- 5:30pm •9th Grade meets w/mentors— 6:00pm •8th Grade Girls clean up & worship assistants—6:30pm •Yoga 9am 25 Jeanne Johnson Kristofer Olson Lucas Peterson 27 returns from Israel 20 •Pastor Tim Carter Nerlson 13 Barb Bosshart Expo 8-12 noon 6 •Business Sat 9:20 -10:10am Choir Practice Worship Schedule 8:00am Worship 9:00am Coffee/Fellowship 9:15 - 10:10am Sunday School Nancy Robertson Breakfast@the Other Bar 7:00 am 26 •Men’s Bible Study/ Heather Moshier Breakfast@the Other Bar 7:00 am •CROSS Fish Dinner @ Henry’s 5pm 19 •Men’s Bible Study/ Jenny Wiener Breakfast @the Other Bar 7:00 am 12 •Men’s Bible Study/ Jon Freund 5 •Men’s Bible Study/ Friday Breakfast •MOP’s Family Nite 6Caylyn Hansen 8pm •NO Yoga 4 Thurs 17 18 •Lenten Service - 7:00pm •NO Yoga 9—Noon • Optional soup 5:30pm supper•NO GA Bible Study •9th Grade meets w/mentors—6:00pm 10—11 am Nevaeh Beack Patricia Kelsay •7th Grade Boys clean up & worship Derrick Rux assistants—6:30pm Rosalie Bemboom Tristyn Pozorski 15 •Quilter’s Meet Meeting 2pm •Library Team 9—Noon 8 •Quilter’s Meet 9—Noon 3 •NO Confirmation Class •Guide Huddle @ Goodfella’s 1 •Quilter’s Meet 2 •Yoga 9am Wednesday Monday Tuesday Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church PO Box 545, Foley MN 56329 • 968-7107 • News In Our Pews - February 2016 Page 5 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID FOLEY, MN 56329 PERMIT # 37 Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church 640 Broadway Ave North P.O. Box 545 Foley, MN 56329 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED News In Our Pews - February 2016 Page 6 GA Church Leadership Al Niemann ................. President ................(320) 333-8892 .. Amy Marquard ............ Vice-President .........(320) 387-3053 ... Leah Swendra/Ziwicki. Secretary .................(320) 2601931 ... Nita Lindgren .............. Treasurer .................(320) 387-2513 ... Teresa Johnson .......... Financial Secretary ..(320) 309-2808 ... Pastor Timothy J Wittwer John David ....................................................(320) 968-7990 ... Brett Erlandson .............................................(320) 345-1947 ... Kenneth Hartman ..........................................320) 968-6314 .... Lynn Pagel ..................................................... ........................... Carrie Peterson .............................................(320)309-8419 .... Heidi Runyon .................................................(320) 387-3512 ... Equipping Congregations Day ALL GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS CHURCH MEMBERS ARE WELCOME on Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 8:30 am - 3:30 pm at Vinje Lutheran & Bethel Lutheran Church, Willmar. The $150/Congregation fee has been paid by GA. All materials, refreshments and lunch are inclusive! A sign-up sheet is available in the narthex by the ushers table. Prayer Chain If you have a request, call Gloria Fouquette (968-6920) or the Church office 968-7107. Thank you to our GA officers and Board Chairs for your leadership and growing our church ministry in 2015! A Gift to Future Generations! Please consider how a GIFT in your WILL could help Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church meet the needs of future generations. If there is a change of address/phone# If you have a new baby in the family If a member of your family is ill If you would like a Pastoral visit 320.968.7107 Congregation Officers Board Chairs Contact the Church Office. . . Hours: Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 12:30 GA Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, February 7, 2016 following the 9:00am Service. A SOUP-INBOWL Lunch will follow the meeting. GA Fellowship Groups and Meetings Mondays 9-12:00am Quilt Group Tuesdays 9:00am Chair Yoga 10-11:00am GA Bible Study 6:00 am All Team meeting 3rd Tues of the Month 7:00 am Council meeting 3rd Tues of the Month Wed 5:30-7:30pm Confirmation (Check your Schedule) Thurs 9:00am Chair Yoga Fridays 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study at The Other Bar, Foley Sunday 8:00 am Sunday Worship 9:00 am Coffee/Fellowship 9:15-10:10am Sunday School 9:20-10:10am Choir Practice 10:30 am Second Worship Service Newsletter deadline: the 3rd Monday of every month