ATENEO PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS LIBRARY Rockwell Drive, Rockwell Center Makati City Information Resources Guide on LEAN SIX SIGMA 2007 - 2013 Definition Six-Sigma Alan BeƩs Six-Sigma is an approach to quality improvement that was first popularized by Motorola, the electronics components, semiconductors, and communica ons systems company. When the company set its quality objec ve as “total customer sa sfac on” in the 1980s, it started to explore what the slogan would mean to its opera ons processes. It decided that true customer sa sfac on would only be achieved when its products were delivered when promised, with no defects, with no early-life failures, and when the product did not fail excessively in service. To achieve this, Motorola ini ally focused on removing manufacturing defects. However, it soon came to realize that many problems were caused by latent defects, hidden within the design of its products. These may not show ini ally, but eventually could cause failure in the field. The only way to eliminate these defects was to make sure that design specifica ons were ght (i.e., narrow tolerances) and by improving process capability (in terms of the ra o of the specifica on range to the “natural” variability of the process). Motorola’s Six-Sigma quality concept was so named because it required that the natural varia on of processes (±3 standard devia ons) should be half their specifica on range. That is, the specifica on range of any part of a product or service should be ±6 the standard devia on of the process. The Greek le er sigma (σ) is o en used to indicate the standard devia on of a process, hence the Six-Sigma label. The number of defects produced by the process is expressed in terms of defects per million. The defects per million measure is used within the Six-Sigma approach to emphasize the drive toward a virtually zero-defect objec ve. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management Ed. Nigel Slack and Michael Lewis. Vol. 10: Operations Management. 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005. p307-309. COPYRIGHT 2005 Blackwell Publishing Lt A. BOOKS (Located at the General Collection Shelves near the Circulation Section) 1. Brussee, Warren. (2013). Sta s cs for Six Sigma made easy. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. TS 156.8 B78 2013 2. Foster, S. Thomas. (2013). Managing quality: an integra ng the supply chain. 5th ed. Boston: Pearson Pren ce Hall. HF 5415.157 F67 2013 3. Adams, James L. (2012). Good products, bad products: essen al elements to achieving superior quality. New York: McGraw-Hill. HF 5415.157 A33 4. Design for Six Sigma in product and service development: applica ons and case studies. (2012). Elizabeth A. Cudney. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. TS 156 D47 5. Hope, Jeremy. (2012). Beyond performance management: why, when, and how to use 40 tools and best prac ces for superior business performance. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business Review Press. HD 58.9 H67 6. Plenert, Gerhard. (2012). Driving strategy to execu on using lean Six sigma: a framework for crea ng high performance organiza ons. Boca Raton: CRC Press. TS 156 P59 7. Shaffie, Sheila. (2012). The McGraw-Hill 36-hour course: lean six sigma. New York: McGraw-Hill. HD 62.15 S47 8. Srinivasan, Mandyam M. (2012). Building lean supply chains with the theory of constraints. New York: McGraw-Hill. HD 38.5 S65 9. Stama s, D.H. (2012). 10 essen als for high performance quality in the 21st century. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. HD 57.7 S71 10. Trickler, Ray. (2012). ISO 9000 for small businesses: a guide to cost effec ve compliance. 4th ed. London: Routledge. TS 156.6 T75 2012 11. Aikens, C. Harold. (2011). Quality inspired management: the key to sustainability. Boston: Pren ce Hall. HD 62.15 A39 12. Arthur, Jay. (2011). Lean six sigma for hospitals: simple steps to fast, affordable, and flawless healthcare. New York: McGraw-Hill. RA 971 A82 13. Barkley, Bruce T. (2011). Government program management. New York: McGraw-Hill. JK 468 T67B38 14. Basu, Ron. (2011). Fit sigma: a lean approach to building sustainable quality beyond Six Sigma. Chichester: Wiley. TS 156 B43 15. Evans, James R. (2011). Quality management, organiza on, and strategy. 6th ed. Australia: South-Western. HD 62.15 E83 2011 16. Nanda, Vic. (2011). Six Sigma so ware quality improvement: success stories from leaders in the high tech industry. New York: McGraw-Hill. QA 76.76 Q35N35 17. Pirasteh, Reza (Russ) M. (2011). Profitability with no boundaries: op mizing TOC, lean, Six Sigma results: focus, reduce waste, contain variability. Milwaukee, Wis.: ASQ Quality Press. HD 69 T46P57 18. Price, Mark. (2011). Building high performance government through Lean Six Sigma: a leader’s guide to crea ng speed, agility, and efficiency. New York: McGraw-Hill. JF 1525 T67P75 19. Rogers, David. (2011). The future of lean sigma thinking in a changing business environment. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor Francis. HD 62.15 R63 20. Russell, Roberta S. (2011). Opera ons management. 7th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. TS 155 R753 2011 21. Starbird, Dodd. (2011). Building engaged team performance: align your processes and people to achieve game-changing business results. New York: McGraw-Hill. HD 66 S72 22. Waal, Ton de. (2011). Handbook of sta s cal data edi ng and imputa on. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. HA 29 W23 23. Bentley, William. (2010). Lean six sigma secrets for the CIO. Boca Raton: CRC Press. HD 30.2 B45 24. Brussee, Warren. (2010). Six Sigma on a budget: achieving more with less using the principles of Six Sigma. New York: McGraw-Hill. HD 62.15 B78 25. El-Homsi, Anwar. (2010). Corporate sigma: op mizing the health of your company with systems thinking. Boca Raton: Produc vity Press. 26. Foster, S. Thomas. (2010). Managing quality: an integra ng the supply chain. 4th ed. Boston: Pearson Pren ce Hall. HF 5415.157 F67 2010 27. George, Mark O. (2010). The lean six sigma guide to doing more with less: cut costs, reduce waste, and lower your overhead. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. HD 47.3 G47 28. Goetsch, David L. (2010). Quality management for organiza onal excellence: introduc on to total quality. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pren ce Hall. HD 62.15 G638 2010 29. Howell, Marvin T. (2010). Cri cal success factors simplified: implemen ng the powerful drivers of drama c business improvement. Boca Raton: CRC Press. HD 58.9 H69 30. Humprey, Doris. (2010). 21st century business: customer service. 2nd ed. Mason, OH: South Western. HF 5415.5 H846 2010 31. Juran, Joseph M. (2010). Juran’s quality handbook: the complete guide to performance excellence. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. TS 156 Q3618 2010 32. Lighter, Donald E. (2010). Advanced performance improvement in health care: principles and methods. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartle Publishers. RA 399 A3L48 33. Mauch, Peter D. (2010). Quality management: theory and applica on. Boca Raton: CRC Press. HD 62.15 M377 34. Montgomery, Douglas C. (2010). Managing, controlling, and improving quality. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. LB 2900.5 M66 35. Opera onal risk management: a prac cal approach to intelligent data analysis. (2010). Ron S. Kene . Chichester: John Wiley Sons. HD 61 O66 36. Prac oner’s guide for sta s cs and lean six sigma for process improvement. (2010). Mikel J. Harry. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. TS 156.8 P72 37. Bass, Issa. (2009). Lean six sigma using SigmaXL and Minitab. New York: McGraw-Hill. QA 276.4 B37 38. Besaw, John. (2009). RapidLeanSixSigma: kick-star ng your con nuos improvement process. [U.S.]: Rapid Lean Six Sigma Consor um. HD 62.15 B47 39. Besterfield, Dale H. (2009). Quality control. 8th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Pren ce Hall. TS 156 B47 2009 40. Graban, Mark. (2009). Lean hospitals: improving quality, pa ent safety, and employee sa sfac on. Boca Raton: CRC Press. RA 971 G64 41. Hirata, Thomas T. (2009). Customer sa sfac on planning: ensuring product quality and safety within your MRP/ERP systems. New York: CRC Press. TS 176 H54 42. Koenigsaecker, George. (2009). Leading the lean enterprise transforma on. Boca Raton: CRC Press. HD 62.15 K65 43. Lean Six Sigma in service: applica ons and case studies. (2009). Sandra L. Furterer. Boca Raton: CRC Press. TS 156.8 L39 44. Mar n, James William. (2009). Lean six sigma for the office. Boca Raton: CRC Press. HD 62.15 M37 45. Merrill, Peter. (2009). Do it right the second me: benchmarking best prac ces in the quality change process. 2nd ed. Milwaukee, Wis.: ASQ Quality Press. HD 62.15 M47 2009 46. Montgomery, Douglas C. (2009). Introduc on to sta s cal quality control. 6th ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley. TS 156 M64 2009 47. Reidenbach, R. Eric. (2009). Six sigma marke ng: from cu ng costs to growing market share. Milwaukee, Wis.: ASQ Quality Press. HF 5415.13 R368 48. Russell, Roberta S. (2009). Opera ons management: crea ng value along the supply chain. 6th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. TS 155 R755 2009 49. Safian, Shelley C. (2009). Essen als of health care compliance. New York: Cengage Learning-Wadsworth. RA 399 A3S25 50. Spath, Patrice. (2009). Introduc on to healthcare quality management. Chicago, Ill.: Health Administra on Press;Washington,DC: AUPHA Press. RA 399 A1S64 51. Sproull, Bob. (2009). The ul mate improvement cycle: maximizing profits through the integra on of lean, six sigma, and the theory of constraints. Boca Raton: CRC Press. HD 38.5 S63 52. Taran no, Anthony. (2009). Risk management in finance: six sigma and other next-genera on techniques. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. HG 173 T34 53. Yang, Kai. (2009). Design for six sigma: a roadmap for product development. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. TS 156 Y33 2009 54. Baxter, Lynne F. (2008). Managing performance improvement. New York: Routledge. HD 62.15 B39 2008 55. Black, John. (2008). The Toyota way to healthcare excellence: increase efficiency and improve quality with Lean. Chicago: Health Administra on Press. RA 399 A3B53 56. Evans, James R. (2008). Quality and performance excellence: management, organiza on, and strategy. 5th ed. Mason, OH: Thomson Business and Economics. HD 62.15 D4 2008 57. Gitlow, Howard S. (2008). A guide to lean six sigma management skills. Boca Raton: Taylor Francis. HD 62.15 G536 58. Grunden, Naida. (2008). The Pi sburgh way to efficient healthcare: improving pa ent care using Toyota-based methods. New York: Healthcare Performance Press. RA 981 A2G78 59. Laughlin, Sara. (2008). The quality library: a guide to staff-driven improvement, be er efficiency, and happier customers. Chicago: American Library Associa on. Z 678 L34 60. McLaughlin, Daniel B. (2008). Healthcare opera ons management. Chicago: Health Administra on Press. RA 399 A1M374 61. Schonberger, Richard. (2008). Best prac ces in lean six sigma process improvement: a deeper look. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. HD 62.15 S36 62. Sodhi, ManMohan S. (2008). Six sigma pricing: improving pricing opera ons to increase profits. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: FT Press. HF 5416.5 S63 63. Tyagi, Rajesh K. (2008). A complete and balanced service scorecard: crea ng value through sustained performance improvement. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: FT Press. HD 9980.5 T93 64. Yang, Kai. (2008). Voice of the customer: capture and analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill. TS 156 Y345 65. Bouckaert, Geert. (2007). Managing performance: interna onal comparisons. New York: Routledge. JF 1525 T67B68 66. Business performance measurment: unifying theories and integra ng prac ce. (2007). Andy Neely. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. HD 58.9 B87 2007 67. Fisher, Dennies. (2007). Lean six sigma guidebook. Los Angeles, CA: Univ. of Helath Care. HD 62.15 F58 68. Gryna, Frank M. (2007). Juran’s quality planning and analysis: for enterprise quality. 5th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill. TS 156 G78 2007 69. Gupta, Praveen. (2007). Six Sigma Business Scorecard: crea ng a comprehensive corporate performance measurement system. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. TS 156 G86 2007 70. Hoyle, David. (2007). Quality: management essen als. Oxford: Bu erworthHeinemann. TS 156 H69 71. Improving healthcare quality and cost with six sigma. (2007). Bre E. Trusko. Indianapolis: Finanacial Times Pren ce Hall. RA 399 A3I47 72. Kelly, Diane L. (2007). Applying quality management in healthcare: a systems approach. 2nd ed. Chicago, Ill.: Health Administra on Press. RA 399 A1K45 73. Managing quality. (2007). Barrie G. Dale. 5th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Pub. TA 190 M38 2007 74. Mar n, James W. (2007). Lean six sigma for supply chain management: the 10-step solu on process. New York: McGraw-Hill. HD 38.5 M37 75. Providing quality to customers. (2007). David Pardey. 5th ed. Amsterdam: Pergamon Flexible Learning. HD 62.15 P76 2007 76. Rampersad, Hubert K. (2007). TPS-Lean Six Sigma: linking human capital to Lean Six Sigma: a new blueprint for crea ng high performance companies. Charlo e, N.C.: IAP-Informa on Age Pub. HD 62.15 R36 77. Tayntor, Chris ne B. (2007). Six Sigma so ware development. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach Publica ons. QA 76.76 D47T39 2007 78. Watson, Gregory H. (2007). Strategic benchmarking reloaded with six sigma: improve your company’s performance using global best prac ce. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. HD 62.15 W38 B. NON-PRINT (CD’s, DVD’s, VHS) (Located at the Information Commons Section) 1. Stama s, Diomidis H. (2011). Essen als for the improvement of healthcare using Lean Six Sigma. 1 CD-ROM. New York: Produc vity Press. RA 399 A1S72 2. Besaw, John. (2009). RapidLeanSixSigma: kick-star ng your con nuos improvement process. [U.S.]: Rapid Lean Six Sigma Consor um. HD 62.15 B47 3. Besterfield, Dale H. (2009). Quality control. 1 CD-ROM . 8th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Pren ce Hall. TS 156 B47 2009 4. Evans, James R. (2005). Management and control of quality. 1 CD-ROM. 6th ed. Australia: Thomson. TS 156 E93 2005 5. Russell, Roberta S. (2003). Opera ons management. 1 CD-ROM. 4th ed. New Jearsey: Pearson Educa on. TS 155 R753 2003 C. ELECTRONIC JOURNALS at EBSCOHOST Online Database 1. h p:// bf=1 Lean and Six Sigma are the two most powerful strategies for achieving opera onal and service excellence in any organisa on today. Although these two methodologies have been around for several years, there are no peerreviewed interna onal journals covering both aspects in research terms. The purpose of The Interna onal Journal of Lean Six Sigma is to bridge the gap between the theory and prac ce of Lean Six Sigma (an integrated approach of Lean and Six Sigma) and to publish the latest trends and research developments in both fields. 2. Interna onal Journal of Lean Six Sigma (2010- present) Publishes original, empirical and review papers, case studies and theore cal frameworks or models related to Lean and Six Sigma methodologies. High quality submissions are sought from academics, researchers, prac oners and leading management consultants from around the world. Research, case studies and examples can be cited from manufacturing, service and public sectors. This includes manufacturing, health, financial services, local government, educa on, professional services, IT Services, transport, etc. Insert below D. ELECTRONIC BOOKS at Gale E- Reference Online Database 1. Encyclopedia of Small Business, 2011 2. Enterprise Informa on Systems for Business Integra on in SMEs: Technological, Organiza onal, and Social Dimensions, 2010 3. Strategic Informa on Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applica ons, 2010 4. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management: Vol. 10: Opera ons Management. 2005 5. Encyclopedia of Produc on and Manufacturing Management, 2000 ONLINE DATABASES - accessible at EBSCO Business Source Complete (hƩp://* A comprehensive, business periodical database that includes scholarly journals and business periodicals covering topics such as management, economics, finance, accoun ng, interna onal business and much more. It contains full text sources ranging from general business periodicals such as Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, American Banker, etc. to academic journals such as Harvard Business Review, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Review, Review of Economics & Sta s cs, etc. Emerald Ejournal (hƩp://Ɵons/) A leading library of management research. Emerald is a global publisher providing you with the highest quality, peer-reviewed research. 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Gale Virtual Reference Library (hƩp://* Takes research to the next level by delivering selected business reference tles electronically. Providing 24/7 access conveniently. MarketLine Advantage (Datamonitor) (hƩp:// MarketLine Advantage is an interac ve, subscribers-only research portal, giving any me access to unique mix of company, industry, country and financial data for every major marketplace in the world. Along with this incredible wealth of informa on, the Advantage pla orm features highly advanced search func onality, a user-friendly interface and naviga onal aids to help you find what you need in seconds. Oriana (hƩp:// Oriana is a comprehensive database of over 10 million companies across the AsiaPacific region. It combines data from various sources with so ware for searching and analysis. The financial informa on is in a standardised format so you can do cross-border searching and analysis. S&P Capital IQ (hƩps:// An online database that delivers the highest quality financial intelligence covering both public and private capital markets alongside powerful applica ons for desktop research, screening, real me market data, backtes ng, por olio management, financial modeling, quan ta ve analysis and more. Available at the Library InformaƟon Commons SecƟon only. Taylor & Francis Ebooks (hƩp:// A leading interna onal academic publisher, commi ed to the publica on of scholarly informa on in a variety of disciplines and course subjects such as Business in E-book format. Lexis ( hƩp:// LexisNexis is a leading global provider of content-enabled workflow solu ons designed specifically for professionals in the legal, risk management, corporate, government, law enforcement, accoun ng, and academic markets. Westlaw (hƩp:// An online legal research service providing quick, easy access to West’s vast collec on of statutes, case law materials, public records and other legal resources, as well as current news ar cles and business informa on. * Off-Campus access available For inquiries please call the APS Library’s Informa on Commons Sec on at 8997691 loc. 2005. ATENEO PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS LIBRARY Resources Scan the code to access the e-resources Prepared by Informa on Commons Sec on / December 2013