Name IB Chem I Topic 4 Bonding - SampleTestProblems 1. What is the fonnula for the compoundformedby calciumand nitrogen? A. CaN B. Ca2N C. Ca2N3 @ ca3N2 ElernentXis in group2, andelementIin group7, of the periodictable.Which ions willbe presentin the compoundformed when Xand Y reacttogether? A. -^ \y f X'- and Y 1_andf C. D. 3. f andY' in the sequenceof molecules for the bondingbetweencarbon.atoms Which of the following increase(s) CzHe,C2Haand C2112? A. , U 4. andY I. Numberof bondsF II. Lengthofbonds Ill. Strengthof bondingl/ I only Iartd lll orrlv C. Illonly D. I, II and III Whichmolecule is linear? A. SOz (8 . tco . \-/ c. D. 6. HzS Cl2O Basedon electronegativity values,which bond is the mostpolar? A. l€) B-C c-o C. N-O D. O-F Which substanceis most solublein water(in rnol dur 3; at 2g8 K? 7. A. CH3CHj B. CH3OCH3 ,^t. ( C. ) CHT CHTOH \/ D. 8. Which moleculeis nou-polar? A. G) \./ 9. CH3CII2CH2CFI20H H2CO Sor C. NF: D. CHCI3 What happenswhen sodiumand oxygencombinetogether? A. ffi Eachsodiumatourgainsone electron. Eachsodiunratorr losesone electron. C. Eachoxygellator-ngainsone electron. D. Eachoxygenatornlosesone electron. 10. Which substance hasthe lowestelectricalconductivity? A. Cu(s) B. I-lg(l) za (S.r/ tttte'l D. Which staternent bestdescribesthe attractionpresentin rnetallicbonding? 11. A. .Cl (y D. the attractionbetweenprotorrsand electrons Which statementis correctabouttwo elementswhoseatomsfonn a covalentbond with eachother? (^aB.l \-/ The elementsaremetals. Tlreelerrrerrts ille noll-uretals. C. The elementshavevery low electronegativity values. D. The elemeutshavevery differentelectronegativity values. When the following bondtypesare listedin decreasing orderof strengtli(strongestfirst), what is the correct order? A ( A/ covalerrt> hvdrogen> van der Waals' B- > van clerWaals'>hydrogen covalerrt C. hydrogen> covalent> van der Waals' D. varrder Waals'>hvdrosen> covalent What is the valenceshellelectronpair repulsion(VSEPR)theoryusedto predict? A. ^rn I B.) \_t ir.edg the attractionbetweenpositiveionsand electrons the attractionbetweenpositiveions and negativeions A. 14. the attractioubetweennucleiand electrons C. 12. 13. LiOH(aq) The energylevelsin an atorn Tlreslrapes of urolecules and ions C. The electronegativities of elernents D. The typeof bondingin compounds 15. Which fluorideis the rnostionic? A. NaF z4, csF W 7 9' MgFr D. BaF2 16. Which statelnentis a correctdescriptionof electronlossin this reaction? 2Al+35-Al"S. A. -/f\ I B. I \-/ 17. Eachaluminlluratoln losestwo electrons. EachaluminLll.u atom losesthreeelectrons. C. Eachsr-rlfur atom losestwo electrons. D. Eachsulfur atornlosesthreeelectrons. Which statementis true for most ionic compounds? A. They containelementsof similarelectronegativity. B. They conductelectricityin the solid state. C. Thev arecoloured. @ 18. They havehigh rneltingandboilingpoints. Wliich is a correctdescriptionof metallicbonding? A. Positivelychargedmetal ionsareattractedto negativelychargedions. B. Negatively chargedmetal ions are attractedto positively chargedrnetalions. A. t? D. 19. Positivelychargedmetal ions areattractedto delocalizedelectrons. Negativelychargedmetal ionsare attractedto delocalizedelectrons. Whichmolecule hasthesmallest bondangle? A. COz ,(A NH. c. cH+ D. CzHq \-/ 20. What intermolecularfbrcesare presentin gaseoushydrogen? A. Hydrogenbonds B. Covalerrtbonds C. Dipole-dipole attractions .-, ( D. I \-,/ 21. 22. Which moleculeis polar? A. COz ('/F\ B, I \-/ PF. c. cH+ D. BF: What are responsiblefbr the high electricalcorrductivityof metals? A. I'-\B. I \-/ 23. positiveions Delocalized Delocalizcdr llcnce electrons C. Delocalized atouls D. negativeions Delocalized When C2Ha, CzHz.and C2H6are arrangedin order of increasing C-C bond length,what is the corect order? A. CzHo,C2H2.Czlla B. C2l16 CzH+,C2l-12. ( C.) \./ CzHz.C2Ha,C2H6 D. 24. Vander Waals'fbrces CzHq,C2H6,C2H2 Whicli compoundcontainsboth ionic and covalentbonds? A. MgCl2 B. HCI C. H2CO @ NH4CI Which specieshasa trigonalplanarshape? 25. f;) \-/ co.2- B. SO:2- C. NF: D. PCl3 In the moleculesN2lIa.N2H2,andN2, the nitrogenatomsare linkedby single,doubleand triple bonds, respectively. WItenthesemoleculesare arrangedin increasingorderof the lengthsof their nitrogento nitrogenbonds(shortestbond first) which orderis correct? A. NzH+,N2,N2H2 B. NzH+,N2H2.N2 C. NzHz,N2,N2Fl1 @ 27. N2 ,N2H2,N2ta Which compoundhasthe leastcovalentcharacter? A. SiO2 B. Na2O C. MgC12 @ CsF 28. ,'2 Aq fr/ +p/s*/Je- 29. (a) An irnpoftautcorrpoluldof nitrogenis ammonia,NH3. The chernistryof amrnoniais influencedby its polarityand its ability to fonn hydrogenbonds.Polaritycan be explainedin tenns of itv. electronegativ (i) Explain tlre terrn electronegativity. afuac'Aazt f?t sl fle €/ee/Yone t'l 4 ?ova,/ea* /onJ. ( ii) Nl (iii) Statethe H-N-H bond anslein an arnuroniamolecule. /o r o(iv) (b) Ammonia reactsrvith hydrogenionsforming ammoniutnions,NH4* (i) Statethe H-N-H bond anglein an aumonium ion. /o?. ro (ii) Explainu,hy the H-N-H bond arrgleof NH3 is differentfrom the H-N-H bond angleof NFI+*lref'erringto both speciesin your auswer. e/e"*Tnc u/i # 4I /e/ 30. fgrce irt eacltof the following compounds. Identifythe strongesttype of internroJecular cH3cl cH, d:ig/e 7-a/Y9/3 v/afa det va/!; , , (a/r'Y<ltyIr) ;.;; niilEq?;J;d 31. The boiling pointso1-thehydridesof the group6 elementsare shownbelow. (i) ( ii) Explainthe trend in boiling pointsfrorn H2Sto H2Te. \ , 32. of iodine,sodiumand sodiumiodide. the structures The diasramsbelolv represent (A, B and C) correspondto iodine,sodiurnand sodium ldentify which of the structures iodide. (a) A , Ilt 7 $: r v a (ii) (b) (i) (ii) Sodiumand sodiumiodidecan both conductelectricitywhen molten,but only sodiumcan conductelectricitywhen solid.Explainthis differencein conductivityin termsof the 33. SiCla.are polar.but the rnoleculeis not. Explail why the bondsin silicontetrachloride, , ftle die due h h c/ 6".ilr c^r'e ,PeAr i:) nile be,n,q ,n-fe , -be-,r,j i;;:, Ch/alrae eh/u:ze %a Aat*;;a;5';a i:;/ei;/i if;' no/eeu/( 4A Ua f,; f,'c7u ilJ 34. (a) {,:/,' bouevel 2?4c )si .i s' ,f'e i;;;ito v i;iio/aa:' ueleft*i r"/ acid,HCOOH. Draw the Ler,visstructureof Ir-retltanoic :o: - 1l .. I+ - f-rt O- l f.. -, ll (b) (c) Stateand explainthe relationshipbetweenthe lengthand strengthof the bondsbetweenthe carbon atom aud the tr'vooxygenatonrsirt Inethanoicacid' r^a c= a b;;,,1J,,i brth ih;;/e/ =*i; ;;J a -M itiili ";tu";ir, ;trAcz1?:4t ;i;;:;| ^r?J a "t%;;LJ ;,F 4/2dz'o'a1' W i;;::T do*A/e bon/' e 4 /n $o.nJ 10