AGB Youth Forum Network

AGB Youth Forum Network
Information for clubs
Archery GB is the trading name of the Grand National Archery Society, a company limited
by guarantee no. 1342150 Registered in England.
AGB Youth Forum Network
What is it?
We want to have contact with groups of young people involved in archery clubs and/or counties.
For you, this may be an existing group already within your club and/or county that you could
register with us, or a new group you may want to set up. We will provide guidance if needed, but
we are welcoming forum formats that suit you. Your forum may have three or thirty three
involved. It is up to you.
Why is AGB setting up this network?
We want our sport to meet the needs of all our members, including our younger members. To
involve children and young people in decision making processes in archery, whilst providing an
opportunity for them to volunteer in the sport we are inviting you to join our new network of AGB
youth forums!
Our aims for the Youth Forum Network:
To provide young people with an opportunity to volunteer in archery
To provide a voice for young people within archery
For AGB to engage with to young people in archery
- Find out their ideas in developing the sport
- What they like about the sport
- What they do not like as much about the sport
- What AGB could do to make it better for them
Find/recognise young ambassadors for our sport (8 to 25 year olds involved)
Encourage young people to lead the forums
What do we want from the network?
We hope these youth forums will provide our younger members with an opportunity to discuss
relevant issues and ideas relating to their involvement in archery.
In the future we would like to explore the possibility of setting up regional forums as well as a
national forum.
AGB will provide guidance and support to those clubs and/or counties that host an AGB Youth
Forum, however the club or county will lead the forum. Members of the forum, and topics
discussed by the group will be decided on by the club or county.
We will contact youth forums to see what is being discussed so we can start to identify how we
can ensure the sport is meeting the needs of young archers.
What are the benefits to your club or county?
Find out what your young members want from their club or county
Provide opportunities for your young members to act as ambassadors for the sport
Help young archers develop their interpersonal skills
Gain young volunteers within your club!
What can you do as a club?
We recognise that some AGB clubs and counties already have youth forums or junior groups in
Rochdale Company of Archers have always held informal, information sharing sessions with
their juniors to make sure their thoughts are fed into the club committee. The club has seen a
real value to these sessions and is looking to set up a more formal junior committee in the future
to develop this further.
We are inviting all AGB clubs with young people to form a youth forum or register an existing
group. Please see registration form below.
Are there any suggested guidelines for the Youth Forums?
We would like forums to be led by the clubs and/or counties but we have provided some
guidelines that may help you in setting up a group:
Consider the number of forum members – approximately 8 to 10 may be a good number
to aim for (ideally led by a young person. Group supervised and supported by adult club
How many times should they meet a year? Perhaps 2 or 3 times, or more. It is up to you.
You could ask each forum member to be involved for up to a year if possible.
Try to get a range of young people on the forum. Consider different skills and abilities (i.e.
talented/potential archer, beginner to the sport, leadership skills, keen interest in the sport
Set your own agenda at each meeting, whilst also discussing some example topics from
AGB to get young archers views on specific projects.
Tell AGB what your forum is doing! We want to hear how it goes, what you discuss, what
we could do to improve young people’s experience in the sport!
I want to set up a Youth Forum! What do I do now?
It is simple. You can either;
1. Register an existing group you have within the club or county (using the registration form),
2. Ask the young people in your club if they would like to form a youth forum (putting a flyer up
at the club may generate some interest for example). Once you have a few members,
complete and return the same registration form.
Your forum will be ready to go once it is registered! Set your first meeting up.…perhaps the first
job is to decide a name for your forum…!
We will communicate with the Youth Forum Network regularly and share what is going on with
other clubs and counties within Archery UK and on the website.
There is no deadline to register your Youth Forum. The registration form will be available on our
website at all times.
Youth Forum Registration Form
To register your Youth Forum please complete the following and return it to or post it to Kate Moss, Archery GB, Lilleshall National Sport Centre,
Newport, Shropshire, TF10 9AT.
Your details
Is your forum:
A club forum
A county forum
Your name
Email address
Role within
Role within forum
Forum members
Name of youth
forum member
*Add more names and ages if needed
Age of youth forum