Module 1: Welcome

Module 1: Welcome
August 25, 2010
Module Content:
1. Sta@cs is your first true engineering course, and it is in the category of “engineering mechanics”. You will have two other engineering mechanics courses, strength of materials and dynamics.
2. Our course policies are detailed herein, with a few small modifica@ons possible based upon your input.
3. This semester, you (yes, you) will be empowered to a great degree to control your educa@onal experience.
Module Reading, Problems, and Demo:
Reading: Chapter 1
Problems: FBDs review (including in Mastering)
Demo: none
Homework PlaUorm: hVp://
Course Blog: hVp://
MAE 2300 Statics
© E. J. Berger, 2010
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Administra@ve Details
professor: E. Berger (A-­‐122 Thornton,
TAs: Mr. John Lamp (, Mr. Patrick Migliorini (
office hours and problem sessions details are TBD based upon your schedule
mee@ng @me and loca@on: MWF 9-­‐9.50, MEC 205
$120-ish (new)
ISBN-10: 0136077900
MAE 2300 - Statics
Basic concepts of mechanics, systems of forces and
couples: equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; analysis
of structures: trusses, frames, machines; internal forces,
shear and bending moment diagrams; distributed forces;
friction, centroids and moments of inertia; introduction to
stress and strain; computer applications. Cross-listed as
CE 2300. (Y)
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Course Policies
we follow the Honor Code, and the syllabus contains the SEAS-­‐recommended wording (and some student contact informa@on); all exams are pledged, homework assignments are not
for the semester project, we will use good aVribu@on prac@ces and make sure that all sources are correctly and fully referenced
we will use the course blog for essen@ally all course transac@on, except the gradebook (for which we will use Collab)
quizzes will be announced at least one class period in advance
excused absence does NOT NECESSARILY mean excused from work
homework to be submiVed in class must be in my hand by 9 am (i.e., the BEGINNING of the class period) on the due date
grade appeals must be submiVed in wri&ng within 1 week of the assignment return date for considera@on
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Course Grading
graded assignments:
HW problem sets: Mastering (10%), wriVen (5%)
technology project: details to be distributed soon (10%)
quizzes (10%): about 3 total
exams: 2 midterm (20% each), 1 final (25%)
aVendance, par@cipa@on, etc.: not explicitly part of the grade, but always useful...
extra credit available...
for problem solu@ons submiVed and posted on the blog (this semester, ONLY electronic submissions will be accepted, and only the first 2 neat, correct, concise solu@ons received will be awarded credit)
each extra solu@on is worth 1/4 of a homework
MAE 2300 Statics
excellent/useful/insighUul commentary posted on the blog will also result in extra credit
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Consulta@on and Gejng Help
your first step is always: come to class, work hard and try to understand, perhaps even consult some friends, and aker due diligence...
your next step is to come see me: send email, visit during office hours, or make an appointment (phone is usually NOT the best way to reach me)
other op@ons: buy study guides such as the Schaum’s outline listed on the syllabus, pay a tutor
friendly advice: join a study group of at least 2-­‐3 people (including students from the other sec@on), if not more; alot of great learning takes place in a collabora@ve environment like a study group
more friendly advice: take advantage of review sessions and problem sessions-­‐-­‐we will do these periodically and announce @mes and loca@on in advance
we will also link to lots on online content in support of the class
MAE 2300 Statics
© E. J. Berger, 2010
Amazon, $16 (new)
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Video solu@ons to problems
I authored a set of video solu@ons for this textbook, and (if you purchased a new book) you have access to them
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“Mastering” Sta@cs
we will be using the “Mastering” plaUorm for electronic homework submission in this course.
our course ID: MAE2300UVAFALL2010
use the account number packaged with your book to start your Mastering account
enroll in our course using the course ID above
if you bought a used book, you will need to buy stand-­‐alone access to the Mastering plaUorm ($50)
we will be learning the Mastering plaUorm together, so your feedback will be cri@cal-­‐-­‐please let me know your thoughts about the pla3orm, as well as how we use it!
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© E. J. Berger, 2010
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Why use Mastering?
Mastering gives you:
specific feedback
lots of tries, and the ability to collaborate
Mastering homework is not pledged! the ability to do problems (and submit answers) symbolically
Please feel free to work together!
excellent sta@s@cs related to student performance, @me on task, etc.
Mastering does not give you:
detailed hand-­‐wriVen feedback from a grader
prac&ce wri&ng good solu&ons
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Mastering data
answered correctly
requested answer
ave. # wrong answers per student
ave. # hints per student
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Know about this?
• has lots of answers to lots of ques@ons. I don’t know what the merger of Cramster + Mastering will be like (i.e., useful or not)
Google turns up these other sources for solu@ons
What to do...make a good decision about using these resources. Maybe use them when you study for exams?
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© E. J. Berger, 2010
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Technology Content
how do we use these notes? (I’m not sure, actually, can you tell me?)
a summary:
blogging: we will use the course blog as a way to communicate--I encourage all of you to
get an account and start hacking (subscribe to the RSS feed)
podcasts/videos: I will be podcasting all lecture modules and posting them on the blog; this
also includes video problem solutions and tutorials
Arcade: a fun visualization tool and simulator for structures that we will see and use
toward the middle of the semester
Collab: we will occasionally do some surveys, and we will use some other features of
Collab; homework solutions will be posted there and we will use Collab’s gradebook
email: please read your email
a request: the success of some of this technology relies upon you participating, meaning you
should work this into your DAILY study routine--check the RSS feeds, review the podcasts, post
your course questions as comments on the blog, use email to communicate, etc.
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Course Objec@ves and Outcomes
FBDs, method of sections,
internal forces,V&M, moment of inertia
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The Course Blog
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Lecture Podcast Content
MAE 2300 Statics
the lectures are designed to contain the “sta@c” course content
you can download and view these at your leisure
the “dynamic” course content will be presented live in lecture, and NOT recorded
the class period breakdown will usually be:
~30 minutes of recorded material which sets up the concepts, theories and applica@ons
~20 minutes of NOT recorded material which includes physical demos, sokware usage, and collabora@ve problem solving
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Video Problem Solu@ons
MAE 2300 Statics
© E. J. Berger, 2010
these Quick@me videos show complete solu@ons to problems from our text, including narra@on and discussion
they show several useful things:
the solu@on, with all math
the steps in the solu@on, including “what to watch out for”
good problem solving technique
rela@onships between this problem and others that we have solved
the spoken word adds great value above the usual “sta@c” wriVen solu@on on the page
download and won’t regret it
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Concept: Sta@cs
from Hibbeler (p. 3): “Sta@cs can be defined as that branch of the physical sciences concerned with the state of rest or mo@on of bodies that are subjected to the ac@on of forces. In general, this subject is subdivided into three branches: rigid-­‐body mechanics, deformable-­‐body mechanics, and fluid mechanics.”
Mechanics: (engineering or applied) mechanics is the branch of physics concerned with the analysis of the ac@on of forces on maVer or material systems (
external loads: forces, pressures, etc. exerted on a body by external means, including point loads, moments, torques, pressures, as well as body forces due to gravity
rigid body: a body which is not capable of deforming (this is a useful idealiza@on, but obviously NO body is truly “rigid”)
dynamics: governed by Newton’s law, ΣF = ma
sta@cs: special case of Newton’s law, ΣF = 0
deformable body: an elas@c body which is NOT rigid (i.e., can deform or change shape)
internal forces: the forces ac@ng within a structure that react against the external loads (e.g., shear force or bending moment)
free body diagrams: the key tool in this course...
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