Ad infinitum Clique endlessly a small, exclusive group of people SYNONYMS: forever, unceasingly, incessantly, ceaselessly SYNONYMS: inner circle, coterie ANTONYMS: succinctly, concisely, tersely, briefly Concede Apportion to admit as true; to yield, submit to divide and give out in shares SYNONYMS: acknowledge, grant, allow, assent SYNONYMS: distribute, allot, parcel out, allocate ANTONYMS: contest, dispute, gainsay, challenge Bona fide Congenial genuine; sincere getting on well with others; agreeable, pleasant SYNONYMS: authentic, indisputable, legitimate, certified SYNONYMS: friendly, sociable, amiable, compatible ANTONYMS: false, fake, bogus, spurious, counterfeit ANTONYMS: disagreeable, surly, cold, standoffish Buoyant Lofty able to float easily; able to hold things up; cheerful, hopeful very high; noble SYNONYMS: blithe, jaunty, lighthearted, animated SYNONYMS: elevated, towering, exalted, grand ANTONYMS: downcast, depressed, gloomy, morose ANTONYMS: base, petty, low, sordid, despicable Rancid Migration stale, spoiled a movement from one country or region to another SYNONYMS: foul, rank, sour, fetid, rotten, putrid SYNONYMS: population shift, mass movement ANTONYMS: wholesome, fresh Perceive Rustic to be aware of through the senses, observe; to grasp mentally country-like; simple, plain; awkward; one who lives in the country SYNONYMS: notice, discern, understand SYNONYMS: rough, unsophisticated, countrified ANTONYMS: miss overlook, be blind to ANTONYMS: citified, urban, sophisticate, suave Perverse Sever inclined to go against what is expected; stubborn; turned away from what is good and proper to separate, divide into parts SYNONYMS: obstinate, contrary, mulish, wayward SYNONYMS: cut off, amputate, break off, dissolve ANTONYMS: join, unite, weld together ANTONYMS: tractable, docile, amenable, yielding Sordid Prelude an introduction; that which comes before or leads off SYNONYMS: preface, overture, prologue, “curtain-raiser” ANTONYMS: epilogue, postlude, aftermath wretchedly poor; run-down; mean or selfish SYNONYMS: filthy, squalid, base, vile, seedy, sleazy ANTONYMS: pure, noble, opulent, lavish Untenable not capable of being held or defended; impossible to maintain SYNONYMS: indefensible, insupportable, groundless ANTONYMS: irrefutable, impregnable, incontestable Versatile able to do many things well; capable of many uses SYNONYMS: adaptable, handy, all-around, many-sided ANTONYMS: limited, specialized, restricted Vindicate to clear from hint or charge of wrongdoing; to defend successfully against opposition; to justify SYNONYMS: acquit, absolve, exonerate, advocate ANTONYMS: implicate, incriminate, condemn, convict Wane to lose size, strength, or power SYNONYMS: diminish, decline, subside, dwindle ANTONYMS: grow, wax, amplify, balloon, increase