PhD Opportunities in Mathematics of Planet Earth

PhD Opportunities in Mathematics of Planet Earth
We are seeking excellent candidates for 12 fully funded PhD positions, as part of the
first cohort of the newly established EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in
the Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE), jointly run by Imperial College London and the
University of Reading.
The centre offers an innovative four year PhD in programme in Mathematics and its
applications to weather, oceans and climate science. The first year takes the form of an
MRes (Masters by Research) course, leading to a jointly awarded degree from Imperial
College London and the University of Reading. The following 3 years focus on the PhD
project, and lead to the award of a PhD from either Imperial or Reading.
UK and EU students with a background in the mathematical and physical sciences are
eligible for full funding (fees plus tax-free stipend of £15,726 a year), and exceptional
international students are also encouraged to apply. Successful candidates will choose,
by the end of the first year, the particular area of research that suits their individual
taste and talents from the broad areas of Analysis, Statistics, Probability, Fluid
Mechanics, Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, and will
work on PhD projects that have in common relevance and applicability to research in
weather, oceans and climate. Prior knowledge of environmental science is not a
The MPE CDT students will graduate with substantial, interdisciplinary experience
in developing cutting-edge mathematics and applying it to challenging and urgent
problems, and will have acquired teamwork, communication, management and
leadership skills through our close cooperation with our external partners
from research institutions and industry. Integrated in the programme are a number
of bespoke training activities and professional development opportunities.
Successful applicants will have (or expect to receive) a first class honours degree in
Mathematics, Statistics, Physics or closely related subject. Applications will be
considered jointly by the partner universities.
The deadline for submitting the complete applications is 31 January 2014. Further
details regarding the programme and the application procedure can be obtained
at .