[20ttrDecember2010] Supplement to Oficial Gazette 423 S.I.94 of 2010 INCOME AND NON-MONETARY BENEFITS TAX ACT (Act I0 of 2010) Income and Non-Monetary Benefits Tax @ayrolt \tithholding Statement) Regulations,2010 ln exerciseof the powersconferredby section19 (l) of the Income and Non-Monetary BenefitsTixAc! 2010 the VicePresidentandthe MinisterofFinance andTradeherebymakes thefol lowing Regulationsl. These Regulations may be cited as the Income and citation Non-Monetary Benefits Tax (Payroll WitFrtrofdingStatement) Regulations,2010 and shall be deemedto have come into operationon I st' July20 I 0. 2. Every employer shall submit a payroll withholding statementtothe SeychellesRevenueCommissionerwithin 2l daysafterthe end oithe precedingcalendarmonth. payrotl withholding staremcnt 3. The payroll withholding statementshall provide the followingparticularsinrespectofeverypersonemployed- particurars in (a) name and national identiff number of each personin the employmentofthe employer; O) employmentwiththeemployer; (c) the date and amount of each payment of emolumentpaid to eachemployedperson; (d) the taxable value of non-monetary benefit provided to eachemployedperson; (e) income tax withheld from the payment of emolument; ffil,o,n, statffrcnt Supplement b Aficial Guette [20thDecember201 (D theincometaxpaidby theemployerin respectof any norFmoietary benefit provided to -each €mploycdperson; (g) the amount of pension fund contribution in rcspectof eachemployedperson;and (h) the date on which an employedpersonceased employmentif applicable. Additional information 4. TheRevenueCommission may,by noticein writing, requirctheemployertosubrnitadditionalinforrnation. MADE this l0th dayofl)ecember,2010. DAT{NYAAURE VICE.PRESIDENT AND MIMSTER OF T'INANCE AND TRADE