City of Palo Alto (ID # 4644) City Council Staff Report Report Type: Informational Report Meeting Date: 4/7/2014 Summary Title: County Expressway Study Update Title: Informational Report - County of Santa Clara Expressway Study Update and Page Mill Rd & I-280 Traffic Signal Improvements From: City Manager Lead Department: Planning and Community Environment Recommendation This is an Informational Report regarding the County of Santa Clara Expressway Plan 2040 Program, including an update on Caltrans’ traffic signal installation project at Page Mill Road & I-280. No action is recommended. Background The County of Santa Clara conducts a study of the County Expressway System approximately every five years to help identify projects that will improve the capacity and/or operations of the system. The expressway study is prepared in parallel with the Valley Transportation Authority’s (VTA’s) Valley Transportation Plan (VTP) Update, which is used to identify needed transportation projects around the County by program type including: Highways, Expressways, Local Streets & County Roads, Roadway Maintenance, Transit, Transportation Systems and Operations and Management, Bicycle, and the Community Design and Transportation Program. An update of the VTP 2035 to create the VTP 2040 is currently underway and projects identified as part of the County of Santa Clara Expressway Plan 2040 study will feed into the VTP 2040. The County of Santa Clara Expressway Plan process has involved two advisory groups: 1) the Policy Advisory Board (PAB) comprised of local elected officials from every city in the County, two County Supervisors, and two members of the VTA Board of Directors; and 2) the Technical Working Group (TWG) comprised of local Public Works Directors or Transportation Officials from every city. Councilmember Greg Scharff was appointed to represent Palo Alto on the PAB, although the meeting schedule conflicts with City Council meetings, and Chief Transportation Official Jaime Rodriguez represents Palo Alto on the TWG. Both the PAB and TWG have each met twice since the Expressway Plan update was initiated in August 2013. Focused Workshops City of Palo Alto Page 1 of both the PAB and TWG have met separately to discuss individual expressway conditions and needs. Within the City of Palo Alto, three expressways terminate or pass through the city including: Oregon Expressway-Page Mill Road - traversing the City east-west between Highway 101 and Intersection 280. Foothill Expressway - traversing the city north-south between the Los Altos border and Junipero Serra Boulevard. Central Expressway - terminating in Palo Alto at the southern border with the City of Mountain View. Central Expressway becomes Alma Street at San Antonio Avenue. The County of Santa Clara is also currently developing a new County General Plan Circulation and Mobility Element. The Expressway System and major improvements for the system will be included in the Circulation and Mobility Element and analyzed as part of a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the General Plan Element. The County plans on releasing a Notice of Preparation (NOP) in May 2014. In advance of the NOP, the County has conducted preliminary analysis of each of the expressway facilities to help identify potential major capacity or operational improvements that may be necessary to maintain an acceptable Level of Service (LOS) along each expressway. The remainder of this report highlights existing condition findings and projects for each of three expressway facilities adjacent to or within the City of Palo Alto and discusses potential projects discussed through the PAB and TWG for inclusion with the NOP. Inclusion of projects within the NOP does not guarantee improvement of those projects but allows for their continued study through the Expressway Plan 2040 update to help communities discuss and determine whether the projects are preferred for inclusion in the final report. The City will have an opportunity to comment on the scope of the projects and the associated environmental review process once the County issues its NOP in May. Oregon Expressway-Page Mill Road 2013 Existing Conditions The County estimates that Oregon Expressway-Page Mill Road facility accommodates approximately 134,000 daily vehicle trips making it the 6th busiest expressway facility in the County of Santa Clara. The Page Mill Road & Foothill Expressway-Junipero Serra Boulevard intersection City of Palo Alto Page 2 currently operates at LOS F during both the AM and PM peak periods with an average intersection delay of 118.9 seconds. Page Mill Road between I-280 and Foothill Expressway currently operates at LOS E during the AM peak period and LOS F during the PM peak period. Page Mill Road between Foothill Expressway-Junipero Serra Boulevard and El Camino Real currently operates at LOS E during both the AM and PM peak periods. 2025 Future Projections The County anticipates the Page Mill Road & Foothill Expressway-Junipero Serra Boulevard intersection to continue to operate at LOS F in 2025. The intersection of Foothill Expressway & Hanover Street is projected to operate at LOS F in 2025. The County projects the existing AM peak period LOS E conditions on Page Mill Road between I-280 and Foothill Expressway to worsen to LOS F by 2025. The County also projects that the existing LOS E conditions on Page Mill Road between Foothill Expressway-Junipero Serra Boulevard will extend onto Oregon Expressway to Highway 101 by 2025. The following projects are being considered by the County of Santa Clara as part of the development of the Expressway Plan 2040 project: Include the Page Mill Road & I-280 Interchange in the study area for documentation of existing conditions and LOS analysis. I-280 Interchange – Modify interchange to improve vehicle operations and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. Foothill Expressway between I-280 and El Camino Real – Consider widening from 4-lanes to 6-lanes. City of Palo Alto has available funds in the Stanford Research Park Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Program to assist in identifying the feasibility of this project. Grade Separate Page Mill Road & Foothill Expressway-Junipero Serra Boulevard intersection - this project may include an alternative concept to just widen the Page Mill Road approaches of the intersection to improve capacity. Page Mill Rd & Hanover Street – Convert to 8-phase traffic signal operation to address 2025 LOS F conditions. Alma Street Bridges – Reconstruct and modify the Alma Street bridges to improve vehicle operations and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. US 101/Embarcadero Road/Oregon Expressway Interchange – Modify interchange to reduce queue spillbacks onto expressway (freeway project) City of Palo Alto Page 3 Foothill Expressway 2013 Existing Conditions The County estimates the Foothill Expressway facility through Palo Alto currently operates at LOS C or better with the exception of the Page Mill Road intersection. In Los Altos the section of Foothill Expressway north of El Monte, including the El Monte intersection, operate at LOS F, this impacts the commute into Palo Alto. 2025 Future Projections The County estimates that the intersection of Foothill Expressway & Arastradero Road will operate at LOS F in 2025. The following projects are being considered by the County of Santa Clara as part of the development of the Expressway Plan 2040 project: Identify in planning documents the existing 2013 LOS E conditions at the Foothill Expressway & Arastradero Road intersection. Grade Separate the Foothill Expressway & Arastradero Road intersection with Foothill Expressway going underneath Arastradero Road. Grade separation will allow Arastradero Road to remain at its current grade and may allow for the removal of traffic signals at the Foothill Expressway and Miranda Avenue intersections and replacement with roundabout facilities. The existing multi-use path along the north side of Arastradero Road (West of Foothill Expressway) can be extended to Miranda Avenue improving bicycle and pedestrian connections to Gunn High School. Central Expressway 2013 Existing Conditions The County of Santa Clara does not include any LOS information regarding Alma Street within their report. The County estimates that Central Expressway immediately south of Palo Alto operates at LOS D through the City of Mountain View. City of Palo Alto Page 4 2025 Future Projections The County estimates that Central Expressway operations will degrade in the 2025 to LOS E south of Rengstorff Avenue and that the Rengstorff Avenue intersection will operate at LOS F. There are no capacity operational improvements proposed by the County of Santa Clara adjacent to the City of Palo Alto border. Staff has requested that the County consider the San Antonio Avenue intersection where Central Expressway currently ends so that bicycle and pedestrian improvements to the San Antonio Caltrain Station can be considered. A copy of existing and 2025 LOS Findings for the Expressway Study 2040 are provided in Attachments A and B respectively. Foothill Expressway & I-280 Traffic Signal Improvements In 2011, the City of Palo Alto requested that Caltrans conduct a traffic signal warrant study as part of a request by then Mayor Sid Espinosa. Caltrans conducted a warrant study and found that the intersection of Page Mill Road & I-280 SB met the installation criteria for traffic signal. Caltrans funded the project at $400,000 through their Highway Safety Program. Parallel to the Caltrans traffic signal warrant study, the City of Palo Alto funded a Concept Study for Interchange Improvements at Page Mill Road & I-280 in partnership with the County of Santa Clara. The Concept Study identified the need for a larger, focused study, which is now proposed as part of the Expressway 2040 Plan project. Caltrans participated in the Concept Study and agreed to include the Page Mill Road & I-280 NB intersection as part of their improvement project and increased their funding for the project to $2.2M to include additional sidewalk and bicycle improvements between Page Mill Rd & Old Page Mill Road to the I-280 SB intersection. More recently, the Town of Los Altos Hills has expressed concerns regarding impacts to the rural environment of the Page Mill Road & I-280 intersections and has submitted a petition to Caltrans, asking them to defer the project. Caltrans is planning to respond to the Town of Los Altos Hills petition but is continuing design work in conjunction with their community engagement process. A copy of the Draft Caltrans Traffic Signal Project Concept Plan is provided in Attachment C. Staff is hoping to schedule a study session to discuss this project with the Council in more detail next month. City of Palo Alto Page 5 Timeline The County of Santa Clara plans to release an NOP for the County General Plan Circulation and Mobility Element PEIR, which includes the future plans for the Expressway System by May 2014. The County has requested that the City submit any additional major capacity/operation improvement projects by April 11th so that they may be included in the NOP. (The projects discussed within this report are already included in the Draft NOP.) City staff has requested that the County of Santa Clara and Caltrans attend a City Council study session to provide the City and the community with additional information, but this study session cannot be scheduled before April 11, and will instead occur after the NOP is issued. Environmental Review The County will prepare a Program Level EIR for their Expressway Study 2040 Plan, which will help identify projects for inclusion in the County General Plan and in the VTP 2040 Update being conducted in parallel with the County Expressway Plan study. Courtesy Copies Dawn Cameron – County of Santa Clara Dan Collen – County of Santa Clara Fariba Zohoury - Caltrans Attachments: Attachment A: County 2013 Map (PDF) Attachment B: County 2025 Map (PDF) Attachment C: Caltrans I-280 Page Mill TS Project Concept (PDF) City of Palo Alto Page 6 Or eg on -P ag eM ill Expressway System Existing Conditions 2013 ATTACHMENT A Foothill 237 e Arques Benton Bollinger LOS A-C: Minor Delays LOS D: Some Delays LOS E: Major Delays LOS F: Severe Delays Story 17 l to i p Ca Moorpark 17 n Almade Peak Period “Levels of Service” (LOS) Cruz El Camino Real San Tomas Lawrrence De La Monroe Homestead 280 680 880 Kifer Reed e te on El M Cent ral le O’Too 280 Fo ot hi ll olleg Zon Trade d ion C Oaklan Miss Main rthy McCa ue g a nt o MNorth First Intersection LOS F Under Study Expressway Plan 2040 ❖ County of Santa Clara Roads and Airports Department ❖ MARCH 17, 2014 10:15am Expressway System 2025 Conditions • 0 ,;. f(I(Wortf'&' G) Peak Period " Levels o f Service" (LOS) - - Q LOSA-C: Minor Delays LOS D: So1re Delays LOS E: Major Delays LOS F: Severe Delays Intersection LOS F Uooer Study Expressway Plan 2040 •:• Covnty of Santo Clara Roads and Airports Deportment ·:· www .expresswoys.lnfo MARCH 17, 2014 I 0:15am •r REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER " PLANS APPROVAL DATE I'H£ STJT< or CAI. 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