Baltic DB&IS 2014 Program We start sessions each working day at 09:00. Altogether there will be 17 sessions, some running in parallel, 3 keynote speeches and 47 presentations. Sessions and papers carry a code with the following structure: [DAY.SESSION.PAPER IN SESSION], where M – Monday, T – Tuesday, and W – Wednesday. Non-parallel sessions as well as sessions marked as A will run in Studio I, whereas session B is scheduled for Studio II + III. For each paper in session a time slot of 30 minutes is reserved, out of which 20 minutes for presentation and approx. 8 minutes for questions and discussion, leaving 2 minutes for presenter change. If you are presenting a paper, please introduce yourself to your session chair, and provide him/her with a brief background statement that he/she can use in introducing you to the audience. Program at a Glance | 8-11 June 2014 Page | 1 SUNDAY | 8 June 2014 18:00 Buses depart to Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) and innovation centre MEKTORY (Departure point: Park Inn by Radisson Central Tallinn) 18:30 – 19:30 Registration and Visit to innovation centre MEKTORY (Modern Estonian Knowledge Transfer Organization for You) (Address: Raja 15, 12618 Tallinn) 19:30 – 21:00 Welcome party (Address: Raja 15, 12618 Tallinn) 21:00 Bus to Park Inn by Radisson Central Tallinn MONDAY | 9 June 2014 08:00 Registration 09:00 – 09:30 Opening Session ROOM: Studio I 09:30 – 10:30 Keynote Speech – Session M.1 Chair: Hele-Mai HAAV ROOM: Studio I Interlinking Data and Knowledge in Society, Research and Enterprises with Linked Data Prof. Sören Auer, Dr. Christoph Lange / University of Bonn, GERMANY 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break 11:00 – 13:00 Session M.2A Data and Knowledge Management Chair: Audris KALNINS ROOM: Studio I [M.2A.1] ROS Meets Cassandra: Data Management in Smart Environments with NoSQL André Dietrich, Siba Mohammad, Sebastian Zug and Jörg Kaiser [M.2A.2] Data Ontologies and Ad Hoc Queries: a Case Study Janis Barzdins, Edgars Rencis and Agris Sostaks [M.2A.3] Meta-Modelling of Continuously Evolving and Highly Structured Data Models Vilius Okockis and Linas Bukauskas [M.2A.4] DSML Tool Definition Metamodel Arturs Sprogis 11:00 – 13:00 [M.2B.1] Session M.2B Service Oriented IS and Data Integration Chair: Janis BICEVSKIS Spatial Data Integration Using Similarity-Based Matching Michael Schäfers and Udo W. Lipeck Page | 2 ROOM: Studio II+III [M.2B.2] Schema Matching Similarity Threshold Detection for Automated Web Services Network Construction Svetlana Omelkova and Peep Küngas [M.2B.3] The Framework for Decision Process Automation in Intellectualised Information Systems Diana Kalibatiene, Olegas Vasilecas and Aidas Smaizys [M.2B.4] The Membership Function Construction in View-based Framework Jolanta Miliauskaite 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 16:00 Session M.3A Web Information Systems, Evaluation and Personalisation Chair: Tarmo ROBAL ROOM: Studio I [M.3A.1] The Data Marketplace Survey Revisited Florian Stahl, Fabian Schomm and Gottfried Vossen [M.3A.2] Preference Selectivity Estimation for Cost-Based Query Optimization Markus Endres [M.3A.3] Improving Sophisticated Self-Service Portal User Interfaces: a Study on User Click Behaviour Jevgeni Marenkov, Tarmo Robal and Ahto Kalja [M.3A.4] Visualization Approaches for Mobile Devices Kristina Lapin 14:00 – 16:00 Session M.3B E-services, e-government and e-learning Chair: Juris BORZOVS ROOM: Studio II+III [M.3B.1] Learner Classification for Providing Adaptability of E-Learning Systems Vija Vagale and Laila Niedrite [M.3B.2] Supporting Open and Distance Learning Tutors in Learning Design: the Case of D4P Olga Fragou and Achilles Kameas [M.3B.3] Enterprises’ Satisfaction with E-Government: A Case of Countries in Baltic Sea Region Kristiina Kindel, Valter Ritso and Urve Venesaar [M.3B.4] Compliance and Program Transparency for Legal Machines Vytautas Čyras and Friedrich Lachmayer 16:00 – 16:15 Break 16:15 – 17:00 Session M.4 Doctoral Consortium Keynote Speech Chair: Kuldar TAVETER How to Conduct Research Dr. Alexander Norta / Tallinn University of Technology, ESTONIA Page | 3 ROOM: Studio I 17:00 – 19:00 Session M.5* Doctoral Consortium – Poster Slam & Poster Session Chair: Raimundas MATULEVIČIUS ROOM: Studio I [M.5B.1] An Automatic Service Composition System in the Travel-planning Domain Based on a HTN Planning with Description Logic Arūnas Miliauskas [M.5B.2] Method of Information Security Risk Estimation Raikhan Muratkhan, Raimundas Matulevičius and Dina Satybaldina [M.5B.3] Measuring Finite Time Compressibility from Large Simulated Datasets: Towards Identification of Areas of Spontaneous Patch Formation in the Gulf of Finland Andrea Giudici and Tarmo Soomere [M.5B.4] Towards Better Specifications for Software Outsourcing Peeter Lump, Juhan Ernits and Jüri Vain [M.5B.5] Creating an Information Architecture for an Enterprise Large-Scale Websites Using a Card Sorting Method Natalia Järv, Innar Liiv, Jekaterina Ivask and Maria Merkulova [M.5B.6] The Integrated Domain Modeling: A Case Study Armands Šlihte and Jānis Osis [M.5B.7] Mappings, Rules and Patterns in a Template Based ETL Construction Kalle Tomingas, Margus Kliimask and Tanel Tammet * - During the Doctoral Consortium snacks and drinks will be served. TUESDAY | 10 June 2014 08:30 Registration 09:00 – 10:00 Keynote Speech – Session T.1 Chair: Irina ASTROVA ROOM: Studio I Challenges and Opportunities in Efficient Management of Big Data Prof. Bela Stantic / Griffith University, AUSTRALIA 10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 – 12:00 Session T.2A Big Data Processing and Data Warehousing (I) Chair: Marite KIRIKOVA ROOM: Studio I [T.2A.1] Ontology based Trajectory Data Warehouse Conceptual Model: A Marine Mammals Tracking Case Study Jalel Akaichi, Thouraya Sakouhi [T.2A.2] Data Galaxies: A Common Space for Data Manipulation and Visualization Sergejs Kozlovics and Peteris Rucevskis Page | 4 [T.2A.3] 10:30 – 12:00 Modelling Customer Churn: A New Perspective Within Data Mining Framework Abdulkadir Hiziroglu and Omer Faruk Seymen Session T.2B Domain-Oriented and Semantic Information Systems Chair: Audrone LUPEIKIENE ROOM: Studio II+III [T.2B.1] Issues of Hybrid Mobile Application Development with PhoneGap: a Case Study of Insurance Mobile Application Gatis Vitols, Ingus Smits and Aleksejs Zacepins [T.2B.2] Provably Correct Test Generation for Online Testing of Timed Systems Jüri Vain, Aivo Anier and Evelin Halling [T.2B.3] On Semantic Re-Engineering of Relational Databases Kārlis Čerāns, Guntis Bārzdinš, Guntars Būmans, Jūlija Ovčiņņikova, Sergejs Rikačovs and Aiga Romāne 12:00 – 12:30 Coffee Break 12:30 – 14:00 Session T.3A Big Data Processing and Data Warehousing (II) Chair: Innar LIIV ROOM: Studio I [T.3A.1] Cost-Based Data-Partitioning for Intra-Query Parallelism Yanchen Liu, Masood Mortazavi, Fang Cao, Mengmeng Chen and Guangyu Shi [T.3A.2] Mappings for Process DSL using Virtual Functional Views Lelde Lace, Audris Kalnins and Agris Sostaks [T.3A.3] Waste Data Querying: The City of Petrozavodsk Olga Ianiuk and Boris Novikov 12:30 – 14:00 Session T.3B Data Services and Cloud Computing Chair: Olga FRAGOU ROOM: Studio II+III [T.3B.1] An Approach of E-Service Composition for Multi-Spectral Analysis of Data Warehouses of Water Resource Management Sector Dalė Dzemydienė, Saulius Maskeliûnas, Arûnas Miliauskas, Ramutė Naujikienė and Giedrė Dzemydaitė [T.3B.2] Cloud-based Persistence Services for MMORPGs Ziqiang Diao, Shuo Wang and Eike Schallehn [T.3B.3] Scalable Contact Center Management with Data Partitioning and Data Integration Pedro Mendes da Silva, Énio Pereira and Telmo Alberto 14:00 – 15:00 Lunch 15:00 – 15:15 Break 15:15 Buses depart to Haapsalu: Conference Excursion & Dinner (Departure point: Park Inn by Radisson Central Tallinn) 19:00 – 21:00 Conference Dinner at Haapsalu Kuursaal Page | 5 WEDNESDAY | 11 June 2014 09:00 – 10:00 Keynote Speech – Session W.1 Chair: Ahto KALJA ROOM: Studio I From Needs to Requirements Specification in Service-Oriented Systems Engineering Dr. Audrone Lupeikiene and Prof. Albertas Caplinskas 10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 – 12:30 Session W.2 Business Process Modelling Chair: Albertas CAPLINSKAS ROOM: Studio I [W.2.1] Runtime Verification of Business Processes Ivo Odîtis and Janis Bicevskis [W.2.2] Business Processes Modeling and Practice Girts Karnitis, Zane Bicevska, Jana Cerina-Berzina and Janis Bicevskis [W.2.3] Reverse Engineering Tools for Getting a Domain Model within TFM4MDA Viktoria Ovchinnikova and Erika Asnina [W.2.4] Business Process Mining in Warehouses: a Case Study Innar Liiv and Ott Lepik 12:30 – 13:00 Coffee Break 13:00 – 15:00 Session W.3 Requirements Engineering for IS Chair: Olegas VASILECAS ROOM: Studio I [W.3.1] Perceptions of Software Development Practitioners on Client Learning Deniss Ojastu, Tarmo Robal and Ahto Kalja [W.3.2] Ecosystemic Viability of Information Systems Marite Kirikova [W.3.3] Solving Big Data: Distributing Computation Among Smart Devices Jurgo Preden, Timo Tomson, Raido Pahtma and Leo Motus [W.3.4] Specifying Business Architecture as a Step Towards Achieving Normalized Systems Erki Eessaar 15:00 – 16:00 Closing Session & Coffee ROOM: Studio I Page | 6