UP Dilimanhas 2 new National Artists

UP Dilimanhas 2 new National Artists
Santos, Feliciano are f ro m the College of Music.
By Ma ria m m e D. JadLoc
Two of the six Nat ional Artists declared by the An 11." Santos's wo rks have
been featur ed in major
Office of the President of the Rep ublic of t he -f e st iv a l s in the Amer icas,
Ph ilipp ines on Jun. 20 are from the UP DiLiman Europe and As ia .
CoLLege of Mus ic (CM): Dr. Ramon P. Santos and
Dr. Franc isco F. Felic iano.
a nt o s,
univers ity p ro fessor em eritus,
belong s
an d
exper i me nta l mus i c g roup
of Fi l ip i no c o m p o se r s.
H e is c i t e d for his
c o n trib u t i o n s to th e
quest for new directions
in music i n his capac ity
as compose r, conductor
ta k ing as basis non-
Western t radit ions and
Southeast Asia.
He is known worldw id e
for his extensive works
and studi es in Philippine
traditional and Southeast
Asian music. Some of his
most notable compositions
a r e "S'geypo for 16 flutes
and drums," "Alingawngaw
II," "Awit ni Pulao," "Time Space for O rchestra," "Tinig for Orchest ra," "Time
lrnprov isations" and " Li ka s -
The current di rector
of the UP Center for
Ethnomusicology, Santos
obtained from UP hi s
Teacher's Diploma in Musi c
in 1964 and his Bachelor
of Music in 1965. He later
earned h is Master of Musi c
(with distinction) from the
School of Music, Indiana
University in 1969 and PhD
from the School of Music,
State University of New
Yo rk at Buffalo in 1972 .
Among his dist inctions
are : Artist -in -R esidenc e
fellowship at the Civitella
Ranieri Center in It aly
(1999), Artist - in -Residen ce
f'e llowshtp at the Bellagio
4 UPD professors: PRe Outstanding
Professionals of the Year
Arcilla bags top prize.
By Anna Kristine E. Regidor
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
recogn ized four UPD pro fesso rs as t he out standi ng
professional of th e year in th eir respective fie lds .
r. Carlos
A rcilla
t he
Sciences , Dr. Raquel B.
Florendo of the Colleg e
of Home Economics, Dr.
Flore nt ino C. Sumera of the
Institute of Chemistry and
Prof. Micha el V. Tomeldan of
the Coll ege of Architecture
year 's
Outstanding Professsional
of the Year in th e fields of
Geology, Interior Design,
Chemistry and Environmental
Planning, respectively.
On t op of the recognition,
Arcilla bagged the 20 14 Eric
Nubla Excellence Award, one
of the highest honors given
by the PRC, which "int ends
to accord distinct honor to a
professional who surpassed
based on the criteria set
forth to be an outstanding
professional. " It is named
th e
Commissione r, Architect and
Engineer Eric Nubla.
Florend o
Sum era
Arcilla noted that receiving
an award like this is a little
mo re fulfilling th an som e
of the distinctions h e
has receiv ed .
"One good thing about
the PRC-based awar ds is
you're nominated by your
profess ional asso ciation, so
unlike academic awards, it's
your peers who nominat e
you . The re's an old saying,
"those who can, do. Those
who can't, t each," but that
(Nubla Award) proves that
we can do both," he said.
For his part, Tomeldan said
"I am very grateful for the
honor bestowed upon me
by my peers, and because
of th is recognition I am now
inspired to do more."
Tom eldan
Feli cian o
Study C enter in Italy
(1998), Ch evalier de l'Orde
D es A rtes et d e Lettres of
France (1991), Patnubay
ng Sining at Kalin ang an of
the National Comm ission
for Cultu r e and th e Arts
(NCCA, 1984) and !l aw ng
Karu nung a n (Outs tand ing
Full b ri gh t er, 19 8 0 ).
San t o s w as bo rn on Feb.
25, 1941 in Pasig .
M eanwh il e , Feli ciano
d is tingu ish ed
hi s
co n tri b u tio ns
compos er, c o n d u ct o r and
e d ucat o r and in bring ing
worldwid e awareness of
the Ph il ippines' uniqu e
indig enous music.
On e of As ia's lead ing
figures in liturgical music,
Felic iano ha s c re a te d
more t ha n 30 major wo rks
that includ e op eras and
music d ramas, such as
" La Lob a N eg r a," "As h e n
Wings," and " Sik h a y s a
Kabila ng Paa lam" (B eyond
the Fa r ew ell) . Feliciano's
comp o s it ions,
them " Pok p ok A limpako, "
"Pam ug un" a nd "Salimbayan"
are favori te competition
pieces of choral cho irs ac ro ss
the globe.
Feli ciano has co n d u ct ed
internationally renowned
orchestras som e of which
th e
Chi cago
Moscow Stat e Symphony,
a nd the country's Philippine
Philharmonic Orch estra.
He w as a faculty m ember
of th e CM Department of
Compos ition and Th eory
from 1969 to 1972 and
again from 1980 to 1986.
Feliciano founded the Asian
In sti t u t e for L it urgy a nd
Music (AIL M) in 19 8 0 where
he c o nt inu es to wri t e n ew
songs and supe rvise the
publication of a n ew Asian
hymnal. AILM is a school
for church musicians . He is
also p res id ent of Samb aLi khaan Foundat ion , a n
organization d ev ot ed t o
th e promot ion of Asian
m usi c and a rts and i n
putting t h ese in the
conte xt of worsh ip.
Feli ci a no co m p le te d hi s
Teache r 's Diploma (196 4),
Bach elo r of Mu si c (1966)
and Mast e r of Music (1972)
from th e UP Conse rvato ry
(now College) of Music, and
his Do cto r of Musical Art s
(with dist inction) f rom Yal e
Un iv ers ity in 1979.
Felici ano received the
Jo h n D. Ro ck fe lle r III Award
in Music in 1977. He was
aw ard ed first p rize in th e
Hymn Wr iting Contest of
th e Archd iocese of Man ila
in 19 7 0 and the Purita
Ponce -Enrile Scholarship in
Composition (1962-1964) .
Feliciano was born on Feb.
19, 194 2 in Mo rong, Rizal.
Th e Ord er of th e
Nat ional Art ist s Award
(O r d en
G aw a d
Pambansang Alagad ng
Sining) is th e high est
sta t e re c o g n i t i o n to
pe rsons in the a r ts .
NCCA, it "is the highest
recognition given to
Filipino individu als who
have made significant
contributi on s t o the
d evelopment of Philippine
art s,
n a me l y
Danc e, Theater, Visual
A r ts , Lit e ra ture, F ilm
and B roadcast Arts , and
Archi tecture and Allied Arts ."
Th e award is joi ntly
administered by NCCA a nd
the Cultural Ce nter of the
Philippines a nd confer red
by the Philippine President
upon the two i nst it ut io n's
recommendat ion .
I ~l
....} ' , .
UP Dance Ensemble wins in
PNGCC 2014
By Haidee C. Pineda, images by Dr. Eloisa May P. Hernandez
The UP Dance Ensemble (UPDE) won t wo go ld medals and a bronze at t he
20 14 Phili ppine Nati on al Gam es Cheerleadin g Cham pionships (PNGCC) held
May 25 at t he Makati Coliseum.
h e PNGCC is a n
a nnua l competition
org a n ize d by th e
Philippine Olympic
Committee and the
Philippine Sports Commission.
The UPDE and UP Pep
S q u a d b agged two gold
m edals, in the ch e erdance
a nd part ne r stunts divisions
re pe c t i v ely,
d e f ea t in g
14 p arti c i p a ting s c ho o l s
fr om L uzo n , V i s a y a s a n d
Min d an a o .
U P Co l l ege of Hum an
Kin et ics (CHK) p ro fessor a nd
UP Varsi ty Pep Squ ad (Pep)
coach Lalai ne Perefia said the
UP D E w a s a co l la b o rat io n
be t w een the Pep a nd th e UP
Filipi niana Dan ce Gro up.
" I inv ited the UP Fi li pi nian a
t o joi n us in th e ch eerdan ce
ca te go r y a n d s ix o f th e ir
me mbe r s
p a rti ci p a t e d
tog ether with my 10 Pep
members to complete the
req uired ma ximum 16-member
team, and I decided to us e the
name UP Da nce Ensemble, the
name w e usually us e when we
d o co lla bo ra t iv e wor ks with
ot he r d anc e group s of UP
Dil iman," Perena explained.
In the partner st unts division,
Pep had two parti cip ating
groups, Teams 1and 2, with three
members each, which won a gold
and bronze medal, resp ectively.
, In the ch eerdance division,
the team was composed of
Franc esca P. Abu eg, Fiorella F.
Bamba, Jourdan R. Bartolome,
Jari E. Buenaventu ra, Chelsea
Pat ricia Pauline S. Cacho, Sarah
Marie B. Esguerra , Francisco
Eudarlio V. Gatmaytan Jr., Roygi e
B . Gultiano, Camille Isabel
1. Lag m ay, Lo rd Krist offe r A.
Logmao, Ella Joan D. Mendoza,
Th ea Ado ra H. Obanil, Ayum i L.
Oqu ino, Maria Donina Nu reen
M. Ramirez, Eri S. Reyes and
Raymon d R. Sant os.
In the partner stunts division,
the partic ipants w ere Leand ro
Marti n A. De Chavez, Mari a
Samantha Louise Corrales, Bien
Joseph F. Insign e, Lara Crist ina M.
Limja p, Federico M.Sanchez IIIand
Gerard Ald rin t. Sison.
The 4 t h PNGCC serves
as a qualifying meet for
the 8 t h Cheerleading World
Champ ionships in November
20 15 and the 2 nd World
Da ncesport Games in midSeptember 2015.
"We are very happy, for this
will be th e road for us to represent
the count ry for the third time
in th e Cheerleadin g Worlds
Championship (CWC) t o be held
in Berlin, Germany in November
2015, which is held only every two
years:' Perefia said .
In addition, she said "In the
May-June 2014
past two CWCs, 2011 and 2013,
we've only placed 5 t h in the
Cheerdance category, unlike in
the Team Cheer Mixed category
where we've placed 3 rd twice,
a nd the Mi xed Group Stunts
c at eg o r y where we already
placed 3 rd last year."
In the ne xt CWC, she hopes
"this time w e'd like to be in the
top three in Cheerdance. I feel we
can give what the international
judges are looking for. Winning
the gold in th e CWC Partner
Stunts cat ego ry w ould be very
hard t o hope fo r, but it's still a
privi le g e to w in th is categ ory
here t o be able t o represent our
co unt ry as well."
When as ked why the team
does not have a representative in
the group stunts division, Perefia
explained that the team already
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Seni or CMC st udent s visit ing Jap an for cultural and heritage exchang e pr ogram from May 26 to Jun . 4 p ose w it h CMC
Associ ate Dean Danilo Arao . From left to right: Elvira Ferri ols, Ezra Borl agdatan, Prof. Danilo Ara o, Meryl Brown and
Mariah Sant uico.
28 students in Japan
exchange program
By Haidee C. Pineda
Twenty-eight UP Diliman (UPD) stu de nts joined
th e 139-m em ber delegati on to t he Japan- East Asia
Net work of Exchange St ude nts and Yout h Progra m
(JENESYS 2.0) Batc h 9 held fr om May 26 t o Ju n. 3
in Japan .
nit iat ed
the JENESYS 2.0 is a
youth exchange program
organ ized by the Japan
Affairs, in cooperation with the
Japan Information and Culture
Center of the Embassy of
Japan, the Japan International
.Cent er
Commission fo r Culture and
the Arts.
de epen the Philippine youth's
understanding of and interest
was renewed in 2012 as a
continuing commitment of
Japan to further promote
cross-cultural excha ng e and
build closer relations between
Japan and its Asian ne ighbors.
\ • i
(Top p h oto) Th e UP Dance Ense m b le a nd (belo w ph oto) t he UP Pep
Squad impressed the pa ne l of j udges wi t h their f law less exec ut io n o f
difficul t rout in es.
represented the Philippines
twice in the CWe. She said the
team won a bronze m edal in
the Team Cheer Mixed category
in the 2013 competition held in
Thailand, which earned them a slot
to rep resent the country in the
next CWC competition in Berlin.
T he PNGCC had five
International Federation of
Cheerle ad ing ce rt ified judges,
namely: former UP Pep Squad
m emb ers Nino Jose Antonio
and Anna Cruz ; Japanese
judg es Yu ko Minegi shi and
Tomoyo Hayata a n d Abby
Alv i a of C h e e r l e a d i n g
Pilipinas Fed eration.
Du ring the co m pe t it io n, the
team was accompan ied by UP
Pep Squad faculty advisers Dr.
Cynthia Grace e. Gregorio and
Dr. Eloisa May P. Hernandez.
The UPD delegation came
from 11 colleges.
From the College of Mass
Borlagdatan, Meryl Louise 1.
Brown, Elvira Leonida Nicole
N. Ferriols, Angela Ysabel e.
Lustre, Edmer e. Maguan,
Mariah Nicole N. Santuico and
Leor Jyle e. Sulit.
Architectu re: Candy Abigail
J. A rreja, Arnell Gilberto A.
Bercero, Irene D. Morales,
Timothy Augustus Y. Ong,
Alfonse Rafael V. Rulloda and
Patricial Isabel S. Ru iz. From
the College of Engineering
were: Corina
L. Belenzo,
Carmelyne Salve R. Corpuz,
Ruziel La rmae 1. Gimpaya,
Samuel P. Fernandez Jr. and
David Earl D. Hostallero.
The other students are: Sir .
Virgil S. Jimenez a nd Joshua
F. Prieto Jr. (Colleg e of Music);
Bernice G. Gorio and Ferth
Vand ens t een
L. Manaysay
(College of Soci al Sciences
and Philosophy); Jo se Mari e M.
Flores (As ian Cen ter), Khrist ine
Ann e De. Ar ellano (College
of Arts and Letters), Patricia
P. Valenzuela (College of Fine
Arts), Ma. Emilynda Jeddahlyn
Pia V. Benosa (College of Law),
Joana Paulette e. Aganon
(School of Economics) and
Lance Jestin R. Calub (School
of Statistics).
p rogram
vis its to various Japanese
corporations and provincial
areas o r prefectures in Japan,
hist ori ca l architectures and
World Her itage sites.
Brown, one of the delegates
expenses covered by the
program include the roundtrip
airfare, visa application to
Japan, overseas travel accident
meals and
admission fees for scheduled
activities in Japan.
program, she said participants
are expected to submit a writeup regarding their experiences
in the program and contribute
articles to the JENESYS blog
-With reports from the College
of Mass Commun ication; ima g e
and caption by Alex Tamayo
~Mg~r;igurQ sa Filipino, tumutol tanggalin
.ang Filipino sabjek sa kolehiyo
Ni Haidee
ni Leonardo
A..' Reyes
-:. .;
. - .. , . - :
Na gti pon
a ng
m ah igi t
m anunulat, m an an ali ksik at m g a m a g - aar al mula
sa ib a't ib an g pamantasan para sa t alakay an g
"8antay W ikang Fili pi no : A ng Pagtut uro ng Filipin o
sa Ko le hiyo" no on g Hu nyo 23 u pan g suportahan
an g
ng Filipino at Panitikan ng Pili p inas (DF PP) na
t u m ututo l sa pag pa pat u pad ng Co m m issio n o n
Hi gh er Edu cati on Mem or an dum O rder (CMO) 8lg .
20 Sery e 2013.
n g ta lakayan
g inana p
sa Pulungang
Claro M. Recto,
Rizal ay inorganisa ng DFPP
sa p a kikipagtulungan ng
Sentro ng Wikang Filipino
(SWF) at Ko lehiyo ng Arte at
Literatura (KAL).
Sa pahayag ng DFPP ay
mariin nitong t inututulan
ang naturang memorandum
kung saan sa bagong General
mula sa dating
siyam na yunit na kahingian
sa wi k ang Fi li pi no sa
ko le h i yo ay i ba b a ba n a sa
hay skul ang pagtuturo ng
wi ka a t panit ikan .
Ayon sa na kasaad sa
CMO Blg . 20 Seksyon 3 0
an g Rev ised Core Courses,
"As proposed, the GEC will be
reduced to a m in imum of 36
units, distributed as follows :
24 units of core co urse s; 9
units of elective co u rse s;
and 3 un its on the life and
works of Rizal (as mandated
by law) . The gen eral
courses maybe taught in
English or Filipino."
Kabilang sa mga naging
tagapagsalita ay ang mga
propesor ng KAL na sin a
Pambansang Alagad ng
' Si n in g p ara sa Panitikan
Dr . Bi env enido Lumbera,
Tagapangul o
Dr. Rosar io To rr e s - Yu,
Tagapang ulo ng DFPP Prop.
Aura Albano Abiera, Dr. Glecy
Atienza, Dr. Luna Sicat-Cleto,
Prop. Melania L. Flores, Dr.
Ramon Gu i l le rm o at Dr .
David Mich ael San Juan ng
De La Salle University.
Patakarang panq-wlka sa
UP. Bilang pambung ad,
ibinahagi ni Prop. Aura A .
Abiera ang pataka rang
pang-wika ng UP at mga
nakamit na tagumpay ng
departam ento sa nakalipas
na panahon.
Sinabi ni Abi era na
noong Hulyo 18, 1987
inaprubah an ng Universi ty
Council ang pagtatatag ng
isang komite na ad hoc na ang
mg a m iy embro ay nagmula
sa ib a't ib ang disiplina upang
magpanukala ng palisi sa wika
ng Unibersidad .
Naaprubahan ng Lupon ng
mga Rehente ang panukalang
palis i noong Mayo 29, 1989
kung saan itinakda nito na "ang
Filipino bilang opisyal na wikang
panturo, wika ng pananaliksik
sa lahat ng disiplina at
wikang pangkomunikasyon
sa Unibersidad."
Binanggit din niya na ayon
nga sa pahayag ng departamento,
"kinikilala nito ang integridad ng
Filipino bilang ganap na dominyon
ng karunungan at isa sa paraan
ng pag -unawa sa lipunan at
sa mundo na nag -aambag sa
pagpapanday ng kaisipan at
pananagutan sa lipunan."
Idiniin ni Abiera, "Hindi
masayang ang ambag at mga
napagtagumpayan na ng mga
guro, manunulat at iskolar na
nagbuhos ng kan ilang lakas,
talino at buhay para isulong
ang sarili nating wika at ang
makabayang edukasyon."
Kolonyal na sistema ng
edukasyon sa Pilipinas at ang
K to 12. Sinusugan naman ni
Lumb era ang pahayag ng DFPP
at sinabing, "Ang pinaka-ugat ng
ating problema ay ang kolonyal na
edukasyong pinataw ng Estados
Unidos sa atin."
Tin alakay rin Lumbera ang
kasaysayan kung paanong
pumasok ang wikang Ingles sa
sist ema ng e d u ka s y o n sa
bans a dulot ng pananakop
at ng imp eryalismong dulot
ng Ameri ka.
Sinabi niya na "A ng ganitong
pagkatuwa ng mga ilustradong
Filipino sa paggamit ng wikang
In g l es ay sa kat ag a la n ay
nags imulang maging pa rusa sa
buong sambayanan sapagkat
sa paggamit ng wikang Ingles
sa at ing mga paaralan, ang
mga Fi lipino ay unti -unting
hinubog bi lang mga ko lonyal
na mamamayan at ang ating
problema, dahilan kung bakit
tayo ay nagtipon -tipon, ay
bunga ng ganoong patakaran
na ang sistema ng edu kasyon
Mga tagapagsalita a t mga nag sip agd al o sa t al akayang "Bantay Wikang Filipin o: Ang pagtuturo ng Filipino
sa Kolehiyo" sa Pulungang Recto, Bul wag ang Rizal noon g Hunyo 23.
ng mga Filipino ay gumamit ng
wikang Ingles!'
Inihain din ni Lumbera sa
Departamento ng Edukasyon
ang tanong na "Para kanino ba
ang edukasyon na ibinibigay
ng ating mga pamantasan?
Ang sambayanang Filipino ang
dapat makinabang sa ating
sistema ng edukasyon."
Ayon naman kay Torres -Yu,
"ang inaasahang mangyayari ay
iyung mga nagtuturo sa kolehiyo
ng skill courses sa Filipino at
sak a sa Ingles ay inaakalang
puwede namang magturo ' sa
hayskul kasi ibababa nga ang
dalawang sabjek na iyun sa
Grade 11 and 12."
Kau g nay nito, b inanggit
niya ang pangamba ng mga
guro na nagtuturo ng Filipino
na t inatayang 30,000 0 higit
pa ang maaaring mawalan ng
trabaho dahilan sa nagaganap
na pagbabago sa kurikulum.
"Iyun ang malaking problema,
ang usapin sa paggawa, ang
usapin ng ana ang gagawin
ng mga guro natin sa GE
departments na nagtuturo ng
Filipino? Hindi sila maaaring
makapagturo sa hayskul kas i
kin akailangang lisensyado sila.
Kinakailangang kumuha sila ng
board exam para makapagturo
sa hayskul. At kung sila naman
ay magtuturo sa GE sa tertiary,
kailangang interdisciplinary
ang kanilang nala laman
at gagamitin lang ni la ang
Filipino para ituro ito. Ipaabot
dapat ito sa Commission on
Higher Education (CHED)/" ani
Torres -Yu.
Iba pang mga reaksyon.
Nagpahayag ng reaksyon at
pakikiisa si Dr. Elena R. Mirano,
dekana ng KAL, at mga guro
sa Filipino na sina Atienza,
Sicat -Cleto, Guillermo, Flores
at San Juan .
Ang pahayag n i Dr . Elena
R. Mirano "Dapat lahat ng
pumapasok sa kolehiyo ay
mayroong isang kabuuan ng
kaalaman hindi lang isang
makitid na larangan . Kung
kaya't kami sa mga ibang
sining at iba ring la ra n g a n at
siy ens iy a sa Unibersidad ay
nakikiis a dito sa isyung ito."
Reaksyon naman ni Sicat Cleto a ng isy u ay "anyo ng
karahasang pang kamalayan.
Hindi t ayo dapat kampant e na
tinatanggap lamang it o."
Mariin namang t inutulan
ni Ati en za ang pagbababa sa
hayskul ng pagtuturo ng wika
at panitikan, dahil ani niya ay
"mahalaga ang pagiging hinog
ng at ing kaisipan na nararati ng
natin sa antas koleh iyo
lamang upang ma ihanda
tayong harapin ang hamon ng
pagg amit ng wika bilang susi
sa karunungan at gus i (po t of
gold) ng kaalaman."
Sa perspektiba naman ni
Flores hindi pa handa ang
Pilipinas para sa K to 12. "A ng
balang kas talaga ng trahedya
sa akad emya ay iyung K to 12
kasi ilang libo ang kulang na
guro, m ga upua n at kuw art o,
at ila ng m ilyong t eksbuk ang
k u l a n g? Sampun g m ilyon
hanggang 15 m ilyo ng t eksbu k
pero tinapatan na naman ng
dagdag na t at long t aon. Hindi
mo pa nasusu kat 0 naaresto
iyung problem a ng d ating
sitwasyon sa bas ic ed ucat io n."
Ayon naman kay Gu illerm o,
"hindi tamaang lohika ng CHED"
na tanggalin ang pagtuturo ng
w ika at pan iti kang Filipino sa
koleh iyo kung pagbabatayan
ang karanasan ng mga
unibersidad sa Indonesia at
Malaysia, na karamihan pa
nga ay mataas ang un iversity
ranking kumpara sa Pilipinas,
bilang mga bansang matagal
nang nagpapatupad ng K
to 12 ngunit patuloy pa ring
isinusulong ang pag -aaral ng
sari ling wika bilang kursong
kahingian sa kolehiyo."
Sinuportahan ni San Juan
ang pahayag ni Guillermo at
binigyang-diin na maging
sa Estados Unidos kung
saan k i n o p y a ng CHED
ang balangkas ng K to 12/
"A ng hindi nila s inasa b i,
iy ung K to 12 ng Amerika,
pagd ating ng co lle ge , sa
GEC ay req uired pa rin iyung
national languag e at iyu n ay
ang Ing les. Sa ibang kaso ay
6 unit s, sa ibang sitwasyon
ay 3 units at sa iba naman
ay 9 unit s pa ang requ ir ed
na English subj ects sa
Estados Unidos."
Nagpahayag din ng
suporta si Rep. Antonio
T inio ng ACT Teachers
Partylist at hini kayat ang
mga guro sa UP na "Huwag
bibitiwan at isulong iyung
laban para gawing medium
of in struction ang Filipino."
Naghandog naman ng
awitin si Prop. Roberto Mendoza
ng Manila Tytana Colleges.
pagwawa kas
ng talakayan, nagbigay ng
mensahe si Prop. Vlad imeir
Gon zal es ,
I kalawang
Tagapangulo ng DFPP.
nagin g
palatuntunan ay ang mga
guro ng DFPP na sina Prop.
Schedar Jocson at Prop .
April Perez.
Bukod sa UP, kabilang sa
mga pamantasang lumahok
sa t alakayan ay ang Ateneo
de Manila Un iversity, De La
Salle University, University
of Sto . Tomas, Manila
Tytana Colleges, University
of Makati, Polytechn ic
University of the Philippines,
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng
Marikina at Pamantasan ng
Lungsod ng Pasig.
By Anna Regidor, images by Leonardo Reyes
The 7:15 a.m . call time and the early morning sun
did not deter the crowd, estimated at 1,000 and
compris ing faculty, staff, varsity teams and students
who came to Quezon Hall and walked, cheered and
g rooved to celebrate Up,'s 106 t h Foundation Day on
Jun .18.
he festivities began
with a warm -up
a c t i v i t y led by
the UP Varsity
Pep Squad (Pep),
who energized the crowd at
Qu ezon Hall with their cheers .
After a few minutes, a parade ,
comprising members of the UPD
academic community began
moving counter clockwise from
the Oblation Plaza around the
Acad emic Oval.
Returning to the oval, the
parade wa s followed by a
spe cial flag-raising ceremony
cond uct ed by the UP Rayad illo.
The UP ROTC Symphonic
Band under th e baton of
Prof. Rodney D.S. Ambat
accompanied the singing of
the "Lupang Hinirang" and "UP
Naming Mahal."
Following the special
flag raising rites was a short
program entitled "Sayaw Galaw UP." The Pep led the
crowd-including the college
deans and directors present into singing and cheering .
The next performance was
from Dulaang UP (DUP) whose
members staged "Ritwal ng
Pag-aalay," an adaptation
of a scene from their highly
successful musical
Nawalang Kapatid."
It was followed by a thrilling
number by the UP Singing
Ambassadors, who sang and
danc ed to "Ay, Ay Pag-ibig!"
and a medley of "Kay Ganda
ng Ating Mu sika," "Salamat
Musika," and "Isang Mundo,
lsanq ' Aw it," much to the
delight of the crowd .
Another concert was staged
on Jun. 20, at 5 p.m . "Alay
Sayaw" was a free dance concert
at the Oblation Plaza, featuring
performances by leading dance
groups, namely: the UP Dance
Company, UP Filipiniana Dance
Group, UP Pep and the UP
StreetDance Club.
The groups performed
their a w a rd - w inni ng dances
as a symbolic offering for thi s
year's foundation day. The
program also featured a speci al
performance by DUP.
UPD Chancellor Michael L.
Tan said the theme and spirit
of this year's foundation day is
one of boldly innovating wh ile
respecting the tradit ions and
goals of the university.
"Dito sa Diliman ang
lahat ay young at heart.
Malinaw pa ang isip, klaro
ang pananaw. Itutuloy natin
ang isang daan at anim na
taon ng mga tradisyon , pero
handa rin tayong baguhin ang
kailangang baguhin. Magsalamin at mag-hearing aid
kung kinakailangan ," he said .
According to the UP System
website, the University of
the Philippines was founded
on Jun. 18, 1908 through Act
No. 1870 of the Philippine
Assembly ,
the Governor General to
establish the University of
the Philippines in the "city of
Manila, or at any point he may
deem most convenient." It was
to give "advanced instruction
in literature, ph ilosophy, the
sciences and arts, and to give
professional and technical
training" to every qualified
student regardless of "age, sex,
nationality, religious belief and
political affiliation ."
UP first began at Calle
Isaac Peral (now United
Nations Avenue) and Padre
Faura in downtown Manila in
1909 with the School of Fine
Arts, the College of I.:iberal
Arts, the College of Medicine,
the Colleg e of Veterinary
Medicine, the College of
Engin eer ing, the College
of Law, and the College of
Agriculture in Los Banos,
Laguna. Its first president
was Dr. Murray Bartlett.
UPD was established as
a constituent university at
the 976 t h meeting of the
Board of Regents on Apr.
23,1985 .
May-June 2014
"Alay Sayaw" wraps
UP Foundation Day
By Mariamme D. Jadloc, image by Leonardo A) Reyes
A d a n c e c o nc e rt a nd a s pe c ia l fl a g ret rea t
o n Jun. 20 at th e O b la t io n Pl a za wr app ed up
t h e 3 - d a y ce l e b ra t io n of U P's 106 t h b i rt h day
at U PD.
l ay
Sayaw! "
promptly started
by 5 p.m . where
an estimated 500
pe ople watched
the free co ncer t orga nized
by t he Office fo r Initiatives in
Cul ture and t he Arts (OICA) for
th e Office of the Chan cello r.
The event showcas ed five
of UPD's accl aimed perfo rm ing
groups, UP Dance Compa ny
(UPDC), UP Filipiniana
Dance Group (UPFDG), U P
Street Dance Club (U PSDC) ,
UP Varsity Pep Squad (Pep)
a nd the Dulaang UP (DUP) .
Prof. Dakila Fernando, OICA
Offic er-in -Charge sa id OICA
has dec ided that for every
(institutional) event in UPD, a
specific performance would be
f eatured . For the celebration
on Jun . 20, UPD showcased its
t alents in dance.
Fernando added, "we want
t hat afterthe show, people would
f eel pride in being part of UP"
The sent im ent w as ver y
m uch d is p l ay e d at every
performance whi ch op ened
with th e winning routine
of the UP Dance Ensemble
(UPDE) at the 2014 Philippine
National Games Cheerleading
Championships last May
25. Headed by Pep coach
Lala ine Juarez- Perena, UPDE
is composed of 10 m embe rs
o f Pep and si x membe rs of
UPFDG . The 3-m inute routine
choreographed by UPFDG
artistic di rector Peter Alcedo
b agg ed two gold and one
b ronze medals.
This wa s followed by the
p erfo rmance of the UPSDC
of the 4-minute dance
that featured 18 dance rs
int erp reti ng the piece "Tatak
UP" of hip -hop artist Raymond
"A b ra" Abracosa.
With the starting lines
"Kagitingan, kagalingan,
kar angalan" th e piece was
s pec if i ca l ly composed for
UPSDC's performance at the
Streetdance comp etit ion
of the 74 t h Season of the
UAAP (Unive rsity Ath let ic
The UP Filipin iana Dan ce Group
Association of the Philippines)
in 2012 where the club bagged
the silver medal.
UPSDC artistic director Von
Ace Asilo said th ey are honored
to be a part of the celebration
and as such d eemed it right to
perform "Tatak UP," to let the
public know of the ir pride for
UP, and in being part of UP.
After the upbeat number,
the public was further treated
to a well-choreographed
and colorful performance of
"Flight," a contemporary ta ke
by the UPDC on a Filipino
courtship dance.
UP 0 C Art i st i c 0 i recto r
Angel Lawenko-Baguilat sa id,
'/lFl ig ht ' is a contemporary
pi ece inspired by the -Panay
Bukidnon courtship dance
' B in a no g.' Not only does it
highlight intricate footwor k
and the man ipulation of
scarves, it also im itates
the birds in full flight ,
particularly the 'banog'."
"B ina n og"
in vo l ve s
movements in imitation of
the haw k or banog . This is
performed in honor of the Sto.
Nino, in a fest ival that ta kes
place on the second Sunday
of January in Iloilo.
UPDC's Filipino dance was
followed by a well-rece ived
performance of a suit e of
Vi sayan dances by a full cast
of UPFDG . The 24-member
UPFDG's display of intricate
footwork, fast-paced stunts
and graceful choreography
left the audience in aw e.
Entitled "Sa ragway," the
10-minute dance suite comes
from the provinces of Samar
and Leyte and is composed of
three dances-"Gaway-gaway,"
"Curacha" and "Tinikling ."
UPFDG ass istant artist ic
di rector Jourdan Bartolome
said their performance is
in honor of the survivors of
Typhoon Yolanda in the worst
hit provinces of Samar and
Leyte in November last yea r.
Dulaang UP (DUP) came
ne xt with thei r performance
of "Dharma" and "Lukso ng
Dugo," songs from their play
"A ng Nawalang Kapatid ."
Before the f inale, the UP
Rayad illo solemnly officiated
the retreat of the Philippine
flag and UP colors.
Wrapp ing up the evening 's
celebration was the drum and
dance routine of Pep.
UPD Chancellor Michael L.
Ta n said w ith the relati v ely
huge turnout of participants
and pos itive public interest,
he is considering a monthly
flag retreat that would also
b e a venue for showcasing
UPD's talents.
At the conce rt were UPD's
faculty, staff, stud ents and
a lum ni in cl u d ing UPD and
System offic ials.
Vocal colors fill Balay Tsanselor
on Independence Day
By Mariamme D. Jadloc, im ag es by Jefferson Villacruz.
Music fi lled t he Salay Tsanselor in t he morni ng of
Independence Day as t he Voices of Alo ha of th e
University of Hawai'i at Man oa (Ul-l-t-lan oa) pa id th e
Chance llo r a Visit as part of a t our of th e Phili ppin es
f rom Ju n. 8 t o 17. UP Diliman wa s th e f ourth stop in
their 8- leg per fo rmance .
o ices of Aloha
is an ensemble
stud ents
and alumni of
th e Ul-l-Hanoa.
Consid ered as the Univers ity's
mos t
se lect i ve
c ho ra l
ense m b le, it s si nge rs are
me mbers of som e of Hono lulu's
most prom inent choi rs.
cho ral
e nse m b le
Th e
vi sit ed UPD in recognit ion ,
a m o n g others, of UH's
close academic ties with
t he uni v e rsit y. Many of
UPD's fa c ulty memb e rs a re
UH alumni .
"Many faculty members of
th e CM had th eir PhDs in UH,
like Dr . La Ve rne dela Pefia
and th e late Prof. Elmo Makil,"
said College of Mus ic dean
Jose Buen consejo, himself a
UH alumnus .
Jo ining t he Voices of Aloha
at the gathering were the UP
Con cert Chorus (Korus) and
th e Novo Conce rtante Manila.
Korus is the university's
offi cial choir and the pioneer
of choreographed chorale
in the country, while Novo
Concertante Manila is a
cham ber choir established in
1998 and based in New Manila.
It also serves as a laboratory
cho ir for choral conducting
students of CM.
The choral ensemble from
that represented th e various
traditions or influences of the
American music known today.
Prof. Miguel Felipe, Voices of
Aloha conductor said the songs
are "a musicological tour of what
the American music is."
Prof.Arwin Tanofthe College
of Music and conductor of Novo
Conce rtante Manila described
the group's performance as full
of "wonderful vocal colors."
The Korus under the baton of
Prof.JanetSabas-Aracamaandth e
Novo Concertante Manila likewise
gavepowerful performancesthat
earned them standing ovations
from the guests.
Among Novo Concertante's
pieces were Ryan Cayabyab's
"Paraiso"and the upb eat Brazilian
song "Mas que Nada."
UPD Chancellor Michael L. Tan
said the groups' performances
and the ir pr esenc e brought
"li f e" to the otherw ise qu iet
and almost lonely Balay
Tsanselor. He expressed hope
that such event be repr ised at
the Balay.
Also p resent at the event
were Community Affairs V ice
Chancellor Nestor Castro,
Dean Buenconsejo, College
o f Music Prof. La Verne dela
Pe fia and UPD foreign gu est
academ ic ians Prof. Frederic
Laugrand (Unlversite Laval/
Isabe lle
Parnentier (University of
Namur/Belgium), Prof. Serge
Schmitz (University of Liege/
Belg ium) and Prof. Olivier
Servais (Unlve rsite catholique
de Louva in/Belg ium).
Members of th e three chora l groups, UPD officials and gu ests p ose for poste rit y at t he Salay Tsanselor.
. ~:
May-June 2014
condolences as the funeral
procession p roceeded arou nd
t he Academic Oval, mak ing
stops at Palma Hall and
Last goodbye. On Jun . 25, at Melchor Hall (CoE build ing).
10:30 a.m., his remains were
Among those who parbrought to UPD as part of ticipated were the CoE , the
the funeral procession, first at UP Tennis Club (of whi ch
Quezon Hall where the UP and Tabujara was a member)
Philippine flags were flown at and the CM.
half mast.
At Quezon
Hall the proceeded to Loyola Memorial
UP Staff Choral offered a Park in Marikina City, where
rendition of the University he was Laid to rest
Hymn while the UP Ray adillo
Tabujara was a career
led the honors .
and celebrated '
Many UPD constituents . structural
came out of the buildings became UPD chancellor from '
and offered flowers and 1983 to 1990.
UPD honors Chancellor Tabujara
By Anna Regidor, ima ges by Leonardo Reyes and Jefferson Villacruz
The UP Diliman (UPD) comm unity b id a fond f arewell
t o it's first chancellor, Dr. Ernesto G. Tabuj ara, t he
man w ho gave exemplary service to t he Universit y,
the EDSA
stee ring it through t he aftermat h
RevolutIon and towards the end of
necrological se r- under the baton of Prof.
held Janet Sabas -Aracarna,
Jun . 24, 8 p.m,
Prof.Edna Marcil M.Martinez
at the Matthew of the College of
St. Music (CM), playing
Pete r Memorial Chapels along the Viola performed
Avenue, "Amazing
Quezon City w ith many of Be Still My Soul"
his form er colleagues and and "Dandansoy," a
students in attendance.
Visayan Folk Song.
Among those who spo ke
Speak ing
were UPD Chancellor Michael L. behalf of the family,
Tan, UP System Vice President eldest son Ricardo
for Academic Affairs Dr. Gisela Tabujara recounted
P. Concepcion representing UP his fa ther's Ufe and
President Alfredo E. Pascual, legacy from his
former Dean of the the Colle.ge .' time as a youth in
of Mass Communication Dr, Negros Occidental,
Georgina R. Encanto, Institute to his years as a
of Civil EngIneering's Dr. stud ent both here
Alexis Philip A. Acac io and and abroad, to his
College of Epgineering (CoE) memories as one
professor Alfredo B. Ju inio Jr. of the "pioneer
repr e s enting CoE Dean generation,"
Aura C. Ma tias .
those fa culty and
numbers stude nts
were prese nte d ~ by t he made the historic
UP Conce rt Cho rus, t hat exodus from UP's
Lord's Padre Faura home
Prayer "
and "T he Lord to its new location
Bless You and Keep You " in Diliman.
- -._-----------
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~ _.
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F. Landa Jocano receives
posthumous Dangal :ng Haraya
The late eminent anthropolog ist, scholar and UP
profe ssor Emerit us F. Landa Joca no received t he
Dangal ng Haraya, the Nat ional Commission for
Culture and the Arts' (NCCA) highest honor, on
May 22 at the NCCA Build ing in Manila .
o c a n o, w h o pas sed
aw ay on Oct. 27, 2013,
is reco g ni zed for h is
co ntr ib uti o ns t o c u l t ura l
a nd his torical res ear ch .
He is b est kno w n for his
pioneering works in th e fi eld
of Philippin e ant hropolo gy,
th e most notable of which
w as his documentati on
a n d t ranslation of the
Central Visayan folk epi c
The UP A sian Cent er
(AC) credits him for
bu ild ing th e scholarship
on cultu ral anth ~opology
th e
P h i l i p pines
and spea rhead ing the
c rea ti o n o f th e Ph i lipp ine
Studies p rog ram .
The Da ngal ng Haraya
is g ive n to Filipino artists,
cultural wor ke rs and
historians , artistic or cultu ral
groups, h istorical soc ieties,
i ns t it u tio n s, foundat ions
and co u ncils in re cognition
of their outstanding
achievem ents
significant contributions
to Philippin e culture
and arts.
Prof. Felip e Jocano
Jr. of the College of
Social Sci enc es and
Philosophy's Department
of Anthropology accepted
the award on h is father's
behalf. Meanwhile, Dr.
Carolyn I. Sobritchea of
the AC., F. Landa's long time colleague and f ormer
student, introdu ced t he
hono ree's bodies of wor k
and achievem ents at t he
award ing ceremoni es.
- Mariam me D. Jadloc
Froilan M. Bacungan, 88
Fro iLa n M. Bacung an,
fo rmer UP Co llege of
Law d ea n an d ret i red
com m issio n er of
t he Co mmis sio n o f
El e c t i on s , passed
away o n May 15 f rom
complications due
to pneumon ia . He
was 88 .
h e info rm ation was
convey ed to "UPd at e"
by UP Law as rel ayed
by the Philippine Association
of Law Schools through Atty.
Tanya Lat.
A professor of Labor and
Constitutional Law, Bacungan
was d ean from 1978 to 1983 .
Prio r to his deanship, he was
appointed director of the UP
Law Center in 1973.
Born on Oct. 5, 1925,
Bacungan graduated from the
UP Law in 1952 and earn ed
f ro m the Un iversity h is AB
(cum la ude) in 1953. He earned
a Master of Laws from the Yale
University under a FulbrightSmith Mundt scholarship.
Bacung an
Bacungan represent ed the
country in many cortferencss
of the International Labor
Bacungan was th e author
of the books "Labor and Social
Legislation : An Updated
Systematic Presentation" and
"Universal Human Rights: A
Reality in the Constitution of
the Philippines."
Bacungan's r e m ai n s
were viewed from May 15 to
20 at the Loyola Columbary
at Commonwealth Avenue,
Damayan St., Bgy., Matandang
Balara, Quezon City.
-Mariamme D. Jadloc
May-June 2014
UPPS building to rise
By Hai d ee C. Pineda, ima ge by Leonardo A . Reyes
By next yea r, the UP Professio nal Schools (UPPS)
wi ll make it s presence fe lt at The Fort!
h i s s ho u l d n ot
o n ly ex c i te u s,
b ut also make us
proud ," sa i d U P
Pres ide nt Alf red o
E. Pascu a l o n May 28 at t he
g roun dbre a king c eremony
of t h e school' s futur e
build ing a t the Bo nifaci o
Gl ob a l City (BG C).
The ceremony also mar ked
th e st a rt of co nst ruc t io n of
th e UPPS ' 9 -s to ry b uilding
thro ug h f un d s a m o u nt i n g
t o P400 mill i on d ona t ed
b y the SM In ve stm ent s
Corp. (SMI C) and SM Pr im e
Holdin g s, In c. (SMPHI).
In an ag ree m ent with UP
sig ne d o n Feb. 24, SMIC a nd
SMPHI ha v e a lso co m m itt ed
t o supe rv ise th e con struct ion
and de li ve ry o f th e bu ildin g
a nd a ll J ts_f a c ili t ies. T hese
includ e cl ass room s, fun ct ion
roo m s, a mul ti -pu rpose
ha l l, a u di to ri u m, lib rari es ,
a c o m pu te r la bo ra t o ry,
facu lt y and st ude nt loun g es,
cafeteria, co ff ee s ho p, two
base m en t pa rking flo or s an d
adm ini strati on fa ciliti es.
w as
d esig ned by WV Cosculluela
& A ss o ci at es (WVCA) as
revi ew ed a nd a p pro v ed by
th e co m m it te e from th e UP
System, im medi ate end - users
and SM.
T he UPPS ' 4,3 0 0 -sq . m.
l ot in BGC w as donated by
th e Ba ses Conv er s i on a nd
D ev elopm ent Author ity
(BCDA) in Jul. 20 11. Th is w ill
a cc omm od at e U P Dil i man
u ni ts , nam ely, th e Coll eg e
of Ar ch it ectur e, Coll eg e of
Eng i nee r ing (Co E), Coll eg e
of Law, Cesar E.A . V i rat a
Scho ol of Bu sin ess (VSB)
a nd Sch o ol of Statistics (SS).
T he UP O p e n Universi ty is
a lso included.
Pascual s a id , "The new
ca m p us we are establish ing
here w ill bring the UP brand of
education to the BGC and it s
surroundinq areas. The UPPS
in t his _ca m p us w ill m a ke it
easy f or t hos e l iv ing a nd/o r
wo rking in and around Tagu ig
Cit y t o p ursue hi gh qu a lity
V ice Pr esident (VP) f o r Offi c e D i rec tor Si r An ril
profession al de g ree s in law,
b u s i n e s s adm inistrat ion, Devel opm ent Elvira Zam ora, P. T iatco, SS Dean Erniel
VP for Academ ic Affairs Barrios, VSB De an Ben Paul
engineering , an d statist ics
from UP-a university t hat is Gis ela P. Con cepcion , VP for B. Gutierrez an d CoE Dean
Administ rat ion Maragtas Aura Mati as.
committed t o shap ing mi nds
Am ante, A ssis tant V P
AVP for Public Affairs
that shape the natio n."
Jose Wendell P. Capili served
A time capsule containing
copi es of the "UP Newsletter," P. Esp in a, D r. Lo urdes M. as maste r of ceremonies of
a UP b ro chu re, t he s igned Portus, UPD Inform ation the event.
agreement, Pl00 b ills with
the UP logo, the Sablay and
materials from SM were bu ried
in th e construction site . The
ritual was led by Pascual and
SMIC Presid ent Hans Sy.
Among t he gu ests wer e
f ormer Senator and UP
President Edg a rdo J. Ang ar a,
SM o ff icia ls Teena Ta n
Ca bbab, Lydia Ech auz, Arg e l
Ena lpe, Atty. lann e Guerrero,
Elen a Horn, Sara h Men do za,
Johan na Rup is an, Per kin So,
Betty Sy an d Ca rlos Vilch ez;
WVCA offi c ia ls
Ga ry Co sc u llue la,
Gil Cos culluela
a n d William V .
Cos cullu ela; Co ra
M a r ia n
Past or Ro ces and
Judy Freya Sib ayan
of TAO In c., Engr.
Dennis Abcede
& Associat es,
Engr. Egay Cru z of
ECCruz Corp., Brian
Tan, and National
Un iversity offici als
RJ H. Ermita and
(From le ft) Arch. William Coscolluela, SMfC President Hans Sy, UP Presid ent A lf redo
Teddy Ocampo.
For UP, am on g E. Pascual , f or mer Sena tor and form er UP President Edgardo J. A nga ra, UP Dilim an
Chan cell or Mich ae l L-:-T an, SM Deve lopment ' Corpo ration Directo r Elizabeth -Sy, En g r.~
th ose pr esen t w ere Denn is Abcede of D.A.A. BCEDE & Associat es and Golden City Builders and Development
UPD Cha ncellor Corporation Presid ent Manuel Sy at the UP Professional Schools gro undb reak ing
M icha el L . Ta n , ceremony in BGC on May 28.
nationw ide (Manila, Baguio,
Cebu, Davao a nd Legazpi) .
SLiS held a recognition
c eremony o n May 2 9 in
their honor.
UPSLlS is among th e s ix
schools with a 100 p erc ent
passin g r a t e . Gradu at es
from 8 8 schools part icipated
in th e ex a ms.
PRC di d not r e le a se
ran k ings th is y ea r f or th e
top p erfo rming schools a s
n o s chool p r o d u ce d m ore
tha n 10 pas sers .
UPD has 1000/0 passing rate
in Arki and Lib licensures
UP Diliman (UPD) g rad ua tes of th e Co lle ge of
A rchitect ure (CA) a nd Schoo l of Libra ry a nd
Inf o rmat io n Studies (SLlS) bo t h garne red 10 0
pe rce nt passi ng rate f or t heir resp ect iv e licensu re
exa m inatio ns thi s yea r.
g ra d u a t e s
w ho too k th e
A rch itec t
l i c en su r e
e x am i n a t i on s' pas sed ,
ma k ing UPD one of only two
schools with a 100 percent
p a s s i n g r a te . Th e o t h e r
school was UP Mindanao.
Results po st ed b y th e
Professional Regulation
Commissi on (PRC) sho w that
the exa mi n e e s, consisting
of 23 fir st timers a nd o ne
repeate r,
hu rd l ed th e ex a m i n at i o n s
that held on Jun . 13 and 15.
Tw o st u dents w er e on t he
top 10.
Top hon or s we nt to Ja y
M a r k M o r a l e s Est avillo
(85.40 %) an d M a r i ca r
Monzon De D ios (84.20 %),
w ho g rabbed t he second and
t enth spots, res p ecti ve ly.
Meanwhil e, SLiS b ac k in
Apr. a lso had a 100 p ercent
pass ing rate at th e Lib rarian
L icensu re Examinations
(LLE ) o n A pr . 23 and 24, with
th re e of its alumn i ran king
a m o ng t he t op 10 pass ers .
SLiS ' Gideon E. Cascolan
Jr. pla c ed s econd i n th e
overall ranking of passers
w i t h a rating of 85 .15
per cent, while Jeseliza A.
Geroca (83 .65 %) cam e in
fourth place and Maria
Cris elda C. Roque (8 2.50 %)
in eighth.
Paolo Leandro S. Cad iz,
Cza rina Joy S. Dom ingo,
Jenny Ros e S. Ll abo re, Riel
Jane P. Tanyag and Vaneth
Leigh V. Vi llania ro un d up
t he SLiS a lumni LLE passers.
T he e i g ht - all fi rst t ime
e xaminees-wer e among
the 149 who passed , out
of the 533 who too k th e
exams given by the Board
of Lib rarians in f ive cit ies
-Images courtesy of Estavillo
and SUS
Estavill o
Casco lan Jr.
4 UPD professors ...
government body for th e
regulation and licensing
of various professions
and occupations .
The annual award is
given to ind iv id ua l s who
have amply demonstrated
professional competence
of the highest degree and
conducted themselves with
int eg rit y in the exercise of
their respective profess ions.
I n add ition, these
individuals must have
"pa rt ici pat ed rneaninqfully
activities through the
profess ional organ izat ion,
contr ibuted significantly
to the advancement of the
profession, and contributed
significantly to the effective
d ischarge of the profession's
social responsibility through
meaningful co nt ri b u t io n/
participation in socio-related
activities," according to the PRe.
outstand ing
profess ional awardee i s
nom inated and endorsed by
the ir respective accredited
professional organization.
Th e award was begun
in 1994 in "r eco g n it io n of
the achievements, services
the profession of the
outstanding accredited
professional organization."
The PRC presides over
46 professions, including
accountancy, agriculture,
architecture, chemical
engineering, chem istry, civil
engineering, environmental
plann ing, geology, interior
design, librarians, medicine,
metallurgical engineering,
p rofes sional tea chers and
veterinary medicine.
The awarding ceremon ies
we re held on Jun. 20 at t he
Philippine Internat ion al
Convention Center in Manil a.
-Images courtesy of the PRC
souvenir program.
New issue of 3 academic journals now online
The latest issue of three sem i-annual, international-refereed
journals, name ly "Humanities Diliman," "Science Dilim an" and
"Social Science Diliman" are now ava ilable onli ne at http://
ww w.jou rnals .upd.edu.ph/. All th ree j ourn als are published by
UP Dilima n (UPD) th rough t he Offi ce of th e Vice Chancellor for
Research and Developm ent.
umanit ies
1 features
f i v e
articl es
conceptual relation ship of words in
the world and the
significan ces and
m eanings
mot iv a t e t h at link,"
w rites issue ed itor Jo se
S. Buenconsejo in his
Editor's not e.
The art icles ar e
ver n.
"Korido-Komiks into Film :
Sourcing, Adapting, and
Recycling the Bernardo
Carpio Story" by Joyce
L. Arriola; "Across the
City, Toward the Nation:
Met ropolitan Trains, and
the 'Tulaan sa Tren' Project"
by Oscar Tantoco Serquina,
Jr.; "Theatre, Ent rapment,
and Globali zat ion in
'Welcom e to Int elSt ar' by
Sir An ril Pineda Tiatco;
"Waray Beauty: Wr iting
at the Margins and the
Poems in Oyzon's 'An
Maupay ha mga Waray'"
by Efmer E. Agustin ;
and "Construction from
Discord: The Word and
the Nation in 'My Sad
Republic' by Jaimee Faith
J. Santos.
The open-access and
SCOPUS -indexed journal
is mult ilingual and both
discip linal and multidisciplinary. "Humani ti es
D iliman" promotes
scholarship in the arts
and humanities in the
UP NSRI turns 50
By A l bi no C. Gamba, imag e Oy Leonardo Reyes
In sim p le ceremo nies, t he NaturalSc iences Research
Inst itute (NSRI) celebrated its golden year on Jun.19
w ith t he t heme "Celebrating Research Product iv ity:
50 Years and Beyond."
th e m e becau se
NSRI boasts o f its
o ut st a nd ing t rac k
re co rd in resea rch
and in t ec h nic al ser v ic es,"
sa id N SRI direct or D r .
Win d ell Rive ra .
UPD Chance l lo r Michael
L. Tan u rg ed the NSR I to
t ran slate or t ra nsform t h ei r
a c a d e m ic res earches i nt o
know led g e t hat can b e applied
in co mmun ities , in d ustry and
othe r sectors.
"We should beabletranslate
academi c re sea rch i n t o
som eth ing p eople read ou t
Sir Anril Pineda Tiatco
Chi A. lbay
Managing Editor
The UP Dilima n UPdate I' a bimonthl y
Mariamme D. Jadloc
Copy Editor
pub lication ofthe UPDill man Inf ormation
Office und er lh e,Office of th e Cha nce llor.
, "
. ,.
UP Dlliman, Quezo n Cily.
DenesV. Dasco
Art Director
Staff Writers:
Albino C. Gamba Jr.
Haidee C. Pineda
Anna E. Regidor
It. edito rla]office Islocat ed a t vill.mor
' .
Hall, Osme na Ave nuel'UP Dillman, 'Quezon
CIty, wit h telephon ~, nU,!,bers 981-8500
\ .
lo~al '-39B2 and 3983;'tel e iax ( + l;3 21 9 2~ -
-... .
Leonardo A. Reyes
Jeff ersonVillacruz
Circulation Manager:
Shirley S. Arandia
new spap er do no "t ne ce ssa rily re flect
Circulation Officers:
Julio Caparlda
Pia Ysabel C. Cala
Raul R.Camba
Agnes P. Guerrero
o f th e Ph ili ppi nes un less ot her wi se
1882, ema il a dd ress upd lo@upd .edu;ph.
-' ~ ./
The ' oplnto n s ex p resse d In th is
th e views or poli cies of th e University
spec ified In t he story.
Philippines, as well as
international synergies,
especially with scholars
on Southeast As ia.
Feb .
2014 ,
"Humanities Diliman"
was accredited as
Category A -1 by th e
Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) for a
3 -year period.
Category A journals
receive from CHED
a yearly incentive
of P200 ,000 and
an endo r sement fo r
library subscr ipt ion.
Science DiUman. Vol. 26,
No.1 of "Science Diliman:
A Journal of Pure
and Applied Sc iences
featu res two articl es and
two communications .
The art icles are :
"Solving a Multi-objective
Transportation Problem in
a Group Descision -Making
Setting " by Cherryl O.
Talaue and Cesar G.Tapia
" Em b r y o t ox ic it y
of Copper and Zinc
T r o pic a l
Se a
U rchin T ripneustes
gra till a" by Br isn ev e
Edullan t e s
an d
Ritch elita Ga lapate.
Meanwh ile ,
f irst
is "Spect ro phot o m etric
May-June 2014
Determina t ion
L o s ar t a n Potass ium
in Tablets" by Ar ianne
Diane A. Ani fion, Richard
Simon R. Binos, Karen
Mae M. Bri zuela, Marlyn C.
Corpuz, Willison John E.
De Luna, Regine Phillin e
S. del Rosario, Jesus John
C. D imalala, Timothy
Joseph P. Duenas, Isaac
Ireneo B. Linatoc, Juan
Paolo D. Recto, Melanie
V. Salina s, and W est
Krist ian D. Para iso.
The second communi cation " B io d ist r i b uti o n
of the Info rmal Group
Basommatophora i n
the Philipp in es " was
based on the research
f indings of Patrick
Noel Y. Young and Ian
Kendr ich C. Fontan illa .
Dr. Marco Nemesio E.
Montano of UPD's The
Marine Science Institute
is ed itor-in-chief of .the
cur rent issue.
CHED ac credited th e
journal as Category A-2
journal in May 2014 .
Social Science Dillman.
Vol. 10 No . 1 features
eight ent ries comprising
fiv e art icles, two reviews
and an appreciation piece
by Caroly n I. So brit chea
on Professo r Emeritus
~ Landa Joca no . Th e
current issue is ed ited by
Eulalio R. Guieb III.
T he f ive articles are
th ere in th e
real world .
Also, NSRI's
work has to
othe r units
has so many
applicatio ns
and it will
v ery
i m p o rt a nt in
th e overall
UP NSRI fa mily w it h Chancellor Tan (mi dd le, gray p ol o).
plans of t he
UPD sc ientific co m m un it y," and Extension Serv ices at the
UP NSRI-DAL"by Gayvellin e C.
Tan said .
As p a rt of th e celebration, Calacal; and th e "Develop m ent
two ret ired st af f and a Research o f a Lo op -Mediated Iso th ermal
and Extens ion Professional Amplification (LAMP) Assay
Staff were recogni zed f o r f or the Detection of th e
th eir ded icated service and Sexually-Transmitted Parasite,
significant contributions to Trich omon as vagin alis" by
NSRI. They ar e Victo ri ano G. Davin Edric V. Adao.
Th e first research study
Bravo and Ernesto A. Can las ,
and Dr. Evangeline C. Santiag o. loo ked into th e mi crobio The h ighl ight of th e log ical quality of the
daylong celebrat ion was th e agricultural p roducts that
s ympos ium f eat u r ing th e a re p o t ent i ally h a zardous
current research undertaki ngs to consum ers, whil e the
of th e in -hou se scie ntist s of sec o n d di scu ssi o n w as an
th e Inst itute .
overv iew of the se rvi ces
Among th e res earch es of th e NSRI DNA A na lys is
presented were : "Prob ing the La b o rato ry, i n collaboration
Phatog ens in Local Pro d u ce" w it h o th e r government
by Dr. Ma . Au xil ia T. Siringan;"A agenc ies, i n in itiating the
Catalyst for Phili ppin e Jud ic ial us e of DNA ev ide n ce in
Reform: 18 Years of Forensi c forensic
inv est igations.
DNA Typing Resea rch ,Tra in in g T he
la s t
pre se nt at i o n
" D i s c i p lin a r y Cases
of Filipino Teachers in
t he Late 19t h Century"
by G rac e Li za Y.
Concepcion ; " B e li e f
as an Evalu at ive and
Affect ive Attitude :
Som e Impli cations
to Religious Belief"
by Leander Marquez;
"Grammar, Numerals,
and Number Words: '
A Wittgensteinian '
Refl ection on the
Grammar of Numbers"
by Denn is A . de
Vera; "Corrupt ion in
Me x ico: A Histo rical
Legacy " by Nubia
Nieto; and "Precarious
Wo rk ing Condit ions
and Exploitation o f
Workers in the Nigerian
Informal Economy" by
A keem Ayofe Akinwale.
In addition, Laya
rev iews
webs ites about Baguio
City in " Med i a t ize d '
Ethnicity and the
Politics of Complicity
as Told from the City
of Pines," while Jaime
Oscar M. Salazar
reviews a f ilm in h is
entry "A Qu est io n of
Heroines: A Review of
'An g Ka ba b ai ha n n g
Malolos' (Th e Women
of Malol os)."
Th e journal likewise
rec ei v ed a Category
A-2 accreditation from
CHED in Feb. 2014 .
d iscuss ed th e m ethod for
de te ct i ng
Tr i chomonas
v a g i n a li s , a p rotozoan
p ara si t e found w orld wid e
that infects th e urogenit al
system of hum ans .
NSRI, form erly the Natural
Sciences Resear ch Center
(NSRCL was est a b l i s h e d
on Jun . 19, 1964 by virtu e o f
Republic Act 3 8 87 as th e
re searc h a rm of t he na tu ral
sc iences in UPD . On Mar. 23,
1983, then Philippin e Pres id ent
Ferdinand Ma r c os i ss u ed
Execu t ive O rder No . 889, reorgan izi ng NSRC i nt o NSRI
and declaring it as a National
Cen ter of Exc ellenc e in t he
natu ra l sciences.
In 2000, t he NSRI building
was nam ed Mir a n d a Hall in
honor of its f ir st di rector, Prof.
Bienven ido T. Miranda.