General Index - Kent Archaeological Society

Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 26 1904
345 )
Abbey, Sir John, 341.
Abbot, Archbishop, 120.
Abbott, George, 29 ; William, 37.
Abercrombie, Sir Robert, 283.
Acts of Privy Council, reference to,
Adams, William, 26.
Adkins, Miss, of Deal, 10.
Afleet, William, 26.
Albemarle, Earl of, 285.
Alcock. Rev. J. P., 52, 78.
Aldersey, Mary, 189 ; Margaret, 190,
218 ; Thomas, 190 ; William, 189.
Aldridge, Mr., 285 ; Mrs., 292.
Aldwinkle. mediaeval vestry at, 57.
Alkham, Church Plate of, 136.
.Allen, Eric, xxxviii; John, 20, 39;
Romilly, 13 ; William, 24.
Allington, St. Laurence, Church
Plate of, 215.
All Souls' College, see Oxford.
Allwork, Charles Long, Memorial to,
of Church Plate at Maidstone, 254..
Alsoppe, John, 20.
Altar slab in Great Chart Church,
Notes on, 100.
stone in St. Peter, Thanet, removed, 47.
Amery, Roger, 88.
Amise, John, 258.
Amys, Wylzam, 342.
Andrewe, John, 142.
Andrews, W., xli.
Anecdotes of the Hasted Family,
Angell, John, 180,181; William, 181.
Ansell, John, 37.
Appleton, Samuel, 33.
Arcades, Central, in Churches, 69.
Archband, description of, 121.
Arohelifie'Bullwarke, 166.
Fort, 166.
Archdeacon's Articles of Enquiry, 182.
Court, 22.
Archdeacon's Visitation Books, 142,
148, 149, 191.
Archer, Henry, 41 : James, 278 ; Mrs.,
Archidiaconal Visitations, by A.
Hussey, Pt. ii., 17.
Architectural History of Great
Chart Church, by the Eev. G. M.
Livett, 101.
Architectural History of High
Halden Church, by the Eev. G.
M. Livett, 295.
Arms on brass in Great Chart Church,
,, on window in Gold-well Chapel,
Great Chart, 91, 92.
„ of Chichele on brass in Great
Chart Church, 97.
of Cowdale, 80, 87.
of Dobell, 98, 99.
of Goldwell, 97.
of See of Norwich in window
of Great Chart Church, 92,
of Sybill family, 80, 81, 84, 87.
of John Toke, 97, 98.
Arnold, A. A., xl, xli, xlii, 337.
Array, Commission of, 86.
Arundel, Earl of, 132.
Ashford, old house in Beaver
Fields at, 334.
., Church, Note on, by Rev.
G. M. Livett, 116; roodloft in, 77.
Assault on the Sheriffs' Officers of
Cambridge and Hunts, 90.
Astle, Thomas, 269.
Astley, Sir John. 242.
a Stotte, Sir Robert, 339, 340.
Atte [? Bregge], Johannes, see Bregge.
Atwood, Henry A. S., 184.
Austens, Family of, 272.
Ayerst, Mrs., 273.
Aylesford, urn-field at, 13.
Ayloffe, Sir Joseph, 269.
Ayres, Widow, 272.
Baker, Dorothy, 318 ; Rev. F. V., 68 ;
G. E., 196, '200; James, 317. 318;
Joanna, 317 ; Hr John, 341.
Bacon, W. B., xxxviii.
Baldwin, Elizabeth, 250 ; Prances,
250; John, 21; Laura, 250; William, 228.
Balks or lynches, meaning of, 37.
Balner, Reginald, 88.
Bamfield, Ellen, suspected of witchcraft, 45 ; llobert, 4-5.
Bankerman's axe, face marks of, in
Ashford Church, 116.
Bankes, Eiohard, 165.
Banks, Delamark, 214 ; Sir Edward,
Banster, John, 324.
Bapchild, Church Plate of, 185.
Baptist, Mrs., 285.
Barbont, Mr., 278.
Bardis, de, arms of the family of, 81.
Barham, tenants of, pay for not doing
suit at the Court Baron, 129.
Barling, Elizabeth Ann, 251; Joseph,
Barlton, William, 46.
Barnes, llobert, wife of, presented for
pulling hemp on Sunday, 43.
Baron Hill and Bryston, land called,
Barrell, Bey. Mr., 276.
Barrow, William, 191.
Barton, Mr., 49.
Basecourt, description of. 122.
Baset, John, 325.
Bassett, Thomas, 324.
Batohelor, Mark, 24.
Bateman, Anne, 161; Hester. 182 ;
Peter, 161; Thomas, oordwinder,
262; William, 161.
Battle Church, Sussex, arrangement
betweenRector and parishioners regarding enlargement of Church, 75.
Bauler, Edward, 33.
Bawdry, house at, to be sold for use of
the poor, 18.
Bazeley, Thomas Tyssen, 167.
Beaney Institute, lecture at, on British, Roman, and Anglo-Saxon Collections therein, by §•. Payne, Esq.,
Bearsted, Church Plate of, 216.
Beaver, Note on an old house at
Ashford called, by Rev. A. Pearman, 334.
Beavor, John de, 334.
Beckley, Sussex, position of rood-loft
in, 115.
Bedford, Mr., 276.
Beer, freestone from, 118.
Bekesbourne, house of Archbishop
Parker at, 119.
Belcher's Kentish Uranus, reference
to, 97.
Bell, Matthew, Mr. J. P., D.L.,
obituary notice of, xlvii.
Bell, Mrs., 335 ; P., 117.
Bell hung in watch-house to be rung
in case of invasion, 34.
Bell-base, use of, 59.
Bell and cushion base, evolution of,
Bellett, John Crosthwaite, 146.
Belgrave, William, 121, 131, 132.
Belting G-reen. free common in the
manor of Ford, 129.
Bendall, William, 164, 165.
Benedictine Priory of St. Martin, 151.
Benger, Jo., 170,
Bennett, Sir Henry, 30.
Benson, Archbishop, 182.
Bensted, Hubert, Esq., xxxiii, xl.
Beordsworth, William, 324.
Berkeley. Elizabeth, 32fi, 327; Maurice, 326, 327 ; Thomas, 327 ; Sir
Thomas, 327.
Berry, F, J., xxxvi.
Bertha, Queen, burial place of, 8.
Bethersden Church, reference to window in, 307 ; visit to, xxxix.
Bevyr, messuage called, 335.
Bicknor, Church Plate of, 190,217.
Biddingfleld, Jn., 259;
Biden. L. M., xli.
Bignei, Mr., 273.
Billing, Agnes, 18.
Bing, Elizabeth, presented for worshipping a snake, 40 ; Nicholas,
Birchington, lands owned by Jeffery
Sandwell at, 132.
Bird, Rev. G-. S., M.A., xl.
Birkhenids, Mr., 42.
Birling, removal of gable wall and
chancel arch, 298.
Blaokman, Cowley J., 184.
Blaokmore Church, reference to timber tower of, 314.
Blechenden, Elizabeth, 242.
Blechyndon, Mr. and Mrs., 276.
Blig-h, Mr. and Mrs., 149.
Bliss, Thos., 196, 224, 225.
Blosse, Thomas, 86.
Bludworth, John, 49.
Blunt, Rev. Walter, 218.
Bobbing, Church Plate of, 187.
Bookon, Johannes, portrait in window in (3-reat Chart Church, 94,
Bold, family of, arms, 81.
Bolt-house, meaning of, 121.
Bolstrodes' in Langley Regis and
Bovenden, 90.
Boodle, Rev. J. A., grant made to, to
print Registers of Boughton-underBlean, xxxiv.
Borage, Alexander, 24.
Borden, Church Plate of, 188.
Borden, Sir 3f. W., E.C.M.G., xxxviii.
Borne, John, 37.
Borrowman, J., jun., xxxv, xxxviii,
Bosvile or Bosseville, 80, 83 ; Elizabeth, 85, 88, 89 ; Margaretta, 84,
89 ; Mary, 83 ; Robert, 85, 89 ; Sir
Thomas, 89.
Bothe, Margaret, 84 ; Randolf, 84.
Boughton-under-the-Blean, manor of,
Registers of, xxxiv.
Boughton Monchelsea, Church of,
Boughton Monchelsea, Church
Plate of, 219; wrought stone from,
Bourne, Cheney, 199.
Bowie, Mr., 169.
Boxley, Church Plate of, 220;
burglary at Vicarage of, 214.
Boyne, Battle of, 201.
Boyton, Henry S., 162.
Bradshaw, Capt. A. Ii., R.N., 164;
Mrs., 164,
Brass at Farningham to Thomas
Sibill, 87.
,, to Thomas Sibill and wife, of
Chimham's, 84.
„ to the three daughters of
Nicholas Toke in G-reat
Chart Church, 99.
Bredgar, Church Plate of, 198, 262.
Bredhurst, Church Pbte of, 220.
Bregge, John. Atte, portrait of in
window in Great Chart Church,
Brent, Cecil, F.S.A., gift to Canterbury
Museum, xxxvi ; Sir Nathaniel, 42.
Brewster. Harriet, 293.
Brick Hill Lane, Upper Thames
Street, bronze scoops found in, 12.
Bridgland, John, 324.
Briggs, Coat of Arms, 239.
„ Hannah, 239; Rev. Henry,
239 ; Dr. William, 239.
Bristol, reference to St. Stephen's.
Church Plate, 190.
Broadstairs Lynch, land left to the
poor at, 45,
Brokes, land at Farningham known
as, 87.
Bromley Church, bequest to, 86.
Bronze scoops, 11, 12, 15.
Brooch, late Celtic, 10.
Brookland, reference to timber tower
of church, 313.
Broome, Jo., 170.
Broomefield, land in parish of Herne
known as, 124.
Broomfield, Church Plate of, 222.
Brown, Samuel, 200 ; —, 283.
Browne, Edward, 285 ; Leonard, 29 ;
Mary, 287 ; —, 32, 181.
„ of Wild Hall, arms of, 99.
Bryant, Jacob, 272.
"Brytons," land at Farningham
known as, 87.
Buchanan, Rev. J. R., Memorials of
Herne, reference to, 120.
Buckland, Church Plate of St.
Andrew, at, 138.
of St. Barnabas, 140.
Buckler's Churches of Essex, reference
to, 310.
Briddysden, land known as, 87.
Bui-gen, Richard, 324.
Burial without Christian rites, 43.
„ of self-murdered persons in
churchyard, 39.
Burkitt, Elizabeth Wyatt, 234.
Burlton, Katryn, 331; Richard,
333; Note on a Brass to, at
Dartford, by W. D. Haskett Smith,
Burridge, Benjamin, 317 ; Mary, 317 ;
Thomas, 317.
Busbridge, Thomas Harris, 247.
Bushe, Mother, suspected of being a
witch, 31.
Bussher, John, 20.
Butler, Rev. Lord Theobald, xxxiii.
"Buxforde Melle" in Great Chart,
mentioned in will of Thomas Twysden, 95.
Bywymbull, land at Farningham,
known as, 87.
Cackett, William, 323.
Cadell, Miss, xxxv.
Caen, freestone from, 118.
Caloraft, John, 293.
Caldwell, Rev. John, M.A., 31.
Calendar of Ancient Deeds, 86, 87.
of Chancery Proceedings
(Queen Elizabeth), reference to, 89, 90.
A A 2
Calendar of Patent Rolls, reference
to, 90.
of State Papers, reference
to, 30, 89.
Treasury Papers, reference
to, 323.
Gallant (of Maidstone), Frances, 241;
John, 241 ; Mary, 241.
" Calowdowngosses,'1 land known as,
Camber Castle, repair of, 166.
Cambridge, Corpus Christi College,
Cambridge, Mr., 286.
Camden, The Marquess, xxxvi.
Campbell, Col. John, 278 ; Lieut. John,
Canterbury, St. Augustine's, Excavations at, by S.
Evans, 1.
Crypt at. 1.
Archbishop of, 17,18, 38.
Cathedral, nave arcades
of, 306; Registers, 115,
Cb.riBtoh.uroh Priory, 44.
Palace of, 119.
Consistory, 88.
District Probate Office,
Marriage Licences, 47,
132, 268.
Church Plate of St. Andrew's, 190.
special day of Kent ArchEeological Society at,
Capel-le-Ferne, Church Plate of,
Inventory of, temp.
JSdw. VI., 141.
Capell, messuage known as, 88.
Capon, John, 324.
Cares or Caves, 80, 85, 87.
Carnell, Tho., 324.
Carpenter, Austen, 18 ; Francis, 25.
Carr, John, 324 ; Rev. T. A., 246.
Carter, Mrs., 242, 259.
Castilion, Dr. John. 236.
Castle Meadows, Lower Walmer, Romano-British remains near, 9.
Caswel), Miss E., xl.
Gates, Charles, 23 ; Margaret, 23.
Cave, Mr., of Deal, fibula in possession
of, 13; John, 129.
Caves or Cares, see Cares.
Cavenagh, Lt.-Ool. W. Odiarne, 318.
Caythorpe, reference to central arcade
of Church at, 69.
Cecil, Frances, 205,
Celtic Settlements, discoveries of late,
near Walmer, 9.
Cess, alleged unlawfully made, 40.
Chalices, Elizabethan, 134, 135.
Chalker, John, 19.
Chalton, reference to Church Plate of,
Chambers, William, 41.
Champnes, Margaret, 84; William, 84.
Chancellor, Fred., reference to article
on Blackmore Church by, 314.
Chancery, Suits in, 85, 89.
Chandler, Mrs. Elizabeth, 137, 141 ;
Matthew, 137.
Chapman, H. Mapleton, Esq., xxxiv,
Charles, R. Stafford, xxxv.
Charlton. Tho., 238.
Charlton, Church Plate, St. Bartholomew's, 142; SS. Peter and
Paul, 145.
Chart, Great, Church: Notes on
the Ancient Stained Glass,
Memorial Brasses, and an Altar
Slab in, by the Eev. H. "W. Russell,
91; Architectural History of,
by Rev. G. M. Livett, 101; altar-slab,
100 ; altar-tomb, 97 ; arcades, date
of, 106, 107 ; bases and capitals
in, 107 ; belfry-stage, 105; buttresses, 104, 105 ; clerestory to the
nave, 111, 112; composition of
inner jamb of doorway, 103 ; cross
walls. 101, 108; damaged by fire,
115 ; early church. 102 ; early history, 103 ; fifteenth-century alterations, 111 ; fourteenth-century alterations, 104 ; Godington Chapel.
93, 104 ; ttodington pew, 114 ;
G-oldwell Chapel, description of
stained glass in, 91, 93, 104 ; measurements of, 101, 109, 110, 112;
mouldings, 106, 110, 111; mullions
in windows, 104 ; nave roof, 113;
Papers on, reference to, 117 ; peculiar arrangement of the nave, clerestory stage and roof of, 102; remodelling of, in fourteenth century,
104 ; Roman bricks in, 113 ; roodloft,!^; roof of, 105,111 ; stained
glass in. 91 ; tower of, 110; visit
to of Kent Archaeological Society,
xxxix ; voussoir or arch stones in,
103; wall plates of, 105; weather
mouldings, 105 ; windows, 104, 106,
111, 113; window memorial to Rev.
Nicholas Toke and Emma Toke,
Chart Button,Church Plate of, 223.
Langley, 232 ; Leeds. 234 ; Lenham,
235 ; Leysdown, 196 ; Linton, 236 ;
Loose, 238; Lydden, 173; Maidstone :—All Saints, 240 ; St. Faith,
244 ; St. John the Evangelist, 245 ;
St. Imke, 246 ; St. Michael and All
Angels. 247 ; St. Paul, 248; St.
Peter, 249 ; St. Philip, 253 : Marden, 254 ; Milated, 197 ; Milton,
199 ; Minster, 200 ; Murston. 201 ;
Newington, 203 ; Otham, 255;
Queenborough, 203 ; Rainham. 204;
River, 176 ; Rodmersham, 205 ; St.
Margaret's-at-Clifie, 176 ; Sheerness:—Dockyard Chapel, 207; Holy
Trinity, 206 ; St. Paul's, 207 ;
Siberfcswold, 178 ; Sittingbourne:—
Holy Trinity, 210 ; St. Michael,
209 ; Staplehurst, 256 ; Stockbury,
210; Sutton Valence, 257 ; Temple
Ewell, 179; Thornham. 258; Tonge,
212; Tovil, 259; Tunstall, 212;
Church Plate in Kent, by the Kev.
Ulcomb, 260; Upchurch, 213 ; WarC. E. Woodruff,
den, 214 ; Westcliffe, 181; Wootton.
Part II., 133.
183; Wormshill, 261 ; Wychlingj
Dover Deanery (Rev.
T. S. Prampton), Church Plate, alphabetical list of
names of Donors of, in the Deaneries
Church Plate in Sittingbourne Deanof Dover, Sittingbourne, and Sutery (Rev. C. E.
ton, 264 ; dispersal of, in reign of
Woodruff), 185—
King Edward VI.. 169 ; Inventory
of, in Churchwardens' Account of
Button Deanery (Rev.
St. Mary's Church, Dover, 170;
W.Gardner-Waterloan of, to another parish, 184 ;
man), 215—263.
photographing. 135 ; purchase of,
by reats of Church land, 269 ; purChurch Plate of Alkham, 136 ; Ailington, 215 ; Bapohild, 185 ; Bearsted.
chase by subscription for Dockyard
216 ; Bicknor, 217 ; Bobbing, 187 ;
Chapel, Sheerness, 208 ; reference
Borden, 189 ; Boughton Monchelto, ia JJcteeta et Comperta at Archsea, 219; Boxley. 229 ; Bredgar.
bishop Warham's Visitation of
189 ; Bredhurst, 220 ; Broomfleld,
Dover, 174 ; gift of to Monks'
Kirby Church, 165.
222 ; BucMand :—St. Andrew, 138;
St. Barnabas, 140 ; Capel le Feme, Churchman, Winter, 29.
140 ; Charlton :—St, Bartholomew, Churchwardens' Account Book, St.
142; SS. Peter and Paul, 145;
Mary the Virgin, Dover, 162, 163,
Chart Button, 223 ; Coldred, 147 ;
166, 167, 168, 169, 170.
Denton,149; Detling, 224; Dover :— Churtoa, Right Rev. Edward T., 143 ;
Christ Church, 160; College Chapel,
Mrs., 143.
l&l ; Holy Trinity, 153 ; St. James Chymbeham, John, land left to, in will
of Nicholas Sibile, 86.
(old church), 154 ; St. James (new
Manor, 87.
church). 156 ; St. Martin, 158 ; St.
Mary-in-the-Castle, 165, 159; St. Cinque Ports, liberty of, 43.
Mary the Virgin, 161; Western Clark, Sir Francis, 261 ; Lucretia,
Heights Garrison Church, 170;
Eastchurch, 190 ; East Button, 225 ; Clarke, Joseph, 62, 53, 54, 61, 67, 68,
Elmley, 192 ; Frinsted, 227 ; Guston, 171 ; Halstow, Lower, 192 ; Clay, John, 19.
Harrietsham, 228; Hartlip, 193; Claybrooke, William, 20.
Harty, 194; Soiling-bourne, 229; Clayton, Henry, 45.
Hougham, 172 ; Hucking, 232 ; Clement, John, 169.
Iwade, 195 $ Kingsdowne, 196 ; Clements, A. F., xli.
Channel, Rev. John, 49.
Cheney, John, 280.
Cheriton, James G-oldwell, Vicar of,
92 ; windows in Church, 804.
Chewney, Rev. Nicholas, 30, 43.
Chichele, arms of, 97 ; Cecily, 97 ;
Mrs. 273 ; family of, 272.
Chiohester. Queen Mary at, 17.
Chiffinch, Mr., 276.
Chillinton (Chilmington), Johannes,
portrait of in window in Great
Chart Church, 94.
Chilmiton, tenants pay for not doing
suit at Court Baron, 128.
Chipsted, quit rents paid to Manor of
Kingsdown, 89.
Chislet, Manor of, 131.
Christ Church, Canterbury, see Canterbury.
Christian, John, 20.
Christmas, Rev. William, 44.
Cliffe-at-Hoo, Church Plate of, 162,
263 ; Vicar of, 92 ; Visit of Kent
ArchEeological Society to, xlv.
Ologher, co. Tyrone, fibula found at,
Cobb, E. F., xxxviii; John, 130 ; Rev.
Robert, 225.
Cobham Hall, 204.
Cocklinge, will of widow, 44.
Cockman, Tho., 324.
Cockran, Coll.. 278.
Coins, G-aulish and Roman, 13.
Coldall, see Oowdall.
Coldred, Church Plate of, 147.
Cole, Rev. John, 33, 34.
Coleman, Roger, and wife, 25 ; Thomas, 17.
Colepeper, Lady Elizabeth, 230 ; Lady
Frances, 230 ; Lord John, 230 ;
Sir Thomas, 230.
Collectanea Antiqua, reference to,
Collins, William, 38.
Coles, Canon Oakley, xxxvi.
Colthurst, Andrew, 89 ; Matthew, 89.
Commission of Array, 86.
to enquire into certain
oppressions and extortions committed by William Isle of Sundrisse,
to enquire for rebellious
persons in Kent, 86.
of oyer and terminer, 86.
of the Peace for Kent, 86.
Committee for Ireland in 1646 and
1648, 132.
Commons, free, belonging to the
Manor of Ford, 129.
Communicants in parish of St. John's
in Thanet, 18 ; in Sfc. Lawrence in
Thanet, 31 ; in St. Peter's in Thanet, 45.
Communion, use of common bread for,
by Minister of St. Lawrence in Thanet, 31.
Communion Cup, cover of silver missing from, at St. John's in Thanet,
Communion Table carpet required
in St. Nicholas-at-Wade, 42.
Compass-window, description of, 122.
Compton, Rev. W. J., 152,
Con way, Secretary, 132.
Cooke, Raobel, 49 ; R.. xxxiv., 260,
270; William, 49.
Cooling Castle, visit of Kent Archaeological Society to, xlv.
Coppin, Thomas, 36.
Cqrboil, Archbishop, 151.
Corfe, A. F., xli.
Cornwall, Mary, 85 ; Thomas, 85.
Cornwallis, Archbishop, 179.
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge,
see Cambridge.
Corrall, Philip, 260.
Corsham, Wilts, Hospital of, 267.
Cosbye, John, 27, 28.
Costan, Stephen, 49.
Cotton, C., xli.
Court Baron, 128.
„ Fostall, land known as, 125.
,. Rolls of the Manor of Ashford,
Court, Stephen, 124.
Courtney, Archbishop, 74.
Covell or Cavell, John, 26.
Cowdale or Coldall, family arms, 80,
Isabel. 85, 87 ; Robert, 85 ;
—, 85.
Cowden, wooden spire of church, 313.
" Cowles," land at Farningham, called,
Crampe, John, 30.
Cranbourne Chace,fibulasfound at, 14.
Oranbrook Registers, 318.
Cranmer, Archbishop, 119, 120, 839,
Register of, 138.
Crauford, Col., 208.
Crawford, John, 318.
Orayden, Samuel, 196.
Crayford Church, by EOT. G. M.
Livett, 51.
additions to, 68, 75;
angles of walls, 55 ; antecedents of
central arcade, 70 ; arcades, 74 ;
archivolt mouldings in, 59 ; building of by John Marshall, 55 ; central arcade, description of, 58,59,60,
61 ; chancel. 52, 53, 60, 61 ; chapels,
52, 55, r»(i, 59, 61 ; corbel in wall,
57 ; dates, approximate, regarding,
78 ; date of vestry addition, 57 ;
decorated enlargement, 73 ; difference between the work of the
chancel and nave, 75 ; discovery
of remains of a triplet of windows,
67 ; discovery of sill and jambs of
an early-Norman doorway, 65, 66 ;
doorways, 54, 57, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70;
early-Norman church, 65 ; entrance
(old) to the churchyard, 68 ; excavations to trace early-Norman doorway, 65; fifteenth-century additions,
75 ; fire in, 62 ; foundations, 67, 76 ;
graveyard (old), position of, 68;
ground level of, 54 ; material used,
76; papers on by Major Alfred Heales,
51 ; by Canon Smith, 62; plan,
reference to, 51 ; remains of earlyNorman rubble walling, 68 ; restoration of, 52; Howbury Chapel
in, 55 ; roodloft, 77 ; roofs, 66, 63,
64, 75.
Creed, Thomas, 29.
Cripps, William Joseph, Ohituary
notice of, xlvi, 140.
Cripps, Nicholas, 233 ; —, 190.
Crips, Mr., 166.
Crispe, Henry, 18.
Crokat, James, 286.
Crompe, Rev. John, 258.
Crosby Ravensworth, bronze scoops
found at, 12.
Cross, gable, found in Otham Churchyard, 338.
Crosse stones, 142.
Growers, messuage called, 88.
Crowisbrefleld, land called, 125.
Crypts, English, founded before 1085,
Guile, John, 324.
Culmer, Jane, 47 ; Richard, 45, 47.
Cuming, Bartholomew, 22, 25.
Curling, Anthony, 31, 47; Gregory,
83 ; Nicholas, 32 ; William, 32, 35,
36, 37.
Curtis, Jas., F.S.A., xxxviii.
Curzon, Lord, and Indian Art, 14.
Cuxton, burglary at Vicarage, 214.
Daniels, family arms of, 81.
Darent, River, 79, 82.
Dartford Church, Note on a Brass
in, by W. D. Haskett Smith, 331;
bell bases and capitals of, 59 ;
segmental chancel-arch before restoration, 61; pictures in, 61; scroll
and roll moulding, 117.
Davis, Dr. Randall, xxxvi.
Dawby (or Danby), Rev. Thomas, 341.
Day, Rev. H. C., 222 ; Rev. William,
Deal, late Celtic and Romano-British
remains preserved at, 10; Old
house at, Note on, 328; St. Leonard's Church at, 328.
Deal or Deale, Thomas, 18,19.
Deane, Rev. John Bathurst, 164.
de Bardis, see Bardis.
de Beavor, see Beavor.
Dedham. Essex, land in, 86.
Deedes, Rev. Julius, 226.
de 'Bresby, Baroness Willoughby, see
de Hethe. nee Hythe.
De la Launde, see Launde.
Dengayne or D'Engayne, coat of
arms, 327 ; Sir John, 327.
Denne, G-. H., 9, 10.
Dennis, Edmund, 170.
de Norwode. see Norwood.
Denton, Church Plate of, 149.
Manor of, 167.
Dotting, Church Plate of, 224.
de Zoete, E. P., xli.
Dickson,Rev. R. H., Note on a tomb
at Eastchurch, 326.
Dingley, Allan, 274 ; Charles, 274 ;
John, 274 ; Sir John, 274 ; Robert,
274, 293 ; Thomas, 275.
Discovery of a supposed Eeliquary at St, James in the Isle of
Grain, Note on, by A. A. Arnold,
Dobson, William, 124.
Dofle, plan of Church of, 67.
Doddington Church. 73, 76.
Domesday or Doomsday Book, references to, 78, 102, 295.
Donett, John of Eynsford, will of, 84 ;
Thomas, 88.
Donors of Church Plate. List of, 264.
Dorman, Anne, 268, 292 ; Dorothy,
293 ; Mary, 293.
Dormer, Rev. William, 263.
Dorset, Earl of, petition to, 155.
Douglas, Mrs. G-. A., xxxv.
Douglas Masonic Lodge, xxxiii.
Dover C/utrters, 138.
Dover, Church Plate of, 130, 151,
153, 154, 156, 158, 169, 161. 170.
Drew, Mrs., 289.
Drilond. Robert, 86.
DuearelJ Andrew Coltee, 294; Dr., 269.
Duckett. John, 31; William, 124,
Dudley, Lady Alicia, 165.
Duncan, V. Leland, xxxiv ; paper by,
56, 77.
Duppa, Baldwin, 230.
Dyke, Sir Thomas, 276 ; Lady, 276.
Dyne, Alderman, 272.
Dyot family, arms containing a tiger,
Bales, John, 325.
Eastchurch • Church Plate, 190
Livesey Monument, Note on, by
Rev. B. H. Dickson, 326.
Eynsford, Museum at, 83 ; land in,
mentioned in wills of
Nicholas and Thomas
Sybill, 86, 87.
Castle, 79, 82 ; Church,
83; memorial to Bosville
family in, 83 ; reference
Bast Mailing Church, 114.
to, in will of John Sibyle,
East Sutton, see Sutton, East.
88 ; parish register, 82,
Eastwood, Tho., 324.
87, 88, 89 ; Vicar of,
Eaton, Elizabeth, 163 ; Sir Peter. 163 ;
bequest to in John.
William, 162.
Sibyle's will, 88.
Ede, Widow, 42.
Eynsford, Little Mote in, by R. H.
Edwards, Mary, 241, 271.
Ernest Hill, 79.
Bla'roe, Richard, 169.
Elizabeth. Queen, 242 ; bequest to in
will of John Sibyle, 88.
Elizabethan coins and horse's bit of
fifteenth century found at Little
Fabric Roll of Rochester Castle, 118.
Mote, 82.
Fairlighi, freestone from, 118.
Elliott, Mr., 335.
Fairs on the Manor of Ford, 129.
Ellwood, Thomas, 170.
Fanting, William, 26.
Blmham, Thomas of, 14.
Elmley, Church Plate of, 173,192. Fantinge or Phanting. John, 24, 47.
Farneham, Humphrey, 190; MarElmstone, Anne, 204.
garet, 190.
Blsing, vestry at, 57.
Famell, John, 164.
Elvyden, Laurence, 169.
Elwick, Anne, 189 ; Mary, 189 ; Rev. Farningham or Frermynham, land at,
86, 87.
Robert, 189.
Long croft in, 87.
Elwood, Thomas, 47, 48.
Farrer, Rev. Edmund, 326.
Elyot, Thomas, 307.
Faunce, Miss Jane, 293 ; Thomas,
Emptage, John., 49.
Enamelling, introduction of the art
Faussett, Rev. Brian, 294 ; Elizabeth,
into England, 12.
Engham, Anne, 98 ; John, 98.
Feoffees for land given to the poor,
Epse, William, 169.
Erasmus, paraphrases of, 170.
Kresby, Baroness Willoughby de, 327. Fergusson, Ensign Adam, 283.
Essex ArchEeological Society's Trans- Ferris, Henry, 32 ; Sibilla, accused of
being a witch, 32.
actions, 1869, 314.
Fibulae, 12, 13, 14, 16 ; in the GuildEssex Revitim, The, 314.
hall Museum, 13.
Essherst, John, 335.
Field, W. P. G.. 184.
Estavayer, fibulas found at. 13.
Evans, Rev. Turberville, M.A,. 138,Filmer, Dowager Lady Dorothy, 226 ;
Sir John. Bart., 226.
Evatt, John, 87 ; Roger, 87 ; Thomas, Finch, arms of, 99; George, 327 ;
Mary, 327 ; Ralph, 195.
Everard, Rev. Thomas, 188; Valen- Finche, Mrs. Bridget, 195.
Finn, Arthur, ad.
tine, 39.
Finnis, Steriker, 172.
Evered, Henry, 39.
Evers, John, licence granted to by Fire-stone (Upper Greensand) in
Crayford Church windows, 63.
Dr. Newman to keep a school, 36.
Fish-weir belonging to Ford Manor,
Ewell, Temple. Church Plate of.
Henry. 21; George, 20; ThoEwell in the parish of Faversham, Fleet,
20 ; William, 22, 23.
vestry at, 57.
Ewer, family arms of, containing Floors of Churohesj 76.
tiger, 81.
Flory, Hugh, Abbot of St. Augustine's
Excavations at St. Augustine's
Abbey, 6, 7.
Abbey, Canterbury, by Sebastian Foaoh, Thomas, of Sandwich, detenEvans, Jun., xli, 1.
tion of legacy by, 42.
Bast Farleigh, burglary at Vicarage
of, 214 ; stone quarried out at, 118.
Eastgate House, .Rochester, Restoration of, xxxvii, sliii.
East Herts Archseological Society,
German, John, 125.
Gibbins, Thomas, 318.
Gibson, the Miller, 24 ; Rev. W. G., 232.
Gilbert, Richard, 146.
Gilder, the late Mr., 11.
Giles, —, 189.
Ford Manor House and Lands in Gill, —, 84.
Gillingham Church, arches of, 70 ;
1647, by A. Hussey, 119.
burglary at Vicarage of, 214.
Ford, derivation of name, 119.
Ford House, acreage of, 123 ; base- Gillow, Thomas, 38.
court of, 122 ; Chapel at, 122 ; Gilssin, Mr., 292.
compass-window of, 122 ; con- Giraud, F. F., Esq., xxxiii, xl.
struction of, 123; description of, Gloucester Cathedral, crypt of, 1 ;
monastic buildings of, 2 ; library of,
121.122,123 ; foundations of, 120 ;
5 ; reference to maker's mark on
Great Hall, 121 ; inner courts
Church Plate in St. Nicholas at, 211.
of, 122, 123 ; pulled down, 119 ;
quit-rents or rents of, 128 ; remains Goble, Thomas, 193.
of, 120 ; value of materials of all Godalming Church, transeptal chapels
of, 73.
the buildings of, 123.
Godbehere, Samuel, 164.
Ford, James, 196.
Godinton, 94 ; John de, portrait of, in
Fordwich, Lady, of Mote, 38.
window at Great Chart Church. 94.
Forster, Mr. and Mrs., 274.
Fountayne nr Phountayne, Rev. Godinton Chapel in Great Chart
Church, stained glass in, 93.
Eichard, 175.
Manor of, 92.
Fowke, Edward, 293.
Godwin, Rev. G. N., xxxviii, xxxix.
ffoxley, Thomas, 169.
Thomas, 126.
Framptun, Rev. T. S., On the Church Gold,
Goldridge, J., 259.
Plate of Dover Deanery, 136,173, Goldup.'Thomas, 184.
Goldwell, arms in brass in Great Chart
Francis, Rev., 292.
Church. 97; manor of,
Franks, Sir A. W., 12 ; Rev., 277.
Frennynham, see Farningham.
Avice, 92, 96 ; James, Canon
Frere, Mrs. Catherine Frances, 220;
of Hereford, 92 ; Bishop
Robert Temple, 220.
of Norwich, 92, 115;
Joan, 97; William, 92,
Frinstead, Church Plate of, 272,
96, 307.
Goodale, William, 19.
Fullerton. Mr., 276.
Goodhewe, Richard, 87.
Fry, E. W., Esq., xxxv, xxxvi.
Goodson. Joan, 39; John, presented
Fuller, Simon, 25.
for burying his wife, who murdered
Fulligar, Mrs. Elizabeth, 233.
herself in churchyard, and his exFurther Discoveries of Late-Celtic
planation, 89.
and Romano-British Inter- Goodwin,
Mary, 49.
ments near Walmer, by 0. H. Gooson, Richard, withholds twelve
Woodruff, F.S.A., 9.
• cops of straw, 46.
Gore Court, 256.
Goslin, Mary, 271.
G-otltw Moldings (Paley's), reference
to, 107.
Gale, —, 285.
Goudhurst Church, example of new
Gang days, 17.
Church built up round an old one,
Gaol deliveries, 86.
74 ; mouldings in, 118, 301.
Gardiner, Bishop, 340.
Gonlburn, Edward Meyrick, Church
Gardner-Waterman, Rev. Waterman,
Plate in memory of, at HollingChurch Plate of Sutton Deanery,
bourne, 231.
Grain, Isle of, 335.
by, xxviii, xli, 13-1, 135, 215.
Grange of Ozengal, farmers of, reGasson, Harbrah. 324.
pair chancel of Church of St. LawGaynsford, Edward, 824.
rence ia Thanet, 38.
Genvey, —, Curate of St. Lawrence
Grant, Nicholas, 45 ; Thomas, 199.
in Thanet, 35.
Fogge, Sir John, presentation of
Rectory of Gheriton to James Goldwell by, 92 ; re-building of Ashford
•Church by, 117.
Foord, T. EL 835.
Footes, Mr., 288.
Graunt, John, 45.
Graves of Romano-British origin, 10.
„ of Hasted, 271; of Mrs. Hasted,
G-ravesend, lands in parish of, mentioned in will of John Sibbill, 87.
Gray, Gabriel, 46.
Greek palmette, 12.
Greensted, Harry, 193 ; Henry, 193.
Gregory, Rev. Francis, 239.
Gresban, Samuel, 37.
Griffith, John, member of the Parliamentary Snrvey of Ford, 121, 131,
132 ; John, D.D., 221.
Grimaldi, Wynford B., 319.
Grofhurst, Henry de, 303.
Ground-table, description of, 69,
Grovehurst, Joan, 86 ; Richard, 86.
Grymsdiche, tenement in Sevenocke
(Sevenoaks), mentioned in will of
fidward Sybill, 89.
Guldeford arms, 98.
Guston, Church Plate of, 171.
Gwins, Messrs., 285.
Gyll, John, 86 ; Robert, 86.
Gylle, Richard. 86.
Halstow, Lower, Elizabethan chalice
of, 135.
Halstow, Lower, Church Plate of,
Hamelin, Isabel, 327 ; Sir John, 327.
Hammond, Denham, 274 ; Rev. F. A.,
147 ; James. 163 ; William, 27.
Hampden, Little, or Hampton Court
Farm. 335.
Hannington, Northants, example of
central arcade in Church, 69.
Harbie, Robert, 25.
Hardcastle, E. H., Esq., xxxix.
Harding-, Rev. T., xxziii.
Harlye, John, heirs of, withhold
money from the poor of the parish,
Harman, Henry, 56 ; will of, 55.
Harrietsham, Church Plate of,
228; Rector of (James Goldwell), 92.
Harris, Edward, 40 ; Mrs., 276 ; Walter, 276.
Harrison, Rev. A. H., xxxix; John,
291 ; Philip, 24 ; Rev. Thos., 253.
Hart, Francis, 85, 88 : Joan, 85,
Hartlip, Church Plate of, 193.
„ Villa, fibulas and iron knife
found at, 13.
Haoh Lawne, land at Farningham Harty, Church Plate of, 194.
Hartye, John, will of, 18.
known as, 87.
Haskett-Smith, W. D., 331.
Halden arms, 98.
Richard, 87.
Halden, High, Church, Architec- Haskrewle,
tural History of, by the Rev. G. Hasmer, Adam, 325.
M. Livett, 295; Nineteenth Cen- Hasted, Anecdotes of the Family
Of, 269; Anne, 277,293; Mrs. Anne,
tury Alterations to, by Rev. "W.
293 ; Barbara Benetta, 294; Charles,
H. llammell, 316 ;. alterations, fourteenth century, 298 ; fifteenth
century, 304 ; Archdeacon's decree
with reference to digging turf at,
319; bases and capitals in, 107; bells,
319; dial bought, 316; early-English
additions, 296; Frittenden clock
bought, 316; original glass in, with
quartered shield of Castile and
Leon, 303 ; measurements of, 295 ;
monument of wood, 319 ; mouldings, 301; nave roof, 301; Norman
Church (?), 296 ; porch, 301, 302 ;
tower of, 308, 320; vestry room
built 1836, 316 ; visit to, of Kent
Archaeological Society, xxxix ; windows of, 300.
Hales, Edward, 187, 201; Sir Edward,
201, 329 ; Frances, 201.
Hall, Andrew, 33 ; Margaret, 33.
Halstow, High, visit of Kent Arohseo• logical Society to, xlv.
2!)3 ; Edward, 267, 268, 270, 271,
273, 277, 278, 290, 293 ; Rev. Edward, 279 ; Elizabeth, 271 ; Francis, 290 ; Francis Dingley, 274,293;
George, 293 ; Isaac, 277 ; John
Septimus, 294 ; Joseph, 267, 268,
277, 294 ; Katherine, 271, 272, 279,
293 ; Mary, 271 ; Moses, 271; Nathaniel, 271, 287; Thomas, 271 ;
vault of family of, 279.
Hatch, Joseph, 319.
Hathewolden Grange, 319.
Hausteds of Hampshire, 268.
Hawes, —, 272.
Hawkes. William, 34.
HawMnge, Church Plate at, 180.
Hawlet, John, land held by, on the
manor of Ford, 130.
Heales, the late Major Alfred, his
papers on Crayford Church, 51, 53,
55, 59, 62, 63, 68, 72.
Hebbynge, John, the elder, 169 ;
John, junior. 169.
Hedd. Thomai, 2n.
Hendley, Bowyer, 256 ; William, senr.,
Hennessy's ftowtm Repertorium Eeolesiasticuni:, 288.
Henry VIII. dined at Ford with
Oranmer on his way to France, 120.
Henry, prior of Eastry, 300.
Heraldry, English, tigers in, 81.
Heralds' Visitation of Kent, 1574, 89.
Hereford (James G-oldwell), Canon of,
Heretics of Kent, MS. relating to,
in the Library of Corpus Christi
College, Cambridge, 339.
Herne Fair, 129; Manor of, 131 ; Beotory of, 127.
Hethe, sea Hythe.
Hewett, John, 31.
Hextall, Henry, 87.
Hiddens, John, 29.
Hide, —, 85, 89.
High Halden, see Haldeu.
Hill, R. H. Ernest, on Little Mote,
Eynsford, 79; Family, 268; Miss
E., xxxvi ; Mrs., 276.
Hiltesbury, Manor of, 88.
Hinde, Oapt., 283.
Hinds, A. B., M.A., xl.
Hingham, vestry at, 57.
Hiiixhill, near Ashford, single lights
in church, 106.
Hoare, Richard, 274.
Hoath, Ford in parish of, 120; Beotory of, 126, 127.
Hobday. Edward, 183.
Hooking, Essex, lands and tenements
at, 87.
Hodsoll, Robert, 88.
Holland of Solton, arms of in brass
in Great Chart Church, 97.
Mrs. Luoretia, 260 ; Rev. J.
Murray, 186 ; Canon Scott,
xli; Rev. William, 186.
Hollande, John, 88.
Hollinghourne, Church Plate of,
Hollingsworth, J. and T., 262.
Holinden, Bobert, 325.
Homan, Thomas, 47.
Homilies, 17,18, 20.
Honey, Mrs., 317.
Hoo, St. Werburgh, visit of Kent
Archaeological Society to, xlv.
Hooker, William, 46.
Hope, Anne, 85, 88 ; John, 85, 88, 89.
„ «, Lovelace, Chancery suit of,
85, 89-.
Hope, W. H. St. John, xxxv, xxxvii,
xl, xlii, 103, 336.
Hopper, Sarah, 188.
Horn, William, sum of £10 given by,
to the Church poor. 21.
Horse's bit of the fifteenth century
found at Little Mote, 82.
Horsmonden, early fourteenth-century base at, 118; reference to
mouldings of, 801.
Horton Kir by. Church built by same
masons as Rochester Cathedral, 118.
Hosewyf, Johannes, portrait of in
window in Great Chart Church, 95,
Hospital of Harbeldowne and Northgate, 131.
Hothfleld, 94.
Hougham, Church Plate of, 172,
192; St. Lawrence, a new ecclesiastical district formed out of, 158.
Howard, Theophilus, Earl of Suffolk,
K.G-., 160.
Howbury Chapel,in Crayford Church,
Howe, llev. Robert, 341.
Sucking, Church Plate of, 232.
Hudson. John, 22.
Huffam or Hougham, Stephen, Vicar
of St. Nicholas-at-Wade, 41.
Huffe, William, 25.
Hugeson, James, 170.
Hugo, Sir, Vicar of St. Peter's in
Thanet, 44.
Hungerford, Lady, Hospital of, at
Corsham, Wilts, 267.
Hunt, Misses A. and 0. P., 144.
Hunters Street, a free common in
Manor of Ford, 129.
Hussey, Arthur, papers by, 17, 119.
Hutchinson, Kev. A. S., 83.
Hyde, William, 86.
Hythe or Hethe, Bishop Hamo de, 61.
Icklesham Church, Sussex, side-lights
in, 106 ; visit of Kent Archjeological Society to, xxxviii.
Ightham, burglary at Vicarage of,
luderwick, F. A,, Esq., K.C., and Mrs.,
xxxviii, xxxix.
Ireland, Committee for, 132.
Irving. J. T., discovery of stones
shewing foliage in Rochester Cathedral by, 64.
Isle, William, of Sundrisse, commission
to enquire into certain oppressions
and extortions committed by, 86.
Isley or Ysley, Sir Hetiry, of Dunstall,
Knt., 87, 88; family of, 87 ; John,
324; Robert, 324 ; Thomas, 325.
Ivychurch, reference to removal of
gable wall and chancel-arch, 299,
Iwade, Church Plate of, 195.
James II., King, 201.
James, F. V., Esq., xxxiii.
Jarrett. Prank, Esq., xxxvi.
Jemmett, Anne, 189 ; Caleb, 189.
Jenken, Edward, 24, 29.
Jenkinson, Rev.. 23.
Jenner, Eev. E. H. F., xxxviii, xxxix,
Joanes, Henry, 48 ; James, 29,
Johnson, Lady Charlotte, 285 ; Fanny,
284 ; John, 28 ; Pelham. 284 ; Philip.
xxxviii, xxxix ; Miss, 272 ; —, 21.
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hesketh,
138 ; Thomas, 289.
Jordans, family of, 318; Elizabeth,
317 ; Robert, 317 ; William, 199.
Joy, Rev. P. 0., xxxiii; Rev. Canon,
obituary notice of, xlvii.
Julyan, John, 174,
Kekewich, Rev. A. L., M.A., 144.
Kempe arms, 98.
„ Cecily, 98; Sir Thomas, Knt.,
Kennefc, Henry, 183.
Kent, Henry, 17.
Kent Archasological Society, Annual
Meeting, xxxvi; Council Meetings,
xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxix, xl, xli;
Meetings, Maidstone, xxxiii; Rochester, xlii ; Tenterden, xxxiv ;
Report, 1902, xxxvi, 1903, xlii;
Rules, additions to, xlii.
Kent Contributors to a Loan to the
King, 1542, 90.
Kentish early-Norman chancels, laying out of, 67.
Kentish Rood Screens, Rev. Scott
Robertson's paper on, 77.
Kenward, John, 224.
Killigrew, Captain, 284.
King', Edmund, 325 ; John, 325 ;
Messrs., appointed to prepare Accounts of Kent Archaeological
Society, xl.
Kingdon, Rev. James Durant, Church
Plate at Loose given in memory of,
Kingsdown, Church Plate of, 195;
land in, 86 ; Manor of, 88, 89.
King's Langley, Bolstrodes in, 90.
Kingsland, H. M., xxxviii.
Kirkby, Robert, 21.
Knatchball, arms of, 99.
Knight, John, 324.
Knight-Jesson, Mrs. C., xli.
Knights Military, Commandery of,
Knowler, Gilbert, 294 ; Richard, 20.
Kyngesdown, see Kingsdown.
Kyngeslangley, see King's langley,
Kyryell, Cicely, 90 ; Sir Thomas, 90.
Lacye family arms, 80,
Ladd, William, bequest in -will of, 55.
Lake, Mrs. Henry, 173.
Lake Dwellings, 13.
Lamb, Isaac, 156.
Lambard Library, 321.
William, 323.
Lainbarde, messuage called, 88.
Lambert, Arery (?), 323.
Lambeth Palace Library, reference
to Surveys in, 119.
Langley, Church Plate of, 232.
Kind's, see King's Langley.
Langley, Family arms of, 80; Margaret, 84.
Larking, Rev. L. B., 329.
La Tene, Switzerland, station of a
Celtic Race, 12,13.
Launde, Sir Thomas de la, 327,
Lawson, John, 44.
Lay-folks' Mass Books, 112.
Latham, M.A., Rev. John Larking,
Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 121, 125, 12(5, 127, 130.
Lee, Commissioner, 272 ; Francis, 130 ;
Mr. and Mrs., 276.
Leeds, Church Plate of, 234,
Leghe family arms, 80.
Leigh, Mrs. Anne, 293 ; Rev. Egerton,
202; Francis, 298 ; Mr. and Mrs.,
276 ; Richard, 293 ; Robert, 325 ;
Rev. Thomas, 202.
Leland's Itinerary, 120.
Leng, Bishop, 289.
Lenham, Church Plate of, 235.
Lepard, Rev. S. C., xxxix.
Lester, Rev. William, 18.
Letherall, Robert, 33.
Lethieullier, Mr, and Mrs.. 276.
Letihey, Johannes, portrait of in
window in Great Chart Church, 94*
Lewis's History of Thanet, 46.
Lewisham, Church Plate of, 190.
Leysdown, Church. Plate of, 196.
Ligament or lodgement table, description of ,'59.
Linton, Church Plate of, 236.
Place. 237.
Little Mote, Eynsford, with pedigree of the SiMll
family, by E. H.Ernest Hill, A.E.I.B.A.,
chitnney stack, position
of, 82; coat of arms
of Sybill family, 79 ;
fireplaces, 79 ; the
Mint, name of farm
surrounding, 82; reference to in Hasted,
88 ; remains of, 79 ;
remains of foundations in orchard at,
82; suggestion regarding derivation of
name of, 82.
Littlewood, land called, in parish of
Reculver, 124 ; land near, 125.
Lipsoombe, Eev. 0. H., 180.
Livesey monument at Eastchurch, Note on, by the Eev. E. H.
Dickson, 326 ; Elisabeth, 326 ;
Gabriel. 326, 327 ; Sir Michael, 326,
327 ; Robert, 326, 327 ; coat of arms
of, 326 ; pedigree, 327.
Livett, Eev. G. M., on Great Chart
Church, 91; Crayford Church,
51; High Halden Church, 295;
Local Building Stones, 333,
xxxiii, xxxviii, xxxix, xlii, 51, 101,
Loane or Lone, family arms containing tiger, 81.
Longeroft in Farningham, 87.
Longe, Eichard, 19.
Loose, Church Plate of, 238.
Lords' Mead, in the parish of Eeculver,
124, 130.
Lorke, William, excommunicated, 27.
Lough. Eev. John, 209.
Love, family arms containing tiger,
Lovelace, John, 87, 88 ; Leonard, 89 ;
Margaret. 89 ; Eobert, 89 ; Thomas, 87, 88.
Loveles, John, land of, 87.
Lucey, Eev. E. 0., Church Plate
in memory of, at Westclifle, 182.
Lullingstone, 86.
Lnshington, John, 40, 41.
Lutock, Michael, excommunicated. 27.
Lutwyche, family arms containing
tiger, 81.
Luxborough House, Essex, 286.
Lydden, Church Plate of, 173.
Lynches or balks, description of, 37.
Lyndhurst, Lord Chancellor, 221.
Lyon, Rev. John, M.A., 161.
Mabb, family arms containing tiger,
Mace, J. Ellis, xxxix.
Macpherson, Eev. H. P., 335.
Macstaly, G-oodman, 342.
Madden or Mayden, John, member
of Parliamentary Survey of Ford,
121, 181, 132.
Maidstone, Kentish rag from, 118;
use of scroll-mouldings and debased
form of scroll, 118; records, reference to, 241.
Maidstone, All Saints, Church
Plate Of, 240; position of early
Church, 74; reference to nave
arcades in, 306 ; St. Faith, Church
Plate of, 244; St. John the
Evangelist, Church Plate of,
245; St. Luke's, Church Plate
of, 246; St. Michael and All
Angels, Church Plate of, 247;
Vicar of, 168; St. Paul, Church
Plate of, 248; St. Peter, Church
Plate of, 249; St. Philip, Church
Plate of, 251: Holy Trinity,
Church Plate in, 253.
Malcher, Mrs., 283.
Maiden, Mrs. Grace Gilbert, 232.
Malemayne, Willelmus, portrait in
window in Great Chart Church, 94.
Mann, Eobert, 237.
Manser, Stephen, photographs of Romano-British remains at Walmer by,
9,10 ; of old House at Deal, by, 328.
Mantle, William, 196.
Manwood, Mr., lands of, 130.
Maplescombe, 86, 87.
Marden, Church Plate of, 254.
Margaretting Church, timber tower
of, 314.
Marks, H. C.,xxxviii; H.H.,xxxviii ;
Mrs., 293.
Maries, Israel, 26,
Marriage, Table of degrees of, 42.
Marsh, Rev. William, Vicar of St.
Lawrence, 44.
Marshall, Dr., 1B7 ; John, Orayford
Church built by, 65-; date • of
father's will, 85 ; Rev. W., xxxviii,
xxxix, 115 ; William, 87.
Marsham, Sir Robert, Bart., marriage
of, 90 ; II. H. B., xxxiii.
Marsham-Townsend, Hon. R., xxxv.
Marston, vestry at, 57.
Martin, Denny, 239 ; 0. P. Wykeham,
xxxiii ; Mrs. 0. P. W., xxxiii;
Mrs. Elizabeth Wykeham. 222;
Rev. J. Hankin, xxxviii; Philip
Wykeham, 222 ; Rev. Dr., 196.
Martindale, Bartholomew, 36.
Marton- Church, Cheshire, timber
construction of, 314.
Mary, Queen, accused of being- received with copes at Chichester, 17.
Marye, Mr., 280, 282,
Mascall, Richard, 42.
Mason, Canon, xxxvi.
Masons employed in Queen's work, 31.
marks, collection of, 118.
Master, Ann, 125 ; Richard, 125.
of Requests and Principal
Secretary to King Edward IV., 92.
Matson, James, 178; Sarah, 178;
William, 18.
Matthews. Henry, 47.
Maule, Rev. Joannes, 161.
Maxted, Edmund. 26 ; Robert, 38 ;
Thomas, 44,
May, Martyn, 88.
Maydenshawe, land known as, 87.
Medelane, in Farningham, 87.
Medhurst, Rev. Richard, portrait in
window in Great Chart Church. 94.
Medlicote, James, 258.
Melchior, Mr. and Mrs.. 276.
Mellor, Rev. William James, 206.
Mercer, Samuel, xxxiv.
Meredith, Col. Henry, 234 ; Sir Roger,
234 ; Susanna, 234.
Mericke, Elizabeth. 85, 88 ; R., 85.
Merry weather, Mrs., 178; William, 178.
Metward, Alice, 87 ; Richard, 87.
Milborow Hill, land called, 125.
Mill Hill, Romano-British remains
found at, 9.
Millard, Rev. F. M., 338.
Miller, Anne, 271.
Milles, Edward, marriage of, 127.
Mills, Edward, leaseholder of Rectories of Reculver,Hoath and Herne,
Milstead, Church Plate of, 197 -,
Elizabethan chalice at, 135.
Milton, Church Plate of, 199.
Minge, John, 46.
Minster, Church Plate of, 200;
Abbey, suggested excavations of the
site, xxxiv ; Church, 74.
Mitchell, C. J., xxxv.
Moeringen, fibulas found at Lake
Dwellings of,. 13.
Monckton, Herbert, xxxiii.
Monks' Kirby, Church of, 165.
Monkton, lands in owned by Jeffery
Sand well, 132 ; Thomas Paramour
of, 42.
Montague, Lady Betty, 285.
Monumental Inscriptions in High
Halden Church, 317, 320.
Monynges, Johannes, 174.
Moore, Sir George, 187 ; Lady Frances,
Mores, Mrs. Ann, 213 ; Edward, 213 ;
Edward Rowe, 213.
Moreton, Archbishop, rebuiltPord,120.
Morris, Rev. A. P., xxxiii.
Mortlock, Roger, 179.
Mostyn, Rev. Roger, 284.
Mouldings of Cray ford Church, 52,
57 ; Goudhurst, 301; Great Gharh
Church, 106, 110, 111; High Halden, 301; Horsmonden, 301; Local,
101; Northiam, 301; Rolvenden, 301.
Mounteney, Rev. C. W. Power, xxxix.
Mountnessing Church, ladder steps in,
Mouram, George, 21.
Mowll, Martyn, xxxv.
Moylle, Master, 342.
Mullett, George, 33.
Mummery, Matthew. 49.
Munn. Wm. Augustus, 194.
Murston, Church Plate of, 201;
Cup, 187.
Note on, 329.
Murray, Canon F. H., xliii.
Mylleward, Edward, 169.
Mytchell, Ednmnde, 169.
Napleton, John. 189.
Nash Court in Westwell, Manor of, 96.
Nepean, Rev. C. E. B., 236,
Nesbitt, Rev. J., M.A., xl.
Netherhouscroft, premises known as,
Nethersole, Thomas, 36, 37 ; William,
Nevinson, Dr., 340.
Newbury, Manor of, 65,
NewburvLWJJiayplaee Chapel of Crayford Church, 5B.
Newington, Church Plate of, 202.
Newland Grange, lease of from
Archbishop of Canterbury, 38.
Newman, Doctor, examination of
Richard Sharpe in the Archdeacon's
Court by, 22, 36.
Newman, Sir George, Knt., 29.
Newton, Miss, 222.
Niches in the Tower of Crayford
Church, 68 ; in Chantry Chapel of
Dartford Church, 58.
Nicholls, W. H., 3d.
Ninn, 94 ; Manor of owned by Sharpe
family, 96.
Norfolk, Margaret, Countess of, suit
against John Sybil! of Horseheath
of, 90.
Northfleet Church, new church built
up round the old one in fourteenth
century, 73 ; Tower of, 74.
Northiam Church, mouldings in, 801.
Northwood, reference to Thatcher
family at, 262.
Norwich, James Goldwell, Bishop of,
Norwich Cathedral, James Gold well's
tomb in, 93.
Norwood or Norwode, Alexander, 44 ;
Alice, 41; Henry, 44; Joan de,
327 ; Sir John de, 327 ; Joseph, 20,
21, 27, 28; widow of Henry suspected of -witchcraft, 46.
Norwood, J. D., Obituary notice of,
Note on a Brass in Dartford
Parish Church, 329.
Notes on an Altar-Slab in the Church
of St. Mary, Great Chart, 100.
Notes on the Ancient Stained
Glass, Memorial Brasses, and
an Altar-Slab in the Church of
St. Mary, Great Chart, 91.
Note on the Brasses in St. Mary,
Great Chart, 95.
Notes on Nineteenth-century
alterations to High Halden
Church, with extracts from
the Parish Books and Registers, by Eev. W. H. Rammell, 316.
Notes and Queries, 326.
Notices Of Books, Letters and
Pavers, Foreign and Domestic, of
tUf Reign of Henry VIZI.,' 839;
Registers of SovgJiton-iinAer-Blean,
oo. Kent, 342.
Nutt, Eev. J. W., 229.
Obituary Notices, xlvi.
Obit, perpetual, 44.
Ocb.8, A., xl.
Odiame, Elizabeth, 317 ; Joan, 318 ;
Stephen, 318 ; family of, 318 ; coat
of arms of, 318.
OfEham Church, pointed arch built
under early-Norman arch, 299,
O'Halie, family arms of, contain
tigex-, 81.
Old English Plate, by W.
J. Cripps, 136.
" Old Houses at Rye,1' paper on by
P. M. Johnson, xxxviii.
OKphant, Lord, 285.
Oliver, Peter, miniatures supposed to
be done by, 8H.
Olivier, Rev. Henry Eden, M.A., 168 ;
Jasper George, 168.
Ongar [co. Essex], Church of St.
Mary, 86.
Ordinance of Parliament for abolishing of Archbishops and Bishops in
England and Wales, 121.
Orlestone, Norman Church of, 295.
Osborne, Alex., 324 ; Nicholas. 23, 24 ;
Richard, 178.
Otham, Church Plate of, 255.
„ Discovery of a cross in the
churchyard at, Note
on, 338.
Otteford (Otford), 86.
Overing, John, 30 ; Mr., 30.
Vicar of St. John's, Thanet,
Owles, Arthur G., 159,
Oxenden, Ann, 125 ; Sir James, 125.
Oxford, All Souls' College, 272.
Oyler, T. H., xxxiii.
Ozengal or Ozengshill, Grange of,
farmed from Lady Fordwich who
leases it from Aruhbishop of Canterbury, 38 ; parsonage of, 38,
Padlesworth-cum-Dode, paper on,
reference to, 65 ; plan of. 67.
Page, Mrs., 273.
Paielden, Roger, will of, 31.
Palace of Canterbury, see Canterbury.
Palatines, The, by B. Cooke, 321.
Paley, reference to, 301.
Palmer,Mrs., 252 ; Rev. Robert, xxxix.
Pamflett, Thomas, schedule of words
to be spoken by, as confession of
fault, after the reading of second
lesson on a Sunday, 36,
Paramor. J. M., xxxviii; Thomas of
Monkton, will of, 42.
Paramour, Henry, 41.
Parker, Archbishop, 175 ; letter to
Lord Burghley re Ford House, ll'.l;
Visitation of St. John in Thanet,
1569, 18; St. Peter's in Thanet,
44 ; Visitation 1569, Church Plate
of Harty referred to in, 195 ;
reference to Milsted Church Plate,
Parker, Francis, 20, 23, 24; John
fiyge of Bromlegh, 86 ; Rev. S.
Hadden, xxxix ; William, 24.
Parliamentary Survey, 119.
of Episcopal lands
in 1647,121.
Parsons' Churches of East Kent, 9(i.
Parsons, Philip. 317.
Patch, Rev. J., M.A.. xxxviii, xxxix,
Patricksfield alias Bartholomew, field
called, 125.
Paul, Sir Onesephorua, 285.
Payne, George, F.S.A., xxxiv.
Payne, Humphrey, 149 ; Richard, 21.
Paynton, —, 26.
Peacock, T. F., F.S.A., Obituary of,
Pearce, Marian, of Pershore, 145 ; William, 145.
Pearman,Rev. A..J.,xxxv, xxxix,xli;
Note on an old house at Ashford, 335.
Peasmarsh, Norman Church of, 295 ;
arcade of, 70.
Pedigree of the family of Smyth,
223; of Sybill family, 84.
Peers, Thomas, 179.
Pelham, Charles, 230.
Pelle, messuage called, 88.
Pellew,Very Rev. George, gift of glass
in window of Great Chart Church
by, 94.
Pemberton, Hon. Thomas Leigh, Lord
Kingsdown, 196.
Penditsh, land called, 125.
Pennington, Sir John, 106.
Pennyclose or Frith, land called, 125.
Pepper, William, 162.
Perambulations of parishes, 25. 37.
Percivall, Sir Anthony, 162, 165. 166,
167 ; Lady Gertrude, 167.
Petham Court, reference to in will of
John Sibyle, 88.
Petsfield, land called in the parish of
Reculver. 124.
Petsfields, land called, 125.
Pettet, Master, 342.
Pettingale, Dr. John and Mrs., 289.
Petlit, Rev. Edward, 188; Frances,
188 ; Henry, 20; Mildred, 188 ; Susanna, 188; Valentine, 23.
Pettiward, Rev. Roger, 179.
Petyt, Agnes, 87 ; John, 87.
Phanting, see Fantinge.
Philpot, John, 25.
Philipot, Thomas, the Kentish writer,
80, 87, 89, 94.
his Visitation of the County
of Kent, 223.
Phillips, Edward, 153.
Photographs of old Village of Eynsford, 83.
of Church Plate, instructions for taking, 135.
Piggott, John, 324.
Piloher, Henry, 258 ; Stephen, 188 ;
Susanna, 188.
Pitt, Mrs., 243.
Pitt-Rivers, General, 14.
Plate, see Church Plate.
Platt, Alexander, refuses to pay
legacy to overseers of the poor, 29 ;
Henry, 20.
Pleadwell, W. J., xli.
Plinth, description of, in mediaeval
contracts, 68.
Platt, Alexander, 341.
Pluokley. Malmayns in, 94.
Pointz, Miss, 283.
Pollard, Amerie. 88 ; Joan, 85 ; Sir
John, Knt., bequest to. 88; Matthew,
88 ; Sir Richard, Knt., 85 ; Roger,
bequest to, 88 ; William, bequest to.
Pope, The, see Sixtus IV.
Popham, A. F.. xxxiv.
Poplar, All Saints, T. Tyssea Bazely,
Rector of, 167.
Powell-Cotton, H. N., xl.
Poyle, co. Surrey, Manor of, 90.
Prentis. Walter, gift of his collection
to the Museum of the Corporation
of Rochester, xxxvi.
Prerogative Court of Canterbury, reference to Sybill wills from, 83.
Pressing of Seamen and others, 43.
Preston, J. Harvey, xxxviii.
Printers and Lay-fAM Mass Saoks.
Printing Press, its influence upon
" the people," 111.
Proceedings of Vie County nf Kent., of
the Camden Society, 329.'
Puckle, Rev. Canon John, M.A., 165.
Pugin, Edward Welby, King-sdown
Church rebuilt from designs of,
Pym, Richard, 18.
Pyne, William, 19.
Rivers,the late General Pitt, discovery
of early fibulse by, 14.
Queenhorough, Chnrch Plate of. Roberts, Elizabeth, 261: J. D. Cramer,
261 ; J., 195.
Quihampton, —, owner of Beavor Robertson, Rev. James Craigie, 221.
House, Ashford, 335.
Canon Scott, xxxvii ; his
Quit Rents or rents of assize of Ford
paper on Kentish RoodManor, 128.
screens, 77; on St. Peter's
Quoin stones of north-west angle of
in Thanet, 115 ; his date
vestry of Crayford Church, 56.
of arcades in Dartford
Quoins of tufa, remains of in Crayf ord
Church, 117 ; his InvenChurch, 65.
tory of Church Plate, 133,
165, 185, 190, 192; his
papers on the Burlton
Brass, 329, 331 ; on Sir
Joseph Williamson at
Radcliffe, A., xxxviii. .
Cobham Hall, 204.
Rainham Church, Church Plate Bobinson of Monkfeon, arms of, 99.
Of, 204; brass in, 332 ; Elizabethan Robson, Jeremy, 33 ; Steven charged
with not giving account of his
Chalice at, 135.
churchwardenship, 20.
Rammell, Rev. W. H., xxxix ; Paper
Abbey, reference to find of
by on "Notes on Nineteenth- Roche
piece of true cross at Church at, 336.
Century alterations to High Rochester
Castle, fabric roll, 118; visit
Halden Church," 316.
of Kent Archaeological
Ramsgate, Borough of, 34; St. LawSociety to, xlv ; discovery
rence Church, see St. Lawrence in
of remains of Roman Wall
of Durobrivse at, xlv.
Randall, Alexander, 254; Mrs. An„
Cathedral, built by same
gelica, 200.
masons as Church of HorReade, William, 18.
ton Kirby, 118 ; crypt in,
Records of Walmer, 14.
1 ; difference in size of
Reculver Fair, 129 j manor of, 131;
courses of ashlar in, 71 j
rectory of, 126, 127; borough of,
discovery of stones shelv128.
ing foliage similar to
Reeve, —, quit rents of Ford Manor,
William of Sens' work at
paid to, 128.
Canterbury, 64.
Reeves, Rev. James, gift to by inhabi„
Museum, Eastgate House,
tants of Maidstone, 253 ; Mrs., 253.
gift of collection of WalRegister Book of St. John's in Thanet,
ter Prentis to, xxxvi, xliv.
20 ; St. Peter's, Canterbury, 271.
Bodmersham, Church Plate of,
Reigate, freestone from, 118.
ReHeiuary, Discovery of a sup- Rogers, John, 193 ; Lewis, 34.
posed, at St. James' in the Isle Rogersland, parcel of woodland called,
of Grain, Note on, by A. A.
Arnold, 335.
Richards, Rev. F. J., 220.
Richardsonne, Robert, 88.
Richmond and Lennox, Duke of, 204.
Rider, Tho., 219.
Ridley, Rev. Nicholas, Vicar of Herne,
Rigden, Paul, charged with consulting
a witch, 21.
Ringwould, timber-tower of Church,
Rivenhall, Essex, James Goldwell,
Rector of, 92.
Eiver, Church Plate of, 175,180;
Chalice in church of, 148.
Rolfe, Mrs. Elizabeth, 162. 163.
Rolvenden, mouldings in Church,
Roman influence on late Celtic Art in
Britain, 14.
Roman road between Reculver and
Canterbury, 119.
bricks in Great Chart Church,
tiles in foundations of Ford
House, 121.
Romano-British a;nd late Celtic
interments near "Walmer, further discoveries of, by C. H.
Woodruff, 9,
St. Augustine, Bishopsgate, land in
parish of, belonging to John Sybbylle, 86.
St. Augustine's Exploration Fund,
grant to, xli.
St. Botolph, land in parish of belonging to John Sybbylle, 86.
St. Ethelburga, spring at, 120.
St. Gregory, Priory of, 131.
St. John's in Thanet (Margate)
churchyard, 17 ; communicants, 18 ;
houses in parish of. 18 ; patron of
vicarage, 18; vicars of, 18, 23, 24,
28, 29 ; vicarage, 17.
St. John the Evangelist, London,
James Goldwell, Rector of, 92.
St. Lawrence Pulteney, land in parish
of, belonging to John Sybill, 86.
W., on Ancient Stained Glass,
in Thanet (Ramsgate),
Memorial Brasses, and an St.31Lawrence
; appropriator of, 31 ; Church,
Altar-slab in Great Chart
65, 73 ; condition of, 1583-1588, 32 ;
Church, 91, 115 ; Richard, 20 ;
curate of, 35 ; porch of in 1580, 81:
communicants, 31; houses in parish
Thomas, 29.
Rutley, Edward, 153.
of, 31; seat removed, 36 ; vicars of,
Ruttland, Valentyne, 169.
31, 33, 36.
Ryder, Rev. A. C, Dudley, Church St. Margaret-at-Cliffe, Church
Plate presented to St. James' old
Plate Of, 176; chancel of, 103;
Church, in memory of, 155.
vicar of, 161.
Rye. Thomas, 39.
St. Martin's, Eynsford, bequest to,
Rye Church, arches in, 306.
Romance of, paper on, • 87.
St. Mary's, Sandwich, Vicar of, 41.
Rye, Mural defences of, xxxviii; St. Mildred's, Castle Hill, fibulas dug
up at, 14.
Town Hall, visit to, xxxviii; visit to
St. Nioholas-at-Wade, chest for keepof Kent Archaeological Society,
ing books and ornaments, 42 ; comxxxvii.
munion cup and flagon, 42 ; curate
Rymer's Jfeedera, 120.
supplied, 43 ; steeple, etc., lacks
repair, 40; table of the degree of
marriage, 42; vicars of, 39, 41, 43 ;
visitation of, 39.
St. Paul's Cathedral. James Goldwell,
Prebendary of, 92.
Safery, Gabriel, an unquiet man,
St. Paul's Cray, Church of,'72.
St. Alphege, Canterbury, removal of St. Peter's in Thanet, 17, 44; communicants, 45 ; houses in parish of,
gable wall and chancel-arch, 298.
45 ; Impropriator of Rectory, 44 ;
St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterrood-loft of Church, 114 ; vicars of,
bury, Excavations at, by S.
44, 47, 49.
Evans, 1—8 ; aisles of, 1; canopies, St. Sulpice, Paris, burial place of Earl
6 ; central tower, 1; chapels, 4,5,8 ;
of Tenterden, 201.
chapter house, 1,6; choir, 4 ; clois- Salisbury, James Goldwell, Dean of,
ters, 8 ; crypts, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; dormi92.
tory, 1,7; excavations of, 1 j graves, Samian bowls, 10, 11, 15; cup, 16;
3,4; infirmary, 8 ; library, 5 j money
dishes, 15, 16 ; vases, 16.
spent in work of exploration,xxxvii; Sampson, Lazarus, refuses to pay
painting of south wall, 6; porch,
assessment for repairs of Church, 49.
8 ; roof, 7 ; staircases, 4,5 ; throne Samuel, Sir Marcus, xxxiii.
for abbot, 6 ; walls. 4 ; windows, 3 ; Sanders, Frances, 132 ; Francis, 132.
vaulting, 3 ; vestry or parlour, 5.
Sandford, Frances, 187; Henry, 187 j
St. Augustine's College, visit to, xli.
Captain William, 283,
Hood lofts in Crayford Church, 77 ; in
Darfcford Church, 61 ; Great Chart
Church, 112 ; St. Peter's-in-Thanet,
Roofs, Wooden, of 'Churches, xxxviii.
Kosher, W. H. Burch, re-elected Trustee of the Fordwich Town Trust,
xxxvi, xli.
Routledge, Canon, xxxvii; his paper
on St. Augustine's Abbey, 2, 4.
Rowntree, Rev. Leonard, Vicar of St.
Peter's-in-Thanet, 47 ; Jane, 47.
Rovvse, Edmund, 126.
Royden Hall Muniments, 95.
Rushley, land called, in parish of
Herne, 124.
Russell, Christopher. 29 ; Rev. Harry
Sandiford, Henry, 26.
Sandgate Castle, 166.
Sands, H., xxxiii, xxxviii, xxxix, 314.
Sandu, Thomas, from Flanders, 18.
Sandwell, Jeffery, member of Parliamentary Survey of Ford, 121, 131,
Sandwich, town and port of, 43.
Sare, Simon. 19.
Sarre, 42 ; Ohapelry of, 43.
Saull, James, 18.
Saunder, Julian, 31 ; William, 28.
Savage, Arnold, 22 ; John, 26.
Saxby, Henry, 281 ; William, 325.
Saxon beads, 9 ; brooch, 9 ; buckle, 9 ;
knife, 9 ; spearhead, 9.
„ remains at Walmer, 9.
Sayer, Robert, 20 ; William and wife,
Scotland, Abbot, coffin of, 3.
chalice and paten of,
Scott-Gatty, Mr., York Herald, 83.
Scott. John, Vicar of Alkham, 138 ;
Oldred, xxxviii.
Seare, Nicholas, 21.
Searles, Rev., 339, 340.
Seath. Robert, 40.
Seeker, Dr., Archbishop of Canterbury, 208.
Seear, Thomas, 27.
Seger, Adam, 200.
Selling Church, arches of, 70.
Sens, William of, his work at Canterbury, 64.
Sequestration by Vicar of St, John's
in Thanet, 30.
Serante [?], Manor of, 87.
Serlo, Abbot, the work of at Gloucester, 2.
Sevington Church, 305.
Seyliard, R., 325.
Seymour, R. A. H. and Mrs., xxxiii.
Sharland, George, 85 ;. Margaret, 85.
Sharp, William and his five wives,
brass to in Great Chart Church, 96.
Sharpe, Richard, examined before
Archdeacon's Court, 22.
Sharsted, John, 33.
Sheaf, Henry, 282.
Sheefe, Mr., 286.
Sheerness, Dockyard Chapel,
Church Plate of, 207; St. Paul,
Church Plate of, 207; Holy
Trinity, Church Plate of, 206.
Sheffielde, Constantia, 90 ; Robert, 90.
Sheldwioh, windows in Church of,
Shepeland, land in Farningham
called, 87.
Shipton, Rev. John, Vicar of St.
Peter's in Thanet, 49.
Shophawe, 87.
Shoreham, land in, 86.
Shottington, tenants of, 129.
Shrubsall, Mrs. Grace, 193.
Sibbell (Sibell, Sibile. Sibbill, or
Sibill), xee Hybill.
Sibertsvvold or Shepherdswell, Church
Plate of, 178.
Simon, Rev., Vicar of St. Nicholas in
Thanet, 23.
Simons, Robert, 22, 25 ; excommunication of, 27.
Simpson, Rev. George, 188; Rev.
George Stringer, 188 ; Mrs. Sarah,
187 ; Sarah, 188 ; Valentine, 188.
Sinclair, W. Braxton, 51, 52, 65, 68,
76, 77.
Singleton, 94.
Henry de, portrait of in
window in G-reat Chart
Church, 94.
Sittingbourne Church, arches of, 70 ;
burglary at Vicarage at, 214); St.
Michael, Church Plate of, 209;
Holy Trinity, Church Plate of,
Sixtus IV., Pope, consecrates James
Goldwell at Home, 93.
Skene, W. Baillie, 335.
Skynner, Daniel, 89.
Slater, Ward, 137, 141 ; William, 137.
Smarden Church, pulpit in, 317.
Smeed, George, 193 ; Martha, 193.
Smith, Mr., engraver, 162 ; Edward,
209 ; Elizabeth, 163, 164, 167 ; Miss
Frances, 2 1 6 ; J., jun., 209; John
George, 163, 164, 167, 244; Mrs.,
289 ; Roach, paper by, 13 ; Canon
B. F.. his paper on Crayf ord Church,
52, 53, 54, 55, 62, 63, 68, 71, 72.
Smithe, Jo., 170.
Smythe, Clement T., MSS. of, 241 ;
Miss Elizabeth, 223; Gyles, 170;
John, 223, 224.
Smy thf eld,land at Farningham called,
Sneller, John, 211.
Snodland. burglary at Vicarage at, 214.
Soan, Rev. J., 259 ; Tatty (Marthal,
Solihull, vestry at, 57.
Somer, Joan, 84 ; —, 84.
Somner, William, 42, 49.
Sondes, Anne, 327; Mary, 327 ; Sir
Michael, 327.
Sore, Nicholas. 23.
South, Henry W., 193.
Southdown, land called, 125.
Southfelde, 87.
Southfleet, vestry at, 57.
Southsea Castle, 166.
Spearman, Robert, 203.
Spencer, Nicholas, 37 ; Rev. Peter, 180,
Sports and Pastiiiws (Strutt's), 28.
Spracklinge, Leonard, 20,31 ; Robert,
26, 44; Thomas, 26, 46.
Springham, land in Manor of Kingsdown called, 88.
Springhead, fibulae found at, 13.
Stackpoole, family arms, containing
tiger, 81.
Stained glass in G-odinton Chapel,
Great Chart Church, 93; in Goldwell Chapel, Great Chart. 91.
Standly, Mr., of Ripple, 49.'
Stanepit Chantry Chapel, 57, 61.
Stanford, John, 325.
Stanhope, Earl, xxxv, xxxvi.
Staplehurst, Church Plate of, 256.
Stapleton, freestone from, 118.
Star Chamber, suit in, 89.
Starr, Jno., 164,165.
Startup, T. R., xxxviii.
Statham, Sherard, M., 184 : Rev. S.
P. H., 1B9.
Staveley, Rev. W. B., 317.
Steber, David, 168.
Stede, Dr. William, 229.
Stede Hill. 228.
Steele, Edward, 335 ; Katharine, 335.
Steers or Sheers, John, 323.
Stenning, C. H., xxxix.
Stenning, Thomas, 48, 49.
Stewart, Mr., 281.
Stileman, Mr., 325.
Still, Edward, 325 ; Richard, 324.
Stirling, Jas.. xl.
Stock, Mr., fibulss found in grounds
of, 14 ; W. T.. xl.
Stock, wooden tower of Church at,
Minister and Lecturer at St. John
the Baptist, Isle of Thanet, 48.
Storer, Benet or Bennett, 292, 294.
Storrer, W. Townsende, xl.
Stourmouth, tenants of, 128.
Stawe MSS., The, 80, 86, 89.
Streatfield, Richard, 324 ; Rev. Thomas, his proposed History of Kent,
Street, G-. B., 315, 316.
Strong, Stephen, Notary Public, 27. •
Stuart, Catherine, 204 ; George, Lord
D'Aubigny, 204.
Sufferings of the Clergy (Walker),
Suffolk, Earl of, 166.
Sundridge Manor, 86.
Sussex Arahosological GoUectioris,l9QS,
Sussex Archseological Society, xxxvii.
Sutton,Rev.EvelynLevett,316 ; Mrs.
Evelyn Levett, 316 ; F., xxxv;
Archbishop Manners, 161; Richard,
324; William, 324.
Sutton Deanery, Church Plate of,
Sutton. East. Church Plate of,
Sutton Valence, Church Plate of,
Swaby, Israel, 165.
Swane, Goodwife, suspected of being
a witch, 19.
Swann, Sir Francis, Knt., Communion
Cup of Denton Church stolen from,
Swaysland, Robert, 324.
Swinford, owned in fourteenth century by John Atte Bregge, 94.
Sylbill (Sibbell, Sibell, Sibile, Sibbill,
Sibill, Sybbylle, Sybyle, 01- Sybyll),
Agnes, 85 ; Anne, 85,88 ; Christian,
90 ; Constantia, 90 ;' Dorothea, 85 ;
Dorothy, 85, 88 ; Edward, 85, 89 ;
Stockfoury, Church Plate of, 210.
Elizabeth, 80, 85, 88, 89 ; Jane, 85 ;
Stocmaiss, land near, in the occupaJoan (Johanne), 84, 85, 86, 88;
tion of Richard Masters, 125.
John, 83, 84, 85, 88 ; John (base
Stoke, visit of Kent Archseological
sonne), 88 ; John of Eynsford, 85,
Society to, xlv.
88 ; John of Horseheath, outlawed,
Stokes, Mrs. Jane, 317 ; monumental
90; John of Lee, 90; John of
inscription of Stephen, in Hig-h HalLondon, 84,86 ; Joh'nes, 90 ; Lawnden Church, 317.
celett, 85 ; Margaret, 84, 86, 87;
Stpkton, John, commission to enquire
Marie, 89 ; Mary, 85 ; Nicholas, 84,
into certain oppressions and extor85, 86, 90 ; Nicholas of Chimham's,
tions committed by, 86.
84; Nicholas of Kingsdown and.
Stone, Charles, preaching without
Farniagham, 85, 87, 89, 90 ; Rioi.
licence, 46 ; Mr., "Vicar of St. Peter's
of Bolstrodes, 90 ; Thomas, 85, 90 ;
in Thanet, left vicarage in ruins,
Thomas (base sonne), 88 ; Thomas
47; Simon, Minister of St. Lawof Bromley, 84, 86; Thomas of
rence in Thanet, 31 ; William,
Ohimham's, 84 ; Thomas of Eynea,-
ford, 85, 87 ; William, 84, 85, 88;
William of Lidgate, co. Suffolk, 90 ;
—, 85.
By bill arms, 80, 81, 84 ; crest. 81. 84 ;
lands ia Eynesf'ord and Farningham of, 85 ; pedigree, 84 ; wills, 82,
84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90.
Symmonds, Rev. Samuel, 201.
Tables, description of game of, 28.
Taddie, Samuel, 20.
Tapley, Thomas, 203.
Tarleton, Dr., Vicar of Upchuroh, 214.
Tasker, John, 294.
Taylor, Dorothy, 318 ; Henry, his
MS. notes on High Halden Church.
308 ; John, 25 ; Rev. Mr., Vicar of
Darent, 276, 292; Rev. Richard,
318; Robert, 282, 286 ; Stephen,
318 ; Widow, 272.
Taylour, J., 156 ; Mrs., 273.
Tebb, Richard, 24.
Temple Ewell, Church Plate of,
179 ; chalice at, 148.
Tenterden, valley between Woodchurch, and, 295; visit of Kent
Archaeological Society, xxxvii.
Tenterden, Earl of, and Viscount
Tunstall, 201.
Terrier of glebe lands, 42.
Terry, Nicholas, 24 ; Richard of Chislet, 24 ; Vincent, 36.
Thame [co. Oxford], church of, 81.
Thanet, Prances, Countess Dowager
of, 204.
Thatcher, William, 262.
Theed, Rev. Joseph Veraon, 193.
Thomas of Elmham, see Elmham.
Thompson, Dame Catherine, 163 ; Sir
John, 163 ; Mr., 274.
Thome's Chronicle, 7.
Thome, Mrs. Elizabeth, 293 ; Gabriel,
293 ; H. A., 183.
Thornham, Church Plate of, 258.
Thornton, Rev. Stephen, 274.
Thorpe, John, Custunwle Raffonse, by
Throwley, dividing line between
people's nave and eastern part of
Church of, 73; windows in Church
of, 304.
Thurlo, John, of St. John's in Thanet,
26, 27.
Thurston. Mrs., 273.
Thwattes, Master, 341.
Tiokner. John, 37.
Tidham, John, 335.
Tiffenden, mentioned in Doomsday,
Tigers in English heraldry, 81.
Till, B. D., owner of Little Mote, 82,
S3 ; his village museum, 83.
Timber coppices and underwoods on
Ford Manor, value of, 124.
Timbers with moulded edges at Little
Mote, 82.
Tithe Barn at Murston Rectory.
Note on, 329.
Tithes of the Rectory of Herne, 127.
„ of the Rectory of Reculver, 127.
Toke, family of, 93 ; Anne, 38 ; Bartholomew, 98 ; Bridget, 99 ; Cecily,
98; Clare, 98; Elizabeth, 98;
Ellianor, 99 ; Francis. 98 ; John,
97, 98, 99 ; Margaret, 97, 1J8 ; Mary,
98, 99; Nicholas, 89, 99; Nich.,
241 ; Sir Nicolas, 93; N. E., xli;
Richard. 98.
Tomb of James Goldwell in Norwich
Cathedral, 93.
Tonge, Church Piate of, 212.
Tovil, Ohurch Plate of, 2oU.
Town, Mary Jane. 292.
Townshend, Lady Dowager, 287 ; Mrs..
Tray, Richard, 329.
Trehearne, Mr., 285.
Troward, William, 32.
Tufa, discovery of bed of, at Water-
ingbury, 333.
Tunstall, Church Plate of, 212.
Tup'eny, Jos., 238, 239.
Turlepym, Johannes, portrait in window in Great Chart Church, 94.
Turner, Amos, 36 ; John, 290 ; Richard. 824, 325 ; Thomas, Vicar of St.
Lawrence in Thanefc, 35, 36; William, 22.
Tuttall, Robert, will of, 18 ; mother,
of, 18.
Twin-naves of Cray ford Church, 51,
52, 53.
Twhattes (? Thwattes), Thomas, 342.
Twopenny, Rev. David, 211; Edward.
Tyack, Rev. G. S., his article on
" Stave-kirks," 314.
Tylden, Mrs. Hannah. 198; will of,
198; Richard, 198 ; will of, 198.
Tyler, Anne, 274 ; Elizabeth, 274 ;
Joseph, 274.
Tylor, George, 275 ; Louisa, 275.
Tyrret, John, 17.
Twysden or Twesden, Benedicta (Bennet), 95 ; Sir Roger, 95 ; Thomas,
95, 115.
Tykhull, Elizabeth, 87; Ralph, 87.
Ulcombe, arches in Church, 70;
Church Plate of, 260 ; reference to
windows in Church, 104.
Upohurch bowl, 16 ; vases, 16 ; ware,
Upchurcb, Church. Plate of, 213;
burglary at vicarage, 214.
Urn-field, late-Celtic, at Aylesf ord, 13.
TJsbome, Edward, 257.
Valey, Robert, 126.
Vallance, William, 209.
Vanacker, Will'm, 156.
Tarty, G-. F.. xxxviii.
Vestries, 57. .
Vesture, meaning of, 124.
Vicars of St. Peter's in Thanet. 1625
' to 1662, 49.'
Villages, Romano-British, 14.
Villaru Cantianum (Philipot's), 94.
Violett, Alexander, 19. 21, 22, 23, 24.
Visitation of Archbishop Parker,
1569, 18.
of Kent, 1574, College of
Arms, reference to, 80.
Visitations of the Archdeacon of
Canterbury, by A. Hussey, 17.
Wadmore, Beauchamp, xxxyi; James
Foster, xxxv, xliii; Obituary notice of, xlvi.
Wakefield, John, of Queen's College,
Oxford, letter of, 30.
Waldershare, derivation of, 15.
Wale, Thomas, 89.
Walker, John, 318, 319 j William, 36 ;
—, 272.
Walling, early-Norman, of two ruined
churches atPadlesworth-cum-Dode,
Walmer, Late Celtic and Romano
British remains near, 9.
Walter, Edward, 325.
Walworth, John, 97 ; Margaret, 97.
Ward, George, 137, 199; H., xxxiii,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Snowden, xxxvi
Mary, 187.
Warde, Ambrose, 224 ; Mrs. Elizabeth
224; Francis, 47.
Warden, Church Plate of, 214
Church rebuilt with materials oi
Old London Bridge, 214.
Warham.Arohbishop, Register of Visitation of Dover, 1511, reference to
Church Plate in, 174.
Warwick, Earl of, 285.
Wassett, Tho., 324.
Watchester, owner of, 132.
iVateringbury, example of form of
bell-base to capital, 117 ; discovery
of bed of calcareous tufa, 333.
Waterman, Mr., 278.
Waterton, Robert, 327.
Watson, Bishop, 288 j Colonel, 285 ;
Iphraim, 22 ; John, 20,22 ; Robert,
Watton, Thomas, 88.
Watts, Humphrey. 47 ; William, 42.
Wax Chandlers' Hall, 276.
Waynewright, William, Vicar of
Bynesford, 87.
Wayle, Benet, 24.
Webb. Michael, 45.
Webbe, Johannes, portrait in window
of Great Chart Church, 94.
Weever, John, his description of
stained glass in Great Chart Church,
91, 93,96, 98 ; quotation from, 115.
Welhave, land known as, 87.
Welles, Catherine. 327 ; Lord Lionel,
327 ; Lady Joan, 327 ; Sir Richard,
Wells, E. J., xxxiii.
West, George, 161, 162.
Westcliffe, Church Plate of, 181.
Westgate, legacy to the poor of the
parish of, 29.
Westminster Abbey, Queen Eleanor's
tomb in, 303 ; John Tyrret accused
of saying that fifteen or sixteen
altars were set up again in, 17.
Wheat, Samuel, 212.
Wheatly, Humphrey, Vicar of St.
John's in Thanet, 28 ; Mr. and Mrs.,
Wheler, Lieut. George, xxxvi.
Whetecroft, 87.
Whetehersh, 87.
Whincup, —, practising surgery without licence, 38.
White, John, 20; Rev. Thomas, 190.
Whiteford. Lieut.-Colonel, 283.
Whitaker, Miss, 286.
Whitfield, land called, 125.
Whitgif t, Archbishop, visit to Ford of,
Wickes, Francis, 156.
Wicking, Artel. 324.
Widdett, Robert, 35.
Widgen, Thomas, 200.
Widpwes, Daniel, curate of St.
Nicholas-at-Wade, serving without)
license, 41.
Wigan, Ed., 164 ; Rev. P. F., 259.
Witherton, John, 199.
Wilburgha Magna. Manor of, 90.
Wittersham Church, visit to, xxxix.
Wilcock, Dominus Walterus, portrait Wollett, Richard, 138.
in window of Great Chart Church. Wood, Michael, bailiff of the liberty
of the Cinque Ports, 43 ; R., 209 ;
Wilcox, George, 275; John, 275 ;
Thomas, 22 ; William, 89, 200.
Joseph, 275 ; Louisa, 275.
Woodchurch, alias St. Nicholas-atWilkie, Kenyon W., xxxiv.
Wade, 40, 295.
Wilkes, Alderman, 290.
Woodfield, Little, 125.
Wilks, Edward, 293 ; G. 8., xxxvi.
Woodruff, Rev. C. E., on Church
Willoughby, Dr., 341. 342.
Plate in Kent, 133; xxxv, xxxvi,
Will of Richard Barry, 84; Cockxxxvii; 0. H., on Eoman interlinges Widow, 44 ; Richard Culmer,
ments at Walmer, 9; Frances,
45; John Douett, 84; Henry Har214 ; Rev. John, 214.
man, 55 ; John Hartye, 18 ; Joseph
Hasted, 273, 289 ; William Ladd, Woods, Sir Albert, Obituary Notice
of, xlviii.
65 ; Rev. Evelyn Levettand Widow
of, 316 ; John Marshall's father. 55 ; Wootton, Church Plate of, 183.
Roger Paielden, 31 ; Thomas Para- Worcester Cathedral, crypt of, 1.
mour of Monkton, 42 ; Edward Wormshill, Church Plate of, 261.
Sibill, 85; John Sibbell of Eyns- Wortin. Manor of, 92, 94.
ford, 84 ; John Sibyle of Eynsford,
84; John Sibbell of London, 84, Wred, Thomas, 115 ; portrait in window in Great Chart Church, 94.
86 ; Nicholas Sibile, 84 ; Nicholas
Sybyll of Kingsdown, 85 ; Thomas Wright, Arthur G., note on a fibula
found at Springhead by, 13 ; RichSibill, 85 ; Thomas Sybyle of Bromard, 33 ; Rev. Robert Blayney, 227.
ley, 84, 86; William Sybile of
Lidgate, 90 ; John Terry, 29 ; Ro- Wulfrid I., coffin-plate of, 4.
bert Tuttall, 18; Thomas Twysden, Wurtin, Henry de, portrait in window
in Great Chart Church, 94.
95, 115 ; Mrs. Hannah Tylden, 198 ;
Wyat, Elizabeth, 89; Sir Francis,
Richard Tylden, 198.
Wills relating to Crayf ord Church, 77.
William of Sens, introduction of Wychling, Church Plate of, 263.
broad chisel by, 64 ; work of at Wydo, Abbot, translation of bones
by, 4.
Canterbury, 64.
Williams, Bartholomew, practising Wye, Vicar of, 168.
Wythers, Sir Francis, 237.
surgery without licence, 34.
Williamson, Joseph, 203, 204; letter
to, 30 ; Lady Prances, 203, 204 ; Sir
Joseph, 203, 204.
Willis, Professor, 1.
Willis's WinoJwster, 59.
Wimark, Gilbert, 18.
Winchelsea Chureh, crypt in, 1 ; visit Yardley, Katherine, 271,272 ; Mr., 273.
to, xxxviii; visit of Kent Archaeo- Yates, B. T., 254.
Yarde, parish of, 55, 78.
logical Society to, xxxvii.
Windebank, Frances, 201; Sir Francis, Yardhurst, John, his portrait in window in Great Chart Church, 94.
Windsor, James Goldwell, Canon of, Yeomans, Robert, wife of, suspected
of witchcraft, 44.
Yew-tree, ancient, at Otham, 338.
Wingent, H., si.
Wingfleld, William, Vicar of St. York Minster, capitals in, 107.
Youens, E. C., Hon. Photographer of
Peter's in Thanet, 49.
the Society, vote of thanks to, xliv.
Wingham, bowl found at, 11.
Young, John, 323 ; Robert, 24 ; wife
Winthrop, Bev. Edward, 214.
of, 27, 28.
Witch, consulting H, 21 ; persons
Ysley, see Isley.
suspected of being a, 19, 31,45, 46.
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