Guest Speaker Directions and Thank You

Student Directions for Guest Speakers
As part of the AVID program, guest speakers will be visiting our classroom monthly to
talk about their college and career experiences. Guest speakers serve as role models to
students. In addition, guest speakers provide AVID students with the opportunities to
practice listening, Cornell note taking and inquiry skills.
1. Listen to the guest speaker and take Cornell notes.
2. Use the questions below to guide your Cornell note-taking and practice inquiry
skills while asking questions of the presenter.
3. Reread your notes. Highlight key points of the speaker’s presentation that were
of interest to you.
4. In place of a summary, create a reflection responding to this prompt: What
valuable advice or tip did you learn from the speaker that you could file away in
your college toolbox and take with you to ensure that you will be a successful
college student?
5. As a class, brainstorm a list of the guest speaker highlights from his/ her
presentation and select a student representative to write a thank you note on
behalf of the class. (See sample provided below)
6. File Cornell notes in your AVID binder.
Guest Speaker Questions
What college or university did you attend? When?
Why did you choose this college or university?
What three pieces of advice do you have for someone who is planning to
attend college?
What was your major? Why did you choose this major? What did you hope to
do as a career with this major?
What were your favorite classes? Least favorite classes? Easiest classes?
Most difficult classes?
Who was the most influential person who helped you to prepare for college or
be successful in college?
What did you like best about college?
What is your most memorable college experience?
What extracurricular activities, clubs, or teams were you involved in while
attending college?
What was the most valuable thing you learned from your college experience?
If you could go back to college now, where would you go to school? What
would you study? Why?
Student Sample Thank You Note for Guest Speaker
Thank you for being a partner in our education by sharing your personal experiences
and insights about college and how it has had a positive impact on your life. As AVID
students, our ultimate goal is to attend a four-year college upon high school graduation.
Hearing from role models like you motivates us to make this college dream come true.
We especially enjoyed…(include class brainstormed highlights from the presentation).
Listening to your presentation allows us to learn from your experiences and words of
advice and helps us to develop the strategies we will need to be successful. Just as
you are a role model to us, we continue to strive to be role models ourselves, as
students who value the importance of education and the value of being a college
We hope this partnership with you will continue, and that you will know you have
made a difference in the lives of so many prospective college students. Thanks again.
You are truly appreciated.
Student Name
On behalf of the
School Name AVID Students
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