RME's Guide to Become REE - Institute of Integrated Electrical

Dennis M. Saavedra
RME’s Guide to Become REE
The journey of a Registered Master Electrician nowadays to become REE
someday is not as hard as we think before.
More options are available to a dedicated RME to reach the goal and
become a full-pledge Registered Electrical Engineer.
The conventional way would take 2-3 years to become eligible for the REE
board. In our present era where instants are so popular, as such more
expressways are now in place together with e-pass to get you the fastest
way to reach your destination. Learn NOW how to become REE in less than
2 years.
 Education Cycle
 Life after high school
 RME’s opportunities
 REE’s opportunities
 Options to become REE
 Full time student
 Working Student
Education in the Philippines
 The educational system of the Philippines was
patterned both from the educational systems of
Spain and the United States. However, after the
liberation of the Philippines in 1946, the system
changed radically.
Education in the Philippines
 The former educational system of the
Philippines was composed of 6 years of
elementary education starting at the age of 6,[3]
and 4 years of high school education starting at
the age of 12.[4] With this system, compulsory
education is not enforced.
Education in the Philippines
 However, 2011 signaled the start of the implementation
of a new educational system, which is the K-12
educational system,[5] which includes the new
curricula for all schools With this system, education
will be now compulsory.
K-12 Educational System
 There are four "phases" during the implementation of the new system. These are:
1. Phase I: Laying the Foundations
 Its goal is to finally implement the universal kindergarten (offered since on S.Y. 2011—
2012), and the "development of the (entire) program".
2. Phase II: Modeling and Migration
 Its goal is to promote the enactment of the basic education law, to finally start of the
phased implementation of the new curriculum for Grades 1 to 4 and 7 to 10, and for the
modeling of the senior high school.
3. Phase III: Complete Migration
 Its goal is to finally implement the Grades 11 and 12 or the senior high school, and to
signal the end of migration to the new educational system.
4. Phase IV: Completion of the Reform
 Its goal is to complete the implementation of the K—12 education system.
Technical and Vocational Education
Technical and vocational education is offered to enhance students'
practical skills at institutions usually accredited and approved by
TESDA. Institutions may be government operated, often by provincial
government, or private. The vast majority are privately operated and
most call themselves colleges. They may offer programs ranging in
duration from a couple of weeks to two-year diploma courses.
Programs can be technology courses like automotive technology,
computer technology, and electronic technology; service courses
such as caregiver, nursing aide, hotel and restaurant management;
and trades courses such as electrician, plumber, welder, automotive
mechanic, diesel mechanic, heavy vehicle operator & practical
nursing. Upon graduating from most of these courses, students may
take an examination from TESDA to obtain the relevant certificate or
Life after high school
Your choice
Technical /Vocational
Working Student
How to become RME
 Sec. 18. Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Master
Electrician Examination.
Any person applying for admission to the registered master
electrician examinations, as herein provided, shall establish to
the satisfaction of the Board that, on or before the date of the
examination, he possesses the following qualifications:
(a) He is a citizen of the Philippines;
(b) He is at least eighteen (18) years of age;
(c) He is of good reputation with high moral values;
(d) He has not been finally convicted by the court of an offense
involving moral turpitude; and
How to become RME
(e) He has any of the following technical backgrounds:
 (1) Has completed at least three (3) years of a five-year Bachelor of
Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) program or a three-year
course in electrical engineering technology from an engineering
school recognized by the Philippine government and, in addition, has a
subsequent specific record of one (1) year practice in electrical wiring
and installation, operation and maintenance of utilization devices and
equipment; or
 (2) Has graduated from a two-year electrician's course of instruction
from a vocational or trade school recognized by the Philippine
government and, in addition, has at least two (2) years of
apprenticeship after completion of the course of instruction on
electrical installation, operation and maintenance of utilization devices
and equipment; or
to become RME
 (3) Has completed a one-year electrician's course of instruction from a
vocational school recognized by the Philippine government and, in
addition, has at least three (3) years of apprenticeship after completion
of the course of instruction on electrical installation, operation and
maintenance of utilization devices and equipment; or
 (4) Has completed a four-year high school education or its equivalent
and, in addition, has subsequent specific record of at least five (5)
years of apprenticeship in electric wiring, installation, operation and
maintenance of utilization devices and equipment.
Role of RME
Sec. 31. Field of Practice. - The field of practice for professional electrical engineers,
registered electrical engineers, and registered master electricians shall be as follows:
(c) A registered master electrician's field of practice includes the
installation, wiring, operation, maintenance and repair of electrical
machinery, equipment and devices, in residential, commercial,
institutional, commercial and industrial buildings, in power plants,
substations, watercrafts, electric locomotives, and the like: Provided,
That if the installation or the machinery is rated in excess of five
hundred kilovolt-amperes (500 Kva), or in excess of six hundred volts
(600 V) the work shall be under the supervision of a professional
electrical engineer or a registered electrical engineer.
Opportunities -RME
 Industrial Electrician
 Electrical Technician
 Building and Facilities Electrician
 Free Lance Electrician
 Small Scale Contractor
 Household Electrician
 Accredited Meralco/Electric Coop Electrician
 Businessman
 Technical Sales Representative
 Teacher/Instructor
 Municipal Inspector
How to become REE
 Sec. 17. Qualifications of Applicants for Registered Electrical Engineer
Examination. - Any person applying for admission to the registered
electrical engineering examination, as herein provided, shall establish
to the satisfaction of the Board that, on or before the date of the
examination, he possesses the following qualifications:
 (a) He is a citizen of the Philippines;
 (b) He is at least twenty-one (21) years of age;
 (c) He is of good reputation with high moral values;
 (d) He has not been finally convicted by the court of an offense
involving moral turpitude; and
 (e) He is a holder of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical
Engineering (BSEE) from a university, school, college, academy or
institute duly constituted, recognized and accredited by the Philippine
Roles of REE
Sec. 31. Field of Practice.(b) A registered electrical engineer's
field of practice includes charge or supervision of operation and
maintenance of electrical equipment in power plants, industrial
plants, watercraft, electric locomotive, and others; manufacture
and repair of electrical supply and utilization equipment including
apparatus, and others; teaching of electrical subjects; and sale
and distribution of electrical equipment and systems requiring
engineering circulations or application of engineering data;
Opportunities - REE
Electrical -Energy Supervisor/Manager
Production Supervisor/Manager
Building and Facilities Supervisor/Manager
Maintenance Supervisor/Manager
Engineering Director
Production Director
Technical Sales Representative/Manager
Municipal Engineer
Opportunity to become PEE
Options to become REE
 Full time Student
 Working Student
 Go to ETEEAP
Full time Student
 Stop working
 Go to regular schooling
 Take maximum units per semester
 Finish the BSEE in 3 years
 Go to review center for six months
 Exam for REE
 All in all would consume 4 years
Working Student
 Work and study
 Go to regular schooling
 Take minimum units per semester
 Finish the BSEE in 4 to 5 years
 Go to review center for six months
 Exam for REE
 All in all would consume 6 years
 Apply for ETEEAP
 Complete requirements
 Go to Higher Education Institute (HEI)
 Finish the BSEE in 2 semesters
 Go to review center for six months
 Exam for REE
 All in all would consume 2 years
What is ETEEAP?
 Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program
is a comprehensive program of identifying, accessing, validating and
assigning equivalent college-level learning for prior learning from formal,
non-formal and informal training and relevant work experiences toward the
final granting of appropriate academic degree. Through this program, an
individual may be granted a diploma for a degree after a competency-based
evaluation from established equivalency competencies standards and a
comprehensive assessment system employing written tests, interviews,
skills demonstration, portfolio and other creative assessment methodologies.
Who are Qualified?
 The minimum qualification criteria of applicants to the accreditation and
equivalency program, in addition to established Filipino citizenship, should
include the following:
1. Completion of secondary school program as evidenced by a high school
diploma, or the Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT) result
equivalent to first year college.
2. Employment for an aggregate of at least five (5) years in the industry
related to the academic degree program or discipline where equivalency of
learning is sought.
3. At least twenty five (25) years old as supported by an NSO authenticated
birth certificate.
Procedure for application
 The procedures for application and assessment of learning should consist, at a minimum, of
the following:
1. The applicant secures and accomplishes the application form from MSEUF or CHED thru
CHED website (www.ched.gov.ph), and submit it along with the supporting evidences that
establish his/her qualifications, and then pays the application fee.
2. The MSEUF secretariat reviews the application, interviews the applicant and informs
him/her in writing of the results of the review and interview.
3. Upon approval of the application, MSEUF requires the applicant to prepare and submit
his/her portfolio with the assistance of the institution’s career counselor/adviser within an
agreed period of time. This portfolio should include descriptions of prior experiences in the
context of learning outcomes. The employer concerned should certify all experiences cited
by the candidate as having been completed during employment.
4. Upon receipt of the portfolio, MSEUF convenes a panel of assessors to conduct the
evaluation. Tests or other forms and instruments, e.g., interviews, actual demonstration of
claimed knowledge and skills, written examination, and others that are appropriate to the
candidate’s needs may be used as needed.
Why at MSEUF?
The MSEUF was fully accredited and deputized to
implement the ETEEAP on May 19, 1999
Offer BSEE
With proven ETEEAP curriculum for BSEE
Procedure for application
5. After completing the evaluation, the panel of assessors determines the amount of
equivalent credit that will be awarded to the candidate by matching the demonstrated
training of the candidate with the learning outcomes and standards of the subject or course
for which the candidate seeks accreditation and equivalency.
6. A candidate assessed to be deficient in one or more competency units will be required to
pursue further learning, with the assistance of a career coordinator or adviser. In this case, a
learning contract that defines the learning program is executed between MSEUF and the
candidate. Further, assessment is conducted after the completion of the learning program to
determine the progress of the candidate toward meeting the learning outcomes and
standards specified in the said program; and
7. After satisfying the learning outcomes and appropriate assessment criteria for the course,
and having complied with the requirements prescribed by CHED and the institution for the
completion of the course, the candidate is awarded the appropriate equivalency credit
and/or degree title.
ETEEAP Assessment Procedures
HEI informs ETEEAP
Secretariat and HERO
Applicant satisfies
competencies for degree?
Applicant submits papers and
documents certified by
employers and recognized
authorities and organizations to
an HEI deputized by CHED to
implement ETEEAP
Applicant proceeds to
undertake assessment in the
deputized HEI
Written Test / Validating
Oral Exams
HEI pre-assesses applicant’s
qualifications through :
documents submitted, interview,
and/or written test
Laboratory Demonstration
Applicant avails of
Competency Enhancement
Services/ Program
Formal Education
Additional time and
experience on the job
Worksite Visitation
Applicant qualifies?
Applicant is advised accordingly
Panel of experts assesses and
determines extent and level
of candidate’s competencies
Short-term courses/training
HEI submits evaluation results of
successful candidates and copy of
documents to ETEEAP Secretariat
HEI awards degree to
successful candidates
1999 – 2000
2000 – 2001
2001 – 2002
2002 – 2003
2003 – 2004
2004 – 2005
2005 – 2006
2006 – 2007
2007 – 2008
2008 – 2009
2009 – 2010
Alumni Building, MSEUF Main Campus,
University Site, Lucena City, Philippines
Tel Nos. +63 (042) 710-4360 (ETEEAP Center);
710-2886 (Registrar);
710-3027 (Office of Student Affairs);
373-1664 (VP for Academic Affairs);
Telefax Nos. (042) 373-6065; 373-1664
Thank you