Top Ten Mistakes Teens Make on Social Media

Top Ten Mistakes
Teens Make on
Social Media
Lake Highland Preparatory School
Winter, 2016
Posting Photos/
Videos Illegal
Forsyth, Georgia
Sweet Tea Theft
-Christian Jimenez & Brent
-Walked into a Subway
restaurant, walked out with a
Sweet Tea dispenser
-The other teen videoed the
theft with his phone.
-Posted to Twitter, recognized
by employee
#1:Posting Photos or
Videos of Illegal
Akron, Ohio
Hood Jumping
-Posted to Facebook,
Instagram, Vine and
Inspired by “Put ‘em in a
Coffin” rapper VonMar
#1:Posting Photos or
Videos of Illegal
All started by this guy—
rapper “VonMar”
Aka Delvon Irving
-Charged with retail theft
served 7 weeks in jail, 2
yrs. Probation
-Sent to prison in Sept.
#2: Making Threats of any kind
Fla Stat. 836.10: Written Threats to Kill or do Bodily
Injury; 2nd Degree Felony
#3: Creating an online
persona that glamorizes
drugs or violence
• 15yr old teen posts song
lyrics from Eminem song
“I’m Back”. Arrested for
making threat.
•  Ohio soccer player
suspended for one year for
retweeting photo of
marijuana. Not his photo.
#4: Cyberbullying
Definition of Bullying
Teasing, social exclusion, threat, intimidation, stalking, physical
violence, sexual/religious/racial harassment, public humiliation.
Fla. Stat. 1006.147
To communicate words, images…through electronic mail or
communication directed at a specific person, causing substantial
emotional distress to that person and serving no legitimate
purpose. Fla. Stat. 784.048
* Cyber-stalking: 1st degree misdemeanor, 1 year in jail
**Include a threat, Aggravated Cyberstalking, 3rd degree felony, 5 years in jail
Estero High School
# 2 girls, 15 and 16 create a fake
Facebook page for a classmate,,
posted her head on a naked body,
crude status updates
# Humiliating, demeaning, false
# Arrested for Aggravated
# Maximum 5 year prison sentence
# Over 500,000 Google hits with their
Mackenzie Barker & Taylor Wynn
names link to these mug shots
#5: Using Racially
Charged Language
Chi Omega Sorority
• Univ. of Ala.
• Sent via SnapChat by sorority
• Initially claimed it had been
photoshopped from the word
“ninjas.” Discredited by
Sorority and Univ.
• Removed from sorority
• Over 2.5 million hits on
#6: Sexting
Fla. Statutes Chapter 847
Florida’s Obscenity Statutes
-A crime to create nude photos of a
-A crime to send nude photos of a
minor to an adult or another minor
-A crime to possess nude photos of a
3rd Degree Felonies
Sexting Statute Protection
To have the protection of Florida’s Teen Sexting statute you
1. Not solicit the image
2. Report the image to school or parents of victim
3. Not forward image to anyone else
If do these 3 things $ No violation
#6: Sexting
What falls outside the
Sexting Statute?
#  Multiple Transmissions of an image: After the 1st 24 hours, each transmission
ups the level of the charge: FELONY
# Only applies to Minors:
# Lewd exhibition of genitals
# Photos showing touching of
genitals or breasts
# Photos or Videos of a sex act
If you are 18, sexting statute does not
apply: FELONY
Florida’s Sexual
Cyberharassment Statute
Fla. Stat. 784.049
Took affect October 1st, 2015
Makes it a crime to publish a sexually explicit photo
(depicting nudity) of another person, without consent,
which reveals their identity, for no purpose, with the intent
to cause substantial emotional distress to the person
5 Impacts of Nude Photos
1.  It’s a crime.
Whether its charged as sexting, obscenity or child
pornography it will create a criminal record.
5 Impacts of Nude Photos
2. It lasts forever.
The Twitter database is now searchable. The Library
of Congress Twitter database will remain
searchable and prior posts cannot be removed.
5 Impacts of Nude Photos
3. You will be judged
By your peers, your parents, other adults
5 Impacts of Nude Photos
4.  You are relinquishing power and
giving it to someone else.
Someone else now has the power to blackmail you,
humiliate you, expose you, and control you.
5 Impacts of Nude Photos
5.  It will limit your opportunities, job
choices, and negotiation position.
Limits leadership opportunities, positions of trust,
certain jobs, scholarships, military appointments,
internships, and could impact college admissions.
#7: Violating your
School Social Media
# LHPS has a Social Media
Policy that prohibits any
postings that are abusive,
obscene, sexually explicit,
harassing, offensive, or profane
whether at school or at home.
#  Code of Ethics extends to
your interaction on social
# No 1st Amendment Rights
# No 4th Amendment Rights
#8: Giving away too much
personal information
Makes you a target for predators,
human trafficking, and identity
Don’t use your whole name
Don’t post your full birth date,
SS#, Student ID, Drivers license
Be cautious using Geotagging on
your smart phone
#9: Not understanding or using
privacy settings
!  Geotags can give away your
location and weekly schedule…
to strangers
#10: Damaging your Brand
College coaches, admissions
officers are watching what you
do online.
College coaches, recruiters are
College coaches, recruiters are
So are admissions directors….
#  What college applicants need to realize is that social media is a
“living and breathing” extension of your application and resume,
so it has to work for — not against — you. -Dartmouth College
#  “we may check their Facebook…they’re writing about themselves.
That’s no different from what a guidance counselor may write
about them when they ask for someone to write a letter of
recommendation.” -Nancy McDuff, associate vice president for
admissions, University of Georgia
How can you use Social Media to
Positively affect your brand?
1. Consider your email address,
Twitter handle, Instagram
5 Ways to use Social Media to
Positively affect your brand
2. Keep it positive.
3. Say Thank You. Be Humble.
4. Keep it Clean. Keep it
5.  Tell your Own Story.