The Web Client User Interface Detailed View SAP Enhancement Package 1 for SAP CRM 7.0 Web Client UI Framework This detailed view focuses primarily on describing the ideas and concepts behind the SAP CRM Web Client UI, which was introduced with SAP CRM 2006s and continuously enhanced until now. It should help the audience to understand the main building blocks of the new user interface, get to know the features provided and learn about the flexibility already on user level (personalization) the new UI offers. It is not meant as a configuration or customizing guide, it rather focuses on helping people without any detailed knowledge of the Web Client UI to easily get into the topic and know what it all is about, so it is a starting point. 1 Web Client User Interface – SAP CRM Why does the Web Client User Interface matter for CRM customers? User adoption is one of the key success factor for any CRM project The simplicity of the CRM Web Client UI leads to high user adoption and increased end user productivity The CRM Web Client UI significantly facilitates the search, review and maintenance of information leveraging Web 2.0 standards © SAP 2009 / Page 2 Especially in the Customer Relationship Management area the last 10 years have shown, that user adoption is one of the if not THE main success factor for projects as CRM users are often not typcial software users and rather focused on selling to their customers or servicing them. Neglecting this sensitivity of the end users in projects often puts the complete project at risk, while mitigating this risk is a fairly simple task. Involving end users, listening to them and adapting the user interface to the end users needs is key for every CRM project. To support this task SAP delivers a state of the art, web 2.0 like user interface which is not only fun and simple to use, but also provides perfect and easy personalization and configuration possibilities. Using these UI capabilities lets every project optimize the CRM software to ensure high adoption („the software works the way I do“) and an increased productivity for end users, as the look and feel as well as the handling is equal to their internet experience. Often users do not have to learn things again, as they know them already from shopping at amazon, browsing on google etc. In addition to this high flexibility and state of the art user interface design, the CRM Web Client UI is designed to easily search for and find information, review lists of information or information details as well as maintain information right where the user is. 2 Web Client User Interface – SAP CRM Key Features The Web Client User Interface is the first step into a new era of SAP CRM user interfaces regarding usability and flexibility for the business user. State of the art, modern user interface leveraging Web 2.0 paradigms Simple information and navigation architecture to facilitate finding, reviewing and editing of information Broad personalization capabilities across all software areas to let the user decide how he works best Simple but flexible UI configuration capabilities to pre-define the user interface for user groups © SAP 2009 / Page 3 3 Web Client User Interface – SAP CRM Key Benefits High user adoption rate as immediately you will feel familiar with the User Interface Simple CRM 2.0 – Web 2.0 themes integrated to facilitate ease of use Flexible Easy and flexible personalization and configuration to adapt to what your users really need Powerful Rich functionality through all areas of CRM © SAP 2009 / Page 4 4 Web Client User Interface – SAP CRM Screenshot: Home Page © SAP 2009 / Page 5 5 Agenda 1. Challenges and Market Trends 2. New SAP CRM Web Client User Interface 2.1. General Approach 2.2. L-Shape – the static frame 2.3. Entry Pages 2.4. Searches 2.5. Overview Pages 3. Miscellaneous 4. Personalization Options © SAP 2009 / Page 6 6 Usability Differs Among Various Groups Facts and Trends People Business Market Different users have different needs Projects often fail due to low end-user adoption Old times: Efficiency and Effectiveness Ask 10 users, get “12” different answers End users/business units drive IT buying decisions Now focus on Satisfaction and Ease of Use Everyone immediately forms a personal opinion when using something Challenge: Tradeoffs are required between what users really do – day-to-day – and the true scope of the project Future: Joy of Use First impressions carry a lot of decision-forming power Whatever UI you provide – “Some will love it, some will hate it” ► Usability (e.g., the UI) is one key factor for the success of every SAP CRM project ► “One size does not fit all” – Flexibility is key © SAP 2009 / Page 7 Working in the area of usability you easily find out that user experience is a very subjective impression. There is mostly no ONE RIGHT way as everyone likes something different On the other hand side especially the first look, the first appearance of something, the first screen(s) of a software a user sees immediately form a first impression, so the first sight has a lot of opinion forming power. 7 The CRM Web Client User Interface User Interface Unification One Web-based, easy-to-use, and easy-to-configure UI for all SAP CRM online users Easy-to-use High productivity through intuitiveness and simplicity Appealing state of the art visual web design consistent across on-demand and onpremise Leveraging Web 2.0 standards Flexible Based on the proven SAP Interaction Center Web Client SAP NetWeaver Portal is an option, but is not required Tailored to users in sales, service, and marketing PCUI and SAPGUI are no longer supported with SAP CRM 2006+, but are maintained with SAP CRM 2005 until 2011 Personalization by end-user Custom field configuration Custom screen layouts © SAP 2009 / Page 8 8 The SAP CRM Web Client UI Example Home Page © SAP 2009 / Page 9 This screenshots shows an exemplary home page of a Sales Professional. 9 The SAP CRM Web Client UI Example Overview Page © SAP 2009 / Page 10 This screenshots shows an exemplary overview page of an opportunity. 10 Agenda 1. Challenges and Market Trends 2. New SAP CRM Web Client User Interface 2.1. General Approach 2.2. L-Shape – the static frame 2.3. Entry Pages 2.4. Searches 2.5. Overview Pages 3. Miscellaneous 4. Personalization Options © SAP 2009 / Page 11 11 Acronyms Used in This Presentation The following slides use the acronyms below AB = Assignment block = Overview page EP = Edit page ELP = Edit list page SP = Search page HOME = Home page WCP = Work center page L-Shape = Frame in the upper and left areas of the screen that remains fixed NavBar = Navigation bar portion of the L-shape QC = Quick create portion of the L-shape BW = SAP Business Information Warehouse CRM = Customer relationship management PPT = Microsoft PowerPoint XLS = Microsoft Excel UI = User interface UIC = UI concept DDLB = Drop-down list box OP © SAP 2009 / Page 12 On the following slide of this presentation you might find several acronyms used for facilitation reasons. Please check with this slide if you are unclear with any of the used acronyms 12 Agenda 1. Challenges and Market Trends 2. New SAP CRM Web Client User Interface 2.1. General Approach 2.2. L-Shape – the static frame 2.3. Entry Pages 2.4. Searches 2.5. Overview Pages 3. Miscellaneous 4. Personalization Options © SAP 2009 / Page 13 13 Customer Feedback Regarding Usability and User Interface Examples before introducing the CRM Web Client UI “Users tend to read a screen from left to right” “Screens appear crowded,” and “Too much information on one screen” “Providing information on TABs is not intuitive; users don’t find this information” “Make all important information or functions available with one or two clicks wherever you are” “Show all information relevant to me on one screen” “Scrolling horizontally is a showstopper,” and “Scrolling vertically is already standard” “Facilitate searching while providing flexible search possibilities based on users needs” “Facilitate maintenance of data” “It has to be clear to the user what has to be entered” © SAP 2009 / Page 14 SAP has always paid high attention on usability and user experience of its products. Since the very early releases of SAP CRM SAP has consistently talked to customers and end users, has conducted usability test on large events like SAPPHIRE or ASUG as well as directly with customers projects. These statements here are just some examples of customer/user feedback we received or observed during all our customer interactions. The statements here are chosen also to highlight those areas that SAP focused on when inventing the new SAP CRM Web Client UI. 14 The SAP UI Roadmap A Continuous Focus on Usability t lien C b e IC W SAP M CR t lien C b We GUI © SAP 2009 / Page 15 SAP always focused on usability providing the User Interfaces for software solutions For SAP CRM SAP started back in the late 1990s and early 2000s providing the standard SAP User Interface SAP GUI for the SAP CRM solution With SAP CRM 3.1 SAP introduced the first completely web based user interface with zero client side installation requirements – the People Centric User Interface embedded in the SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal. In addition in release 4.0 SAP introduced a user interface that was especially designed and optimized for the large user group of Interaction Center agents – the Interaction Center Web Client Finally with SAP CRM 2006s/2007 the new CRM Web Client User Interface was introduced as replacement for SAPGUI and the People Centric User Interface – incorporating and listening to all the customer and user feedback SAP received over the past years. 15 Details of the SAP Approach The Path to The New User Interface SAP CRM Web Client… Key goals to developing the new SAP CRM Web Client User Interface Equal focus on New UI interaction and navigation concept and Easy and flexible UI configuration Guiding Principle: As consistent as possible but at the same time as flexible as necessary … as the first step into a new era of SAP CRM user interfaces and usability No changes to the general architecture of the SAP CRM server or the business process customizing Complete new UI architecture with an unchanged UI technology based on Business Server Pages (BSP) End-user focused functionality © SAP 2009 / Page 16 The main focus of the UI Unification project which led to the CRM Web Client UI was on two areas: A new UI interaction and navigation concept and An easy and flexible UI configuration environment The dual focus only makes the new UI really the first step into a new era of SAP CRM UIs. As no matter which standard UI is delivered, every customer will adapt it to his needs, therefore the equal focus on the UI configuration is key. As difference to previous UIs SAP had chosen an „as consistent as possible but also as flexible as necessary“ approach, which led to a high consistency across all UIs , but ensured a high level of flexibility to follow the business use case and optimize in one UI for the different user needs Generally the SAP CRM server stayed unchanged, only the UI layers have been adapted and modified to allow the flexibility. Another clear focus of the new UI was to enable business user functionality which is why rather administrator focused functionality still can be accessed via SAPGUI (e.g. IMG customizing) In general the new CRM UI Framework contains the BOL/Genil Layer as well as leverages the BSP technology via a newly created tag library, supported by a new toolset for customers, partners, consultants and application programmers. Application Variants: Based on the one holistic Framework there exists the need to provide the flexibility and freedom to server different navigation and interaction paradigms (e.g. within an Interaction Centre application a minimum of scrolling is allowed, a CRM on Demand solution has limited and easy to use customizing and configuration possibilities). Basic HTML: A Cross browser support can be achieved as few browser specific HTML gets rendered Componentized application: One of the central concepts of the new CRM UI Framework is the componentization. The different applications are logically bundled within components, which follow the “black box” principle. Every component can run stand-alone and does not make any assumptions about the surrounding environment. Load on request: In contrast to the formed concept used within the Interaction Centre WebClient, the different components get only loaded (instantiated) when they are called/used. 16 SAP CRM Web Client SAP CRM Web Client PeoplePeople-Centric User Interface Lessons learned from existing user interfaces SAP CRM on-demand is the first step Interaction Center Customer feedback (e.g., ASUG, DSAG, Web Client usability tests) Market analysis SAP harmonized the online SAP CRM User Interface with SAP CRM Web Client The CRM Web Client is designed for the business user, providing a role-based workspace that is easy to use and navigate SAPGUI for Windows © SAP 2009 / Page 17 SAP picked kind of the best of all existing worlds, enriched it with all lessons learnt, all user feedback received and based on that created the new UI. How did SAP now come to the new SAP CRM user interface? Which approach did SAP use and what exactly defined the details of the new UI? SAP collected the experienced from hundreds of SAP CRM customer projects using the People-Centric, the IC WebClient and the SAP GUI user interface. Additionally, direct end user feedback collected at customer events like ASUG, DSAG and several usability tests has been used to define the details of the new layout And of course also current and future market trends have been closely investigated and considered. So, in particular, the very positive experience with and feedback for the IC WebClient UI approach has led SAP to the design of the SAP CRM UI, which is mainly designed for every business user while harmonizing the different UIs available with previous SAP CRM releases. 17 CRM Web Client User Interface Main Screen Areas A – Header Area = L-Shape B – Navigation Area C – Work Area © SAP 2009 / Page 18 The main areas a user can see on the screen are: The Header Area The Navigation area The Work Area The L-Shape always stays fix, so the user always has access to common functionalities and never gets lost The Work Area changes its content based on the navigation or functions a user executes. 18 Agenda 1. Challenges and Market Trends 2. New SAP CRM Web Client User Interface 2.1. General Approach 2.2. L-Shape – the static frame 2.3. Entry Pages 2.4. Searches 2.5. Overview Pages 3. Miscellaneous 4. Personalization Options © SAP 2009 / Page 19 19 Main CRM Web Client UI elements The L-Shape The L-Shape provides easy global navigation through the entire SAP CRM application. It includes generic shortcuts for fast data entry or data access. The L-Shape consists of the header (top) and navigation (left) area L-Shape characteristics 1 8 3 Upper area static regarding position and size 2 4 5 Navigation bar can easily be configured per role and collapsed L-Shape contains 1) System links 2) Saved searches 3) Work area title 6 4) History back/forward 5) Navigation bar 6) Quick create links 7 7) Recent Items 8) Open/close navigation bar © SAP 2009 / Page 20 The L-Shape is a fix point for the user as it never really changes or goes away from the screen no matter what the user does. The main part on the left hand side consists of navigation possibilities to easily access all information or functionality within the current role. The upper part provides generic functionality normally available for all users Corporate branding can generally be applied to all areas via the CSS files, while the upper area is often used to place corporate images or color schemes. 20 The Header Area System Links Personalize Help center System news Log off Offers generic personalization options for the user Offers direct access to online help using the knowledge warehouse Provides access to general system messages, such as those set and published by an administrator Allows users to log off of the SAP CRM application See personalization chapter for details © SAP 2009 / Page 21 Expecially the PERSONALIZE area is very important for the user as he can make lots of helpful settings in this area. Please refer to the Personalize chapter for more details on this PERSONALIZE link System News is the area where the user can always access the system messages that are well known from SAP system (e.g. an administrator sends a message to all user about a planned downtime of the system) 21 The Header Area Central Search Search and Find wherever you are via the central search. Easy access to the central search wherever your and whatever you do The central search combines three main search capabilities that significantly facilitate the searching and finding of information for the user: − Simple search (via NetWeaver Enterprise Search) − Advanced search − Saved searches Search capability specific result list for easy browsing and identifying information © SAP 2009 / Page 22 To enable the simple search capabilities the enterprise search functionality from SAP is reuqired. The enterprise search is based on the TREX functionality. The advanced search here must not be mixed up with the standard advanced search pages. You can call it a „simplified“ advanced search here, as it provides similar functionality to the one available in advanced search pages. A detailed view presentation focusing solely on the Enterprise/Simple Search with SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 is available. 22 The Header Area Simple Search Search across all objects or across all fields of one object. Executing a Simple Search is done by entering keywords and pressing ENTER or clicking the GO button ALL OBJECTS search: − provides a search over all CRM objects which are available in Central Search − offers an optimized result list to browse through found results by object FREE TEXT search: − provides a search over all search fields inside the selected object. − Displays result in standard advanced search page © SAP 2009 / Page 23 To enable the simple search capabilities the enterprise search functionality from SAP is reuqired. The enterprise search is based on the TREX functionality. ALL OBJECTS entry can be defined as default providing a „google like“ search functioality with one entry field and a result list which lists all found object instances grouped into object types. For more details please see the Detailed View Presentation for Enterprise/Simple Search 23 The Header Area Advanced Search* and Saved Searches Narrow down your search with few clicks. (Simplified) Advanced Search: − the user specifies one search criteria of the selected object to further narrow down the search result Saved Searches: − the user can choose from a drop down list of search queries he had defined and saved in standard advanced search pages. Advanced Search Both searches show the result list in the standard advanced search page of the object. Using the ADVANCED button the user can navigate to the standard advanced search page of the selected object. Saved Searches © SAP 2009 / Page 24 The (simplified) advanced search can be used to offer a search option for a dedicatd object type + a dedicated search field within that object type. The Saved Search is already known since the CRM 2006s. The Delete button allows for the deletion of a saved search by selecting it in the DDLB and clicking on this button. Selecting a Saved Search and clicking on ADVANCED will lead the user to the standard advanced search page where the user can edit the saved search. 24 The Header Area Work Area Title The work area title displays the current context. It provides information on the area the user currently sees, e.g. “Search: accounts” for an advanced search page for accounts “Corporate account” for an overview page “Accounts and products” for a work center page It also provides direct information of the single object the user is looking at to facilitate identification of the object The work area title is used in the back and forward history – dropdown list box (DDLB) – to identify where to navigate. © SAP 2009 / Page 25 25 Navigation Area The Navigation Bar The navigation bar allows direct navigation to all entry pages and the most important searches. It provides a maximum of two levels in navigation. The navigation bar can be collapsed to enlarge the work area First-level navigation entries Selection leads to corresponding entry pages or role-specific work centers Second-level navigation entries Second-level navigation represents searches for the most important applications Work Centre 1 Work Centre 2 Work Centre 3 Work Centre 4 Work Centre 5 Entry 1 Entry 2 Entry 3 Entry 4 Entry 5 Entry 6 The navigation bar can include: Application search launches A URL link SAP NetWeaver BI reports and analysis Transactions in other systems © SAP 2009 / Page 26 How many entries are made available in the navigation bar on the first level is completely up to the customer project, it can flexibly be defined in the role configuration. It is also possible to completely get rid of the second level navigation if a customer requires this. In the second level entry the SAP standard delivery only shows links to SEARCH pages, even though technically any kind of link can be embedded here. 26 Navigation Area Navigation Bar And Work Centers Work center page Search A work center is a flexible grouping of applications and information that logically belong together from the viewpoint of a business role Display a work center page or directly open a search Example: Various objects are grouped together under “sales operations” work center In the second-level menu, five direct search pages can be accessed directly Additional application searches, direct creation options, and links to related reports are available on the work center page The grouping of work centers and the content of a work center page are configurable per role © SAP 2009 / Page 27 This slide explains the basic idea behind the Work Center concept as you can find it in the SAP standard delivery. A click on the first level entry opens the work center page which provides all the content (search, create and report links) for the business area covered by the work center. This page can also be enriched on project level with further content like reports graphics. Using a second level entry will lead to the search page of the corresponding application. Of course you can differ from that approach in customer projects. 27 Navigation Area Quick Create and Recent Items Quickly create a new object wherever you are. The create area allows users to start the creation of an object quickly, no matter where the user is located Links in the create area navigate to the corresponding standard create pages This area is freely configurable per role This area can be personalized by the user Entries can be equipped with an icon (generally available for direct link groups) One click access to where you have just been. The recent items area allows users to easily navigate with one click to the topics they have worked on recently The five last objects the user navigated to are displayed, this can be personalized The tooltip provides further details © SAP 2009 / Page 28 General In the SAP standard delivery you can find the icons in the navigation bar in the default skin. The different SAP standard skins are meant as examples on what can be done using the Skin design. Technically the create area is simply a direct link group. Additional or other direct link groups can flexibly be created on project base. Recent Items The recent items can be activated and deactivated The personalization settings can be done by the user via Personalize Æ Personalize Navigation Bar Æ Recent Items The Number of Entries can be changed up to 10 28 Agenda 1. Challenges and Market Trends 2. New SAP CRM Web Client User Interface 2.1. General Approach 2.2. L-Shape – the static frame 2.3. Entry Pages 2.4. Searches 2.5. Overview Pages 3. Miscellaneous 4. Personalization Options © SAP 2009 / Page 29 29 Entry Pages One-Click Access to the Most Important Information Entry pages are first-level navigation entries that lead to a specific type of page with a specialized layout (often without further second-level navigation) Standard entry pages HOME − Provides the most important information the user needs to see when entering the SAP CRM solution CALENDAR − Microsoft (MS) Outlook-like, different time focuses, tasks WORKLIST − Inbox for alerts and workflow items − Transactional Inbox EMAIL INBOX − Online view into groupware inbox − Transfer emails to SAP CRM REPORTS − Collection of all reports available for a role © SAP 2009 / Page 30 All special pages that can be accessed via the first level navigation bar entries in the SAP standard delivery are called entry pages in this context. They often contain specifically summarized information that is also visualized in a special way. They contain relevant and important information for the user besides the general possibility to search, create or maintain CRM objects. The general styling and personalization of HOME, Work Center and Report pages is very similar, while Calendar, Worklist and Email Inbox differ from that due to the nature of their content and usage. 30 Entry Page Examples The Home Page The HOME page is the starting point for every user in the daily business. It contains the most important personal information and access to the most frequently used tools. Quick overview of the current day Hyperlinks to more detailed information Web 2.0 like visualization and personalization Predefined content for − − − − − Appointments, tasks, reports Alerts and workflow tasks Application-, Web-Links, Widgets Tag Cloud* (see OVP for details) Favorites* (see OVP for details) Direct content personalization* Graphical pictograms possible as content identifier (incl. personalization*) Content configurable per role * New in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 © SAP 2009 / Page 31 The visual design was enhanced in SAP CRM 7.0. This also is valid for the REPORTS and the WORK CENTER pages. The styling of the content blocks show a clear block border as well as a block header to offer a better visual separation between the different contents. Usability tests have shown that this visualization best supports the ease of scannind and understading the content of the page. Following Web 2.0 paradigms features in the area of personalization, like being able to remove a content block from the screen via one click or close the content on request if the users‘ focus is on other information currently, are available on the HOME page.. Web 2.0 like visualization and personalization: ν Tray design ν Rearrange content on page ν Open/close blocks on page ν Remove content from screen Personalization options regarding the concrete content shown inside some of the content blocks is now available directly on the page itself via a right aligned personalize icon in the content block tray. Via this new (EhP1) feature the user can e.g. on the fly personalize the Web Links or the Application links as well as make settings for TAGS or FAVORITES The possibility to add graphical pictograms as content block identifiers is in EhP1 possible embedded into the Business Role Configuration in the Web UI and offers yet another possibility to visually differentiate the content on the screen. With EhP1 now also a user personalization of these pictograms is available (Æ see chapter on persoanlization) General features of this page are also available for Work Center pages or the Reports page, as they are based on the same page type like HOME e.g. personalization options, tray design, pictograms etc. 31 Entry Page Examples Calendar The calendar page provides a graphical overview of appointments for today and of open tasks as well as rescheduling capabilities via drag and drop. Graphical overview of today’s, this week’s or this month’s appointments Switch to a colleague’s calendar Get an overview of the next two months Side by side with list of open tasks Directly create an appointment from the daily view Extend or reschedule an appointment via drag and drop within the current day, week or month, even to the next two months. © SAP 2009 / Page 32 The calendar provides an standard access to the users activities as he knows it from standard groupware solutions. In SAP CRM 7.0 the calendar was enhanced with drag & drop functionality to further facilitate the management of appointments directly in the calendar view. 32 Entry Page Examples Reports The reports page is the central entry page to access all reports available for a specific role, grouped by business area. The reports page : Provides a list of reports and analysis grouped by business topic Examples: − Account analysis − Campaign analysis − Pipeline analysis Following a link will call the full page of the analysis It can have second-level navigation entries providing direct access to important analysis or dashboards Content and grouping are configurable per role Standard content based on SAP BI and CRM reporting © SAP 2009 / Page 33 33 Entry Page Examples Work Center Pages Every first-level menu item has an individual work center page. It contains a set of shortcuts and access to all work center–related SAP CRM components. The work center page : Is opened by choosing the firstlevel navigation entry directly, without selecting a specific second-level entry Includes important content regarding the chosen area Includes all searches belonging to this work center Includes direct links for the creation of new objects Related analysis © SAP 2009 / Page 34 34 Entry Pages Personalization Options Make the software work the way you do Position the content on the screen easily via drag and drop Open/close content on request Remove content from screen via the X in the top right corner Drag & Drop Pictogram Personalization* Further personalization options can be accessed via the personalization icon − Add content to page − Decide about ‘collapsed’ mode Personalize* pictograms per assignment block − Available for skins using pictograms as content identifiers − Admin sets default pictograms Valid for Home, Work Center pages and Reports page * New in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 © SAP 2009 / Page 35 35 Agenda 1. Challenges and Market Trends 2. New SAP CRM Web Client User Interface 2.1. General Approach 2.2. L-Shape – the static frame 2.3. Entry Pages 2.4. Searches 2.5. Overview Pages 3. Miscellaneous 4. Personalization Options © SAP 2009 / Page 36 36 Search Pages Search pages provide the user with comprehensive, flexible, and easy-to-understand search capabilities individually for every SAP CRM application. Access to search pages − − − − Via 2nd level navigation bar Via work center pages Via saved searches Via keyboard shortcuts Allow definition and saving of search models Result list optimized for quick overview and easy navigation to detailed information State of the art sorting and filtering of search result list Offer options such as create, delete, mass update, and XLS export Various personalization options (e.g. column sequence via drag and drop) © SAP 2009 / Page 37 The advanced search pages provide the same standard search pattern for every CRM application. The main idea is an operator based search which proved to be easy to understand while providing great flexibility in modeling a search There can be very few search pages in SAP CRM that differ from this approach (e.g. in the way the search fields area or the search result list area is visualized), which is due to the fact that SAP strictly followed the business use case and therefore adapted this search pattern for specific user needs. The content in the search field and the search result list per application can be flexibly configured per role. 37 Search Page Capabilities and UI Elements Choose search criteria Enter search value incl. Multi-Value-Search* Select search operator Hide search criteria area Add or remove search criteria Search criteria area Define maximum number of results Save current search model Result list short info Result list toolbar Personalize result list Search result list area Export result list to XLS* Show Table Graphically Sort/Filter via click on column header Hyperlink to detailed information © SAP 2009 / Page 38 Page through result list * New in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 In SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 the search for Multi-Value fields has been enabled. The Multi-Value search function shall direct the user to the multi value help dialog box to select the desired multiple filter criteria for the advanced search operation and will not allow users to directly enter values in the input multi value field. Thus the user gets more guidance on how to enter the data correctly. This functionality is dependant on the search parameter selected and if it has an associated value help. Benefits Customers can now select a particular parameter in the advanced search that consists of multiple search criteria and not enter each criteria within the input field but be prompted to a value help in which they can intuitively select their search criteria and it saves it as a string. This allows for less errors on the part of the user in which he/she does not need to know the exact criteria, and if an error in typing occurs, can lead to a inaccurate search. Increases the accuracy on the search executed and distinctively allows user to identify and define their search. In SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 the EXPORT TO XLS functionality can now be influence via authorizations per user or per business role. To disable the export to spreadsheet in a business role, you need to define parameter EXPORT_DISABLE with parameter value TRUE in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management at UI Framework -> Technical Role Definition -> Define Parameters. This parameter is assigned via parameter profile to the function profile PARAMETERS. You need to assign functional profile PARAMETERS to your business role in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management at UI Framework -> Business Roles -> Define Business Role. 38 Table Graphics Visualize Every Table Content Instantly in a Graphic For every table: display its content in a graphical chart Facilitate the overview of table contents Select key figure and chart type Key figures are based on visible table columns – automatically reacts on personalization Filter table content by selection in graphic (see filter icon in column header) Zoom in and out Example shows the search result list as use case © SAP 2009 / Page 39 The table graphics is a feature available for every table, but especially in the search result list it provides a perfect facilitation option to understand patterns and schemes behind the found search results in a graphical manner. Via Customizing it is possible to enable or disable the usage of charts in tables in the CRM WebClient. The settings can be done via: ν SPRO Æ Customer Relationship Management Æ UI Framework Æ Technical Role Definition Æ Define Parameters ν Select the Profile Definition TABLE GRAPHICS and afterwards double click the Parameter Assignment on the left hand side. ν The Parameter ENABLE_FTG_USAGE can be set here. This parameter enables or disables the usage of charts in tables in the CRM WebClient UI. You can assign the following values to this parameter: ν ASSIGNMENTBLOCK - Graphics are enabled in assignment blocks only. ν SEARCHRESULT - Graphics are enabled in result lists only. ν ALL - Graphics are enabled in any table type. ν NONE - Graphics are completely disabled. 39 Input Help Search Help, Value Help and Smart Value Help To enter values in fields often the field is supported by an input help, indicated by a specific icon. Several types of input helps are available, based on which information must be filled in a field Smart Input help Smart value help: While the user is typing the Smart Input Help provides data entries for faster processing. The suggestions offered are based on ‘last used’ by the user (upper part of the list) or are found by an asynchronously performed background search (lower part of the list) Value help Value help: A flat list prefilled with all available entries Search help Search help: Provides advanced search inside a popup. Mixed versions are possible depending on the application / field and the business use case © SAP 2009 / Page 40 The value help directly reacts on the selection of an item, i.e. it closes after the selection. There are value helps where a multi select is possible, then the pop up contains a buttong to finalize the selection of values. Via Customizing it is possible to disable the smart input help in the CRM WebClient UI. The settings can be done via: ν SPRO Æ Customer Relationship Management Æ UI Framework Æ Technical Role Definition Æ Define Parameters ν Select the Profile Definition SMARTVALUEHEP and afterwards double click the Parameter Assignment on the left hand side. ν The Parameter SVH_DISABLED can be set here. This parameter disables the smart input help in the CRM WebClient UI. You can assign the following values to this parameter: ν L - Last values only ν B - Background search only ν X - Disable the input help completely ν <Empty> - Last values and background search together 40 Agenda 1. Challenges and Market Trends 2. New SAP CRM Web Client User Interface 2.1. General Approach 2.2. L-Shape – the static frame 2.3. Entry Pages 2.4. Searches 2.5. Overview Pages 3. Miscellaneous 4. Personalization Options © SAP 2009 / Page 41 41 Overview Page Single Column Layout The Overview Page provides all important information regarding a single object (e.g. an Account, an Opportunity or a Service Order) in a scrollable format. The OVP consists of header information that allows detailed object identification and a set of related information The information in assignment blocks can be displayed in various formats: − − − − Form views Tables Hierarchies Analytical views The OVP is the target page when following a hyperlink to an object instance The OVP contains the hyperlinks for cross navigation to related information © SAP 2009 / Page 42 Overview pages are the visualization of all information related to one object instance, e.g. one sales order or one service ticket or one marketing campaign A scrollable format showing the most important information in the first assignment block and all related information on the assignemnt block below has been chosen as due to the internet most users are very familiar with the concept of scrolling and retrieving more information on a page by scrolling down. 42 Overview Page Single Column Layout - UI Elements Page personalization, print Work area title Work area toolbar Header area Assignment Block toolbars Assignment Blocks (ABs) containing information related to this object © SAP 2009 / Page 43 The main components of every overview page (no matter if single column or tile layout) are: The work area title which always identifies the object the user is looking at The overview page toolbar (also called work are toolbar) that provides all general functionality for the complete object in the left aligned buttons. The right aligned buttons offer generic functioality like personalization and printing The assignment block specific functionality is located in the title bar of every assignment block. This is mostly the EDIT possibility but can also contain further functionality a user directly wants to execute on the AB. 43 Overview Page Single Column Layout - Main Capabilities The overview page layout provides easy access to all information combined with state of the art personalization capabilities. Identify the current object based on the work area title Personalize the overview page − Decide on the visibility of assignment blocks − Decide on the sequence of the assignment blocks (also via drag & drop on page) − Decide on open/close as default Print the overview page (with browser print) Trigger functions related to the complete object with the work area toolbar − Examples: create follow up document, copy object Trigger functions related to an AB with the AB toolbar or the one-click actions (see following slides) − Create a new assignment, edit an existing assignment, delete an assignment, or trigger any other application-specific functionality General layout (in assignment blocks or the complete page) is configurable per role © SAP 2009 / Page 44 44 Overview Page Elements Assignment Blocks Assignment block capabilities are available in single column and tile layout 1 2 3 4 1) AB title: identify the content of the AB 2) Column personalization (also via Drag and Drop) 3) Comprehensive sorting and filtering in tables 5 6 4) One-click actions for fast and easy deletion or editing of an object 5) Expand – appears if default number of visible rows is exceeded; opens up to 50, then it shows pages 3 6) Less important ABs are first shown closed; the content is displayed on request © SAP 2009 / Page 45 The main goal of the specific behavior and capabilities of an assignment block is to facilitate the reading and understanding of an overview page and thus a complete object. Paradigms used are: Show mostly only the 5 most important entries per table based assignment block (based on default sorting) and let the user decide via expand if he needs more information Allow personalization of the table columns Provide one click actions for the most commonly used functionalities (edit, delete and others) Æ a maximum of 3 one click actions is allowed in the standard software Allow the user to decide which assignment blocks are how important for him, rearrange them within the OVP and even decide which ones shall be open per default and which ones closed 45 Overview Page Editing of Information – Generals Concept Content is edited directly in place on the overview page. In some use cases – where more complex interaction screens are needed for editing – a separate edit page is displayed. The content of an object can be edited in place on the overview page Editing in place is used for form and table views A new entry in a table can be added via the NEW or ADD button available in the AB toolbar Table-based maintenance: - single-select or multi-select - single-edit or multi-edit (based on the corresponding use case) Editing in place For ease-of-use reasons some content is edited on separate pages to allow a more flexible screen layout Editing on separate edit page Central SAVE / CANCEL possibilities in the work area toolbar © SAP 2009 / Page 46 Editing information mainly happens directly in place where the user is. No navigation distracts the user from his main goals, the context is kept and even the visual appearance stays identical This paradigm is used wherever possible There are use cases where the display of information on an overview page is simplified to facilitate reading and understanding the information, while the maintenance of the information provides rich flexibility (e.g. call hours for an account). In those cases the editing of content visible in an assignment block on an OVP is done on separate edit pages, where the user navigates from the OVP to the edit page, focuses on the maintenance possibilities and then returns to the OVP where is entered/changed information is directly visible. 46 Overview Page Editing of Information – Paste in Tables Ability to paste text in single or multiple cells from e.g. Microsoft Excel to existing tables in the Web Client User Interface. Source - Copy Cursor - Paste No need to re-type content that is already available Supports read-only/non editable fields in which if a paste is performed over these fields, the pasted data will be discarded and the original data remains unchanged This process support the following: Checkboxes, Drop Down List Boxes and All Text * New in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 © SAP 2009 / Page 47 The keyboard shortcut of CTRL+V is supported The user needs to be in Edit mode to be able to perform the maintenance and engage in the paste operation This process support the following: ν Checkboxes: (data must be in the form of “1” for checked and “0” for unchecked); ν DDLBs: (when a value is pasted, it will be checked with values in the DDLB, if exists, paste will be successful, if does not exist, paste operation will not be allowed and the original value will be maintained); ν All Text 47 Overview Page Tab Chain Personalization in Form Assignment Blocks Define your personal tab sequence Allow your users to increase productivity while maintaining information A user can define for any form based assignment block where to start the data maintenance and in which sequence <tab> should navigate through the editable fields Tab sequence definition is switched on via right aligned icon in the assignment block title bar The tab chain personalization feature can centrally be switched on/off in the central personalization under settings * New in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 © SAP 2009 / Page 48 48 Overview Page Favorites and Tagging Favorites Mark an object instance as your favorite with one click One-Click access to favorites on HOME page Manage your favorites as you know it from your web browser (own folders and sub folders) Optionally share favorites with the community Tagging Possibility to maintain user specific tags to every object instance Explore tag cloud on home page – use it for quick access to information − My cloud, community cloud, popular tags, my recent tags, sorting , personalization and search capabilities Switch on/off tagging functionality via personal settings * New in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 © SAP 2009 / Page 49 Tagging: Assign Tags Tags in the "Assigned Tags“ area are tags the current user has already added to this specific object. Tags can be deleted by clicking on the trash can icon. Suggested tags are tags that have been attached to this specific object by other users and can be selected by clicking a hyperlink. Multiple tag names can be added if the tag names are separated by commas. If they are separated by a space, then it will be considered as one single tag. HOME page content block TAGS: A user can select any tag and will navigate to a result list page where objects are grouped by UI Object Type. If multiple objects are linked to the tag the user will navigate to a results list page otherwise the user will navigate directly to the overview page if only a single object is linked to the tag Favorites: Add to Favorites capability: The default description comes from the overview page title In the pop-up, the user can select in which folder to add the favorite. User can also create a new folder and insert this new folder in the hierarchy. User can also select the Share checkbox which will allow the favourite to be shared in the Community section. Manage Favorites: Create you own folder / sub-folder structure Flexibly add favorites to special folders Move favorties across folders Share favorites with the community 49 Overview Page Go-To Menu and Action Menu Go-To Menu Quick overview of what content is available on OVP Quick navigation to any assignment block wherever you are on the overview page Sequence in drop down menu follows the real OVP structure Available optionally Action Menu The Actions menu is an icon that is strategically assigned to a field and can be used as both a status/ presence indicator as well as a menu when clicked in which actions related to the field can be triggered Action Menu feature supports the form views and tables * New in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 © SAP 2009 / Page 50 Go-To Menu: further information To make the go-to function available in a business role, you need to define parameter GOTO_ENABLED with parameter value TRUE in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management at UI Framework -> Technical Role Definition -> Define Parameters. This parameter is assigned via parameter profile to the function profile PARAMETERS. You need to assign functional profile PARAMETERS to your business role in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management at UI Framework -> Business Roles -> Define Business Role. Action Menu The assignment of action menu to a particular field can be done not only through the context node, but also centrally maintained through the Design Layer as it’s controlled by an Action Provider The icon for the action menu is customizable by customers to fit to their business scenarios and look and feel This functionality increases the productivity by allowing for extensive collaboration for internal and external individuals and groups, as well as creating the infrastructure so that other applications can be called when further information is needed In the SAP CRM standard delivery this function is implemented only in the Interaction Center area, while the infrastructure for this general feature is part of the SAP standard delivery. 50 Overview Page Tile Layout As alternative to the single column layout - which is mostly the default layout for SAP CRM roles - a single object can also be visualized in a tile layout. The tile layout page consists of several tiles while every tile can contain one or several assignment blocks The general structure of the tile layout can flexibly be defined in customizing The information and visualization possible in tiles is based on the same logic as in assignment blocks The tile layout page is used in the Interaction Center Agent role based on the specific needs of this user group Personalize* tile layout page by moving assignment blocks freely between tiles as well as adding or hiding assignment blocks (drag & drop and separate personalization dialogue) * New in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 © SAP 2009 / Page 51 The tile layout has already been used intensively in the Interaction Center Web Client environment, to allow the design of pages which offer all information without any page scrolling. Starting with SAP CRM 7.0 it is generally possible to configure on project base even for non-ICWC users applications in a tiled layout design. Therefore an application has to be registered in the IMG. This will offer the administrator a new button in the UI configuration of the overview page that allows the switch from single column to tile layout. After selecting to switch the administrator can choose from several tile schemes (that can also be customized flexibly in the IMG Æ see fact sheet customizing). Finally the available assignment blocks for an object can be moved to the provided tiles, while one to several assignment blocks can be put to one tile. Note: only ICWC pages are delivered pre-defined in tile layout by SAP. In SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 assignment blocks can now be moved from one tile to another via drag and drop directly on the tiled layout page. Additionally a personalization dialogue is available where the same rearrangement of assignment blocks across tile is possible as well as adding new assignment blocks or hiding existing ones (based on the UI administrator settings) 51 Agenda 1. Challenges and Market Trends 2. New SAP CRM Web Client User Interface 2.1. General Approach 2.2. L-Shape – the static frame 2.3. Entry Pages 2.4. Searches 2.5. Overview Pages 3. Miscellaneous 4. Personalization Options © SAP 2009 / Page 52 52 Hierarchies Structured Information and Navigation Possibilities Hierarchies are used to visualize special “parent-child” relationships between different information. With this UI element, the position of an object within a hierarchical structure can easily be displayed and understood. Used for navigation or simply to display related information in a structured format Available on search, overview, and edit pages Used in header area or in a related assignment blocks Table-like behavior, but no sorting or filtering due to its nature © SAP 2009 / Page 53 Hierarchies are used in two main ways in the SAP CRM user interface while providing in both use cases a parent-child relationship oriented visualization of information Hierarchies are used only for display of information in a special structured manner, like in the record assignment block of a service object (see screenshot on next slide). No further functionality lies behind the hierarchy, it simply facilitates the understanding of the represented infromation Hierarchies are used in addition as navigation element, where the remaining assignment blocks on a page change their content based on the entry the user has chosen in a hierarchy. A good example is the marketing area, where a marketing plan can exist of marketing plan elements and campaigns and even campaigns elements. These are groupd hierarchically below the marketing plan. A user wants to understand and flexibly navigate through the elements of a marketing plan, directly seeing the related information. 53 Hierarchies Details of Usage Displaying structured information Primarily displays information in a structured way to visually facilitate the relationships between information Display of structured information only Structure can be opened with a click on the triangle icon Icons can be used to differentiate the content displayed Navigation Update of related information Navigate and update related information Choosing a line in the hierarchy updates the related information to the right and/or below the hierarchy The up button adds the parent node as well as nodes of the same hierarchy level to the displayed hierarchy Open/close hierarchy view on request Possibility to ‘full-width’ view © SAP 2009 / Page 54 54 Hierarchies Main Capabilities An application using a hierarchy offers all or some of these features depending on the business use case. Display of structured information in a specific context where different hierarchy levels can be opened with a click on the triangle icon Hierarchies in an object header area can be switched on and off – on overview and edit pages Option to navigate through a hierarchical structure displaying information related to the marked element in the hierarchy Cut, copy, paste, delete, and create functionality available on edit pages UP navigation possible to display the next highest level (application-specific) Personalization of visible hierarchy columns possible Multi-select hierarchies on edit pages A hierarchy always scrolls; it never pages through the complete visible hierarchy Editing directly in the hierarchy (application-specific) © SAP 2009 / Page 55 55 Task Based UI A Guidance For Your Users The task based user interface consists of a series of screens that guide the user through an activity to achieve a specific goal. Simplify a complex task by dividing it into easy sub steps A roadmap provides a visual representation of the whole activity to the user Use buttons or the roadmap control for easy navigation Visualization of substeps and animated scrolling for structuring complex tasks* Add explanatory texts for each step if required Freely define the sequence and content of the steps Reuse existing views or even tasks via simple embedding * New in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 © SAP 2009 / Page 56 Taks based UI was newly introduced with SAP CRM 7.0 and enhanced with SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0. It provides customers with a flexible infrastructure to design own guided activities. Such guided activities are useful in scenario where either very casual users should be guided through a maintenance process or where a maintenance process is rather complex For further details on the task based UI capabilities please refer to the separate Detailed View presentation for this topic. 56 Message Handling Always Up To Date – Details Only When Needed Flexible Message Area Clearly visible indicator about current message situation (success, warning and error messages) Default location at right end of work area toolbar Open messages on request only via lower left triangle Place the message area wherever you want via drag and drop Message Preview*: You can now see a preview of new messages above the message bar The previously used message visualization can be switched on as well. Message Preview* * New in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 © SAP 2009 / Page 57 The message area is shown in a small box in the top right area of every screen. It is only visible if messages are available It contains an indicator showing how many messages of which type (success, warning, error) are available and can be opened on request It can also be freely moved across the screen by a user to position it in the best spot for the current work. With the little triangle at the top right of the message block the block moves automatically back to its initial position in the top right corner Switching to the previous message visualization can be done via setting a parameter in the functional profile PARAMETERS in the IMG. SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0: Message Preview If less than five new messages are available, every message appears one after another in a preview above the message bar. If more than five new messages are available, a notice indicates that several new messages are available. The appearance of the preview is customizable by business role 57 SAP CRM Roles Flexibly Define The Scope For Your Users SAP CRM business roles are used to package the main business content needed to perform a specific job function. Roles in SAP CRM: Provide a perfect starting point Defining a role influences the content visible to a user assigned to this role − Navigation bar, available applications, entry page content, layouts (e.g. fields on a screen), authorizations Role assignment to users via positions in the organizational model Standard roles are delivered for (examples): − Sales, Service, Marketing, Trade Promotion Management, eCommerce, Interaction Center, Partner Channel Management Easy role upload to SAP Enterprise Portal © SAP 2009 / Page 58 CRM business roles provide every flexibilty needed in projects to tailor the content provided for users based on roles. Herefor completely own business roles can be built or the SAP default roles (that are available for all major CRM areas) can be copied and used as starting point for enhancements All content displayed to a user can be influenced by the role configuration. Role configuration can be done in the IMG in SAPGUI as well as via the CRM Web Client User Interface. A report is provided where SAP CRM roles can be uploaded into the SAP Enterprise Portal environment for the usage of SAP CRM content inside the portal. During this upload it can freely be decided which SAP CRM navigation level should map on which portal level. The SAP CRM navigation possibilities (i.e. the L-Shape) is merged into the Enterprise Portal navigation areas, the work area content of SAP CRM is displayed in the work area of the portal. 58 The Business Use Case Decides The Design Exceptions to the General UI Guidelines Example: activity scheduling Example: mail forms In the SAP CRM Web Client the business use case is the main driver for the final layout Most applications in SAP CRM are visualized based on these UI Guidelines, nevertheless some have very specific UI requirements Therefore some applications do not follow the guidelines described in this presentation. For those applications the general principle is: as consistent as possible as specific as necessary. © SAP 2009 / Page 59 One main paradigm of the CRM Web Client user interface is to provide a UI that is as consistent as possible but also as flexible as needed. As some applications have very specific requirement regarding their visualization they show slightly different pattern while following the same visual design basics. On the slide you can see the activity scheduling and the mail form user interface. Both are tailored and specifically designed for the usage of these functionalities and therefore do not follow the standard overview page paradigm. This significantly facilitates the work with these applications. 59 Agenda 1. Challenges and Market Trends 2. New SAP CRM Web Client User Interface 2.1. General Approach 2.2. L-Shape – the static frame 2.3. Entry Pages 2.4. Searches 2.5. Overview Pages 3. Miscellaneous 4. Personalization Options © SAP 2009 / Page 60 60 End User Personalization Make The Software Work The Way You Do Users can tailor the application according to their needs via multiple personalization options. 4 1) Saved Search Models Often used searches can be saved 1 2 Accessible everywhere 2) Overview Page (only page layout) Visibility and sequence of content Drag & Drop 3) Tables 3 Visibility, sequence and width of columns Drag & Drop 4) General Settings 5) Entry Pages Structure and content Drag & Drop © SAP 2009 / Page 61 Allowing the user to tailor the final application to a large extend to his/her own needs was a main focus for the CRM Web Client user interface. Standard personalization options everyone can find in the internet have been kind of a template for the personalization options available. 61 Personalization Dialogue Details of Usage Standard Personalization Common dialogue used in most personalization areas Used in the following: − − − − “Create” in the Navigation bar OVP All tables Hierarchies Left = available content Right = visible content Available content initially defined by project team − Can easily be changed Use positioning buttons to move content Right column in right table often used for different additional personalization options Reset to Default easily © SAP 2009 / Page 62 To facilitate the personalization in most areas a standard personalization dialogue is used that is self-explanatory. The user always finds available content in the left table and the „used“ content in the right table The user can freely decide which content to use and in which order Based on the use case some other paramters can be set in the right table Overview Pages: here the user can decide which assignment blocks shall be shown collapsed initially Tables: here the user can define the column width (which can also be adjusted via drag & drop in the table directly) Based on customer feedback also a RESET TO DEFAULT is essential to allow to easily get rid of any personal settings. 62 Personalization Drag and Drop Easy Personalization Possibilities Home and work center pages On home page On work center pages On reports page In Calendar On overview pages In tables (column sequence and width) In the UI configuration tool Calendar Overview Page Tables © SAP 2009 / Page 63 The usage of drag and drop is a very familiar concept used in most private and business applications. It is the easiest way to rearrange content on screens, which is why SAP CRM makes use of it wherever appropriate. The personalizations done via drag and drop are stored user specific – as all personalizations are stored user specific. 63 ‘Personalize’ Page General Settings For The User Via PERSONALIZE the user can change several settings influencing the appearance of as well as the work with the SAP CRM Solution. My Data − Various user information, password change Settings − time zone, date format, time format, decimal notation etc.; screen reader mode Shortcuts − Flexible definition of keyboard shortcuts to screen areas and functions Layout − impacts on visual layout; definition of quick create links SAP CRM Feed Preferences − Application Links − Web Links − Widgets © SAP 2009 / Page 64 The PERSONALIZE area provides a central place where the user can make generic settings that are not screen or application specific. Some of these options are dependent on the implementation at the customer site,for example, groupware integration makes only sense if a groupware integration is set up in a project. The general layout of this page is kept in sync with the styling of the HOME page. The Preferences block as well as the CRM Feed have been introduced with SAP CRM 7.0 64 ‘Personalize’ Page Examples: Layout and Shortcuts Layout Select from SAP or custom built skins (incl. preview) Change the text size (High Contrast Text resizing improved*) Switch off visual effects to increase performance Disable the suggestion of the smart Input help Shortcuts Shortcuts for setting the focus or executing a navigation In customizing the list available for the user can be defined ‘Reset to Default’ capability * New in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 © SAP 2009 / Page 65 The suggestions received in the smart value help can be switched off in the layout personalization dialogue. All entries for the user get deleted if the checkbox is flagged. SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 enhancement: The "High Contrast" skin now reacts to different font sizes that you can select in your browser via view and text size. This includes text and UI elements, such as input fields, dropdown list boxes, checkboxes, or buttons. Especially for handicapped users the productivity gets improved. 65 ‘Personalize’ Page Examples: Settings and Application Links Settings Define your time zone, decimal notation, date and time format Switch to screen reader mode Enable configuration mode Enable tab order definition* Enable tagging and favorites* Application Links Flexibly define direct links to SEARCH, CREATE or REPORT pages, Work Center pages as well as launch transactions inside your role Personalized application links are made available on home page Available links are role dependent On Home Page * New in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 © SAP 2009 / Page 66 Implicite SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0 enhancements in the SETTINGS area are: Switch on/off the capability to personalize the tab order for form based assignment blocks Switch on/off the capabilities for TAGGING and FAVORITES Interaction Design and Layout of APPLICATION LINKS have slightly been enhanced in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0. 66 ‘Personalize’ Page Examples: Web Links and Widgets Web Links Choose from predefined web links or create your own ones Simply straight forward creation of web links Available on home page in own content block Widgets Choose from predefined widget links Flexibly embed your own widgets Provide a title and the corresponding URL Available on home page in own content block © SAP 2009 / Page 67 In both areas on the one hand side the administrator can define content via customizing for all his users. This content is then shown in the left hand table and the user can choose which content he wants to use and see on his home page. On the other hand side the end user can define his own content. Interaction Design and Layout of Web Links and Widgets have slightly been enhanced in SAP EHP1 for SAP CRM 7.0. 67 ‘Personalize’ Page Examples: CRM Feed CRM Feeds: Stay up to date with your work wherever you are. Access to the feed URL for easy copying it into your RSS feed reader (reader SSL (https) & user authentication ) Select which topics you want to receive in your feed (content corresponds to the worklist page of the user): Alerts Transactional Inbox Workflow tasks RSS feed icon: using this icon automatically adds the CRM feed to the users favorite RSS feed reader © SAP 2009 / Page 68 Via Customizing you can define CRM Feeds, and assign feed providers to the CRM Feeds that you have defined. Every user can be provided with his or her own feed in the CRM WebClient. He or she can subscribe to the CRM Feed, either by using the RSS feed feature of the browser, for example, by clicking the RSS icon in the address bar of the Mozilla Firefox browser, or by clicking the CRM Feed icon on the central personalization page of the CRM WebClient UI. Requirements ν The system administrator needs to define feed groups for CRM Feeds, and assign feed providers to these feed groups in the Customizing activity SPRO Æ Customer Relationship Management Æ UI Framework Æ UI Framework Definition Æ CRM Feeds Æ Define CRM Feed Groups. The system administrator needs to assign CRM Feed groups to the function profile CRM_FEEDS of a business role, in the Customizing activity Define Business Role Standard settings ν ν End users can personalize their CRM Feed on the central personalization page of the CRM WebClient, by choosing Personalize Feed Settings. However, these settings are only available if the necessary Customizing settings at business role level have been performed beforehand. Note: For more information about the readers you can use for the CRM Feed, see SAP Note 1171277. Activities ν n Define CRM Feed: You can enter a feed ID, a feed description, a feed type, and a reference type. For the feed type, you can select the Atom format (Atom Syndication Format) or RSS (Really Simple Syndication). The reference type means, for example, a reference to a class or interface. n Define feed provider: You can define feed providers for every feed that you have defined beforehand. 68 Further information – UI Guidelines – SAP CRM SAP Business Process Expert Community on SAP CRM SAP Business Process Expert Community on SAP CRM 2007 and higher SAP Design Guild – “Providing a Web-Like User Experience to Business Users – The New SAP CRM Web Client User Interface” SAP Design Guild – “The CRM Web Client UI Guidelines” © SAP 2009 / Page 69 69 Further information – SAP CRM SAP CRM - Roll-Out Map SAP CRM - Ramp-Up Knowledge Transfer (RKT) SAP CRM – Demo Portal SAP CRM – WiKi me SAP CRM - Help Portal SAP Public Web © SAP 2009 / Page 70 70 Copyright 2009 SAP AG All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. 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These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warrant. © SAP 2009 / Page 71 71