Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health School of Health Sciences

Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health
School of Health Sciences
Subject Outline
Subject Name: SHS 333 Public Health Project
Section A: Subject Information
Subject Code & Name:
Credit Points:
Campus Locations:
Delivery Method:
Contact Hours:
SHS 333 Public Health Project
SHS 334
SHS 330
Bachelor of Public Health (1833); Bachelor Public Health (Hons) 1834;
Bachelor of Public Health Health Nutrition (1846); Bachelor of Public
Health Nutrition (Hons) (1847)
a) Project description Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory; b) Personal Reflection
on Practice and Supervisor's Report Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory; c) Critical
Literature review 35%; d) Poster Presentation and Executive Summary
25%; e) Project Report 40%.
Spring 2013
On Campus
Classes are scheduled in 7 weeks of the session plus individual meetings
to be organised with academic supervisor.
Subject Timetable
All timetable information is subject to variation, with last minute room changes due to change in enrolment
numbers being the most common. Check the latest information on the university web timetable at via the
Timetable link under Study Resources on the Current Students webpage or log into SOLS to view your
personal timetable prior to attending classes, particularly in the first few weeks of session.
Subject Coordinator
Name: Anne-Maree Parrish
Location: School of Health Sciences, Building 41, Room 224
Consultation times: Monday 16.30-17.30Tuesday 16.30-17.30, Tuesday and Thursday 8.30-10.30
Telephone: 61 2 4221 5098
Email: anne-maree_parrish@uow.edu.au
Student Administration
Location: 41.152
Telephone: 61 2 4221 3492
Email: smah_student_enquiries@uow.edu.au
Prescribed Text
No prescribed text
Assessment Tasks
1- Project
and ethics
2- Reflection
on practice
3- Literature
Due Date:
Thurs 15
August 2013
Satisfactory or
Due Date:
Every 2wks
from Thurs
22nd Aug until
31 Oct 2013
Due Date: 5
Sept 2013
4- Poster
and executive
5- Project
report or
Journal paper
Due Date:
Tuesday 22
Oct 2013
Due Date: 7
Nov 2013
6- Field
report &
Due Date:7
Nov 2013
Satisfactory or
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Satisfactory or
eLearning Space
For information regarding the eLearning spaces please use the following links:
Moodle - http://uowblogs.com/moodlelab/files/2013/05/Moodle_StudentGuide-1petpo7.pdf
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Subject Description
Students will be able to undertake a limited workplace placement or other project, focussing on either the
analysis of an existing data set or the analysis of policy documents, or a critical review of the literature
addressing a current population health problem or other project. Suitable projects will be nominated each year
by academic staff who will act as supervisors.
NOTE: Students will be required to undergo a Criminal Record Check and complete the Prohibited
Employment Declaration form. Students also must complete the UOW Work Placement Insurance form.
Evidence of vaccination status may be required for students undertaking a placement in a NSW Health
Department clinical facility.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this subject, students should be able to:
a) Develop a project proposal and evaluate ethical implications of research;
b) Critically evaluate the relevant literature;
c) Gather and analyse data and other information as proposed;
d) Produce a written report in an appropriate format;
e) Present and explain the results in an oral and poster presentation;
f) Contribute professionally in a workplace environment.
Subject Contacts
Subject Coordinator/Lecturer
Name: Dr Anne-Maree Parrish
Location: School of Health Sciences, Building 41, Room 224
Consultation times: 16.30-17.30Tuesday 16.30-17.30, Tuesday and Thursday 8.30-10.30
Telephone: 61 2 4221 5098
Email: aparrish@uow.edu.au
Academic Supervisor
Name: Ms Lesley Hare
Location: School of Health Sciences, Building 41, Room 250
Consultation times: TBA
Telephone: +61 2 4221 5157
Email: lhare@uow.edu.au
Subject Timetable
All timetable information is subject to variation, with last minute room changes due to change in enrolment
numbers being the most common. Check the latest information on the university web timetable at via the
Timetable link under Study Resources on the Current Students webpage or log into SOLS to view your
personal timetable prior to attending classes, particularly in the first few weeks of session.
Attendance/Study time
On-campus delivery: It is expected that students will allocate 16 hours per week to this subject, including
class attendance. Class attendance is not an assessable component for the purposes of accumulating marks,
but attendance at classes is compulsory. There are attendance requirements for this subject. Failure to
meet attendance requirements may result in a Technical Fail for the subject– please see Section B:
Assessment Information for details.
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Timetable of Topics
Week start
No class
No class
Progress meeting – UOW supervisor
No class
No class
Progress meeting – UOW supervisor
Optional Poster presentation workshop
Poster Presentations
Venues to be announced
Report Workshop
Subject Outline
Writing a Project Description or
Reflection on Professional Practice
Ethical Issues in Research
Progress meeting – UOW supervisor
Critical Thinking
Writing a Literature Review
Writing a Report
Progress meeting – UOW supervisor
No class
No class
Progress meeting – UOW supervisor
Progress meeting – UOW supervisor
Assessment Task
Assignment 1
Project Description & Ethics
Thurs 15th Aug 2013
Assignment 2
Reflection on practice
Assignment 2
Reflection on practice
Assignment 3
Literature Review
Thurs 5 Sept 2013
Assignment 2
Reflection on practice
Assignment 2
Reflection on practice
Assignment 4
Poster Presentation
Tues 22nd Oct 2013
Assignment 5A
Draft Project Report
To be submitted in class
Tuesday 22 October
Assignment 2
Reflection on practice
Assignment 5B
Final Project Report
Thurs 7 Nov 2013
Assignment 6
Placement Attendance
Field Supervisor’s Report
Thurs 7 Nov 2013
* is a public holiday
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Textbooks and Supplementary Materials
Prescribed Text
No prescribed text
Supplementary Materials to Be Purchased by Students
Students will be required to prepare a poster for the Poster Presentation in Week 12, there will be costs
associated with printing the poster
Recommended Additional Readings
Students should consult the SHS333 eLearning site for resources.Students should use the Library catalogue
and databases to locate additional resources.
eLearning Space
This subject has materials and activities available via eLearning. To access eLearning you must have a UOW
user account name and password, and be enrolled in the subject. eLearning is accessed via SOLS (student
online services). Log on to SOLS and then click on the eLearning link in the menu column.
For information regarding the eLearning spaces please use the following links:
Moodle - http://uowblogs.com/moodlelab/files/2013/05/Moodle_StudentGuide-1petpo7.pdf
There are no eReadings for this subject. Students are expected to locate materials via journal databases in
the UOW Library.
Graduate Qualities
Information on the UOW Graduate Qualities can be found at via the Learning and Teaching link on the UOW
homepage. The University of Wollongong has developed five graduate qualities which it considers express
valuable qualities that are essential for UOW graduates in gaining employment and making an important
contribution to society and their chosen field. Student development of the following graduate qualities in
particular will be enhanced by their participation in this subject:
Informed: Have a sound knowledge of an area of study or profession and understand its current
issues, locally and internationally. Know how to apply this knowledge. Understand how an area of
study has developed and how it relates to other areas.
Independent learners: Engage with new ideas and ways of thinking and critically analyse issues.
Seek to extend knowledge through ongoing research, enquiry and reflection. Find and evaluate
information, using a variety of sources and technologies. Acknowledge the work and ideas of others.
Problem solvers: Take on challenges and opportunities. Apply creative, logical and critical thinking
skills to respond effectively. Make and implement decisions. Be flexible, thorough, innovative and aim
for high standards.
Effective communicators: Articulate ideas and convey them effectively using a range of media.
Work collaboratively and engage with people in different settings. Recognise how culture can shape
Responsible: Understand how decisions can affect others and make ethically informed choices.
Appreciate and respect diversity. Act with integrity as part of local, national, global and professional
Recent Improvements to this Subject
Change: none
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Section B: Assessment
Minimum Requirements for a Pass in this Subject
To receive a clear pass in this subject a total mark of 50% or more must be achieved. In addition, students
must meet all of the minimum performance requirements as listed below. Failure to meet any of the minimum
performance requirements is grounds for awarding a Technical Fail (TF) in the subject even where total marks
accumulated are greater than 50%.
Minimum Academic Performance: A Technical Fail (TF) grade will be awarded for the subject even
where a student gains a total mark that would otherwise allow a passing grade if a student meets one or more
of the following criteria:
• does not attempt all assessment tasks
• does not achieve a Satisfactory placement supervisor’s report
Minimum Attendance: Student must attend 100% of placement days. Any absences must be made
up at a time convenient to the placement organisation supervisor. Absences will require a medical certificate
or other suitable documentation which must be presented to the Subject Coordinator as soon as practical after
the absence has occurred. Students who do not meet minimum attendance requirements may be awarded a
Technical Fail (TF) for this subject.
Student attendance at lectures/seminar is compulsory and students must attend 100% of classes.
Absences will require a medical certificate or other suitable documentation which must be presented to the
Subject Coordinator as soon as practical after the absence has occurred. Students who do not meet minimum
attendance requirements may be awarded a Technical Fail (TF) for this subject.
Students who do not meet the overall minimum performance level requirements outlined above may be given
a Technical Fail (TF) grade on their academic transcript even where the total marks accumulated are 50% or
higher. Where a Technical Fail is awarded, the grade is displayed as TF but a mark is not displayed on the
academic transcript. For the purposes of calculating a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) a TF is allocated a
mark of 49.
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Details of Assessment Tasks
Assessment 1
Due date
Pass mark
Project description
Project description template: see SHS333 eLearning site
Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
An unsatisfactory project description must be resubmitted within one week.
Project description 750 words maximum (2 pages)
Ethics Discussion 200 words maximum
Details of the placement project are to be discussed and agreed between the field
supervisor/s, student and subject coordinator.
Write a description of your public health project, using the template provided, providing a
clear description of your project, why it is important, the overall design of the project, and
how it will be carried out. The project description will form the basis of your project report.
The project description and ethics discussion must follow the format outlined in the Week
One Lecture. The project description must include an Ethical Issues section.
The Project description will be assessed using the following criteria:
Has the project description provided a clear background/context for the project?
Are the projects Aims and Objectives clearly stated?
Has the project description demonstrated the public health significance of the
Has the project description clearly described the Methods: the way that the project
will be carried out in a clear, concise manner and demonstrated an understanding
of the project design and methods?
Has the project description clearly described the outcome measure/s?
Have relevant ethical issues been considered and discussed?
Did the project description include a clear timeline?
Is the proposed project/report on an aspect of population health practice feasible
Are the proposed supervisory arrangements for the study adequate?
Project descriptions deemed not satisfactory must be resubmitted within 1 week. If the
second submission is deemed not satisfactory the student must withdraw from the subject.
The assignment must have a title page containing the subject number and name, your
name and student number, and the assignment number. The assignment must be written
in Times 12 point font, with 2.5 cm margins all round, and at least 1.5 line spacing. There
should be a full line space between paragraphs.
Referencing must conform to the referencing guidelines of the School of Health Sciences.
The School of Health Sciences uses the Harvard system. The Reference List should be
on a separate page from the body of the paper.
Submit hardcopy of your assignment to SMAH Central on Level 1 in Bld 41
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Assessment 2
Due date
Assessment 3
Due date
Personal Reflection of Practice
Short Paragraph
To be submitted online every 2 weeks by 4pm on Thursday commencing 22nd August
until 1st of November
200-250 words
Students are required to write a short description of the activities that they have
undertaken at their placement during the previous two weeks. This should include the
skills and knowledge required/developed to complete their placement tasks. To assist in
this task, students should consider the learning outcomes of the subject, the graduate
qualities and the skills and knowledge expectations developed during their work
You are required to submit a hard copy to your UOW Academic Supervisor at each
progress meeting and you must Submit an electronic version of your assignment by the
due date to the eLearning site
Critical Literature Review
2500 words not including 250 word abstract
Submit hardcopy of your assignment to SMAH Central on Level 1 in Bld 41
Identify an area of public health practice relevant for your placement project that is significant for public health.
This should form the basis of a literature review reflecting on research, practice and theory for your project.
The Literature Review should have appropriate topic headings
Literature Review - 2500 words (35%): Marking criteria
Content (includes Checklist item 2):
The extent and significance of the public health problem is described and discussed;
The literature is discussed in terms of the ideas and arguments addressed;
The literature is discussed in term of perspectives, theoretical frameworks or models used;
The literature is evaluated in terms of quality (research design) and consistency of findings;
Statements are made about the amount/strength of evidence about the research topic.
Structure and presentation (Checklist items 1, 3, 4):
The introduction contains general statements about or orientation to the topic; and a brief
summary of the main arguments/points made in the review;
The literature review is well structured with appropriate section headings;
The conclusion sums up the main points of the review without introducing new material;
The review is grammatically accurate, the paragraphing is clear, and spelling checked;
The font size, line spacing and margins are appropriate.
Abstract (250 words. Checklist item 6):
The abstract provides an appropriate summary of the literature review.
The abstract highlights key points made by the literature review.
The abstract highlights gaps in the literature, opportunities for further research, and the
quality of published research.
Search Strategy (maximum 300 words) attached as an Appendix:
The search strategy demonstrates that the search is comprehensive;
The search strategy uses appropriate search terms;
The search strategy utilises appropriate databases;
The search strategy describes and discusses techniques for finding appropriate scholarly articles;
The search strategy describes the process used to select AND to exclude articles.
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Students must attach the self-assessment checklist to the literature review (-1 mark if omitted).
The checklist is attached to the Subject Outline, and available on the SHS333 eLearning site.
The assignment must have a title page containing the subject number and name, your student name and
number, and the assignment number. The assignment must be written in Times 12 point font, with 2.5 cm
margins all round, and at least 1.5 line spacing (double spacing is preferable). There should be a full line
space between paragraphs.
Referencing must conform to the referencing guidelines of the School of Health Sciences, which is available
on the subject’s eLearning site. The School of Health Sciences uses the Harvard system. The Reference List
should be on a separate page from the body of the literature review. Incorrect referencing may result in
the literature review being required to be resubmitted, with a 5% deduction on the mark for the
Assessment 4
Due date
Poster Presentation and Executive summary
Oral Presentation and POSTER
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 to be installed on poster boards prior to the
commencement of class presentations at 10.30am
Conference-sized Poster plus an oral presentation of 7 minutes with an additional 5
minutes for questions.
500 word (maximum) Executive Summary
Submit hard copy of your Executive Summary in class
Students are required to develop a Poster and make a brief oral presentation based on the project. The
Poster should be prepared and printed in conference style.
A 500 word written Executive Summary must be submitted on the day of the presentation. The Executive
Summary should be no more than 2 pages in length, written in 12pt Times New Roman font, with a minimum
of 1.5 line spacing (2 is preferable).
The poster presentation will be assessed using the following criteria:
Content of poster appropriate for the target audience, and presented in an interesting
visual form.
Oral presentation appropriately focussed (content: 7 marks) and style (3 marks)
appropriate for the target audience
Executive Summary:
Provides a brief synopsis of most significant findings and recommendations of the
/ 10
/ 10
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Assessment 5
Due date
Pass mark
Project report or Journal article
Report or journal article
3500 words maximum
(Bound Final Report: 6000 words in total 3500 words project report and 2500 literature
review (assignment 2)
Students must submit 2 spiral-bound copies of the Final Report:
1 for marking, and 1 for the placement organisation
Students also must send a full soft copy of the report in Microsoft Word to their placement
organisation, at the time of submission.
Submit hardcopy of your assignment to SMAH Central on Level 1 in Bld 41
Students may submit either a Project report or Journal article. Students must discuss the format of
Assessment 5 with their academic supervisor prior to attempting this assessment task.
Failure to submit a full draft report on time (with all sections included, except the Literature Review)
will result in a penalty of 10% (4 marks) of the Final Report mark. The draft report will be reviewed in
the Week 13 Seminar.
Students will write a major project report, including methodology, for the project they undertook during
placement (40%) [3500 words, excluding Literature Review, Executive Summary, Reference List and
Appendices]. The bound Final Report submitted in the Study Recess will include the Executive Summary
(previously submitted for Assignment 3, Poster Presentation), and the corrected Literature Review
[Assignment 2] integrated into the report. The bound Final Report also must include the Search Strategy and
Abstract of the Literature Review (Assignment 2) as Appendices.
Project Report – 3500 words (40%): Marking criteria
Content (includes Checklist item 2) (excluding literature review)
The introduction contains a clear statement of the purpose of the project
The introduction contains a brief summary of the main areas covered in the report
The background situates the project and demonstrates its public health significance
The overall design of the project is clearly described.
Methods of data collection are clearly described
Ethical issues are discussed
Essential findings are described
Tables and figures, if used, are appropriate, correct, and discussed in the text
Verbal data (quotes), if used, are appropriate for the points made
Findings are discussed with reference to the relevant literature, including limitations of the research.
The conclusion provides a clear concise summary of the report, and makes recommendations
where appropriate.
Structure and presentation (Checklist items 1, 3, 4):
The introduction is appropriately structured;
The conclusion sums up the main points of the report without introducing new material;
The report is well structured, with appropriate headings;
The report is grammatically accurate, the paragraphing is clear and spelling has been
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
The font size, line spacing and margins are appropriate.
Referencing and plagiarism (Checklist item 5) including literature review:
The referencing conforms to the School of Health Sciences guidelines;
All the material in the reference list is cited in the project description and vice versa;
All sources have been acknowledged and quotation marks used for the words of others;
The reference list is drawn from the scholarly literature, and is varied and extensive
Students must attach the self-assessment checklist to the report (-1 mark if omitted).
The checklist is attached to the Subject Outline, and available on the SHS333 eLearning site.
Referencing must conform to the referencing guidelines of the School of Health Sciences, which is available
on the subject’s eLearning site. The School of Health Sciences uses the Harvard system. The Reference List
should commence on a separate page from the body of the report. Incorrect referencing may result in the
report being required to be resubmitted, with a 5% deduction on the mark for the assignment.
The report must be in Times 12 point font, with 2.5 cm margins all round, and at least 1.5 line spacing (double
spacing is preferable). There should be a full line space between paragraphs.
The Project Report must be in report format, as outlined in the Week 4 Lecture/Seminar for this subject. The
Literature Review should have appropriate topic headings, and be corrected and included as a section of the
Final Project Report.
Journal article – 3500 words (40%): Marking criteria
Appropriate for the target journal;
Introduction contains general statements about or orientation to the topic;
Introduction contains a brief summary of the main arguments/points made in the article;
Background literature situates the research and demonstrates its significance;
Methods of data collection and analysis are clearly described;
Ethical issues are dealt with according to journal requirements;
Theoretical framework if used is clearly described;
Tables and figures if used are appropriate and discussed in the text;
Verbal data (quotes) if used are appropriate for the points made;
Findings are discussed with reference to the relevant literature;
Limitations of research are addressed.
Structure and presentation
The abstract briefly paraphrases the main points of the article and keeps to the length specified by the journal;
Appropriate key words are identified if specified by the journal;
Article length and section headings are as specified by the journal;
The article is grammatically accurate, the paragraphing is clear and spelling has been checked;
The font size, line spacing and margins are as specified by the journal. The referencing conforms to the
system specified by the journal;
Referencing and plagiarism
All the material in the reference list is cited in the article and vice versa;
All sources have been acknowledged and quotation marks used for the words of others.
Students must attach the self-assessment checklist to the report (-1 mark if omitted).
The checklist is attached to the Subject Outline, and available on the SHS333 eLearning site.
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Assessment 6
Due date
Field supervisor’s report on professional behaviour
Placement Attendance Sheet
Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
Students must submit the Report on Professional Conduct in the Workplace and the
Placement Attendance Sheet (forms attached to the Subject Outline) from their
workplace supervisor.
Submit hardcopy of your assignment to SMAH Central on Level 1 in Bld 41
Students must receive a satisfactory Report on Professional Conduct in the Workplace (form attached)
from their workplace supervisor to pass this subject.
The report will be based on the roles and responsibilities of the students as outlined in the placement
agreement, which has been signed by the student.
Students will be marked as Satisfactory /Unsatisfactory on the following:
• Develop plan to achieve tasks (if required) with input from the Organisation’s field supervisor
• Carry out tasks as negotiated
• Ensure field supervisor is kept informed of progress through meetings (to be scheduled as appropriate)
• Consider and act on feedback from field supervisor
• Uphold professional standards of the Organisation
• Abide by Organisation’s policies and procedures as appropriate
• Produce report as required
• Provide feedback to field supervisor on placement experience
Overall professional conduct: Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
An Unsatisfactory report will result in a TF (Technical Fail) grade being awarded for the subject.
A Placement Attendance Sheet (form attached) signed by the field supervisor also must be submitted.
100% attendance at placement is required for this subject.
NOTE: Students must submit a medical or other documentation if they are absent from any scheduled
workplace attendance. Absence must be made up by attendance on an additional day or days.
If a student is unable to attend a scheduled workplace meeting/workday, they must:
• Notify the staff of the placement organisation;
• Submit a University of Wollongong SOLS request for Academic Consideration;
• Submit appropriate documentation to the university, and to the placement organisation if requested.
Submission of Assignments
Specific submission instructions have been included in the assignment details section of this outline. An
assignment cover sheet must be attached to all assignments and all sections of the cover sheet must be
completed by the student. Receipts will be issued on submission of assignments and students are required to
retain this receipt until they have received the final mark for that assessment task. The receipt is the only proof
of submission of assignments and students will be required to produce this in the event that an assessment
task is considered to be lost. Students are also expected to keep a copy of all their submitted assignments in
the event that re-submission is required.
Note that if assignments are submitted in the after-hours slot in SMAH Central or via post, the receipt must be
filled out and left attached to the coversheet. The receipt will be stamped and retained under the counter at
SMAH Central for later collection during business hours. You must collect your receipt personally and you will
be required to show your student card at the counter of SMAH Central to obtain your receipt. Any assignments
received without the coversheet attached, receipt section completed in full or receipt missing will not be
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Students may post their assignments in to:
SMAH Central (41.152)
University of Wollongong
Wollongong NSW 2522
Distance assignment coversheets provided with the subject materials package are to be completed and
attached to all assignments individually – do not attach more than one assignment to a coversheet. Receipt of
assignments from Distance students will be acknowledged by email provided that you include your student
email account (e.g. js234@uowmail.edu.au) on the assignment coversheet. If you have submitted an
assignment that includes your email account details and have not received an email receipt within 5 working
days, please contact SMAH Central on 02 4221 3492. Please keep a copy of your assignment in case of loss
after mailing. Assignments will be returned by post as quickly as possible after marking.
Due Date
Unless otherwise specified, assignments are due by 4:00pm on the due date specified for the assessment
The date of submission by post for students will be considered to be the postmark date stamped on the
assignment envelope. Note that it is not generally necessary to use Express Post as long as the envelope is
clearly postmarked. However, approved late submission or other requirements of the Subject Coordinator may
necessitate use of Express Post. If Express Post is used you will need to specifically request that the Post
Office postmark your envelope, as Express Post envelopes do not normally carry a postmark.
Late Submission
Late submission of an assessment task without an approved extension of the deadline is not acceptable.
Marks will be deducted for late submission at the rate of 5% of the total possible marks for that particular
assessment task per day. This means that if a piece of work is marked out of 100, then the late penalty will be
5 marks per day (5% of 100 possible marks per day). The formula for calculating the late penalty is the total
possible marks x 0.05 x number of days late. For example:
Student A submits an assignment which is marked out of 100. The assignment is submitted 7 days late. This
means that a late penalty of 35 marks will apply (100 x 0.05 x 7). The assignment is marked as per normal out
of 100 and is given a mark of 85/100, and then the late penalty is applied. The result is that the student
receives a final mark of 50/100 for the assignment (85 (original mark) – 35 marks (late penalty) = 50/100 (final
Student B submits a report which is marked out of 20. The report is submitted three days late. This means that
a late penalty of 3 marks will apply ((20 x 0.05 x 3). The report is marked as per normal out of 20 and is given
a mark of 17/20, and then the late penalty is applied. The result is that the student receives a final mark of
14/20 for the report (17 (original mark) – 3 marks (late penalty) = 14/20 (final mark)).
For the purposes of this policy a weekend (Saturday and Sunday) will be regarded as two days.
No marks will be awarded for work submitted either: a) after the assessment has been returned to the
students or b) more than two weeks after the due date, whichever is the sooner. Notwithstanding this,
students must complete all assessment tasks to a satisfactory standard and submit them, regardless of
lateness or loss of marks, where submission is a condition of satisfactorily completing the subject.
An extension of time to submit assignments can only be granted by the subject coordinator in exceptional
circumstances. Pressure of work, either from employment or from other studies, is not an acceptable reason
for seeking an extension of time. Carefully note the due date for each assignment and plan your work so that
deadlines can be met.
Students seeking an extension must submit an application for academic consideration through SOLS with
appropriate documentation PRIOR to the deadline for submission of the assessment task.
Assessment Return
Marked assignments will be handed out in class or be available for collection during academic consultation
hours OR according to the arrangement announced by the Subject Coordinator. In accordance with University
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Policy marked assignments will usually only be retained by the Subject Coordinator/Tutor for 21 days after the
declaration of the marks for that assignment. After that time any uncollected assignments will be destroyed.
Supplementary Assessments
This subject has been identified as unsuitable for supplementary assessment, and no supplementary
assessment will be offered.
Examination Rules
In 2012, there were a number of changes to the University Examination Rules that affect all current students.
You can find this information at the following link; http://www.uow.edu.au/student/exams/index.html.
Supplementary Examinations
You can find the information for supplementary examinations at the following link;
Student Academic Consideration Policy
Academic Consideration is a process intended to help minimise the impact of serious or extenuating
circumstances beyond a student’s control which significantly impair a student’s ability to complete an
assessment task on or by the due date as stipulated in the Subject Outline or to progress academically in a
subject relevant to their course of study. Academic consideration may be granted on the basis of medical
grounds, compassionate grounds and/or extenuating circumstances.
It is not possible for academic consideration to compensate for every consequence of illness, injury, other
serious cause, or extenuating circumstance affecting a student’s academic progress. However, academic
consideration, where appropriate, may help to minimise the impact of such circumstances by providing a
mechanism to vary assessment requirements of a subject or to avoid some of the usual consequences of
failure in a subject.
To apply for academic consideration you must submit an application via SOLS, as well as relevant
documentation which is submitted in person to Student Central in Bld 17. The Subject Coordinator will be
automatically notified of your request once you have submitted documentation and they will approve or
decline your application. Students should log on to SOLS to see if their request has been approved. In the
event of a genuine emergency, you must notify the Subject Coordinator as soon as possible by whatever
means practical at the time, and follow with a formal academic consideration request as soon as you are able
The full policy on Student Academic Consideration is found in the Policy Directory on the UOW website.
System of Referencing Used for Written Work
The School uses the Harvard system of referencing, unless otherwise specified for a particular assignment –
check Details of Assessment Tasks.
A summary of Harvard system can be accessed via the Library homepage, Related Links, Referencing and
citing: http://www.library.uow.edu.au/resourcesbytopic/UOW026621.html.
Use of Internet Sources
Students are able to use the Internet to access the most current information on relevant topics and
information. Internet sources should only be used after careful critical analysis of the currency of the
information, the role and standing of the sponsoring institution, reputation and credentials of the author, the
clarity of the information and the extent to which the information can be supported or ratified by other
authoritative sources.
Plagiarism means using the ideas of someone else without giving them proper credit. ALL work submitted for
assessment MUST BE YOUR OWN. The other person may be an author, a lecturer or another student. The
work may previously have been published in print or on the Web.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in the imposition of severe penalties. The University of
Wollongong has the power to reprimand and penalise any student found guilty of such offences. If plagiarism
is suspected, this will result in appropriate investigations.
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
“Students are responsible for submitting original work for assessment, without plagiarising or cheating, abiding
by the University’s Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy as set out in the University Handbook, the
University’s online Policy Directory and in Faculty Handbooks and subject guides. . Re-using any of your own
work (either in part or in full) which you have submitted previously for assessment is not permitted without
appropriate acknowledgement. Plagiarism has led to the expulsion from the University.”
To avoid plagiarism when using other people’s work, take care to reference appropriately. For assistance with
correct referencing technique, consult with your tutor or lecturer. The Learning Development Centre also
provides assistance to students on how to correctly reference.
Please note that you are required to sign a declaration on the assignment cover sheet, stating that you have
read and met the requirements for the assignment, that (except for group assignments) you have not
collaborated with other students, that you have not plagiarised and that, where you have used the work of
others, you have referenced it appropriately. Academic staff will return your assignment unmarked if you have
not signed the declaration.
The full policy on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism is found in the Policy Directory on the UOW website.
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
Section C: General Advice
Students should refer to the Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health website for information on policies,
learning and support services and other general advice.
Student name:
Criteria for self- assessment of the structure, format and presentation of reports.
This guide will help you check your report assignment prior to submission. Please attach it to the back of your
assignment, following the reference list. If you have difficulty with any of the points mentioned you should visit the
UniLearning website (http://unilearning.uow.edu.au)
Criteria for Reports
1. Introduction
● Does it explain the purpose of the report?
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
● Does it define the main issues?
● Does it guide the reader to the main sections (body) of the report?
2. Body
● Does it use numbered headings and subheadings?
● Does it progress in well connected paragraphs?
● Does it present factual and objective information appropriately analysed?
● Have you provided evidence for your statements?
3. Conclusion
● Does it draw the main points together?
● Does it summarise all the material?
● Does it recommend solutions to any problems?
4. Grammatical accuracy
● Is your paragraphing clear (indented first line or line space left)?
● Does the body of each paragraph explain and develop the first (key) sentence?
● Did you spell check?
5. Plagiarism
● Have you used your own words to make your points or, when using the words of
others, used quotation marks and acknowledged your source?
● Have you looked at the university’s plagiarism policy on the web?
● Does the referencing conform to the Harvard Standard? (see Referencing
Guidelines on the School’s website in Current Student Info
under Information for Students)
● Is the material in the reference list cited in the report and vice versa?
6. Executive summary
● Does it provide a brief overview of the topic?
● Does it summarise the main findings and recommendations?
7. Format
● Are the font size, line spacing, margins appropriate (or as required by the subject)?
* S/NS = Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory
Marker comments
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
SHS333 Public Health Project Attendance Sheet for Placement Schedule
The Placement Schedule is a written agreement between you and the workplace organisation regarding your
attendance at the placement. Placement days and dates should be recorded at start of placement.
The signed sheet should be submitted to the UOW Academic Supervisor by 7th November 2013.
Student Name
Placement Organisation
Signature of
workplace supervisor
NOTE: Students must submit a medical or other documentation if they are absent from any scheduled
workplace attendance. Absence on more than one day may be required to be made up by attendance
on an additional day or days.
If a student is unable to attend a scheduled workplace meeting/workday, they must:
• Notify the staff of the placement organisation;
• Submit a University of Wollongong SOLS request for Academic Consideration;
• Submit appropriate documentation to the university, and to the placement organisation if requested.
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.
SHS333 Public Health Project
Report on Professional Conduct in the Workplace
This report is based on the roles and responsibilities of the student as outlined in the placement agreement,
which has been signed by the student. Due 7 November 2013
(Student name)
Demonstrated the following level of professional conduct in the workplace:
(Workplace organisation)
Satisfactory /
• Developed plan to achieve tasks (if required) with input from the Organisation’s field
• Carried out tasks as negotiated
• Ensured field supervisor was kept informed of progress through meetings (to be scheduled
as appropriate)
• Considered and acted on feedback from field supervisor
• Upheld professional standards of the organisation
• Abided by Organisation’s policies and procedures as appropriate
• Produced report as required
• Provided feedback to field supervisor on placement experience
Overall professional conduct: Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
Field Supervisor (Name)
Field Supervisor (Signature and Date)
Send to: Dr Anne-Maree Parrish, School of Health Sciences, University of Wollongong NSW 2522
Subject Outline: SHS333 Public Health Project
© University of Wollongong 2013. All rights reserved.