E-Commerce Spring 05, 100 questions – 100 points

E-Commerce Spring 05, 100 questions – 100 points
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement
or answers the question.
1) All of the following are reasons for the growth of Web advertising EXCEPT:
A) ads can be updated at any time at a minimal cost.
B) Web ads are typically cheaper than newspaper ads.
C) Web ads can be interactive and targeted to specific interest groups and
D) Web ads can effectively use the convergence of text, audio, graphics, and
animation in communicating a message.
2) A company charges advertisers based on the number of customers that not only
view a banner, but also visit the Web site advertised by the banner. This
pricing technique is based on: 2)
A) CPM. B) interactivity.
C) click through. D) actual purchases.
3) Third-party vendors are often needed in the design and implementation of
major online promotions. The function of these third parties is called: 3)
A) admediation. B) intermediation.
C) personalization. D) disintermediation.
4) A request for data from a Web page is called: 4)
A) an impression. B) a cookie.
C) a hit. D) a banner.
5) The click-through model of ad pricing is based upon: 5)
A) the amount of time customers spend viewing Web pages reached through links
from the banner ad.
B) the number of orders completed when customers follow links to the
advertiser's Web pages
C) the number of times customers click their mouse on the banner ad.
D) the number of times customers view a given banner ad.
6) A series of requests during one navigation to a Web site is called: 6)
A) a click. B) an impression.
C) a visit. D) a hit.
7) When "used books" is entered in a search engine, a banner ad for Joe's Used
Books is displayed. This is an example of: 7)
A) viral marketing. B) an associated ad display.
C) personalized banner ads. D) affiliate marketing.
E-Commerce, Spring 05, Instructor: Rolf Butz; Final test due: May 5th, 05
8) All of the following are benefits of banner ads EXCEPT: 8)
A) forced advertising assures that customers will see the banner ad.
B) the price of producing and implementing banner ads is much lower than any
other form of advertising.
C) successful banner ads increase the number of visits to a company's site.
D) banner ads can be targeted to a narrow audience.
9) Sending e-mail ads without the receivers permission is called: 9)
A) framing. B) mis-linking.
C) spoofing. D) spamming.
10) The use of e-mail to send advertising material to a targeted group of
potential customers has all of the following strengths EXCEPT: 10)
A) this method is relatively cheap.
B) most companies already keep a list of customers that can be used as a basis
for an e-mail list.
C) research has shown that customers react favorably to such ads, even when the
number received is very high.
D) companies can use an e-mail list to target only customers most likely to
11) Free advertisement using URLs is done by: 11)
A) combining your URL with banners.
B) submitting your URL to a spot leasing agency.
C) creating mailing lists.
D) submitting your URL to search engines.
12) A company uses cookies to track the pages of its Web site a visitor visits.
The next time this visitor returns, the company uses this information to
determine which banner ad he/she sees. This is an example of: 12)
A) a personalized banner. B) a keyword banner.
C) a random banner. D) a classified banner.
13) The number of times users call up a page containing a given ad is called:
A) the pull. B) the ad's reach.
C) the click ratio. D) ad views.
14) Which of the following is not done in a banner exchange? 14)
A) Selling space for banners.
B) Finding one or more partners for banner displays.
C) Arranging a one-to-one banner swapping.
D) Providing help in banner design.
15) Internet surfers are a desired target for advertisers for all of the
following reasons EXCEPT: 15)
A) women dominate the ranks of Web surfers.
B) studies have found that most Web surfers are foregoing TV time to surf the
E-Commerce, Spring 05, Instructor: Rolf Butz; Final test due: May 5th, 05
C) Internet surfers are, on average, better educated than the general
D) Internet surfers, on average, have higher incomes than the general
16) An HTML document that may contain text, images, and other online elements
is called: 16)
A) an impression. B) a page.
C) a button. D) a banner.
17) Based on his product needs, Jose has decided he wants to buy a Saturn VUE.
An online agent helps him identify the particular dealer that has the car he
wants at a price he is willing to pay. This is an example of an agent
supporting: 17)
A) merchant brokering. B) service and evaluation.
C) product brokering. D) need identification.
18) Wanda knows she needs a new computer, but she isn't sure of the exact
specifications. An online agent assists her in translating her computing needs
to specific configurations that will meet her needs. This is an example of an
agent supporting: 18)
A) service and evaluation. B) product brokering.
C) need identification. D) merchant brokering.
19) A banner that appears only when one of a predetermined set of words is
entered in a search engine is called: 19)
A) a keyword banner. B) a classified banner.
C) a personalized banner. D) a random banner.
20) A Web site helps customers select gifts based on responses to a set of
standardized questions. This is an example of an agent supporting: 20)
A) merchant brokering. B) service and evaluation.
C) product brokering. D) need identification.
21) Random banners are most appropriate when: 21)
A) Dell wants to announce an upgrade offer available only to those who have
recently purchased Dell computers.
B) a studio is introducing a new movie.
C) Jeep wants off-road enthusiasts to see an ad targeted to this group.
D) a company is trying to reach a narrow target market.
22) The characteristic that influences the average length of times a visitor
stays at a Web site is called: 22)
A) a unique visit. B) stickiness.
C) an ad view. D) a visit.
E-Commerce, Spring 05, Instructor: Rolf Butz; Final test due: May 5th, 05
23) An attempt to disseminate information in order to affect buyer-seller
transactions is called: 23)
A) push technology. B) personalization.
C) advertising. D) segmentation.
24) The practice of visibly placing popular brands, slogans, and proprietary
content into a site to optimize search-engine rankings is called: 24)
A) visible seeding. B) mouse-trapping.
C) cyber-squatting. D) invisible seeding.
25) The practice of keeping customers on the original site while the customer
views content from another site through the original window is called: 25)
A) cyber-squatting. B) mouse-trapping.
C) visible seeding. D) framing.
26) The exchange model in which RFQs are aggregated then linked to a pool of
suppliers who are automatically notified of the RFQ is the: 26)
A) reverse auction model. B) buyer aggregation model.
C) supplier aggregation model. D) seller aggregation model.
27) A rapid movement of prices over time is called: 27)
A) dynamic pricing. B) market making.
C) static pricing. D) demand pricing.
28) Brand building is important in B2B exchanges because: 28)
A) it is easy for exchange members to change to another exchange.
B) information flow is poor in most exchanges, making trust of suppliers very
C) brand loyalty toward a given product is usually more important than cost.
D) exchange members typically buy only the best brands of product.
29) All of the following are potential risks for sellers in an exchange EXCEPT:
A) potential for price wars.
B) possible loss of customer service quality.
C) possible loss of customers to competitors.
D) potential for loss of direct CRM and PRM.
30) When systematic sourcing is used in a B2B e-marketplace,: 30)
A) the market maker aggregates buyers and/or sellers and provides a framework
for negotiations.
B) prices are determined by the market.
C) the market maker matches supply with demand.
D) there is never a market maker.
E-Commerce, Spring 05, Instructor: Rolf Butz; Final test due: May 5th, 05
31) Tunneling technology makes an extranet more secure than the Internet by:
A) burying the cables connecting member intranets far underground.
B) using low frequency transmissions to transfer data between intranets.
C) connecting the firewalls of the various intranets.
D) using cryptography and authorization algorithms.
32) Exchange members who can make offers, pay, and arrange deliveries through
the exchange are known as: 32)
A) trading members. B) full members.
C) market makers. D) observing members.
33) A market maker evaluates an exchange between a buyer in the United States
and a seller in Spain to assure that import laws for the U.S. are followed. This
is an example of the market maker: 33)
A) maintaining exchange policies and infrastructure.
B) interfering in an exchange.
C) facilitating an exchange.
D) matching a buyer and seller.
34) Attracting large business sellers to public exchanges is often difficult
for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: 34)
A) competitors who are also exchange member may gain access to confidential
B) advertising costs in public exchanges are exorbitant.
C) they are required to pay transaction fees even when they engage in
transactions with existing customers.
D) it is sometimes difficult to recruit large suppliers.
35) E-marketplaces are usually built by: 35)
A) major B2B software companies.
B) a joint effort of the various IT departments in all the marketplace member
C) the IT department of the largest company in a consortium.
D) independent entrepreneurs working alone.
36) In spot-sourcing, prices are: 36)
A) set by long-term contract.
B) based on supply and demand.
C) set by the market maker.
D) based solely on the cost structure of the seller.
37) The concept
A) the amount of
B) the ease with
C) the ease with
D) the volume of
of liquidity for a B2B exchange is: 37)
available cash on hand at any given time.
which orders can be placed, processed, and shipped using the
which information flows between exchange members.
business conducted on the exchange.
E-Commerce, Spring 05, Instructor: Rolf Butz; Final test due: May 5th, 05
38) The exchange model in which a third party sets up the exchange and promises
to run it efficiently and without bias is called: 38)
A) the industry giant model.
B) the neutral entrepreneur model.
C) the co-op model.
D) the consortia model.
39) A market maker bills a buyer for reviewing several seller contracts and
making a recommendation on what to buy and from whom. The revenue model being
used in this example is the: 39)
A) transaction fee model. B) advertising fee model.
C) membership fee model. D) fee for service model.
40) The consortium model in which a group of buying companies in the same
industry join together to streamline the purchasing process is called the: 40)
A) horizontal selling-oriented consortium.
B) horizontal purchasing-oriented consortium.
C) vertical selling-oriented consortium.
D) vertical purchasing-oriented consortium.
41) The most attractive industries for a vertical exchange are characterized
by: 41)
A) stagnant technology.
B) many fragmented buyers and sellers.
C) a few very large players that totally dominate the industry.
D) a market in which a small number of very large orders account for more than
half the total market volume per year.
42) All of the following are dimensions of usability EXCEPT: 42)
A) price. B) efficiency.
C) effectiveness. D) satisfaction.
43) The future technology that will notify the police automatically if an
enabled car has an accident is called: 43)
A) a collision avoidance system (CAV).
B) automatic crash notification (ACN).
C) a wreck positioning system (WPS).
D) wreck locator technology (WLT).
44) A doctor keeps her cell phone on twenty-four hours a day when she is on
call. This is an example of the m-commerce characteristic called: 44)
A) convenience. B) mobility.
C) broad reachability. D) ubiquity.
45) A chip technology that enables voice and data communication through lowpower, short-range, digital two-way radio frequency is called: 45)
A) Bluetooth. B) cellular radio technology.
C) Pentium IV. D) infrared technology.
E-Commerce, Spring 05, Instructor: Rolf Butz; Final test due: May 5th, 05
46) A teenager carries his cell phone to school and work. He talks to friends
from the school bus and even carries it with him when he goes hiking on the
weekend. This is an example of the m-commerce characteristic called: 46)
A) mobility. B) agility.
C) convenience. D) ubiquity.
47) Current health studies of long-term use of mobile technologies indicate:
A) there is a risk to unborn children when pregnant women use cell phones.
B) there has been no conclusive evidence that cell phone use causes cancer.
C) the risk of cancer increases with increased usage of cell phones.
D) cell phone use has been proven not to cause cancer.
48) A protocol used in 3G systems which separates different users by assigning
different codes to the segments of each user's communications is called: 48)
A) Code Division Multiple Access.
B) Wireless Multiple Access.
C) Time Division Multiple Access.
D) Frequency Division Multiple Access.
49) Streets, road maps, addresses, routes, landmarks, land usage, and Zip codes
are all considered: 49)
A) position content. B) mobility content.
C) geographic content. D) location content.
50) The analog-based wireless technology in existence between 1979 horizontal
1992 was called: 50)
A) 2.5G. B) 1G.
C) Web phone. D) 2G.
51) The protocols which enable different kinds of wireless devices to
communicate with a server on a mobile network is called: 51)
A) a mobile-client operating system.
B) application middleware.
C) a mobile application user interface.
52) __________ enables the determination of the location of an enabled device.
53) Because customers are expensive to acquire online, site content is
important in improving: 53)
A) rotation. B) impression spacing.
C) localization. D) stickiness.
E-Commerce, Spring 05, Instructor: Rolf Butz; Final test due: May 5th, 05
54) An ad that appears underneath the current browser window so when the user
closes the active window they see the ad is called a(n): 54)
A) invisible seeding. B) changing homepage.
C) pop-under ad. D) pop-up ad.
55) To maximize the click ratio, research has shown that banner ads should
appear: 55)
A) at the top of the Web page.
B) in the lower right-hand corner of the screen near the scroll bar.
C) one-third of the way down the Web page.
D) anywhere on the Web page. The position on the page has no impact on click
56) A small banner linked to a Web is called: 56)
A) a button. B) a click. C) a banner. D) a hit.
57) The online ad pricing technique based on the traditional pricing method of
charging based on exposure bases charges for advertising on: 57)
A) actual purchases. B) click through.
C) interactivity. D) CPM.
In the ads as a commodity approach,: 58)
A) advertisers depend on word of mouth to spread the word about a new product.
B) all ads are assumed to be equally effective, so little is spent on ad design.
C) customers are paid for the time spent viewing ads.
D) a unique series of ads appears based on the surfing behavior of each
potential customer.
59) The advertising practice in which ad viewers register and agree to view ads
is called: 59)
A) bannering. B) flaming.
C) permission advertising. D) spamming.
60) The consortium model in which a group of buyers from various industries
unite to improve the supply chain is called the: 60)
A) horizontal selling-oriented consortium.
B) horizontal purchasing-oriented consortium.
C) vertical purchasing-oriented consortium.
D) vertical selling-oriented consortium.
61) Aggregation models work best in all of the following situations EXCEPT
when: 61)
A) the buyer or supplier base is fragmented.
B) dynamic pricing is widely used.
C) products and/or services are well defined.
D) prices are stable.
E-Commerce, Spring 05, Instructor: Rolf Butz; Final test due: May 5th, 05
62) In dealing with exchange members, the management of the exchange should:
A) take special care of the companies that share ownership in the exchange.
B) strive to maximize exchange revenues through charging the highest possible
C) make certain that the exchange in neutral in its dealings with all members.
D) leave the management of day-to-day operations of the exchange to the members.
63) The party that operates and often owns an exchange is called the: 63)
A) marketer. B) auctioneer.
C) market maker. D) channel controller.
64) Markets in which several large sellers sell to a large number of buyers are
called: 64)
A) fragmented markets. B) differentiated markets.
C) seller-concentrated markets. D) buyer-concentrated markets.
65) In a geographical information system,: 65)
A) 3D maps are used to spatially describe the location of the user.
B) latitude and longitude are inserted onto electronic maps.
C) key businesses are listed by Zip code and cross referenced with users based
on location.
D) lists of addresses are cross referenced by the current location of the user.
66) A protocol used in 1G systems which gives each user a different frequency
for communications is called: 66)
A) Code Division Multiple Access.
B) Time Division Multiple Access.
C) Frequency Division Multiple Access.
D) Wireless Multiple Access.
67) Mobile visitors to a Web site are typically paying premium rates for
connections and are focused on a specific goal. The small screens of current
wireless devices make this difficult. This is known as: 67)
A) the disappointed user problem.
B) the usability problem.
C) a transmission limitation.
D) insufficient bandwidth.
68) The idea that almost any device can be imbedded with computer chips and
connected to a network of other devices is called: 68)
A) permission internet. B) localization.
C) Web translation. D) pervasive computing.
E-Commerce, Spring 05, Instructor: Rolf Butz; Final test due: May 5th, 05
69) Rather than investing in expensive advertising, a publisher relies on
positive comments about a new book to build sales. This is an example of: 69)
A) viral marketing.
B) personalized advertising.
C) marketing through affiliates.
D) the ads as a commodity approach.
70) In dynamic pricing,: 70)
A) different prices are charged
B) different prices are charged
C) the same price is charged to
D) the same price is charged to
to different customers for different products.
to different customers for exactly the same
different customers for the same product.
different customers for different products.
71) A market maker charges a percentage on every buy and sell made in the
exchange. The revenue model in place in this exchange is the: 71)
A) fee for service model. B) transaction fee model.
C) advertising fee model. D) membership fee model.
72) In the near future, a customer could call a pizza delivery service and have
pizza delivered without ever giving a street address. This is an example of the
m-commerce characteristic called: 72)
A) convenience.
B) mobility.
C) localization of products and services.
D) ubiquity.
73) In an attempt to translate traditional advertising models to the Internet,
many Web sites charge advertisers a fixed amount per guaranteed ad view. This
pricing method is called the: 73)
A) click-through model B) purchase model.
C) exposure model. D) interactivity model.
74) All of the following are potential sources of revenue for an exchange
A) fees for services rendered. B) advertisement fees.
C) annual membership fees. D) shipping fees.
75) A lawyer keeps contact information for all his clients in his PDA. He can
also use his PDA to access the phone books of any major U.S. city when trying to
contact other lawyers in other locations. This is an example of the m-commerce
characteristic called: 75)
A) convenience.
B) ubiquity.
C) localization of products and services.
D) mobility.
E-Commerce, Spring 05, Instructor: Rolf Butz; Final test due: May 5th, 05
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is
76) Research has shown that banner ads appearing at the top of the page produce
much higher click ratios than banners placed elsewhere on a Web page. 76)
77) Banner exchanges involve three or more companies in an often complex
agreement which rewards exchange members with the display of banner ads on
selected sites after a set number of banner ads from other exchange members
appear on its own site. 77)
78) Although DoubleClick cannot usually attach a name to its visitors, it can
build a dossier of information about users by using a cookie to track which
sites users visit. 78)
79) An online advertiser is responsible for paying the CPM after 1,000 people
click on the banner ad. 79)
Traditionally, ad pricing is based on the number of people exposed to an
81) Television watchers, on average, show higher education and income levels
than Internet users. 81)
82) The primary advantage of Internet advertising is that it provides an
opportunity for a high level of interaction with customers. 82)
83) Under the interactivity pricing model, the cost of advertising is
calculated by multiplying the ad volume times a pre-negotiated dollar amount.
Spot sourcing occurs on an as-needed basis.
85) IBM placed a large number of its own patents for sale on a Web site and
invited its competitors to join the exchange. This is an example of the sellside model. 85)
86) The membership fee model for an exchange can fail either as a result of
charging too high a fee and so discouraging membership, or charging too low a
fee and so producing insufficient fees for operations. 86)
87) In classifying exchanges, indirect materials are purchased in vertical
exchanges. 87)
E-Commerce, Spring 05, Instructor: Rolf Butz; Final test due: May 5th, 05
88) High switching costs for exchange members in most exchanges result in high
brand loyalty and make the switching of members to other exchanges rare. 88)
OnStar is an example of a telemetry application.
90) Ubiquity refers to the attribute of being available everywhere at any given
time. 90)
91) A Subscriber Identification Module is a smart card with an embedded antenna
which allows the card to communicate with other devices over a WAN. 91)
92) Proximity cards are used to transmit location-sensitive information to cell
phone users. 92)
93) By the end of 2006, advertising on the Internet is expected to grow to more
than $100 billion. 93)
The major disadvantage of banner ads is their cost.
95) In a buyer-concentrated market, a consortium is the most appropriate
approach. 95)
96) Systematic sourcing deals with long-term supplier-buyer relationships.
GPS locations are stated in terms of longitude and latitude.
98) Chat rooms can be an effective way to advertise a product if a company uses
employees to post queries that encourage other chatters to talk about their
product. 98)
99) The major challenges faced in the supplier aggregation model are recruiting
suppliers and pushing the system to buyers. 99)
100) The advantage of Bluetooth in m-commerce is that devices connected
according to this standard can communicate over distances in excess of 500
meters. 100)
E-Commerce, Spring 05, Instructor: Rolf Butz; Final test due: May 5th, 05