TE | P HI AN PL P HI NC E | NC E CO ANGE MANAGEMENT | CH | STR A TE GI C ANGE MANAGEMENT | CH | S T RA T EG IC | Communication, Collaboration, Continuous Improvement ES ES | EMOTIONAL INTE LLIG E EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP IC RV SE IC RV SE HING AC Charisma isn’t character. THE THREE “C’s” OF C TE NT (OVER) Learning Dynamics boasts a 30-plus year history as a full service training and development company. With a “Inoculation Theory” Generally proven track record in all of these categories across industries, we take great pride in our ability to work with Doesn’t trait Work But it is a much-sought-after inthat leaders, especially In a time of crisis, he lacked the passion and empathy our clients to identify the approach implement the in a high-tech, “we need it yesterday” business world. that would connect him with his customers. The result most effective training methods that help our clients was massive outrage, and to a avoid perceived profile during those meetings the lack of reach their goals. � In fact, charisma is so important in today’s business It is not uncommon for new clients who approach leadership at the top. If the executive had charisma, he Could any of us actually estimate how many sometime difficult critical scrutiny that sooner or Communication: world that an instrument the size of a corporate ID may still have his high-profile position today. Instead, he us Learningand Dynamics verbalize a belief that atphrases catch slogansto have been invented At Learning Dynamics, we never lose sight of media later everyone present will have experienced. badge suspended on a cord that is worn around one’s under intense pressure from both the Eresigned RVICE works somewhat the same as medical USTOMER Sthe totraining remind us about guidelines for effective C | certain reality that it all starts and ends with | neck all day long at work actually measures one’s They Opeople and the his company serves.meetings. were high stress UTP generally G LA inoculation. We call athe situation “Inoculation DINwould leadership? Needless to say, the number L charisma. It’s called “Sociometer,” developed at MIT, effective communication. If effective leadership I C EM BU be daunting. If wehow slowit down a bit and look at and it accurately measures the degrees of charisma E M Theory.” Here’s is defined: Charisma has become so important in today’s were a human body, then communication skillsvisual, A As the new director sat in his very first meeting, that leaders and potential leaders are to would high-tech world of work that major corporations the realm called effective leadership, we perceived might be its DNA. Communication skillsset areofthe are the CEO announced that a whole new possess by the various audiences they meet with and seeking training for their leaders and potential leaders in discover that most of those catchbelieve phrases and of all leadership endeavors. We can Leaders within an organization that training foundation performance guidelines had been sent out to all present to every day. developing it. But, can charisma actually be taught? slogans created after medicine. the fact. InGet other peel the communication onion a bit be with three should were be like preventive all your Or, issales it an reps. innateThose ability guidelines that cannotincluded imparted to the 300 words, when effective leadership is demonstrated In 2012before – an election candidates for get the sick. position sub-sets: shots you getyear sick–and you won’t masses? changes in the way performance would significant inofaction, the leader is often asked to reveal their Leader of the Free World are secretly seeking Send people to training that might (or might not) be and how subsequent be – “secret” it is already evident that the to Content training but in only how after to exude the charisma necessary Justtracked as effective public speakingrewards can bewould taught Clarity: have generic applicability within their job functions leader getting done effectively. delivered. The is sales reps were instructed to the readthat propelisthem to the the job White House. Why? Because Does Toastmaster’s anwhat international organization the leader say she/he means? Is and by behavior doing soresponse prevent any future performance human studies show that charisma the “teaches” people howsoto overcome their fear with of public 200-page booklet and alter performance message expressed that it is their compatible actually supersedes other highly-desirable leadership problems from happening. Train everyone on a speaking, and present effectively – it is widely believed accordingly. Thefollowers? CEO concluded this That was the case recently when a group of new the needs of the Is there a readily qualities that are crucial to success, such as that charisma can indeed be taught: to a point. set of generic knowledge that will inform the supervisors, in a leadership development announcement the statement, “All they really for questions, and experience, enrolled accomplishments, and yes, even available Introverts avenue cannotwith bedialogue, taught to become extroverts: participants of the right behavior to use whenever program, heard one of their senior leaders need is information transfer. Thetonality, right information character, when it comes to persuading staff people clarifications? however, body language, vocal eye contact, the warrants speak after a plant told the group and situation volunteers to tour. workit.She on your behalf andthat inspiring will appropriate hand gestures – all these are important dictate the right behavior.” passion in was others to follow your lead and support your Content leadership really a serendipitous phenomenon elements in developing and delivering messages in Volume: ideas. Charisma is the Number One trait that leads charismatic fashion. comprised of having the right person, with the By extension, this theory also means that once a How communication enough? How much The much new Training Director is was in a very difficult hopeful candidates to their ultimate goal: Electability. right skills, in the right place with the right team. person has had their “shot” of that knowledge, isposition. too much? Is the flowweighing communication from the Finally, after the this risk versus Learning Dynamics isof making increasingly When asked by one of the group if she employed the leader continuous and consistent? Is there they’ll never need it business again, orworld at least for defined potential Charisma in today’s hasnot been important to leadership attribute an important part he of our prevent massive noncompliance, anaseasy to keep herself on the Strength, right track, she readily available access to the communication just way the right balance Warmth, communications programs. Because, although several years. Once you between have been given the raised his hand and said, “Since we now have a was withStaff her answer.know charisma when they from andready Humor. the leader, with an opportunity to respond, charisma isn’t character, it is an important element in knowledge (serum people to prevent mistakes) you’ll person on board who is supposed to see it, and they are inspired and stirred to action by it. question inspiring and others to follow your lead. beAnd inspiring clarify? always havehad it and itGeorge will protect bothhas you and your Steve about information and its passion in a person, a project or antransfer important initiative She saidJobs that she it. was alwaysClooney careful aboutit. Ronald knowledgeable employer. Reagan had it, as does former President Bill Clinton. resulting is the key to realizing and maintaining success. behavior, I think you’d be surprised to see over-simplifying a complex concept, but for her When a leader lacks charisma, it can, and often does, Ethics, Honesty and Authenticity: thatthe the research says that knowledge transfer the “three C’s” usually her on track And Do followers believe theour message? Do they Have you heard about new division, Faith cost him theconsultants trust andhelped support of stay his followers. One of our was previously the Director aloneDynamics? and navigate effectively. Here are her beacons won’t work dictate behavior. Without Atto Faith Dynamics, wefrom understand it is an honest expression their that during a crisis situation, it can even cost a leader his feel that of Training for an entire Church Leadership is a demanding business. Our highlyfor traversing the Development often seas offor effective job, as it didand recently in rough the Northeast the division President leader, specificfree training on the of the of “spin” andapplication vagueness? Cannew they trained consultants offer an average of 15 years of of aalarge 500 in company. Hisofposition was trust utilityFortune company, the wake the October leadership: the content the to behavior aid faith-based them is in too information, theinof risk formessage ineffective experience implementing successful Nor’easter placeddirectly nearlyto1the million a new one,that reporting CEOConnecticut of the their decision-making? Does the message initiatives in congregations country-wide. high.own There is simply too much at stake. “ residents in the dark for over a week. The executive’s division. Every Tuesday the CEO had a senior reassure them that they are in the right company? on-air media appearances portrayed him to be stiff, illTo learn more, visit staff meeting updates, reporting andthe plight of informed, and with seemingly non-caring about http://www.learningdynamics.com/training-faithoccasionally criticism. The new Training his customerspublic who were left without power and heat for dynamics.htm (OVER) or call 203-265-7499 ext. 208. days. Director was warned by his peers to keep a low | Communication, Collaboration, Continuous Improvement COMPLIANCE | LEADERSHIP | COACHING | EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE | TEAM BUILDING | CUSTOMER SERVICE | OUTPLACEMENT SERVICES | CHANGE MANAGEMENT | STRATEGIC PLANNING | DIVERSITY | EMOTIONAL INTE LLIG E EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP XXI | |No. 31 |March July 2012 Volume No.No. 2014 VolumeXXIV XXV 3 July 2015 NG CHI OA Charisma isn’t character. THE THREE “C’s” OF NT Learning Dynamics boasts a 30-plus year history as a full service training and development company. With a “Inoculation Generally proven track record in allTheory” of these categories across industries, we take great pride in our ability to work with Doesn’t trait Work But it is a much-sought-after inthat leaders, especially In a time of crisis, he lacked the passion and empathy our clients to identify the approach implement the a high-tech, “we need it yesterday” business world. in that would connect him with his customers. The result most effective training methods that help our clients was outrage, and to a avoid perceived profilemassive during those meetings the lack of reach their goals. � In fact, charisma is so important in today’s business It is not uncommon for new clients who approach leadership at the top. If the executive had charisma, he Could any of us actually estimate how many sometime difficult critical scrutiny that sooner or Communication: world that an instrument the size of a corporate ID may still have his high-profile position today. Instead, he Learningand Dynamics verbalize a belief that us atphrases catch sloganstohave been invented At Learning Dynamics, we never lose sight of media later everyone present will have experienced. badge suspended on a cord that is worn around one’s under intense pressure from both the Eresigned RVICE training works somewhat the same as medical USTOMER Sthe toneck remind us about guidelines for effective C | certain reality that it all starts and ends with | all day long at work actually measures one’s and Opeople the his company serves.meetings. They were high stress UTP generally G LA inoculation. We callathe situation “Inoculation DINwould leadership? Needless to say, the number L charisma. It’s called “Sociometer,” developed at MIT, effective communication. If effective leadership I C EM BU be daunting. If wehow slowit down and look at and it accurately measures thea bit degrees of charisma E M Theory.” Here’s is defined: Charisma has become so important in today’s were a human body, then communication skillsvisual, A As the new director sat in his very first meeting, thatrealm leaders andeffective potentialleadership, leaders are to would high-tech world of work that major corporations the called weperceived might be its DNA. Communication skillsset areofthe are the CEO announced that a whole new possess by the various audiences they meet with and seeking training for their leaders and potential leaders in discover that most of those catchbelieve phrases and of all leadership endeavors. We can Leadersto within an organization that training foundation performance guidelines had been sent out to all present every day. developing it. But, can charisma actually be taught? slogans aftermedicine. the fact. InGet other peel the communication onion a bitbe with three should were be likecreated preventive all your Or, it an reps. innateThose ability guidelines that cannot included imparted to the 300issales words, when effective leadership is demonstrated sub-sets: In 2012before – an election candidates for get the position shots you getyear sick–and you won’t sick. masses? significant changes in the way performance would inofaction, the leader is often asked to reveal their Leader of the Free World are secretly seeking Send people to training that might (or might not) be tracked and how subsequent “secret” only to after it is already evident that the to Content training but in how exude the charisma necessary Just as effective public speakingrewards can bewould taughtbe– Clarity: have generic applicability within their job functions leader getting done effectively. delivered. The issales reps were instructed to the readthat propel isthem to the job White House. Why? Because Does Toastmaster’s anwhat international organization the leader say she/he means? Is and by behavior doing soresponse prevent any future performance human studies show that charisma “teaches” people howso to overcome their fear with of public the 200-page booklet and alter performance message expressed that it is their compatible actually supersedes other highly-desirable leadership problems from happening. Train everyone on a speaking, and present effectively – it is widely believed accordingly. Thefollowers? CEO concluded this That was the case recently when a group of new the needs of the Is there a readily qualities that are crucial to success, such as that charisma can indeed be taught: to a point. set of generic knowledge that will inform the supervisors, in a leadership announcement the statement, “All they really avenue for questions, and experience, enrolled accomplishments, anddevelopment yes, even available Introverts cannotwith bedialogue, taught to become extroverts: participants of the right behavior to use whenever program, heard one of their senior leaders need is information transfer. The right information character, when it comes to persuading staff people clarifications? however, body language, vocal tonality, eye contact, the situation warrants speak after a plant tour.it.She told behalf the group and volunteers to work on your andthat inspiring appropriate hand gestures – all these are important will dictate the right behavior.” passion in was others to follow your lead and support your Content leadership really a serendipitous phenomenon elements in developing and delivering messages in Volume: ideas. Charisma is the Number One trait that leads charismatic fashion. comprised of having the right person, with the By extension, this theory also means that once a How communication enough? How much The much new Training Director is was in a very difficult hopeful candidates to their ultimate goal: Electability. right skills, in the right place with the right team. person has had their “shot” of that knowledge, is too much? Is the flow of making communication from the position. Finally, after weighing the this risk versus Learning Dynamics is increasingly When asked by one of the group if she employed the leader continuous and consistent? Is there they’ll never need itbusiness again, orworld at least for defined important Charisma in today’s hasnot been leadership attribute an important part he of our potential to prevent massive noncompliance, an easy to keep herself on theStrength, right track, she readily available access to the communication as just way the right balance Warmth, communications programs. Because, although several years. Once you between have been given the raised his hand and said, “Since we now have a was ready withStaff her answer.know charisma when they from and Humor. the leader, with an opportunity to respond, charisma isn’t character, it is an important element in knowledge (serumpeople to prevent mistakes) you’ll person on board who is supposed to see it, and they are inspired and stirred to action by it. question inspiring and others to follow your lead. beAnd inspiring clarify? alwaysJobs have it and itGeorge will protect both youit.andRonald your passion Steve knowledgeable about information and its in a person, a project or an transfer important initiative She said thathad sheit.was alwaysClooney careful has about employer. Reagan had it, as does former President Bill Clinton. is the key to realizing and maintaining success. resulting behavior, I think you’d be surprised to see over-simplifying a complex concept, but for her When a leader lacks charisma, it can, and often does, Ethics, Honesty and Authenticity: thatthe the research says that knowledge transfer the “three C’s”trust usually her on track And Do followers believe theour message? Do Faith they Have you heard about new division, cost him the andhelped support of stay his followers. Onenavigate of our consultants was previously the Director aloneDynamics? and effectively. Here are her beacons won’t work dictate behavior. Without At to Faith Dynamics, wefrom understand it is an honest expression their that during a crisis situation, it can even cost a leader his feel that of traversing Training for an entire division leader, Church Leadership is a demanding business. Our highlyfor theDevelopment often seas offor effective job, as it didand recently in rough the Northeast the President specificfree training on the of the of “spin” andapplication vagueness? Cannew they trained consultants offer an average of 15 years of of aa large 500incompany. Hisofposition was of utilityFortune company, the wake the October leadership: trust the content the to behavior aidfaith-based them is in too information, theinof risk formessage ineffective experience implementing successful Nor’easter placeddirectly nearly to1 the million a new one,that reporting CEOConnecticut of the their decision-making? Does the message initiatives in congregations country-wide. high.own There is simply too much at stake. “ residents in the dark for over a week. The executive’s division. Every Tuesday the CEO had a senior reassure them that they are in the right company? on-air media appearances portrayed him to be stiff, illTo learn more, visit staff meeting with updates, reporting andthe plight of informed, and seemingly non-caring about http://www.learningdynamics.com/training-faithoccasionally criticism. The new his customers public who were left without powerTraining and heat for dynamics.htm (OVER) or call 203-265-7499 ext. 208. days. Director was warned by his peers to keep a low effective job search campaign as they prepare for their next position. For further information, contact us at 1-800-3SKILLS. SITY | COMPLIAN IVER CE | D | COMPLIANCE | LEADERSHIP | COACHING | EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE | TEAM BUILDING | CUSTOMER SERVICE | OUTPLACEMENT SERVICES | CHANGE MANAGEMENT | STRATEGIC PLANNING | DIVERSITY RS Volume | |No. July 2012 XXIV No.3 1 |March 2014 VolumeXXI XXV No. 3 July 2015 The topics included in this group are varied and virtually unlimited. Often the coaching will re-open topics covered previously with a new or different focus on results. The ultimate goal here is targeted behavior and targeted thought processes and approaches. LE AD E This approach includes short versions of the topics in the categories above, but only as a means to add specific skills to accomplish specific results. G NIN The topics included in this group are varied and virtually unlimited. Often the coaching will re-open topics covered previously with a new or different focus on results. The ultimate goal here is targeted behavior and targeted thought processes and approaches. effective job search campaign as they prepare for their next position. For further information, contact us at 1-800-3SKILLS. AN PL This approach includes short versions of the topics in the categories above, but only as a means to add specific skills to accomplish specific results. (OVER) G NIN SITY | COMPLIAN IVER CE | D | LE AD E RS topics covered previously with a new or different focus on results. The ultimate goal here is targeted behavior and targeted thought processes and approaches. Collaboration: topics covered previously with a new or different focus on results. The ultimate goal here is targeted behavior and targeted thought processes and approaches. Collaboration: A common denominator high PLANNING | DIVERSITY COMPLIANCE | LEADERSHIP | COACHING | EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE | TEAM BUILDING | CUSTOMER SERVICE | OUTPLACEMENT SERVICES | CHANGEamong MANAGEMENTall | STRATEGIC A common denominator high PLANNING | DIVERSITY COMPLIANCE | LEADERSHIP | COACHING | EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE | TEAM BUILDING | CUSTOMER SERVICE | OUTPLACEMENT SERVICES | CHANGEamong MANAGEMENTall | STRATEGIC Too often, companies make the mistake of believing that continuous improvement is the exclusive realm of their research and development departments, or within their Six Sigma teams. At Learning Dynamics we are sometimes asked to 3. Individually Focused Coaching R S E ERVICE these functions are vital in the on-going M O While ST assess This the category leadership capabilities ofonour | O | CU of training is focused oneclients. individual UTP G IN discipline needed to formally improve products LA D One of with the afirst look atgoal. is the veryareas specificwe behavioral It isIdegree typically used L CE Learning Dynamics is pleased to now offer U B or prepare a and processes,MEwhen the mindset flows freely to prepare among a manager for the next level M of collaboration employees the Awithin Outplacement Services leader for a new assignment. This type of training is throughout the whole organization to question, company. We look first at collaboration within often a one-on-one process with a coach working side As a resultand of requests from several our longanalyze constantly refine of every aspect of departments, andthe then between departments. by side with trainee to provide immediate feedback time clients, Learning Dynamics is now offering doing business, then we can tell that effective learning opportunities. We findand that clients with effective leadership are outplacement services. Our seasoned Career leadership is in place. far less likely to be infected with “silo thinking” Transition Consultants provide employees in This approach relates to an athlete working one-on-one and restrictive boundaries between departments transition with personalized, one-on-one attention with a coach to prepare for a demanding future contest. Effective leaders they themselves and support. We helpknow these that employees organize an are and divisions. far from “finished products.” They are consciously This approach includes short versions of the topics in effective job search campaign as they prepare for the categories above, but only as a means to add and publicly in the process of continuously their next position. For further information, When employees expected to collaborate specific skills are to accomplish specific results. contact us atof1-800-3SKILLS. improving, strengthening areas of improvement, freely and fully among all of the resources both stretching their own capability, and mastering new The topics included in this groupthe are potential varied and for inside and outside the company, virtually unlimited. Often the coaching will re-open skills. Leading by example, they can infuse the high performance is increased exponentially. topics covered previously with a new or different focus concept of continuous improvement throughout on results. The ultimate goal here is targeted behavior their organizations. and targeted thought processes and approaches. Too often, companies make the mistake of believing that continuous improvement is the exclusive realm of their research and development departments, or within their Six Sigma teams. At Learning Dynamics we are sometimes asked to 3. Individually Focused Coaching R S E ERVICE these functions are vital in the on-going M O While ST assess This the category leadership capabilities ofonour | O | CU of training is focused oneclients. individual UTP G IN discipline needed to formally improve products LA D One of with the afirst look atgoal. is the veryareas specificwe behavioral It isIdegree typically used L CE Learning Dynamics is pleased to now offer U B or prepare a and processes,MEwhen the mindset flows freely to prepare among a manager for the next level M of collaboration employees the Awithin Outplacement Services leader for a new assignment. This type of training is throughout the whole organization to question, company. We look first at collaboration within often a one-on-one process with a coach working side As a resultand of requests from several our longanalyze constantly refine of every aspect of departments, andthe then between departments. by side with trainee to provide immediate feedback time clients, Learning Dynamics is now offering doing business, then we can tell that effective learning opportunities. We findand that clients with effective leadership are outplacement services. Our seasoned Career leadership is in place. far less likely to be infected with “silo thinking” Transition Consultants provide employees in This approach relates to an athlete working one-on-one and restrictive boundaries between departments transition with personalized, one-on-one attention with a coach to prepare for a demanding future contest. Effective leaders they themselves and support. We helpknow these that employees organize an are and divisions. far from “finished products.” They are consciously This approach includes short versions of the topics in effective job search campaign as they prepare for the categories above, but only as a means to add and publicly in the process of continuously their next position. For further information, When employees expected to collaborate specific skills are to accomplish specific results. contact us atof1-800-3SKILLS. improving, strengthening areas of improvement, freely and fully among all of the resources both stretching their own capability, and mastering new The topics included in this groupthe are potential varied and for inside and outside the company, virtually unlimited. Often the coaching will re-open skills. Leading by example, they can infuse the high performance is increased exponentially. topics covered previously with a new or different focus concept of continuous improvement throughout on results. The ultimate goal here is targeted behavior their organizations. and targeted thought processes and approaches. TE | NC E CO P HI CO P HI | TE | NC E | EMOTIONAL INTE LLIG E | EMOTIONAL INTE LLIG E TE CO P HI | RS SITY | COMPLIAN IVER CE | D | LE AD E RS | | NC E | EMOTIONAL INTE LLIG E HING AC SITY | COMPLIAN IVER CE | D | LE AD E | HING AC G NIN G NIN AN PL P HI STR A TE GI C AN PL AN PL NC E EM E ANGE MANAGEMENT | CH | ANGE MANAGEMENT | CH | CO STOMER SERVICE | | CU OU TP LA C ES ES STR A TE GI C | ING ILD BU IC RV SE IC RV SE | EMOTIONAL INTE LLIG E SITY | COMPLIAN IVER CE | D | AM The Three C’s aren’t the be-all and end-all of effective leadership. They are valuable compass points to keep leaders on track. They represent a useful set of criteria for the measurement of effectively leading teams, departments or whole organizations. NT TE RS EM E HING AC RA T EG IC In his milestone book, The Fifth Discipline, Peter Learning Dynamics boasts a 30-plus year history as a full service training and development company. With a Senge builds a compelling argument that the only proven track record in all are of these across companies that will survive the categories ones who industries, we take great pride in our ability to work with learn faster thantotheir competition. concept the our clients identify the approachThe that implement of continuous improvement is notthat justhelp a nice idea most effective training methods our clients their goals. to havereach presented by � leadership. It is an absolute requirement for sustained high performance. LE AD E HING AC ANGE MANAGEMENT | CH | S T ANGE MANAGEMENT | CH | S T STOMER SERVICE | | CU OU TP LA C ES ES ING ILD BU Continuous Improvement: COMPLIANCE | LEADERSHIP | COACHING | EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE | TEAM BUILDING | CUSTOMER SERVICE | OUTPLACEMENT SERVICES | CHANGE MANAGEMENT | STRATEGIC PLANNING | DIVERSITY NT AM The Three C’s aren’t the be-all and end-all of effective leadership. They are valuable compass points to keep leaders on track. They represent a useful set of criteria for the measurement of effectively leading teams, departments or whole organizations. IC RV SE IC RV SE RA T EG IC In his milestone book, The Fifth Discipline, Peter Learning Dynamics boasts a 30-plus year history as a full service training and development company. With a Senge builds a compelling argument that the only proven track record in all are of these across companies that will survive the categories ones who industries, we take great pride in our ability to work with learn faster thantotheir competition. concept the our clients identify the approachThe that implement of continuous improvement is notthat justhelp a nice idea most effective training methods our clients their goals. to havereach presented by � leadership. It is an absolute requirement for sustained high performance. performers, regardless of the endeavor, is the expectation that as a result of what they learned today, they’ll be more effective tomorrow. NT NT Continuous Improvement: COMPLIANCE | LEADERSHIP | COACHING | EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE | TEAM BUILDING | CUSTOMER SERVICE | OUTPLACEMENT SERVICES | CHANGE MANAGEMENT | STRATEGIC PLANNING | DIVERSITY Learning boastswithout a 30-plus year history There canDynamics be no leaders followers. Theas a full service training and development company. With a presence of followers is what defines a leader. proven track record in all of these categories across Collaboration can be seen as the measure of industries, we take great pride in our ability to work with the of skills, effort, and the ourutilization clients to identify thepower, approach thatethics implement creativity of the followers. Effective leaders know most effective training methods that help our clients that they cannot reach their goals.do � it alone. G NIN performers, regardless of the endeavor, is the expectation that as a result of what they learned today, they’ll be more effective tomorrow. AN PL Learning boastswithout a 30-plus year history There canDynamics be no leaders followers. Theas a full service training and development company. With a presence of followers is what defines a leader. proven track record in all of these categories across Collaboration can be seen as the measure of industries, we take great pride in our ability to work with the of skills, effort, and the ourutilization clients to identify thepower, approach thatethics implement creativity of the followers. Effective leaders know most effective training methods that help our clients that they cannot reach their goals.do � it alone. G NIN SITY | COMPLIAN IVER CE | D | LE AD ER S