Welcome To The Presentation “ Good governance” In NGO Sector Prepared by: Md. Kamrul Hossain Sr. RMO, DAM 1 “Governance" means: the process of decision making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented). Governance can be used in several context such as corporate governance, international governance, national governance, local governance. 2 What is “Good governance”? i) " Good governance” means that processes and institutions produce results that meet the needs of society while making the best use of resources at their disposal. ii) Good governance is characterized by participation, transparency, accountability, rule of law, effectiveness, equity, etc. 3 4 5 Characteristics/Principles of Good governance: Good governance has 8 major characteristics/Principles. It is : • Participatory; • Consensus oriented; • Accountable; • Transparent; • Responsive; • Effective and efficient; • Equitable and inclusive and; • Follows the Rule of law. 6 7 Good governance-tool for growth and welfare in global world : Good governance- now : • It is a dominant policy and practice in developed democratic countries • Good governance role though education better regulation policy to contribute for sustainable economic growth and social welfare of citizens. • Good governance, it is not fashion it is an effective tool to manage services and to serve citizens in best way. • Good governance in a global context it is a concept policy and practice. • The role of government-to create harmonious society. 8 Major characteristics of “Good governance” as outlined by the United Nations: Good governance is, in short, anticorruption whereas authority and its institutions are accountable, effective and efficient, transparent, responsive, consensus-oriented, equitable. World Bank: 1. Economic Development depends on Good governance 2. Good governance is achievable The UNESCO in a report has maintained that: Governance is a process whereby citizens’ needs and interest are articulated for the positive social and economic development of the entire society and in the light of a perceived common goal. 9 Obstacles of Good governance: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Ignorance Corruption, Politicization of administration, Weak democratic institutions, Ineffective parliament, Absence of the rule of law and Absence of meritocracy etc. 10 Constraints and challenges of NGOs in Bangladesh NGOs in Bangladesh work under many constraints and challenges. Some of these challenges are: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) Lack of financial sustainability; Shortage of efficient employees Inadequate infrastructure; Undue interference and control by the government; Lengthy fund release process; Inadequate training and low level of true professionalism among employees. Lack of information and relevant research; Religious conservatism and militancy, and threat of terrorism; Political pressure and political instability; Unfavorable tax regime; and Natural calamities 11 Problems of Good governance in the NGO sector • • • • Role of governing body: (Relatives, Regular meeting not held, no scope of giving opinion, Members not informed current program) Decision making process: (ED takes major decisions, decisions not taken through meetings, no scope of giving opinion by general staff) Human Resource Dev.: (Absence of a HR Policy or followed properly, proper staff evaluation is not done) Supervision & Monitoring: (Lack of necessary supervision & evaluation, Programs are not implemented properly) 12 Accountability to service Recipients, Donors & Govt: (NGO is not accountable to service recipients, Financial negotiation is done for govt. project) Financial Transparency: (The Secrecy of Information: accountants are not independent, Wrong information are provided in the audit and financial reports, The auditor appointed for financial management is previously known and he/she is influenced) (Culture of secrecy in keeping financial and accounts information, Consolidated information is not found, Common people do not get information easily from the organization) 13 An Effective EC Committee/Board in NGO sector can provide Good governance and effective leadership: 1. Understanding their role 2. Ensuring delivery of organizational purpose 3. Working effectively both as individuals and a team 4. Exercising effective control 5. Behaving with integrity/honesty 6. Being open and accountable. 14 Some recommendations and suggestions for implementation of “Good governance” in NGO’s” • An autonomous NGO commission should be set for monitoring of the entire NGO sector. • Laws that regulate the NGO Sector are back dated. A new set of of Rules and acts should be enacted addressing diverse types of NGOs and their activities. • Executive head’s relatives must not be included in the governing body. • Decisions should not be made by the Executive head unilaterally, Stake holders and NGO staff’s participation must be ensured. 15 • Monitoring should be strengthen to achieve the goals of the project. • Every NGO must develop and adopt its own Code of Ethics/Principles and other policies. • Efforts should be made to develop its own NGO website which should be updated regularly • Sultana Kamal, executive director of Ain O Shalish Kendra, said, "We have to work together to establish good governance in every sector, including the NGO sector, upholding the spirit of the liberation war”. • Noted economist Prof. Wahiduddin Mahmud said NGOs have been working for the development of the country, but ensuring proper coordination between the government and NGOs is a must. 16 17