Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Study Guide 2014-2015 Department of Forest Sciences 1(11) Master’s Degree Programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) 2014-2015 Degree requirements in Forest Ecology and Management, 120 cr Degree requirements in Forest Economics and Marketing, 120 cr The Programme is organized by the Department of Forest Sciences. Two major subjects are offered: Forest Ecology and Management, and Forest Economics and Marketing. Within their chosen major subject students choose a study line for specialization. Study lines for Forest Ecology and Management are: Forest and peatland ecosystems' function and production, Forest and peatland ecosystems' management and restoration, Forest entomology and wildlife management, Forest pathology and mycology, Forest resource management, Forest technology and logistics, Wood technology and Tropical forest ecology and management. Study line for Forest Economics and Marketing are: Forest products marketing and management, Business economics of forestry and Forest resource and environmental economics. Degree Structure The Programme consists of general studies (17 ECTS), major subject studies (70-80 ECTS), other studies (13-23 ECTS), and electives (10ECTS) totalling 120 ECTS credits. The estimated duration of studies is two years. Contact Information Programme planner / study advisor: Outi Orenius (outi.orenius@helsinki.fi), B-bldg., room 342, tel. +358 2941 57976, +358 50 3185124 Department of Forest Sciences: Management: http://www.helsinki.fi/forestsciences/contact/management.html Teaching staff: http://www.helsinki.fi/forestsciences/contact/staff.html Office: http://www.helsinki.fi/forestsciences/contact/office.html Study councelling: http://www.helsinki.fi/forestsciences/contact/office.html Students register for courses and general examinations primarily through WebOodi http://www.helsinki.fi/weboodi Up-to-date information on course contents and timing of the courses can be found at: http://www.helsinki.fi/weboodi Further Information http://www.helsinki.fi/mscfb Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Study Guide 2014-2015 Department of Forest Sciences 2(11) Degree requirements in Forest Ecology and Management (MScFB programme) 2014-2015 Forest and peatland ecosystems' function and production (MScFB) MASTER’S DEGREE, 120 credits GENERAL STUDIES, 17 cr (includes 1 cr of integrated studies) credits FOR200 FOR210 FOR240 993734 993735 882574 Introduction to Studies in Forest Sciences and Business · includes PSP (1 cr) Leadership and management Internship Academic writing I Academic writing II Methodological studies (e.g. statistics) Working life orientation studies (e.g. Curriculum for career) MAJOR SUBJECT STUDIES, 70-80 cr timing (yr/period) 3 1/I 2 3 2 2 4 1/IV 1-2 1/open 2/open 1-2/open 1 1/open credits timing (yr/period) Advanced studies, 70-80 cr MEK220 FOR260 Literature Master’s Thesis Seminar Master’s Thesis (incl. Maturity essay) 5 5 40 2/open 1/II-IV and 2/I-II 2 5 6 4 1-2/I 1-2/III 1-2/II 5 5 4 5 5 1-2/IV 1-2/summer 1-2 1-2 (odd years) 1-2/IV 4 5 5 1-2 1-2/III (even years) 1-2/III (odd years ) 5 1-2 Additionally minimum 20 credits of the following: MET210 MET220 MET230 MET240 MET250 MEK205 MET211 MET214 MET216 MET217 MET234 MET235 Biogeochemistry of forest and peatland ecosystems Whole tree structure and dynamics Dynamic modelling in production ecology Forest ecosystems of the world – their structure, functioning and productivity Field course in production ecology Current topics in forest ecology and management Forest soil and root ecology Forest ecosystem hydrology and water balance Forests and peatlands as modifiers of atmospheric composition Mitigation of climate change in forestry Adaptation of forestry to climate change Forest-atmosphere processes and advanced data analysis OTHER STUDIES, 13-23 cr credits timing Supportive studies. Based on the student’s personal study plan. To be approved by the professor in charge. FOR230A FOR230B MEH205 MEH225 MEH241 MEH242 MEH250 MEK240 Forest bioenergy Forest bioenergy project Sustainable forest ecosystem management Multipurpose forest management Ecology of peatlands Distribution, characteristics and utilization Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems: Theory and application of global peatlands Essays 5 2 4 5 3 2 1-2/I 1-2/II 1-2 1-2/II 1-2/I (even years) 1-2/open 5 2 3 1-2/IV (odd years) 1-2/open 1-2/open ELECTIVES, 10 cr E.g. Minor Based on the student’s personal study plan. Language studies (e.g. Finnish offered by the Department of Finnish, FinnoUgrian and Scandinavian Studies or Language Centre) are recommended. Courses taught in other languages than English may be included in the Master’s Degree Programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) up to 25 % of the total credits (i.e. maximum of 30 credits). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MASTER’S DEGREE IN TOTAL 120 Study entity: 830185 Advanced studies in Forest and peatland ecosystems' function and production Forest and peatland ecosystems' management and restoration (MScFB) Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Study Guide 2014-2015 Department of Forest Sciences 3(11) MASTER’S DEGREE, 120 credits GENERAL STUDIES, 17 cr (includes 1 cr of integrated studies) credits FOR200 FOR210 FOR240 993734 993735 882574 Introduction to Studies in Forest Sciences and Business · includes PSP (1 cr) Leadership and management Internship Academic writing I Academic writing II Methodological studies (e.g. statistics) Working life orientation studies (e.g. Curriculum for career) MAJOR SUBJECT STUDIES, 80cr timing (yr/period) 3 1/I 2 3 2 2 4 1/IV 1-2 1/open 2/open 1-2/open 1 1/open credits timing (yr/period) Advanced studies, 64 cr MEK220 FOR260 MEH205 MEH225 MEH250 Literature Master’s Thesis Seminar Master’s Thesis (incl. Maturity essay) Sustainable forest ecosystem management Multipurpose forest management Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems: Theory and application Additionally minimum 15 credits of the following: FOR230A Forest bioenergy FOR230B Forest bioenergy project MEH230 Advanced silviculture MEH241 Ecology of peatlands MET210 Biogeochemistry of forest and peatland ecosystems MET211 Forest soil and root ecology MET214 Forest ecosystem hydrology and water balance MET216 Forests and peatlands as modifiers of atmospheric composition MET217 Mitigation of climate change in forestry MET220 Whole tree structure and dynamics MET230 Dynamic modelling in production ecology MET234 Adaptation of forestry to climate change MET235 Forest-atmosphere processes and advanced data analysis MET240 Forest ecosystems of the world – their structure, functioning and productivity MET250 Field course in production ecology 5 5 40 4 5 2/open 1/II-IV and 2/I-II 2 1-2 1-2/II 5 1-2/IV (odd years) 5 2 5 3 5 5 5 1-2/I 1-2/II 1-2/I 1-2/I (even years) 1-2/I 1-2 (odd years) 1-2/IV 4 5 6 4 5 1-2 1-2/III (even years) 1/III 1-2/II 1-2/III (odd years ) 5 1-2 5 5 1-2/IV 1-2/summer OTHER STUDIES, 13 cr credits timing Supportive studies. Based on the student’s personal study plan. To be approved by the professor in charge. The courses listed below are recommended. MEH242 MEK205 MEK240 Distribution, characteristics and utilization of global peatlands Current topics in forest ecology and management Essays 2 4 3 1-2/open 1-2 1-2/open ELECTIVES, 10 cr E.g. Minor Based on the student’s personal study plan. Language studies (e.g. Finnish offered by the Department of Finnish, FinnoUgrian and Scandinavian Studies or Language Centre) are recommended. Courses taught in other languages than English may be included in the Master’s Degree Programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) up to 25 % of the total credits (i.e. maximum of 30 credits). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MASTER’S DEGREE IN TOTAL 120 Study entity: 830186 Advanced studies in Forest and peatland ecosystems' management and restoration Forest pathology and mycology (MScFB) Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Study Guide 2014-2015 Department of Forest Sciences 4(11) MASTER’S DEGREE, 120 credits GENERAL STUDIES, 17 cr (includes 1 cr of integrated studies) credits FOR200 FOR210 FOR240 993734 993735 882574 Introduction to Studies in Forest Sciences and Business · includes PSP (1 cr) Leadership and management Internship Academic writing I Academic writing II Methodological studies (e.g. statistics) Working life orientation studies (e.g. Curriculum for career) MAJOR SUBJECT STUDIES, 70-74 cr timing (yr/period) 3 1/I 2 3 2 2 4 1/IV 1-2 1/open 2/open 1-2/open 1 1/open credits timing (yr/period) 5 5 40 2-6 5 10 3 2/open 1/II-IV and 2/I-II 2 1-2 1-2/I (even years) 1/II 1-2/open Advanced studies, 70-74 cr MEK220 FOR260 MPAT202 MPAT211 MPAT221 MEK240 Literature Master’s Thesis Seminar Master’s Thesis (incl. Maturity essay) Special course in forest pathology Epidemiology and ecology of plant pathogens Advanced Forest mycology & pathology Essays OTHER STUDIES, 19-23 cr credits timing Supportive studies. Based on the student’s personal study plan. To be approved by the professor in charge. The courses listed below are recommended. MPAT204 MPAT205 MPAT212 MPAT131 MPAT132 MPAT222 Plant pathogenic bacteria Plant virology Tropical forest pathology Forest Microbiology Basic biotechnology in forestry Plant microbe interactions 5 5 3 10 5 10 1-2/II (uneven years) 1-2/II (even years) arranged if sufficient demand every year 1/I 2/III ELECTIVES, 10 cr E.g. Minor Based on the student’s personal study plan. Language studies (e.g. Finnish offered by the Department of Finnish, FinnoUgrian and Scandinavian Studies or Language Centre) are recommended. Courses taught in other languages than English may be included in the Master’s Degree Programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) up to 25 % of the total credits (i.e. maximum of 30 credits). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MASTER’S DEGREE IN TOTAL 120 Study entity: 830188 Advanced studies in Forest pathology and mycology Forest entomology and wildlife management (MScFB) MASTER’S DEGREE, 120 credits GENERAL STUDIES, 17 cr (includes 1 cr of integrated studies) credits FOR200 FOR210 FOR240 993734 993735 882574 Introduction to Studies in Forest Sciences and Business · includes PSP (1 cr) Leadership and management Internship Academic writing I Academic writing II Methodological studies (e.g. statistics) Working life orientation studies (e.g. Curriculum for career) MAJOR SUBJECT STUDIES, 70 cr Advanced studies, 70 cr timing (yr/period) 3 1/I 2 3 2 2 4 1/IV 1-2 1/open 2/open 1-2/open 1 1/open credits timing (yr/period) Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Study Guide 2014-2015 Department of Forest Sciences MEK220 FOR260 MEH250 MER113 5(11) Literature Master’s Thesis Seminar Master’s Thesis (incl. Maturity essay) Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems: Theory and application Pest vertebrates Additionally minimum 12 cr of the following: MER213B Disturbance dynamics of boreal forests MER217 Advanced forest insect species identification MER210 Alien species MER212 Special species identification in Wildlife management MER213 Special topics in forest entomology and wildlife management (Invasive invertebrates) MEK240 Essays 5 5 40 2/open 1/II-IV and 2/I-II 2 5 3 1-2/IV (odd years) 1-2/III-IV (odd years) 4 3 4 3 1-2/IV (odd years) 1-2, open 1-2/IV (even years) 1-2, open 3 3 1-2/open 1-2/open OTHER STUDIES, 23 cr credits timing Supportive studies. Based on the student’s personal study plan. To be approved by the professor in charge. The courses listed below are recommended: MPAT131 MPAT132 MPAT212 MPAT221 MPAT222 MER118 MEH205 GIS204 Forest microbiology Basic biotechnology in forestry Tropical forest pathology Advanced forest mycology & pathology Plant-microbe interactions and molecular defence of plants Field course in game zoology Sustainable forest ecosystem management Environmental GIS 10 5 3 10 1-2/II 1-2/I 1-2/ arranged if sufficient demand 1-2/II 10 2 4 5 1-2/III 1-2/I (even years) 1-2/II 1-2/IV (odd years) ELECTIVES, 10 cr E.g. Minor Based on the student’s personal study plan. Language studies (e.g. Finnish offered by the Department of Finnish, FinnoUgrian and Scandinavian Studies or Language Centre) are recommended. Courses taught in other languages than English may be included in the Master’s Degree Programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) up to 25 % of the total credits (i.e. maximum of 30 credits). The courses listed below are recommended: FOR230A FOR230B Forest bioenergy Forest bioenergy project 5 2 1-2/I 1-2/II Courses in forest entomology available with special arrangements Courses from Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MASTER’S DEGREE IN TOTAL 120 Study entity: 830187 Advanced studies in Forest entomology and wildlife management Forest resource management (MScFB) MASTER’S DEGREE, 120 credits GENERAL STUDIES, 17 cr (includes 1 cr of integrated studies) credits FOR200 FOR210 FOR240 993734 993735 882574 Introduction to Studies in Forest Sciences and Business · includes PSP (1 cr) Leadership and management Internship Academic writing I Academic writing II Methodological studies (e.g. statistics) Working life orientation studies (e.g. Curriculum for career) MAJOR SUBJECT STUDIES, 70-80 cr Advanced studies, 70-80 cr timing (yr/period) 3 1/I 2 3 2 2 4 1/IV 1-2 1/open 2/open 1-2/open 1 1/open credits timing (yr/period) Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Study Guide 2014-2015 Department of Forest Sciences MEK220 FOR260 Literature Master’s Thesis Seminar Master’s Thesis (incl. Maturity essay) 6(11) 5 5 40 At least 20 credits of the following: FOR225 Project planning and management 5 FOR230A Forest bioenergy 5 FOR230B Forest bioenergy project 2 GIS203 GIS in logistics and business 5 GIS204 Environmental GIS 5 FOR245 Operations Research in Forest Resource Management 5 RS201 Remote sensing 5 MEK240 Essays 3 2/open 1/II-IV and 2/I-II 2 1-2/III 1-2/I 1-2/II 1-2/II (even years) 1-2/IV (odd years) 1-2/IV 1-2/II (odd years) 1-2/open OTHER STUDIES, 13-23 cr credits timing Supportive studies. Based on the student’s personal study plan. To be approved by the professor in charge. The courses listed below are recommended: GIS101 MARV104 MARV105 MARV216 RS101 Geoinformatics 1 Forest inventory Multi-attribute forest planning Basic course in programming Remote sensing 1 5 5 5 5 5 1-2/II (web course) 1-2/III (odd years) 1-2/III (even years) 1-2/III IV ELECTIVES, 10 cr E.g. Minor Based on the student’s personal study plan. Language studies (e.g. Finnish offered by the Department of Finnish, FinnoUgrian and Scandinavian Studies or Language Centre) are recommended. Courses taught in other languages than English may be included in the Master’s Degree Programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) up to 25 % of the total credits (i.e. maximum of 30 credits). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MASTER’S DEGREE IN TOTAL 120 Study entity: 87405 Advanced studies in Forest resource management Forest technology and logistics (MScFB) MASTER’S DEGREE, 120 credits GENERAL STUDIES, 17 cr (includes 1 cr of integrated studies) credits FOR200 FOR210 FOR240 993734 993735 882574 Introduction to Studies in Forest Sciences and Business · includes PSP (1 cr) Leadership and management Internship Academic writing I Academic writing II Methodological studies (e.g. statistics) Working life orientation studies (e.g. Curriculum for career) MAJOR SUBJECT STUDIES, 70-80 cr timing (yr/period) 3 1/I 2 3 2 2 4 1/IV 1-2 1/open 2/open 1-2/open 1 1/open credits timing (yr/period) Advanced studies, 70-80 cr MEK220 FOR260 Literature Master’s Thesis Seminar Master’s Thesis (incl. Maturity essay) 5 5 40 At least 20 credits of the following: FOR225 Project planning and management 5 FOR230A Forest bioenergy 5 FOR230B Forest bioenergy project 2 GIS203 GIS in logistics and business 5 METEK216 Environmental effects of Wood Harvesting 3 METEK224 International wood procurement 3 FOR245 Operations Research in Forest Resource Management 5 METEK240 Wood procurement – supply chain and information 2/open 1/II-IV and 2/I-II 2 1-2/III 1-2/I 1-2/II 1-2/II (even years) 1-2/IV 1-2/IV (even years) 1-2/IV Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Study Guide 2014-2015 Department of Forest Sciences management 7(11) 5 1-2/IV OTHER STUDIES, 13-23 cr credits timing Supportive studies. Based on the student’s personal study plan. To be approved by the professor in charge. The courses listed below are recommended: METEK101 METEK201 MEK240 FPM140 Basics in logistics Advanced course in logistics Essays Managerial economics in forest industry 3 6 3 5 1-2/I 1-2/II (odd years) 1-2/open 1-2/III ELECTIVES, 10 cr E.g. Minor Based on the student’s personal study plan. Language studies (e.g. Finnish offered by the Department of Finnish, FinnoUgrian and Scandinavian Studies or Language Centre) are recommended. Courses taught in other languages than English may be included in the Master’s Degree Programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) up to 25 % of the total credits (i.e. maximum of 30 credits). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MASTER’S DEGREE IN TOTAL 120 Study entity: 83858 Advanced studies in Forest technology and logistics Wood technology (MScFB) MASTER’S DEGREE, 120 credits GENERAL STUDIES, 17 cr (includes 1 cr of integrated studies) credits FOR200 FOR210 FOR240 993734 993735 882574 Introduction to Studies in Forest Sciences and Business · includes PSP (1 cr) Leadership and management Internship Academic writing I Academic writing II Methodological studies (e.g. statistics) Working life orientation studies (e.g. Curriculum for career) MAJOR SUBJECT STUDIES, 72 cr timing (yr/period) 3 1/I 2 3 2 2 4 1/IV 1-2 1/open 2/open 1-2/open 1 1/open credits timing (yr/period) 5 5 40 5 5 5 2 5 2/open 1/II-IV and 2/I-II 2 1-2/I-II (odd years) 1-2/III 1-2/I 1-2/II 1-2/IV (odd years) Advanced studies, 72 cr MEK220 FOR260 PTEK225 FOR225 FOR230A FOR230B LME210 Literature Master’s Thesis Seminar Master’s Thesis (incl. Maturity essay) Wood as fibre raw material Project planning and management Forest bioenergy Forest bioenergy project Accounting and finance in forest industry OTHER STUDIES, 21cr credits timing Supportive studies. Based on the student’s personal study plan. To be approved by the professor in charge. The courses listed below are recommended: FPM140 FPM210 LME215 METEK216 METEK224 METEK240 MLY255 PTEK112 Managerial economics in forest industry Strategic marketing and management in global forest industry Economics of climate change in forestry and natural resources Environmental effects of Wood Harvesting International wood procurement Wood procurement – supply chain and information management International forest policy Wood Science 5 1-2/III 5 1-2/II 5 3 3 1-2/II (odd years) 1-2/IV 1-2/IV (even years) 5 5 5 1-2/IV 1-2/II (odd years) 1-2/II Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Study Guide 2014-2015 Department of Forest Sciences 8(11) ELECTIVES, 10cr E.g. Minor Based on the student’s personal study plan. Language studies (e.g. Finnish offered by the Department of Finnish, FinnoUgrian and Scandinavian Studies or Language Centre) are recommended. Courses taught in other languages than English may be included in the Master’s Degree Programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) up to 25 % of the total credits (i.e. maximum of 30 credits). The courses listed below are recommended. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MASTER’S DEGREE IN TOTAL 120 Study entity: 83958 Advanced studies in Wood technology Tropical forest ecology and management MASTER’S DEGREE, 120 credits GENERAL STUDIES, 17 cr (includes 1 cr of integrated studies) credits FOR200 FOR210 FOR240 993734 993735 882574 Introduction to Studies in Forest Sciences and Business · includes PSP (1 cr) Leadership and management Internship Academic writing I Academic writing II Methodological studies (e.g. statistics) Working life orientation studies (e.g. Curriculum for career) MAJOR SUBJECT STUDIES, 75-80 cr timing (yr/period) 3 1/I 2 3 2 2 4 1/IV 1-2 1/open 2/open 1-2/open 1 1/open credits timing (yr/period) Advanced studies, 75-80 cr TROP270 FOR260 TROP210 and/or MEH250 Advanced literature Master’s Thesis Seminar Master’s Thesis (incl. Maturity essay) Field course: Tropical forest ecology and silviculture 5 5 40 5 Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems: Theory and application 5 Additionally minimum 20 credits of the following: FPM210 Strategic marketing and management in global forest industry FPM230 Survey methods in marketing and social sciences TROP220 Special topics on silviculture in developing countries TROP230 Agroforestry II TROP240 Participatory methods in sustainable management of natural resources TROP250 Plantation forestry in the tropics TROP260 Tropical forests and climate change MET214 Forest ecosystem hydrology and water balance MET240 Forest ecosystems of the world – their structure, functioning and productivity MLY255 International forest policy MEK240 Essays 5 6 2-3 5 2/open 1/II-IV and 2/I-II 2 1-2 (odd years) 1-2/IV (odd years) 1-2/II 1-2/III 1-2 (even years) 1/III 5 5 5 5 1/I 1-2/IV (even years) 1-2/IV (odd years) 1-2/IV 5 5 3 1-2/IV 1-2/II (odd years) 1-2/open OTHER STUDIES, 13-18 cr credits timing Supportive studies. Based on the student’s personal study plan. To be approved by the professor in charge. The courses listed below are recommended: FOR225 FOR230A JAL401 JAL402 JAL403 MEK205 MET214 MET240 MPAT212 RS201 TROP130 FOR220 Project planning and management Forest bioenergy Selection breeding and experimental design Conservation of plant genetic resources Forest tree breeding Current topics in forest ecology and management Forest ecosystem hydrology and water balance Forest ecosystems of the world – their structure, functioning and productivity Tropical forest pathology Remote sensing (requires background knowledge) Agroforestry I Qualitative research methods 3 5 5 5 5 4 5 1-2/III 1-2/I 1-2/III (even years) 1-2/IV (even years) 1-2/I (even years) 1-2 1-2/IV 5 3 5 3 5 1-2/IV 1-2/ arranged if sufficient demand 1-2/II (odd years) 1-2/II 1/IV Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Study Guide 2014-2015 Department of Forest Sciences 9(11) Development studies (Faculty of Social Science) ELECTIVES, 10 cr E.g. Minor Based on the student’s personal study plan. Language studies (e.g. Finnish offered by the Department of Finnish, FinnoUgrian and Scandinavian Studies or Language Centre) are recommended. Courses taught in other languages than English may be included in the Master’s Degree Programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) up to 25 % of the total credits (i.e. maximum of 30 credits). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MASTER’S DEGREE IN TOTAL 120 Study entity: 830190 Advanced studies in Tropical forest ecology and management Degree requirements in Forest Economics and Marketing (MScFB programme) 2014-2015 Business economics of forestry (MScFB) MASTER’S DEGREE, 120 credits GENERAL STUDIES, 17 cr (includes 1 cr of integrated studies) credits FOR200 FOR210 FOR240 993734 993735 882574 Introduction to Studies in Forest Sciences and Business · includes PSP (1 cr) Leadership and management Internship Academic writing I Academic writing II Methodological studies (e.g. statistics/econometrics) Working life orientation studies (e.g. Curriculum for career) MAJOR SUBJECT STUDIES, 70 cr timing 3 1/I 2 3 2 2 4 1/IV 1-2 1/open 2/open 1-2/open 1 1/open credits timing 5 5 40 2/open 1/I-IV 2 5 6 5 1-2/II 1-2/III 1-2/IV (odd years) 5 3-7 1-2/II (odd years ) 1-2/open Advanced studies, 70 cr LME270 FPM280 MEM290 Literature Master’s Thesis Seminar Master’s Thesis (incl. Maturity essay) Additionally minimum 20 credits from the following: FPM210 Strategic marketing and management in global forest industry FPM230 Survey methods in marketing and social sciences LME210 Accounting and finance in forest industry LME215 Economics of climate change in forestry and natural resources LME260 Special topics in forest economics and management OTHER STUDIES, 23 cr credits timing Supportive studies. Based on the student’s personal study plan. To be approved by the professor in charge. The courses listed below are recommended: LME265 MLY210 MLY255 MLY270 FPM140 Essays Dynamic optimization in natural resource economics International forest policy Private forestry and forest policy Managerial economics in forest industry 3 6 5 3 5 1-2 1-2/IV (even years) 1-2/II (odd years) 1-2/III 1/III ELECTIVES, 10 cr E.g. Minor Based on the student’s personal study plan. Language studies (e.g. Finnish offered by the Department of Finnish, FinnoUgrian and Scandinavian Studies or Language Centre) are recommended. Courses taught in other languages than English may be included in the Master’s Degree Programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) up to 25 % of the total credits (i.e. maximum of 30 credits). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MASTER’S DEGREE IN TOTAL 120 Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Study Guide 2014-2015 Department of Forest Sciences 10(11) Study entity: 83778 Advanced studies in Business economics of forestry Forest resource and environmental economics (MScFB) MASTER’S DEGREE, 120 credits GENERAL STUDIES, 17 cr (includes 1 cr of integrated studies) credits FOR200 FOR210 FOR240 993734 993735 882574 Introduction to Studies in Forest Sciences and Business · includes PSP (1 cr) Leadership and management Internship Academic writing I Academic writing II Methodological studies (e.g. statistics/econometrics) Working life orientation studies (e.g. Curriculum for career) MAJOR SUBJECT STUDIES, 70 cr timing 3 1/I 2 3 2 2 4 1/IV 1-2 1/open 2/open 1-2/open 1 1/open credits timing Advanced studies, 70 cr MLY220 MLY280 MEM290 MLY210 MLY240 MLY250 Literature Thesis seminar Master’s Thesis (incl. Maturity essay) Dynamic optimization in natural resource economics Valuation of environmental benefits Bioeconomics Additionally minimum 5credits of the following: MLY255 International forest policy MLY260 Econometrics II MLY270 Private forestry and forest policy MLY275 Special topics in forest economics and policy 5 5 40 6 3 6 5 6 3 4-10 2/open 2/I 2 1-2/IV (even years) 1-2/I (odd years) 1-2/III (odd years) 1-2/II (odd years) 1-2/IV 1-2/III 1-2/open OTHER STUDIES, 23 cr credits timing Supportive studies. Based on the student’s personal study plan. To be approved by the professor in charge. The courses listed below are recommended: FPM230 LME215 MEH205 MET230 MLY285 TROP230 TROP250 Survey methods in marketing and social sciences Economics of climate change in forestry and natural resources Sustainable forest ecosystem management Dynamic modelling in production ecology Essays Agroforestry II Plantation forestry in the tropics 6 1-2/III 5 4 4 3 5 5 1-2/II (odd years) 1-2/II 1-2/II 1-2/open 1/III 1-2/IV (even years) ELECTIVES, 10 cr E.g. Minor Based on the student’s personal study plan. Language studies (e.g. Finnish offered by the Department of Finnish, FinnoUgrian and Scandinavian Studies or Language Centre) are recommended. Courses taught in other languages than English may be included in the Master’s Degree Programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) up to 25 % of the total credits (i.e. maximum of 30 credits). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MASTER’S DEGREE IN TOTAL 120 Study entity: 83059 Advanced studies in Forest resource and environmental economics Forest products marketing and management (MScFB) MASTER’S DEGREE, 120 credits GENERAL STUDIES, 17 cr (includes 1 cr of integrated studies) credits timing Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Study Guide 2014-2015 Department of Forest Sciences FOR200 FOR210 FOR240 993734 993735 882574 11(11) Introduction to Studies in Forest Sciences and Business · includes PSP (1 cr) Leadership and management Internship Academic writing I Academic writing II Methodological studies (e.g. statistics/econometrics) Working life orientation studies (e.g. Curriculum for career) MAJOR SUBJECT STUDIES, 74cr 3 1/I 2 3 2 2 4 1/IV 1-2 1/open 2/open 1-2/open 1 1/open credits timing 5 5 40 5 2/open 1/I-IV 2 1/IV 5 6 3 5 1/II 1-2/III 1-2/open 1-2/IV (odd years) Advanced studies, 74 cr FPM220 FPM280 MEM290 FOR220 FPM210 FPM230 FPM270 LME210 Literature Master’s Thesis Seminar Master’s Thesis (incl. Maturity essay) Qualitative research methods Strategic marketing and management in global forest industry Survey methods in marketing and social sciences Essays Accounting and finance in forest industry OTHER STUDIES, 19 cr credits timing Supportive studies. Based on the student’s personal study plan. To be approved by the professor in charge. The courses listed below are recommended: FOR230A FPM120 FPM130 FPM140 FPM180 Forest bioenergy Industrial marketing in forest sector Marketing of services in forest sector Managerial economics in forest industry FPM seminar 5 9 5 5 4 1-2/I 1-2/I-II 1/III 1/III 1-2 ELECTIVES, 10 cr E.g. Minor Based on the student’s personal study plan. Language studies (e.g. Finnish offered by the Department of Finnish, FinnoUgrian and Scandinavian Studies or Language Centre) are recommended. Courses taught in other languages than English may be included in the Master’s Degree Programme in Forest Sciences and Business (MScFB) up to 25 % of the total credits (i.e. maximum of 30 credits). MASTER’S DEGREE IN TOTAL 120 Study entity: 84068 Advanced studies in Forest products marketing and management