Annex B AGREEMENT NO. CE 48/2012 (GE) Draft BRIEF Contents 1. Introduction...................................................................................................B1 2. Description of the Project............................................................................B1 3. Objectives of the Assignment......................................................................B1 4. Description of the Assignment ....................................................................B2 5. Deliverables ...................................................................................................B5 6. Services to be Provided by the Consultants............................................B13 7. Programme of Implementation ................................................................B36 8. Progress Reports.........................................................................................B40 9. Financial Management ..............................................................................B41 10. Standards and Specifications....................................................................B42 11. Checking and Certification of the Design ...............................................B44 12. Variations and Other Commitments........................................................B45 13. Resident Site Staff.......................................................................................B46 14. Director's Representative ..........................................................................B47 15. Control of the Project and Assignment ...................................................B47 16. Information and Facilities Provided by the Employer.........................B48 17. Consultants' Office and Staffing...............................................................B48 18. Specialist and Sub-consultant Services....................................................B49 19. Surveys .........................................................................................................B49 20. Insurance......................................................................................................B50 Agreement No. CE 48/2012 (GE) Preventive Maintenance Programme, 2012 Upgrading/Improvement Works to Lands Department Slopes in the Southern Regions – Investigation, Design and Construction BRIEF 1. Introduction This Brief is to be read in conjunction with the Memorandum of Agreement, the General Conditions of Employment of Engineering and Associated Consultants for a Design and Construction Assignment (1997 Edition), Special Conditions of Employment, Schedule of Fees, Appendices to this Agreement and any other detailed instructions issued by the Director’s Representative (DR). 2. Description of the Project The direction for slope maintenance works after 2010 was given in the Standing Committee of Slope Safety (SCOSS) Paper No. 1/2009, issued by the SCOSS of DEVB. In essence, Lands Department (Lands D) should proceed with the Preventive Maintenance Programme, with an annual target to upgrade/improve not less than 1% (about 192 currently) of all Lands D slopes after 2010. The Assignment forms part of the Preventive Maintenance Programme (PMP) of Lands D. 3. Objectives of the Assignment 3.1 This Assignment is to: (A) collect/validate data for 600 Lands D slopes comprising cut slopes, fill slopes and retaining walls and up to 100 related Lands D slopes in the Southern Regions of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. For the purpose of this Assignment, the Southern Regions include the Districts of Sai Kung, Kowloon East, Kowloon West, Hong Kong East, Hong Kong West & South, Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing, and Islands. The slopes assigned for data collection/validation under this Assignment in the Southern Regions are listed in Appendix A and their geographical B1 distribution within the Districts is indicated on Drawing No. SMS/CE 48/2012 (GE)/1/001 in Appendix B, and (B) carry out investigation, design (prescriptive or conventional), tendering, supervision and contract administration of upgrading/improvement works for 200 slopes selected from the 600 assigned slopes and up to 100 related slopes. 4. Description of the Assignment 4.1 The Assignment consists of the following items of work: (A) Collect and validate new and existing data, as specified in Clause 6.3, for computing the ranking score of the 600 assigned slopes in Appendix A and up to 100 related slopes based on the New Priority Ranking System (NPRS) as given in the Special Project Report No. SPR 4/2009 (herein after referred to as SPR 4/2009) issued by the Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) and the subsequent updating and supplement of the System as confirmed by the DR from time to time. (B) Carry out slope selection exercises as specified in Clause 6.3 for the implementation of slope upgrading/improvement works and produce preliminary cost estimates for the selected slopes in accordance with the budgetary ceiling as specified by the DR and the Programme in Clause 7.5. (C) Arrange and supervise all necessary ground investigations (GI) and laboratory testing for the design of the upgrading/improvement works for the selected slopes, taking into the consideration the priority established by the slope selection exercises in (B) above, including the data collection of any existing borehole information, and interpretation of results and measurement of any proposed geotechnical instruments including piezometers. (D) Tender and supervise a 36-month Ground Investigation Schedule of Rates (GI SOR) Contract for the implementation of the ground investigation and laboratory testing arising from (C) above, including: (i) Prepare tender documents for the GI SOR Contract, invite B2 tenders and prepare tender report for submission by the DR to the relevant Government tender board or other approving authority as appropriate; (E) (ii) Prepare detailed GI plans, testing schedules and bills of quantities ready for issue of Works Orders and issue the Works Orders upon DR’s agreement; and (iii) Act as the Engineer for the GI SOR Contract, providing all contract administration and site supervision including attention to site safety for the execution of the GI works and field/laboratory testing. Produce designs and final cost estimates for the implementation of slope upgrading/improvement works with landscaping for the selected slopes as specified in Clause 6.4 and in accordance with the Programme in Clause 7.5. The design of the upgrading/improvement works shall be carried out using either prescriptive measures design or conventional investigation and stability analysis approaches, as appropriate. Out of the 200 selected slopes to be upgraded/improved, it is estimated that about 45% are likely to be amenable to designs using Types 1 to 3 prescriptive measures and about 55% are likely to be amenable to designs using conventional investigation and stability analyses. The design of upgrading/improvement works shall be in accordance with the relevant technical guidance documents issued by GEO. (F) Identify the critical construction activities and structural elements in the design that warrant the formulation of special site supervision requirements for such activities and structural elements. (G) Tender and supervise a 36-month Preventive Maintenance Works Schedule of Rates (PMW SOR) Contract for the implementation of slope upgrading/improvement works and further ground investigation and laboratory testing to supplement those referred in (C) above, including: (i) Prepare tender documents for the PMW SOR Contract, invite tenders and prepare a tender report for submission by the DR to the relevant Government tender board and other approving B3 authority as appropriate; and (ii) Act as the Engineer for the PMW SOR Contract, providing all contract administration and site supervision, including attention to site safety for the execution of the works, management of the Resident Site Staff (RSS) and preparation of as-constructed drawings and records of the works. The construction of slope upgrading/improvement works arising from (E) above shall be implemented in three Phases Subject to Incorporation as stipulated in S27 and Clause 7.5. The Consultants shall not commence and will not be paid for the services to be provided within a Phase Subject to Incorporation without a written instruction to proceed with each phase from the DR. (H) Provide geotechnical supervision packages for the ground investigation/laboratory testing under the GI SOR Contract and the slope upgrading/improvement works under the PMW SOR Contract in accordance with the details given in Geoguide 2 and Chapter 7 of the Project Administration Handbook (PAH) published by the Civil Engineering and Development Department. (I) Apply for Checking Certificates from the GEO for slopes confirmed to be already meeting the current geotechnical standards or upgraded under the PMW SOR Contract in accordance with Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (ETWB TCW) No. 20/2004. (J) Submit recommendations to the GEO to update the Catalogue of Slopes of the Slope Information System for each slope dealt with under the PMW SOR Contract. (K) Prepare or update the Maintenance Manuals/Engineer Inspection Reports and Works Order information in Lands Department’s Slope Maintenance Information System (SMIS) database and associated databases. (Information about the SMIS and its associated databases is provided in Appendix E). 4.2 During the course of the Assignment, the DR may replace up to 50 of the selected slopes with other slopes because of public objection to slope works, change of maintenance responsibility, complaints, landslides, etc. B4 4.3 Where instructed by the DR, the Consultants will also be required to carry out the following works for slopes other than those selected in Clause 3 as additional services on a time-charge basis or on a negotiated lump sum basis: 5. (A) Carry out stability assessment including ground investigation and laboratory testing for up to 25 slopes in the Southern Regions nominated by the DR. (B) Produce cost estimates and designs of upgrading/improvement works with landscaping, if necessary, for the slopes in (A) above as directed by the DR. (C) Review and amend design, if necessary, and prepare cost estimate of upgrading/improvement works, including landscaping works, produced by others for up to 25 slopes nominated by the DR and take up the design responsibility for these slopes. (D) Supervise construction of the upgrading/improvement works for the slopes referred to in (B) and (C) above under the PMW SOR Contract. (E) Apply for Checking Certificates from the GEO for the slopes referred to in (B) and (C) above which have been upgraded. (F) Update the Catalogue of Slopes in the Slope Information System and prepare the Maintenance Manuals/Engineer Inspection Reports in the SMIS for the slopes referred to in (B) and (C) above. (G) Design, arrange to construct and supervise appearance enhancement works for up to 15 slopes at prominent locations specifically requested by the DR for slopes other than those referred to in Clauses 4.1(E), 4.2 and 4.3(B) and (C) with input from landscaping architect. Deliverables The Consultants shall submit the following deliverables during the course of the Assignment: 5.1 General B5 (A) The Programme for the Assignment and a Quality Plan (three hard copies), as referred to in Clause 7 and Clause 11.3 respectively. A draft Programme and a draft Quality Plan shall be submitted within two weeks from the commencement of the Agreement. A further two weeks shall be allowed for incorporation of comments from the DR and the submission of the Programme and the Quality Plan. Thereafter, the Programme and the Quality Plan shall be reviewed, updated and submitted monthly with the monthly Progress Report (item (D) below) or at such other intervals as required by the DR. (B) The Inception Report (three hard copies), detailing the objectives of the Assignment, the approach and methodology to be adopted for carrying out the Assignment, including work flow diagrams/charts to illustrate the complete cycle of activities for the Assignment, the agreed Programme in (A) above, the management, organisation and staffing of the project team including the curricula vitae of the project team members and the Quality Assurance Procedures for the Assignment. A draft Inception Report shall be submitted to the DR for approval within two weeks from the commencement of the Agreement. A Final Inception Report shall be submitted within 1 week upon agreement of the draft Inception Report by the DR. (C) (i) A Quality Site Supervision Plan (QSSP) (three hard copies) for the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts in accordance with Clause 6.6.1(A). The draft and the final QSSP shall be submitted within 5.5 months and 7 months after commencement of the Agreement respectively; (ii) A revised QSSP (three hard copies) for the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts to be submitted within 2 weeks after each major modification of the QSSP during the investigation and construction stages. (D) 5.2 Monthly Progress and Financial Management Reports (four hard copies) in accordance with Clauses 8 and 9 to be submitted within the first five working days of the following month. Deliverables for Slope Data Collection/Validation and Slope Selection B6 5.3 (A) Data Collection/Validation Reports (four hard copies) for the 600 assigned slopes and up to 100 related slopes and Slope Selection Reports (four hard copies), in accordance with Clause 6.3, in a format as agreed by the DR, providing the results of data collection/validation and the three slope selection exercises carried out by the Consultants to choose the slopes for implementation of slope upgrading/improvement works. All draft and final reports shall be submitted in accordance with the Programme in Clause 7.5. (B) Preliminary cost estimates for individual slopes selected for implementation of upgrading/improvement works, including the costs of ground investigation and laboratory testing, site survey, construction supervision and works. The consultants may be required to review the selected slope list in (A) above and, if necessary, propose alternative slopes in order to satisfy the budgetary ceiling specified by the DR. Deliverables for the Design of Slope Upgrading/Improvement Works (A) Design Memorandum (four hard copies) in accordance with Clause 6.4(A). The DR’s agreement to the Design Memorandum must be obtained before the design work can commence. (B) Desk Study Reports for the proposed ground investigations and laboratory tests (one hard copy) in accordance with Clause 6.4 (B)(ii)(b). (C) Reports on ground investigations and laboratory testing (one hard copy) in accordance with Clause 6.4 (B)(ii)(h). The reports together with the AGS disks shall be submitted within 4 weeks from the completion of the respective ground investigations and laboratory tests. (D) Where required in accordance with Clause 6.4(C)(ii)(b), environmental impact assessment reports (one hard copy) shall be submitted one month before any required presentation to the Advisory Council on the Environment. (E) Where required in accordance with Clause 6.4(D), checklists (one hard copy) shall be submitted within 2 weeks as requested by the DR. (F) Draft and final tree survey report (one hard copy) for each slope B7 requiring tree felling or transplanting in accordance with Clause 6.4(E) prior to submission of the draft design report. 5.4 (G) Draft tree felling application (one hard copy) and final tree felling application (one hard copy) in accordance with Clause 6.4(E) prior to submission of the draft design report. (H) Draft design reports (one hard copy) in accordance with Clause 6.4(F), including interpretation and analysis of ground investigation and laboratory test data giving rise to design parameters, if any, for the slope upgrading/improvement works. (I) Final design reports (one hard copy) accompanied by one set of A1-sized working drawings in accordance with Clause 6.4(F) for the slope upgrading/improvement works. (J) A letter report shall be submitted to the DR for his agreement for each slope that is recommended for deletion for reasons other than it meets the current geotechnical standards. Deliverables for Tendering of the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts (A) Draft tender documents (three hard copies) for the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts, together with an estimate of the cost of the works, a summary of any outstanding technical and administrative matters affecting tendering and contract award, a preliminary programme for the works, together with a draft gazette notice and a draft press release, shall be submitted in accordance with the Programme in Clause 7.5. (B) Final tender documents (forty hard copies) for the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts, including the Electronic Dissemination Package in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 11/2005 or its latest version, shall be submitted before tendering. (C) Draft tender assessment reports (three hard copies) for the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts shall be submitted within three weeks after the closing date for the receipt of tenders for the Contracts. (D) Final tender assessment reports (six hard copies) for the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts within one week upon agreement of the draft B8 tender assessment reports by the DR. 5.5 (E) Contract documents (three sets) for the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts ready for signing upon the award of the Contract. (F) Certified true copies of the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contract documents (six hard copies) shall be submitted within two weeks upon signing of the Contract. Deliverables for the Implementation of Upgrading/Improvement Works (A) Reports on the Resident Site Staff Organization in accordance with the requirements in Clause 6.6 for the supervision of the upgrading/improvement works. The reports shall be submitted together with the Monthly Progress Report within the first five working days of each month. (B) Documents, letters, certificates, charts and all other information (one hard copy) produced in the discharge of the duties of the Engineer and Engineer’s Representative as appropriate and the management of the Resident Site Staff. (C) Draft Maintenance Manual and Engineer Inspection Report (one hard copy) for each slope upgraded, or improved, or proved to meet current geotechnical standards under the Assignment. The Manual/Report shall follow the format of the sample given in Appendix D. The draft Manual/Report shall be submitted within four months from the issue date of the Certificate of Completion for the upgrading/improvement works. (D) Final Maintenance Manuals/Engineer Inspection Reports (one hard copy and digital data copy in compact disc), satisfactorily incorporating all the comments from the DR, shall be submitted within one month after receiving the DR’s comments or GEO Checking Certificates. The format and structure of the digital data shall be compatible with that of the SMIS and the digital data, including digital images of attachments, such as photographs, plans, slope reports, as-built drawings, GEO Checking Certificates, shall be uploaded into SMIS or other relevant databases according to the procedure to be agreed by the DR. B9 5.6 (E) Digital data of the Works Orders issued for uploading into the Government Finance Management Information System (GFMIS). (F) Digital data of Works Orders for uploading into the SMIS or associated databases. The format and structure of the digital data shall be compatible with that of the SMIS and the digital data shall be uploaded into SMIS or other relevant databases according to the procedure to be agreed by the DR. (G) As-constructed drawings including detailed topographic survey (one hard copy) shall be submitted within four months after the issue of the Certificate of Completion of the relevant slope works. (H) Recommendations to GEO to update the Category of Slopes in the Slope Information System within three months after the issue of the Certificate of Completion of relevant slope works. Final Deliverables (A) A draft Final Report on the Assignment (three hard copies) and any follow-up work arising from it shall be submitted no later than two months before the completion of the Agreement. The report shall concisely summarise the findings and recommendations of the various inspections undertaken, the results of the slope selection exercises, the subsequent design work and the slope upgrading/improvement works. (B) A Final Report on the Assignment (three hard copies), satisfactorily incorporating all the DR's comments on the draft Final Report, shall be submitted not later than two weeks before the completion of the Agreement. The Executive Summary of the Final Report shall be in both English and Chinese. 5.7 The Consultants shall draw the attention of the DR to any Deliverables that are under licence, any pre-existing copyright or patent on any of the Deliverables and any other restrictions whatsoever affecting the Employer’s use of the same. If required by the DR, the Consultants shall establish the existence of any licence, copyright, patent or restriction. 5.8 Unless otherwise specified in this Brief, the Consultants shall also provide the deliverables in digital format, as detailed below: B10 (A) Digital copies of the finalised versions of the following Deliverables, if any, to be delivered to the DR, together with the required number of hard copies : z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Inception Report Quality Plan Quality Site Supervision Plan Data Collection/Validation Reports Slope Selection Reports Design Memorandum Desk Study Reports Ground Investigation and Laboratory Testing Reports Final Design Reports Environmental Impact Assessment Reports Tree survey reports Tree removal application document Design Memorandum Tender documents, gazette notices, press releases for the Contracts Tender Assessment Reports for the Contracts Contract documents for the Contracts Drawings Design Certificates Maintenance Manuals/Engineer Inspection Reports Final Report and Executive Summary The digital copy shall be saved in a convenient medium, such as compact disc and kept in a protective envelope attached to the hard copy. (B) When requested, the Consultants shall also provide digital copies of the draft versions of the Deliverables in Clause 5.8(A) above. (C) Unless otherwise agreed by the DR, digital copies of the Deliverables shall be in Acrobat format (non-raster version which allows text extraction), except that: z z drawings shall conform with the Computer-Aided-Drafting (CAD) Standard for Works Projects version 1.03.00 (or later versions as agreed with the DR from time to time) as posted on the web site of the Work Branch of the Development Bureau. The CAD files shall be accompanied with output files in Acrobat format. photographs, illustrations, portraits, documents provided by others and documents involving signatures, such as Design Certificates shall be scanned and saved in Encapsulated PostScript Files B11 z z (EPSF), Tag Image File Format (TIFF), Graphic Interchange File Format (GIF), Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), or Acrobat format. The format of the Maintenance Manual/Engineer Inspection Report and Works Orders shall be compatible with the SMIS and its associated databases. The Ground Investigation and Laboratory Testing Reports shall be in AGS format. The DR may request additional copies in Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010 format. (D) Upon completion of the Assignment, the Consultants shall submit to the DR two sets of compact disc(s) kept in rigid plastic cases: z z The first set of disc(s) shall contain all digital copies of the Deliverables mentioned in Clause 5.8(A); and The second set of disc(s) shall contain only the Final Report and Executive Summary. In addition, the first set of compact disc(s) shall include a digital copy of the Brief to be provided by the DR and an index file in HTML (hypertext markup language) or equivalent format containing the salient points of the Assignment and the following information about each of the digital copies provided: z z z z z z Title of the Deliverable Version number and date of issue of the Deliverable File name of the Deliverable Software used to create and retrieve the Deliverable Version of the software Highlights of any intellectual property rights belonging to a third party The format of the index file has to be agreed by the DR. (E) The compact discs submitted shall be clearly labelled on their surfaces and protective cases with the date of production of the compact discs, the agreement number and title of the Assignment, the name and logo of the Lands Department, and the name and company chop of the Consultants. In addition, the spines of the cases shall be marked with the agreement number. B12 6. Services to be Provided by the Consultants 6.1 General (A) The duties of the Consultants shall include all or any of the duties covered under the General Conditions of Employment, Special Conditions of Employment and as set out in this Brief. (B) The duties of the Consultants shall include all of the duties required to achieve the objectives of the Assignment as described in Clause 3, to produce the Deliverables as described in Clause 5, and shall comprise the tasks specified in the remaining parts of Clause 6 given below. (C) The Consultants shall prepare the Programme for the Assignment and any revised Programme as may be necessary in accordance with Clause 7. (D) The Consultants shall attend Monthly Progress Meetings and up to a maximum of 5 ad hoc meetings per month. (E) The Consultants shall assist the DR to identify, arrange and take possession of any land required for the purpose of or in connection with the Assignment and handing over the land to the Contractors or others. The services required include preparation of land acquisition and allocation plans, survey fieldwork to establish the site boundary and liaison with District Lands Offices and other parties. (F) Pursuant to Clause 19 of the General Conditions of Employment, and when necessary, the Consultants shall communicate, correspond, visit and liaise directly with all relevant private authorities and Government departments for the completion of desk studies, field inspections and to obtain their approval where necessary of the works, working methods and programme for carrying out the slope works under the Agreement. All relevant written correspondence with these organizations shall be copied to the DR. (G) The Consultants shall draw to the attention of the DR the need to consider any implications and consequences arising out of or in relation to the Assignment and suggest any alternative proposals to address such implications and consequences. B13 6.2 (H) The Consultants shall maintain ISO 9001 certification by an accredited certifying body in accordance with the requirements of Works Bureau Technical Circular (WBTC) No. 13/2001 for the whole period of the Assignment. The scope of certification shall cover the services to be provided by the Consultants under Clause 6. The Consultants shall inform the DR immediately if their ISO certification is withdrawn by the certifying body. (I) The Consultants shall confirm that Lands Department is the maintenance agent responsible for slope upgrading/improvement works for the selected slopes by reference to the latest SIMAR Slope Reports prior to conducting design, and ground investigation and construction works. In case of doubt, the Consultants shall reconfirm the maintenance responsibility with the SIMAR Unit of Lands Department. For slopes with maintenance responsibility shared with other Government Departments where the other Department has the majority share, the slopes shall be deleted from this Assignment upon agreement by the DR. (J) Prior to the award of the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts, the Consultants are required to prepare a QSSP in accordance with Clause 6.6.1 (A) and their own quality management system. The QSSP and its execution shall be subject to Employer's technical audits. The Consultants shall also review the QSSP with the site staff during the construction stage and amend it if necessary. Personnel 6.2.1 The geotechnical designs shall be carried out by geotechnical engineers professionally qualified and experienced in Hong Kong. Suitable qualifications are Registered Professional Engineer (Geotechnical), MHKIE (Geotechnical) plus a demonstrated minimum 1 year of geotechnical engineering experience in Hong Kong, and MHKIE (Civil) or MIMMM, C.Eng plus a demonstrated minimum of 2 years of geotechnical engineering experience in Hong Kong. 6.2.2 The Consultants shall provide an adequate number of qualified and experienced professionals and technical staff to plan, direct and supervise the ground investigations and laboratory tests, in accordance with Chapter 15 of Geoguide 2. B14 6.2.3 The Consultants shall provide a qualified geotechnical supervision package in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the PAH Chapter 7. 6.2.4 The name and curriculum vitae of the staff carrying out the design and supervision mentioned in Clauses 6.2.1 to 6.2.3 shall be submitted to DR for acceptance before the commencement of the design and supervision. 6.3 Slope Data Updating, Slope Selection and Preliminary Cost Estimates (A) The Consultants shall collect/validate data for the computation of NPRS scores in accordance with SPR 4/2009 and the subsequent updating of the scoring system for the 600 assigned slopes in Appendix A and up to 100 related slopes. (B) The Consultants shall submit to the DR reports on data collection/validation for the 600 assigned slopes. The reports shall include all supporting documents, associated related slopes, data collection sheets, photographic records, NPRS calculations, file search reports, SIMAR reports, the completed checklists, the list of ranked slopes and other relevant information to substantiate or confirm or otherwise the following: z z z z z z (C) previous studies/upgrading works year of formation/modification evidence of GEO checking past instability and previous signs of distress prevailing signs of distress Non Development Clearance (NDC) of squatter structures recommendation and clearance result. Other Lands D slopes located adjacent to or within the same ‘local area’ as the 600 assigned slopes (hereinafter referred to as ‘related slopes’) may be selected by the DR for data collection and slope selection, so that a local area approach can be adopted in slope investigation, design and construction. ‘Local area’ may include an area within a section of road, a local community, an area under the jurisdiction of a District Council, etc. The Consultants shall identify up to 100 related slopes and provide information including location plans, basic slope data (height, angle and consequence-to-life category), NPRS score, previous studies, previous upgrading/improvement works, NDC recommendation & clearance result and records of past failures for each of the related B15 slopes identified by checking the relevant databases and the Slope Information System (SIS) in the GEO. When directed by the DR, the Consultants shall carry out data collection/validation for up to 100 related slopes and submit reports in accordance with (A) and (B) above. 6.4 (D) Based on a priority ranking taking into account such factors as NPRS scores, geographical convenience, the budgetary ceiling and other requirements as specified by the DR, the Consultants shall select slopes in priority order for endorsement by the DR for the implementation of slope upgrading/improvement works under the PMW SOR Contract under this Assignment based on the list given in Appendix A and the related slopes identified by the Consultants and agreed by the DR. (E) Three slope selection exercises shall be carried out during the course of the Assignment to suit the Programme as set out in Clause 7.5. (F) The Slope Selection Reports shall comprise the results of the selection exercises including related slopes, the types of and the justifications for the proposed works, and preliminary cost estimates of selected slopes. (G) The Consultants may be required, from time to time, to review the selected slope list in (D) above and, if necessary, propose alternative slopes in order to satisfy the budgetary ceiling and other requirements as specified by the DR. (H) The Consultants shall submit data files to the Slope Safety Division of the GEO in the prescribed format as required by CGE/SS, containing slope data collected for the 600 assigned slopes and up to 100 related slopes for uploading to the SIS. Design of Slope Upgrading/Improvement Works (A) General (i) The Consultants shall prepare a Design Memorandum setting out the standards governing the design of the works under the PMW SOR Contract and obtain the consent of the DR to this Memorandum before proceeding further with the detailed design of the proposed works. B16 (ii) The Consultants shall study the requirements of the Hong Kong Ordinances that could have a bearing on the works, and bring to the attention of the DR any special measures needed to comply with the requirements of the Ordinances. (iii) The Consultants shall, if required, prepare specification clauses needed to implement any environmental measures necessary for mitigating the environmental impacts of the construction activities and the permanent works and prepare submissions to EPD for their agreement. (iv) The Consultants shall submit, and if required, present proposals by completing the standard form SMS8 given in Appendix C or its latest version to the Vetting Committee on Slope Appearance of Lands Department justifying the use of shotcrete or other hard slope surfacing in the slope upgrading/improvement works taking into consideration the requirements for improving slope appearance in accordance with WBTC No. 17/2000. (v) The Consultants shall propose and undertake landscaping or greening designs to improve slope appearance and blend in with the surrounding environment in the course of the design for the upgrading/improvement works. (vi) The Consultants shall provide any necessary clarification and advice regarding the designs and modification of the designs of the works as and when required during the course of the Assignment. (vii) The Consultants shall prepare detailed estimates of the cost of the slope upgrading/improvement works and the deployment of Resident Site Staff. (viii) Where, as a result of the investigation and analysis, a slope is confirmed to be already meeting the current geotechnical standards, and if agreed by the DR, the Consultants shall terminate the investigation and design by completing the design report and applying for a GEO Checking Certificate in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 20/2004. B17 (B) (ix) Where, as a result of the study, the consequence category or maintenance responsibility of a slope is confirmed to have changed, and if agreed by the DR, or where as directed by the DR for whatever reasons, the Consultants shall terminate the investigation and design. (x) Where the DR considers, or where the Consultants propose and the DR agrees, that a slope (such as those in (viii) and (ix) above) should be deleted from the Agreement, the DR may nominate a replacement slope for the upgrading or improvement works. Where a replacement slope is nominated, payment for the work completed for the deleted slope will be made under Clause 5 of the Schedule of Fees. Where a replacement slope is not nominated, payment for the remaining services, if any, for the slope which is not to be deleted will be deducted from the consultancy fees in accordance with Clause 6 of the Schedule of Fees. (xi) The Consultants shall make submissions to the GEO for all slopes which have been designed to be upgraded in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 29/2002, except where the upgrading is to be carried out using prescriptive measures in accordance with GEO Publication No. 1/2009, in which case the Consultants may apply to the GEO for checking to be waived in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 13/2005. (xii) The Consultants shall recommend the requirements for design and construction reviews for the slope upgrading/improvement works. Ground Investigation and Laboratory Testing (i) The Consultants shall not carry out the ground investigations and laboratory tests without instruction from the DR. (ii) The Consultants shall carry out the following tasks in implementing the ground investigation and laboratory testing works : B18 (a) Design the ground investigations and laboratory tests necessary for detailed design of the upgrading/improvement works for the selected slopes in a cost-effective way. (b) Prepare Desk Study Reports for the proposed ground investigations and laboratory tests. The reports shall document the information examined (including available reference documents, aerial photographs and ground investigations and laboratory tests reports, with Geotechnical Information Unit reference numbers where appropriate), describe the geological setting of the sites, and indicate the location of utilities within and surrounding the sites and the land status. It shall state the need, scope and objectives of the proposed ground investigations and laboratory tests, and give the estimated depths of any proposed drillholes and the likely amount of rock drilling. The Consultants shall arrange for the reports to be vetted and signed by qualified and experienced professionals if the reports are not prepared by such persons. A copy each of the Desk Study Reports shall be passed to the supervisory personnel to convey to them the available information and the aims of the proposed ground investigations and laboratory tests. (c) Identify all utilities, facilities, installations and existing rights that may be affected by the ground investigations and laboratory tests and liaise with, and obtain consent from the concerned parties for carrying out the ground investigations and laboratory tests, including any necessary consents for diversion or relocation of the utilities, facilities and installations. (d) Carry out all necessary surveys, setting out, levels and sounding, make such investigations and inquiries and search site records as are necessary for the satisfactory completion of the ground investigations and laboratory tests. (e) Provide full-time technical supervision of the ground B19 investigation works and an appropriate level of supervision for laboratory testing to ensure adequacy and accuracy of the works, including vetting of the reports produced by the Contractor carrying out the ground investigation and laboratory testing works. (C) (f) Undertake any required monitoring of groundwater conditions subsequent to the installation of piezometers for a minimum period of one calendar year. (g) Ensure that pedestrian and vehicular traffic arrangements and the provisions for supporting, watching, guarding and lighting of any excavations are to a standard acceptable to the DR. (h) Prepare and submit reports on the results, findings and conclusions of the ground investigations and laboratory tests, including drawings to show the locations of all existing services, underground structures and obstructions. (i) Take measurements of work done and prepare quantities for payment for the works. Environmental Impact Assessment (i) The Consultants shall liaise with the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) regarding confirmation of whether the upgrading/improvement of an individual slope is regarded as a designated project under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance. According to EPD, Landslip Preventive Measures (LPM) and similar slope works are generally not regarded as designated projects under the EIA Ordinance, except for earthworks partly or wholly within existing or gazette proposed country parks, or other environmentally special areas. (ii) For slope works classified as designated projects under the EIA Ordinance, the Consultants shall carry out the following: (a) Prepare project profiles as set out in the Technical B20 Memorandum on the Environmental Impact Assessment Process (under the EIA Ordinance Section 16) and advise and assist the Employer to apply to the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP) in accordance with the EIA Ordinance for environmental impact assessment study briefs or for approval to apply directly for environmental permits. (b) If necessary, conduct environmental impact assessment (EIA) studies and prepare EIA reports in accordance with the EIA study briefs issued by the DEP and EIA Ordinance, and advise and assist the Employer in obtaining approval for the EIA reports in accordance with the EIA Ordinance, including public consultations and presentations to the Advisory Council on the Environment if required. (c) Advise and assist the Employer in obtaining environmental permits for the Employer for carrying out the works in accordance with the EIA Ordinance. (d) Liaise with the DEP or his representative to obtain variations of environmental permits for the Employer in accordance with the EIA Ordinance should there be any changes to the works or to the environmental impact of the works that would give rise to a need for variation of conditions of the environmental permits. Where it is required by the DEP to submit EIA reports for the variations sought, and the DR so instructs, the Consultants shall conduct the EIA studies and prepare the EIA reports for the variations sought in accordance with the EIA Ordinance. The remuneration of the Consultants' fee for the services performed in respect of EIA under (a) to (d) above shall be additional Services in accordance with Clause 5 of the Schedule of Fees. (D) Heritage Impact Assessment B21 (i) The Consultants shall, in accordance with DEVB TCW No. 6/2009, assess whether there are any heritage sites being affected by the Works and prepare a checklist(s) for submission to the Antiquities & Monuments Office (AMO) of the Leisure & Cultural Services Department if so required in accordance with the DEVB TCW No. 6/2009. (ii) For any works that affect any heritage sites, the Consultants shall carry out the following: (iii) (E) (a) should AMO decide it is necessary to do Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA), submit a proposed Study Brief to agree with AMO on the scope of the HIA; (b) conduct the HIA for the proposed Works in accordance with the agreed Study Brief, which shall include, inter alia, conducting public consultation on the anticipated impacts of the proposed Works on the heritage sites; and (c) incorporate the recommended mitigation measures in the HIA and the relevant conditions and requirements of AMO in the detailed design and tender documents of the Works. The remuneration of the Consultants' fee for the services performed in respect of HIA under (a) to (c) above shall be additional Services in accordance with Clause 5 of the Schedule of Fees. Tree Survey and Tree Felling The Consultants shall undertake tree surveys and prepare tree felling application for each slope site requiring tree felling/transplanting, including: (a) Carry out a detailed survey of all the existing trees on the slope and those in its proximity or other designated areas, the extent of which and the survey methodology shall be agreed by the DR. B22 (F) (b) Prepare a tree survey report on all the existing trees surveyed, in a format as agreed by the DR, with necessary drawings, schedules, and photographs, to record the background information and existing site condition of the slope, the survey area, the survey methodology, the location, species, size, condition assessment and appearance, and any other remarks on status and site observation of each of the trees. (c) Where tree felling or transplanting is necessitated by the slope upgrading/improvement works, submit a tree felling application to the relevant authorities for approval, in a format as agreed by the DR, and take necessary follow-up action until approval is obtained from the relevant authorities. Design Reports (i) Structural support to upgrade or improve stability of selected slopes should be adopted as far as practicable. The Consultants shall prepare a design report for each selected slope including, where appropriate, the following details (the level of such detail depending on whether the slopes are to be upgraded or improved and, if upgraded, whether the design is conventional or prescriptive): (a) a summary of the desk study, including full aerial photograph interpretation reports prepared by the Consultants with particular emphasis on establishing the history and nature of any past failures that may affect the stability of the slopes; (b) a summary of the ground investigations and laboratory testing carried out; (c) details of the proposed upgrading or improvement works, design option assessment, landscaping, bioengineering and greening works and access provisions; (d) design assumptions and justifications; B23 (ii) 6.5 (e) design calculations; (f) recommended sequence of construction stages and temporary precautionary measures during construction; (g) confirmation of whether the slopes would be upgraded to current standards by the proposed works; (h) working drawings; (i) sufficient details of GEO submissions for approval or application for checking to be waived, where applicable, in accordance with Clause 6.4 (A)(xi); (j) recommendations for design and construction reviews; and (k) detailed cost estimates and deployment of RSS. When only Type 1 or/and Type 2 prescriptive measures are involved, design reports may be simplified to a level of detail comprising site description, types of and justifications for the proposed works, design calculations, recommendations for design and construction reviews, cost estimates and working drawings. Contract Preparation and Tendering (A) The Consultants shall not proceed with the Services for the tendering of the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts until authorized in writing by the DR. (B) The Consultants shall prepare tender documents for a 36-month GI SOR Contract for the implementation of ground investigations and laboratory testing works under Clause 6.4. The Consultants shall arrange the call for tender and award of the Contract in accordance with the Programme as stipulated in Clause 7. The Consultants shall stipulate in the GI SOR Contract that the ground investigations and laboratory testing shall be carried out by contractors in the Category of Ground Investigation Field Work and Soil and Rock Testing respectively of the List of Approved B24 Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works as publicized in the DEVB website. (C) The Consultants shall prepare tender documents for a 36-month PMW SOR Contract for the implementation of slope upgrading/improvement works designed under Clause 6.4. The Consultants shall arrange the call for tender and award of the Contract in accordance with the Programme as stipulated in Clause 7. (D) Provisions shall be made under the PMW SOR Contract for the further ground investigations and laboratory testing required after the completion of GI SOR Contract for the design and implementation of upgrading/improvement works. The Consultants shall stipulate in the PMW SOR Contract that the ground investigations and laboratory testing shall be carried out by contractors in the Category of Ground Investigation Field Work and Soil and Rock Testing respectively of the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works as publicized in the DEVB website. (E) The General Conditions of Contract shall remain unaltered. Any necessary amendments required shall be by means of Special Conditions of Contract authorized in writing by the DR. (F) The Consultants shall undertake the following tasks in preparing the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts: (i) Prepare and submit pre-tender estimates for the SOR Contracts together with the draft tender documents. (ii) Prepare tender documents. (iii) Assist the Employer in inviting tenders for the proposed works by drafting tender notifications, gazette notifications, and press releases, distributing tender documents, preparing and issuing tender addenda, answering queries and carrying out pre-tender briefings, if required. (iv) Prepare tender assessments and recommendations, including evaluation of alternative tenders, and submit tender reports to the DR in a standard format as required by the DR. B25 6.6 (v) Prepare Articles of Agreements and other contract documents for signature, for retention by the DR and for issue to the Contractor, Resident Site Staff and other parties. (vi) Prepare publicity material, attend signing ceremonies and any necessary press briefings. Site Supervision and Other Administrative Matters 6.6.1 QSSP (A) The Consultants shall recommend a strategy for site supervision and submit a QSSP in line with the strategy which shall include, but not limited to, the following details: (i) a detailed site supervision arrangement, including arrangements for supervision of works/testing activities that are required to be carried out outside the normal working hours of the site staff, supervision of works related to preservation and protection of existing trees, identification of unhealthy trees, landscape softworks, and establishment works; (ii) a list of critical works/testing activities and structural elements that require special attention together with the associated supervision requirements for such items and, where appropriate, the level of supervision and the rank of staff who should perform the supervision of such items and/or sign the Request for Inspection Form (or a purposely made inspection form for a particular activity or test); (iii) if necessary, specification of any critical works/testing activities, structural elements and particular aspects or details that should be noted by the inspection officer on the Request for Inspection Form for future reference. (iv) a guideline on the details of inspection to be recorded for specialist works or critical elements; and (v) in case it is envisaged that construction or fabrication works will B26 be carried out outside Hong Kong, the Consultants shall formulate supervision requirements and inspection arrangement for such works and prepare comprehensive guidelines to be followed by the RSS who need to conduct inspections outside Hong Kong. The guidelines shall include the following minimum requirements: (a) In the event that production activities in the works Contract are undertaken outside Hong Kong, the supervisory staff conducting inspections on production sites outside Hong Kong shall, to the best of their knowledge, declare to the Engineer for the Contract whether the main Contractor, the Sub-contractor for the production activities, or any of the Contractor’s or Sub-contractor’s employees are their spouse, family member, or close relatives. (b) Such inspection visits shall be subject to the approval of the Consultants. Where the Contractor makes arrangement for transportation, accommodation and entertainment, including meals, such arrangement shall be agreed to by the Engineer for the Contract beforehand. Other than the agreed arrangements, supervisory staff shall not be allowed to receive any form of hospitality or entertainment from the Contractor during such inspection visits. (c) Should the supervisory staff incur reimbursable expenses in the course of inspection, all claims for reimbursement should be made to the Consultants in accordance with the prevailing rules and regulations for such. The Consultants will in turn seek reimbursement from the Contractor where applicable. Under no circumstances should any of the supervisory staff seek reimbursement direct from the Contractor. (B) The Consultants shall provide training and refresher courses to the site staff. The Consultants shall also identify special training requirement regarding the supervision of critical construction activities and critical structural elements and provide the necessary training to the site staff. (C) The Consultants shall review the QSSP at the commencement of works, B27 and conduct regular reviews of the QSSP with site staff subsequently, and as the need arises, and make any necessary updating and modification in order to suit the actual circumstances. The Consultants shall carry out technical audits for the implementation of the QSSP. The Consultants shall include in the monthly progress report the status of implementing the QSSP and any major modification to it as a result of the review. The Consultants shall submit a revised QSSP to the DR if there is a major revision and as requested by the DR. 6.6.2 GI SOR Contract (A) The Consultants shall deploy a team of their own in-house staff (not RSS) to supervise the ground investigations and laboratory testing carried out under the GI SOR Contract. Requirements of the supervision and supervisory personnel shall be in accordance with Chapter 15 of Geoguide 2. (B) The Consultants shall provide at their own costs all preliminaries and arrangement of transportation for the planning, design and supervision of the GI works and laboratory testing as well as the monitoring of groundwater conditions. (C) The Consultants shall carry out the following tasks in supervising the ground investigations and laboratory testing: (i) Carry out the duties of the Engineer under the terms of the GI SOR Contract, which shall be deemed to include co-ordination of works with any relevant parties related to the works carried out by public utilities companies and other authorities, bodies or persons for or in connection with or necessitated by the Assignment. (ii) Provide DR a suitably qualified staff (see Appendix 1 to SCE), approved by the DR to be responsible for the monitoring of the payment of wages and Mandatory Provident Fund contributions of all the Site Personnel and handling of complaints on wages arrears raised by the Site Personnel. This staff will be referred to as the “Labour Relations Officer”. The Labour Relations Officer shall work independent of the Contractor or sub-contractors. The Labour Relations Officer shall be B28 accommodated in the Consultant’s office and shall work under the direct instructions and supervision of the Engineer or his representative. The Labour Relations Officer shall report directly to the Engineer. (iii) Liaise with all relevant Government departments and private parties to obtain the necessary permissions or agreements for the works to be carried out, including applications for land allocation, Excavation Permit and access permission if needed. (iv) Prepare Works Orders for issue to the Contractor upon DR’s agreement in the format as agreed by the DR. The digital data of the Works Orders shall be compatible to the SMIS and associated databases, or in any revised format as agreed by the DR. Consultants shall submit digital copies of Works Order upon issue for uploading into the GFMIS. (v) Provide Head Office supervision and support for the execution of the GI SOR Contract. (vi) Prepare monthly progress reports and estimates of expenditures and report on the financial situation, variation orders, claims for additional payment and requests for extensions of time and all other matters affecting the progress and financial situation of the works. (vii) Comment on any insurance policies submitted by the Contractor. (viii) Carry out any necessary checks to ensure that any proposed methods for temporary works submitted by the Contractor do not have a detrimental effect on the permanent works and are safe in every aspect with reference to the relevant current Codes of Practice and Standards. (ix) Plan, arrange and, where necessary, direct the inspections and tests of materials, plants and workmanship. (x) Determine the need for arranging, as necessary, any monitoring of the stability of the slopes by the Contractor during works. B29 (xi) Liaise with the Transport Department, the Hong Kong Police Force and other concerned parties regarding any traffic diversions and traffic management proposals made by the Contractor. (xii) Review regularly the results of the GI and laboratory testing during works, amend the GI and laboratory testing proposals, and prepare all additional Works Orders, drawings, bills of quantities, schedules, cost estimates and related documents necessary for the completion of the works, and brief the DR as necessary. (xiii) Respond to audit reports by compiling proposals for follow-up actions to resolve any non-compliances or observations and monitor and report on such actions as necessary. (xiv) Report on the performance of the Contractor in the format advised by the DR. (xv) Prepare and deliver, after completion of the works under any of the Works Orders, to the DR the GI and laboratory testing reports including copies of AGS disks produced under the GI SOR Contract. (xvi) Submit all records and accounts relating to the works under the GI SOR Contract. (xvii) Submit digital data of the Works Orders for uploading into the SMIS and the associated databases according to the procedures to be agreed by the DR. (xviii) Settle the final account for payment and issue of Final Certificate to the Contractor. 6.6.3 PMW SOR Contract (A) The Consultants shall deploy a team of RSS to undertake supervision of upgrading/improvement works, ground investigations, and laboratory testing ordered under the PMW SOR Contract. Requirements of the personnel shall be in accordance with S3 of SCE. (B) The Consultants shall carry out the following tasks in supervising the B30 works: (i) Carry out the duties of the Engineer under the terms of the PMW SOR Contract for the construction, completion and maintenance of the works, which shall be deemed to include coordination with any relevant parties related to the works carried out by public utility companies and any other authorities, bodies or persons for or in connection with or necessitated by the Assignment. (ii) Liaise with all relevant Government departments and private parties to obtain the necessary permissions or agreements for the works to be carried out, including applications for land allocation, Excavation Permits and access permission if needed. (iii) Prepare Works Orders for issue to the Contractor upon DR’s agreement in the format as agreed by the DR. The digital data of the Works Orders shall be compatible to the SMIS and associated databases, or in any revised format as agreed by the DR. The Consultants shall submit digital copies of Works Order upon issue for uploading into the GFMIS. (iv) Provide Head Office supervision and support for the execution of the PMW SOR Contract, including appointment, running down and control of such Resident Site Staff as may be approved by the DR. (v) Prepare monthly progress reports and estimates of expenditures and report on the financial situation, variation orders, claims for additional payment and requests for extensions of time and all other matters affecting the progress and financial situation of the works. (vi) Comment on any insurance policies submitted by the Contractor. (vii) Carry out any necessary checks to ensure that any proposed methods for temporary works submitted by the Contractor do not have a detrimental effect on the permanent works and are safe in every aspect with reference to the relevant current Codes of Practice and Standards. B31 (viii) Plan, arrange and, where necessary, direct the inspections and tests of materials, plants and workmanship, including preparation of reports and any re-tests necessary as a result of failure of initial tests. (ix) Determine the need for arranging, as necessary, any monitoring of the stability of the slopes by the Contractor during construction. (x) Report on the performance of the Contractor in the format advised by the DR. (xi) Liaise with the Transport Department, the Hong Kong Police Force and other concerned parties regarding any traffic diversions and traffic management proposals made by the Contractor. (xii) Provide qualified supervision in accordance with PAH Chapter 7. The inspection intervals for Category I or II supervision shall be as specified by the GEO or agreed by the DR. (xiii) Review regularly the design of upgrading/improvement works during construction, prepare all additional designs, design amendments, drawings, schedules, estimates and related necessary documents for the satisfactory completion of the works under the PMW SOR Contract, and brief the DR as necessary. (xiv) Arrange final joint inspections of the slope works with the representatives of the DR and any other concerned parties two months before expiry of the Maintenance Period. (xv) Submit to the GEO updated information for each slope upgraded or improved under the Assignment in accordance with WBTC No. 9/2000. (xvi) Review the adequacy of design assumptions and performance of the upgraded/improved slopes (in accordance with GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 2) within the Maintenance Period of the works Contracts, especially during and after heavy rainfall, report on the findings or observations, and recommend any necessary follow-up actions to the DR. B32 (xvii) Respond to audit reports by compiling proposals for follow-up actions to resolve any non-compliances or observations and monitor and report on such actions as necessary. (xviii) Prepare and certify records of design reviews carried out, and deliver such records and as-built drawings showing in full detail the works carried out. (xix) Submit the Maintenance Manuals/Engineer Inspection Reports in accordance with Clauses 5.5(C) and 5.5(D). (xx) Submit all records and accounts relating to the works under the Contract. (xxi) Submit digital data of the Works Orders for uploading into the SMIS and associated databases according to the procedures to be agreed by the DR. (xxii) Settle the final account for payment and issue of Final Certificate to the Contractor. 6.7 Databases in Slope Maintenance Section 6.7.1 The Consultants shall note and become familiar with the SMIS and associated database systems. 6.7.2 The Consultants shall set up their own database systems which shall be compatible with the SMIS and associated databases in order to store the data, the record photos and the scanned images of Maintenance Manuals/Engineer Inspection Reports and records of Works Orders arising from the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts. 6.8 The Consultants shall carry out the following in respects of any Excavation Permit (XP) required and issued for works under this Assignment: (A) The Consultants shall follow the procedures stipulated in Highways Department’s Excavation Permit Processing Manual (XPPM) for “Streets Excavation” and Lands D’s Technical Circular Nos. 737 & B33 737A and Instruction Section C-5 on Lands D’s Excavation Permit for “Non-Street Excavations” (e.g. on unleased government lands). The Consultants shall carry out the pre-registration and registration of the works in the Highways Department's Internet Interface for Utility Management System (IIUMS), co-ordination, submission of Temporary Traffic Management (TTM)/Lighting, Signing and Guarding (LSG) proposals to Transport Department/Hong Kong Police Force, assessment of permit period, etc. For commencement of the works, the Consultants shall provide support to the DR in the submission of Excavation Permit/Simplified Temporary Land Allocation (STLA) applications, extension of applications, making advance notification of commencement of works and notification of completion of works, monitoring of the Contractor's performance in complying with the requirements during the works, etc. For application of the Excavation Permits or the STLA, the Consultants shall assist the DR in resolving any conflict cases, liaison with the relevant authorities and submission of any necessary documents such as Traffic Impact Assessment. (B) The Consultants shall nominate a professional acceptable to the Employer to be named as the contact person of the Employer in applications for Excavation Permits and, where applicable, Emergency Excavation Permits pursuant to the requirements of the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28). (C) The Consultants shall carry out all duties imposed upon the Employer under the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28) or under the conditions of the Excavation Permits and, where applicable, Emergency Excavation Permits in so far as such duties have not been imposed on the Contractor under the Ordinance or under the Contract. (D) Notwithstanding sub-clause (C) above, the Consultants shall not be liable to the Employer in respect of obligations stipulated under the following conditions of the Excavation Permits and, where applicable, Emergency Excavation Permits: (i) the condition stipulated in the Excavation Permits and, where applicable, the Emergency Excavation Permits relating to the obligation and liability of the Permittee to indemnify the Government against all losses and claims for injury or damage to any person or property, nuisance, disruption or interference B34 whatsoever which may arise out of or in consequence of the work of the Permittee, and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges or expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto, and (ii) the condition stipulated in the Excavation Permits and, where applicable, Emergency Excavation Permits relating to the obligation and liability of the Permittee to make good or pay for any works as a result of or in consequence of the work of the Permittee. (E) Sub-clause (D) above is without prejudice to Clause 22 of the General Conditions of Employment. (F) The Consultants shall ensure that the Contractor complies with the permit conditions imposed by the Authority under the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance, Cap 28, including those conditions stipulated in the Excavation Permits and, where applicable, Emergency Excavation Permits to be observed by the Nominated Permittee or by both the Permittee and the Nominated Permittee and those stipulated in the Excavation Permits and, where applicable, Emergency Excavation Permits to be observed by the Permittee but which the Contractor is required to comply with under the Contract. (G) In respect of permit conditions which are stipulated in the Excavation Permits and, where applicable, Emergency Excavation Permits to be complied with by the Permittee but which are required to be complied with by the Contractor under the Contract, if notwithstanding sub-clause (F) above the Contractor has failed to comply with these conditions, the Consultants shall take such actions so as to ensure that these conditions are complied with by the Employer in his capacity as the Permittee irrespective of whether these actions are required to be carried out by the Contractor under the Contract. (H) Sub-clauses (B) to (G) above shall apply only with respect to excavation in street maintained by the Highways Department that requires Excavation Permits and, where applicable, Emergency Excavation Permits under the Ordinance for execution of the Works. (I) For all the works under the GI SOR Contract and PMW SOR Contract B35 administered by the Consultants, the Consultants shall ensure that a competent person is engaged to supervise the excavation works on behalf of the Employer, maintain a documented system for supervising the excavation works and maintain a documented system to ensure that the Contractor complies with his duties in relation to excavation works. The attention of the Consultants is drawn to section 10T(5) and (6) of the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28). 6.9 The Consultants shall identify public filling sites and obtain agreement from relevant Government departments for disposal of the construction and demolition (C&D) materials to be generated from the Contract in accordance with ETWB TC(W) No. 33/2002 and 19/2005. The Consultants shall identify the types and estimate the amount of C&D materials, and shall consider and recommend measures taken to minimise the generation and maximise the reuse/recycling of the C&D materials. Agreement from relevant Government departments including the Public Fill Committee and EPD on the locations of the public filling facilities and landfills for the disposal of the C&D materials shall be obtained. 7. Programme of Implementation 7.1 The due date for commencement of the Agreement is xxth June 2013. The Agreement period for this Assignment is sixty-six (66) months. 7.2 Pursuant to Clause 26(B) of the General Conditions of Employment, the Consultants shall submit the draft Programme and the agreed Programme and the DR shall agree, or instruct, within the following periods: (A) Submission of the draft Programme Within 2 weeks from the date of commencement of the Agreement (B) Submission of the agreed Programme Within 1 week from the agreement/ instruction of the Director's Representative 7.3 The draft Programme and the agreed Programme shall detail the activities to be carried out, target dates for particular tasks and any decision dates that may be required for the uninterrupted progress of the Assignment. The Consultants shall discuss with the DR during the above periods to agree the timing of submission of reports, other documents and plans for each of the main elements of the Assignment, for inclusion in the draft Programme and the agreed Programme. B36 7.4 The Consultants shall endeavor to ensure that the Assignment is carried out in accordance with the agreed Programme subject to regular review as part of the monthly progress reports referred to in Clause 8. 7.5 The target dates referred to in Clause 7.3 shall include the following: (A) (i) General Submission of the draft Inception Report Within 2 weeks from the date of commencement of the Agreement (ii) Submission of the Final Inception Report Within 1 week upon agreement of the draft Inception Report by the DR (B) Submission of draft tender documents for the GI SOR Contract Within 1.5 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (C) Calling for Tender of the GI SOR Contract Within 3 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (D) Award of the GI SOR Contract Within 6 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (E) Data Collection/Validation, Slope Selection and Preliminary Cost Estimates (i) Submission of Data Collection/Validation Report for the first batch of not less than 200 most deserving assigned slopes and identification of related slopes (ii) Submission of draft Slope Selection Report for the first B37 Within 4 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement Within 6 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement batch of 60 slopes selected (iii) Submission of Data Collection/Validation Report for the second batch of not less than 200 of the remaining most deserving assigned slopes and identification of related slopes Within 10 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (iv) Submission of draft Slope Selection Report for the second batch of 80 slopes selected Within 12 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (v) Submission of Data Collection/Validation Report for the last batch of remaining assigned slopes and identification of related slopes Within 14 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (vi) Submission of Data Collection/Validation Report for up to 100 related slopes Within 16 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (vii) Submission of draft Slope Selection Report for the third batch of 60 slopes selected Within 18 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (viii) Submission of Final Slope Selection Report for each batch of selection of slopes Within 2 weeks upon agreement of each draft Slope Selection Report by the DR (ix) Submission of data files to GEO Slope Safety Division for uploading to the SIS Within 4 weeks upon agreement of each Final Slope Selection Report by the DR (F) Submission of draft tender documents for the PMW SOR Contract B38 Within 6 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (G) Calling for Tender of the PMW SOR Contract Within 9 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (H) Award of the PMW SOR Contract Within 12 months from date of commencement of the Agreement (I) Detailed Design (i) Submission of draft Design Report for the first batch of 60 slopes Within 15 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (ii) Submission of draft Design Report for the second batch of 80 slopes Within 26 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (iii) Submission of draft Design Report for the third batch of 60 slopes Within 37 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (J) Construction Construction of slope upgrading/improvement works, including site supervision, will be instructed in Phases Subject to Incorporation as stipulated in S27 of the Special Conditions of Employment and as set out below: (i) Phase 1 – completion of 60 slopes Within 27 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (ii) Phase 2 – completion of a further 80 slopes Within 39 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (iii) Phase 3 – completion of remaining 60 slopes Within 51 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (K) Submission of As-constructed Drawings and draft B39 Within 4 months after issue of Certification of Completion of the Maintenance Manual/ Engineer Inspection Report for each selected slope related Works Order (L) Submission of Final Maintenance Manual/ Engineer Inspection Report for each selected slope Within one month upon receipt of the DR’s comments or the GEO Checking Certificate (M) Submission of the data of Works Orders for GI SOR Contract for uploading into the databases in Slope Maintenance Section Within 46 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (N) Submission of the data of Works Orders for PMW SOR Contract for uploading into the databases in Slope Maintenance Section Within 52 months from the date of commencement of the Agreement (O) Finalization of Accounts and issue of the Final Certificates for the GI SOR and PMW SOR Contracts At least 2 months before the end of the Agreement (P) Final Report on the Assignment (i) Submission of the draft Final Report (ii) Submission of the Final Report 8. At least 2 months before the completion of the Agreement At least 2 weeks before the completion of the Agreement Progress Reports The Consultants shall submit a progress report to the DR each month providing details of the progress made during the previous month in relation to the B40 Programme referred to in Clause 7, together with an updated progress chart and the Programme. The content and format of such reports shall be subject to the approval of the DR. In addition, a financial management report, giving the expenditure to date and a forecast of the monthly expenditure for the remaining works under the Agreement, shall be submitted monthly along with the progress report in accordance with Clause 9. 9. Financial Management 9.1 At monthly intervals, or at such other intervals as the DR may require, the Consultants shall submit a financial management report in a format to be agreed by the DR, together with the progress report specified in Clause 8. 9.2 The Consultants shall closely monitor progress and expenditure on any expense items or works Contract, and alert to the possibility of the approved budgetary expenditure being exceeded. They shall advise the DR immediately if there is any likelihood of the approved sums being exceeded. To ensure sufficient time to obtain the necessary authorities and secure additional funds, the Consultants shall give the DR at least four months’ notice in writing of the need to increase the approved budgetary expenditure to meet contractual payments and shall provide supporting information as follows (except that if the need cannot be foreseen so far ahead, then the Consultants shall give as much notice as is possible under the circumstances) : (A) full details of the proposed net increase, broken down into the following categories : (B) (i) price fluctuation payment under the Contract. An arithmetical derivation based on the projected percentage and the estimated final effective value of work done is required; (ii) additional works and savings arising from a change in quantities and variation orders. Reasons shall be given for increases and decreases in the earlier estimates; and (iii) claims from the Contractor. These shall be the Consultants’ estimates of the amounts which will be certified for payment. an assessment of the increase in consultancy fees and site staff costs if B41 the contract period is likely to be extended or additional site staff are required; and (C) 10. a revised projected monthly cash flow pattern of contract payments, consultancy fees and site costs. Standards and Specifications 10.1 The Consultants shall, in executing the Assignment, adopt the following standards/guidance documents or their latest versions as promulgated by the relevant departments from time to time: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Administrative Report No. AR 1/2011 –Guidance on the Presentation of GEO Internal Reports and Publications, published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Hong Kong Building (Construction) Regulations Building Ordinance (Cap. 123) CEDD Guideline on Administration Procedures for Excavations in Unleased Government Land under the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap. 28) CEDD Standard Drawings, published by the Civil Engineering and Development Department, Hong Kong, as may be revised by the Landslip Preventive Measures Divisions 2 & 3 of the Geotechnical Engineering Office Code of Practice on Inspection & Maintenance of Water Carrying Services Affecting Slopes (Second Edition 2006) Construction Site Safety Manual (CSSM) Contractor Management Handbook (CMH) EACSB Handbook and relevant EACSB Circulars GEO Ground Investigation Note No. 11/2011 Geotechnical Manual for Slopes, 2nd Edition, 1984, published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong Geoguide 1 – Guide to Retaining Wall Design, published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong Geoguide 2 – Guide to Site Investigation, published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong B42 (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) Geoguide 3 – Guide to Rock and Soil Descriptions, published by the Geotechnical Control Office, Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong Geoguide 5 – Guide to Slope Maintenance, 3rd Edition, 2003, published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong Geoguide 6 – Guide to Reinforced Fill Structure and Slope Design, published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong Geoguide 7 – Guide to Soil Nail Design and Construction, published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Hong Kong Geospec 3 – Model Specification for Soil Testing, published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong GEO Publication No. 1/2007: Engineering Geological Practice in Hong Kong; published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Hong Kong GEO Publication No. 1/2009: Prescriptive Measures for Man-made Slopes and Retaining Walls; published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong GEO Publication No. 1/2011 – Technical Guidelines on Landscape Treatment for Slopes; published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Hong Kong GEO Special Project Report No. SPR 4/2009 – The New Priority Ranking Systems for Man-made Slopes and Retaining Walls, published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Hong Kong GEO Report No. 116 – Review of Effective Method for Integrating Man-made Slopes and Retaining Walls (Particularly for Roadside Slopes) into their Surroundings, published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong GEO Report No. 126 – Interim Review of Pilot Application of Quantitative Risk Assessment to Landslide Problems in Hong Kong, published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong GEO Report No. 136 – Guidelines on Safe Access for Slope Maintenance published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong GEO Report No. 138 – Guidelines for Natural Terrain Hazard Studies, B43 (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 15 – Guidelines for Classification of Consequence-to-Life Category for Slope Features GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 27 – Hydraulic Design of Stepped Channels on Slopes HyD Excavation Permit Processing Manual Project Administration Handbook (PAH) for Civil Engineering Works Slope Maintenance Manual – Slope Maintenance Section, Lands Administration Office, Lands Department Stores and Procurement Regulations (SPR) Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process by Environmental Protection Department Relevant CEDD Technical Circulars Relevant GEO Circulars, Design Technical Guidelines, Geoguides, Geospecs, Information Notes and Technical Guidance Notes Relevant Land Administration Office Technical Circulars, Relevant Public Works Departmental Technical Circulars, Lands and Works Branch Technical Circulars, Works Branch Technical Circulars, Works Bureau Technical Circulars, Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circulars (Works) and Development Bureau Technical Circulars (Works) and such other technical and design standards and specifications as are in current use by the Works Group of Departments, Environmental Protection Department, Transport Department, MTRCL and utility undertakers or, if non-existent, British Standard Codes of Practice and Specifications, or equivalent European Standards after approval by the DR. Should instances arise for which suitable standards or specifications do not exist or for which the current standards or specifications appear to require modification or if by the adoption of current standards the Consultants would incur additional expenses not within reasonable contemplation, the Consultants shall submit recommendations on appropriate alternatives to the DR for agreement. 11. Checking and Certification of the Design 11.1 Every design report shall be accompanied by a Design Certificate as set out in Appendix C. In addition, the technical adequacy of each design report, shall be independently checked and endorsed by a qualified professional in the Consultants' B44 employ who is a Registered Professional Engineer (Geotechnical) under the Engineers Registration Board of Hong Kong, or equivalent as defined in Clause 6.2.1. The Independent Checking Engineer shall also comment on issues relating to economy of the design, with particular reference to identifying any uneconomical aspects. The standard form of ‘Independent Checking Certificate’ given in Appendix C shall be used. 11.2 If major design amendments or detailed re-appraisal of the adequacy of design are necessary during the course of construction (e.g. due to a change in the design model, landslips, etc.), the Consultants shall submit to the DR a supplementary design report on the proposed design amendments, together with the revised design calculations and drawings. The supplementary design report shall include a separate ‘Design Certificate’ stating that the proposed design amendments have been checked by an independent qualified professional in the Consultants' employ who is a Registered Professional Engineer (Geotechnical) under the Engineers Registration Board of Hong Kong or equivalent as defined in Clause 6.2.1 and that the revised design drawings are in accordance with the proposed design amendments. 11.3 The Consultants shall have ISO 9001 certification by an accredited certifying body in accordance with the requirements of WBTC No. 13/2001 and ETWB TCW No. 13/2001A and maintain the certification for the whole duration of this Assignment. The scope of certification shall cover the services to be provided by the Consultants under Clause 6. The Consultants shall prepare a Quality Plan for the Assignment which incorporates the standards and specifications stipulated in Clause 10 within two weeks from the commencement of the Agreement to the DR for agreement. 11.4 The Consultants shall inform the DR within 14 days if their ISO certification is withdrawn by the certifying body. 12. Variations and Other Commitments 12.1 The value of a variation to the contract works or other expenditure commitment for the purposes of Clause 24 of the General Conditions of Employment is HK$300,000. 12.2 All variations to the contract works shall be covered by a variation order in a form to be as agreed by the DR. 12.3 The Consultants shall prepare Part I of the standard form SMS12 given in B45 Appendix C or its latest version and submit it to the DR for approval prior to issuing a variation to the contract works when a variation would cause the Estimated Value of the Works of the Works Order to be exceeded. 12.4 The DR shall advise the Consultants of his approval or otherwise under Clause 24 of the General Conditions of Employment within fourteen (14) days of submission. The reasons for non-approval, which may include insufficiency of supporting information provided with the submission, will be provided to the Consultants at the same time. If, because of the need for consultation or referral elsewhere, the DR is unable to give his decision within the period stated he shall inform the Consultants immediately and advise them when he will give his decision. Provided that, in any case, a different period can be applied by mutual agreement. 12.5 Under sub-clause (iii) of Clause 25 of the General Conditions of Employment, the Consultants shall report all claims to the DR within fourteen (14) days of their receipt. The DR shall provide the Employer's views to the Consultants within sixty (60) days of receipt of the Consultants' principles of assessment of a claim. 12.6 Under sub-clause (iv) of Clause 25 of the General Conditions of Employment, the Consultants shall report all delays to the DR within fourteen (14) days of the delay being identified. The DR shall provide the Employer's views to the Consultants within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the Consultants' assessment of extensions of time. 12.7 The Consultants shall obtain prior consent by the DR before issuing any Works Order. All the Works Orders shall be signed by the Project Director of the Consultants. The Consultants shall give the DR at least 4 weeks' notice in writing of the need to issue any one Works Order with an estimated cost exceeding $6,000,000. The Consultants shall not split up the works to a slope for the purpose of reducing the value of any one Works Order below the financial limit of $6,000,000. 13. Resident Site Staff 13.1 The establishment, duties, mandatory basic safety training, appointment, deployment, remuneration, conditions of employment and administration of Resident Site Staff (RSS) for the Contract shall be in accordance with the Special Conditions of Employment and Schedule of Fees relating to RSS. The Consultants shall make their own arrangement to employ persons through open invitation to fill the posts of RSS establishment. The persons so employed are the Consultants’ sole employees B46 who shall be managed and supervised by the Consultants. 13.2 The Consultants shall submit to the Director’s Representative for approval the proposed establishment of Resident Site Staff prior to the commencement of the recruitment process. 13.3 For the employment of the Labour Relation Officer (LRO), the Consultants shall, within 14 days of commencement of the Contract, or as the case may be, within 14 days after being notified by the Director’s Representative of his disapproval of employment of any person as LRO, submit the name and particulars of the person they intend to employ as the LRO to the Director’s Representative for his approval. The Consultants shall furnish further information within 7 days pertinent to the employment of such person if required by the Director’s Representative. 13.4 The Consultants shall be provided with free uniform for the Resident Site Staff under the works contracts. The Consultants shall ensure that Resident Site Staff, except those who are not involved in site work, such as office-based staff, or those engaged in work requiring personal protective equipment which, in the opinion of the Consultants, render the wearing of uniform unsuitable or impractical, wear the uniform in carrying out their duties of administration and site supervision of the works contracts. 14. Director's Representative The DR as defined in the General Conditions of Employment shall be the Assistant Director/Acquisition (AD/A) of the Lands Department, or such other person as may be authorised by the Director in writing and notified to the Consultants. The DR may delegate any of the powers and functions vested in him to other Government officers. If the Consultants are dissatisfied with a decision or instruction of any such officer, the matter shall be referred to the DR for a ruling. Chief Geotechnical Engineer/Slope Maintenance (CGE/SM) of the Lands Department will, however, be generally responsible for administration of the Agreement and may delegate his functions to other Government officers. All communications in connection with or arising from the Agreement are generally to be addressed to CGE/SM. 15. Control of the Project and Assignment If requested by the DR, the Consultants shall attend a maximum of 30 external B47 meetings during the Agreement period, such as District Council meetings or public hearing meetings, in connection with the Project, including the preparation of any necessary papers and briefing notes, in either English or Chinese or both, which will be required for consulting and obtaining the views of representatives of community groups and District Council members. 16. Information and Facilities Provided by the Employer 16.1 Access will be made available to all relevant Government files and documents for the completion of the Assignment. 16.2 Soft copies of the Slope Maintenance Information System databases, including the System Manuals and programs, will be supplied to the Consultants for their use solely on tasks under this Assignment. The Consultants shall therefore allow for any necessary rectification/amendment of the database programs to satisfy the requirements of the Assignment and shall inform the DR on the rectification/amendment of the databases made in writing within one month. The databases, including the System Manuals and programs when provided, are provided at “as-is” and no warranty or representation is made as to the execution, correctness and suitability of the programs and databases for use in the Assignment. 16.3 A soft copy of all existing data for all of the assigned slopes under the Assignment, as well as any agreed replacement slopes, arising from previous RMI, RMW and EI will be provided to the Consultants. 16.4 A digital copy of the Slope Boundary Plans at scale of 1:5000, in .dgn format, for all of the registered slopes in the GEO Catalogue of Slopes in the relevant Districts, will be provided to the Consultants. Digital topographic base maps, at scales of 1:1000, for the Southern Regions will also be provided to the Consultants, subject to the conditions detailed in Appendix F. 17. Consultants' Office and Staffing 17.1 For the duration of the Agreement, the Consultants shall maintain an office in Hong Kong under the control of the Consultants' Director responsible for the Agreement. The Consultants' Director shall have adequate authority and sufficient professional, technical and administrative support staff in all relevant disciplines to ensure progress to the satisfaction of the DR. B48 17.2 The Consultants shall provide the staff and manpower input as stated in the Technical Proposal that they submitted at the tender stage for the Agreement. The DR has the right to check at any time the time log records of the Consultants’ staff deployed for carrying out the Assignment. 17.3 In the event that, for reasons beyond their control, the Consultants are unlikely or unable to provide or maintain any of the key staff nominated in their Technical Proposal, they shall report this to the DR as soon as practicable and propose for the DR’s approval replacement staff with comparable qualifications and experience. 17.4 Upon the request of the DR, the Consultants shall forthwith submit to the DR the time-log record of the staff deployed for the Assignment for the DR to check against the Technical Proposal. 17.5 The Consultants’ failure to adhere to their staffing proposal, in particular the employment of core personnel of the Consultants and their sub-consultants, thus causing an adverse impact on the performance of the Services, shall be duly reflected in the Employer’s performance report on the Consultants. 18. Specialist and Sub-consultant Services The Consultants shall provide all specialist and sub-consultant services required for the satisfactory completion of the Agreement. No additional fees or expenses for the provision of such services rendered locally or overseas shall be payable by the Employer except as otherwise provided for in the Schedule of Fees. 19. Surveys All field survey work required for the proper execution of the Assignment shall, unless otherwise provided for in the Agreement, be the duty of the Consultants. The accuracy and standard of presentation of these surveys shall be agreed by the DR. Appendix G specifies the division of responsibility for other surveying between the Consultants, the Lands Administration Office and Survey and Mapping Office as well as the relevant sub-offices at district level of the Lands Department. B49 20. Insurance The amount of insurance cover to be maintained in accordance with Clause S13 of the Special Conditions of Employment shall be twice the Lump Sum Fee, subject to a maximum of HK$150 million and a minimum of HK$10M. B50 List of Appendices Appendix A List of Slopes Assigned for the Implementation of Data Collection/Validation and Computation of Ranking Score Appendix B Drawing No. SMS/CE 48/2012 (GE)/1/001 Appendix C Standard Forms Appendix D Sample of Maintenance Manual/Engineer Inspection Reports Appendix E Slope Maintenance Information System (SMIS) Appendix F Undertakings by Consultant/Contractor on the use of Digital Map Data from Land Information Centre, Survey & Mapping Office, Lands Department and Digital Map Data Order Form Appendix G Responsibility for Survey Work [ BLANK ] Appendix A List of Slopes Assigned for the Implementation of Slope Upgrading/Improvement Works [ BLANK ] Southern Regions District Slope No. Slope No. Map No. Map No. District 7SE-B/CR 16 7-SE-10D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/CR 354 8-SW-11A Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/C 30 7-SE-25C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/CR 356 8-SW-11A Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/C 51 7-SE-25D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/F 29 8-SW-8C Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/C 74 7-SE-20D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/F 36 8-SW-11A Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/C 114 7-SE-20D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/R 23 8-SW-2D Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/C 137 7-SE-25B Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/R 50 8-SW-11A Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/C 178 7-SE-20B Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/R 51 8-SW-11A Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/C 206 7-SE-24C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/R 70 8-SW-11A Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/C 323 7-SE-24C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/R 79 8-SW-11A Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/C 357 7-SE-25B Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/R 94 8-SW-6C Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/CR 123 7-SE-25B Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/R 115 8-SW-6B Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/CR 167 7-SE-25A Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/R 127 8-SW-6D Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/CR 191 7-SE-20C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/R 134 8-SW-2D Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/CR 321 7-SE-25B Sai Kung (North) 8SW-B/C 42 8-SW-3D Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/FR 56 7-SE-24C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-B/C 261 8-SW-15B Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/FR 96 7-SE-25B Sai Kung (North) 8SW-B/C 270 8-SW-8B Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/R 14 7-SE-25C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-B/C 277 8-SW-5C Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/R 21 7-SE-20D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-B/CR 92 8-SW-9C Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/R 24 7-SE-20D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-B/F 18 8-SW-8D Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/R 39 7-SE-25B Sai Kung (North) 8SW-B/F 87 8-SW-8D Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/R 47 7-SE-25A Sai Kung (North) 8SW-B/FR 48 8-SW-9B Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/R 105 7-SE-25C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-B/FR 49 8-SW-9B Sai Kung (North) 7SE-D/R 138 7-SE-25C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-B/R 9 8-SW-9C Sai Kung (North) 8SE-C/C 49 8-SE-16C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/C 62 8-SW-16B Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 55 8-SW-7B Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/C 106 8-SW-16C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 56 8-SW-8C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/C 129 8-SW-11C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 80 8-SW-8A Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/C 143 8-SW-11C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 83 8-SW-8C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/C 258 8-SW-16B Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 93 8-SW-11A Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/C 267 8-SW-21D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 213 8-SW-2C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/C 288 8-SW-11D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 242 8-SW-7A Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/CR 47 8-SW-11D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 266 8-SW-6D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/CR 60 8-SW-11D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 268 8-SW-6D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/CR 83 8-SW-16A Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 270 8-SW-6D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/CR 91 8-SW-16A Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 281 8-SW-6D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/CR 228 8-SW-11C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 298 8-SW-2D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/CR 291 8-SW-11C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 300 8-SW-7B Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/FR 21 8-SW-11C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 307 8-SW-7A Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/FR 59 8-SW-11C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 373 8-SW-7D Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/R 43 8-SW-16C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/C 375 8-SW-3C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-C/R 140 8-SW-11C Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/CR 45 8-SW-7B Sai Kung (North) 12NE-A/C 9 12-NE-2A Sai Kung (North) 8SW-A/CR 118 8-SW-11A Sai Kung (North) 11NE-B/C 178 11-NE-14A Sai Kung (South) 8SW-A/CR 152 8-SW-11A Sai Kung (North) 11NE-B/C 194 11-NE-8B Sai Kung (South) 8SW-A/CR 212 8-SW-2C Sai Kung (North) 11NE-B/C 200 11-NE-8B Sai Kung (South) 8SW-A/CR 227 8-SW-7A Sai Kung (North) 11NE-B/C 271 11-NE-14A Sai Kung (South) 8SW-A/CR 255 8-SW-6B Sai Kung (North) 11NE-B/C 322 11-NE-4A Sai Kung (South) 8SW-A/CR 274 8-SW-6D Sai Kung (North) 11NE-B/C 413 11-NE-9D Sai Kung (South) 8SW-A/CR 279 8-SW-6D Sai Kung (North) 11NE-B/C 446 11-NE-8D Sai Kung (South) 8SW-A/CR 337 7-SE-10B Sai Kung (North) 11NE-B/C 485 11-NE-14B Sai Kung (South) 8SW-A/CR 352 8-SW-11A Sai Kung (North) 11NE-B/C 490 11-NE-14B Sai Kung (South) Brief – Appendix A p1 Southern Regions District Slope No. Slope No. Map No. Map No. District 11NE-B/C 527 11-NE-5A Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/C 214 12-NW-16A Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 532 11-NE-5A Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/C 249 12-NW-16D Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 538 11-NE-5A Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/C 274 12-NW-16B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 640 11-NE-10B Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/C 344 12-NW-23C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 691 11-NE-9B Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/C 380 12-NW-17C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 771 11-NE-5C Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/C 510 12-NW-17C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 785 11-NE-5C Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/C 525 12-NW-17D Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 832 11-NE-4B Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/C 531 12-NW-21B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 838 11-NE-4B Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/CR 68 12-NW-11D Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 913 11-NE-9D Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/CR 186 12-NW-11D Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 954 11-NE-4B Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/CR 481 12-NW-23C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 966 11-NE-5B Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/F 93 12-NW-16B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 988 11-NE-14A Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/F 184 12-NW-17D Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 992 11-NE-9C Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/F 197 12-NW-16B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/C 1002 11-NE-9C Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/R 12-NW-17D Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/CR 172 11-NE-9C Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/R 147 12-NW-23C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/CR 264 11-NE-14A Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/R 155 12-NW-23C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/CR 392 11-NE-9D Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/R 179 12-NW-17D Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/CR 530 11-NE-5A Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/R 218 12-NW-23C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/CR 571 11-NE-5B Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/R 221 12-NW-23C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/CR 786 11-NE-5C Sai Kung (South) 12NW-C/R 363 12-NW-16D Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/CR 862 11-NE-5C Sai Kung (South) 12SW-A/CR 32 12-SW-3C Sai Kung (South) Sai Kung (South) 16 11NE-B/CR 878 11-NE-9C Sai Kung (South) 12SW-A/R 2 12-SW-3C 11NE-B/CR 993 11-NE-5A Sai Kung (South) 12SW-A/R 3 12-SW-3C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/F 281 11-NE-14A Sai Kung (South) 12SW-A/R 8 12-SW-13A Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/FR 155 11-NE-8D Sai Kung (South) 12SW-C/C 47 12-SW-22B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/R 78 11-NE-9D Sai Kung (South) 12SW-C/C 49 12-SW-22B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/R 124 11-NE-5A Sai Kung (South) 12SW-C/F 10 12-SW-18A Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/R 152 11-NE-5B Sai Kung (South) 12SW-C/FR 5 12-SW-18A Sai Kung (South) 11NE-B/R 174 11-NE-10D Sai Kung (South) 11NE-A/C 209 11-NE-1A Kowloon East 11NE-B/R 209 11-NE-10B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-A/C 328 11-NW-5D Kowloon East 11NE-B/R 225 11-NE-8B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-A/CR 161 11-NE-1A Kowloon East 11NE-B/R 239 11-NE-9B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-A/CR 847 11-NE-7C Kowloon East 11NE-B/R 245 11-NE-9C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-A/F 67 11-NE-1A Kowloon East 11NE-B/R 362 11-NE-10B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-A/F 101 11-NE-1A Kowloon East 11NE-B/R 368 11-NE-5C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-A/F 444 11-NE-6C Kowloon East 11NE-B/R 407 11-NE-9B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-A/FR 443 11-NE-6C Kowloon East 11NE-B/R 408 11-NE-10B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-C/R 24 11-NE-13C Kowloon East 11NE-D/C 194 11-NE-14D Sai Kung (South) 11NE-D/C 350 11-NE-18B Kowloon East 11NE-D/C 343 11-NE-24B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-D/C 405 11-NE-24C Kowloon East 11NE-D/C 666 11-NE-19B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-D/C 639 11-NE-13D Kowloon East 11NE-D/C 933 11-NE-25C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-D/C 866 11-NE-23D Kowloon East 11NE-D/C 952 11-NE-20C Sai Kung (South) 11NE-D/F 135 11-NE-13D Kowloon East 11NE-D/CR 549 11-NE-20B Sai Kung (South) 11NE-D/F 403 11-NE-13D Kowloon East 11NE-D/R 163 11-NE-15C Sai Kung (South) 11NW-B/C 437 11-NW-10D Kowloon East 11SE-B/C 246 11-SE-9B Sai Kung (South) 11NW-B/C 648 11-NW-10A Kowloon East 11SE-B/C 515 11-SE-5C Sai Kung (South) 11NW-B/R 734 11-NW-10D Kowloon East 12NW-A/CR 90 12-NW-11B Sai Kung (South) 11SE-B/C 113 11-SE-9A Kowloon East 12NW-C/C 78 12-NW-22D Sai Kung (South) 11SE-B/C 202 11-SE-4B Kowloon East 12NW-C/C 81 12-NW-23A Sai Kung (South) 11SE-B/C 244 11-SE-9B Kowloon East Brief – Appendix A p2 Southern Regions District Slope No. Slope No. Map No. Map No. District 11SE-B/C 293 11-SE-9A Kowloon East 11SE-B/C 435 11-SE-3B Kowloon East 11SW-A/R 620 11-SW-7D Hong Kong West & South 11SW-A/R 718 11-SW-7A 11SE-B/C 439 11-SE-3B Kowloon East Hong Kong West & South 11SW-A/R 1183 11-SW-11B Hong Kong West & South 11SE-B/R 199 11-SE-9A 11SE-B/R 215 11-SE-9A Kowloon East 11SW-B/C 158 11-SW-14A Hong Kong West & South Kowloon East 11SW-B/CR 18 11-SW-8D Hong Kong West & South 11NW-B/C 88 11-NW-9A Kowloon West 11SW-B/CR 111 11-SW-13B Hong Kong West & South 11NW-B/C 299 11-NW-8B Kowloon West 11SW-B/R 59 11-SW-8D Hong Kong West & South 11NW-B/C 517 11-NW-4C Kowloon West 11SW-B/R 475 11-SW-14A Hong Kong West & South 11NW-D/C 585 11-NW-24B Kowloon West 11SW-B/R 479 11-SW-14A Hong Kong West & South 11NW-D/CR 404 11-NW-25C Kowloon West 11SW-C/C 412 11-SW-17D Hong Kong West & South 11NW-D/CR 415 11-NW-25C Kowloon West 11SW-C/C 572 11-SW-22A Hong Kong West & South 11NW-D/FR 201 11-NW-20C Kowloon West 11SW-C/C 587 11-SW-22A Hong Kong West & South 11NW-D/R 413 11-NW-25C Kowloon West 11SW-C/C 756 11-SW-22A Hong Kong West & South 11SE-A/C 357 11-SE-7D Hong Kong East 11SW-C/C 881 11-SW-22B Hong Kong West & South 11SE-A/C 721 11-SE-7A Hong Kong East 11SW-C/C 989 11-SW-11D Hong Kong West & South 11SE-A/C 852 11-SE-6B Hong Kong East 11SW-C/CR 93 11-SW-17A Hong Kong West & South 11SE-A/CR 74 11-SE-6B Hong Kong East 11SW-C/CR 467 11-SW-11C Hong Kong West & South 11SE-B/C 153 11-SE-13B Hong Kong East 11SW-C/CR1001 11-SW-17D Hong Kong West & South 84 11-SE-8D Hong Kong East 11SW-C/F 269 11-SW-18C Hong Kong West & South 11SE-C/C 465 11SE-B/R 11-SE-11C Hong Kong East 11SW-C/F 270 11-SW-18C Hong Kong West & South 11SE-C/C 566 11-SE-16A Hong Kong East 11SW-C/FR 320 11-SW-13C Hong Kong West & South 11SE-C/CR 577 11-SE-16A Hong Kong East 11SW-C/R 343 11-SW-17D Hong Kong West & South 11SE-C/F 203 11-SE-16C Hong Kong East 11SW-D/C 123 11-SW-24C Hong Kong West & South 11SE-C/R 206 11-SE-16A Hong Kong East 11SW-D/C 666 11-SW-13D Hong Kong West & South 11SE-C/R 257 11-SE-16A Hong Kong East 11SW-D/C 1505 11-SW-13D Hong Kong West & South 11SE-D/C 680 11-SE-19C Hong Kong East 11SW-D/C 1663 11-SW-18B Hong Kong West & South 11SW-B/C 353 11-SW-14B Hong Kong East 11SW-D/CR 314 11-SW-13D Hong Kong West & South 11SW-B/CR 514 11-SW-14B Hong Kong East 11SW-D/CR 878 11-SW-25C Hong Kong West & South 11SW-B/R 989 11-SW-14B Hong Kong East 11SW-D/CR1545 11-SW-13D Hong Kong West & South 11SW-D/C 11-SW-20A Hong Kong East 11SW-D/CR1562 11-SW-13D Hong Kong West & South 5 11SW-D/C 393 11-SW-15C Hong Kong East 11SW-D/CR2116 11-SW-25C Hong Kong West & South 11SW-D/C 1466 11-SW-15C Hong Kong East 11SW-D/F 509 11-SW-25D Hong Kong West & South 11SW-D/CR 396 11-SW-15C Hong Kong East 11SW-D/FR 359 11-SW-25B Hong Kong West & South 11SW-D/CR 544 11-SW-19B Hong Kong East 11SW-D/FR 412 11-SW-13D Hong Kong West & South 11SW-D/CR 550 11-SW-19B Hong Kong East 11SW-D/R 656 11-SW-14C Hong Kong West & South 11SW-D/CR1170 11-SW-20B Hong Kong East 11SW-D/R 1126 11-SW-13D Hong Kong West & South 11SW-D/F 389 11-SW-14D Hong Kong East 15NE-A/C 61 15-NE-1C Hong Kong West & South 11SW-D/F 392 11-SW-14D Hong Kong East 15NE-A/C 81 15-NE-1D Hong Kong West & South 11SE-C/C 777 11-SE-21B Hong Kong West & South 15NE-A/C 112 15-NE-6B Hong Kong West & South 11SE-C/C 779 11-SE-21B Hong Kong West & South 15NE-A/C 647 15-NE-1A Hong Kong West & South 11SE-C/FR 207 11-SE-21A Hong Kong West & South 15NE-A/CR 744 15-NE-12B Hong Kong West & South 11SW-A/C 234 11-SW-12B Hong Kong West & South 15NE-A/FR 93 15-NE-12B Hong Kong West & South 11SW-A/C 262 11-SW-6C Hong Kong West & South 15NE-A/FR 223 15-NE-6D Hong Kong West & South 11SW-A/C 288 11-SW-6C Hong Kong West & South 15NE-A/R 198 15-NE-6B Hong Kong West & South 11SW-A/C 401 11-SW-7D Hong Kong West & South 15NE-B/C 293 15-NE-9D Hong Kong West & South 11SW-A/C 545 11-SW-6C Hong Kong West & South 15NE-B/C 328 15-NE-14B Hong Kong West & South 11SW-A/C 577 11-SW-11A Hong Kong West & South 15NE-B/C 336 15-NE-14A Hong Kong West & South 11SW-A/CR1176 11-SW-7C Hong Kong West & South 15NE-B/F 76 15-NE-4C Hong Kong West & South 11SW-A/R 372 11-SW-8C Hong Kong West & South 15NE-B/F 87 15-NE-3D Hong Kong West & South 11SW-A/R 373 11-SW-8C Hong Kong West & South 15NE-B/F 136 15-NE-8D Hong Kong West & South Brief – Appendix A p3 Slope No. Map No. Southern Regions District Slope No. Map No. District 15NE-C/C 109 15-NE-17A Hong Kong West & South 6SE-D/CR 310 6-SE-19C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 15NE-C/C 440 15-NE-12D Hong Kong West & South 6SE-D/F 72 6-SE-15C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 15NE-C/C 441 15-NE-12D Hong Kong West & South 6SE-D/FR 276 6-SE-19B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 15NE-C/F 59 15-NE-12C Hong Kong West & South 6SE-D/R 83 6-SE-19B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 15NE-D/R 4 15-NE-20A Hong Kong West & South 6SE-D/R 106 6-SE-25C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 15NE-D/R 8 15-NE-20A Hong Kong West & South 6SE-D/R 107 6-SE-25C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 15NW-B/C 306 15-NW-5A Hong Kong West & South 6SE-D/R 110 6-SE-18D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 15NW-B/C 357 15-NW-4C Hong Kong West & South 6SW-D/C 386 6-SW-25B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 15NW-B/F 73 15-NW-4A Hong Kong West & South 6SW-D/C 390 6-SW-25B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 15NW-B/FR 159 15-NW-5B Hong Kong West & South 6SW-D/C 397 6-SW-25B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-B/C 151 6-SE-10D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SW-D/C 417 6-SW-25B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-B/C 155 6-SE-9B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SW-D/C 780 6-SW-25B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-B/C 179 6-SE-9D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SW-D/C 813 6-SW-25C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-B/C 243 6-SE-15B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SW-D/CR 158 6-SW-25C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-B/C 358 6-SE-9B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SW-D/CR 597 6-SW-25B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-B/CR 153 6-SE-9B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SW-D/F 136 6-SW-25B 6SE-B/FR 59 6-SE-9B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SW-D/R 14 6-SW-25C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-B/R 12 6-SE-10D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SW-D/R 95 6-SW-25C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-B/R 18 6-SE-10A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/C 80 7-SW-11A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/C 163 6-SE-16D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/C 85 7-SW-11A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/C 209 6-SE-16D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/C 149 7-SW-11B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/C 279 6-SE-17C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/C 178 7-SW-12A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/C 466 6-SE-18C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/C 189 7-SW-12A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/C 527 6-SE-21A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/C 402 7-SW-12A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/C 534 6-SE-21A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/F 25 7-SW-11A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/C 570 6-SE-21A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/F 43 7-SW-12A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/C 594 6-SE-17C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/F 69 7-SW-11A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/C 598 6-SE-21B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/FR 20 7-SW-11A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/C 680 6-SE-18C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/FR 22 7-SW-11A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/C 730 6-SE-17C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/R 9 7-SW-11A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/CR 269 6-SE-17C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/R 18 7-SW-11A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/CR 319 6-SE-17C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/R 20 7-SW-11A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/CR 441 6-SE-22B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/R 65 7-SW-11B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/CR 729 6-SE-17C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/R 66 7-SW-11B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/F 6-SE-17C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-A/R 82 7-SW-12B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 89 6SE-C/F 139 6-SE-18C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 224 7-SW-21A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/FR 62 6-SE-16D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 435 7-SW-17C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/R 17 6-SE-16D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 456 7-SW-12C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/R 84 6-SE-18C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 589 7-SW-11C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/R 85 6-SE-18C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 652 7-SW-11D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/R 95 6-SE-21A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 750 7-SW-17B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-C/R 98 6-SE-21A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 771 7-SW-17B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-D/C 2 6-SE-20B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 807 7-SW-12D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-D/C 196 6-SE-15D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 851 7-SW-12D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-D/C 256 6-SE-19B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 892 7-SW-21A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-D/C 272 6-SE-19B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 909 7-SW-21A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-D/C 346 6-SE-24A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 1318 7-SW-12C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-D/C 376 6-SE-24D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 1352 7-SW-17B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-D/C 462 6-SE-24D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 1372 7-SW-16D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 6SE-D/C 498 6-SE-25C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 1409 7-SW-12C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing Brief – Appendix A p4 Southern Regions District Slope No. Slope No. Map No. Map No. District 7SW-C/C 1415 7-SW-17B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 7SW-C/C 1439 7-SW-12C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 9SW-D/C 181 9-SW-23B Lantau 9SW-D/C 190 9-SW-23B 7SW-C/C 1449 7-SW-11C Lantau Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 9SW-D/C 197 9-SW-23D Lantau 7SW-C/C 1455 7SW-C/C 1464 7-SW-12C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 9SW-D/C 201 9-SW-23D Lantau 7-SW-16B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 9SW-D/C 204 9-SW-24A Lantau 7SW-C/C 1468 7-SW-12D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 9SW-D/C 228 9-SW-24D Lantau 7SW-C/C 1469 7-SW-12D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 9SW-D/C 240 9-SW-24D Lantau 7SW-C/CR1419 7-SW-16D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 9SW-D/CR 273 9-SW-23B Lantau 7SW-C/R 146 7-SW-11C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 9SW-D/CR 274 9-SW-25C Lantau 7SW-C/R 149 7-SW-11C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 9SW-D/R 9-SW-24D Lantau 10NE-A/C 17 10-NE-6D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10NW-B/R 5 10-NW-10B Lantau 10NE-A/C 34 10-NE-1B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-A/C 91 10-SW-12B Lantau 10NE-A/C 35 10-NE-1B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-A/C 101 10-SW-12B Lantau 10NE-B/C 46 55 10-NE-14B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-A/C 111 10-SW-13A Lantau 10NE-B/C 265 10-NE-14A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-A/C 115 10-SW-13A Lantau 10NE-B/C 268 10-NE-14B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-A/R 9 10-SW-12B Lantau 10NE-B/C 273 10-NE-14B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-B/C 323 10-SW-9A Lantau 10NE-B/C 278 10-NE-14B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-B/C 348 10-SW-4C Lantau 55 10-NE-4B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/C 85 10-SW-18A Lantau 10NE-B/F 130 10NE-B/F 10-NE-15A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/C 90 10-SW-17A Lantau 10NE-B/F 132 10-NE-15A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/C 144 10-SW-18C Lantau 10NE-B/F 168 10-NE-10A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/C 248 10-SW-12C Lantau 10NE-B/F 177 10-NE-10A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/C 263 10-SW-12D Lantau 10NW-B/R 4 10-NW-10B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/C 269 10-SW-12D Lantau 10NW-D/F 31 10-NW-13D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/C 274 10-SW-12D Lantau 11NW-A/C 160 11-NW-1A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/C 285 10-SW-12D Lantau 11NW-A/C 300 11-NW-2D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/C 339 10-SW-17C Lantau 11NW-A/C 357 11-NW-2A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/C 343 10-SW-12D Lantau 11NW-A/C 394 11-NW-7A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/FR 42 10-SW-18C Lantau 11NW-A/C 639 11-NW-1D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/R 16 10-SW-18A Lantau 11NW-A/C 805 11-NW-2C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/R 21 10-SW-17D Lantau 11NW-A/C 812 11-NW-2C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/R 23 10-SW-17D Lantau 11NW-A/C 814 11-NW-2B Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/R 26 10-SW-18C Lantau 11NW-A/CR 307 11-NW-2D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/R 34 10-SW-12D Lantau 11NW-A/F 314 11-NW-2C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 10SW-C/R 55 10-SW-13C Lantau 11NW-A/FR 115 11-NW-2A Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 13NE-A/C 174 13-NE-11A Lantau 11NW-A/R 19 11-NW-2C Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 13NE-A/C 292 13-NE-8C Lantau 11NW-A/R 124 11-NW-2D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 13NE-A/FR 167 13-NE-12A Lantau 11NW-A/R 125 11-NW-2D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 13NE-B/R 6 13-NE-10A Lantau 11NW-A/R 128 11-NW-2D Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing 13NW-A/CR 6 13-NW-3A Lantau 9SE-B/C 20 9-SE-8D Lantau 13NW-B/C 163 13-NW-15B Lantau 9SE-B/C 75 9-SE-8B Lantau 13NW-B/C 184 13-NW-4B Lantau 9SE-C/C 48 9-SE-13C Lantau 13NW-B/C 202 13-NW-4B Lantau 9SE-C/CR 55 9-SE-16D Lantau 13NW-B/C 317 13-NW-5A Lantau 9SE-C/R 16 9-SE-16D Lantau 13NW-B/C 352 13-NW-8D Lantau 9SE-C/R 19 9-SE-17D Lantau 13NW-B/C 359 13-NW-9A Lantau 9SW-B/C 5 9-SW-10D Lantau 13NW-B/F 171 13-NW-15A Lantau 9SW-B/CR 18 9-SW-10D Lantau 13NW-B/FR 209 13-NW-4B Lantau 9SW-C/F 4 9-SW-22B Lantau 13NW-B/R 3 13-NW-4A Lantau 9SW-D/C 99 9-SW-25D Lantau 14NW-A/C 123 14-NW-1D Lantau Brief – Appendix A p5 Southern Regions District Slope No. Slope No. Map No. 14NW-A/C 208 14-NW-11B Lantau 14NW-A/C 229 14-NW-1A Lantau 14NW-A/CR 90 14-NW-1A Lantau Map No. District 14NW-D/CR 11 14-NW-24A Cheung Chau 14NW-D/CR 111 14-NW-19B Cheung Chau 14NW-D/CR 126 14-NW-19B Cheung Chau 14NW-A/R 25 14-NW-1B Lantau 14NW-D/CR 147 14-NW-19D Cheung Chau 14NE-B/C 74 14-NE-10B Lamma 14NW-D/CR 210 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/C 106 14-NE-15B Lamma 14NW-D/CR 443 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/C 182 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/F 33 14-NW-20D Cheung Chau 14NE-B/C 209 14-NE-15B Lamma 14NW-D/F 51 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/C 215 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/F 108 14-NW-14D Cheung Chau 14NE-B/CR 9 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/R 21 14-NW-19B Cheung Chau 14NE-B/CR 14 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/R 28 14-NW-19B Cheung Chau 14NE-B/CR 54 14-NE-10B Lamma 14NW-D/R 81 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/CR 161 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/R 98 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/CR 187 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/R 109 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/CR 197 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/R 136 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/CR 228 14-NE-15B Lamma 14NW-D/R 141 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/CR 233 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/R 146 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/R 5 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/R 172 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/R 67 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/R 193 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/R 74 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/R 199 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/R 90 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/R 275 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NE-B/R 94 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/R 277 14-NW-14D Cheung Chau 14NE-B/R 120 14-NE-10D Lamma 14NW-D/R 284 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 15NW-A/C 73 15-NW-11B Lamma 10SE-A/C 18 10-SE-6C Peng Chau 15NW-A/C 80 15-NW-6C Lamma 10SW-B/C 45 10-SW-10B Peng Chau 15NW-A/CR 45 15-NW-11A Lamma 10SW-B/C 46 10-SW-10B Peng Chau 15NW-A/CR 56 15-NW-11A Lamma 10SW-B/C 48 10-SW-10B Peng Chau 15NW-A/CR 71 15-NW-11B Lamma 10SW-B/C 58 10-SW-10B Peng Chau 15NW-A/FR 8 15-NW-11A Lamma 10SW-B/C 61 10-SW-10B Peng Chau 15NW-A/R 10 15-NW-11A Lamma 10SW-B/C 90 10-SW-10D Peng Chau 15NW-A/R 28 15-NW-11B Lamma 10SW-B/C 96 10-SW-10D Peng Chau 15NW-A/R 43 15-NW-11B Lamma 10SW-B/C 106 10-SW-10D Peng Chau 15NW-A/R 49 15-NW-11A Lamma 10SW-B/C 108 10-SW-10D Peng Chau 15NW-C/C 22 15-NW-21B Lamma 10SW-B/C 122 10-SW-10D Peng Chau 15NW-C/C 39 15-NW-17C Lamma 10SW-B/CR 310 10-SW-10D Peng Chau 15NW-C/C 140 15-NW-18A Lamma 10SW-B/CR 349 10-SW-10B Peng Chau 15NW-C/C 164 15-NW-18C Lamma 10SW-B/CR 350 10-SW-10B Peng Chau 15NW-C/C 168 15-NW-11C Lamma 10SW-B/FR 124 10-SW-10D Peng Chau 15NW-C/CR 46 15-NW-17D Lamma 10SW-B/R 7 10-SW-10B Peng Chau 15NW-C/CR 108 15-NW-22A Lamma 10SW-B/R 10 10-SW-10B Peng Chau 15NW-C/CR 139 15-NW-18A Lamma 10SW-B/R 12 10-SW-10D Peng Chau 15NW-C/CR 165 15-NW-11A Lamma 10SW-B/R 24 10-SW-10D Peng Chau 14NW-D/C 14-NW-14D Cheung Chau 10SW-B/R 71 10-SW-10D Peng Chau 14NW-D/C 122 14-NW-19B Cheung Chau 14NW-C/C 25 14-NW-22C Shek Kwu Chau 14NW-D/C 144 14-NW-19D Cheung Chau 14NW-C/C 28 14-NW-22C Shek Kwu Chau 14NW-D/C 156 14-NW-24A Cheung Chau 14NW-C/C 29 14-NW-22C Shek Kwu Chau 14NW-D/C 283 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NW-C/C 31 14-NW-22C Shek Kwu Chau 14NW-D/C 337 14-NW-20C Cheung Chau 14NW-C/C 54 14-NW-22C Shek Kwu Chau 14NW-D/C 355 14-NW-25A Cheung Chau 14NW-C/C 96 14-NW-22C Shek Kwu Chau 14NW-D/C 390 14-NW-14D Cheung Chau 14NW-C/FR 31 14-NW-22C Shek Kwu Chau 73 Brief – Appendix A p6 Appendix B Drawing No. SMS/CE 48/2012 (GE)/1/001 [ BLANK ] Brief – Appendix B p1 [ BLANK ] Appendix C Standard Forms [ BLANK ] DESIGN CERTIFICATE Agreement No. & Title : Contract No. & Title : Consulting Engineer : Feature No. and Location : We certify that : (i) Our design complies with the standards set out in the Agreement and with amendments agreed to by the Director's Representative. (ii) All reasonable and professional skill, care and diligence have been exercised. (iii) An in-house independent check of the design calculations and contract documents has been undertaken and the design and contract documentation comply with the requirements of the Agreement. Signed ............................................................... Name................................................................ Partner/Director Professional Qualifications................................................................ Date................................................................ Brief – Appendix C p1 INDEPENDENT CHECKING CERTIFICATE Agreement No. & Title : Consulting Engineer : Feature No. and Location : 1. I certify that this Design* / Supplementary Design* complies with the standards and requirements set out in the Agreement. 2. I confirm that I have independently checked this Design Report* / Supplementary Design Report*. All reasonable and professional skill, care and diligence have been exercised. * delete as appropriate Signed ............................................................... . Name ............................................................... . Independent Checking Engineer Professional Qualifications ............................................................... Date ............................................................... Brief – Appendix C p2 Brief – Appendix C p3 Brief – Appendix C p4 Brief – Appendix C p5 [ BLANK ] Appendix D Sample of Maintenance Manual / Engineer Inspection Reports [With Main Contents For Reference Only] [ BLANK ] Brief – Appendix D p1 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p2 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p3 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p4 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p5 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p6 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p7 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p8 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p9 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p10 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p11 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p12 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p13 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p14 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p15 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p16 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p17 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p18 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p19 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p20 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p21 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p22 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p23 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p24 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p25 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p26 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p27 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p28 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p29 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p30 Note: XYZ EI/ FR/06-JUL-2012 Consultant No. CExx/20xx Brief – Appendix D p31 [ BLANK ] Appendix E Slope Maintenance Information System (SMIS) [ BLANK ] 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND Slope Maintenance Information System (SMIS) is 3-tier web based system involved PC workstations running in Internet Explorer and mid-range servers. It is planning to replace the current systems of Computerized Slope Inventory Database System (CSIDS), Routine Maintenance Database System (RMDS), Disturbed Terrain Database System (DTDS) and Works Database System (WDS), which are running in client/server-based architecture. The major objectives of SMIS system are to enhance the productivity in Lands Department by providing consolidate and flexible working environment for staffs. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THIS MANUAL System Analysis and Design Manual of Slope Maintenance Information System is a document that mention the overall system architecture of Slope Maintenance Information System (SMIS) which is developed under the framework of existing systems of CSIDS, RMDS, DTDS and WDS. The architecture of SMIS is running in 3-tier system architecture whereas the old systems of CSIDS, RMDS, DTDS and WDS are running in client/server-based architecture. This document is going to describe the following features of SMIS: • System Architecture • System Specifications • Database Architecture • Software Specification • Security/User Management • Import/Export Function Brief – Appendix E p1 2. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 2.1 SYSTEM DIAGRAM Fig 1.1 System Diagram of SMIS (see Appendix A6) 2.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SMIS system is a 3-tier architecture consist of Oracle 10g Database Server, Oracle 10g Application Server with Form/Report Services and client user with Internet Explorer 6.0 or above. In database server, it contains all tables of CSIDS/RMDS/DTDS and WDS, which are converted from Oracle 8i of old system and Microsoft Access respectively, and stored in different tablespaces of SMIS. The storage path of Image and Document files are stored in database and actual files are placed on separate file system outside the database. For providing more reliable environment in SMIS, Oracle database is running in Archive Log mode and perform a series of backup procedures to make sure data consistency. In application server, it handles all incoming requests from client using IE for running Oracle Forms and all requests of report printing. The minimum requirement of PC clients for accessing the SMIS system is running in Windows XP or above with IE 6.0 or above and Oracle Jinitator Plug-in installed. If any PC client does not contain Jinitator Plug-in, the system will install it automatically for the first time login. It has not been thoroughly tested for PC client running with Windows 7. A Visual Basic program of Import/Export function performs relevant information of SMIS import from and export to the outsiders. There are 2 environments set-up in the SMIS system. One is for development and testing; whereas the other one is for production. Brief – Appendix E p2 3. DATABASE ARCHITECTURE Fig 2.1 Database Diagram In the above figure, the database of SMIS contains different tablespaces for purposes. Apart from the system tablespaces (SYSTEM, USERS, TEMP, UNDOTBS), there are 2 new tablespaces SMISDB and SMISIDX for tables and indexes, which are newly built in SMIS. Since all tables of CSIDS/RMDS/DTDS/WDS from old systems are needed to consolidate in the SMIS system, the tables and related indexes from different systems are placed into separate tablespaces for better management and performance. Brief – Appendix E p3 Tablespace Name Purpose SYSTEM Stores Oracle System related information USERS Stores user related information in Oracle TEMP Stores temporary information in Oracle UNDOTBS Undo tablespaces CSIDSDB Stores CSIDS related tables CSIDSIDX Stores CSIDS related indexes and constraints RMDSDB Stores RMDS related tables RMDSIDX Stores RMDS related indexes and constraints DTDSDB Stores DTDS related tables DTDSIDX Stores DTDS related indexes and constraints WDSDB Stores WDS related tables WDSIDX Stores WDS related indexes and constraints SMISDB Stores new SMIS tables SMISIDX Stores new SMIS indexes and constraints Brief – Appendix E p4 3.1 ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM OF CSIDS Entity-relationship Diagram FACILITY (Facility) FAC_FACILITY SLOPE_HISTORY (Slope History) CONTRACTOR (Contractor) CONTRACTOR_PK SLOPEREC (Summary) SLOPEREC_PK SLOPEREC_FK EI (Record of Engineer Inspection for Maintenance) EI_PK EI_FK MM (Record of Slope/ Retaining Wall) MM_PK MM_FK MM_REPORTS (Reports) MM_REPORTS_PK MM_REPORTS_FK EI_ROCK (EI Rock Slope) EI_ROCK_PK EI_ROCK_FK MM_SOURCE (Source) MM_SOURCE_PK MM_SOURCE_FK MM_SLOPTECH (Slope Measures) MM_SLOPTECH_PK MM_SLOPTECH_FK MM_SOURCE_REF (Source of Information) MM_SOURCE_REF_PK Key: ROADS (Maps) ROADS_PK DISTRICT (District) DISTRICK_PK MM_SERVICES (Services) MM_SERVICES_PK MM_SERVICES_FK DEPARTMENT (Government Agenies) DEPARTMENT_PK SLOPE (Slope) SLOPE_PK RAINGAUGE (Raingauge) RAINGAUGE_PK MM_SLOPDRN (Slope Drainage) MM_SLOPDRN_PK MM_SLOPDRN_FK DOCTYPES (Document Types) DOCTYPES_PK xxx - Table Name (yyy) - Table Desc. zzz - Key Brief – Appendix E MM_WALLTECH (Wall Measures) MM_WALLTECH_PK MM_WALLTECH_FK COVER (Cover) COVER_PK xxx - Reference Table Name (yyy) - Table Desc. zzz - Key EI_STATUS (EI Status) EI_STATUS_PK EI_STATUS_FK EI_WALL (EI Retaining Wall) EI_WALL_PK EI_WALL_FK EI_SOIL (EI Soil Slope) EI_SOIL_PK EI_SOIL_FK EI_PLAN (EI Associated Plans) EI_PLAN_PK EI_PLAN_FK EI_PHOTO (EI Associated Photos) EI_PHOTO_PK EI_PHOTO_FK MM_WALLDRN (Wall Drainage) MM_WALLDRN_PK MM_WALLDRN_FK IMGPATH (Image Path) IMGPATH_PK 1 to many Reference table link p5 EI_PM (EI Prescriptive Measure) EI_PM_PK EI_PM_FK PM (Prescriptive Measures) PM_PK 3.2 ENTITY DESCRIPTION OF CSIDS Table Name SLOPE Short Name Slope SLOPE_HISTORY EI Slope History Engineering Inspection EI_STATUS EI_SOIL EI_WALL EI_ROCK EI_PHOTO EI_PLAN EI_PM EI Status EI Soil Slope EI R. Wall EI Rock Slope EI Photo EI Plan EI Preventive Measure MM Maintenance Manual MM_SLOPTECH Slope measure MM_SLOPDRN MM_WALLTECH Slope drainage R. Wall measure MM_WALLDRN MM_REPORTS R. Wall Drainage Reports MM_SERVICES Services MM_SOURCE Source SLOPEREC CONTRACTOR Summary of Technical Information Contractor COVER DEPARTMENT DISTRICT DOCTYPES FACILITY PM Slope Cover Department District Document types Facility Preventive measure RAINGAUGE ROADS IMGPATH Raingauge Roads Image Path MM_SOURCE_REF CONTROLTABLE IMPORTLOG SLOPE_ATT_VALUE TEST_BAK Source Reference Control Table Import Log Table Slope attribute value Temporary table for slope Brief – Appendix E Description Stores the basic slope information of each slope such as location, map sheet no. Stores the old reference slope no. of the slope. Stores the record of Engineer Inspection information Store status history of EI Stores the soil slope information Stores the retaining wall information Stores the rock slope information Stores the photo information Stores the plan information Stores the preventive maintenance measure information Stores the slope investigation record and the related background information Stores the technical information on associated slopes Stores the slope drainage information Stores the technical information on associated walls Stores the wall drainage information Stores the report information such as type of document and brief details of contents of document Stores the service information such as location and type of service Stores the source of maintenance manual information Stores the summary of technical information of the slope. Stores the contractor, consultant or government department information Stores the type of surface cover Stores the department code and name Stores the district code, name and region Stores the description of document type Stores the facility information Stores the class and description of the preventive maintenance measure Stores the name and location of the raingauge Stores the 1/5000 map sheet no. and district Stores the searching paths of the photo and plans Stores the source reference Table for control Table for import log Stores slope attribute value Stores slope no for temporary use p6 3.3 ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM OF RMDS Entity-relationship Diagram RM SLOPE_HISTORY (RMSlope History) RM_SLOPE (RM Slope) RMSLOPE_PK RM_CTRL_SCR_NOMINATE (RM Control of Screen Nomination) RMCTRL_SCR_NOMINATE_PK RMCTRL_SCR_NOMINATE_FK RM_RMI_SIGNS_OF_DISTRESS (RM Signs of Distress) RMRSD_PK RMRSD_FK RM_ACTIVITY (Record of Routine Maintenance Activity) RMACT_PK RMACT_FK RM_STATUS (RM Status) RM_STATUS_PK RM_STATUS_FK RM_RMI (Record of Routine Maintenance Inspection) RMRMI_PK RMRMI_FK RM_RMW_ITEM (Routine Maintenance Wroks' Item) RMRI_PK RMRI_FK RM_CONTRACTOR (RM Contractor) RMCONTRACTOR_PK RM PM (RM Prescriptive Measures) RMPM_PK RM_RMW_DAILY REC (RM Daily Records) RMRDR_PK RMRDR_FK RM EI_PM (RM EI Prescriptive Measure) RMEI_PM_PK RMEI_PM_FK RM PLAN (RM Associated Plan) RM_PLAN_PK RM_PLAN_fK RM DEPARTMENT (RM Government Agenies) RMDEPARTMENT_PK RM_STAFF (RM Staff) RMSTAFF_PK RM_PHOTO (RM Associated Photos) RM_PHOTO_PK RM_PHOTO_FK RM_ROADS (RM Maps) RMROADS_PK RM_REASON CODE (RM Reason Code) RMRC_PK RM DISTRICT (RM District) RMDISTRICK_PK RM_SIG OF DIST ITEM (RM Signs of Distress Item) RMSDI_PK RM_AGREEMENT_DETAILS (RM Agreement Details) RM_AGREEMENT_DETAILS_PK RM_AGREEMENT_DETAILS_FK Key: xxx - Table Name (yyy) - Table Desc. zzz - Key xxx - Reference Table Name (yyy) - Table Desc. zzz - Key Brief – Appendix E 1 to many p7 RM IMGPATH (RM Image Path) RMIMGPATH_PK RM TOTEAM (RM TO Team) RMTOTEAM_PK RM WKTEAM (RM Works Team) RMWKTEAM_PK RM RMW ITEM REF (Routine Maintenance Works' Item Reference) RMRIR_PK 3.4 ENTITY DESCRIPTION OF RMDS Table Name RM_SLOPE Short Name RM Slope RM_SLOPE_HIST RM Slope History ORY RM_ACTIVITY RM Activity RM_RMW_DAIL Y_REC RM_RMI_SIGNS _OF_DISTRESS RM_RMI RM_PHOTO RM_PLAN RM_EI_PM RM_STATUS RM_RMW_ITEM RM_CONTRACT OR RM_DEPARTME NT RM_DISTRICT RM_PM RM_ROADS RM_IMGPATH RM_TOTEAM RM_WKTEAM RM_STAFF RM_REASON_C ODE RM_SIG_OF_DIS T_ITEM RM_RMW_ITEM _REF RM_CTRL_SCR_ NOMINATE RM_AGREEMEN T_DETAILS RM DAILY RECORDS RM Signs of Distress RM Routine Maintenance Inspection RM Photo RM Plan RM EI Preventive Measure RM STATUS RM RMW ITEM RM Contractor RM Department RM District RM Preventive measure Roads RM Image Path RM TO TEAM RM Works Team RM Staff RM Reason Code RM Sings of Distress Item Reference Routine Maintenance Works’ Item Reference Routine Maintenance Control of Screen Nomination Routine Maintenance Agreement Details Brief – Appendix E Description Stores the basic slope information of each slope such as location, map sheet no. Stores the old reference slope no. of the slope. Stores the record of Routine Maintenance Activity. Stores the routine maintenance daily records. Stores the records of routine maintenance inspection signs of distress. Store the record of Routine Maintenance Inspection. Stores the photo information. Stores the plan information. Stores the preventive maintenance measure information. Stores the routine maintenance status. Stores the routine maintenance works’ item. Stores the contractor, consultant or government department information Stores the department code and name Stores the district code, name and region Stores the class and description of the preventive maintenance measure Stores the 1/5000 map sheet no. and district Stores the searching paths of the photo and plans Stores the TO team information. Stores the works team information. Stores the staff information Stores the reason codes and their corresponding description. Stores the signs of distress item reference information. Stores the routine maintenance works’ item reference information Store the routine maintenance control of screen nomination information Store the routine maintenance agreement details information p8 3.5 ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM OF DTDS Entity-relationship Diagram D T_FA C ILITY (D T Facility) DTFAC_FACILITY D T_SLO PE_HISTO R Y (D T Slope H istory) DT_CONTRACTOR (D T Contractor) DTCONTRACTOR_PK DT_M M (D T M aintenance M anual) DTM M _PK DTM M _FK D T_M M _R EPOR TS (D T Reports) DTM M _REPORTS_PK DTM M _REPORTS_FK D T_M M _SO U R C E (D T Source) DTM M _SOURCE_PK DTM M _SOURCE_FK D T_M M _C A TEG O R Y (D T Category ) DTM M _CAT_PK DTM M _CAT_FK D T_M M _SLO PTEC H (D T Slope M easures) DTM M _SLOPTECH_PK DTM M _SLOPTECH_FK D T_M M _SO U R C E_REF (D T Source of Inform ation) D TM M _SO U R C E_REF_PK Key: D T_RO A D S (D T R oads) DTROADS_PK D T_D ISTRICT (D T D istrict) DTDISTRICK_PK D T_M M _SER V ICES (D T Services) DTM M _SERVICES_PK DTM M _SERVICES_FK D T_D EPA R TM EN T (D T Governm ent A genies) DTDEPARTM ENT_PK D T_SLO PE (DT Slope) DTSLOPE_PK DT_RA IN G A U G E (D T Raingauge) DTRAINGAUGE_PK D T_D O C TY PES (D T D ocum ent Types) DTDOCTYPES_P K xxx - Table N am e (yyy) - Table D esc. zzz - K ey Brief – Appendix E D T_EI (D T Engineering Inspection) DTEI_PK DTEI_FK D T_EI_R O C K (D T EI Rock Slope) DTEI_ROCK_PK DTEI_ROCK_FK D T_M M _W A LLTECH (D T W all M easures) DTM M _W ALLTECH_PK DTM M _W ALLTECH_FK D T_M M _SLO PD R N (DT Slope D rainage) DTM M _SLOPDRN_PK DTM M _SLOPDRN_FK D T_CO VER (D T Cover) DTCOVER_PK xxx - Reference Table N am e (yyy) - Table D esc. zzz - Key D T_EI_W A LL (DT EI Retaining W all) DTEI_W ALL_PK DTEI_W ALL_FK D T_EI_SO IL (D T EI Soil Slope) DTEI_SOIL_PK DTEI_SOIL_FK D T_EI_PLA N (D T EI A ssociated Plans) DTEI_PLAN_PK DTEI_PLAN_FK D T_EI_PH OTO (D T EI A ssociated Photos) DTEI_PHOTO_PK DTEI_PHOTO_FK D T_M M _W A LLD R N (DT W all D rainage) DTM M_W ALLDRN_PK DTM M_W ALLDRN_FK D T_IM G PA TH (D T Im age Path) DTIM GPATH_PK 1 to many Reference table link p9 D T_EI_STA TU S (D T EI Status) DTEI_STATUS_PK DTEI_STATUS_FK DT_EI_R EG ISTR A TIO N (D T Registration) DTEI_REG_PK DTEI_REG_FK D T_EI_PM (D T EI Prescriptive M easure) DTEI_PM _PK DTEI_PM _FK D T_PM (D T Prescriptive M easures) DTPM _PK 3.6 ENTITY DESCRIPTION OF DTDS Table Name DT_SLOPE Short Name DT Slope Description Stores the basic slope information of each slope such as location, map sheet no. DT_SLOPE_HISTORY DT Slope History Stores the old GEO Slope Ref. No. DT_EI DT Engineering Inspection Stores the record of Engineer Inspection information DT_EI_STATUS DT EI Status Stores the Engineer Inspection report status DT_EI_SOIL DT EI Soil Slope Stores the soil slope information DT_EI_WALL DT EI R. Wall Stores the retaining wall information DT_EI_ROCK DT EI Rock Slope Stores the rock slope information DT_EI_PHOTO DT EI Photo Stores the photo information DT_EI_PLAN DT EI Plan Stores the plan information DT_EI_PM DT EI Preventive Measure Stores the preventive maintenance measure information DT_EI_REGISTRATION DT Registration Stores the Feature registration information DT_MM DT Maintenance Stores the slope investigation record and the Manual related background information DT_MM_SLOPTECH DT Slope measure Stores the technical information on associated slopes DT_MM_SLOPDRN DT Slope drainage Stores the slope drainage information DT_MM_WALLTECH DT R. Wall measure Stores the technical information on associated walls DT_MM_WALLDRN DT R. Wall Drainage Stores the wall drainage information DT_MM_REPORTS DT Reports Stores the report information such as type of document and brief details of contents of document DT_MM_SERVICES DT Services Stores the service information such as location and type of service DT_MM_SOURCE DT Source Stores the source information. DT_MM_CATEGORY DT Category Stores the category information for each portion. DT_CONTRACTOR DT Contractor Stores the contractor, consultant or government department information DT_COVER DT Slope Cover Stores the type of surface cover DT_DEPARTMENT DT Department Stores the department code and name Brief – Appendix E p10 Table Name DT_DISTRICT Short Name DT District Description Stores the district code, name and region DT_DOCTYPES DT Document types Stores the description of document type DT_FACILITY DT Facility Stores the facility information DT_PM DT Preventive measure Stores the class and description of the preventive maintenance measure DT_RAINGAGE DT Rainagauge Stores the name and location of the raingauge DT_ROADS DT Roads Stores the road number, name and district DT_IMGPATH DT Image path Stores the file name of the image. DT_MM_SOURCE_REF DT Source of Information Stores the source Brief – Appendix E p11 3.7 ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM OF WDS Brief – Appendix E p12 3.8 ENTITY DESCRIPTION OF WDS Table Name WD_SLOPE Short Name WD Slope Description Stores the basic slope information of each slope for WDS. WD_SLOPE_HISTORY WD Slope History Stores the Slope No. history of each slope. WD_MW Maintenance Work Maintenance Work of each slope. WD_WO Work Order Work Order of each maintenance work. WD_MW_ITEM Maintenance Work Item Items of each maintenance work. WD_ITEM_RATE_ADJ Rate Adjustment of MW Item Rate Adjustment of each MW Items. WD_VARI_WK Variant Work Variant Work of each work order. WD_VARI_ITEM Variant Work Item Item of each variant work. WD_SCH_RATE Schedule Rate Schedule Rate and description of BQ Item WD_RATE_ADJ Rate Adjustment of Contract Rate Adjustment of each contract. WD_CONTRACT Contract Contract No. and info. WD_ALLOCATION Allocation Allocation of each contract. WD_VOTE Vote Vote No. and info. WD_IP IP IP of WO WD_EOT Estimated Over Time Info. Of Estimated Over Time WD_ENGINEER Engineer Engineer Name and Info. WD_DISTRICT District District Name and Info. WD_INSPECTOR Inspector Inspector Name and Info. WD_ITEM_TYPE Item Type Item Type of BQ Item. Brief – Appendix E p13 3.9 ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP OF CONTROL TABLES OF SMIS Brief – Appendix E p14 3.10 ENTITY DESCRIPTION OF CONTROL TABLES OF SMIS Table Name SMIS_MISC Short Name Miscellaneous Description Stores the information required for SMIS. SMIS_MSG SMIS Message Stores the message text required for SMIS. SMIS_QUERY Query Stores relevant info required for SMIS Query function. SMIS_USER User Stores login username and info for SMIS. SMIS_ROLE Role Role name of each user. SMIS_ROLE_PRIV Role Privilege Stores system allowable privileges of roles. SMIS_FORM_PRIV Form Privilege Stores the necessary privilege of each Form execution. Brief – Appendix E p15 [ BLANK ] Appendix F Undertakings by Consultant/Contractor on the use of Digital Map Data from Land Information Centre, Survey & Mapping Office, Lands Department and Digital Map Data Order Form [ BLANK ] Brief – Appendix F p1 Brief – Appendix F p2 Brief – Appendix F p3 Brief – Appendix F p4 Brief – Appendix F p5 Brief – Appendix F p6 Brief – Appendix F p7 Brief – Appendix F p8 Appendix G Responsibility for Survey Work [ BLANK ] Appendix G Responsibility for Survey Work The division of responsibility among the Consultants, the Lands Administration Office, and the Survey and Mapping Office of the Lands Department for surveying required in connection with the Assignment shall be as follows:Responsibility of Task (1) (2) (a) Provision of basic horizontal and vertical survey control Survey and Mapping Office (b) Checking of given control point values and establishment of survey control net-work(s) based on survey control given vide (a) Consultants (a) Provision of basic mapping (at 1:1000 scale or other standard mapping relevant to the Assignment) Survey and Mapping Office (excluding those specified as to be provided by the Consultants in the Assignment) (b) Updating and verification of accuracy of information shown on plans supplied vide (a) as necessary in relation to the Assignment Consultants (c) Carrying out detailed surveys for site investigation and for preparation of design and contract documents as necessary in relation to the Assignment Consultants (3) Supply of existing cadastral plans and records and co-ordinate data District Survey Office (4) Computation of detailed dimensioned layouts of roads, drainage and WSD reserves, platforms, etc. Consultants (checked and accepted District Survey Office) (a) Determination of site/lot boundaries, calculation of areas, etc. in connection with the agreed dimensioned layouts District Survey Office (in liaison with District Lands Office) (b) Resumption and surrender plans and demarcation of lands to be resumed District Survey Office (in liaison with District Lands Office and Consultants) (5) Brief – Appendix G p1 by (6) Task Processing of resumption and surrender for privately owned land in Development Area Responsibility of District Lands Office (in liaison with District Survey Office and Consultants) (7) (a) Setting-out of roads, drainage works, formation areas, etc. Contractors (checked and accepted by Consultants, usually by resident site staff under their supervision.) (b) Initial site survey, and interim and final payment surveys Consultants, usually by resident site staff under their supervision (joint survey with contractors or agreed survey with contractors) (8) Preparation of proposal plans for Government land allocations, and grants District Survey Office (in liaison with District Lands Office) (9) Preparation of dimensioned plans and setting out of boundaries of sites and lots for Government land allocation and for grant to architects (Government and Housing Authority) District Survey Office (10) As-constructed surveys (including records of levels on all underground pipelines, etc.) Consultants, usually by resident site staff under their supervision. Brief – Appendix G p2