Module Description MODULE DATA MODULE TITLE MODULE LEVEL MODULE CREDIT POINTS SI MODULE CODE (if known) MODULE JACS CODE SUBJECT GROUP Principles of Anatomy and Image Interpretation 4 10 66-4997-00S Radiotherapy & Oncology MODULE DELIVERY PATTERN ( as applicable or give dates for non-standard delivery) NB "Semester 3" ends on 31 July each year LONG (2 semesters) SHORT (1 semester) NON-STANDARD DELIVERY Sem 1 & 2 Sem 1 Sem 2 & 3 Sem 2 Start Date End Date Sem 3 MODULE ASSESSMENT PATTERN ( as applicable - also complete Table A, Section 5, below) Single Module Mark with Overall Module Pass Mark of 40% Single Module Mark - Pass/Fail only Up to Three Assessment Tasks with Pass Mark of 40% for each Task and Overall Module Pass Mark of 40% Up to Three Assessment Tasks - Pass/Fail only Other - if choosing "Other" please give further details of assessment pattern in the blank space below. "Other" should be chosen where, for example, a PSRB has specified an overall Module Pass Mark of higher than 40% - if so, give details below and specify higher pass mark. Or, eg, where PSRB has specified an Individual Task Pass Mark of higher than 40% give details in space below and complete final column in Table A, Section 5) Overall Module Pass Mark if other than 40% (subject to approval) % MODULE INFORMATION ( as applicable - also complete Table A, Section 5 Is a timetabled examination required for the assessment of this module? Is a timetabled examination required for the reassessment of this module? Is the module delivered wholly by Distance Learning (ie. not timetabled at SHU) Are any staff who are responsible for teaching on this module non-SHU employees? MODULE STATUS ( as applicable to status of module in the context of current proposal) Unchanged: an existing module, presented as unchanged from previous years Modified: an existing module being modified as a result of this validation, e.g. changes to delivery or assessment pattern, title, credit weighting etc New: new module to be approved through current validation process If status is 'Modified', please give date when modified version is to be available from Breakdown of notional study hours by type (Typically requires 10 hours of notional study time for 1 CATS credit) Tutor-Led (Contact Hours) 20 TutorDirected Study 20 Modified Version Available from N/A SelfDirected Study 60 OTHER COURSES FEATURING THIS MODULE (please list below) 1 TOTAL STUDY HOURS for this Module 100 1 AIM OF THIS MODULE To develop in you a fundamental knowledge of relational macroscopic, radiographic and cross-sectional anatomy to underpin academic study and radiotherapy practice. 2 LEARNING OUTCOMES: BY ENGAGING SUCCESSFULLY WITH THIS MODULE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO 1. Define and begin to accurately and appropriately apply terms fundamental to anatomy, physiology and radiotherapy practice. 2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of 3-dimensional relational anatomy 3. Describe the features of major anatomical organs and structures 4. Identify major organs and features on images from a relevant range of modalities 3 THESE ARE EXAMPLES OF THE CONTENT OF THE MODULE 4 Terminology associated with anatomy, physiology and fundamental radiotherapy techniques/patient positioning. Anatomical systems: o Skeletal, Integumentary, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Lymphatic, Digestive, Urinary, Male Reproductive, Female Reproductive and Neurological Radiographic anatomy: o Structure identification on conventional X-ray, MVI and CT THESE ARE THE MAIN WAYS YOU WILL BE SUPPORTED IN YOUR LEARNING TO ACHIEVE THESE OUTCOMES This module uses a blend of traditional keynote lectures and practical anatomy seminars combined with e-learning packages delivered and assessed via Blackboard, the VERT suite and online resources. You will be encouraged to develop your learning with enquiry-based learning in the virtual environment as well as in radiographic interpretation practical sessions. Assessment for learning activities in the module include a series of self-tests that aim to help develop your understanding of how different anatomical structures relate to each other in 3-dimensions. This will lead to you being able to transfer this understanding to practical structure identification on a range of images. You will be encouraged to use these tests to focus your learning in preparation for the summative assessments. 2 STUDENT-DIRECTED LEARNING 5 You will be expected to undertake self analysis to help identify your own learning needs, assisted through taking part in the module activities, and to seek out appropriate sources of help. You are expected to access and engage with learning materials on the module blackboard site and... o undertake learning activities to prepare for face to face sessions o undertake follow up work where indicated o undertake additional private study to address personal learning needs o participate in group activities and discussion THESE ARE THE WAYS THAT WILL BE USED TO ENABLE YOU TO DEMONSTRATE YOU HAVE MET THE LEARNING OUTCOMES You are required to: 1. Complete a series of small tests (1 per anatomical region) delivered via Blackboard or using VERT. These can be taken as many times as necessary within the module (learning outcomes 1-4). 2. Complete 2 online examinations to assess your knowledge and understanding (learning outcomes 1-4): 1 covering aspects of 3D relational anatomy 1 covering aspects of Image interpretation (radiographic and CT) TABLE A: ASSESSMENT TASK INFORMATION ASSESSMENT TASK % weighting of overall module mark Inmodule retrieval available ? 60% Duration of task / word count / length of exam 60 minutes 3D Anatomy Online Examination Image Interpretation Online Examination 40% 60 minutes YES In module retrieval will be available for the examinations. 3 YES Individual task pass mark ONLY IF OVER 40%** Assessment Criteria <40% Inadequate or inaccurate definition and application of terms. 40% - 49% Accurate definition and application of some anatomical, physiological and clinical terms 50 - 59% Accurate definition and application of large range of anatomical, physiological and clinical terms 60 - 69% Accurate definition and application of almost all anatomical, physiological and clinical terms ≥ 70% Accurate definition and application of all relevant terms. Inadequate or inaccurate knowledge and understanding of relational anatomy Demonstration of some knowledge and understanding of relational anatomy Mostly accurate knowledge and understanding of 3dimensional relational anatomy. Application of highly detailed knowledge and understanding of 3dimensional relational anatomy. Describe the features of major anatomical organs and structures Inadequate or inaccurate description of anatomical organs and structures. Description of features of some anatomical organs and structures. Detailed description of most major anatomical organs and structures. Highly accurate and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of 3dimensional relational anatomy. Accurate description of nearly all major anatomical organs and structures. Identify major organs and features on images from a relevant range of modalities Inadequate or inaccurate identification of organs and features. Identification of some major organs and features on images. Identification of most major organs and features on images. Identification of nearly all major organs and features on range of images. Highly accurate identification of all major organs and features on images from full range of featured modalities. Define and begin to accurately and appropriately apply terms fundamental to anatomy, physiology and radiotherapy practice. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of 3dimensional relational anatomy 4 Highly accurate description of all major anatomical organs and structures. 6 THIS IS HOW YOU WILL BE GIVEN FEEDBACK ON YOUR PERFORMANCE Feedback on your performance on the formative self-tests is generated automatically and available immediately following submission. You will be encouraged to use these to identify development needs to be addressed in tutorials. Provisional marks from the module examinations will be made available usually within 24 hours of the assessment, but the overall mark will be ratified at the Semester 2 assessment board. The opportunity to obtain generalised cohort feedback on examination performance will be provided in order to help you prepare for future multiple choice assessments and identify development needs. You should use this to develop appropriate action plans to further your development and incorporate this into your personal and professional development portfolio. 7 THESE ARE EXAMPLES OF THE KEY LEARNING RESOURCES YOU WILL USE o Learning materials provided within teaching sessions and on Blackboard o Module handbook containing copies of essential resources (including lecture notes, handouts, reading lists and activities) o Self directed learning packages paper based and online o Online assessment for learning tests o Key texts (see suggested reading lists) o Module leader support o Module blackboard site containing all resources and links to internet-based resources and a discussion board. o Electronic resources from An@tomyTV an online learning database accessed through the learning centre will be used extensively to provide essential tutordirected learning. o Text books from the indicative reading list 5 Text books such as: Bridge P, Tipper DJ (2011) CT Anatomy for Radiotherapy. Keswick M&K Dean D, Herbener TE, 2000. Cross-sectional human anatomy: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ellis H, Logan BM, Dixon AK, 2001. Human Cross Sectional Anatomy, Atlas of Body Sections and CT Images: Butterworth/Heineman Fehrenbach MJ, Herring SW, 2007. Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck: Saunders Elsevier Karthikeyan D, Chegu D, 2006. Cross-sectional anatomy: Anshan Lumley JSP, 2008. Surface anatomy : the anatomical basis of clinical examination: Churchill Livingstone Marieb EN. 2009. Essentials of human anatomy and physiology: Pearson Benjamin Cummings Marieb EN. 2009. Anatomy and physiology coloring workbook : a complete study guide: Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2009. Moller T, Reif E, 2007. Pocket Atlas of Cross-sectional Anatomy CT and MRI Volume 1: Head, Neck, Spine and Joints: Thieme Moller T, Reif E, 2007. Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy CT and MRI Volume II: Thorax, Heart, Abdomen and Pelvis: Thieme Prokop M, Galanski M, 2003. Spiral and Multi Slice Computed Tomography of the Body: Thieme Rice J, 2005. Medical terminology with human anatomy. 5th Edition: Pearson/Prentice Hall Seeley RR, Stephens TD, Tate P, 2007. Essentials of anatomy and physiology. 6th Edition: McGraw-Hill Education Tortora GJ, 2006. A brief atlas of the human skeleton, surface anatomy, and selected medical images: Wiley Tortora GJ, Derrickson BH, 2008. Principles of anatomy and physiology. 12th Edition: Wiley Wegener OH. 1995. Whole Body Computed Tomography: Blackwell Scientific 6 7 Guidance on Using the Student Portal To get the most out of this module you will be expected to make substantial use of the information and resources situated within the Principles of Anatomy and Image Interpretation Blackboard site on the SHU student Portal. Simply go to and clicking on ‘Login’. If you log into Blackboard and clicked on the Radiotherapy Principles of Anatomy and Image Interpretation ‘course’ you should see a screen that looks something like this… The buttons down the left hand side of the screen are where you will find all the information and resources you need: Announcements This is the default page. Lecturers will post important messages about the module here on a regular basis so you should regularly log in and check. The announcements page will also tell you when something is new or has been updated within the Blackboard ‘course’ or direct you to undertake some important activity – e.g. if a quiz has been added that you should try. 8 Module Documents Here you will find information about the module. Most of this is already in this handbook. The module evaluation form can also be accessed from here towards the end of the module (you complete this online). Staff Details Here you will find details about the module teaching team. Learning Materials This is probably the most important area of the Blackboard ‘course’ and is where you will find information and resources related to each of the topic areas covered within the module. Each topic area will have a folder assigned to it and within this folder you will be able to access things such as lecture notes, slides, activities, book references, journal articles and online resources. Assessments Here you will find details of the module assessments along with any associated guidance. Electronic completion of the online examinations is done via this button. Support Resources Here you will find resources to help your study that are not directly connected to a specific topic in the module. My Grades The "My Grades" facility enables you to see how well you did on any of the ‘quizzes’ in this module. Discussion Board Here you will be able to post any questions you may have. This is the best way of getting answers to problems because the whole teaching team and all the students in your year will be able to see your query rather than just one person (and also you may be asking a question that lots of others want to as well). Some activities may also request that you post certain information to a discussion board. A note about your timetable Your online timetable will show you the times and whereabouts of all your sessions. For seminars, you will be assigned to a particular group, so may attending at a different time or place to your friends. Please ensure that you only attend the sessions you are supposed to. Attendance at the wrong session may mean you do not get a seat Any queries? If you have any queries about Blackboard or are still unsure about how to use it then please contact the Module Leader. 9 FINAL TASK According to the Assessment Strategy shown in the Module Descriptor, which task will be the LAST TASK to be taken or handed-in? (Give task number as shown in the Assessment Strategy) MODULE REFERRAL STRATEGY Task for Task (as shown for initial assessment strategy) Single Referral Package for All Referred Students REVISIONS Date July 2012 Reason Assessment Framework review 10 Task No. 2 Y N