2011-12 School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin NU8204 Anatomy & Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice Module Leader Valerie Small, RGN, RNT, MSc. PG Dip CHSE. A&E Cert Additional Department of Anatomy TCD : Anatomy demonstrators Lecturers Mr Derek Brown (ANP) Ms Gabrielle Dunne (ANP) Ms Margaret Keenan (ANP) Ms Nina Mc Cawley (ANP) Ms Olivia Smith (ANP) ECTS 10 Pre-requisite Extensive experience in clinical practice Rationale and Aims Advanced Nurse Practitioners are autonomous practitioners, who demonstrate practical and theoretical knowledge and clinical assessment skills in order to manage a full episode of care for a discreet group of patients with healthcare needs. The advanced nurse practitioner candidate will conduct skilled and comprehensive health assessment and demonstrate expert skills in the diagnosis and treatment of the specific patient group. The aim of this module is to foster an in-depth knowledge of applied anatomy and synthesis of the pathophysiology of trauma and disease as required to support the advanced nurse practitioner candidate develop those skills to meet the healthcare needs of patients in their care. Module Content Anatomy overview Lecture and practical demonstrations of anatomy of musculoskeletal structures of upper limb, lower limb, head, neck and face Application of surface and trauma anatomy Applicaton of radiological anatomy Anatomy and physiology of the skin Anatomy & pathophysiology of clinical conditions and injuries (within scope of practice) Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module, students should be able to: Demonstrate an in depth knowledge of anatomy of upper limb, lower limb, head, neck and face Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of surface and trauma anatomy Articulate in-depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the skin. Demonstrate and articulate the pathophysiology associated with trauma and clinical conditions relevant to scope of practice Demonstrate application of knowledge of surface, trauma and radiological anatomy to clinical practice Methods of Teaching and Student Learning Lecture and practical demonstrations in anatomy laboratory in TCD. Clinical tutorials, and applied anatomy during supervised clinical practice. Group work, group discussions, one to one teaching. Web based learning. 2011-12 School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin Methods of Assessment Method Competency Assessment Contact Hours Direct contact : Class & online Assessment student effort Self directed learning Total Hours Weighting Pass/Fail 45 15 140 200 Indicative Resources – additional references will be provided by module lecturers Bickley L.S (2007) Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking. 9th ed. Philadelphia. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Epstein O, Perkin GD, Cookson J, Watt IS, Rakhit R, Robins AW, Hornett GA (2008) Clinical Examination 4th Ed. Mosby Elsevier Health Service Executive (2009) A Guiding Framework for the Implementation of Nurse Prescribing of Medical Ionising Radiation (X-Ray) in Ireland. Dublin. Office of Nursing Services Director. Kleinpell, R (2001) Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing. New York. Springer Publishing Company. Larsen, D. Morris, P (2006) Limb X-Ray Interpretation. London. Whurr Publishers. Lumley, J.S.P (2008) Surface Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis Of Clinical Examination. 4thEd Edinburgh. Churchill Livingstone. Raby N, Berman L, de Lacey G (2005) Accident and Emergency Radiology : A Survival Guide. 2nd Ed. Elsevier Saunders. Philadelphia Sakthivel-Wainford, K (2009) Self Assessment in Axial Skeleton Musculoskeletal Trauma Xrays. M&K Publishing. London. Sullivan-Marx,E. Mc Givern,D. Fairman, J.Greenberg , S (2010) Nurse Practitioners- The Evolution and Future of Advanced Practice. 5th Ed. New York. Springer Publishing Company Turner R, Angus B, Hatton C, Handen A (2009) Clinical Skills and Examination: The Core curriculum. 5th Edition. Oxford Wiley Blackwell.