Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:00 NOON
12:00 Call the meeting to order.
Invocation to be led by Rev. Eddie Foster.
Pledge of allegiance to be led by Heather Gillespie.
Request the Board adopt the agenda as to form, along with the additional
Request the Board approve the minutes of March 13, and 22, 2007 ( pg.
9-28 ).
Request the Board approve the appropriations and accounts payable listing
(see additional agenda).
12:30 New Business
1. Sandy Elswick, Registrar and Connie Strugill, Electoral Board Secretary a. Request from Smyth County Electoral Board to conduct a public hearing to amend the current ordinance to specify that the central Absentee
Precinct be used for only for November general elections. b. Request from the Smyth County Electoral Board to conduct a public hearing on moving the following precincts to satisfy the requirements of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) to have all precincts handicap
1. Royal Oak East precinct to be moved from the Senior Citizens
Center at 307 South Park Street to the First United Methodist
Church at 115 South Church Street in Marion. precinct moved from the Smyth County
Courthouse at 109 West Main Street to the Smyth Bland Regional
Library at 118 South Sheffey Street in Marion. a.
Request the Board consider a resolution regarding Regional Water Supply
Planning and Application for a fiscal year 2008 Water Supply Grant pg. 29-34 ). b. Request the Board approve the Axum Lane Contract Documents, which have been reviewed and approved by the Water and Sewer Attorney and the Rural Utilities Services ( pg. 35-44 ).
3. Request the Board approve bids for 3 pick up trucks for the Water and Sewer
Department (Mike Carter, pg.
45-47 ).
4. Request the Board consider the following tax refund requests: a. b.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Epperson ( pg. 48-49 )
Real Estate overpayment for 2004, 2005, 2006
Donita Hawkins ( pg. 50-57 )
$140.75 c. Coffman Stairs ( pg. 58-59 )
5. Kenny Lewis - Request the Board approve the Bryne Justice Assistance Grant
( pg. 60-67 ).
Federal $1,389
6. Request the Board consider an appointment for the Virginia Highlands
Community College Board. The current appointments four term expires June 30,
2007 ( pg. 68-72 ).
Request the Board declare two (2) large signs, advertising the 34th Annual
Hungry Mother Festival, “official signs” to comply with VDOT regulations.
Festival to be held July 20-20, 2007 ( pg. 73 ).
8. Request the Board consider waiving tipping fees for Project Crossroads July 1,
2007-June 30, 2008 ( pg. 74 ).
2:00 Virginia Department of Transportation b. pg. 75-76 )
The following are recommendations from the Planning Commission on the joint public hearing held on Thursday, March 22:
Recommendation on the request from Mark Adams for a special use carried, the Commission recommends the application submitted by Mark Adams for a special use permit to establish a kennel at 145 Tara Lane on approximately one acre of his property, at the proposed location next to 110 Tara Lane.
Recommendation on the request from Maurice Templeton for an amendment to the zoning map: Upon motion of Mr. Medley, seconded by Mr.
Sparks, and unanimously carried, the Commission recommends the application submitted by Maurice Templeton for an amendment to the zoning map. The amendment is located on Walkers Creek Road and is 233.99 acres in size. It is currently zoned Agricultural/Rural and is recommended it to be rezoned to
Residential. The property is identified by tax map #33-A-5A.
Recommendation on the request from Watson Gollehon for an amendment to the zoning map: Upon motion of Ms. Tuell, seconded by Mr. Davidson, and unanimously carried, the Commission recommends the application submitted by
Watson Gollehon for an amendment to the zoning map. The amendment is located at 1678 Chestnut Ridge Road and is approximately 7.3 acres in size. It is currently zoned Agricultural/Rural and is recommended it to be rezoned to
Residential. The property is identified by tax map #65-3-3 and 65-3-3A. The
Commission requested that lots 7 and 8 on the proposed plat be reconfigured to allow for a minimum 30' strip of land be provided for lot #8.
Recommendation on the request from Apollo Realty Partners, LLC for amendments to the zoning map:
Mr. Davidson, and unanimously carried, the Commission recommends the application submitted by Apollo Realty Partners for amendments to the zoning map. The property is located south of Exit 47 and is approximately 80 acres in size. It is currently zoned Agricultural/Rural and is recommended it to be rezoned to Commercial. The property includes all or portions of the following tracts:
Tax Map #
Portion of 47-A-64
Upon motion of Mr. Sparks, seconded by
Current Property Owner
J. Burton Eller Jr
Portion of 47-A-72 Robert & Patricia Ann Dix
The Commission recommends the above amendments contingent upon the
Board receiving answers to the questions raised at the public hearing by citizens.
These questions were not addressed due to the fact that there were no representatives present on behalf of Apollo Realty ( pg. 77-78 ).
Vote: 6 yea (Medley, Davidson, Blevins, Sparks, Venable, Tuell)
Recommendation on the request from Roy McNeil on the request for an amendment to the zoning map: Upon motion of Ms. Tuell, seconded by Mr.
Venable, and unanimously carried, the Commission recommends the application submitted by Roy McNeil for an amendment to the zoning map. The amendment is located between Route 11 and Interstate 81 in Atkins and is approximately
15.78 acres in size. It is currently zoned Agricultural/Rural and is recommended it to be rezoned to Residential. Property is identified by tax map #48-3-2A and
3:00 Dr. Michael Robinson, School Superintendent
Budget Committee recommendations (Clark, Committee Chair) a.
The committee briefly discussed the upcoming school board budget and the indexing process. After review, the committee agreed to recommend to the full Board that the upcoming fiscal year 2007-2008 school board budget be indexed again at 115% of the Virginia Department of Education total local requirements. This would indicate a local increase of $374,198.
With is increase, total local support would be $9,218,942 for the Operating
Fund. Indexing would allow for carrying over of any unspent appropriations upon proper request. b. Upon motion of Mr. Slemp, seconded by Mr. Dishner, the committee recommends that a joint public hearing be scheduled for the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors on May 8, to take comment on the school's proposed fiscal year 2007-2008 budget ( pg. 79-81 ).
3:30 Con Smith - Smyth-Washington Regional Industrial Facilities Authority 2006
Annual Report (report included in packet).
4:00 Robert Ashley & Associates - Discuss 125 Cafeteria Plan options
1. Collection of delinquent taxes ( 8-10-04 ).
2. Marevine Slemp, request for water service on Fox Valley Road ( 5-11-04 ).
3. a. Request for tax exempt status for the Lincoln Theatre ( 12-13-2005 ) b. Request for tax relief status on building improvements ( 12-5-2006 )
4. Re-codifying of the Smyth County Code ( 1-10-2006 ). ordinance into the zoning ordinance as proposed in the zoning amendments present to the Board in January 2005 ( 4-11-2006 ).
6. Proposed revisions from the Planning Commission to the Subdivision Ordinance.
(referred to the Ordinance Committee 6-13-2006 ).
7. a. Disposal of former school building at 105 East Strother Street ( 7-11-2006 ) b. Building and Grounds Committee recommendation concerning the old school building and the Heilig-Myers building (continued 11-15-2006,
8. Request the Board update appointments to the Southwest Virginia Emergency
Medical Services Council. Due to by law changes only one member can now serve. Current members are as follows, both of these 3 year terms expire 9-30-
2008 ):
9. Request the Board consider the following personal property tax refund request
( 3-13-2007 ):
US Leasing )
10. VDH - County partnership for generator ( 3-13-2007 ).
Request the Board enter into closed session as allowed by Code of Virginia,
Section 2.2-3711(A) 5 for report on business prospect (s) not previously announced publicly and (A) 7 for consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members pertaining to actual or probable litigation (information included in
Request the Board continue the meeting until Thursday, April 26 at 7:00 p.m. for a joint public hearing with the Planning Commission and any other issues that may arise.