ECED 2330 - Regents Online

Course Syllabus
Infant and Toddler Care
ECED 2330 (Formerly ECED 2030)
3 Credit Hours
Course Information
Course Description:
Infant and Toddler Care is a study of the care and education of infants and toddlers, birth to age
three in group settings (i.e. childcare centers, family child care homes, Early Head Start). Topics
include rationales and strategies for supporting the whole child including cognitive, language, socialemotional and physical development in a safe, responsive environment. The course emphasizes is
on relationship-based care and education with special attention to the unique environmental aspects
of programs for the child under three.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
Competency 1: Recognize current issues and trends in infant and toddler care.
Competency 2: Identify components of quality care for infants and toddlers in group settings.
Competency 3: Create, evaluate, and select developmentally appropriate materials, equipment, and
environments for infants and toddlers.
Competency 4: Demonstrate an understanding of responsive, culturally sensitive, caregiving
Competency 5: Develop parent communication strategies based on an understanding of the unique
needs of parents of infants and toddlers.
Competency 6: Identify the key developmental issues of infants and toddlers and their implications
for curriculum
NAEYC Associate Degree Standards are addressed in this course here:
Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning
1a. Know and understand young children's characteristics and needs from birth through age 8.
1c. Using developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive challenging learning
environments for young children.
Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relations
2b. Supporting and engaging families and communities through respectful and reciprocal
Course Syllabus
2c. Involving families and communities in young children's development and learning
Standard 3: Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families
3b. Knowing about and using observations, documentation and other appropriate assessment tools
and approaches, including the use of technology in documentation, assessment and data
Standard 4: Teaching and Learning
4b. Knowing and understanding effective strategies and tools for early education
including appropriate uses of technology
Standard 5: Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum
5c. Using own knowledge, appropriate early learning standards, and other resources to design ,
implement, and evaluate developmentally meaningful and challenging curriculum for each child.
Standard 6
6a. Identifying and involving oneself with the early childhood field.
The following Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards are addressed in this course:
Supporting Skills:
Skills in Self-Assessment and Self-Advocacy
Skills in mastering and applying foundation concepts from general education
Written and Verbal Communication Skills
Skills in making connections between prior knowledge/experience and new learning
Skills in identifying and using professional resources.
Section 6: Approaches to Learning Social and Emotional Development
1304.21(b) (2) (i) Support the social and emotional development of infants and toddlers by promoting
an environment that encourages the development of self-awareness, autonomy, and self-expression.
Prerequisites and Corequisites: None
Course Topics:
Developmental characteristics of infants and toddlers
Infant and toddler curriculum
Safe and healthy care giver routines
Communicating with families
Involving families in their children's development and learning
Creating a responsive relationship-based environment
Course Syllabus
Culturally sensitive care
Social-emotional development
Attachment and emotional development
Using observation and documentation for ongoing assessment
Milestones of social development in infants and toddlers
Play skills
Cognitive development
Language, literacy and music development
Creating autonomy and self-expression
Specific Course Requirements:
Field Experiences: The students must have access to infants or toddlers in order to complete field
work assignments. This can be informal settings such as family or relatives, but preferably access to
an early childhood program such as a child care center.
Assignment Submission: The student must have a working knowledge of how to operate in the
Course Management System environment and how to attach, download and submit documents in
Microsoft Word format which is a "doc”,"docx." or "rtf" file. The student may use Microsoft Word if
using a PC and if using a Macintosh computer, be sure to save it as a document. If you do not have
Microsoft Word, you can go to which is an open-source office software suite.
Textbooks, Supplementary Materials, Hardware and Software Requirements
Required Textbooks:
Please visit the Virtual Bookstore to obtain textbook information for this course:
Move your cursor over the "Books" link in the navigation bar and select "Textbooks & Course
Materials." Select your Program, Term, Department, and Course; then select "Submit."
Hardware Requirements:
The minimum requirements can be found at
Software Requirements:
The minimum requirements can be found at
Common applications you might need:
To read a PDF file download the latest version of Adobe Reader here .
Don't have Microsoft Word? Explore an alternative OpenOffice here .
Accessing a PowerPoint file? Download the PowerPoint Viewer
Web Resources:
The Everyday Writer
The Writing Center Online Writer's Handbook
Instructor Information
Course Syllabus
Please see "Instructor Information" in the Getting Started Module for instructor contact information,
virtual office hours, and other communication information.
A student can expect to receive a response from the instructor within 24-48 hours of a student's email
to the instructor unless notified of extenuating circumstances.
Participation, Assessments and Grading
Testing Procedures:
Testing can be completed online within the Course Management System.Proctoring or Responsdus
Lockdown Browser is not required for any assessments.
Grading Procedures:
Detailed instructions and grading criteria (grading rubrics) will be provided for each assignment. The
grading rubrics will be used to award points earned for student work. It is expected that students
follow instructions carefully, study the grading criteria, and ask questions if they do not understand an
assignment. For some assignments, you will be required to complete the grading rubric as a selfgrading component of the assignment. The purpose of this self-grading is to focus your attention on
the expectations of the assignment and enhance your own self-evaluation and critical thinking
skills. Even though you may submit a self-score rubric, the instructor will make the final
determination on all grades and scores.
Graded Items:
Infant Observation Assignment
Multicultural Parent Event Assignment
Infant or Toddler Classroom Design Assignment
Social/Emotional Activity Plan Assignment
Caregiver Interview Assignment
5 Module Journal Reflections @ 20 pts each
10 Discussions @ 10 pts. each
10 Module Quizzes @ 10 pts each
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Total Points
Grading Scale:
Point Range
Assigned Grade
900- 1000Points
899 - 800 Points
Course Syllabus
799 - 700 Points
699 - 600 Points
under 599 Points
Assignments and Participation
Assignments and Participation
Assignments and Projects:
Assignment due dates are spaced throughout the semester and do not coincide with the opening or
closing of weekly modules. The major assignments do have end dates (see calendar of due dates).
See the list of assignment dates in the Content/Resource Unit/Assignment Dates; the Schedule
feature; and the dropbox for specific due dates .All 5 major assignment open the first day of class.
Students are encouraged to submit assignments early before the final due date. All major
assignments and Journal Reflections are listed in the Dropbox area under the "Assignment" category.
Some weeks you will have a 20 point journal and other weeks a major assignment will be due. I
encourage you to work on major assignments early and not wait for the final due date.
Multicultural Orientation Event Plan for Parents Assignment. 100 points. The student
will create an orientation event for parents of a different culture to understand your infant/toddler
Infant or Toddler Classroom Design Assignment.100 points. The student will design a
classroom for an infant or toddler with a paper describing the classroom and a visual such as a
diagram or drawing.
Social/ Emotional Activity Plan Assignment 100 points. Social-Emotional Activity Plan. The
student will create an activity (lesson) plan for an infant or toddler (under age 3) to improve social
Infant Observation Assignment 100 points The assignment is to observe an infant or toddler
for an hour completing a checklist ,writing a summary of the observation and reflecting on the
experience. Develop a communication strategy to share the information with the parent.
Caregiver Interview Assignment: 100 points. The student will interview an infant or toddler
caregiver and write a summary and reflective paper.
Other Assessed Items
Module Journal Reflection: 100 points: Each module will have a focused question related to
module content for the student to demonstrate learning from the module. The reflection will be
submitted to the dropbox on the last day (Saturday) the module is open 10 modules @ 10 points.
Discussion: 100 points. Students will discuss issues related to the module outcomes on the
Discussion Board and respond to other students for each module. Discussion must be completed
( 3 posts) before a student is allowed to take the module quiz.10 modules @ 5 points each
Module Quizzes: 100 points. Each module will have a quiz related to the textbook and
Interactive Lecture content. The quiz will close on Saturday, the last day the module is open. The
Course Syllabus
system will not allow a student to begin a quiz if they have not posted on the Discussion Board
for that module 3 times.10 modules @ 10 points each.
Midterm Exam, 100 points. Questions are developed from outcomes for modules 1 through 5.
Questions are a combination of matching, true/false, multiple choice and short answer. A study
guide is located in the Resource Unit in the Content Area. The exam does not have to be
proctored as it is located in the Assessment area with the quizzes.
Final Exam, 100 points. Questions are developed from outcomes for modules 6 through
11.Questions are a combination of matching, true/false, multiple choice and short answer. A
study guide is located in the Resource Unit in the Content Area. The exam does not have to be
proctored as it is located in the Assessment area with the quizzes.
1,000 Total Points
Class Participation:
Students must participate in all interactive aspects of the course. Students are expected to purchase
the textbook prior to the first week of class and read all assigned chapters. The content of each
module should be read. Students are expected to log into the course at least 3 times each week.
Students must communicate with other students through email, are expected to communicate with
the instructor as a learning resource, and must check the course news board (course home page)
frequently for announcements. They must actively participate in threaded discussion events using
knowledge gained from both the textbook and the module content. The student will not be able to
take a module quiz unless they have posted to the discussion for that module at least 3 times.
Late Policy:
The due date means that this is the last acceptable date to submit assignments. Students are
encouraged to submit assignments early. Any late assignments can be submitted to a Late
Assignment Folder in the Dropbox area. There is a penalty of 10% of the grade deducted for any late
Each course module has specific elements that need to be accomplished, generally during a week's
time frame. Each module builds on the materials in the previous week. Therefore, a student should
work on the material in the order given in the schedule of assignments. With the exception of tests,
there are no specific days or times that a student must participate. Students can work on this course
at a time of day best suited to their needs.
Assignments are due on Central Time and due dates can be found under Calendar. To receive full
credit, assignments must be handed in on time. Late assignments (fieldwork and projects) will have
points deducted: 10% for one week, 20% for two weeks, and no assignments accepted beyond two
weeks late. No assignments will be accepted beyond the final module assignments due date. Exams
cannot be taken late. Furthermore, discussion must be completed by due date.
Course Ground Rules
The following two statements (1., 2.) were derived from the TBR System-wide Student Rules document,
released January 2012:
Course Syllabus
Read the document in its entirety here
Standards of Conduct:
1. Students are required to adhere to the same professional, legal and ethical standards of conduct online
as on campus. In addition, students should conform to generally accepted standards of "netiquette"
while sending e-mail, posting comments to the discussion board, and while participating in other means
of communicating online. Specifically, students should refrain from inappropriate and/or offensive
language, comments and actions.
Academic Integrity/Academic Honesty:
2. In their academic activities, students are expected to maintain high standards of honesty and integrity.
Academic dishonesty is prohibited.
Such conduct includes, but is not limited to:
• an attempt by one or more students to use unauthorized information in the taking of an exam, to submit
as one's own work, themes, reports, drawings, laboratory notes, computer programs, or other products
prepared by another person,
• or to knowingly assist another student in obtaining or using unauthorized materials.
Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Read more about how to
Avoid Plagiarism.
Students guilty of academic misconduct, either directly or indirectly through participation or assistance, are
subject to disciplinary action through the regular procedures of the student’s home institution.
In addition to other possible disciplinary sanctions that may be imposed, the instructor has the authority to
assign an "F" or zero for an activity or to assign an "F" for the course.
Other Course Rules:
Students are expected to:
Participate in all aspects of the course
Communicate with other students
Learn how to navigate in D2L
Keep abreast of course announcements
Use the assigned course management (D2L) e-mail address rather than a personal e-mail address
Address technical problems immediately (contact
Observe course nettiquette at all times.
Guidelines for Communications
Always include a subject line.
Remember without facial expressions some comments may be taken the wrong way. Be careful
in wording your emails. Use of emotions might be helpful in some cases.
Use standard fonts.
Do not send large attachments without permission.
Special formatting such as centering, audio messages, tables, html, etc. should be avoided
unless necessary to complete an assignment or other communication.
Course Syllabus
Respect the privacy of other class members
Discussion Groups:
Review the discussion threads thoroughly before entering the discussion. Be a lurker then a
Try to maintain threads by using the "Reply" button rather starting a new topic.
Do not make insulting or inflammatory statements to other members of the discussion group. Be
respectful of other’s ideas.
Be patient and read the comments of other group members thoroughly before entering your
Be cooperative with group leaders in completing assigned tasks.
Be positive and constructive in group discussions.
Respond in a thoughtful and timely manner.
The Tennessee Virtual Library is available to all students enrolled in the Regents Degree Program. Links
to library materials (such as electronic journals, databases, interlibrary loans, digital reserves, dictionaries,
encyclopedias, maps, and librarian support) and Internet resources needed by learners to complete online
assignments and as background reading must be included in all courses.
Students With Disabilities
Qualified students with disabilities will be provided reasonable and necessary academic accommodations
if determined eligible by the appropriate disability services staff at their home institution. Prior to granting
disability accommodations in this course, the instructor must receive written verification of a student's
eligibility for specific accommodations from the disability services staff at the home institution. It is the
student's responsibility to initiate contact with their home institution's disability services staff and to follow
the established procedures for having the accommodation notice sent to the instructor.
Syllabus Changes
The instructor reserves the right to make changes as necessary to this syllabus. If changes are
necessitated during the term of the course, the instructor will immediately notify students of such changes
both by individual email communication and posting both notification and nature of change(s) on the
course bulletin board.
Technical Support
Please visit the "Get Help" page in the Getting Started Module of this course to find technical support
information. If you are having problems logging into your course, timing out of your course, using your
course web site tools, or other technical problems, please contact the Help Desk by calling: 1-888-2230023 or visiting