TPA 5067
Fall 2014
Instructor: Zak Herring
Office hours: MW 9:30-‐10:30 Room 206
Course Objectives: To study and practice the scenic design process.
Develop scenic design techniques for theatre and dance. Emphasize is on script analysis, research, and problem solving for the scenic design. This is a process-‐oriented class, not product.
Required Materials:
15-‐18” sketch pad
• tracing paper (roll or pad)
• drawing pencils (H2,H, HB,B,2B)
• drafting equipment: adjustable triangle, 5mm mechanical pencil, 18”X24” pad of vellum
• cork backed metal straight edge ruler
X-‐acto knife and blades
Can of 3M spray 77
University Policy on Accommodating Students with Disabilities: Students requesting accommodation for disabilities must first register with the Dean of
Students Office ( The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the instructor when requesting accommodation. You must submit this documentation prior to submitting assignments or taking the quizzes or exams. Accommodations are not retroactive, therefore, students should contact the office as soon as possible in the term for which they are seeking accommodations.
Grading points scale:
A =94-‐100
A-‐ =90-‐93
B =83-‐86
Anything below 80 is considered failing
Aug. 25
Discuss the role and responsibilities of a Scenic Designer
Identify the elements of form in the script
For next class: Read House of Blue Leaves and write a short synopsis of the play
Bring in a (quick) list of all the books/plays that you have read (completely) for your own entertainment since 9 th grade
Aug. 27
Discuss storyline of Blue Leaves and translate to elements of form (2pts.)
Discuss the importance of knowing a script inside and out
For next class: Read Tartuffe
Sept. 3
Blue Leaves scene breakdown requirements and obligatory factors due (4pts.)
Bring in research for Blue Leaves (2pts.)
Tartuffe story line due (2pts.)
For next class: Reading assignment #1 and bring materials for collage
Sept. 8
Work on Blue Leaves collage in class
Discuss your Blue Leaves design concept (2pts.)
Discuss reading assignment #1 (3pts.)
For next class: read Tartuffe for the second time
Sept. 10
Blue Leaves collage due (4pts)
In class work on Blue Leaves floor plan
Tartuffe storyline due (2pts)
For next class: read Blue Leaves with completed floor plan
Sept. 15
Blue Leaves floor plan due (4pts)
Begin rough sketch for Blue Leaves
For next class: read Romeo and Juliet
Sept. 17
Work on Blue Leaves sketch/due at end of class (4pts)
Bring in Tartuffe research materials (2pts)
Tartuffe obligatory factors due (2pts)
Romeo and Juliet story line due (2pts)
For next class: read Romeo and Juliet for scene breakdown and obligatory factors
Sept. 22
Discuss Tartuffe design concept (2pts)
Begin Tartuffe floor plan
R+J scene breakdown (locations) and obligatory factors due(3pts)
Discuss 3 concept exercise for R+J (unit set/scenes)
For next class: read Tartuffe with finished floor plan and bring research materials for R+J
Sept. 24
Tartuffe floor plan due (3pts)
Begin work on Tartuffe rough sketch
Discuss R+J research materials (2pts)
For next class: reading assignment #2
Sept. 29
Work on Tartuffe sketch/due at end of class (4pts)
Discuss reading assignment #2 (3pts)
Oct. 1
Concept ideas and rough floor plans for R+J discussed (4pts)
For next class: read R+J with floor plan/concept decided
Oct. 6
Work on R+J floor plan
For next class: read Deathtrap
Oct. 8
R+J floor plan due (3pts)
Start on R+J rough sketch
For next class: reading assignment #3
Oct. 13
Road trip to laser lab
For next class: read In The Heights
Oct. 15
Work on R+J rough sketch/due end of class (5pts)
Deathtrap story line due (2pts)
For next class: read Deathtrap for obligatory factors
Oct. 20
Discuss reading assignment #3 (3pts)
Deathtrap obligatory factors due (2pts)
Work on Deathtrap floor plan
For next class: read Deathtrap with finished floor plan
Oct. 22
Deathtrap floor plan due (3pts)
In the Heights story line due (2pts)
Start rough sketch for Deathtrap
Oct. 29
Work on Deathtrap rough sketch/due end of class (5pts)
For next class: read In The Heights for scene break down and obligatory factors and bring in research
Nov. 3
In The Heights research due (2pts) and obligatory factors due (2pts)
Start floor plans for In The Heights
For next class: read In The Heights with finished floor plans
Nov. 5
In The Heights floor plans due (4pts)
Start on elevations
Nov. 10 and Nov. 17
Work on In The Heights elevations
Nov. 24, Dec. 1 and Dec. 3
In The Heights elevations due (4pts)
Work on model for In The Heights
Dec. 8
In The Heights model due (5pts)
Discuss course for improvements
Disclaimer: This syllabus represents my current plans and objectives. As we go through the semester, those plans may need to change to enhance the class learning opportunity. Such changes, communicated clearly, are not unusual and should be expected.