Proceedings of OMAE’03 22nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering June 8-13, 2003, Cancun, Mexico OMAE2003-37174 DEVELOPMENT OF SAFER SHIPS BY DETERMINISTIC ANALYSIS OF EXTREME ROLL MOTIONS IN HARSH SEAS Günther F. Clauss Ocean Engineering Division Technical University Berlin Germany Janou Hennig Ocean Engineering Division Technical University Berlin Germany Heike Cramer Flensburg Shipyard Germany Stefan Krüger Technical University Hamburg-Harburg Germany ABSTRACT NOMENCLATURE |F(ω)| Fourier spectrum GM metacentric height Hmax maximum wave height Hs significant wave height Tp peak period TR period of roll resonance T0 zero-upcrossing period d water depth t time v velocity x, y coordinates in space α1 main board angle α2 upper flap angle ζ(t, x) surface elevation ϑ pitch µ course ϕ roll ω circular frequency For modern ship design — as confirmed by many examples of ship design and operation — the current intact stability code (IMO (2002)) does not provide a reliable basis for the assessment of ship safety in rough seas. In ship design the application of the IS-Code is not supporting design decisions towards increased safety in rough seas (Cramer and Krüger (2001)), and ship operators find their cargo and/or vessels endangered by large roll angles and accelerations (France et al. (2001)). Thus, there is a great need for procedures to analyze ship safety in rough seas. This paper presents innovative deterministic seakeeping test procedures which are used to identify the physical mechanism endangering intact ships by evaluating cause-reaction relations of wave/structure interaction. Rogue wave sequences are embedded in severe seas for computer controlled capsizing tests of different vessels at the Hamburg Ship Model Basin. The model test results are used as a basis for the development of non-linear numerical methods to simulate ship motions in extreme seas with the target to design safer ships with reduced capsizing risk. Polar plots following from the non-linear simulations allow the evaluation of ship safety in severe seas with reference to course, speed and trim. 1 Copyright 2003 by ASME Figure 1. ENCOUNTERING A ROGUE WAVE – BAY OF BISCAY (Nickerson (1993)) Figure 2. CONFIGURATION FOR COMPUTER CONTROLLED SEAKEEPING TESTS DEMAND FOR INTACT STABILITY CRITERIA At present, the assessment of ship stability – intact or damaged – is confined to the fulfilment of empirical criteria related to the static lever arm curve for still water conditions only. The IMO intact stability criteria (IS-Code, IMO (2002)) are prescriptive rules based on experiences with cargo ships quite some years ago. Thus it is not surprising, that the current criteria fail to appropriately assess the safety of modern designs in rough sea conditions as ship design rapidly changes. Unfortunately legal (according to the rules and regulations) is not necessarily safe. Some of the large container ships recently suffered from parametric excitation, loosing and/or damaging cargo (e. g. France et al. (2001)). Many modern designs are susceptible to parametric excitation, not only container ships, but also RoRo-, RoPax-, ferry and cruise vessels. Also quite a few vessels are endangered by pure loss of stability or combinations of parametric excitation and loss of stability. Currently the intact stability rules do not cover these dangerous mechanisms and other unfavourable seakeeping scenarios. In addition, appropriate guidance for the crew on how to identify and avoid such dangerous conditions is lacking. Furthermore, ship operators often complain about very short roll periods leading to high accelerations, especially if combined with insufficient roll damping as well as insufficient course-keeping capabilities of vessels in rough weather. Due to these problems with the current IS-Code a revision process has started at the last IMO-SLF meeting. It has been decided that next to some short term amendments the code should be completely revised with two major aims: cal simulations shall be possible. Consequently the following steps have to be performed in the revision process: • Identification of safety related situations/mechanisms endangering intact stability • Collection of existing knowledge and further research related to physical phenomena endangering the ship in rough sea conditions and towards procedures to assess ship performance in dangerous situations. • Development of a framework of performance based intact stability criteria • Definition of criteria with appropriate standards The seakeeping test procedure presented here as well as its evaluation and application lead to a better understanding of safety related aspects in ship stability – not only in situations which appear as evident as the famous rogue wave encounter in Fig. 1. And based on numerical motion simulations ship designs can be systematically optimized – already within the early design stages where optimization potential is largest. SETUP FOR DETERMINISTIC SEAKEEPING TESTS Reliable validation of numerical assessment of ship stability calls for a special test setup which allows to refer the resulting ship behaviour directly to the corresponding wave excitation. The following section gives a brief overview of the new seakeeping test setup and procedure which has been used for capsizing investigations and validation of numerical data explained in the following sections. 1. all new criteria shall be formulated as performance based criteria 2. alternative direct assessments via model test and/or numeri2 Copyright 2003 by ASME T0 = 10.8 s, Hs = 11.92 m, Hmax = 25.6 m ζ [m] t [s] Figure 4. DRAUPNER NEW YEAR WAVE (Haver and Anderson (2000)): FULL SCALE DATA AND WAVE TANK GENERATION (RED LINE, SCALE 1:81). Figure 3. INVESTIGATED SHIP MODELS AND THE CORRESPONDING SHIP LINES (C-BOX LEFT, RO-RO VESSEL RIGHT) When the model reaches the critical safety distance from the wave maker or the absorbers at the opposite side of the tank, the ship and the carriage stops automatically. In Fig. 3, the investigated ship types are presented, i. e. a C-Box multipurpose vessel and a RO-RO ship. Fig. 2 shows the test setup for fully computer controlled seakeeping tests (see Kühnlein and Brink (2002)). Three main system components are coordinated: • wave maker • towing carriage (including horizontal carriage) • ship model ROGUE WAVE GENERATION WITHIN HARSH SEAS Meteomarine conditions are selected as characteristics of the assessment process and realized in the wave tank by the wave generation procedure. Such a procedure allows to generate arbitrary types of model seas such as statistically defined storm seas which contain critical wave groups occurring at desired positions in time and space. This allows to analyze capsizing scenarios deterministically. The key step in the wave generation process is the consideration of nonlinear wave propagation. The empirical procedure is very flexible and can be adapted to any sea condition (Clauss (2002), Kühnlein et al. (2002), Clauss and Hennig (2001)). Even extreme events like the New Year Wave (Trulsen and Dysthe (1997), Haver (2000), Haver and Anderson (2000)) can be modelled in the wave tank with high precision (Fig. 4). The parameters of the model seas - transient wave sequences consisting of random seas or regular wave trains with an embedded deterministic high transient wave - are systematically varied to investigate the ship model response with regard to metacentric height, model velocity, and course angle for different ship types (Clauss and Hennig (2002)) and failure modes. In head seas, the ship is positioned at the side wall of the tank end, opposite to the wave maker position. In seas from astern, the ship model waits close to the wave maker until a defined sequence of the wave train has passed. The two-paddle wave maker starts to generate the specified wave train which has been selected for an individual test. Preprocessing includes the calculation of the encounter point in time and space where the ship meets the wave train under defined conditions. Thus the model starts to sail through the tank in such a way that it reaches the encounter position at the proposed time step. For keeping the given parameters constant, the propulsion is controlled over the entire run. The ship moves in parallel with the tank side wall at a required minimum distance. Registration starts by setting the desired course. The ship’s course is controlled by the master computer by telemetry which commands a Z-manoeuvre at constant course angle and model velocity. These test parameters as well as the model sea parameters are varied according to the metacentric height GM of the model, the expected rolling mode and occurrence of resonance. Ship motions in six degrees of freedom are registered precisely by computer controlled guidance of both, the towing and the horizontal carriage: During the entire test run, the ship model stays in the field of vision of the optical system line cameras. Additionally, the wave train is measured at several fixed positions of the wave tank. CORRELATION OF WAVE EXCITATION AND SHIP RESPONSE For providing useful data for the analysis of the capsizing process as well as for the validation of numerical methods, exact correlation of wave excitation and ship rolling is indispensable. This correlation is achieved by 3 Copyright 2003 by ASME stationary wave probe at x = 8.74 m wave elevation at stationary wave probe (x = 85.03 m) stationary wave probe at x = 85.03 m wave elevation at ship center (moving frame) velocity of towing carriage v = 1.65 m/s (in direction of wave propagation) roll motion moving wave probe Figure 5. REGISTRATION OF A WAVE PACKET AT STATIONARY WAVE PROBES AND AT A MOVING PROBE – COMPARISON OF CALCULATION AND REGISTRATION pitch motion • technical synchronization (see test setup), and • knowledge of nonlinear propagation of waves The wave elevation at the position of the cruising ship model in time and space is calculated (and controlled by registrations during model tests). Nonlinear methods are used for calculating the moving frame wave train (Clauss and Hennig (2001)). Fig. 5 confirms the high accuracy using these tools: The wave train (transient wave packet) is measured at a stationary wave probe close to the position of the wave maker (x = 8.74 m) as well as at a down–stream position of the wave tank (x = 85.03 m). Finally, the lower diagram presents the wave train as registered on board of the towing carriage (mean velocity 1.65 m/s). Transformation of the first wave train to the fixed down-stream position as well as to the moving wave probe travelling with the carriage is also shown. Agreement of registration and calculation (dots) is satisfactory. ship position target course broaching with subsequent capsizing → Figure 6. EXAMPLE FOR BROACHING OF THE RO-RO VESSEL (GM=1.36 m, v = 15 kn, Z-MANOEUVRE AT µ = ±10◦ ) WITH SUBSEQUENT CAPSIZING IN HARSH SEAS (Tp = 14.6 s, Hs = 15.3 m). EVALUATION OF CAPSIZING TEST RESULTS Fig. 6 presents a model test with a RO-RO vessel (GM=1.36 m, natural roll period TR =19.2 s, v=15 kn) in extremely high seas from astern (ITTC spectrum with Hs =15.3 m, TP =14.6 s, Z-manoeuvre: target course µ = ±10◦ ). 4 Copyright 2003 by ASME The upper diagram presents the registration at a stationary wave probe. As the waves are quite high the associated crests are short and steep followed by flat and long troughs. In contrast, the cruising ship – see wave elevation at ship center (moving frame)– apparently experiences extremely long crests and short troughs with periods well above 20 s as the vessel is surfing on top of the waves. The ship looses stability while situated on a wave crest, broaches, and finally capsizes as the vessel roll exceeds 40◦ and the course becomes uncontrollable (Fig. 9). Note that the wave characteristics, i. e. wave elevation and the associated pressure field as well as the acceleration and velocity distribution in time and space refer to the moving frame at the reference position of the cruising ship, and can be directly correlated to the ship motions by magnitude and phase. As a consequence, the seakeeping behaviour and even the mechanism of capsizing can be deduced and explained on the basis of non-linear causeeffect chains (Clauss (2002)). In the framework of the German research project ROLL-S similar dangerous situations have been simulated which are used for validation of numerical models. Figure 7. PICTURE TAKEN FROM THE SIMULATION OF THE SEAKEEPING BEHAVIOUR OF THE RO-RO VESSEL IN HIGH SEAS FROM ASTERN Within the German research project SinSee different methodologies for quantitative assessment are under development. First results from test calculations for existing ships are presented in (Krüger (2002)), and the conclusions from numerical motion simulations regarding seakeeping capabilities of different ships correlate well with operational experience. DIRECT ASSESSMENT OF INTACT STABILITY In many areas of ship design and approval direct assessment is accepted to prove sufficient safety or strength (e.g. stress analysis in structural design or evacuation). With respect to the intact stability approval, there are so far no alternative approaches established next to the ”simple” fulfilment of current empirical criteria with its already mentioned deficiencies. Meanwhile, numerical tools have been developed and successfully tested which allow the evaluation of dangerous and even fatal scenarios. Söding (1987) investigated the loss of the ”E.L.M.A. Tres”, and France et al. (2001) analyzed parametric excitation of C11 Class Container ships, while the use of a ”design for safety methodology” – based on direct numerical simulations and a qualitative assessment – allows an increase of ship safety in severe seas without impeding their economical performance. An example for the latter is given in the following section of this paper. Despite of the known deficiencies of the presently available numerical tools they can be applied to assess ship safety when being used appropriately. When developing or applying direct approaches it should be noted that the kind of safety level of existing empirical rules as well as the safety level of international acceptance are still under discussion. To allow a quantitative direct assessment of ship intact stability it is therefore necessary to develop methodologies for alternative approaches and to estimate the internationally tolerable safety level. Those developments are indispensible for future ship approval and design, as empirical formulations will never provide a sufficiently broad and fair evaluation basis to cover all possible new design developments. This is also reflected in the IMO decision towards performance based criteria and alternative direct assessments. OPTIMIZATION OF SEAKEEPING SAFETY Fig. 7 presents a picture taken from a simulation of the seakeeping behaviour of a RO-RO vessel in high seas from astern. Based on the results from such individual motion simulations the basic physical phenomena which potentially endanger the ship are analyzed, and the ship design is optimized with respect to these findings resulting in increased safety at rough sea conditions. To identify efficiently the potentially dangerous situations within the early design phase a ”design for seakeeping safety methodology” has been developed (Cramer and Krüger (2001)). Large numbers of motion simulations are systematically carried out, and the results are presented in Fig. 8 as polar plots for two different existing vessels. Both of them have a length around 180 m and were built recently. The loading conditions are chosen combining the design draught with the associated maximum KG according to the current IS-Code. In these polar plots the significant wave length is approximately ship length and all simulations are carried out in short crested irregular seas according to the JONSWAP spectrum. Installed devices for additional roll damping such as flume-tanks or stabilizing fins are assumed switched off. For each combination of speed and encounter angle the limiting significant wave height with respect to the danger of extreme roll angles and capsizing is estimated and the plots are coloured 5 Copyright 2003 by ASME accordingly. It can be seen that the RoPax-Ferry (upper diagram) is susceptible to encounter extreme roll angles in following seas in general, already in reasonably small wave heights. This corresponds well with the experiences of the owners who are very worried with the ship performance in waves. The lower diagram of Fig. 8 presents a polar plot for a recently built RoRo-Ship. This ship has been designed using the above design for seakeeping safety methodology. The two regions of ship resonance are small, and in general the limiting significant wave heights are substantially larger. This example illustrates how ships can be compared based on polar plots and shows the optimization potential gained in early design stages when the assessment of a ship seakeeping performance is based on nonlinear numerical motion simulations. Furthermore guidelines for ship operation can be based on such polar plots. in such extreme environments. • Finally, non-linear numerical methods are developed and validated by dedicated seakeeping model tests in deterministic wave sequences. By systematic simulations the most critical conditions are identified. • Based on these developments methodologies for the quantitative assessment of capsizing risk are proposed which then provide a basis for the improvement of current intact stability criteria. In conclusion ships are designed with improved sea keeping characteristics and an increased safety with respect to the danger of extreme roll angles and capsizing. • As a consequence, evaluation methods for capsizing risks are developed, and stability criteria improved. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, deterministic wave sequences are applied at model tests for investigating the wave/ship interaction at extreme sea conditions. Based on these results numerical procedures for motion simulations are developed, improved and validated which are used in ship design to optimize the safety of ships in extreme conditions. The efficient coupling between different disciplines like deterministic wave generation and computer controlled model testing promotes the realization of deterministic model tests, and thus the development of non-linear numerical simulation methods for ship design, which is necessary to solve the current problems related to ship safety at rough and extreme sea conditions. • In detail, the method is used as a tool to analyze the mechanism of motion behaviour in waves because the non-linear cause-effect chains are deduced from deterministic wave field characteristics like pressure field, particle accelerations and velocities as well as non-linear wave elevation in space and time. • Wave trains are designed individually to investigate a specific structure at a certain tank position, i. e. some dedicated regular waves can precede an extremely high wave or wave group for simulating memory effects. By stretching or compressing the peak wave the associated frequency and slope can be tuned accordingly. Also phase relations between the existing wave and the resulting structure motions can be selected and varied deterministically. Any test can be repeated identically if a specific effect is analyzed. • Observed wave registrations, like the extremely high New Year Wave Sequence can be generated in a wave tank at a selected model scale. Thus, the genesis of extreme events in such wave groups is analyzed in space and time. Also, the seakeeping behaviour of any structure can be evaluated 6 Copyright 2003 by ASME head seas Recently built RoPax−Ferry (traditional rule−based design) 20 kn t ar qu se as ots he ad g in er 16 kn ots as se qu ar t er in g ad he limiting significant wave height m 14 13 12 kn ots 8 kn ots 12 11 4 kn 10 9 8 7 6 beam seas beam seas 5 4 ng ri qu ar te ri ng te ar qu se as 3 as se following seas head seas he ots s he qu ar as se te ad ri ng g 16 kn in ad r te ar se a Recently built RoRo−Ship (design for sea keeping safety) qu 22 kn ots 20 kn ots 12 kn ots limiting significant wave height m 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 8 kn ots 4 kn beam seas beam seas as se qu a rt ng er ri in te g se ar qu as 3 following seas Figure 8. POLAR PLOTS WITH LIMITING WAVE HEIGHTS FOR TWO DIFFERENT SHIPS - BASED ON DIFFERENT DESIGN STRATEGIES. 7 Copyright 2003 by ASME ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are indebted to the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) for funding the projects ”ROLL-S” and ”SinSee”. Within these frameworks the presented results have been achieved. We highly appreciate the approval of the succeeding project ”SinSee” which allows further applications of the achieved results to promote the development of sophisticated analysis tools like neural networks. Nickerson. Freak waves! Mariners Weather Log, NOAA, 37(4): 14–19, 1993. H. Söding. Ermittlung der Kentergefahr aus Bewegungssimulationen. Schiffstechnik, 34, 1987. K. Trulsen and K. Dysthe. Freak Waves a a three-dimensional wave simulation. In Proceedings of the 21st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, pages 550–558, 1997. REFERENCES G.F. Clauss. Genesis of design wave groups in extreme seas for the evaluation of wave/structure interaction. 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