to Magazine - Ever Increasing Faith Ministries

FALL 2010 VOL. VI N0. 3
FALL 2010
Fall 2010
Vol. VI, No. 3
Antracia Moorings
Dr. LaVerne Tolbert
Contributing Writers
Pastor Robert Bolden
Michelle McIntosh
Mark Peay
Art Design
Lorena Iñiguez Elebee
EIF Graphics Designer
Ardena Brooks
Harry Langdon
Make Up
Adrian M. Evans
Editorial Offices
7901 South Vermont Avenue
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Faith 101 –
One Step Beyond Belief
A New Perspective On Hip-Hop
and the Church
By Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
By Pastor Fred Jr.
Everywhere you see faith
expressed in the Bible you
see action. In fact, faith is an
action. It’s acting on what you
believe. Many people confuse belief or believing with
faith. Believing is a starting
point, but if you stop there,
you’ll wind up with nothing.
Hip-hop is not of God. I
equate it to the New Age
movement but with an urban
twist. New Age is a belief
system that incorporates many
religious tenets. Hip-hop does
the same. It's a way of life
and we as Christians can't
live hip-hop and live Christlike—it's one or the other.
We see that cancer is not
above the name of Jesus. I
believe we are in a time
where the people of God
have come to a place of
being focused on stopping
this cancer in the Name of
The Word of Faith
By Dr. Betty R. Price
Living by faith means having
faith in our hearts, not just in
our heads, and applying the
faith formula of Romans
10:10 in everything we do,
say and think.
Cancer Must Bow To the
Name of Jesus Too
By Pastor Robert Bolden
A Message from Dr. Price
On the Calendar
Parenting Matters
Exploring Worship
On the Air
Q&A: Straight Talk with
Drs. Fred & Betty Price
a message from Apostle Price
The Importance of Faith
Before I really grasped the concept of faith, my life was lacking serious
power. It wasn’t until I learned to walk in faith, that I experienced the true power
of the Holy Spirit in my life. If you are a born-again Believer, you have mountainmoving faith residing in you. You may not be using it, but it is there – a sleeping
giant. You may say, “But I don’t feel like I have it,” but having that faith has nothing to do with your feelings. If you are born again, you have the measure of faith.
In Romans 12:3, Paul declares, … as God has dealt to each one a measure of
faith. Personally, I think the standard King James Version is a more accurate
translation of this verse: … according as God hath dealt to every man the measure
of faith. Before I go any further, let me qualify the phrase every man. Paul is not
talking about every man in the world. He is referring
to every man in the Church of Jesus Christ. He makes
this qualification in Romans 1:7, where he writes, To
all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be
saints. He also states in 2 Thessalonians 3:2 … that we
may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men;
for not all have faith.
If it is true that not everyone in the world has
faith, how do we receive it? The answer is simple –
God gives it to us! Paul informs us in Romans 12:3
that He dealt it to us. It is an unmerited gift. You cannot get it by tarrying, mourning, fasting, or tithing.
Faith can only be received as a free handout from
—Romans 10:17
God. How does God hand this gift out to us?
According to Paul, So then faith comes by hearing,
and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17). This
is why Jesus commanded us to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to
every creature. If we do not preach the Word, faith cannot come. If faith does
not come, men cannot believe. If they cannot believe, they cannot be saved. And
if they are not saved, they will go to hell when their bodies physically die.
When we are born again, we all receive the same measure or amount of faith.
If you have accepted Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, you already have
all the faith you will ever need. The challenge is how to release that faith to have
it work in your life.
Remember, your faith will never register above the
words of your lips. Whatever you confess with your
mouth is exactly where your faith is going to register
and operate. If you confess negativism, doubt and unbelief, that is what you are going to have in your life. But
when you start confessing, “Praise God, I am a conqueror. Praise God, my needs are met. Praise God,
I am healed. Praise God, I have divine help. Praise
God, I will rule as a king in life,” then that is what
you will start having.
“So then
faith comes
by hearing,
and hearing
by the Word
of God.”
invitation to salvation
If you
are not a
like to
become one,
pray the
Dear GOD in Heaven,
Thank you for sending Your
Son JESUS CHRIST to destroy
the power of Satan over my life. I
accept Jesus now as my personal
SAVIOR and LORD, and I
choose to turn away from the sins
of my past to a renewed Life in
You said that if I would confess
with my mouth the LORD
JESUS and believe in my heart
that You raised Him from the
dead, that I would be saved. I
believe JESUS died for my sins
and that You raised Him from the
dead for my benefit.
thank you for the gift of salvation
and for accepting me now as Your
In JESUS’ name, Amen.
If you have prayed this prayer,
please let us know by writing
to us at:
Crenshaw Christian Center
P.O.Box 90000
Los Angeles, CA 90009
Attn: Administration Office
on the itinerary
International Covenant Christian
Chamber of Commerce
Majestic Ministries Int’l
P.O. Box 2734
Elk Grove, CA 95759
[Leticia Lewis, Founder]
Meeting held at:
7-day cruise
Carnival Cruise Lines Splendor
Long Beach, CA/Puerto Vallarta,
Mazatlan, & Cabo San Lucas, MX
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price & Dr.
Betty R Price
Full Gospel Word & Worship
6015 N. Main Street
Columbia, SC 29203
[Rev. Dana & Mrs. Sherry H.
7:00 p.m.
Dr. Betty R. Price
CCC East
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
Living Word Christian Church
1236 Mamaroneck Avenue
White Plains, NY 10605
[Pastor Raymond Hadjstylianos]
7:00 p.m.
Dr. Betty R. Price
CCC East
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
Meeting held at:
The Columbus Convention & Trade
801 Front Avenue,
Columbus, GA. 31901
12/1 @ 7:00 p.m.
12/2 @ 11:00 a.m.
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
Faith Tabernacle Christian Center
P.O. Box 274
St. Pauls, North Carolina 28384
(910) 865-5252
[Pastor Earl & Mrs. Denise
7:30 p.m.
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
CCC East
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
CCC East
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
CCC East
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
NOVEMBER 27 - 28
Living Word Bible Church
3520 E. Brown Road
Mesa, AZ 85213
[Dr. C. Thomas Anderson, Senior
Nov 27 @ 5:00 p.m.
Nov 28 @ 8 a.m., 9:15 a.m., and
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
The Bridge Church International
4311 2nd Avenue
Columbus, GA 31904
“Columbus Faith Conference”
P.O. Box 5502
Columbus, GA 31906
Los Angeles
New York
Pastor Robert E.
Bolden accepted the
lordship of Jesus
Christ in 1980. He
graduated from the
Institute at Crenshaw
(CCC) in 1997.
Pastor Bolden is currently an instructor at the
Apostle Frederick Price Ministry Training
Center where he teaches Balanced
Prosperity. He received his Masters Degree
from Suffield University while teaching at
Abundant Harvest Christian School of
Ministry, an accredited School of Theology.
The classes he taught included the Principles
of Faith, Pneumatology, and Angelology.
Pastor Bolden also spearheaded the
HIV/AIDS Program at CCC as well as being
one of the contributing writers of the Ever
Increasing Faith Magazine.
Dr. Michelle
McIntosh is cofounder of Agape
Christian Missions
Ministries located in
Whittier, California.
She is an ordained
Ministerial Assistance Program at Crenshaw
Christian Center. She is a Chaplain at Los
Padrinos Juvenile Facility in Downey under the
Los Angeles County Probation Department.
Dr. Mc Intosh is a member of the Fellowship
of International Churches Word of Faith
Ministries and a board member of Destiny
Channel Global Network a Christian based
nonprofit organization.
Mark A. Peay is a
Ministries Training
Institute in Midland,
Michigan where he
Ministerial Degree
in Leadership &
five-fold ministry. Mark is also a sought-after
teacher and music workshop clinician. He
currently serves as Music and Worship Arts
Coordinator at Crenshaw Christian Center.
feature article
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version.
verywhere you see faith expressed in the Bible you see
action. In fact, faith is an action. It’s acting on what you
believe. Many people confuse belief or believing with
faith. Believing is a starting point, but if you stop there,
you’ll wind up with nothing.
I often use the example of a starving man being placed where
food is and being asked if he believes that if he eats the food he will
live. The man replies: “Do you think I am some kind of fool? Do you
think I’m stupid or dumb? Certainly I believe that if I eat this food it
will keep me from starving to death.”
But he never lifts a hand to eat and dies on the spot. What the
man believed was true. If he had eaten, it would have kept him from
starving. But he died from starvation. Why? Because he never acted
on what he believed. Believing is right, but it will never change the
circumstances. Faith will change the circumstances.
Now let’s consider some people Jesus, the author and finisher of
our faith, actually encountered.
Matthew 8:5-10:
By Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
5 Now when Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion
came to Him, pleading with Him,
6 saying, “Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, dreadfully tormented.”
7 And Jesus said to him, “I will come and heal him.”
8 The centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not worthy
that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word,
and my servant will be healed.
9 “For I also am a man under authority, having soldiers under
me. And I say to this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another,
‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does
10 When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to those who
followed, “Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great
faith, not even in Israel!”
Notice how faith was activated – by doing something, not only by
believing something. If you have authority you have to exercise it. You
cannot sit in an office with authority and just think. You have to actually do something, say something, write something, or send something before any orders will be followed. That is action.
The centurion recognized that Jesus was a man of authority.
Jesus said, “I will come and heal him.” The centurion said in essence,
“Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof, but
speak a word and that will be the same as you coming.”
In faith, action must be involved. Jesus said, “I have not found
such great faith, not even in Israel!” That great faith was demonstrated by what the centurion said about his authority to command someone to go and come and do. If the centurion had just believed that
Jesus could do something and yet never came to Jesus and appealed
to Him, his servant would not have been healed.
Let’s look at Matthew 8:23-26:
23 Now when He got into a boat, His disciples followed Him.
24 And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the
boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep.
25 Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying,
“Lord, save us! We are perishing!”
26 But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little
faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and
there was a great calm.
Now if faith was simply believing that the storm would stop and
go away, that would be all they had to do – just believe. Notice that
there was no calm until Jesus arose and did something. So when He
talked to them about their faith, He was talking about an action. He
said to them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith? He was referring to an action – not just believing something.
The Bible says He arose. But He did not just arise and look at
the storm. He arose and did something. He rebuked it. He specifically rebuked the winds and the sea.
What was their little faith? It was in doing nothing but reacting
rather than responding to the circumstances. They reacted in fear.
Jesus responded in faith.
I am demonstrating that faith is acting on what you believe, not
just believing something.
Mark 2:1-12:
And again He entered Capernaum after some days, and it
was heard that He was in the house.
2 Immediately many gathered together, so that there was no
longer room to receive them, not even near the door. And He
preached the word to them.
3 Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men.
4 And when they could not come near Him because of the
crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they
had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying.
5 When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son,
your sins are forgiven you.”
6 And some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in
their hearts.
7 “Why does this Man speak blasphemies like this? Who can
forgive sins but God alone?”
8 But immediately, when Jesus perceived in His spirit that
they reasoned thus within themselves, He said to them, “Why
do you reason about these things in your hearts?
9 “Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk’?
10 “But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on
earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralytic,
11 “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.”
12 Immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went out in the
presence of them all, so that all were amazed and glorified God,
saying, “We never saw anything like this!”
There were five people who came to Jesus: the man and the four
people carrying him. Since they could not get into the house where
Jesus was, they went on top of the house and began to lift the tiles
from the roof. Then they lowered the paralytic man down through
the roof into the midst where Jesus was. These four men must have
believed something or they would not have wasted their time carrying the sick man to the roof.
Look at Verse 3 again:
Then they came to Him, bringing…
Bringing implies action. Faith is acting on what you believe.
Look at Verse 5 again:
When Jesus saw their faith…
What did Jesus see? He saw four people on top of the house tear-
ing the roof off. He saw them wrap rope around the end of a bed or
stretcher. He saw the paralyzed man being lowered into the room
where He was. All these are actions. These four men were not just
believing, but acting, and the Bible says Jesus called that action faith:
When Jesus saw their faith…. The word their is plural, which means
the people who brought him and the sick man himself had to have
Suppose these men had never come. Suppose they had never
acted in faith. Then the paralytic man would never have been delivered, and the assumption would have been that it was not God’s will
for him to be healed, because if it had been God’s will He would have
healed the man.
Let’s look to the King James Version of the Bible for our last
Matthew 9:20:
And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of
blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his
Notice, it does not say she touched Him, but His garment. Why
would she do such a thing? She had to have a revelation, probably
from something she heard, because faith comes by hearing. She
heard people talking about this man and the fact that He was so saturated with healing power that if you could get near enough to touch
His clothes you could get healed. Look at Verse 21:
For she said within herself, if I may but touch his garment, I shall
be whole.
For her to touch His garment, she had to 1) believe, and 2) do it.
What she believed was true, but it would not have affected her if she
had not done something. Believing it did not change the situation.
The change did not come until she did what she believed.
Verse 22:
But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said,
daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And
the woman was made whole from that hour.
What was her faith? Her faith was to touch Him, which was an
action. She did not just sit on the side of the road and believe. She
did something. She acted on what she believed.
This is where people are missing it concerning faith. All over the
world they are missing it, and what is so tragic is that some people
act as if they know and won’t receive any instruction. I can see in their
eyes that they don’t know. I see it because they do not have the results
in their lives.
Faith will produce results over time. Anything of value takes
time, and so it is with the principles of faith. It produces results over
time. It is not an instant panacea. It is not a ripcord that you pull to
bail you out of a problem. It is not an Aladdin’s lamp that you can
stroke and say, “Genie, Genie, come out and give me a new yacht.”
You have to stay with faith. You have to make a commitment to
the point that you burn all the bridges down behind you, and many
people do not do that. They are trying faith. They want to see if it’s
going to work. Right there is doubt, and it has already crippled
them. You have to be completely sold out. You have to be absolutely
convinced that acting on the Word will produce results given time
and commitment.—EIF
FICWFM focus
Teaching the
By Michelle McIntosh
or the first time ever,
FICWFM members
McIntosh of Agape
International Ministries,
and Minister Denlin
Henry of Who Is Jesus
Christ Ministries joined
forces from September
September 22nd to
minister in South Wales
and England. Their objective was to
share the uncompromising Word of God in a denominational church setting.
Dr. McIntosh, who is called to the office of teacher, and Minister
Henry to the office of evangelist shared with great boldness on the topics of
faith, prayer, prosperity, the Holy Spirit, intercessory prayer, righteousness
and staying sexually pure. Both young and old enjoyed and received the
Word with great enthusiasm.
Ministry began on Sunday morning, September 5th when Dr.
McIntosh shared on faith at New Testament Church of God in Cardiff,
South Wales. The people were excited to hear how simple God’s Word
could be explained and applied to one’s life. The faith message continued
that Sunday evening and was completed on Monday evening, September
6th with a great round of applauds. At the end of Monday’s service, Brother
Philip E. Ward said this about the faith teaching, “The Word was so rich that
I feel full.” The Holy Spirit did His job as the anointing on the Word made
everyone feel alive and joyous.
As a result of this faith teaching Bishop Smith of Italy who was visiting
Pastor Thomas in Cardiff during the Sunday evening service invited Dr.
McIntosh to come to teach at his three churches in Italy next year 2011.
Bishop Smith called the faith teaching, “powerful.”
While Dr. McIntosh ministered in Cardiff, Minister Henry spent her
Sunday in Newport, South Wales teaching on the Holy Spirit with similar
results. Several individuals received the gift of the Holy Spirit and spoke in
tongues. It was Minister Henry’s observation that the churches we were ministering at needed instruction and understanding of the gift of the Holy
Spirit, speaking in tongues and the nine manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
Dr. Michelle McIntosh and Minister Denlin Henry with ladies from the New Testament Church
in South Wales.
Her teaching in this area was a great benefit to the three churches we visited
on this trip.
Although, Sunday services and mid-week prayer meetings where part
of the ministry assignments for both ministers during the duration of the stay
the real highlight of this missions trip was the 33rd Annual District Youth
Convention held at New Testament Church in Newport, South Wales, pastored by Winston Taylor. Dr. McIntosh was asked to present to the youth a
biblical teaching on sexual immortality keying in on homosexuality during
the convention workshops.
Dr. McIntosh, who is a Chaplain at Los Padrinos Juvenile Facility in
Downey, California, is very familiar with working with teens and problem
solving teen issues. This experience was a tremendous help in relaying this
mature topic to the teens and young adults in Wales. Dr. McIntosh opened
the conference Friday evening, September 10th with her teaching on “The
Battle in Your Mind” which she completed on Sunday evening of that weekend. Her two workshops tailored for the youth only was titled, “Keeping
Sexually Pure.” As a result of these straightforward teachings several salvations, assurance of salvations and the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues took place throughout the three day
event. Young and old professed that their spiritual needs were met. In fact,
a six-year old boy who had previously received Christ received the gift of the
Holy Spirit and spoke in his divine language on the last day of the conference.
Minister Henry captivated the church people on Saturday, Sept 11th
with her teaching on hell and the need for salvation, as well as her workshop
for parents titled, “How to Love Your Young People.” Bishop Brown’s wife
said, “the fundamental teaching on hell was very necessary to building the
youths’ comprehension of their salvation and was probably the first time anyone had explained this information to them.” The Bishop’s wife was so excited about the teachings that went forth throughout the convention that she
told Dr. McIntosh that we were an answer to her prayers. The Holy Spirit
had impressed on her sometime ago to invite teachers to minister versus
preachers. She was so moved by the Word taught during this convention
that she invited us both to the October 2011 Women’s Regional Convention
in Birmingham, England.
Intercessory prayer is a big part of Minister Henry’s ministry at
Crenshaw Christian Center and personal life. Hence, she took several
opportunities to minister and lead various prayer meetings. The prayer warriors of South Wales were instructed and edified accordingly. They eagerly
instituted the guidelines provided by Minister Henry while we were still in
Wales. We are looking forward to hearing the praise reports that will follow
their subsequent intercessory sessions.
On Monday, September 20th, Dr. McIntosh closed out the missions
trip with her teaching on prosperity at the New Testament Church of God
at Bristol, England. National Administrative Bishop R. B. Brown who pastors this church is a TV viewer of Apostle Frederick K. C. Price and warmly welcomed both ministers to his churches. He was glad to hear and considered this teaching on prosperity vital for God’s people during this time of
financial turmoil. The entire congregation praised the Lord on hearing that
this dying world’s system has no claim on God’s people, if we work God’s
financial plan of tithes and offerings.—EIF
To obtain information and or financially support our next missions trip, please
contact Dr. McIntosh at or Minister Henry at
Minister Henry & Dr. McIntosh with Pastor Carl Thomas of the New Testament Church
in South Wales.
“How Faith Works”
By Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
Says Apostle Price, “Everything in the Kingdom of
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CD series
Complete set
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Part 2
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NFDS1 (26-CD)
NFD 2 (7-CD)
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NFD 4 (7-CD)
NFD 5 (5-CD)
from the headlines
By Pastor Fred Price Jr.
here has been quite an uproar regarding ExMinistries
founder G. Craige Lewis and his opposing view of hip-hop
in the church. It has caused somewhat of a debate among
laypeople, while the leadership for the most part has been
silent on the subject. I felt it necessary, not just a leader in the
body of Christ, but also as one who once had hip-hop infused in some of
my sermons, to be vocal about where I believe the church should be
standing regarding this subject.
But first a little history: On August 31, 2003 our church had our
very first hip-hop Sunday. At the time, I was not pastor so it had to be
approved by my father, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price, the current pastor at
the time. His only concern was the nature of what I wanted to do on
that Sunday. Upon me telling him that information he gave me the
green light. My purpose was to inform the congregation—especially
parents—of the reasons why young people were so enthralled and
engrossed with this movement. I felt I was qualified because I listened
to the same music. Every aspect of the service was influenced by hiphop, including the worship, the attire and the Word. The end result was
a successful service in the natural based on attendance and parishioner
response. God was glorified, Jesus was exalted, and The Holy Spirit
was present.
It appeared that we were on to something so we continued it the
next Sunday and then declared every 5th Sunday would no longer be
Youth Sunday but Hip-Hop Sunday. The FaithDome was built to hold
10,000 people, however on Sundays we averaged 4500-5000 people.
The first Hip-Hop Sunday brought in 7,200 people and every one after
would go on to be the most attended Sundays in the span of two years.
Based on those stats, I just knew we were doing the right thing.
After the second Hip-Hop Sunday, my sister Cheryl told me about
a DVD a friend gave her featuring a guy speaking against hip-hop. My
first thought was, "this dude is a hater.” (Mind you I hadn't heard him
yet.) Later, I was in her office and asked her to play the DVD. He was
speaking about the group Bone Thugs-N-Harmony but after 3 minutes,
I cut it off and stuck with my unfair judgment, "this dude is hatin'. He
just doesn't get it." For years, people would listen to a portion of my
father's messages and judge him the same way. I l can't believe I judged
Elder Lewis the same way.
It would be another year before a member of our church told me
about Elder Lewis' next teaching “The Truth Behind Hip-Hop, Part II
- Exodus into Egypt” on the subject of hip-hop. The member said, “I
think he's talking about our hip-hop service although he doesn't say
your name.” I watched the DVD and honestly had to agree with everything he was saying. Of course when he got to the part about me I was
pissed and livid. I felt he was judging me based on his opinion of hiphop—not concrete truth. I did, however, wonder why he didn't mention
my father's or my name, since he mentioned everyone else.
I eventually went his website to get contact information on him. I
left two voice messages and sent two emails before I watched the rest of
the DVD. I had to voice my anger and stress how we needed to talk.
Two days later he responded to my email most generously. He said he
understood what I was trying to do to reach the youth but knew some
things about hip-hop that he believed would change my view. He was
coming to LA the next month and we agreed to meet.
When we met, there was only an exchange of the Love of God. We
had great fellowship, a great meal, and he was able to share with my personally his respect for my father. He even went on to minister to me
about the direction of the ministry God would have for me in the years
to come. I knew I needed to invite him to minister, but I let 101 excuses
prevent me from doing so.
After his departure, we
would text occasionally, but
it would be another five
years before we spoke again.
Over the course of the five
years, we no longer had hiphop Sunday, mainly because
I hated the name, but the
words of Elder Lewis still
rang in my mind. I knew we
still needed a youth Sunday,
so I renamed it the Blueprint
but still continued to do
most of the things we were
previously doing. I also wasn't sure if Elder Lewis' state-
“He knew what I was
trying to do to reach
the youth but knew
some things about
hip-hop that he
believed would
change my view.”
from the headlines
ment about hip-hop being a religion was fact or opinion.
In November 2008, my
father announced I would be pastor in March 2009. At the beginning of 2009, I ended the
Blueprint. I was tired of the gimmicks, tired of not allowing the
Word and the Spirit to draw the
people and just tired of the fads
that fill up hip-hop. Just like the
songs, dances, slang, and clothing
get old in hip-hop, our service got old to the youth. On top of that, I had
nothing else to say about the subject.
It wasn't until the end of the year that I reached out to Elder now
Pastor Lewis again mainly because of a daily ExMinistries word a member of ours forwarded to me about the VH1 Hip-Hop Honors and how
pastors use hip-hop in their churches to reach the youth. I didn't understand why I was included in the list when hip-hop was no longer a part
of our ministry. After I finally reached him it was concluded that my
being included in that list was partially due to a misunderstanding, but
also because I had remained silent on the subject. Sometimes silence
speaks in a voice that overpowers yelling at its highest decibels. Most of
my silence was due to wondering whether hip-hop being a religion was
fact or opinion.
In December of 2009 I got a hold of "The Gospel of Hip-hop" by
rapper KRS-1 and that did it. Pastor Lewis had long brought that up in
his lessons previously, but there was a five year lapse in contact between
Pastor and I, plus I hadn't been checking his website nor had I parts 4
and 5 of the teaching.
With the background information laid out, I’d now like to share
where I am now regarding hip-hop. Here's what I know—not believe—
but know: hip-hop is not of God and should not be used in the church
as a way to reach any generation. I can hear people who know me saying, "but pastor what about all you did regarding hip-hop in the past?"
Well that's where it is—in the past. If I knew what I know now I never
would have started in the first place. I know that God used Pastor G.
Craige Lewis as the catalyst to get that revelation to me.
I did the podcast with Pastor Lewis at the beginning of the year
and I was humbled by the comments received. There was a comment I
recall where the individual said, I needed to go apologize to my congregation for bringing hip-hop in our church. I don't feel bad about the
average of 30 people that responded to the invitation on those particular Sundays. Why? Because in my heart and in our display of worship,
we were giving it all to the God of the Bible, the One who sent His Son
Jesus to die for our sins, so while I wish I
could go back and not do hip-hop in the
church, I don't wish to go back and not see
lives changed because, not false pagan
gods, but Christ was preached. Also most
people just didn't like the music young people were listening to, they had no revelation from God about the subject. It wasn't until Pastor Lewis taught the subject with power and
authority and actual researched facts that those like myself began to listen.
Let me say it again, hip-hop is not of God. I equate it to the New
Age movement but with an urban twist. New Age is a belief system that
incorporates many religious tenets. Hip-hop does the same. It's a way of
life and we as Christians can't live hip-hop and live Christ-like—it's one
or the other. I'm not writing this to lose friends or gain them, I'm writ-
“I was tired of gimmicks, tired of not
allowing the Word
and the Spirit to
draw the people.”
ing this because I feel I need to. I'm not coming against any person,
group, or ministry.
We all should thank God for Pastor Lewis because he's doing the
job that many of us know we should be doing but are afraid to. The
truth hurts and nothing that opposes God can be used to glorify God.
The world does not need to be befriended, they need to be ministered
to. We don't need to get in league with the world to deliver the Word—
that's an oxymoron and just plain stupid. We who hold leadership positions need to interrogate every inch of our ministries just to make sure
everything about them is upright. In no way am I saying I'm perfect, I
may still be doing some things in ministry that could be categorized as
carnal but in no way is that my intention. Instead of bad mouthing this
man of God, let's get behind him and encourage him in "his" assignment. I thank God he's exposing what's he's exposing and I'm excited
he's coming to minister at our church next year. Christian rappers need
to be informed that what they
do is not hip-hop. It's hope
music: Music that brings the
message of hope, belief, and
faith in Christ. If I stand alone
then I stand alone, but this
man's ministry has been
prophetic and on point, and I
stand with him 100%. —EIF
“Christian rappers
need to be informed
that what they do is
not hip-hop.”
“Hip-hop is
not of God.”
parenting matters
Encouraging Faith in
My daughter, La Nej, related this
story about her sons:
Josiah and Judah were outside on
their little patio with their table having
snacks. As I washed dishes I watched
them through the kitchen window. I
noticed how Josiah (3 yrs old) helped
Judah (1 yr old) get into his seat. Then,
Josiah said, “It’s time to pray.” They
clasped their hands together and Josiah
led them in prayer. It was so cute to
watch the older brother lead the
younger brother.
And then she adds this comical
comment…“If one of them were saved it
would have meant a lot more, but I will
take what I can get!”
ow do preschoolers ages, 0-5,
develop in their faith? What does it
take to encourage the spiritual formation of children so that as they
mature physically and emotionally, they also
grow spiritually? In their new book, Listening
to Children on the Spiritual Journey: Guidance
for Those Who Teach and Nurture (Baker),
authors Catherine Stonehouse & Scottie May
provide instructive guidelines for those who
minister to children.
In a 7-year study, researchers listened to 19
children talk about God. They also interviewed
their parents and examined practices at home
and at church that helped nurture faith in these
children, some as young as 5 years-old.
Although the sample is too small to generalize to
a larger population, the insights from this study
may assist parents and teachers in the vital task
of passing the faith baton to the next generation
by reinforcing what we know while recommending ways to improve.
“…the children gave us a glimpse of their
spiritual potential, how they were at work putting together pieces of theological understandings, how they experienced God, and how their
interactions with adults helped or hindered.
Listening to the children also highlighted individual differences and how important it is to
respect those differences, not expecting children, even in the same family, to respond or
By La Verne Tolbert, Ph.D.
develop in the same ways or on a similar
timetable.” (p.6)
The Old and New Testaments provide a
backdrop for a theological perspective on children. Children were considered to be a blessing. Parents focused on raising children to
embrace and to continue their faith tradition.
Jesus welcomed children and incorporated them
in his teachings.
Because they are so valued in scripture,
the authors sought to learn from children by asking questions, listening to their answers, and
watching them during times of worship, teaching, and a process called Reflective
Engagement—creating a quiet, sacred place in
the home or classroom that allows children to
think about God and talk to Him in prayer.
What Children Need to Know
Teaching children that God loves them
unconditionally is where faith development
begins. As children develop, they learn to talk to
God, to love Him and to obey Him. “If early in
life children discover that God loves them, then
when they understand right and wrong and
become aware that they have sinned, they have a
loving God to go to for forgiveness,” (p. 36).
The example is a six-year old named Erin.
She drew a picture of God and described him as
“sad” and “disappointed” when people
didn’t obey him. When asked
what God’s face is like when
God looks at her, Erin said God
is “happy”. This lets us know
that children understand
that how they behave
Parents’ love and patient
training coupled with
biblical teaching and
practices reinforce the
truth that God lovingly
expects obedience.
I witnessed this in
my oldest grandson,
As parents
quickly realize, most two
and three-year olds don’t like the idea of sharing
their toys. But when Josiah learned that Jesus
invited Zacchaeus to come down from the tree
so they could share lunch, it was a reminder his
mom was able to use often. “Remember Jesus
played nicely!”
Telling the biblical story on the child’s
level and providing ways for children to repeat
the account is important. Repetition of the
Bible account—teaching or reading the same
short lesson every day at home and several
Sundays in the Nursery or Preschool are ways
that we help children experience God.
Children begin to learn about God very
early in life through the guidance of their parents, teachers, and the Holy Spirit. “The lives
we live, how we love and discipline children, the
stories we tell, the comments we make, and the
lessons we teach are raw materials for God and
the children to use as they actively construct
their understanding of God and God’s ways,” (p.
38). Rather than motivating learning with exter-
parenting matters
nal rewards, allow children time to talk about
God and a space to reflect on what they have
learned. Ask questions…and listen to their
Children love to pray!
Children talk to God and God talks to
them. How do we know? In this study, children say they hear God speak to them in their
hearts and in their mind. An eight-year-old boy
says God told him to be a preacher. Two other
children say they are going to be missionaries.
Where do they pray? A favorite time to
talk to God is at night before going to sleep.
Some children talk to God while they are playing, although one five year old, Sam, says he
doesn’t talk to God while he’s playing. “No
because I forget about God. But when I’m
inside I know about him,” (p. 48).
Being quiet helps, and so does having a
special place in which to talk to God… One nine
year old who lived in Africa said she’d go to her
backyard, “climb up one of the mango trees, and
I’d just sit on a branch. Then, when I was done
talking to Jesus…sometimes I’d pick a
mango…and eat it while I was talking to him,”
(p. 48).
It’s a beautiful picture, isn’t it? Sitting in a
tree, eating a mango, and talking to God!
While they are older and can articulate
when and where they talk to God, the practice
of praying and listening began years earlier in
the home. Family practices are the most important ways to nurture faith in children.
Modeling Faith
Faith that is modeled leaves big impressions on little hearts and minds. Praying
together at meals and when children are being
tucked in are routines that communicate God’s
provision and care. But the authors admit,
“Faithfully praying together as a family is not
easy. Parents need to know that others struggle
also, “(p. 49).
Spending time meeting with others in a
relaxed environment where there is mutual support and sharing offers encouragement.
Churches may facilitate this by structuring
groups for mothers of preschoolers. One mother, for example, admits that she finds it difficult
to pray at designated times but always stops
before heading out the door to hold hands with
her children and ask a blessing on the day. This
affirms that it’s okay to be creative.
At night when parents are exhausted, the
tendency is to just put the children to bed as
quickly as possible. But in this study, children
report that nighttime is when they like to talk to
God the most! They especially cherish hearing
their parents pray for them and bless them
before leaving the room because they especially
sense God’s presence.
May the light of God shine over you.
May the Holy Spirit fill you.
May the blood of Jesus cover you.
May you sleep in peace.
And may you always know just how
much the Lord Jesus loves you.
–Scottie May (p. 52)
Parents who struggle with praying aloud
may find it difficult to pray in front of their children. The solution? Keep it simple and conversational. One parent wanted her children to
move beyond “give me” prayers to focus on who
God is and how God is working in the world.
So she modeled this whenever she prayed.
“We need to pray for the storm to stop,”
said one grandfather while driving. A few days
later caught in another storm while driving with
his parents, the child prayed for the storm to
stop. Grandparents, say the researchers, are
vital in helping young children grow in their
Helpful Churches
Parenting parents by offering workshops
or classes is a vital way that churches help families. “As social beings we need a network of persons to support and nurture us. Parents alone
were not adequate for the task in biblical times,
nor are they today. A partnership between the
Dr. Tolbert is Director of the Society for Children’s Spirituality:
Christian Perspectives, a triennial gathering of scholars and practitioners that encourages scholarly research in the faith development in children
She has written curriculum for Preschool, Children’s Church, and
teenagers. To order, visit or call 626.
home and the church is necessary for the effective nurture and formation of the people for
God—children and parents alike.” (p. 124)
Since many parents may not have grown
up in a home where their faith was nurtured
through modeling, the church can fill an important role by providing books, videos, and other
resources—even developing a blog. Helping
parents explain salvation and baptism, and
teaching them how to answer questions their
children may ask about God demonstrates real
We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: “the church and the family must partner
together for the effective nurture and Christian
formation of their children. Neither will be as
successful alone. This partnership is biblical.
Expecting the nuclear family to do the work of
faith formation on its own is foreign to the principles of Scripture.” (p. 138)
Isn’t it good to know that in your home
and church, you’re doing what’s right? Perhaps
to our practices we might add time for children
to be with God quietly—not as a punishment or
because we insist that they be quiet, but
because we allow them time to commune with
God by designating a place in the home or
classroom for reflection and prayer. And perhaps we’ll be more intentional about equipping
parents to nurture their children in the faith.
Parents may realize the importance of
reading the Bible accounts to children as early
as possible. It doesn’t have to be boring! La
Nej acts out every part of the story and makes
the sound of rain (the flood), for example, or animals (the donkey) with big hand movements
that fascinate her boys. Also, they have a nightly ritual that is precious. Her husband, Matt,
reads an account from a children’s Bible after
dinner. The boys sit and listen and point to the
pictures to help Dad tell the account. Then
they pray, all within a few short minutes.
As grandmother, I use teachable
moments to encourage the boys that God is a
healer whenever they fall, bump a head, or get
an “oweee”. Brushing away the tears I lay hands
and pray, “Dear Jesus, thank you for healing
Judah’s oweee, in Jesus name, Amen!” And
then I seal the prayer with lots of hugs and special grandma kisses. —EIF
A few days later, I noticed the female
problems were gone. God had healed me just
as Apostle Price had prayed and I have not suffered with those problems
ever again. I give God the
glory and I thank Apostle
Price for allowing himself
to be used by God to help
me receive my miracle.
—Terry Britton
(Sanford, FL)
We Want To
Write to us at:
Ever Increasing Faith
Total Healing
In 1985, I received a supernatural healing
while listening to Apostle Frederick Price’s television ministry. Several months during that
year, I suffered serious female issues in my
body. At that time, I did not have medical
insurance to seek professional medical treatment. Therefore, I began treating myself with
home remedies which progressively worsened
my health.
One day while cleaning my home, I took
a break to watch television. I had a broom in
my hand while turning the channel on my TV
set. To my surprise, I saw a black preacher
teaching about healing and saying that God
wants me well. I was not familiar with Apostle
Price at the time, but I was so impressed to see
a black preacher on TV that he immediately
caught my attention. As I listened, I heard him
say: “There is a lady watching this program
right now who has been dealing with female
problems and she has a broom in her hand.”
My first thought was, ‘he couldn’t be talking to
me.’ Then I heard him say: “yes, I am talking to
you and if you would go to the TV set and lay
your hands on it, God has healed you.” By
faith, I touched the TV while he prayed.
P.O. Box 44185,
Los Angeles, CA
9000 9-4871
or e-mail your letters,
feedback or testimonies to
Blessed Through the
Back in the 1970s, Dr. Price had a series
of tapes called High Finance: God’s Financial
Plan: Tithes & Offerings. I would play these
tapes over and over again. Miracles started
happening. In the 90s, these tapes were stolen
from my brother’s house. When I taught these
lessons, people were blessed. It all started
through your ministry.
—Calvin E. Thomas (Milwaukee, WI)
Include your name,
address and phone
number. Letters chosen
for publication may be
edited for length and
All submissions become
the property of
Ever Increasing Faith
Comforted In Hard Times
Putting Faith Into Practice
Over the years, I have read many of
Apostle Price’s books and have worked at
putting the things he taught into practice—
though I was not always successful. I
received the Spring 2010 issue of Ever
Increasing Faith magazine and the first article I read "The Prayer of Faith: Believing
Without Seeing." Evidently not grasping all
the principles years before, it is suddenly
clear to me what faith is when you used the
example of a paycheck and our senses.
Apostle Price, I became more aware of what
faith is. I am now applying it to myself. I love
you and your family dearly. I just ordered one
of your programs on faith. My heart is filled
with joy as I write this to you. God has used
you mightily. You have been faithful and
steadfast all these years and your family sets a
fine example. You make God's heart happy
and I’m sure He is constantly smiling
because of you. This letter cannot truly tell or
express how I have been touched. God bless
—Elizabeth Clemens
Dr. Price, it is a privilege and honor to
say thank you for all the years of service you
have given. You have been a great blessing to
me and my family over the years that I have
watched your ministry. I raised my children
on your TV ministry and they, as well as I,
are better for it. God bless you and your family.
—Mrs. Hayes
My wife and I are truly blessed by your
ministry. We watch the television broadcast
every Sunday and are disappointed when you
or Fred Jr aren’t teaching. Your ministry is
helping us in a time of losing our son and
four months of unemployment.
—Joseph & Mary McCarty (Anoka, MN)
Walking In God’s Healing
Blessing In The Broadcast
I started watching Dr. Price in 1993 not
knowing that God was preparing me for my
big storm. On July 10, 1994, my son was hit
with a deadly virus. With my spiritual help,
he was able to grow in the way God wanted
him to be before God called him home on
February 21, 2006.
—Linda Madison Taylor (Cordova, TN)
God has used Ever Increasing Faith
Ministries to bless my life through Apostle
Price’s teaching. Through my struggles with
ongoing post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) and the effects of Agent Orange
chemicals which I enduring during military
combat while in the Vietnam War, your ministry has given me renewed strength in my
faith for God to heal me and take away my
suffering. Therefore, I have surrendered
total control of my life to God to hear His
voice, observe His commandments and walk
in His ways. My daily prayer is that His will
be done in my life through constant meditation of His living Word.
—Peter Joshua Blackmon
health & healing
Cancer Must
Bow To the
Name of
Jesus Too
By Pastor Robert E. Bolden
ancer (medical term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth.
There are more than 100 types of cancer, including breast
cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma. Although there are many kinds of cancer, they
start because abnormal cells grow out of control. Untreated cancers
can cause serious illness and even death. Cancer growth is different
from normal cell growth. Instead of dying, cancer cells continue to
grow and form new, abnormal cells. Cancer cells can also invade (grow
into) other tissue, something that normal cells cannot do. Growing out
of control and invading other tissue are what makes a cell a cancer cell.
The body is made up of hundreds of million of living cells.
Normal body cells grow, divide, and die in an orderly fashion. During
the early years of a person’s life, normal cells divide faster to allow the
person to grow. After the person becomes an adult, most cells divide
only to replace worn-out or dying cells or to repair injuries.
Cells become cancer cells because of damage to DNA. DNA is in
every cell and directs all its actions. In a normal cell, when DNA gets
damaged the cell either repairs the damage or the cell dies. In cancer
cells, the damaged DNA is not repaired, but the cell doesn’t die like it
should. Instead, this cell goes on making new cells that the body does
not need. These new cells will have the same damaged DNA as the
first cell does. People can inherit damaged DNA, but most DNA
damage is caused by mistakes that happen while the normal cell is
reproducing or by something obvious, like cigarette smoke. In most
cases the cancer cells form a tumor. Some cancers, like leukemia, rarely
form tumors, Instead, these cancer cells involved the blood and
blood–forming organs and circulate through other tissues where they
Half of all men and one-third of all women in the US will develop
cancer during (however I personally don’t receive this.) Today, millions of people are living with cancer or have had cancer. The risk of
developing most types of cancer can be reduced by changes in a person’s lifestyle and diet. As of 2004, worldwide cancer caused 13% of all
deaths (7.4million).
The leading causes were:
Lung cancer
Stomach cancer
Colorectal cancer
Liver cancer
Breast cancer
(Deaths per year)
Greater than 30% of cancer is preventable via avoiding risk factors
including: tobacco, overweight or obesity, low fruit and vegetable
intake, physical inactivity, alcohol, sexual transmitted infections, and
air pollution.
Cancer is such a common disease that it is no surprise that many
families have at least a few members who have had cancer. Sometimes,
certain types of cancer seem to run in some families. This can be caused
by a number of factors. Often, family members have certain risk factors
in common, such as smoking, which can cause many types of cancer.
But in some cases the cancer is caused by an abnormal gene that is
being passed along from generation to generation. Although this is
often referred to as inherited cancer, what is inherited is the abnormal
gene that can lead to cancer, not the cancer itself. Only about 5% to 10%
of all cancers are inherited.
When many cases of cancer occur in a family, it is most often due
to chance or because family members have been exposed to a common
toxin, such as cigarette smoking. Less often, these cancers may be
caused by an inherited gene mutation. (These are called family cancer
syndromes.) Certain things make it more likely that an abnormal gene
is causing cancers in a family.
The medical field indicates that there are many causes of
cancers, including:
• Benzene and other chemicals
• Certain poisonous mushrooms and a type of poison that
can grow on peanut plants (aflatoxins)
• Certain viruses
• Radiation
• Sunlight
• Tobacco
However, the cause of many cancers remains unknown. The most
common cause of cancer-related death is lung cancer. The three most
common cancers in men in the US are: Prostate cancer, Lung cancer,
& Colon cancer. In women in the U.S., the three most common cancers are: Breast cancer, Colon cancer, & Lung cancer
Treatment also varies based on the type of cancer and its stage.
The stage of a cancer refers to how much it has grown and whether the
tumor has spread from its original location. If the cancer is confined to
one location and has not spread, the most common goals for treatment
are surgery and cure. This is often the case with skin cancers, as well as
health & healing
cancers of the lung, breast, and colon.
If the tumor has spread to local lymph nodes only, sometimes
these can also be removed. If surgery cannot remove all of the cancer,
the options for treatment include radiation, chemotherapy, or both.
Some cancers require a combination of surgery, radiation, and
One of the best ways to prevent cancer is to not smoke or chew
tobacco. Many cancers can be prevented by avoiding risk factors such
as excessive exposure to sunlight and heavy drinking. Cancer screenings, such as mammography and breast examination for breast cancer
and colonoscopy for colon cancer, may help catch these cancers at their
is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested
meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more
toxic buildup. Studies have linked consumption of grilled meat to
increased risk of stomach cancer.
Cancer cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising
daily and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular
level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer
The Word of God is clear concerning the authority we have over
the powers of darkness, sickness and disease. (Luke 10:19) The word of
God says in Phil 2:9, Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and
given Him the name which is above every name. We see
that cancer is not above the name of Jesus. I believe we are
in a time where the people of God have come to a place of
being focused on stopping this cancer in the Name of
Our Pastor Fredrick Price Jr. has a special anointing
for praying against cancer, in fact in our Wednesday night prayer meetings we have joined with him in standing against cancer. Pastor Price
Jr. says that cancer must stop at the door and cannot stay in the midst
of God’s power. We know from God’s Word and the teachings we have
received that we have authority and power over sickness and disease
and we use this authority and power in the name of Jesus!—EIF
“The Word of God is clear concerning the
authority we have over the powers of darkness,
sickness and disease.”—Luke 10:19
early stages when they are most treatable. The consensus on diet and
cancer is that obesity increases the risk of developing cancer.
From a natural standpoint we can do certain things to help prevent our bodies from being taking over by cancer. An effective way to
battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods
it needs to multiply. Sugar substitutes made with Aspartame and other
harmful additives should be avoided; a better natural substitute would
be Manuka honey or molasses, but only in very small amounts. Cancer
cells thrive in an acid environment.
A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish. Meat protein
(800) 391-6145
References: American Cancer Society, Cancer facts and Figures 2010; National Institute of Health,
Chromosome Abnormalities; Mayo Clinic; National Cancer Institute
exploring worship
When Doves Cry:
Identifying Worship Hindrances That
Grieve The Holy Spirit
By Minister Mark A Peay
ne of my all time favorite movies is “Remember The Titans.” The
principles of honor, integrity, unity and courage depicted in it
really stirs me up and reminds me that faith is indeed the substance of things hoped for. In one of the scenes, former
Tennessee Titans football Coach Herman Boone (portrayed by Denzel
Washington) steps onto a partially lit, empty football field at night and with
a look of anticipation and expectation he sighs, “Aaaah…yes! This is my sanctuary!” The determined look in his eyes reflected his eagerness to get to work
doing what he was called to do. As a worshipper and psalmist, I often have
the same experience when I walk into an empty church. In my mind I am
thinking “THIS is my place of refuge and strength; the place where we corporately meet God and He meets us. This is the place where I offer Him corporate worship and He speaks to me through his Word!” I then begin to
reflect on wonderful and awesome times of anointed worship, miracles, healings and God-encounters that I have witnessed over the years. And all I can
say is “Aaaah…yes!”
Psalm 63:1-2 reflects so accurately how I feel: “O God, You are my God;
Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a
dry and thirsty land Where there is no water. So I have looked for You in the
sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory.”
Fact: God WANTS to show up!
Too often as believers, we feel
that the presence of God’s power and “In worship, if there
glory within our services is based on
is no expectation of
some type of “chance system.” We mistakenly think that God has a lottery sys- His habitation, then
tem in Heaven that determines where
our supplication
His anointing will fall upon our worbecomes a religious
ship services. It’s as if God Himself is
standing over the portal of Heaven with
a handful of Skittles candies, saying “I’m
going to throw these Skittles and what– Mark Peay
ever church they land in is where My
anointing will fall this Sunday morning.” That premise is just as silly as it
sounds. The Word of God says in Proverbs 26:2, “As the bird by wandering,
as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.” The good
news is if the curse doesn’t come without a reason or cause, then neither does
the blessing. And wouldn’t we consider God’s presence, anointing, healing
and power within our worship services a blessing? Absolutely. The key is to
find out what causes the blessing to come. The best way to determine this is
to consider the things that hinder the worship flow in our services. God
WANTS to move among us. He DESIRES to manifest His glory as we
worship Him. So, what are some of the things that can grieve the Holy Spirit
of God during our times in His presence?
Hindrance #1 –Forgetting to Forgive
Most of the time when we are worshiping the Father in our corporate
services, we are “standing”. As we stand, we are giving God praise and worship. Well, worship can also be defined as a type of prayer Now when we add
these two words together we get: “standing prayer.” So let’s take a quick look
at Mark 11:25: “And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against
any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”
It appears that there is a prerequisite to our standing prayer or worship: Forgiveness. Whether it is not forgiving someone who has wronged us
or not forgiving our
own selves (According to 1
John 1:9), we stand the risk of
not being forgiven, as well as
having our worship to the Father
hindered. Guilt, fear and a feeling
of unworthiness to approach the
Throne can quickly set in. Psalm 24:3-10
gives us a clear picture of God’s preferred
sequence of events as we approach His throne. First
comes the “Gifting” (Giving the gift of forgiveness). Then comes the “Lifting”
(Lifting our heads). Then comes the “Shifting” (The King of Glory comes in
and when He comes, things happen.)
Hindrance #2 – "Arriving Empty-handed" (No Sacrifice of Praise)
Hebrews 13:15 tells us that we should "... continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise...". When we enter His gates, we should look like the old sitcom character whose hands were so full with gifts when he got to the front
door, that he didn’t have hands free to ring the door bell or open the door.
Our arms should be so full of "the sacrifice of praise" that someone has to
open the door/gate for us. I believe few things grieve the Spirit of God than
the believer entering the gates with no thanksgiving and entering the courts
with no praise.
It's never about what we feel like—hence the word sacrifice. My 4 yearold-son thinks that the food on my plate tastes better than his food. I often
find myself sacrificing that last and best bite to my son. I don’t necessarily feel
like giving it to him but I willingly give it to him because I love him. I am willing to sacrifice it because he has my heart. How much more should we be
willing to offer up a sacrifice of praise to our Redeemer and Lord? Let's not
just arrive with a financial offering when we come before our King, let's present a worship offering as we approach His throne. Don’t make the mistake
of presenting an “alabaster-less” worship offering; one that costs us nothing
and does not reflect a broken and contrite heart.
Hindrance #3 - "Pressing the Mute Button"
I absolutely love sitting under the teaching of my Apostle, Dr.
Frederick K.C. Price because somehow the subject of faith and our mouth's
connection to it, will be covered in the message. It is a powerful reminder to
us that we are committed to what we confess. As such, the principle of confession and the power of the tongue also applies to the area of our worship.
Isaiah 12:1 says, "And in that day thou shalt say, O LORD, I will praise
thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou
comfortedst me." and Psalm 70:4 reads “Let all those that seek thee rejoice
and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let
God be magnified.”
The value of “saying” in worship is vital in the life of the born-again
believer Coming to God in worship without speaking and declaring who He
is and audibly blessing His name is the same as going to an expensive “all you
can eat” buffet and saying “I’ll just have a glass of ice water with a wedge of
lemon, please.” It would seem that the purpose of going to the buffet is to
enjoy the smorgasbord of dishes and desserts that are at your disposal.
Worship and praise is not a spectator sport. It’s a very vocal, demonstrative and involved time for the believer. So as you settle in for a time of loving on God in His presence, don’t push the “mute” button.
exploring worship
Hindrance # 4 – “Worshiping Our Worship”
In this age of the gospel music reality show, we have become very good
at what we do where gospel and Christian music is concerned. We have produced the hottest tracks with the most up-to-date software. All this is wonderful! In fact, 1st Samuel 16:18 shows us the value that God assigns to excellence in ministry.
But many times, rather than worship, we worship our ability to worship. We have become so good at it, that our skill supersedes God’s will. And
His will is to be worshiped in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24) As we stand in
the house of the Lord, our motive and intent should be aimed at Him and our
affections set toward Him. Not at our attempt to try to manufacture a move
of God so that we can brag in the buffet line after service about how "high a
time we had!" at church.
him to dwell (take up residence) there. Unforgiveness, strife, condemnation,
guilt, doubt and unbelief are just a few of the hindrances that can “clutter” our
rooms and make for a very brief visit when He does show. We create the
proper climate in the “rooms” of our hearts by removing the issues, clutter and
litter of life. And when we do that, we show Him that we are not only
EXPECTING Him to show, but to move in and take up residence! Let’s
place a demand on the Spirit of God for his precious anointing to fill and
inhabit our house; both corporately and individually.
So as we “enter” His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with
praise, lets not forget the other verbs; “Give”, “Bring” and “Worship”. For
when we do, we will be able to truly approach His throne unhindered.—EIF
Hindrance #5 –Proverbs 24:14 reads
"So shall the knowledge of wisdom be
unto thy soul: when thou hast found it,
then there shall be a reward, and thy
expectation shall not be cut off.". This
begs us to ask the question: “What do
we expect when we engage in worship
to our God?” The Bible also says that
God “inhabits the praises of His people”. (Psalms 22:3) In other words, God
takes up residence when His people
praise Him.We have to give God something worthwhile to inhabit. The rooms
or chambers of our hearts should be prepared for Him. And remember, we
don’t just want him to visit…we want
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the word
of faith
By Dr. Betty R. Price
e need to walk in faith every day if we want God to touch our
lives. Paul writes that the just shall live by faith (Habakkuk
2:4, Romans 1:17). Living by faith means having faith in our
hearts, not just in our heads, and applying the faith formula
of Romans 10:10 in everything we do, say and think. That verse reads:
For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation.
This is how we receive anything we need from God. For example,
with the heart one believes for his financial needs to be met, and with the
mouth confession is made for them to manifest. Belief and confession
work hand in hand. But that is only the beginning of living a lifestyle of
faith. This lifestyle means living every day in a way that is pleasing to the
Father—one that not only guarantees that the blessings of God are ours,
but also one that shows Him at His best in our lives for others to see.
Part of that lifestyle is that God wants His children to prosper. There
should be more Christians prospering than there are. I think the major
problem is that most Christians do not understand how faith works, or
that faith without works is dead faith.
Many Christians fail in their walk because they have not actually been
taught how to apply the Word to their lives. They hear words quoted from
the Scriptures, but they don’t truly understand the Word of Faith. They
don’t realize that the Word has to take root in their hearts and grow there
before it will have an impact on their lives. Paul writes in Romans 10:17:
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
In the natural, when you plant seeds in a garden, you have to water it
regularly. You have to weed that garden. You have to give it consistent
time and attention. If you don’t do this, what you planted will never grow,
as it should. Faith works the same way.
Many people do not realize this fact, and that is where they miss out
on the blessings of God. They try to confess and believe what little they
hear taught, but they are not consistent in their confessions. They think in
their minds that they believe the Word. But the mind is not where faith
takes root or operates. Faith is a matter of the heart. It has to get down
into a person’s spirit and grow from there into their thoughts and actions
for it to do any good.
These people basically do not allow their faith to grow. They do not
water or feed it. They do not weed out the concerns of life that enter into
their minds. They talk about those problems far more often than they talk
about the solution—the Word. By doing all these negative things, they
choke out the Word.
After a while, these people become discouraged. They give up, saying, “That faith stuff doesn’t work!” They never realize that they basically
starved their faith to death by their own actions.
Another problem is that some Christians confess the Word and say
they believe it, but they live any kind of way they want. God will never
honor this. When you live in a way that is not consistent with the Word,
that is rebellion against God. It is sin. God hates sin. It offends Him and
grieves Him deeply.
If God blessed people when they weren’t living right, He would be
confirming the sin in their life. Why should He confirm something He
hates so much? He would much rather help us overcome the challenges
we have in our heart so we can live free and overcoming lives, then bless us
to confirm us in our freedom in Him.
Sometimes we walk in these challenges for so long that we forget they
are even there. For instance, many Christians say they believe God for
A Lifestyle
of Faith
their finances, healing, and the other things that would enhance their lives,
but they do not think about believing God to get jealousy, envy, strife, and
prejudice out of their hearts. Those things grieve the Father. He even
calls them carnal, childish – babes in Christ.
Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3:
1 And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as
to carnal, as to babes in Christ.
2 I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were
not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able;
3 for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?
God wants us to grow past the carnal things into spiritual maturity.
That is a commandment from Him. This is why we read in 1 Peter 2:1-3:
1 Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all
evil speaking,
2 as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may
grow thereby,
3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
The way we lay aside all these evil things is by receiving the Word
with gladness and allowing the love of God to shine through our hearts by
our believing, confessing and acting on the Word. That love was poured
into our hearts when we were born again. What we have to do now is act
on that love all the time. The way we do so is by faith, because there are
many people who are hard to love in the natural. It takes time, effort and
much practice, as well as patience. But when we do what God says in this
regard and remain consistent, it becomes easier over time and we are
blessed for our obedience.
Paul writes in Ephesians 3:17-19:
17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being
rooted and grounded in love,
18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width
and length and depth and height—
19 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may
be filled with all the fullness of God.
For us to be filled with all the fullness of God—and “all” includes
having our needs met—we have to let all the goodness and righteousness
of God be a part of our lives. In all the fullness of God, there is no hate,
prejudice, envy, jealousy or strife. God does not have any of that junk in
Him. Since He doesn’t have it in Him, then we shouldn’t have it in us,
Jesus says in John 14:21:
“He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves
Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him
and manifest Myself to him.”
If you want to know if you love Jesus or not, you can test yourself by
asking, “Do I have Jesus’ Word in my heart and do I keep it?” The more
you study the Word, the more you will confess it. The more you confess it,
the more your faith will grow. The more your faith grows, the more
blessed you will become and the more God can use you as an example to
bring others into the Kingdom.—EIF
October 3, 2010
The Heart of a Steward
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
November 21, 2010 The Gifts of the Spirit (6 - part series)
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
October 10, 2010 The Heart of a Steward
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
November 28, 2010 The Gifts of the Spirit (6 - part series)
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
October 17, 2010 The Heart of a Steward
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
December 5, 2010Is Everything Ordained of God (3 - part series)
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
October 24, 2010 The Gifts of the Spirit (6 - part series)
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
December 12, 2010 Is Everything Ordained of God (3 - part series)
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
October 31, 2010 The Gifts of the Spirit (6 - part series)
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
December 19, 2010 Is Everything Ordained of God (3 - part series)
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
November 7, 2010The Gifts of the Spirit (6 - part series)
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
December 26, 2010 The Real Meaning of Christmas (2 - part series)
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
November 14, 2010 The Gifts of the Spirit (6 - part series)
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
In the Midst of Famine
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
The God who is More than Enough
Apostle Frederick K. C. Price
Friday, October 15, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
In the Midst of Famine
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
In the Midst of Famine
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
The Real Meaning of Christmas
(2 - part series)
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
In the Midst of Famine
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday, December 31, 2010
The Real Meaning of Christmas
(2 - part series)
Pastor Fred Price Jr.
Schedule subject to change.
on the air
Ever Increasing Faith Ministries’ Broadcast Schedule
7-8am EST/PST The Learning Channel
(Cable subscribers check local listings) (DirecTV subscribers Channel 280/Dish Network Channel 183)
7:00am EST/PST Lifetime
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8:00am PST
The Church Channel (TCC)
(Cable & Dish Network check local listings)
(DirecTV subscribers, Channel 371)
8:00am PST
The Word Network
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Crenshaw Christian Center Live
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TCT-Total Christian Television
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3:00pm PST
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straight talk
Q&A with Drs. Fred and Betty Price
I want to tithe, but barely have enough. What do I do?
Even though Fred and I understood the
importance of tithing, early in our marriage
there was no way we could give ten percent of
our income. We were barely able to make it on
what was coming into the household as it was,
and giving ten percent to the church was just
impossible. But we were determined to get
into a position to be able to tithe. We did not
want to be God robbers. We decided that we
would pay off one bill that would be equal to
our tithe. Once the bill was paid off, we tithed
that amount monthly. Then we did not spend
money on anything that was not absolutely
necessary. For two Christmases in a row we
didn’t buy anything, not even a Christmas tree.
We knew that it was very hard on the kids, but
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations mentioned above
are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible.
this was what we had determined to do in
order to be obedient to the Word. Then little
by little, God began to bring us out of our
poverty situation into a place where we had no
It was when our son, Frederick, was
about seven years of age that he and I discovered a most powerful scripture to claim and
confess for prosperity, Psalm 112:1-3: “Praise
the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the
Lord, Who delights greatly in His commandments. His descendants will be mighty on
earth; The generation of the upright will be
blessed. Wealth and riches will be in his house.
And his righteousness endures forever.”
Do you have a question on your mind? Write to us at: Ever Increasing Faith Magazine,
P.O. Box 44185, Los Angeles, CA 90009 or e-mail
news & notes
Apostle Price Free
To Clear His Name
Fashion Week
Fashion Week, Being the
Designer of Your Destiny! Was the
2010 theme for this year’s Women’s
Retreat hosted by Dr. Betty Price at
the luxurious Renaissance Esmeralda
Resort in Palm Desert, August 11-14.
Over 350 ladies attended this destiny
weekend where they were ministered
to by God’s finest, Dr. Betty Price,
Apostle Beverly Crawford and
Minister Donna Pickens. Since the
theme was Fashion Week, exciting
runway fun and games were interspersed throughout the retreat that
allowed the ladies to strut their fashion
stuff and have a great time of fun and
laughter as they voted for their favorites.
Free time was also a great highlight since
this getaway time may be the only vacation these
working mothers, business executives, stay at home
administrators have, so plenty of rest, relaxation by
the pool, massages and more were made available so
their soul and body could be renewed and refreshed.
The opening night fellowship speaker, Dr.
Betty charged the ladies to take hold of their destiny
and provided key godly advice that would propel
them to live a lifestyle of faith pleasing to God. The
ladies were energized and charged spiritually by the
opening night message which paved the way for a
ready heart for the rest of the week.
Apostle Beverly “BAM” Crawford ministered
with power and operated in the gifts of the spirit as
she declared with boldness the design God has for
their lives. Yolks were destroyed, hearts were mended and hope and encouragement were key points in
the design plan Apostle BAM shared with the
Minister Donna’s heartfelt message to the
ladies, especially to the young women were received
with the eagerness to want to change, live and do
right by God. Minister Donna’s bold approach to
deliver the word of God was life changing to many.
“Sometimes we have to separate so we can grow”
were astounding words from our Lady Elect as she
opened her heart about her daughters in ministry. As
any proud mother of her children, Dr. Betty was ministered to and moved by the anointing on both ladies
lives. As a result,, Dr. Betty has invited both BAM
and Donna back next year to take us on a new design
plan for our lives. Fashion Week, Your Design Plan
Rediscovered. Save the date.
1) Dr. Betty with worship leader Shelly Penir. 2) Nikki Crabbe, Cheryl Price & Angela Evans sport Fashion week
tees. 3) A peek at the lovely fashion show. 4) Price sisters: Stephanie Buchanan, Cheryl Price & Angela Evans.
Late this summer, a federal
appeals court reinstated a televangelist's defamation lawsuit claiming
ABC's "20/20" news program used a
fictionalized sermon portraying himself as a wealthy braggart out of context.
A trial court judge had earlier
tossed out the lawsuit filed by the
Rev. Frederick Price, ruling that the
video apparently showing the founder
of the Crenshaw Christian Center
boast about his wealth didn't leave the
audience with the wrong impression
of the preacher: Price is wealthy and
he does boast, going as far as calling
himself a "prophet of prosperity."
But the problem for ABC is that
the clip of Price it aired was actually a
sermon on greed in which the preacher slips into the role of a fictional character who is wealthy but unhappy.
"I live in a 25-room mansion," television viewers saw Price preach. "I
have my own $6 million yacht. I have
my own private jet, and I have my own
helicopter, and I have seven luxury
Because none of that was true
but was presented as fact, a unanimous three-judge panel of the 9th
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
ordered the trial court to reconsider
the lawsuit and determine whether
Price suffered any harm to his reputation because of the clip.
Dear Friend:
It may seem like a long time from now, but before you know it, it will be time
to make your final payment for our Aug. 13, 2011 cruise to the Eastern Caribbean
aboard the Oasis of the Seas. Final payments are due 90 days before we sail on or
about May 13th. But, before we talk about payments, let’s talk about the cruise.
By the time you read this, Angela and I will have already completed our site
inspection cruise aboard the ship. We’ve been doing this since 1984. For a while
we thought these trips may not be necessary and we stopped, only to find that when
we got back on a ship we had already sailed on and thought we knew, the ship had
gone to dry-dock, been cut in half and had a complete center section added – and
the builders added decks 30 feet long and the width of the ship. To make matters
worse, the cruise line changed the itinerary and I was telling the people we were
going one place and the ship actually went somewhere else altogether. Needless to
say, we have been going on these site inspections ever since.
We have an addition to our cruise lineup. The singing sensation Angelo and
Veronica has signed up to be our ministers in music, just for us. This will be their
first cruise ever and they are almost as excited as we are to have them. We know
they will add a musical dimension to our cruise that will enhance your overall
experience. We know the Apostle and Pastor Fred, Jr. are going to minister as the
Holy Spirit leads and we can’t wait.
Don’t forget - the reason we started doing these cruises is to give you, the
sheep, an opportunity to invite those unsaved friends and relatives to a great cruise,
hit them with the Word and get them saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy
Ghost and maybe even healed. Remember, it’s sheep that beget sheep, it’s your
job. We’ll provide the venue, you provide the sheep.
So, call 800-247-1899 or sign up online at
Not interested? A cruise makes a nice Christmas gift.
We’ll see you on board.
A Michael Evans, Jr.
Cruise Coordinator
P.O. Box 90000
Los Angeles, Ca 90009
(323) 758-3777
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Christian Center