the power of faith to transform your life

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Jan.-Feb.-March 2011
Vol. VII, No. 1
Antracia Moorings
Dr. LaVerne Tolbert
Contributing Writers
Pastor Robert Bolden
Mark Peay
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EIF Graphics Designer
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How God Loves us
By Apostle Frederick
K.C. Price
So many churches
have taught us that
we were nothing in
a effort to keep us
humble. But we must
be worth something
for God to pay the
price to save and
redeem us. Read
about how God
loves us & how you
should love yourself.
Drop Six With
Angie Evans
A Message from
Apostle Price
On the Calendar
10 FICWFM Focus
By Antracia Moorings
Angie Evans, eldest
daughter of Drs.
Fred & Betty Price
managed to beat
the battle of the
bulge and is inspiring TV audiences
with a new infomercial.
The Unspoken
Topic: Obesity in the
Body of Christ
By Pastor Robert Bolden
Many of our church
activities are centered around food.
Food is a gift provided to us by God
Power of Faith
to enjoy and to sustain our physical
bodies, but are we
overdoing it?
Kick Starting the
New Year with High
By Apostle Frederick
K.C. Price
In this teaching,
Apostle Price challenges readers to
have high hopes
and to set goals on
every level.
25 On the Air
26 Q&A: Straight
Talk with Drs.
Fred & Betty Price
a message from Apostle Price
Operating In God’s Love
Each one of us has the capacity to love—and the capacity to love more. God
is love and if you are a Believer that Love lives inside of you. Since God’s love is
infinite, our love is infinite, if we are operating in His love. It’s so good to know
that love is the one resource we can never run out of.
“My little children,
let us not love in
word or in tongue,
but in deed and in
—I John 3:18
Because we lean on God’s love, we
know that the love we demonstrate won’t
just be manifest through lip service, but as
the Bible says, “in deed and in truth.”
In this issue, I share a teaching titled,
“How God Loves Us.” It’s one thing for you
to love God and your fellow man, but you
need to recognize that the Father loves you,
then begin to love yourself, and begin to
think about yourself like the Father thinks
about you.
There is also a teaching about High Hopes and the importance of obtaining your goals. In this issue, my eldest daughter
shares how her weight loss success opened the door for her to
share her story with the nation via an infomercial. We are also
celebrating the news of Michael and Tanya Amey who have
recently been named pastor and first lady of our Namibia
church in Africa.
I am excited about the things God is doing our ministry and the lives of Believers who will take Him at His
Word. May His love overflow in your life!
invitation to salvation
If you are not a
Christian and
would like to
become one,
pray the
Dear GOD in Heaven,
Thank you for sending Your Son JESUS
CHRIST to destroy the power of Satan over my
life. I accept Jesus now as my personal SAVIOR
and LORD, and I choose to turn away from the
sins of my past to a renewed Life in Jesus.
You said that if I would confess with my
mouth the LORD JESUS and believe in my
heart that You raised Him from the dead, that
I would be saved. I believe JESUS died for my
sins and that You raised Him from the dead for
my benefit.
HEAVENLY FATHER, I thank you for the gift
of salvation and for accepting me now as Your
In JESUS’ name, Amen.
If you have prayed this prayer,
please let us know by writing
to us at: Crenshaw Christian Center
P.O.Box 90000
Los Angeles, CA 90009
Attn: Administration Office
on the itinerary
Living Word Chapel
13833 Richmond Avenue
Houston, TX 77082
[Pastor Dave Arogbonlo]
“World Impact Conference”
10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
4/6 only @ 10a & 7p /
Dr. Betty R. Price
APRIL 14-16
FICWFM Regional
The Upper Room Bible
8600 Lake Forest Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70127
[Pastor Herbert Rowe]
7:30 p.m.
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
Dr. Betty R. Price
CCC East
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
Impacting Your World
Christian Center
5515 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144
[Pastor Tracey Barnard]
“Dreams Do Come True
7:00 p.m. @ Cherry Hill
Dr. Betty Price
CCC East
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
MAY 5-7
Calvary Christian Center
2667 Del Paso Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95815
[Dr. Phillip Goudeaux]
5/5-6 @ 7:30 p.m.
5/7 @ 10:00 a.m.
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
Dr. Betty R. Price
MAY 12
Jesus People Ministries
Church International
P.O. Box 172570
Hialeah, FL 33017-2570
“Right Connection
Association Convention”
7:30 p.m.
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
MAY 15
West Angeles Church of
God in Christ
[Bishop Charles E. Blake]
MAY 26-27
Eternal Life Harvest Center
1801 Western Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37921
[Pastor James H. Davis]
7:00 p.m. nightly
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
Los Angeles
MAY 28
CCC East
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
June 16-17
New Beginning Ministries
805 Southwood Street
Anderson, SC 29624
Pastor James M. Bennett
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
July 14
CCC East
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
July 25-29
FICWFM Convention
Los Angeles, CA
New York
feature article
By Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
“And in that day you will
ask Me nothing.
Most assuredly, I say to
you, whatever you ask the
Father in My name He will
give you.”
—John 16:23
otice the word whatever.
Through it, we get a glimpse
of the magnanimous character of the Heavenly Father.
Whatsoever covers every single thing.
It touches every base and fills up every
bag, with no limits. “Whatever you ask
the Father in My name He will give
you.” In other words, God will give
you what you ask for if you ask in Jesus'
name. Why will God do that? Will He
do it solely because we ask in Jesus'
name? In John 16:27, Jesus tells us
why: “for the Father Himself loves
you, because you have loved Me, and
have believed that I came forth from
I do not know if you really appreciate what Jesus is saying here. He said
the reason God will give you what you
ask is that He loves you. The Father
loves you. We know Jesus loves us.
He told His disciples in John 15:13-14,
"Greater love has no one than this,
than to lay down one’s life for his
friends. You are My friends if you do
whatever I command you." He then
laid His life down for them and for us.
We know that is love, because when
you give your life for someone that is
the ultimate demonstration of that
love. When you give your life, you do
not have anything else to give.
You need to recognize that the
Father loves you, then begin to love
yourself, and begin to think about
yourself like the Father thinks about
you. One reason many people have a
problem accepting that God loves
them is that they do not love themselves. But if the Heavenly Father
thinks you are worth loving, then you
should think you are worth loving, as
Some peo"Greater love ple do not
has no one than understand that
this, than to lay concept. They
think it is idoladown one’s life try when you
for his friends.” love yourself,
but it is not.
—John 15:13-14
You have to love
yourself. If you do not think it is worth
it to love yourself, what makes you
think it is worth it for God to love you?
Have you ever thought of that? There
must be something in you that is
worth loving for the Heavenly Father
to love you.
feature article
Also, if you do not love yourself,
you do not have the capacity to love
anyone else. If you do not love other
people, you are effectively out of the
will of God. Loving one another is a
commandment of God, as Jesus points
out in Mark 12:28-31.
“Then one of the scribes came, and
having heard them reasoning together, perceiving that He [Jesus] had
answered them well, asked Him,
“Which is the first commandment of
all?” Jesus answered him, “The first of
all the commandments is, ‘Hear, O
Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is
one. ‘And you shall love the Lord your
God with all your heart, with all your
soul, with all your mind, and with all
your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is
this: ‘You shalt love your neighbor as
yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater then these.”
If you do not love yourself, how
are you going to love me? You have
not even started in the game yet, and
you have problems, if you do not love
yourself. You
“You need to
have to get a
vision of your recognize that
own self-worth,
the Father
in the face of
Almighty God. loves you, then
You have to see
begin to love
yourself as someyourself.’”
one important.
“He spent tne
life of His Son,
Jesus Christ, to
redeem us, so
we must have
some value.”
So many
churches have
taught us that
we were nothing. The ministers in those
thought they
were keeping
us humble, but they were downgrading us by telling us how no-good we
were, that we were all just sinners
saved by grace. But we must be worth
something. If we were not worth
something, God would not have paid
the price that He did to save and
redeem us.
You do not spend a million dollars
on a piece of property that is no good,
and God spent more than a million
dollars on us. He spent the life of His
Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us, so we
must have some value. Therefore, you
need to get a vision of your own selfworth in the sight of God -- not to
think more highly than you ought to
think, as Paul states in Romans 12:3,
but to see yourself as God sees you, as
an object of love.
Begin to love yourself as the
Father loves you, not to worship or
idolize yourself, but because you ought
to love and appreciate yourself, just as
your heavenly Father loves and appreciates you.—EIF
(800) 391-6145
FICWFM focus
New Pastor Named for
CCC Namibia Church
By Antracia Moorings
renshaw Christian Center’s church in
Namibia is getting a new pastor as
Michael and Tanya Amey have been
handpicked to lead the congregation. The
couple, who was ordained on March 6, held
their first service in Namibia on March 20.
Missions work has been the heartbeat of
the couple who have been married for five
years. They launched their own ministry,
Abundance of Water Ministries International
in 2008 and ministered abroad until financial
donations tapered down and halted their
Amey says he initially got the call to
preach as a teen while on a youth missions
trip to Jamaica led by Dr. Patricia Bailey.
“I went on that first trip with the mindset
that it was a vacation,” he notes. “I wanted to
sit on the beach, see beautiful women. I really
didn’t see it as a missions trip where I would
be sharing the Gospel with people.”
While on a day trip to Kingston, Jamaica,
they ran into children who were just hanging
out. When asked why they were not in school,
the kids explained that they couldn’t afford
uniforms for school.
“I determined there was
enough money among us
teens on the trip to buy
uniforms,” says Amey.
“We came up with
$1,000. I was asked
to present the
money to the
school leaders. I
just started crying.
Morgan (an owner
of the school) said to
me, “your life will
never be the same.”
“While we were driving back from the school, I
heard a still small voice. It was
real easy to detect even
though at the time I was
listening to “Gangstas
Make the World Go
Round” by rap group
Westside Connection. I
heard, “You are called to
the ministry.” I asked my
neighbors if they said
something. They didn’t.
Five minutes later, I heard
it again. I took my headphones off a 2nd time and
everyone was sleep. One minute they were all
laughing the next minute they were all sleep.
From that ride on I couldn’t listen to any
more music.”
That evening, at 15 years old, he accepted
the call to ministry.
“That trip changed my view on tangible
stuff,” he says, “I was grateful for the things I
had and I had a zeal to go back and minister
He ended up going back to Jamaica every
year until he was 20 years old. He’d always
thought he would end up living
and ministering in Jamaica
but God had other plans
for he and his wife.
focus will be on
teaching the Word
to the primarily
young adult congregration he will
be pastoring in
Namibia. He will
also be heading up
the ministry school
We wish them all
the best.—EIF
“I was grateful for the
things I had
and I had a
zeal to go
back and
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In this book, you will learn:
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The “Race, Religion & Racism” teaching is an exhaustive 5-year study. Although controversial to some, it
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today than ever before. Apostle Price leaves no stone unturned.
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FPB3R3S (3 books)
from the headlines
Others With
Weight Loss
By Antracia Moorings
or more than two decades, Angie
Evans, eldest daughter of Apostle
Fred and Dr. Betty Price and
President of Crenshaw Christian
Center, struggled with her weight. In
December 2004, she made up her mind to
drop the weight after ballooning up to 221
Comprehensive Weight program. With lots
of work, exercise and support, she lost more
than 60 pounds in 6 months, going from a
size 18 to a size 6.
“God has come to
give you life more abunhas come
dantly, but you must to give you
choose life,” said Angie.
life more
“By applying the Word, abundantly,
I was able to make decibut you
sion that didn’t sabotage
my happiness, my health
or my purpose. I encourlife.”
age you to make a commitment to be your strongest advocate, even
when no one else will.”
She shared her inspirational testimony
in the Flee Self Hateration DVD which, in
2008, eventually made its way into the
hands of Nancy Marcum, an infomercial
expert, with years of experience offering
marketing and media management services
to entrepreneurs in the infomercial industry.
Nancy was then inspired to lose weight
after hearing Angie’s story and seeing her
transformation. Nancy passed the DVD
onto producer Jack Avalon and Gwen
Goodloe of Third House Productions who
turned Angie’s weight loss journey into an
infomercial that aired in February.
The infomercial features a CD & DVD
full of Angie’s personal inspiration to get
you going as well as a daily journal.—EIF
For more information, visit:
Scan this code with your smart
phone for a special video
(800) 391-6145
Faith Works
I just received the notice
about your change to the
TLC provider. As I read further I learned about the new
magazine also. I did not read
it as yet but I was led to give
one of my many testimonies.
Early in 1980, I was
watching Ever Increasing
Faith Ministries and several
others on Sunday morning
TV. One morning, I prayed to
God and asked Him: "how do
I know which one of these TV
evangelists is telling the
truth?" He responded that I
was to keep watching your
I was obedient and
watched it faithfully every
Sunday morning. I didn't
have a home church so I sent
my tithes there too.
One of the principles that
Apostle Price was teaching on
faith was that he got up every
morning and said "thank you
God for..." So I put this practice to work in my own life. I
wanted a house of my own. So
I got up every morning,
looked in the bathroom mirror
and said "thank you God for
my new house."
That was in 1988. In 1990
God blessed me with a house
and a new job! I am retired
now but I am still living in that
house today.
The principles of faith
that worked then will work
now also. Honestly, I had forgotten how my faith walk
started until now.
In 2003, God gave me
Psalms 118:17 to live by. In
2009, I had two strokes, two
brain surgeries and went into
a coma (all in 4 days). I had
confessed this scripture and
declared it for seven years. I
came home from the hospital
in March 2009 with no paralysis, no blindness, no speech
impediments and able to walk
Thank you Father God!
And thank you Apostle Price
for being such a wonderful,
truthful, and effective teacher.
—Elder Kaaren Turner
Grateful For the Word
We recently started listening to your Sunday morning
Want To
Write to us at:
Ever Increasing
Faith Magazine,
P.O. Box 44185,
Los Angeles, CA
9000 9-4871
or e-mail your
letters, feedback or
testimonies to
Include your name,
address and phone
number. Letters
chosen for
publication may be
edited for length
and clarity.
All submissions
become the
property of
Ever Increasing
Faith Magazine.
service. We have been fed so
much spiritually by Pastor
Fred Price, Jr. Thank you for
teaching God’s Word. It truly
blesses us and we really appreciate hearing you explain how
God proves instead of how
God tests. We look forward to
our 10:00 a.m. Sunday messages from you knowing we
will be fed.
God has blessed you as a
great teacher for this time.
Thank you for following Him
and fulfilling His calling.
“Greater is He that is in you,
than He that is in the world.”
—Jimy & Sharon Parmer
(Littlefield, TX)
Growing Faith
I have been following your
teaching for more than 30
years. I praise God for you. I
worked a job for over 20 years.
My husband still works and
has been on his job for over 34
years. Our home is paid for
and we are out of debt—these
are just a couple of the things
we learned from you over the
I have a yard full of beautiful flowers. For more than 20
years, we could not grow flowers in that yard. But with
prayer and faith, the yard is
now full of grass and flowers—
sometimes too much. They die
sometimes, like flowers do,
but they always come back.
Life is good. Every day is great
because the Lord made it.
—Laverne Fulks
Blessed By God
Words can never express
our deep love and appreciation
of what Apostle Price, Dr.
Betty and Pastor Fred have
taught us over the past 30
years. Although we have relocated to different parts of the
country, your teachings have
stayed with all of my family
members. We have benefited
from the principles taught on
tithing and “The Faith That
This time last year I was
going through heart transplant surgery. Apostle Price,
your teaching on the principles
of strong faith stayed with me
prior to my surgery. I can’t
ever remember being more at
peace knowing God was
going to deliver like He had so
many times before. Everything
has gone well with only a few
minor set backs. I have felt so
good most of the time.
During the early part of
November, I was in Los
Angeles and heard you speak
to the church about the need
for each family to contribute a
specific amount of money. My
heart was compelled that day
to give what you requested.
God blessed us with some
money to contribute to such a
fine ministry.
God has done more than
what we could ask or think for
our family. We are continually
learning that if we continue to
walk in His righteousness that
His blessings will follow.
—Charles & Shirley Nash
(San Jose, CA)
health & healing
By Pastor Robert E. Bolden
your height and weight called the body mass
index (BMI) to determine if you are obese.
Adults with a BMI of 30 or higher are conn any Sunday, you could walk
sidered obese. Extreme obesity, also called
into many of the Churches in
severe obesity or morbid obesity occurs
America and enjoy doughnuts
when you have a BMI of 40 or more. With
and coffee before Sunday service, a potluck
morbid obesity, you are more likely to have
dinner on the grounds after morning worserious health problems.
ship, or an ice cream social in the evening.
There is no question that excess weight
Many of our church activities are centered
poses a serious threat to our physical health,
around food. Food is a gift provided to us by
but is there more to it than that?
God to enjoy and to sustain our
While some excessive weight
physical bodies, but are we overproblems may be due to medical
doing it?
problems, being overweight
According to the Center
the body means
may also indicate a spiritual
for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), obesity
making a comToday, about one in three
is now the number one
mitment to live a American adults is considered
health threat facing America
to be obese, but obesity is also
and the Church is certainly
becoming an increasing health
not immune. Obesity is defined
lifestyle.”>> problem globally. The good
as having an excessive amount of
news is that even modest weight
body fat. Obesity is more than
loss can improve or prevent the health probjust a cosmetic concern; it increases your risk
lems associated with obesity.
of disease and health problems.
A new study recently published by
Obesity is a medical condition in which
Purdue University Professor Ken Ferraro
excess body fat has accumulated to the
examined the relationship between religion
extent that it may have an adverse effect on
and both BMI and obesity. The study found
health, leading to reduced life expectancy
that church members tend to be more overand/or increased health problems.
weight than the general population.
Doctors often use a formula based on
health & healing
Additionally, those in the
do whatever God asks of us,
whenever He asks it.
and inactivity
Honoring the body means
account for more
Baptists, have the distincmaking a commitment to
tion of being the most overlive a healthier lifestyle by
than 300,000
weight religious group in
carefully considering the
the study.
food we put into our bodies,
In a press release by the
making exercise a regular part
CDC, director Jeffrey P.
of our lives, and getting enough
Koplan said, “overweight and
sleep (1 Corinthians 6:20)
physical inactivity account for
more than 300,000 premature deaths each
overindulgence in many things including
year in the U.S., second to only to tobaccofood. Proverbs 23:20-21 says: “Do not mix
related deaths. He added, “Obesity is an epiwith winebibbers or with gluttonous eaters
demic and should be taken as seriously as any
of meat; for the drunkard and glutton will
infectious disease. Obesity is linked to the
come to poverty, And drowsiness will clothe
nation’s number one killer: heart disease, as
a man with rags.” When used properly, food
well as diabetes and other chronic condishould satisfy our body’s needs. The problem
is when we overindulge with no sensitivity to
As Believers, we must take care of our
hunger or look to food to comfort us, soothe
bodies so that we are physically prepared to
our emotions, solve our problems, or make
Continued on page 24 >>>
(800) 391-6145
exploring worship
Got To Do With It?
By Minister Mark Peay
inger Tina Turner made popular a
song that has carved an indelible
impression on the hearts of millions
everywhere. “What’s Love Got To Do With
It?” has long served as the anthem of the broken hearted, the affectionately distressed
and the emotionally forlorn. However, its
message has only served as a sentimental
placebo at best. One of the most memorable
lines in the song says: "Who needs a heart
when the heart can be broken?” However, as
we look at the subject of worship towards
God, we see that the heart is indeed at the
very root of love, and love is at the very core
of worship.
First Chronicles 29:3 states “Moreover,
because I have set my affection on the house
of my God, I have given
to the house of my
God, over and
above all that I
have prepared for
the holy house,
my own special
treasure of gold
This makes it
clear that we cannot worship that which we
do not have affection toward. Just as fuel is
the substance that ignites and maintains the
drive of an automobile, so is love the fuel of
worship. If it’s not from the heart, it’s not
genuine. One of the Hebrew words for
praise is the word “Yadah” which means: to
worship with the extended hand; the giving
of oneself in worship and adoration. This
reminds me of how a person reaches out
with open arms extended to greet a loved
one. And it’s impossible to give a hug without first opening your arms. Many times
however, people feel that it’s too easy to get
hurt when you let someone get that close.
But that’s exactly what we’re dealing with
here; the fact that worship and vulnerability
are synonymous.
In its most basic
explanation, the story
of salvation is found
in John 3:16: “For
G o d
so LOVED the world that He
our God. This responsive giving
gave His only begotten Son that
can be found in our sacrifice of
whosoever believeth in Him
praise. Regardless of how we
heart is indeed
shall not perish but have everfeel, we worship Him in spirit
at the very root of
lasting life.” Many of us have
and in truth because of who He
love, and love is at
heard that scripture for years and
the very core of is.
those of us who are born again have
The latter portion of the choworship.”
embraced that truth to the point of
rus of “What’s Love Got To Do
surrendering our lives to Him.
With It?” says that “a heart can be broHowever, many of us may have overlooked
ken.” And because of this reality, many have
the importance of the word that comes after
chosen not to trust or even love at all because
the words “world” and “Son”; the word “that”.
of fear. This unfortunately happens in some
When used to indicate emphatic repetition
people’s relationship with God, as well.
of an idea expressed by a previous word or
However, the only real way to love God is to
phrase, the word “that” proves very key to
come to Him broken. Psalm 51:17 says that
this verse. I like to call it a “response word”
God will not despise a broken and contrite
because what follows it is first God’s, then
or repentant heart. A proud and haughty
our response to the former. In other words,
heart cannot stand before God. This is why
when God showed His Love, there was an
those who have a hard time being vulnerable
opportunity for a response on our part. And
or open in their relationships, tend to strugthis is exactly what worship is. It is our
gle with initiating a love-relationship with
responsibility: Our RESPONSE to God’s
their heavenly Father. But when the defensABILITY. Praise is our reasonable
es go down, and our heart is truly submitted
response to what He does and Worship is
and contrite before Him, we will sense an
our reasonable response to Him for who He
intimacy with God like never before.
The last thing David mentions at the
Referring back to our theme scripture in
end of 1 Chronicles 29:3 is, “I have prepared
1 Chronicles 29:3, King David said he would
for the holy house, my own special treasure
set his affection on the house of God. This
of gold and silver.” I am
lets us know that it is up to us to set,
intrigued by David’s use of
position or deposit our personal love
the word “special” because
and adoration to God and His house.
it implies an exceptional
it’s not from the
It’s not up to the praise and worship
and extraordinary sacriheart, it’s not
team at church or the pastor to be our
fice. When was the last
spiritual cheerleaders. This is because
time you offered God a worlove desires to give at the expense of self and
ship, a sacrifice or an expression
lust desires to get at the expense of others.
of love that was extraordinary? If
This leads us to another thing that
the answer is not what you’d like for it
David mentions in the verse. Because of his
to be, then now is a great time to reignite
love for God, he gives. And not only does he
your passion for your Father and embrace
give, but he gives above and beyond. Giving
His presence with a unique worship offeris a key response to the believer in
ing. This makes me think of the lyrics to the
our expression of love toward
Heart of Worship
When the music fades
And all is stripped away.
And I simply come
Longing just to bring
(written by Matt Redman)
Something that's of worth
That will bless your heart.
I'll bring You more than a song
exploring worship
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required.
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart.
I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You,
All about You, Jesus.
I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it
When it's all about You,
It's all about You Jesus
So my friend, if you’re asking the question: “Worship: What’s Love Got To Do With It?,
I would say it has everything to do with it…And then some. —EIF
(800) 391-6145
(800) 391-6145
the word of faith
Kick Starting the New Year with
By Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
e are the top of a new year. You
have a “clean sheet” as it were in
your ledger book. In keeping
with that theme, I would like to give you
a few encouraging words to share with
you about high hopes.
Hebrews 10:23 will be our background
“Let us hold fast the
“Faith is
profession of our faith translated
without wavering;
(for He is faithful that to Hope.”
promised.)” In the
original Greek profession actually
means confession. Faith is translated as
hope. Thus, Hebrews 10:23 should
read: Let us hold fast the confession of
our hope.
It may seem that hope is an inappropriate word. On the contrary, it is a
very important word. Before I learned
how to walk by faith, all my wife and I
lived on was hope. But hope will not
change your circumstances. It takes
faith to release the power of God to
change your circumstances. Hope will
only keep you alive until things change.
If you never bring faith to bear upon
your circumstances, all you will do is live
in hope.
By itself, hope has no substance.
Faith adds substance to your hope. So if
you don’t have hope then you have nothing for our faith to obtain. On the other
hand, if you have hope and do not have
faith then you have nothing by which to
obtain that which you hope for.
I want to challenge you to have high
hopes. If you do not set any goals, you
will never reach any. Now, you must use
wisdom when setting goals. Do not set
them so high that you become frustrated and lose hope. It will cause you to
give up and do nothing.
Some of you have done this very
thing in the past. You have set goals that
were unrealistic in relation to your faith.
In terms of the things of God, your faith
was not up to the level of your hopes.
Because your faith could not bring
these hopes
“It takes faith
into manifesto release the tation, you
power of God gave up.
You have
to change your to be careful
circumstances.” when setting
your goals. It
is better to set a short goal, realize it and
then set another one. You can continue
at this pace until you get your ultimate
desire. This way you avoid becoming
frustrated and giving up. You will not
have to say, “That faith business doesn’t
work.” I strongly advise you to hop, skip
and then jump instead of trying to do it
all at once.
Have you set goals regarding your
the word of faith
“Now, you must
and spiri t u a l
use wisdom when
goals. Do
Do you
not set them so
have any
high that you
w i t h
become frustrated
regard to
and lose hope.”
y o u r
your family, your spouse, your children,
your career, your education or your
physical health?
Do you have any goals at all?
You stand at the top of a new year
with a new opportunity. I would venture to say some of have not even
thought about setting goals. You view
the start of a new year in the same light
(800) 391-6145
as December 31—just another day. You
need to have high hopes.
There are steps you can take to
obtain any goal. The first one is to
remain steadfast. In Hebrews 10:23, it
says “hold fast” That’s means to hold
right or grab a hold of something and
don’t let go. You have to be tenacious
and hold on to your goals. Do not let go
until it manifests. It takes
“You have to
that kind of
be tenacious
Stay with
and hold on to
if it
your goals.”
takes forever.
It may take a
while to come to pass, but if you remain
steadfast, sooner or later it will manifest.—EIF
health & healing
<<< Continued from page 17
us happy, we are placing food
from a combination of
<<“God’s desire results
before God. Using food to
causes and contributing facsatisfy our spiritual needs is a
is for His people
The Body of Christ
to walk in victory must speak up and encourNot only is obesity poor
stewardship of the body it’s
age members to have disciand be in
also poor stewardship of our
pline in all areas of their lives.
financial resources. It has been
The Bible speaks of eating,
estimated that annual costs assoindulgences, self-control, selfciated with overweight and obediscipline, gluttony, and other
sity in the U.S. are just under $123 billion,
related sins, and we need to be able to
this estimate include more than $64 billion in
address these topics in our churches without
direct health care costs for preventive, diagthe concern of offense.
nostic, and treatment as well as $59 billion
When we are able to control our
for services such as wages lost by people who
appetites, we are usually better able to exerare unable to work and the value of future
cise self-control in other areas like anger,
earnings lost because of premature death.
lust, and gossip. Balance is the key, when we
Although there are genetic and hormonare unable to control our eating habits we
al influences on body weight, the bottom line
lack the self-control that is the fruit of the
is that obesity occurs when you take in more
calories than you burn through exercise and
God’s desire is for His people to walk in
normal daily activities. Your body stores
victory and be in health, and having good
these excess calories as fat. Obesity usually
health is apart of His plan.—EIF
Health Problems that Can Occur As the Result Of Obesity
Sleep Apnea
Type 2 diabetes
Metabolic Syndrome
Gallbladder disease
References: The Bible, Center for Disease
Control and Prevention, Mayo Clinic,
National Health and Nutrition
Examination Surveys
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Cancer, including cancer of the
Uterus, Cervix, Ovaries, breast,
Colon, Rectum & Prostate
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straight talk
Q&A with
Drs. Fred and
Betty Price
I did not grow up with a father in my home, so
I’m having a hard time understanding how to
love God as my Heavenly Father. How exactly
do I do this?
One day, I was reading the Word, and I
found out how to love God. I found out how
to love Him in a way that I know I am loving
Him, that He is receiving my love, and that He
is satisfied with my demonstration of my love to
Him. Jesus says in the first part of John 14:21:
I used to have a problem when I first got
saved, trying to relate to the Father and Jesus
in an attitude of love. It was difficult because I
had never seen Jesus or the Father, and the
only way I knew to love was, in some way, to
tell someone you loved them. Or you could
hug them, kiss them, hold their hand, cuddle
them, or give them something. I tried telling
God that I loved Him, but I never really felt
satisfied that I was expressing that love. I
could say, "I love you," and that was nice for
starters, but that was not sufficient by itself. To
me, there had to be some demonstration that
went along with what I said.
”He who has My commandments and
keeps them, it is he who loves Me....”
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations mentioned above are taken from
the New King James Version of the Bible.
Do you have a question on your mind?
Write to us at: Ever Increasing Faith Magazine,
P.O. Box 44185, Los Angeles, CA 90009 or
This is how God interprets your love to
Him -- not by sending Him a card at
Valentine's Day, not by sending Him a box of
candy. Jesus says, "If a man loves Me, He will
keep My word." If you love God, you will do
His Word.
wisdom from above
n every situation you face, God has made
provisions for you, but you may be thinking – “Well, God didn't do this and God
didn't do that.” So I'm going to give you
some reasons why many do not experience God's peace and maybe you will fit in one
of these categories.
when situations come up in life you'll be able to
handle them.
There are too many people who do what
they want to do, and when temptations, trials
and tests come, they get knocked down. They
have their own set of rules – “I'm only going to
go so far with God; this is mine
over here, I'm going to do this
my way.”
I know many
Christians like that. They do it
their way; they set up their own
standard of righteousness. They
are only going to go so far, and
you can tell. They don't treat
each other right; they don't follow the Word; they let bitterness
and strife and envy creep in, so they end up cutting God off from blessing them.
Hebrews 12:1-2 says:
the price of
By Dr. Betty R. Price
See, a lot of people say, "Oh yes, I believe in
God," but what does God say about your situation? You can't just say, "I believe in God,"
and think that is enough. You have to have His
Word; you have to know His Word because if
you don't, you're just speaking generally. You
need to know God for yourself. If sickness
attacks you and you don't know what the Word
says about it, then you don't have any recourse
but to go down to the level of how you feel.
And that's what so many people do. Then they
blame God for sickness and for taking their
loved ones.
I just ministered to a lady whose daughter
I had been helping. The daughter was very
about three months before, but after I had
called to see about her I was told she had gone
to be with the Lord. Her mother told me she
just couldn't understand why God “took” her
husband two months ago and now her daughter. All three of them – the mother, the father,
and the daughter – had cancer at the same
time. See, people don't bother to learn God’s
Word until they have problems. We don’t learn
that God is concerned about our problems
until it's too late, when the disease is already
gone too far. That's why you need to get that
Word in you while you're young and healthy so
1 …let us lay aside every weight, and the sin
which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with
endurance the race that is set before us,
2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...
Television can be a weight when we
should be getting into God's Word. It's up to
us to learn what He says, and He says He is the
author and finisher of our faith. So if He's with
us in this race, then we know everything is
going to be all right. If we venture off from the
Word and say we don't need it, that's when the
enemy comes in. You have to continue in the
Word, grounded and settled. And when you
do that, God's best is out there. I don't care
what you face or how things look, God is going
to be there for you.
Sin will hinder you from enjoying your
peace. A lot of women have had children out of
wedlock, and some have never forgiven themselves. But unforgiveness is sin. First John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and
just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from
wisdom from above
all unrighteousness.
You're going to have to be the one who
confesses and believes that you are forgiven, no
matter how you feel. You're not going to feel
forgiven right away, but you have to act on the
Word of God. His Word says in Philippians
13 …forgetting those things which are
behind and reaching forward to those things
which are ahead,
14 I press toward the goal for the prize of
the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
If you have asked for forgiveness, you have
to will to forget the sin. And if somebody has
sinned against you, you have to will to forgive.
There are so many people who live with unforgiveness all their lives. I remember a girl who
said her uncle molested her while she was
young, so for many years she would not take
communion because she didn't want to forgive
him. Wouldn't it have been better to forgive
the uncle and go on with her life? She couldn’t
do anything about it anyway, so she was just
hurting herself by not forgiving him.
The Scripture says, forgetting those things
which are behind... Naturally, you're not going
to forget some harmful thing that someone has
done to you, but you can will to forget it. Do
you know why you can do it? Because you are
a child of God; you're born again and God says,
"I will not remember your sins anymore." Now
how can God not remember when He knows
everything? He says, "I will not..." And that's
what we can do. We can will not to remember
what somebody has done to us. It’s not that you
actually forget it, but you forget it to the point
that you don't let it mess up your life.
Nobody has to suffer from low self-esteem.
God has said the same thing to every single person in His Word. You don't have to relate to
anybody else; you only have to relate to Him,
and if you relate to Him, you won't have low
I came right out of the poverty of
Mississippi – a poor girl. I learned about God
when I was young so I embraced Him, but I
stayed poor a long time because I didn't know
about the Word. I didn't have adequate
clothes when I went to school, I didn't have a
lot of things, but I never let jealousy come in
because of what somebody else had. I was
always happy for others, but I just didn't know
how to believe God and get out of the poverty
situation. Fred and I ended up struggling for 17
years after we got married, but I didn't let it get
me down. I just kept God's Word in front of
me. Once we learned about the principles of
faith, we rose above poverty. We simply took
God at His Word. That's why we try to help
others because we know that if God did it for
us, He will do it for them.
You may not have what you desire in your
hand right now, but believe you receive it and
keep that confession before you; do all the
things you're supposed to do, and God will
bring the things to pass that you need to live an
overcoming and victorious life. Where I came
from nobody in the world could have predicted
then that I would be where I am today. It's all
because of God, not because of me. That's why
I love people and I want to help them. I don't
ever want to get to the place where I think I'm
all this and that.
In Los Angeles, there are a lot of poor
Spanish-speaking people moving into the area
where the church is located. I wanted to reach
out to them. A lot of times people will take
advantage of you when you're giving, but we
learned how to help people if they are concerned about God. I want them to know God
first, but sometimes you have to give them food
and clothing so they will want to know Him.
I want to help everybody, but I want to
present the Word. I want them to learn how I
am able to give. So if they come and learn
about God, God will bless them just like He
did us.
God has brought me from poverty
to wealth, and from sickness to health just by us
taking His Word, believing it and acting on it.
Today, we don't have a single need in life. My
husband and I just have a desire to please God
and to teach people the same Word that set us
Dear Friend:
It may seem like a long time from now, but before you know it, it will be
time to make your final payment for our Aug. 13, 2011 cruise to the Eastern
Caribbean aboard the Oasis of the Seas. Final payments are due 90 days before
we sail on or about May 13th. But, before we talk about payments, let’s talk
about the cruise.
By the time you read this, Angela and I will have already completed our
site inspection cruise aboard the ship. We’ve been doing this since 1984. For
a while we thought these trips may not be necessary and we stopped, only to
find that when we got back on a ship we had already sailed on and thought we
knew, the ship had gone to dry-dock, been cut in half and had a complete center section added – and the builders added decks 30 feet long and the width of
the ship. To make matters worse, the cruise line changed the itinerary and I was
telling the people we were going one place and the ship actually went somewhere else altogether. Needless to say, we have been going on these site inspections ever since.
We have an addition to our cruise lineup. The singing sensation Angelo
and Veronica has signed up to be our ministers in music, just for us. This will
be their first cruise ever and they are almost as excited as we are to have them.
We know they will add a musical dimension to our cruise that will enhance your
overall experience. We know the Apostle and Pastor Fred, Jr. are going to minister as the Holy Spirit leads and we can’t wait.
Don’t forget - the reason we started doing these cruises is to give you, the
sheep, an opportunity to invite those unsaved friends and relatives to a great
cruise, hit them with the Word and get them saved, sanctified and filled with the
Holy Ghost and maybe even healed. Remember, it’s sheep that beget sheep, it’s
your job. We’ll provide the venue, you provide the sheep.
So, call 800-247-1899
or sign up online at
Not interested? A
cruise makes a nice
Christmas gift.
We’ll see you on
A Michael Evans, Jr.
Cruise Coordinator
P.O. Box 90000
Los Angeles, Ca 90009
Non-Profit Org.
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Christian Center