Pengetahuan Lingkungan 2015-1 | TEKNIK INDUSTRI Ing. Farid Wajdi, M.Sc. FW©2015 Tujuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: Mengenal konsep keberlanjutan (sustainability) Mengenal kondisi lingkungan Serang,Banten dan Indonesia Mampu menilai dampak lingkungan dalam pola konsumsi Mampu memperbaiki pola konsumsi dengan kriteria ramah lingkungan. Metode Pembelajaran, Evaluasi, Referensi Perkuliahan klasikal & diskusi, tugas individual/kelompok,presentasi Attitude (sopan santun, disiplin, aktif, bersungguh-sungguh, jujur) mempengaruhi seluruh bobot penilaian berikut: 70% Akademik (Tugas, UTS, UAS) 30% Attitude (absensi, disiplin, jujur, sopan-santun, aktif) Buku referensi: Handout perkuliahan Miller Jr., G. Tyler & Spoolman, Scott E. 2010, Environmental Science, 13th ed., Brooks/Cole, USA. Aturan Perkuliahan Masuk kelas paling lambat 15 menit Kehadiran minimal 80% (11 pertemuan) Dilarang menjiplak tugas teman/kelompok lain Tugas laporan diketik rapih menggunakan aturan tata tulis ilmiah yang baik (tata bahasa, referensi) dan nama/nim mahasiswa Agenda Perkuliahan (1st quarter) WEEK TOPIC 1 Pendahuluan 2 Ekosistem (1) 3 Ekosistem (2) 4 Kondisi Lingkungan Indonesia 5 Studi Lapangan (sungai-sungai di Serang) 6 Pengukuran sustainability (1) 7 Pengukuran sustainability (2) REFERRENCE Agenda Perkuliahan (2nd quarter) WEEK TOPIC 8 Pola konsumsi (1) makanan 9 Pola konsumsi (2) air 10 Pola konsumsi (3) energi & mobilitas 11 Pengelolaan sampah (1) 12 Pengelolaan sampah (2) 13 Strategi konsumsi 14 Etika lingkungan REFERRENCE Environment The environment is everything around us, or as the famous physicist Albert Einstein put it, “The environment is everything that isn’t me.” It includes the living and the nonliving things (air, water, and energy) with which we interact in a complex web of relationships that connect us to one another and to the world we live in. We are utterly dependent on the environment for clean air and water, food, shelter, energy, and everything else we need to stay alive and healthy. As a result, we are part of, and not apart from, the rest of nature. Environmental Science Environmental science, an interdisciplinary study of how humans interact with living and nonliving parts of their environment. It integrates information and ideas from the natural sciences such as biology, chemistry, and geology; the social sciences such as geography, economics, political science; and the humanities, including philosophy and ethics. The three goals of environmental science are to learn how nature works, to understand how we interact with the environment, and to find ways to deal with environmental problems and live more sustainably. A key component of environmental science is ecology the biological science that studies how organisms, or living things, interact with one another and with their environment. A major focus of ecology is the study of ecosystem a set of organisms within a defined area or volume interacting with one another and with their environment of nonliving matter and energy. TRADE OFF Perang kepentingan Kebijakan pemerintah